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Everything posted by Raiyuu
[color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]I can feel the love in the Underground. Mmm, chilly.[/font][/color]
[color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]The Bravers of the Red Sword must have been an imposing sight for the elf, as he lay pinned under a tree trunk, staring upwards into the four faces. [b]"Now, is there anything we should know about this Ruby Tower? Any tricks we need to get in, traps to avoid?" [/b]enquired Samus stonily. A breeze blew by. Off in the distance, towards the tower, a bell could be heard tolling one. [b]"He's all clammed up," [/b]complained Xiaoyu. Samus raised her bow, nocking an arrow to point right between the unfortunate elf's eyes. [b]"Tell us or you're dead." [/b]He went cross-eyed trying to look at the arrow point, but stayed stubbornly silent. Ada settled the point of her left stiletto heel against the trapped creature's throat. [b]"Like the lady said, pointy." [/b]He gulped, but his loyalty to his masters must have been strong, because he kept his mouth shut. CJ raised his mandolin, grinning from ear to ear. [b]"You spill, or I's goin' [i]freestyle [/i]on yo' ass." [/b]The elf's eyes widened. He made a little strangled noise in his throat. [b]"No?" [/b]CJ's grin managed to spread even wider. [b]"Fine wit me."[/b] He struck another grating dischord and started rhymin'. One four-letter word in particular seemed prevalent... [b]"Aww, c'mon, pointy-ears!" [/b]insisted Xiaoyu, kneeling down to bring her eyes as level with his as they could be around Samus' arrow and Ada's heel. [b]"Or we'll just have to have [i]fun [/i]with you." [/b]The elf's brow wrinkled as he tried to work out the slightly obscure threat, and then his eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets as Xiaoyu started furiously tickling his tummy. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he tried desperately to thrash and escape; futile, considering he was pinned under a tree, with a high heel at his throat and an arrow point tickling his forehead. [b]"Tickle tickle tickle!" "Okay! All right! You win!" [/b]squealed the elf. [b]"You win! Just ... stop ... tickling ... me!" [/b]Xiaoyu reluctantly stopped her assault. [b]"There are no more hazards between you and the Ruby Tower," [/b]he said, panting, [b]"and the password 'Muffin' will get you past the gate guards. They aren't too bright. Once inside, you'll have to pass the Winding Staircase of One Thousand Spiky Traps, where [/b][/font][/color][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS][b]every third step is booby-trapped[/b][/font][/color][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS][b]. And even then, you'll have to defeat the princess's almighty guardians!" "Ah yes," [/b]said Ada dryly, [b]"Bubble and Bobble ... I think I'm going to faint with terror."[/b] [/font][/color]
[color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS][b]darkruler,[/b] please clean up your post quality in future. It doesn't have to be Shakespeare, but little things like Capital letters and punctuation in the appropriate places make your post seem more legible and, more importantly, make you seem more mature and intelligent. If you post like a n00b, people will ignore your opinions, heh. Any questions about OB's posting policies, please PM me or one of the other Moderators. And if you haven't already, please read the Rules and FAQ (located on the left sidebar). [/font][/color]
[color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS][quote name='Wraith][/font][/color][size=1]I have one brother, who is also on the Boards and may end up revealing himself to you eventually.[/size][color=DarkGreen'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] Yo. I'm Matthew James Boothman (Matt, if you please), I'm eighteen and will be nineteen in the Christmas holidays. This often results in joint Christmas and birthday presents! But though I'm not a Christian, I like to think I understand that it isn't all about the presents, heh. I am [b]very [/b]occasionally mistaken for a girl online (maybe something to do with my frequent use of female characters in games - I like fast characters, and game developers always make them female! Not my fault!). I don't like to burst people's bubbles, so if you're one of those few, feel free to think of me as Katie - apparently I'd have been called that if I were born a girl :p . I study Drama with Creative Writing at a university in Surrey, England. Right now I should be doing my laundry, but I just can't be bothered to make the trek across campus with my bag of washing ... My all time favourite author is William Gibson, without whom [i]The Matrix[/i] would not have happened. Up-and-coming sci-fi guy Neal Asher is also proving a hit. Obscure British bands The Music and The Cooper Temple Clause are on constant rotation on my MP3 player (or would be if the Clause didn't copy-protect their albums - I paid good money for that! Let me MP3ify it!). I can be indecisive, and am one of those people that can come up with incredibly witty and cutting remarks three days after they would have been useful. I also find it really hard to ask people for favours, or to borrow things. Probably a deep and psychological reason for that. I like Mexican cuisine and Jaffa cakes, and am one of the ignorant fools that thought Doukeshi was a dude :animeshy: sorry about that! [/font][/color]
[color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]Xiaoyu had taken to the treetops, scouting ahead of the team, bouncing and flitting from branch to branch, quiet and nearly invisible against the foliage. She was properly excited for the first time in the game. Beating up the nasty ogre had given her the adrenaline rush she'd been craving since they first teleported to Liberty Tower. Sure, she'd got KO'd, but she'd been KO'd before, and those times there hadn't been a party healer like Ada about. A big, happy grin was plastered across her face. [b]"You do not want to continue your pursuit of Princess Zelda," [/b]said a voice by her ear. [b]"There is great danger." [/b]She dived forward and performed a handspring off a branch, landing facing backwards and leaning against the trunk of and ancient oak. She hadn't even heard the figure approach. He was standing on the branch she'd just left, a tall, slender figure in a green robe similar to hers. He held a bow like Samus'. [b]"Ooooh!" [/b]squee'd Xiaoyu, pointing. [b]"Your ears are all pointy!" "Indeed," [/b]replied the elf solemnly. [b]"But you're wrong," [/b]she continued, wrinkling her nose in confusion, [b]"we DO want to rescue the princess." "I don't think you understand," [/b]he said patiently, raising his bow and nocking an arrow to point at Xiaoyu, [b]"you do NOT want to continue - OOF!" [/b]He was interrupted by the heel of Xiaoyu's hand slamming into his solar plexus. There was a shower of yellow firework sparks and the slim figure folded in half, flying backwards and exploding through the trunk of the tree. Splinters flew in all directions. Suddenly there were elves everywhere, melting out of the greenery. [b]"Ling Xiaoyu!" [/b]Ada's voice carried from further back the forest path. [b]"What's going on?" "An' whatchoo doin' hurlin' pussy-boys in dresses at me?" [/b]yelled CJ angrily. [b]"Jus' cos I's wearin' a tutu -" "In the trees, guys!" [/b]she yelled back, ducking low to avoid arrows. From her crouched stance, she pinwheeled, sweeping out another bowman's legs. He plummeted to the ground. [b]"Um ... a little help?"[/b] [/font][/color]
[color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]My university Internet connection is back! I'm just glad I got my preference of costume sent off before it died. I'm back in the game. Just don't let that absence (which was completely outside of my control) count against me if we lose, okay guys? And Outlaw: a gangsta-rappin' bard is one of the funniest things I've imagined in a long time, thanks! [/font][/color]
[center][b][font=Trebuchet MS]Harmless Incident[/font][/b] [/center] [font=Trebuchet MS][font=Book Antiqua] Incident Report (Disciplinary) Disciplined party: Mirror Reporting officer: Sparks (Blue Team Leader) Date of incident: 24th November Nature of incident: Mirror was apprehended while attempting to gain access to restricted areas of Legionnaires HQ. At the time of apprehension, she was using my form in order to pass iris scan, voice recognition and CCTV security.[/font] Ash had planned on using the sheepish, whipped-puppy approach at the disciplinary hearing, and in the event it proved impossible [i]not[/i] to appear sheepish in the crushing presence of the Arbiter. Rather than being overtly huge, he seemed instead to make all other occupants of the area shrink in size. Back in her ?default? form, she stood, her head hung and unable to meet the imposing man?s gaze when he eventually looked up from the incident report. [b]?So it was luck only,?[/b] he said evenly, [b]?that you were identified as an impostor??[/b] [size=1][b]?Yessir.?[/b][/size] [b]?Speak up, Legionnaire!?[/b] His voice echoed and buffeted around her head. [b]?Yessir! Sparks tried to get in and the records showed she was already inside, and she put two and two ?" ?I see.?[/b] The Arbiter returned to brooding over the report. She could almost sense his ponderous thoughts forming; the Arbiter recognised the weight his words carried, and considered all his decisions for appropriately long periods of time. But there was never any suggestion that he was slow-witted. The dark eyes radiated industrious mental activity. That scared Ash. It felt like the longer the Arbiter considered, the more severe her punishment would be. She shivered. Clasped her hands together in front of her, to hide the trembling. Dug her fingernails into her palms, concentrating on that pain to block out the memories of what she?d seen down there. [b]?And you were trying to access the basement why??[/b] When he stirred from inactivity, it was like a mountain moving. Ash jumped. [b]?Um ? when Tech kitted me out with these"[/b]? Ash tugged at the stretch-fabric shirt and slacks - [b]?she made me take off my pendant, and my, um, my mum gave me that. She told me not to lose it.?[/b] Ash was sweating. Even without eye contact she could feel his gaze lighting her up, like a prison spotlight on an attempted escapee. [b]?The lab where you left the pendant is on the other side of the complex.? ?I?m new! I got lost ??[/b] The indirect accusation pushed Ash instinctively onto the defensive, but then she remembered who she was talking to. [b]?I just didn?t want to bother Tech and ask her for it.?[/b] The Arbiter sighed. [b]?It seems your motivations were not malicious, and no harm appears to have been caused.?[/b] Ash looked up, suddenly hopeful of redemption. [b]?However,?[/b] the Arbiter continued, [b]?I will be placing you under tighter surveillance from now on. We cannot have unauthorised persons roaming headquarters at will. Do not let this happen again.?[/b] [/font] [center][size=3][b][font=Trebuchet MS]~~~~~~~~~~~~[/font][/b][/size] [/center] [font=Trebuchet MS] [font=Tahoma][i]Moaning, like she?d sometimes heard when her mum had a migraine ?[/i][/font] Ash was still shaking after she?d left the Arbiter?s presence. There was no question of telling anyone what she?d seen now, not now she?d lied to him about it. She just hoped with all her strength that the man she?d met had been off his trolley, raving nonsense. [i][font=Tahoma]Thoroughly lost in the mazelike basement levels of Legionnaires HQ, she?d been contemplating simply giving herself up and yelling at the nearest CCTV camera to please get her out of there. She?d get in trouble, but that was a better option than having to sleep down there with the strange humming noises and ? - moaning.[/font][/i] Ash forced herself to stop trembling. She stopped, leaned against a wall and tried to slow down her breathing. She suspected she?d already be under the tighter surveillance the Arbiter had mentioned, and she didn?t want to give him reason to suspect anything was amiss. [font=Tahoma][i]Somehow she?d made the assumption that the basement levels were all storage; restricted and therefore dangerous storage, admittedly, probably full of experimental weapons or bits of alien spaceships, or something. The one thing she hadn?t expected to find stored was another Legionnaire. [/i][/font] Remembering him made her start shivering again. Stop it, she berated herself, you?re stronger than this. [i][font=Tahoma]Seeing him through the door, strapped down on a medical trolley bed, writhing and moaning and trying to hold his head with arms tied to the mattress, she?d had no choice but to get in there. He?d reminded her of her mum with a migraine; but more painfully, he?d reminded her of Jonathan, thrashing in the grip of a poisoned cocaine hit. The iris scanner by the door hadn?t accepted Sparks? clearance. The LCD beside it had insisted on Gold Team only. She?d only very briefly seen the Gold Team leader, when the newest recruits were divided into their respective teams, but she?d caught his eye and that was enough. When Ash had entered the infirmary room, the occupant had instantly calmed down, but it had seemed forced, as if he were controlling his malady with difficulty for the benefit of his visitor. His eyes had opened, and he?d said, with perfect clarity: [b]?Unhate. Don?t go back to the temple. I?ve seen it. You won?t make it out alive.?[/b] [/font][/i] [/font]
[color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]I don't know if we [/font][/color][color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]actually have the facility to do that. We can sticky whole threads to the top of the forum, but if there's a tool for copying the first post onto every page of the thread, I don't know where it is. Plus: I assume you're suggesting this as a solution to people skipping to the most recent post and just replying to that, and having the starter post at the top of every page won't help against those people. They'll still just skip to the most recent post and not see the starter. But I suppose it could help in threads that go on to six billion pages, like the 'Nerds, Goths...' thread or the 'What do your sig/avi/username mean' thread. It would save people having to click the first page and then the last, but if they can't be bothered to do that, they might not be bothered to read the copied first post either. [/font][/color]
[color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS]Welcome to OtakuBoards, [b]DrChicken. [/b]If you read back over the rest of the thread you'll see that everyone else has put a lot more detail into their posts than you. We like to see posts that add the discussion and do not answer in a closed way. You could say what you think of Sydney, for example. You don't have to write a novel, but as it stands your post is pretty much [b]spam, [/b]as we define it. You can see what else we define as spam on the Rules and FAQ pages (located on the left sidebar). If you have any other questions, contact me or one of the other Moderators. Enjoy your stay. [/font][/color]
[color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS][quote name='Retribution][/font][/color][size=1]I would make myself more outgoing and spontaneous.[/size][color=DarkGreen'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] In changing major personality aspects like that, I'd be worried that I would no longer be the same person. I like being me :animeswea and even if I get a little (all right, a lot) annoyed at myself sometimes for not seizing opportunities when they jump out at me, that hesitation is part of who I am. I'd rather change something ... mental rather than psychological, if you see what I mean? Like change myself so I suddenly know Japanese. Or make myself a faster learner. Something like that. It'd be cool to be able to pick up skills quickly. [/font][/color]
[color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]Swirls of red light heralded the return of the Bravers to their Liberty Tower apartment. [b]"Serious, man, one freakin' shroom?" [/b]ranted CJ, heading straight to the kitchen for beer. [b]"What was he doing, napping? Fixing his hair?" [/b]Ada fumed, furious that all her mushroom-gathering efforts had been wasted by Dante's meagre pickings. [b]"An' now da foo's lef' me tha only dude on the team," [/b]grumbled CJ around his bottle. Xiaoyu was still by the teleporter, scuffing her foot dejectedly. [b]"But he was fun," [/b]she objected, moping her way over to flop down on the sofa. [b]"And now our team's all small." [/b]There was an awkward silence as everyone contemplated being so utterly defeated, and the consequences. It was broken by the pneumatic hiss of Samus removing her powersuit's helmet. [b]"Feeling sorry for ourselves won't do any good," [/b]she pointed out, shaking out her long blonde hair. [b]"Let's just relax for a while. I'm sure we can all agree that teamwork is what'll win us the next challenge." "Yeah!" [/b]agreed Xiaoyu enthusiastically, yo-yoing back to her usual bouncy self. [b]"Let's bond over cookies or something!"[/b] [/font][/color]
[color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS][quote name='sand dragon 19][/font][/color][color=DarkSlateGray][size=2][font=Times New Roman]Its facis which means to do or to make.. like If I was to say facis homework It means do your homework.[/font][/size][/color][color=DarkGreen'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] If I remember my Latin lessons right, it would be 'homework facis', since the verb goes at the end. Or even 'homework face' - I think that's the imperative form ... ? [/pedantic] [/font][/color]
[color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Trebuchet MS]Include me in that. This is the forum I frequent most often; I really didn't want it to be the [b]only [/b]one on which my name wasn't Raiyuu. Name-changing is a great feature of this site, and the fact that we are able to have it is indicative of the maturity of the population, I think. And the new system's sounding fantastic, James. (But if I ever make use of it, someone swat me with a fan or something - I swore I'd stick with this one till the end...) [/font][/color]
[color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Trebuchet MS]I don't know, I find the Similar Threads box often leads to interesting old RPGs to read when I'm bored. But it's true that it probably is the main reason for thread gravedigging. [quote name='Desbreko][/font][/color][color=#4b0082]I usually just delete the post and send the thread back to where it was in the list.[/color][color=DarkSlateBlue'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] I didn't realise deleting the post would do that! But I still think closing the thread with an advisory post helps to stop the same member making the same mistake again, especially as this is another one of those grey areas (like Intro Posting) that isn't actually mentioned in the Rules. [/font][/color]
[b][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]"I hope everyone else is trying as hard as us," [/font][/color][/b][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]said Xiaoyu. [b]"This'll stop being so fun if we accidentally stomp Dante or someone!" "Not to mention the fact that we'll lose the challenge," [/b]Ada replied, her disdain for the laid-back men of the group dripping from every word. Both of them were finding it increasingly hard to move around in the cramped castle. They had to stoop and occasionally crawl through the blue brick tunnels. The upside being that when a line of three Goombas came trundling menacingly along the shaft, Xiaoyu could *poke* them in the top of the head and they just *poof*ed out of existence. A few pits and some very awkward platform-hopping later the pair came across a cluster of gormless-looking green turtles. Xiaoyu poked one warily on the top of its shell and it retreated inside, eyes nearly popping with terror at the enormous girl. Chuckling, she gave[/font][/color][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS] the stationary shell[/font][/color][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS] a flick. It whizzed off at incredible speed from the supersized flick, ricocheting off a wall and rocketing up into the air, bouncing from ceilings to walls to floors. [b]"Uwaa~aah!" [/b]squealed Xiaoyu. [b]"Don't let it hit me! I've only got one life! I don't want to go *poof*!" [/b]The wayward turtle shell *ping*ed straight upwards, shattering a block, out of which a red and white spotted mushroom fell. Ada was trying to push past Xiaoyu to protect her from the shell, and overbalanced her precarious crouch so she planted a hand straight on the poor defenceless fungus. [i]Plop [/i]Xiaoyu grew again. A voice reached her ears from behind her. [b]"So," [/b]said Ada dryly, [b]"how do we get you out of this shaft now?"[/b] [/font][/color]
[color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Trebuchet MS]Attimus, I can't do anything about the opinions you hold and the way they're clashing with other people here. But I can tell you to [b]lay off the offensive language.[/b] I know Salty Bob was effectively spamming, but now you've gone and done the same thing by launching a personal attack on him. Shall I quote it? I think I shall: [quote name='Attimus331][/font][/color]But really, you're a di*k. ^_^[color=DarkSlateBlue'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] And here's another quote you might find useful: [quote name='The Spam List][/font][/color]Swearing and offensive words, in any format, are considered spam at our site ... Any form of threat, insult or inappropriate behavior towards a member or staff member is viewed very seriously by OtakuBoards.com.[color=DarkSlateBlue'][font=Trebuchet MS][/quote] Sandy, Tical and Lix don't agree with your opinions, but at least they disagree in a civil manner. The least you can do is afford them the same courtesy. Let's not let this thread go to that place where most of the O. Lounge's sexual orientation threads go, 'kay? [/font][/color]
[font=Trebuchet MS][color=Purple][b]"Adaa~aa!" [/b]yelled Xiaoyu from the blue-bricked box she'd fallen into. [b]"I think I found a ... a secret area or something!" [/b]There was a sound of yelling which grew louder until Ada plummeted from the same hole in the ceiling Xiaoyu had fallen from. [b]"Dammit," [/b]said Ada, picking herself up and brushing herself off, [b]"I thought all those pipes led to the next level, but we're still in four-one ... just shut in a cell." [/b]The only exit seemed to be a green pipe near the right-hand wall. Seeing it, Xiaoyu also noticed the brick floating impossibly in the air above. [b]"I call the brick!" [/b]Xiaoyu chirped, jumping to uppercut it. A little mushroom popped out the top, and Xiaoyu caught it neatly as it waddled off. [b]"Hahaa! You've got nowhere to hide this time,"[/b] gloated Xiaoyu as she grew to tower over Ada. [/color][/font]
[color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Trebuchet MS]I personally prefer [url="http://www.photobucket.com"]Photobucket[/url], if anyone's shopping for options - free to register and it gives you a screen with thumbnails of all your pics, with the URL, IMG tag and vB IMG tag all copy/pasteable underneath. You can make your albums public as well, e.g. [u][url="http://photobucket.com/albums/a374/firecrew/"]these [/url][url="http://photobucket.com/albums/c8/posse_05/"]ones[/url][/u].[/font][/color]
[b][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]"Wow,"[/font][/color][/b][color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS] commented Ada, looking up at the words WORLD 4-1 suspended above their heads. [b]"I thought the 'four' pipe would take us to 1-4. We're well ahead of the others, I doubt they'll find us now." "They won't have snaffled all the mushrooms, then!" [/b]replied Xiaoyu, running ahead. Turning back to look where she was going, she yelped and skidded to a halt, right on the edge of a very bottomless pit. She was suddenly very conscious of the one life she had remaining. After their platform-hopping in the last world, she and Ada had no problem leaping the many pits in this level; Ada especially, being nearly twice as tall as Xiaoyu, could almost clear them in a step. That is, until they came across one with a layer of bricks hovering at head height, forming a ceiling over the abyss. [b]"We really need to break these," [/b]Xiaoyu whined. [b]"I need more mushrooms ... but I don't wanna fall in the hole!" "The somersault you broke the last one with could be useful," [/b]Ada mused from on high. [b]"You'll break the brick while flipping backwards. That way, you shouldn't fall." [/b]Xiaoyu nodded and advanced tentatively towards the pit, stopping with her toes over the edge, trying not to look down. She crouched - difficult to do while not looking down - and sprang, flying backwards and lashing out a powerful kick at the nearest block. A mushroom [i]boing-[/i]ed out of the top as the brick smashed. For a moment, she thought it was just going to fall straight down and be lost in the pit, but it flew out to the right (straight ahead as she was looking, but this was 2-D after all) and started shuffling across the brick ceiling. [b]"Stop!" [/b]she squeaked at the errant fungus as it waddled stupidly towards the edge and certain oblivion. Suddenly Xiaoyu felt herself rising through the air, and twisted her head to see Ada, lifting her up by her dress. The giant plonked her down on the platform, squishing the little mushroom just before it plummeted off into the pit. When Xiaoyu recovered her bearings, she was staring Ada right in the eye. [b]"Yay, I'm taller!"[/b] [/font][/color]
[color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Trebuchet MS]As it's only about 5 months old and seems to be generating an okay amount of discussion, I'm not going to lock this thread. But [b]DeityTheGreat, [/b]bear in mind that you shouldn't bring back threads that have dropped off the first page (as a rule of thumb, if the last post was more than three months ago, don't resurrect). In future, start a new thread instead.[/font][/color]
[color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Trebuchet MS]Why thank you ArV. Although I think it's fair enough since all I did was recycle Dagger's jokes from way back in the thread, heh. Next! [/font][/color]
[color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]Xiaoyu found it made the game more fun if she pretended the bitey mushrooms were Lemmings. Although the little *poof* when she jumped on them wasn't as satisfying as the green *squidge* would have been. She'd run on ahead of the rest of the team, jumping on bad guys or pounding them into the ground with a well-timed Sunset Fan move. Looking backwards, she realised she couldn't see any of the others. And having stopped to breathe for a second, she realised her Lemming-squishing fantasies had distracted her from what she was supposed to be doing. [b]"Oh yeah ... mushrooms!" [/b]There was a green pipe ahead. Xiaoyu wasn't used to exploring areas, more just using the surroundings to smash people's faces into, but it looked like a place to go. [b]"Guys, I've gone down the pipe!" [/b]she yelled over her shoulder, hoping the others would hear her, and scampered into the pipe. It looked really long and dark, but after a couple of seconds' loading time the exit appeared, and Xiaoyu found herself inside a blue castle. [b]"Aww," [/b]she lamented to herself, [b]"I liked the clouds ... they were cute!" [/b] A couple of evil mushrooms accosted her at the entrance. She pounced, jumping on one, but then made the mistake of attempting an evasive side tumble move in a 2-D environment. She [i]felt [/i]like she was rolling to her left. But she was still on the same plane as the mushroom. It waddled into her, and she sprang up into the air. As she did so, the 8-bit graphics showed their weakness and she clipped through a brick floating in the air, just long enough to see the outline of a mushroom inside. [b]"Yay!" [/b]she cried as she respawned back at the castle entrance. A little avatar of herself with a [i]x1 [/i]next to it flashed momentarily. [b]"Better be careful," [/b]she decided, before leaping up and giving the brick a hearty somersault kick. She nimbly landed and caught the falling mushroom in her cupped hands. Her body stretched and tingled, and she was suddenly twice as tall. The slowly approaching mushrooms stopped and their eyes widened. [b]"Got you now!"[/b] [/font][/color]
[color=Purple][font=Trebuchet MS]So ... does every team member need one point before people's second points start counting? That is, is it pointless to post your character finding a [b]second[/b] mushroom until every other team member has found [b]one[/b]? Or am I overcomplicating things? [/font][/color]
[color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Trebuchet MS]l33t is a supposedly 'Netspeak' word derived from the word 'Elite'. The 3s are pronounced as Es. Basically, some people think that putting numbers in words makes them seem like a cool-dude hacker. l33t and other l33sp34k ('leetspeak') words are used extensively on online gaming servers (Counterstrike, etc.). Other words include 'h4XX0r' (= haxxor = hacker) and 'n00b' (= noob = newbie = new person). You'll probably see 'n00b' used here a lot, we use it to mean someone who's new to the boards and has terrible post quality. A note: if this thread turns into a see-who-can-speak-the-noobishest-l33tspeak competition, the Mod-Rod will have to make an appearance. :modrod: [/font][/color]
[color=DarkSlateBlue][font=Trebuchet MS]Welcome to OtakuBoards, [b]foxboy7. [/b]Sorry to thwack you with the ol' Mod-Rod so early on, but I have to close this thread. Please don't 'go gravedigging', that is, ressurect threads that have dropped off the first page. I mean, this thread is over [b]four years old, [/b]and a lot of the members posting in it don't come here anymore. If you still want to discuss UFOs, feel free to create a brand new thread. Enjoy your stay, and if you have any questions about OB's posting policies or anything, just drop a PM to me or one of the other Moderators. [b]Thread closed.[/b] [/font][/color]