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Everything posted by Raiyuu

  1. I expect I could do pages and pages for Bleach, but here's the edited highlights: [indent]Take a sip if: -it turns out a Hollow did it -someone isn't dead after being hit by a devastating attack -someone bleeds more than is humanly possible -someone shows off by flaring their spirit power -a zanpakuto is released to shikai level -it turns out someone is much stronger than they initially let on -Orihime says "Kurosaki-kun" -Ichigo says "Rukia" -Rukia uses a kidou spell Take a gulp if: -Ichigo gets a significant powerup -Ichigo lets off a Getsuga Tenshou (blue or black) -a zanpakuto is released to bankai level -an Arrancar's zanpakuto is released Down your glass if: -a supposed enemy turns coat and joins Ichigo's cause -it turns out there's an enemy even stronger than the one we've been fighting for the whole arc[/indent]
  2. [quote name='Blitz_kid]I don't think this kind of thread is healthy for the younger people so you should be more careful[/quote][quote=Aceburner]You don't need beer. I did this with orange soda[/quote][quote=Ikillion']Raiyuu officially wins at the Anime Lounge.[/quote]Just to summarise the points in the debate so far. You know, so we don't repeat ourselves. Additions for Ikillion's Gurren-Lagann game: [indent]-when a significant mecha like Gurren-Lagann or King Kittan gets an upgrade ([spoiler]sunglasses[/spoiler] / [spoiler]wings[/spoiler] / new and more powerful attacks / etc), sip. -when someone roars out the name of an attack, chug. -if it turns out everything you thought you knew about the universe is a lie, down your drink in disbelief.[/indent]
  3. [ Inspired by a long-forgotten discussion with Dagger and Fasteriskhead, in the similarly long-forgotten [thread=55418][u]Pumpkin Scissors thread[/u][/thread]. ] We all like anime here, right? (I know it's not cool to like anime on OB anymore but I figure I'm safe in the Anime Lounge.) And at least some of us like drinking here, right? Put the two together; it's a combination that can't fail! Actually this game should be fun enough if you don't drink, because the basis for it is thinking about anime series and the events, catchphrases or jokes that typify them. Here's how it works. [indent]1. Pick an anime series. Preferably one you know well. 2. Pick out a few things that happen often in the series. The sort of things that, if you took a gulp of beer every time they happened, would get you wasted in short order. 3. Turn your musings into a set of drinking game rules. So things that happen every couple of minutes get a sip, things that happen once per series or are particularly shocking rate a chug, and so on. You can see what I mean in the Pumpkin Scissors thread (linked above) and in the example below.[/indent] The idea of this isn't to promote alcoholism in young people or anything, it's just to have a giggle sending up your favourite (or least favourite) series. Remember to spoiler anything that needs spoilering! Here's an example based on Death Note: [indent]-when Ryuk eats an apple, sip. -when someone writes a name in a Death Note, sip. -when the picture switches into false-colour (i.e. Light in red, L in blue), sip. -when L eats something sweet, sip. -when something happens much more dramatically than it needs to, chug. (I'm thinking [spoiler]episode one writing scene[/spoiler], [spoiler]potato chip scene[/spoiler], L and his lightning phone-switching skills, etc.) -when a Death Note user loses or regains all their memories of the Death Note, chug. -when anyone makes the deal for the Shinigami Eyes, down half your drink. (See what I did there?) -when any major character falls victim to a Death Note, finish your drink in salutation. -when everything goes "just as planned", finish your drink in recognition of Light's genius.[/indent] If you're a fan of Death Note feel free to add new rules to my game, otherwise start your own - see if we can't build a definitive Anime Drinking Game Encyclopedia.
  4. [quote name='Andy'][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="2"]Well, believe it or not, every time I watch an anime I have to sit like [B]L[/B].[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]And here I thought I was the only one. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I think it's actually improved my circulation. When I first started doing it, my feet would go to sleep by the advert break. Now I can sit like that for a couple of episodes without a problem.
  5. Yeah, as Meggido said, Nel isn't an [spoiler]officially recognised Privaron Espada, otherwise she'd have her own little lair alongside Cirucci [i]et al[/i][/spoiler].
  6. I propose a [i]Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann[/i] category. Some of these look blurrier or more pixelly here than I thought they did when I was making them on GIMP ... but hopefully there are at least six good enough to be accepted. New Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBSimon.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Simon [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBDiggerSimon.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Simon [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBSimon2.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Simon [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBDeterminedSimon.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Simon [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBSimon3.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Simon [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBSimonNia.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Simon and Nia [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBKamina.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Kamina [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBKamina2.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Kamina [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBYoko2.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Yoko [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBYoko.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Yoko [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBMissYomako.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Yoko [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBNia.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Nia [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBAntispiralNia.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Nia [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBViral.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Viral [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBViral3.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Viral [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBViral2.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Viral [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBGimmy.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Gimmy [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBDarry.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Darry [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBGurren-Lagann.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Gurren-Lagann [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBEnki.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Enki [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBKingKittan.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: King Kittan [IMG]http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g110/Raiyuu/Avatars/OBDaigurren.gif[/IMG] Category: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann Name: Super Galactic Great Gurren
  7. 1. Cowboy Bebop. Set on Mars, the Moon, and various other places in space. 2. Fullmetal Alchemist. Set in Amestris. 3. Trigun. Set on the planet Gunsmoke. 4. Kino's Journey. Set in various small, fictional countries. 5. Hellsing. Set in England (woo patriotism). I always figured Naruto to be set in some kind of parallel universe equivalent of feudal Japan, but I guess that still counts as 'not Japan'.
  8. Well whoever it is, that's not a Sharingan eye that opens in the very last panel. It's another eye like Pein's, with several concentric irises. And yes, it's on the wrong eye to be Tobi, unless he's taken off his mask.
  9. The main character of Love Hina is Keitaro, and never having had a girlfriend doesn't necessarily make him female.
  10. Saved by the silver watch! 1. Excel Saga 2. Fruits Basket 3. Blood+ 4. Mai-HiME
  11. Don't bother with Tokko. It's nothing special - series like Blood+ and Elfen Lied have covered similar material with a lot more style / substance / general goodness. Noein is very much worth watching, though. It's all about quantum physics, parallel universes, alternate timelines, that sort of thing. Awesome character and mecha designs. And I'm reliably informed that there's no fake science in there - obviously they simplify the quantum mechanics, but nothing they explain is actually [i]wrong[/i].
  12. It's been altogether too long since I RP'd. [size=1][b]Name[/b] (formatted Family name, Given name)[/size] Sato Ryuji [size=1][b]Age[/b][/size] 12 [size=1][b]Gender[/b][/size] Male [size=1][b]Physical Description[/b][/size] Ryuji's a scrawny kid. Small for his age, and built stringy. His hair is dirty blonde, messy, and would fall over his eyes if not for his forehead protector. His eyes are usually narrowed, like he's looking suspiciously at everyone and everything. He wears loose dark green trousers for easy movement and a sleeveless kaftan-type shirt. He has two shuriken pouches, one on each thigh, and on his belt hang two folded Fuuma Shuriken. [URL="http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s216/phyreblade_blog/Weapons/Fuuma%20Shuriken/Fuuma_Shuriken_tn.jpg"][u]Fuuma Shuriken (folded)[/u][/URL] [URL="http://blogsimages.skynet.be/images/000/961/629_f423e4151e0d897310f2f6060c16c970.jpg"][u]Fuuma Shuriken (open)[/u][/URL] [size=1][b]Weapons[/b][/size] Ryuji specialises in thrown weapons. He carries a large stock of shuriken and two larger Fuuma Shuriken (Demon Wind Shuriken), similar to the one used by Sasuke and Naruto against Zabuza. [size=1][b]Fighting Style[/b][/size] Ryuji uses a mixture of Ninjutsu and Taijutsu in combination with his Fuuma Shuriken. He's never got the hang of Genjutsu (either using or countering it) - he considers it cowardly and underhand. [size=1][b]Jutsu/Techniques[/b][/size] [i]Hakosen no Jutsu (Arc Blade Technique)[/i] This is a simplified version of the Kugutsu no Jutsu (Puppet Technique). Ryuji attaches chakra strings to his Fuuma Shuriken, enabling him to direct their flight. He can bring them back to his hand after being thrown, or pull them back towards an opponent that's dodged their first pass. As yet he is only able to direct the Shuriken in wide arcs. [i]Hafuusha no Jutsu (Blade Windmill Technique)[/i] Ryuji places his hand in the central hole of the Fuuma Shuriken, gathers chakra in his palm and sets it spinning, causing the Shuriken to rotate around his hand at high speeds. The spinning blade can be used as a shield, or combined with Taijutsu to make a deadly close-combat buzzsaw. Keeping his chakra spinning takes immense concentration, so Ryuji can currently only use this technique with one, not both, of his Fuuma Shuriken, and only for a short period of time. [size=1][b]Biography[/b][/size] Ryuji grew up on the streets of Konohagakure, one of the many orphans of the wars with Akatsuki and the resurgent Orochimaru. He got picked on for being small, and that toughened him up, but also made him a naturally suspicious character; quick to weigh up a new acquaintance's strength against his own, but slow to trust. A particularly vicious street fight got Ryuji dragged in front of the Hokage, and to his surprise, instead of being punished, he was enrolled immediately in the Ninja Academy. Now Ryuji is the kid with something to prove. He didn't get into the Academy through family ties, he got there by his own strength (and some luck, and a kind word from the Hokage, though he doesn't admit that even to himself) and he's out to prove to everyone else that he's the strongest shinobi there. Selfish as he sounds - and as he makes himself out to be - Ryuji's determination to prove himself comes from a deep desire to protect the village and his few friends; because once he's finally decided to trust someone, he considers it his duty to protect them with all his strength. (I expect Ryuji's few academy friends are in the RP as well - it'd be pretty dull playing a total loner. But I didn't want to be presumptuous and pick sign-ups to be his buddies. If I'm picked we can figure it out when the RPG starts.)
  13. "Namikaze" is spelled with the kanji for "waves" and "wind", which, when put together, can sometimes mean "discord" or "restlessness". And I don't see how that chapter was boring. After six or seven years we finally have the names and basic specialities of every member of Akatsuki (it took so long for Kishimoto to dish out the information that half of Akatsuki's died in the meantime!) and that frog-pub trick was classic. Looks like we'll get that all-out Pain/Jiraiya fight soon, though.
  14. 1. Automail 2. The Philosopher's Stone 3. Silver pocketwatch 4. Human transmutation 5. Alchemy Wasn't sure whether to interpret 'something' as meaning objects, or concepts, or what. Suppose it all depends how the survey participants interpreted it in the first place...
  15. Well, 19 and 20 didn't set the world alight, but we did get a bit more insight on the whole theological debate between humans and Contractors (are Contractors human, do they have souls, what makes Contractors different from humans, etc.). Also, the next arc has the blood elf AND the months, so there's hope yet for that Battle Royale.
  16. I'm curious how Trigun keeps coming up. That show definitely had supernatural abilities. 1. Cowboy Bebop 2. Samurai Champloo 3. Prince of Tennis 4. Eyeshield 21 5. Black Lagoon 6. Ouran High School Host Club This is hard. I don't tend to watch shows without some kind of superpower or other, so some of those choices are complete guesses.
  17. As Carole pointed out in episode one, Firo would definitely be the main character if not for the idiosyncratic narrative. (Speaking of Carole, episode three gives some indication of how she and Gustav might be relevant - he runs Daily Days, the information brokers.) Ladd Russo is intriguing. He was annoyingly brash at first, but I'm finding myself morbidly curious about his messed-up relationship with Lua. I'm also interested to see whether or not he's an immortal. We saw him in episode one with [spoiler]all the flesh stripped off one arm, and while it didn't seem to be regenerating, he didn't seem overly bothered by it[/spoiler]. And then there's Dallas Genoard, who seems to be at the centre of several different plot threads. He's probably immortal - [spoiler]he took the old professor's elixir after all[/spoiler] - but by the time of the Flying Pussyfoot incident (side note - hilarious Mexican standoff in the dining car) he's conspicuous by his absence. Did anyone else suspect that Randy and Pezzo were based vaguely on Laurel and Hardy?
  18. The DVDs are finally coming out in Britain, yay. I'm impressed with the English dub. There aren't really any surprises, but it's good, solid acting throughout. Jousuke verges on irritating a few times before [spoiler]snuffing it[/spoiler], but the central pair are good enough (though English voice actors can never seem to tread that line between delicate and just plain high-pitched when doing young girls like Oboro). And they kept the honorifics in, which, though they don't explain what they mean for the uneducated, gives a nice feudal sort of feel. Respect between lords, and all that. They've left on the Japanese cast behind-the-scenes discussions as well, which are worth watching just for the moment's silence they do for recently deceased characters.
  19. No no no, Black Lagoon kicks the pants off Burst Angel any day of the week. Black Lagoon has a plot. And characters I care about. Whereas Burst Angel has that one that only exists to get captured every week and rescued by Jo. Just remembered the one minus point to Black Lagoon (if you can call it that): [spoiler]the atrocious strings of English in the final few episodes of Second Barrage[/spoiler]. They're laughable! I haven't heard the English dub yet, but I'm always interested to hear dubs people recommend. There are so few good ones...
  20. I'm hoping for a third season so they can give us more [b]Rotton the Wizard![/b] The preview for that episode made it seem like [spoiler]he'd have a big, sinister part to play, and all he did was fall off the roof[/spoiler]. I love when shows play with my expectations like that. On the same note, I'm a Rock fan. Because he's the stereotypical nice-guy-in-bad-situation main character most of the time and then sometimes he surprises everyone and stands up for himself. Like when he [spoiler]nearly drinks Revy under the table, or when the two of them duke it out at the outdoor cafe, or when he shows he can still keep his cool and formulate an effective plan even when confronted by a chainsaw-wielding maniac on the roof of a burning warehouse[/spoiler].
  21. 1. Tennis 2. Go 3. Shogi 4. Bowling 5. American Football 6. Baseball
  22. [quote name='Dbzman26'][FONT="Garamond"][SIZE="2"]But yeah, that gravity gun own's. But of course, then again, beating the zombie/creature/whatever dudes' in the face with a crowbar is pretty fun too.:p[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]The best weapon in the game in the [b]radiator[/b]. Rip it off the wall, hold it out in front of you, it's a nigh-impenetrable shield. Throw it at people and it's an instant kill on anything short of a Strider. The HL2 developers have the dubious honour of having designed the most pure evil creature on any plane of existence, the [b]poison headcrab[/b]. Those things creep the crap out of me. To stay vaguely on topic instead of just fanboying out over HL2: I also have a PS2, but it stays at home while i'm at university, so the last thing I played all the way through on it was probably [b]killer7[/b]. Now there's a game that could have done with a little less concept and a little more playability.
  23. I'm another one that would welcome an option to DEtach, as well as ATtach, the myO links. My page on myO is actually disabled (because I don't use it any more) so the links in my postbit don't even lead anywhere. Seems pretty pointless. I'm happy to wait for OB:E though. The postbit's been like that long enough without killing anyone.
  24. So episode two isn't quite as frenetic as one - not a surprise. They were never going to keep that pace for the whole series. But it's nice to see it's still fragmented. Most of the episode is chronological, but jumps around the different passengers on the Flying Pussyfoot, so we're still only getting snapshots of the full picture. And if the preview's anything to go by, episode three won't pick up and resolve two's ending cliffhanger (though we know the situation ends up with [spoiler]Czeslaw getting splattered and then de-splattered in the luggage compartment[/spoiler]). How is it possible that I become [b]less[/b] annoyed with Isaac's voice the more I hear it? It's not changing. I don't think it's even that I'm getting used to it. I think it just jarred last week, with only a couple of exclamations from him in the midst of a lot of slightly more serious acting, so I thought "Onosaka's just messing about". He and Miria should be irritating the pants off me, but, I don't know ... their voices complement each other, or something. It helps that the whole gold-mining sequence was hilarious. Best placement of a "[spoiler]five months later[/spoiler]" caption evaar. Plus comedic use of recycled footage - it works, so I can't even call them lazy! NB: sorry DB. [spoiler]No gore[/spoiler] this week. .:EDIT:. Last week we had arbitrary points rewards, this week we have [spoiler]arbitrarily declaring yourselves the 'winner' of the conversation[/spoiler]. You could use this series as a social how-to guide.
  25. [b]Chevalier[/b] is worth it. It's nothing like Hellsing. It's even historically accurate in places (notwithstanding mercury-blooded zombies and magic poetry). [b]Gankutsuou[/b] is also amazing - artistically and in plot, especially if you've read [i]The Count of Monte Cristo[/i], though it lack pace in some earlier episodes. I don't think [b]Saiyuki[/b] or [b]Saiyuki Reload[/b] have any redeeming features beyond attractive bishie main characters. The manga is engaging, gory and occasionally self-deprecating - I enjoyed it a lot until I realised there was some storyline in volume one, and some more in volume nine, and then monster-of-the-week for the in-betweens. Not even interesting monster-of-the-week - they defeat the bad guys the same way each time. The anime doesn't even keep the good features of the manga. It loses all the gore, tones down the backstory and the English dub is plain awful. Now I'm done critiquing everyone else's choices :p I'm currently watching [b]Darker Than Black[/b], a dudes-with-superpowers-do-battle show with some big mysteries in the background (Cowboy Bebop comparisons to the usual address); [b]Heroic Age[/b] (giant robots in space, except some of the giant robots are [i]really[/i] giant, are the remnants of an extinct alien race and live in certain people's right eyes); not [b]Bleach[/b], at least while it stays on filler; [b]Naruto Shippuden[/b], though if it carries on snailing along like it has been I'll be dropping that too; and [b]Baccano[/b] (jigsaw storyline with immortal people fighting Mafia turf wars in Manhattan). I'm reading [b]Bleach[/b], [b]Naruto[/b] and [b]Fullmetal Alchemist[/b]. The usual suspects. FMA looks like it might be building to a climax fairly soon. Exciting times. .:EDIT:. Also reading [b]Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World[/b] by Haruki Murakami. That might not be relevant to Anime Lounge but I had to mention it because Murakamiis a genius (and has an excellent English translator, which helps a heck of a lot).
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