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Everything posted by demonboy

  1. 1. [i]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/i]: Ugh, what ISN'T there to say about this hilarious series. The only thing is, I've been over-exposed to the TV ending of the series and am finding myself congratulating people for no reason. I've only cared to sit through the original episodes 25 and 26 entirely maybe twice, at most. 2. [i]One Piece[/i]: I would say that Toei can work with long series better than TV Tokyo, seeing as the animation style in Naruto has changed dramatically throughout the series so far, resulting in tons of bad drawing while One Piece sticks as closely to Eiichiro Oda's drawings. Also, Toei's One Piece bgm uses music unlike any other making the series unique and fresh. 3. [i]Death Note[/i]: Since this series started after the manga finished, there will be no filler episodes, which means no crappy made up storyline that never happened. So far in the 11 episodes that have aired, at least every episode contains some sort of epic moment, some more epic than others, but epic nonetheless. 4. [i]Fullmetal Alchemist[/i]: Even though the anime totally deviated from the manga about half-way through the series, the anime managed to create its own ending that worked, for the most part, with the series. I remember watching the movie subtitled on a cam rip from a Japanese theatre, before they even released the movie on DVD in Japan. That was interesting... XD 5. [i]Bleach[/i]: I first encountered the manga on someone's myO site, they had posted chapter 1 of it, and I was interested, and eventually got really well into it, so I looked up the anime and found that there was already one in production, about 6 episodes in, so began downloading fansubs of the series. Good stuff, too bad it's in filler country now, which is why I've reverted to reading the manga and not watching the anime.
  2. When the dubs are ruled by 4kids, take the subs. I'd otherwise usually go with the dubs, if I like the voices.
  3. I dreamt that the CEO of 4kids, Al Kahn, was trying to butcher me. I don't remember too many details though, but it sure was odd.
  4. Best Buy usually has stuff available in store prerelease, so I usually go there.
  5. [quote name='hey_love][size=1]So now, I am kind of starting to assume that [spoiler]Gluttony ate Dante?[/spoiler'][/size][/quote] And you couldn't figure that out from the first half of the last episode?
  6. [quote name='onigiri3']Hmm... I concur. I am hoping to buy some of the sub DVD's on eBay. Especially the movies.[/quote] Ugh, please don't. Why would you spend money on something that's probably HK, or ripped off when you can easily get them for free on the internet? Seriously, Hong Kong DVDs suck. Chances are they are going to be episodes done by K-F or HK that have been slapped sloppily onto a DVD. Regardless, high quality *free* versions are available. But on another hand, just noticing this little thread, I am wondering where people are in the series, and what their primary One Piece provider is. I'm mainly wondering out of just pure curiosity, but also I would like to know how many people must be saved from the wretched dub. Also, if someone could summarize the thread thusfar, that would be great. Thanks in advance.
  7. [quote name='Minako'] (I think only Wisconsinites will know what a Cheese head is)[/quote] Probably, but I'm sure some out-of-staters know what it is too...
  8. It's not doctored, I've seen other videos on it. I think I saw something on PBS about it. It's not doctored. What happens is people stand with a reflective coat in front of an object, they then film in real time the things that are happening in front of them, then that image goes through a computer that processes the images to be projected onto the person wearing the coat. The downside is that you need to be looking straight at the person for it to work, and you need the projector and camera. But it's NOT a hoax.
  9. [QUOTE=visualkei]I'd have to say FLCL. It's just so zany, and there's all this spastic movement. Plus, the music rocks![/QUOTE] Seconded. FLCL is crazy good.
  10. [QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]Wow, I just discovered you can change your location so it can match your street! Pretty nifty. This is so cool. Has anyone else narrowed down their location to their street?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I know I did. I think this thing is pretty nifty too!
  11. Great idea, I'm off to post mine now! I put my name as Throes, because that's what I go by everywhere else on the internet nowadays.
  12. [7:00 A.M.] Wake up [7:35 A.M.] Go to school [7:55 A.M.] At school [10:00 A.M.] Still at school... [12:30 P.M.] At school eating lunch [3:27 P.M.] Jail break (aka. school is let out) [4:00 P.M.] Get home from school after giving freinds a ride home. [4:10 P.M. - ~5:30 P.M.] Download anime, watch some, listen to music, play video games [~5:30 P.M. - ~5:35 P.M.] Eat Dinner [~5:35 P.M. - ~2:30 A.M.] Download anime, watch anime, listen to music, browse the internet, play video games [~2:30 A.M.]Go to bed. There you have a usual daily schedule for me. I know, it's massively boring. But it's pretty much all I do. I occasionally do other things, but I haven't in some time.
  13. Alot of money. $30 Best Buy gift card $25 Old Navy gift card The most practical gift ever: $20 Fuel Card A new iMac G5 (got that one early) Ha ha, that's it, it's pretty pathetic, but hey, I have tons of money to choose my own gifts!
  14. A fuel card for my car. That or cash. *laughs*
  15. I am totally agnostic, but I am not going to vote, because you grouped atheism with agnosticism, and they are very much different. Atheism is basically refusing to believe in a god/diety, whilst agnosticism is just not being commited to believing the existance or nonexistance of a diety/god. It's basically, atheism can be associated with the definite idea that there is no god. Agnosticism can be assosiated with a big question mark. [size=10]?[/size]
  16. They made some real good fun with this one on Saturday Night Live. Not only in the opening sketch (about croniism featuring GWB, played by Will Forte, Cheney, played by Darrell Hammond, and Meirs, played by Rachel Dratch), but during Weekend Update, they went so far as to bring out their political scape goat character, Tim Calhoun, played by Will Forte, who apparantly was his own lawyer alot of times, and his cases turned out "real bad"; he also said he served in a court, a [i]food court[/i]. [img]http://members.aol.com/_ht_a/ummmliz/images/forte/calhoun.jpg[/img] Tim announcing his candicacy for Supreme Court. My opinion is, he has more credentials than Miers. (Did I mention he served in a food court?) Bush claims he "found the best person he could". I have a message for Mr. Bush, "I found someone better... [b][i]Judge Judy!!![/i][/b]"
  17. My first manga? Well, the first one I read was Hellsing, loved it. Then I read the Naruto manga (english version) english SFX bothered me quite some. But it wasn't until like page 9 with the first mention of "doppelganger" that drove me mad. In desperation, hoping that it was just a one time thing. I read on. It wasn't until around page 30 something that I put it down and never continued it again. What made me turn the english manga down? The words "ART OF THE DOPPELGANGER" printed where "Shadow Clone Technique", "Shadow Clone Jutsu", or "Kage Bunshin no jutsu" should have been printed. That turned me away from VIZ as a company, and it also made me bias when they licenced the Naruto series (which turned out far better than I initially thought, based on how the manga turned out). However the first manga I owned was the Fullmetal Alchemist Vol. 1 english version, the english SFX still bother me, I wish they were in japanese, also, they could at least let the characters say a little more than "dammit" or "hell", especially in the Shonen Jump novels (ie. Bleach). I currently own the Fullmetal Alchemist Volumes 1 thru 3, and Bleach 1-9, I am hoping to buy some Hellsing manga in the future, seeing as how I liked it so much.
  18. My theory is simple. The meaning of life is to live it, hopefully the best you can, then die. That's it. Baiscally Lix's answer pretty much sums mine up.
  19. Since it's half way through the series I doubt that everyone will stop subtitling it, however, that is an extremely likely possiblity.
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