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Everything posted by Darktigerpack17

  1. This series is pretty kool, my favorite characters is Angelina, especially in the Osaka episodes. She isnt as Evil as she looks.
  2. I really don't judge anime by the artstyle. It really doesn't matter too much to me. If it has a good storyline, plot, and interesting characters, I find that I tend to look past the artwork. The one thing that I will confess to detesting is CG anime. Zoids did fine, SD Gundam made me cry. I almost lost faith in the Gundam series when that was released. Anyways, and example to my point is Princess Mononoke. I find the artstyle to be a bit unattractive and a little akward, as it reminded me of the old Snow White movie Disney made. I still get shivers from that horror. Anyways, as I watched it, I got so involved with the storyline that I stopped caring about the artwork, and was wondering what would happen next. That just how it is. I believe the phrase here is "Don't judge a book by it's cover." Am I wrong?
  3. I just finished watching the series, and was very surprised that it isnt as mainstream as it should be, or could have been. It is a unique take on an apocoliptic world, and the artwork is indeed amazing. The ending was a bit unexpected, as the bad guys may not have been as bad, and the good guy a little more evil that I thought. The one thing that took me awhile was to get used to Daedlus being a guy. I thought he looked like a girl, and sounded a bit like one as well, ( I prefer to watch it in Japanese with subs ). I hope for a season two, but I really doubt it for some reason.
  4. [quote name='r2vq'][color=#007520]I would say that rather than subliminal messages are themes and deliberate characterizations. These hidden origins aren't even hidden at all. I wouldn't call it hidden, subliminal, or behind the scenes if the character takes the name of the character they're honouring. The connections are out there for those that know the original story, but they're written in a way that can be enjoyed for those who don't know the original story. I think a good example of this is [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/10_Things_I_Hate_About_You#Shakespearean_references]10 Things I Hate About You[/url]. -r2[/color][/QUOTE] My apologies. I just couldn't think any specific way to approach it.
  5. I suppose you have a point, but if you look at it from the stand point of a biased parent, the instant they saw something like Elfen Lied, they would judge all anime by it. I have heard many many times from people who are not anime fans, i have showed them things like Elfen Lied to show that anime isnt all childish cartoons, and they say " It is still a cartoon." Regardless of how violent it is, Elfen Lied seems to be a cartoon. Granted it has the bloodiest first five minutes of anime, and many themes are gruesome, I wouldn't let a 13 year old watch it simply because they wouldn't understand the story. They are so much worse the that stuff out there, and the 10 and up genre are eating it up, regardless of parental will. But for parents to put their foot down on anime, but allow them to go see violent war movies, as well other things that are not 'cartoons'.
  6. [quote name='Aaryanna_Mom']No that's not really true. Perhaps some parents are like that, but not all of them. If anything you could turn around and say the kids lack the patience to try and understand why their parents don't instantly understand the subculture their kids are into. That's really the big problem here. Both sides are instantly saying it's the other who refuses to understand or has no patience when it's both.I agree and at the same time, it would be beneficial for the kids to sit down and watch some of the older cartoon and shows their parents grew up on to understand why the violence, swearing, and such, even if it's minor is so startling and surprising to them.[/QUOTE] Lol, I didn't mean every parent to began with. I suppose I could've clairified more. I've had many friends get locked permantly in their house because their friend liked anime. I do understand that the process does indeed have a reverse, in which children try to understand their parents, however, regardless of if they do or not, that doesn't change the fact that the parent would take measures to restrict their kids from the subculture of anime that they enjoy. It isn't the kids that take from the parents, its the parents that take from the kids. If they understood it, then they might not be so eager to 'take'.
  7. I also forgot to add that Evangelion is rife with Sigmund Froy, the phycologist. For instance, each of the three children represent the three egos of people that every falls into. We each either fall into a Rei, Shinji, or Asuka catagory. Also, the AT Field means Absolute Terror Field, and Froy discovered that this is also present in the human mind, and it is what protects us. It creates doubt, as well as most negitive emotions that keep us away from certain people or things, and draw us closer to others.
  8. Firestorm, not all love is sexually oriented. In your definitions it descibes lolitas as a "seductive girl". I cannot recall at any time in the series of any of the girls becoming "seductive". Or seduced for that matter. It seems that the girls were, as state by those before me, an innocent, naive type of love. Else did what she did because she was in love. Reminds me a bit a Romeo and Juliet, thought I may be a little off. Henrietta is treated the same way I treat my neice, and I have no interest in her as a lolita. Just because I spoil her rotten doesn't me I like her like that. Henrietta see Jose more as an older brother in my opinion, and vice versa. Treila seems to understand that they are brainwashed, but has affections for her handler in the same manner, just not as openly as Henrietta. Rico is the more obviously used one, rather than loved. Everyone should be able to pick up on the fact that Rico was just a tool, and brainwashed to be effective as a tool, to obey combat and training commands through respecting her handler, not to love him.
  9. Alot of people just watch anime and completely miss much of the underlying artwork that is put into anime. I have often found hidden meanings behind alot of anime scenes, characters, and storylines that nobody picks up on. For instance, everyone takes Jiraya in Naruto for a perverted hermit who rides a giant frog. What they don't know is that Jiraya is an actual legend in Japan as a traveling hermit ninja that rode a giant frog. He was said to have robbed the rich and gave to the poor. ( kinda like robin hood, but for different reasons. ) Anyone who has seen Mai-HiME, the ninja girl with the Frog Child is also a reference to this. Mai-HiME is full of this type things, from the legend of Kiyohime, to the fact that Katgutski is the Japanese God of Fire. There is so much more, but I do not have the time to tell everything, so if anyone knows anything else, please share it. I feel that the incorporation of such things is a talent, after all, the creators took to time and ingunuity to put these things in there, I do not want to see it wasted.
  10. There is also a site called [url]www.paradiseanime.com[/url] that runs a shop here in Houston that ships, and they have alot of cosplay as well as numerous other anime merchandise. And if they don't have it, they can get it. Just ask them and they will do what they can to get you the costume you want.
  11. Parents now and days don't posess the patience to take the time to understand the subculture that their children are into. Personnally, I was raised by my father whose rules were simple, no drugs, no booze, no theft, noting illegal. He saw things like pornagraphy as harmless. So I understand that the parents of today are trying to be socially correct, and anything that harms their image is bad, and this includes their children. If the child shows interest in something that at first glance looks violent or pornongraphic, it is a black mark on their social image, and must be dealt with. This is unsually solved by putting the child through things like phycologists. ( I know it misspelled it ) Now I'm not saying that everyone gets treated this way, there are parents like mine that will give you slack for simple "just stay out of trouble" rules. My best friend actually had his dad sit down and watch an anime with him ( it happen to be Evangelion - Death and Rebirth ) and now his dad pays for convention trips and entry fees and hotel rooms for us. If you can get your parent to sit down and take a true look into the subculture of Anime, they will be very surprised at what they find. It isnt all porn and violence.
  12. Personally, I'll watch anything as long as it has substance. Substance is anything that will hold the series together, such as suspense, endless action or numerous plot twists. I've enjoyed series ranging from Kaleido Star to Fullmetal Alchemist. Zoids Chaotic Century was pretty cool too. Evangelion was a classic, and anyone who has forgotten Trigun isnt a true anime fan. It all depends on how the story is kept consistant.
  13. My friend in the Marine Corps. sent me the new Naruto Hurricane Episodes, and they are pretty good. The series is alot more interesting now that the series has left the fillers. I coulda sworn that the series was about to selfdestruct. Anyways, now that Naruto is older, the series is getting a bit more mature, so I think I will stick around for more. But seriously, I had almost lost faith after all those fillers.
  14. Ah man I have been gone a long while. J0! to those who remember me and whats up to those who don't. Anyways, Evangelion is truly awesome, and for true honest fans of the series will purchase the actual ADV release. Honestly, you guys are killing the anime industry with those bootlegs and free downloads. ADV has cut the amount of anime they can produce because of the money they lose to bootleggers, they cant afford to expand or buy more rights. Seriously, just buy the series. That aside, also for true fans there who remember what my friend's and I have dubbed "Rei's Toast " episode, I believe it is Episode 25, where they show Rei running to school and bumps into Shinji, and the yells at him. This paritcular episode was taken and remade into a manga call Evangelion Angelic Days. Rei is happy and energetic, Shinji isn't and wimp, and Asuka is sisterly ( God help us ). Shinji winds up losing Eva Unit One mysterously, and when he arrives back without it, he claims it was like losing a 10000 ton pair of car keys.
  15. Hey I went to Oni-Con 2006 this year too. It was prett kool, but my only complaint is that the George R. Brown Convention Center was wayyyy too big. It literally took me 30 minutes to get from my hotel room to the artist alley. Way too much walking. But the concert was awsome and they didnt have to limit people who could get in because it room was huge. 12012 was a bad ***** j-rock band. Hope to see them again at Ikki-con. And the dealers were actually letting people work for anime. Oh and tha LARP room was way too small as well. All in all, it was an awesome con. D Did anyone see those guys going around cosplaying as terrorists? That was kool too.
  16. Hey, I am planning on opening my own anime store, and I was wondering, apart from myself, what do you look for when you go to an anime store? What could I do to mke it better than other peoples? I've just got the licence and a shipment, but I'd like some input before I open a location. Thx for all yur help.
  17. [QUOTE=Dagger]Because of [i]Burst Angel[/i]!? I guess there's no accounting for taste. ;) Seriously, though, I thought this show had about a thimble's worth of substance. Not that there's anything remiss with enjoying some easy eye candy, but Burst Angel would not be my top choice in that department. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Well, Burst Angel is better than Fullmetal because of the fact that it took about 8 months i believe, to release 26 episodes of Fullmetal, and only 6 to release all of Burst Angel, Burst Angel Boxset, and the Japanese OVA.
  18. Come on, Burst Angel people. That show was as badass as it comes, I mean, it was an action anime splashed with fanservice, but it was as good as they come. It really pissed me off the way that it ended, they have to bring back a new season after they finish the OVA. They HAVE TO. It cant go out like that. Not after all the good stuff. I refuse to acknowlege that the series is over. Anyways, Burst Angel was a perfect blend of futuristic action, the little suspense, and western gunfights that you can handle. Not to mention that the main mech, Jango, had to have been the best moblie suit, mech, or machine ever put into animation. And the irony of the entire show is that the 4 main characters are named after the four main characters in the book Little Women. Anyway, JO kicked *****, Meg got captured, Amy ate alot, and Sai flashed everyone everything, but they made it work. I found a new favorite anime. Sorry FullMetal Alchemist, your going a shelf down.
  19. For me it all really matters what anime im watching. For instance, in Eva if u watch it in dub, the last thing Asuka says to Shinji is what ever the person who wrote the dub thinks it is, and the same does apply for sub. But in a subbed Eva you hear her words and take it as you will. Most anime is good in dub, but the few that arnt are Evangelion, Devil Hunter Yohko, Dirty Pair (the original one not Flash) and most hentai is better in sub.
  20. We all love to watch it, talk about it, collect it, and even dress it, but how many people have actually found out how it all started. Who started this hit that has cativated so many and give rise to the genre of the otaku? We can all probably say what the first one was, but what the story behind it? As far as I know, and this is hearsay, anime ws created shortly after WWII in Japan to raise the moral of the people by depicting them as some sort of superbeings, and it became addictive for them, and after a while, like all things do, the rest of the world saw this and began to follow it. What have anyone esle found out? Does anyone have anything to add? This is the oine great mystery that even the brightest detectives will be put to the grind.
  21. There are several anime series that are out there that sort of leave you really wanting more, I mean the ones that you began to watch, then you get drawn into it, and when its over you start searching for that non-existant sequal. Just about everone here knows what I'm talking about. Some are just too short. Which anime deserve sequals and why. Here are some of mine. 1) Trigun- That series was all around bad *****. It NEEDS to have another season. They can't just let something that good end like that. Does Vash goe back to Merill? Does Knives change? I need more!!! 2)Outlaw Star- Ya I know its kinda old but it was still a good show. They left it wide open for the continuing adventures of the infamous outlaw and his crew, show lets get on with it, what's next? 3) Hellsing ( the original, not Hellsing Ultimate)- They left too many loose ends in that series, such as who Alucard REALLY was (there has been a debate on many a message board on that one) who made the freak chips, and who the @#$% was Incognito's master?
  22. Has anyone else here seen this anime besides me? I had picked up the boxset at the ONI-con in houston this past weekend, and it wasn't too common, nor commonly known. However, it comes highly reccomended. At first glance, as well as the first few episodes, it appears to be similiar to Blue Gender, but as the story progresses, it gets alot better as well as more personla to the charaters. I don't know how much else I can say on it, so if I leave anything out someone who has seen it please fill in the gaps. It starts out like a mech anime, you know, 51, 16, 17 year olds fighting aliens that have taken over the Earth, but the mech action only lasts halfway through the series. In the second episode there is a transfer student who comes in, and thats what the story than encompasses is the 'kiddy love' ( for lack of a better term. you guys should know what I mean, that teenage anime love sorta thing where there both too embarrassed to tell each other.) Granted there is still some mech action, but the story eventually turns its focus onto the pair. It gets quite humouruos in the fact that the rest of the team is trying to get them togerther as well, even the group commander. The direction is so well done that when one of the characters dies, even you can feel how the other characters a feeling. That is something rare. If you like mech anime as well as school drama anime, this is the perfect combination for you. I give it a 9.5 out of 10.
  23. Gunsliger Girl is one of those anime that just you watch with an open jaw. The story is that a goverment organization in Italy called the Welfare Agency has taken terminally ill children (all of whom are girls about 7-11 years old) and implant cybornetics into them, erase their memories, and then train them as badass assassins. It is really something to see a 10 year old girl start sniping people with a Dragonov rifle, as well as fill several people with holes and not have a care in the world. This is an anime I would highly recommend.
  24. I picked up Evangelion Death+Rebirth at a discount store a few days ago for 3.99, but havent watched it yet. I have the 2nd volume of the manga, and it seems pretty good based on the reviews. I ll probably watch the movie later. On theotaku.com they do a psychological breakdown on NGE, and you wont beleive how deep it really goes. Ill post a link later as well. How many episodes is the series? And how many movies are there?
  25. If I could be in one anime show it would have to be Canidate for Goddess, or better known as Canidate Pilot. The Ingrid Units could mop the floor with just about any mecha :p , and you get to be in space.
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