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Everything posted by Darktigerpack17
The Anime world I wouldn't want to live in would have to be Neo(?) Tokyo in Silent Mobius. Third Attractions, acid rain, barren waste outside the city, Id pass. Personally, I woouldn't want to be slaugthered by a Lucifer Hawk. Did you ever notice that the A.M.P. never gets there until after your dead? Then the A.M.P. is also not very stable either, with Katsumi's random personality crisises and the government is pretty unreliable too.
Anime the problems with school and anime
Darktigerpack17 replied to Twilight_Kioku's topic in Otaku Central
I see Im not the only one with hte "calling it porn problems." i really don't know anyone in my area that likes anime, and my school isnt any better. Im a senior in high school, and I have to crack the security filter everyday just to get into here. The security blocks almost anything anime and my parents wont let me have manga. I have to hide all my anime stuff until I graduate. :D Ive had manga stolen from me an almost get suspended for it because the teacher thought it was porn.(It was Ceres volume 1, NOT PORN)It pisses me off that nobody willk at least leave me alone about it. -
I get crap like that all the time. Im basically the only one that I can think of that is really into anime in my neighborhood (which is pretty lonely :animecry: ) They make fun of me for going online to read those "comics", but then they go online to look at tennis shoes. :rolleyes: I get most of my criticism from my parents though. They say Im too old for anime, that no matter whats in it, its for little kids.
I been watching the R.O.D. the TV series on Tech Tvs Anime Unleashed, and its pretty good. At first it may seem different than tha OVA, but as it goes on,[spoiler]Yumiko come back,[/spoiler] and then it gets good. [spoiler]Miss Deep is also in it , but I dont quite remeber if she lost her memory in the OVA, but she acts like it in the show.(If u know let me know)[/spoiler] I wouldn't say that he show is better than the OVA but I think it is just as good. I look forward to reading the manga.
Gundam SEED is probably one of the best Gundams yet. I tend to find that the way each person crisscrosses with other in the story and how their mood changes as the war drags on os pretty cool. (example:Flay's attitude through the entire series.Im bipolar and I don' get that many mood swings.)(And how Lacus seems to actually grow up from her encounter with Kira on tha Archangel in the beginning and after what happens to her later) I also like the fact that it is unpredictable. Many people die that you would never expert, or at least I did'nt. It is those qualities that make it anime. I'm quite sure ther was alot of scene cut from it for the CN veiwing though, whch is pretty dissapointing.(Anime is best viewed in it's pure form, do you guys agree?) As for Gundam SEED 2, it is called Gundam SEED Destiny.I believe it focuses on Athrun in the war after the war. I'm not sure if Kira's in this one. I do know a site where you can DL the Destiny episodes, so PM me if you want to know.
Ok for all u diehard fans of Hellsing, and for those who don't know this, but there is a second season to Hellsing. The first one is called Hellsing: Impure Souls and the second one is called Hellsing: Search and Destroy. I dont currently have the second one, but i plan to order it. A sfor the series, i think it is ranked with the best, both in anime and manga. I feel it blends action and story nicely. Alucard is just wicked, and Ceres can kick ***. In both the manga and tha anime Alucard keeps his stay cool/insane attitude, which is just too sweet.
Well im just about 18 (april 30th) and im getting a hold of the sailor moon uncut boxed set. Tell them its not like what they put on tv (which it isnt)and tell them they edited a whole load of stuff just to put it on tv and its really for 18 and up.
[QUOTE=tiffanyxii]Hey I’m Tiffany in Year 12 from sydney australia. This is my Society and Culture major assessment worth 30% of the whole course mark. It’d be greatly appreciated if you could fill out this quick survey as accurately as possible. all information disclosed is kept confidential and anonymous. [Preferably done by 23/04/05] THANKS =D 1. Age:- □ under 12 □ 13-18 □ 19-24 □ 25-30 □ 30 and above 2. Gender:- □ male □ female 3. Where are u from? (nationality, country) 4. How did u come across anime? - friends - family - media - interest in Japanese culture - Other_________________ 5. Do you think Anime influences u as a person? Explain 6. Research shows that anime is increasingly popular with the western world. Why do you think this is so? 7. What attracts you to anime? - it’s different - humour - appealing medium - violence -Other_____________________ Please explain your answer 8. Is your interest in Anime, in any way related to an interest in Japan or to learn about Japenese society? 9. Have you taken a Japanese language class or been to Japan? 10. Have you learned anything about Japanese culture, and if so, give 3 specific examples?[/QUOTE] 1) Age 18 2)Male 3) United States MI 4) I came across anime by watching Sailor Moon a few times with my little sisters.It was pretty good, so when I looked it up on the Web, I ran across the world of anime. 5) Yes, I think it does. It alters our intrests, such as people wanting to learn/visit/move to Japan. That is just one example. 6)It is increasingly popular because it lets people enter complex worlds of anime, unlike the Amerime, where it is regulated and kept clean and simple, not to metion redundant, so all people can see them. Anime on the other hand has classes for this kind of thing. For instance, if you want simple and for little kids, you got things like Pokemon. For young teens, you got DragonballZ, and Ruroni Kenshin(the TV version). For older teens and adults, you got Akira. And with each class, the stories get more complex and deeper meanings. :animesigh 7)What attracts me to anime is the story. I like to watch anime like Fullmetal Alchemist and Gundam Seed because The story runs deep and there is ofter more going on than you know. For instance ,anime like DBZ is quite boring because all it is is people beatin the living @#$! out of each other time after time, and the appeal just fades. 8)Yes. I learned quite alot from watching anime like Ruroni Kenshin, and anime that takes place in the present. In RK, you learn about what life was like back in the Meiji era, and the shows about the present, if you look closely you see some details. EX: school uniforms, taking off shoes outside the door, chores, Ect. 9)Not yet. I am planning a trip in the future to visit Japan, but Ive got too much going on right now. I just turned 18. 10)Yes. They are stated in #8.
Full Metal Alchemist is an excellent anime. It has a complex storyline and keeps you want to see more after every show. The last one i saw was when Al ran away. This show is very unpredictable which is what makes it so great.
I remember back in the day when Sailor moon was around. My sisters used to watch in then i got into it. It was pretty good. It was the gateway that lead me into anime. Im planning on ordering the series in the uncut version to see what thats like. Sailor Moon first reminded me of a comic book, but it was pretty addictive at first, but when CN started Gundam Wing, I was off.
Anime Best Anime Girl Tournament: Qualifiers *56K warning*
Darktigerpack17 replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Otaku Central
My first would have to be Ceres from Hellsing. She is timid and yet you dont want to piss her off. she opted to be a vampire in order to survive. very commedalbe. Next would be Naomi Armitage from Armitage: Duel Matrix and Armtage: Poly Matrix. She has a interesting personality and a nice body. Last would be Katsumi Liquer from Silent Mobius. She has her issues but shes still one of the best. -
I dont think Alucard is this Vlad guy. just cuz he impaled one guy, well six in the manga (Book 3) i doubt hes vlad. it just isnt his MO. Besides u have to remeber that hes not only a Nosferatu but can change into Cerberus ( the 2 headed dog guarding the gates of Hell) rumor from some other forums speak of Hellsing Season 2, but nothing defintie> Any one know anything? \I have Volumes 1-3 of the manga, and it is great.SPOILER Book 3 hints at Alucard and Anderson teaming up. This autta be good.
Hellsing was the @#$%!!!!! I loved it.I hope they continue the anime series to cover the fight with the millenium project and the nazis in the manga.id love to see Alucard fight the Dandy (Manga #3-4) in motion. As for the dress, isnt it typical of nightmarish creatures to dress that way? Can you think of one well known vampire in movies, anime, or games that dont dress that way. It ias part of thier stereotype.
Does anyone know how long the silent mobius manga series is? Ive otrdered books 1,3,4 off ebay, and they are incredibly thin. Im kinda new at this manga stuff so con u tell me if i got jipped? These arent as thick as my other books, and I m a little suspicious.
My most annoying character would have to be Ed from Cowboy Bebop. She is kinda ok but she is still too whack for my tastes.I know there are more but i cant think straight right now. Another annoying character in that flea from Inyasha. He does nothing but constant annoyance.
What is the best Mech series? Im not talking about Gundam, but mech shows like Dual, Blue Gender, Gene Shaft and what not. My favorite is Blue Gender. If I had one of those mechs I would trick it out sooo Bad the government would cry.
My favorite Gundam series is The 8th MS Team.What makes it great is that the Gundams aren't all mighty indestructible machines. They are just a step above a GM unit. These things can be blown to bits with out all the effort. The story is exceptionally well done as well. They keep the military atmosphere as well as develope a love story.10 out of 10. The worst is SD Gundam. That just made me cry. It was horrible and I almost lost faith in the Gundam series. But now that Gundam Seed has arrived, once again I beileve. I woul give SD a -999,999,999 out of 10. I didn't see all of Stardust Memory, but from what I saw it had something going for it. Based on what I've seen I give it a 8 out of 10. Gundam Wing was cool, but the Almighty indesructalbe Gundam Slowed it down for me. The story was great as with most Gundam, I give it a 9 out of 10. G Gundam was OK. It could be better. Ill make it short. 7 out of 10. I haerd rumor tha a new gundam series called Last Outpost is coming out. Anyone else know anything? :smirk:
My favorite anime characters are as follows: 1: Alucard from Hellsing. He's one bad *** %$#!#%&$% who don't take crap off no one. 2:Kenshin Himura from Ruronui Kenshin. He is someone you don't want to piss off. 3:Naomi Armitage from Armitage III. She hot and can kick your ***.
Anime Note: Sucky anime club. Need Help.
Darktigerpack17 replied to klinanime1's topic in Otaku Central
I think an anime club is an excellent idea. I should try it. A suggestion if your meetings are at a meembers house, subscribe to the Anime Network channel. It has anime all the time so no matter what time the meeting is, anime is available. The web site for Anime Channel is, [url]www.theanimenetwork.com[/url] -
Come on, DBZ is soooo redundant. Geez how many different ways can you punch a guy, give me a break, it is usually the same old thing show after show. :rolleyes:
What is the best old school anime? For me it would have to be either Fist of the North Star or Dirty Pair. Some of those old anime like that have like a rough look to them like the artist smeared their pencil or something, so I usually disregard some but there are a few that are pretty good.
The Chronicals of Riddick Dark Fury seems pretty cool, but Peters work lately with Animetrix and what not isnt too impressive. Is it any good or should i not waste my money?
My worst anime is Cyborg 009. That show gets on my nerves. Also anime where the characters blurt out the incredibly obvious (like Pokemon) is just BLAH. I prefer anime like Armitage,Trigun,Cowboy Bebop, Silent Mobius, Soultaker and such because the characters act just like a normal human would respond.
I would like a synopsis on Devil Hunter Yohko. Ive heard many different things about it,but I dont really know what its about. I cant get the manga or DVDs. But I have heard it was like Sailor Moon from one and kinda like Inyasha from the next. I have also heard I was quite popular, so please help me out. My e-mail is [email]Darktigerpack177@yahoo.com[/email]. Thank you.
Could you consider Big O as a anime? The title screen intro shows it in Japanese bit the artwork is so similar to Batman its pathetic. The storyline has the complexity of a authentic anime, but I'm not completely convinced. :smirk: