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About Toneh

  • Birthday 09/25/1987

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    ask me stuff , i realy suck at this
  • Occupation
    Selling Phones o_O

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  1. Although we don't live in the same country i share you opinion 100% ChibiHorsewoman, bush had his chance and imo the next one may come and give it a shot.Also the other things what you say are true about the fathers who wouldn't be returning home , ... although i'm not sure if i'm able to discuss this properatly by lack of information of certain things... :confused:
  2. [QUOTE=Yami_Bijou]I really like Hamtaro, and I'm 13!! Gee, is there something wrong with me? xD I also like Tokyo Mew Mew and Sonic the Hedgehog, most people call me immature, but I don't care! ^^ Is there an anime that you like that most people hate?:D[/QUOTE] haven't seen hamtaro & tokyo mew mew yet , but sonic even i watch it and i'm 17 :) always been a fan of it , and got the complete show here , can watch them any time i want and did that a couple of weeks ago ^^ there are multiple anime's that most people "hate" and i like but everyone has his own favo's and as long as you love watching them , do so :)
  3. I have multiple answers for this questions since i can't realy choose between the (near)250 games i have here... 1)Zelda ocarina of time(awsome game, always been a zelda fan & this one was realy the best one made so far IMO) 2)Final Fantasy 7: best final fantasy made ever , i also follow the games but i'm going to pass at 11 3)Perfect Dark: imo a great game , especialy for those days it was >>>>all other shooters on n64 4)Morrowind (on computer) : one of the best games i've ever seen in my life to be honest, alot of posibilitys 5)atm i'm a world of warcraft beta tester & enjoying the game alot , this is going to be one of the better games comming out in the near future 6)Diablo2:LoD : old , but still great game , have played this one for practicly 4 years , i quit playing last month... 7)Starcraft: and if the rumours are correctly i'm going to enjoy SC 2 aswell :) i realy can't pick just one , and all these names should be mentioned imo , all great games, they all where better then the others if u ask me.. :)
  4. Let him get to know your friends, let him see that there isn't anything to be jealous about ^_^ , i know many females who have more male friends then female friends , well their boyfriends are jealous aswell so they do it that way and helps most of the time , if that doesn't work ; can't help you then...(didn't feel like reading the intire thread so just read ur post and gave my answer ^^)
  5. I haven't had many to complain about with my ex girlfriend , although i had some hard issues to get over... she asked stupid questions aswell imo...or it where stupid answer from me , don't know actualy... for example : she:hun , why do you love me? me: because i was born to love you always and forever ,because we are soulmates , because ...(named most of the good things about us/her) her reaction : stupid reason :( imo there isn't any REAL reason WHY people fall in love, it just happens so i thought its a stupid question... (imo this is one of the stupidest things she said to me... so haven't really had that much bad luck with the girls so far... :))
  6. Obviously for my entertainment ; most of the story's are worked out nicely,for laughing the crap out of myself sometimes,the art,the special effects,the seeing things that will never happen or otherwise , the things that already happend , its something like another reality that i'm living in while i'm watching anime actualy.. sounds strange but with my lack of english i can't form it any clearer then this ^_^
  7. Worship , not really although there are multiple characters i like alot since they are my favo's from the show : -Kagome , she's so kewl and she can command inuyasha ^_^ -Kenshin , His Eyes when he was the legendary battousai are awsome -D-Boy(tekkaman blade) , His reactions are kewl sumtimes , haven't seen the whole show (yet) but this one can definatly be added to the list -Su(Love Hina): she's imo the funnyest character in the show ^^ -Chi(chobits): the way she is , especialy in the end she's awsome !!! -hellsing: i mean he's awsome , his moves,the way he acts (don't think i need an explenation for this one ^^) pity : keitaro(love hina) for sure ^^ fear : not really , its only a show to me , i watch them cuz they entertain me , not because i'm scared greetz Toneh(btw 1st posts here , you'll prolly see more after time reaches ^^)
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