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Lynn Luck

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Everything posted by Lynn Luck

  1. [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I'm starting to wacth the whole seires of [B]Excel Saga[/B] again. I'm using the AD-Vidnotes this time, so that I'll understand it more, and it'll be more funny. I also wacth [B]Chobits[/B] on Anime Network on Demand a few times too. Then again, I also wacth my [B]Tokyo Mew Mew[/B] fansubs whenever I'm on my family's computer. (Or just listen to it, if I'm busy with something on the Net.) When I get [B]Fruits Basket[/B] and [B]Azumanga Daioh[/B], I'm sure going to wacth them alot. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [quote name='Dan Rugh']I used to be obsessed with InuYasha when it first started airing in the US about 2 years ago. At that time I believed that the dubbing was pretty good.... Then when I bought the first volume on DVD, I noticed how much better the Japanese voice actors were. Kagome's English actor is very fake and unbelievable in her acting. InuYasha's voice is also pretty annoying with the way they make him talk in slang sometimes. Yamaguchi Kappei does a VERY good representation of a half human, half dog demon whereas Richard Cox just sucks at it. I have since gotten over InuYasha because I've realized how repetetive and mediocre it is.[/quote] [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Ah, yes. The [B]Inuyasha[/B] dub. Some of the voice are great, (such as Miroku's and Sango's) and some, as you have already said, are fake and annoying. (such as Inuyasha's, Kagome's, and Shippou's.) I've grown out of Inuyasha myself, but that doesn't mean I don't wacth it for old times sake.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [quote name='Dan Rugh']Furi Kuri has an excellent English dub. Many reviews I have read on it say that it's dub is better than the original Japanese track. I don't know if I agree with this, but I think I prefer the Japanese track for this as well. I do really like Naota's English voice actor since I don't believe I've heard him in any other series before unlike many of the recycled VAs we know of today. Haruko's voice was also done very well because she sounds damn close to the seiyuu who voiced her originally. That was a good move.[/quote] [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Though I've never seen [B]Furi Kuri[/B] subbed, I have seen the dubbed verson on Cartoon Network, and I agree that it is a very good dub. Then again, Furi Kuri is one of my favorites.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [quote name='Dan Rugh']I know that everyone's gonna say this because it's probably the most popular anime among Americans (who aren't 8), but Cowboy Bebop was done well also. I've never actually heard the original Japanese track for Cowboy Bebop so I can't truly gauge how good it is, but it sounds good enough for me.[/quote] [FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I have heard the Japanese track for [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B], but the dub is much better. Ed's Japanese voice sounds bored and non-hyperactive, while Faye's voice sounds naggy. Their English voices, however, fit them perfectly. I also thought all the Mizaki films I've seen ([B]Spirited Away[/B], [B]Princess Monoke[/B], and [B]Kiki's Delivery Service[/B].) were good dubs. You'd think that Disney would mistreat them and give them horriable dub voice, but no, the dub voices were great! Other good dub are [B]Chobits[/B] and [B]Wolf's Rain[/B]. I also think the [B]Full Metal Alchemist[/B] dub is good. As for wrost dubs, I'd have to give that prize to anime that were Americanized, such as [B]Sailor Moon[/B], [B]Yugioh[/B], or [B]One Piece[/B]. (Stupid 4Kids, hehhehheh.)[/font][/size][/color]
  3. [SIZE=2][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I always have weird dreams, but I can never really remember them. And the ones I do remember, I can't exactly explain. It's..just weird. They're useually about anime. (Heh, this shows how obsessed I am.) Maybe when I have another one, I'll edit this and tell you guys about it, though I doubt you really care.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE=Lady Katana][color=darkblue]Rurouni Kenshin was featured in SJ, then went to graphic novel format. Volumes 1-7 (they are presently at the beginning of the Legend of Kyoto saga) are currently available from Viz. As Shonen Jump itself is owned by Viz, all the manga featured and shown in series in SJ are licensed to Viz. Only the anime rights to such are what get thrown elsewhere (i.e. Rurouni Kenshin is Media Blasters and Shaman King, One Piece and Yu-Gi-Oh! are 4Kids/FUNimation). Everyone else is waiting to see where Naruto goes (God, I wish it were ADV for some reason...), but more than likely it'll go to 4Kids/FUNi. Viz doesn't publish FMA, but after searching for a good 15 minutes, I still couldn't find out who does. Oo; I know I've seen it in Books and Company, though. >.>; As for manga I'd like to see... After Dagger mentioned it, Death Note seems like a manga that I might enjoy. They could also stick Rockman.EXE (or Megaman: NT Warrior) in, too. :p[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Thought so. Never hurts to ask. ^-^ I only have vol.1 of Rurouni Kenshin. (Going to get more soon...Hopefully. -.-) Yeah, Naruto would be best done be ADV. (Then again, ADV [I]is[/I] my favorite ^^) [/COLOR]
  5. [quote name='Dan Rugh']If you're gonna count any anime that has a church in it, throw in Hellsing. I'm sure your mom would love you watching that. haha Chrno Crusade has a lot of blood and killing in it even though the main character is a nun. I'm sure Christian mothers wouldn't want their poor little children being exposed to that kind of stuff.[/quote] [COLOR=Olive]True. ^^;; Very true. I'll keep it away from small children, don't worry. Haven't seen Hellsing yet. (Looks interesting...)[/COLOR]
  6. [quote name='ThatOneOddDude'] Hey, does Viz have Fullmetal Alchemist?[/quote] [color=green]Hmm...I don't know. o_O Anyway, I would be pretty happy if the put Rurouni Kenshin in Shonen Jump. (Or did they already do that....O_o someone please tell me.) I would also like it if they'd put Wild Half in SJ. (I read about it in a old Shonen Jump. You might not know about it. PM me for info.) Other then that, I think SJ's just fine the way it is.[/color]
  7. [quote name='Hittokiri Zero']Nope hate to dissapoint you Tom "Chrno Crusade" is in no way whatsoever related to "Chrono Trigger".[/quote] [color=orange]Hmm....I was wondering if they were related. Anyway, I just got the first DVD a few days ago. It's very interesting, and I'm thinking about finding some fansubs while I wait for vol.2 Hey..when is vol.2 coming out anyway?.[/color]
  8. [color=royalblue]Hmm...The only Chiristian anime I can think of are Chrno Crusade, Trigun, and Big O. I also think Zakuro from Tokyo Mew Mew might be Christian... [B][U]Evidence[/B][/U] In episode 10, (The one where she makes her first appearance.) we she her praying in a chruch. Then, later in the same episode, she's at the chruch again. This means that she might be Christain. (She might be there for another reason, so we aren't 100% sure.) Well, that was pointless....O_o[/color]
  9. [quote name='Pumpkin][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1] Although I haven't exactly seen this series, I actually think it looks pretty good. (Hence my banner is actually FROM Tokyo Mew Mew...its the green one I just colorized it so it looks orange ^.^) The purple girl also looks cool. I love the fact that they are chibi and cat ears I mean whats not to love? I hate how they are taking advange of the new thing being everything 'tokyo' and coming out with the cat dolls and barbies.."Tokyo a Go Go" Ugh please. [/FONT'][/SIZE][/quote] [color=orange] Yeah, I think it's dumb how they're doing that too. Ugh. Anyway, I can't tell you where to find a fansub right here. [I]But[/I] I can PM you. (I'll do that after I finish with this.) Oh, and the green one's Retsu (aka Lettuce) and the purple one's Zaruko. Not to sound like a know-it-all or anything, just telling you. ^^;; P.S. Cool banner!^-^ [B]edit[/B]:Man, this topic hasn't had any replys in a long time. O_o[/color]
  10. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1] Mark my words, Bleach is going to be incredible. I'll admit right off the bat that I don't know too much about it, but I loved Yu Yu Hakusho's irreverent portrayal of the afterlife and I can't wait to see another shounen action series which tackles similar themes. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue]Yeah, it also reminds me of Shaman King alittle bit. (Well, sort of.) I also think it's going to be good. Then again, I've always liked ghosts. Anyway, I'm going to look for it tomorrow. Can't right now, gotta get off soon. -_-;;[/COLOR]
  11. [color=cyan]I was looking around the Anime Lounge, and I was surprised that there wasn't a Tokyo Mew Mew thread.Especially since 4Kids'[/color] [B][color=red]slaughtering[/color][/B] [color=cyan]it. It's a very good anime compaired to Inu Yasha and such. (Not that I don't like Inu Yasha, it's just [I]way[/I] to popular.) Well, [I]I[/I] think it's very good atleast. Then again, I've always liked the magical girl genre. And chibis. And cats. ^_^ Anyway, it needed a thread. Oh, and [B]don't[/B] call it a Sailor Moon rip-off. It may be [I]very[/I] simallier to it, (Especially Sailor Moon R/Season two.) but that doesn't make it a rip. Personally, I like TMM alittle bit more then Sailor Moon, but that's my opinion. Ok, now I'm rambling...[/color]
  12. [COLOR=Red]Ranma 1/2-I've been reading the manga for some time now, and it's really funny and interesting. I want to see how much the manga and anime are different too.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Naruto-I've also read the manga of this one. It's good, but not great. I've also always wondered what Naruto sounded like.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Fruits Basket-I've heard that it's really funny. And you know how much I love funny anime. ^_^[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Love Hina-I've heard that this is also really funny.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]Fuushi Yuugi-I've heard about it, and it sounds interesting.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Princess Monoke-Hey, it's made by Miyazaki-sama,so of course it's good. I've also read alittle about it, and it sounds neat.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Tokyo Mew Mew-I've read the manga for this one also. It's cute and funny. I also want to see how it was before 4kids ruined it. Those bastards.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]One Piece-I've read a little bit of the manga. It's ok. I also want to see how ot orignally was too.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Dragon Half-I've seen a preview about it on a Excel Saga DvD of mine. It looks really funny! ^_^[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Steel Angel Kurumi-Another preview. Looks cool.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]Maison Ikkou-I've heard a little about this, and it sounds interesting. It's also by Takahashi-sama, so I want to see how good it is.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Urusei Yatsura-Another one by Takahashi-sama. Sounds interesting.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]The Samurai-Yet another preview. Looks interesting.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Card Captor Sakura-Well, since Nelvenia (Or however the hell you spell it.) ruined, I wanted to see how it's SUPPOSED to be.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Red=I really want to see this!![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Blue=I look forward to seeing it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]Gray=I'm not excited about it, but I do want to check it out.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Of course, there's also the DvDs of anime that are on tv, but I'll get to that later..[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]EDIT-Ok Dagger, I'll put down why I want them. :sweat: Gomen nasai.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Blue]Is airing in Japan tonight! No wait...I could be wrong. I'm not very good with all that timezone crap, so it might have already happened...ah hell with it. It happened on Septmember 13th at 7:00Pm Japan time that's for sure...[/COLOR]
  14. [quote name='DetectiveMikeRS'] My dad lets me watch it but he makes fun of it because he still has a grudge on Japan after Pearl Harbor even though it happend 11 years before he was born and all that, he doesn't like Japan for that one incident. Then he goes on making fun of the names of characters, the title of the show, the character design, etc.[/quote] [COLOR=Blue]That's childish. Anyway, like EVA Unit 100 said, he sould wacth Grave of the Firefiles. That might change his mnd about Japan.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Blue]I think I was 5 or 6 when I started. (I'm 12 now.) My first anime was Sailor Moon. I then started to like Pokemon, (which I hate now.) Digimon, and Kiki's Delvery Service. Fastforward to 4 or 5 years later. I was 11 years old (I think.) when I saw InuYasha one night. I was hooked on it from then on. The reason that it was important for me was because InuYasha eventually lead me to other anime such as Yu Yu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, and Trigun. Another important event happened this August. I had just got the Excel Saga boxset. This was also important because it's the first anime I've seen that's not on tv.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]And that's my anime biograhpy![/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=James][color=#707875]I'm sorry about your uncle, Serraph-Angel. Losing a family member is never an easy thing, but it's made even worse under these circumstances. I hope that your family is doing okay. In some ways, when I look back at September 11, I think that it shook off a lot of the naive points of view amongst young people. Most people my age won't really remember the Cold War; perhaps those in their late 20's and early 30's will have vague memories of it. But even they wouldn't have really been old enough to understand the situation at the time. The first war that I really remember vividly is Gulf War I. I say this because I think that we (people around my age) have been very lucky to grow up during the 80's and 90's. Those two decades were, by and large, incredibly peaceful (especially compared to the first half of the century). Thankfully most of us never knew what it was like to live with the constant threat of annihilation, or with the idea that a psychopathic dictator might actually take over the world. September 11 really woke a lot of people up. I will never forget the night that I saw it (it was during the evening here in Australia). I remember turning the news on randomly and seeing that the first tower had been hit. But at that point, everyone just assumed that it was an accident. I called my mum, to show her. And as we were watching the news, eveything unfolded; the second plane hit before our very eyes and the two towers crumbled while we were watching. I have never experienced anything like that. Sure, it was on television...but at that moment, I felt an incredible sense of grief. I was in tears as I watched it. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. In retrospect, it was an experience that really reinforced the idea that freedom is an incredibly valuable thing. And sometimes that freedom does come under threat. As much as we'd like to believe that we live in a civilized world, where we can debate and discuss all of our problems...sometimes there are people who can't be talked to. People who believe that they are being guided by God and are doing his bidding. I think that in this situation, it's a question of us or them, in all honesty. Do we roll over and put our heads in the sand, or do we eliminate that threat? Surely that shouldn't even be a question. It reminds me of World War II, to some degree. I was going back and reading TIME magazine archives (specifically, their "Man of the Year" articles). If you go back and read the Man of the Year, 1938 (Adolf Hitler), you'll get an amazing sense of history. But you'll also see what preceeded the actual war. Prime Minister Chamberlain continually visited with Hitler, in an attempt to talk him into submission (or at least, to negotiate a peace). As we know, Hitler wasn't a rational human being. He was a bloodthirsty psychopath and the [i]only[/i] way to stop him was to deal him a swift and fatal blow. Unfortunately that blow came too late and [i]almost[/i] resulted in Hitler winning the war (and to think that it could have been more catastrophic; some 46 million people died in that war -- [b]46 million[/b] -- we can't possibly imagine what that's like in today's world). It may sound that what I'm saying is highly political. But I don't think it is. For me, this is a highly personal philosophy. September 11 reminded me not only how much I value the society that I live in, but it also reminded me that I can't be so naive as to think that there aren't threats out there. There [i]are[/i] forces who would like very much to destroy everything that my culture and society represents. As awful as that seems, it's a realization that I think everyone needs to have. Also, the Internet is an interesting part of this terrible experience. I'd never really considered the people that I talk to on the Internet in the same way that I would with "real life" friends. But on that day, one of my first thoughts was that I was worried for those who live in NYC; particularly those who I know. I do have one very good friend there and on September 11, I felt a little frantic...I wanted to make sure that he was okay. I can't imagine how it would have been if I'd had family in that city (or in Washington D.C.) And apart from all of that, I think that September 11 was made additionally painful simply because Australia has a pretty close relationship with America. Although that kind of link may not be felt by many people, I definitely feel it. I guess it's a kind of solidarity, with a country that is so similar to my own and that shares the same core beliefs. It's true to say that America being hit felt like a hit against the entire democratic world. It's hard to explain...it's an intangible thing. But it's there. It's also interesting, if you go back and look at the topics in Otaku Lounge, you can actually find the threads that popped up as soon as this event took place. That's quite a piece of history there. As terrible as that day was, I find it quite incredible to actually find that piece of history marked in such a vivid way on our little site here. Somehow the fact that our community was so touched by the event also served to reinforce its value, if you know what I mean. I'm not sure how well I'm explaining that. But I think that the shared experience on OtakuBoards was something that made me realize that our community, for all its flaws, is still to be valued. September 11 also reinforced, for me, the idea that tolerance is so critical in today's world. It is critical not simply because it makes people feel better or something, but because it's part of survival. It's a component to a civilzed world. I've always thought that if you are living in a civilized society, you practice tolerance. Terrorism, particularly religious fundamentalist terrorism, is maybe the most potent example of the extreme end of interolance. My view is that, especially when we're living in a time where there are people who want to kill us and destroy our societies, the [i]last[/i] thing we should be doing is creating divisions amongst ourselves. The atmosphere after September 11 was so comforting, because for a while, people disregarded their differences and focused on the elements that we all share. Unfortunately, that didn't last very long. Now you have people like Jerry Falwell blaming gays for September 11, among other things. Although I'm not particularly religious, I somehow feel that God would be very disappointed at how quickly the goodwill has faded. I wish that people would remember the post-September 11 period a little more often, so that they may think twice before making a divisive comment or doing something hurtful to someone else.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red]True. True....*sigh*[/COLOR] [COLOR=white]Here's a poem for the morned, and the morning... [U]Only Human[/U] Every time I think of... that day, all of the pain and suffering, it makes me want to cry. Cry, cry, until I can cry no more. It's sad, that we can not all live together in peace. In a world where people of all races, religons, and cultres can live in harmony. Where there's no sorrow or agony. But, there can never be such a place. Why you ask? It is because...we are...only...human.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I hope you liked it. Actually, it's the first angsty poem that I've written ..er, typed. Useually, I write stuff that is funny and happy...But not today.. May all those lost souls rest in peace.....[/COLOR]
  17. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']The most overrated anime series of all time has to be DB/Z/GT. DB was actually pretty good with some fun battles and humor but was still overhyped. DBZ was more repetitive and dragged out than DB and oddly enough it was even more overhyped. DBGT wasn't even needed, and lacked any redeeming qualities it's predicessors had and yet it was still popular.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]True. Very true. Actually, not alot of people seem to like them very much any more, so I guess it isn't [I]overly[/I] overrated.[/COLOR] [quote name='EVA Unit 100']Inu-Yasha (and nearly everything else by Rumiko Takahashi) is also a decent show but it does get repetitive later on and 90% of its fans go way too crazy for it. [/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Actually, I think Inu-Yasha's the only one that's overrated. Besides, I haven't seen much of Ranma or Maison Ikkou around here. Not that I'm saying that Inu-Yasha's bad (It's actually one of my favorites.) but it's surpising that it has THAT many fans. It scares me sometimes. o_O[/COLOR]
  18. [quote name='EVA Unit 100']My mom and dad both love Inu-Yasha and think it's one of the nicer animes they let me and my sister watch and we own the movie on DVD and watch new episodes every Saturday.[/quote] [COLOR=red] Well, my mom knows that I wacth Inu-Yasha, (Actually, I think that's the only anime she knows. That, and Yu-Gi-Oh.) and she let's me wacth it. But, I have no idea if she likes it or not. She's only seen one episode. (Luckily, it had no blood or bad words. I don't think she knows that it has bad words in it. I really don't want to check either. :eek: ) I also think my dad's seen it onuce. Mom said he wacthed it, and that he thought it was funny. Hmm... [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkRed]*sigh* One of you mods can close it now. No one seems to like it......[/COLOR]
  20. [quote name='Deimos][color=Teal][size=1]Don't copy my favorite font color -.- lol.Also you should include that in you plot if you already did then forget what I just said.I didn't read that I am just writing this from memory so I might be wrong.[/size'][/color][/quote] [color=Blue]Actually, I just put that on my (failing) RPG's first post. Oh, and I'm sorry I copied your fav font color. I just also like it. ^-^ [size=1][color=Red][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2]I think this sort of thing can be kept to PM's, don't you? ^^ - Bio[/size] [/font][/color][/size] [/color]
  21. [quote name='Squall']I read it juat now, and it sounds like you made it up in about two seconds. I would advise putting more detail and thought into it, perhaps adding some more plot and explain some things (i.e yokai, the kingdoms, shadow, other creatures, the island, the islands response to the shadow, ect.) Your story could really be summed up into "There was once paradise until bad people came to destry it."[/quote] [COLOR=Teal]*ahem* I didn't tell everthing about the story for a reason. I wanted the readers to learn more about the Shadows, Gods and so on as the story progressed. If the learned to much when they first started, that would ruin the mystery about it. Makes sense doesn't it? Who knows, maybe people will like it when they read some of it.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Blue]Why hasen't anyone relied to my RPG? I put it up a few days ago, and no one has replied. I know how to do RPGs and I've read and been in a few, so I know what I'm doing. Is it the story that people don't like? Or has no one even bothered to read it?[/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Yes, you can. That's the kind of thing private messages are for. And just to make it extra-clear--links themselves are not forbidden, as there are times when pointing out a specific site may help someone resolve an argument or provide pertinent information. However, linking to illegal material (including fansubs) is not permitted. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Red]Thanks for telling me Dagger! ^_^ Oh, and how can you direct link to something? Just wanted to know.[/COLOR]
  24. [quote name='junkobakaiba']Oooo! There making an un-edited Yu-Gi-Oh!? Diffidently getting that!!!! ::goes totally crazy:: :wigout: I've looked for good sites to download the sub of Inuyasha but I can never find any... the site my friends used was taken down or something (which totally stinks!) but if I ever manage to find a site that?s got downloads its a weird torrent document I think and I cant get it to work:( ah well... if you could post some links that would be great!! :wigout: :wigout:[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue] Sorry, but we're not alowed to. -_- Solo said so. Hey, Solo. Can we tell people links on a PM or are we not aloud to do that either? I don't think so, but I was just wondering..[/COLOR]
  25. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']Amazingly enough I am an American and I'm pretty disgusted with the way my country seems to think we're the police of the world.[/color][/quote] [COLOR=Green]Same here. I'm sick of Americans always calling Ameica "The greatest country" and so on,and I'm American. I know it's their own opinion and all, but it get's annoying after a while. Beside, America's not that great anyway.....I'm moving to Canada when I grow up.[/COLOR]
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