Lynn Luck
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[COLOR=Blue]Story:In the middle of Mystic Sea, there is a island blessed with green forests, clear waters, and fresh air. It is also a place where humans, yokai, and other creatures live together in harmony. It is called Moonlight Isle. It is like a Paradise on Earth, so to speak. It was onuce peaceful, until wicked creatures that call themselves Shadows came to the Isle. They don't want to conqer the Isle, nor do they care about it. They just want the destruction of it and all who live on it. The destruction of the whole world infact! Genre:fantasy/ adventure (Some comedy might also be included.) How to do this:You can either A.)Fight on either side (good or evil.) or B.)Live on the Isle without being in the war. (If you want this option, choose neutral when you make your character.) Other:There is five Kingdoms on the Isle:Forest, Ocean, Moutain, Heaven and Field. The Kingdom a person belongs in affects where they live, and what elemental magic they can control. (Moutain:Fire, Ocean:Water, Forest:Earth, Heaven:Wind and Field:None.) However, elemental priests/ priestesses can control all elements. There are also Gods and Goddesses that protect Moonlight Isle. They have magic skills that humans and yokai cannot learn. (If you want to be a God/Goddess, please say what you rule over.) How to make your character:(And expample.) Name:Lynn Age:Unkown (Looks 12) Gender:female Race:ookami hanyou (half wolf demon.) Apperance:Hair-Long and blue usuley down or in a pony tail; Eyes-Green;Other-gray ookami ears, gray ookami tail, fangs and claws. (You can also put down clothes, but it's not needed. And no,I did not say that you can't wear clothes.) Personality:Happy-cheerful, kind and funny; Mad-dead serious and mean; Sad-Depressed (Doesn't last long though.); Other-Sarcastic when annoyed, and very loyal to her friends. and family. Occupation:Warrior/Elemental Priestess Weapons/Powers:Katana,control of four elements, can talk to animals and can change into a grey wolf with glowing green eyes. Side:Good Kingdom:Forest Bio: Lynn is a young girl who is deeply connected with animals (esspicially wolves.) and has spcieal powers.She used to live in a nice little village with her Parents and little brother That was, until the Shadows came.They killed the whole village, including her parents.The only surviors were her and her brother Leon, who was instead taken by the Shadows. (The reason is still unclear.) She is after the Shadows to advenge her village and parents and get her brother back. She took her black cat, Bell (Who also survived the masscre.)and remaining possions and left the ruined village to find the Shadows wereabouts. (We'll learn more 'bout her later...) On my next post, I'll tell you guys more about the Isle, the Shadows, and more. Have fun! ~_^[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]EDIT:Please don't pay attention to the fact that I misspelled legend up there. -__-[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]EDIT:For those of you who want to know more detail about the story, you will find out. You have to wait to learn all the facts, or else that'll ruin the surpise. If no one replies soon, I'll ask one of the mods here to close this thread. I really don't want that to happen ...So please sing up if you want to. This is a liminted time offer. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]!!! CLOSED !!![/COLOR] [color=green]Lynn Luck, I moved this to the Adventure Inn, which is the forum for recruitment threads. Once you've gotten enough signups feel free to start a new thread in the Adventure Square. If you have any questions feel free to PM me :). --terra[/color]
[quote name='junkobakaiba']the only problem with subs is if you have a dub that you like then you watch the sub then go back to watching the dub you usually don't like the dub much anymore... thats what happened to me with Inuyasha I had seen a few of the dub and really liked it then when we went to our freinds house they had some of the sub so we watched that... when I got home and got to watch Inuyasha again (they didn't have Cartoon Network because we were up at their beach house) I relized how of all the voices were...[/quote] [COLOR=Teal]Heh,same thing happened to me. Actually, I'm going to quit wacthing the Inu dub and start wacthing only sub. (Maybe even raw if I learn enough Japanese.) How can I do that you ask? Well, you can download Inu-Yasha episodes off the net. (I'll post some links if you want.) Oh,and are you going to buy the unedited Yu-Gi-Oh coming out soon? Just wondering. (Sorry if I was off topic.)[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=ScirosDarkblade] Anyway, (to the rest of y'all) if anyone starts nuking the earth any time soon, it's gonna be terrorists who obtain nuclear bombs. It won't be civilized countries. And it won't be enough to wipe out human civilization, let alone the species. If anything's a major threat realistically, it's disease. No doubt about it.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]You have a piont. And disease is another possiblity.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE]I agree I've ranted to my freinds a lot about wat evil 4Kids Animation has done to Yu-Gi-Oh! :is sad: won't get into that now because I doubt you all want to read over six pages of how 4Kids Animation ruined Yu-Gi-Oh! ...and they didn't even make the first season in the US ...but knowing them and how much they take out each episode of the first season would be five minutets long :sighs:[/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Glad someone agrees! ^_^ Then again,who wouldn't?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Red]Hmm, I have to say that pokemon's the wrost. DBZ being in second and Reign is thrid. I'm surpirsed no one said Reign yet.[/COLOR]
[quote name='EVA Unit 100'] And sorry, but Yu-Gi-Oh sucks. It tries so desperate to be serious, but the pure stupidity of the plot prevents it from being serious, and it tries to be an action show, but 99.5% of it is talking about the action and only .5% of it is the action.[/quote] [COLOR=Green]Actually,that's what 4Kids MADE it into. The orignal Yu-Gi-Oh is way better.[/COLOR] [quote name='EVA Unit 100']However, I agree with you that Dragonball/Z/GT and Pokemon both suck.[/quote] [COLOR=Green]True. Very, very true.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray]Dective Conan/Case Closed is unique from other anime. I mean,have you ever heard of a dective anime? I had my doubts before I saw it, but the first time I did, I stayed up to wacth the next episode, and the one after that and so on.The crimes are also unique and are pulled out in so many diffrent ways. [/COLOR][COLOR=SlateGray]It also reminds me of when I wanted to be a dective when I was little. ^_^[/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]It's also fun to try to solve the cases before Conan does. Most of the time I can't though...[/COLOR]
[quote name='Neuvoxraiha][COLOR=MediumTurquoise']Being on Honor role is nothing but an ability to process busywork given by teachers. I know. I was a 4.17 GPA in high school. Being an Honor roll student in junior high/middle school means jack. Science also, has very little to do with politics, so I don't see a point in bringing that up either.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Blue]I know science and the Honor Role have nothing to do with this. I was proving that I'm smart enough to understand politics.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Look people,I'm just a kid here,and I must admit, I don't know everthing about this, but could you atleast be just a LITTLE bit nicer? It wouldn't hurt.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Alchemist']it is hard to take your post even remotely serisouly with all those goddamn smiles in your signature. And you're only 12. Unless you are some super smart kid, you are doing what every 12 year old does: spitting out your parents politcal preferences.[/quote] [COLOR=Teal]Hey,don't underesitamate me just because I'm 12! I know what the hell I'm talking about.Besides,my parents don't even tell me about that stuff! I wacth the news by my own free will thank you very much. That, and I'm on the Honor Role AND I was a finalist in a science esay contest. That's proof enough that I'm smart enough to know this stuff. Besides, I'm not excatly hearing how old YOU are. So that might mean you're only about a few years older then me. Think about what you say next time. You might have your tongue cut off if you don't. *smirks*[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]P.S.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]The smilies have nothing to do with this damnit![/COLOR]
Clowns:funny guys or pointless wastes of space?
Lynn Luck replied to poo62.2's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]On an off-topic note, did anyone see the Yu-Gi-Oh! movie? There's a scene where a clown [spoiler]stabs Yugi through the heart![/spoiler] Creepy, no?[/color][/size'][/font][/quote] They kept that in the movie?! Wouldn't 4Kids take that part out? Not that I want them to. I'm going to see that movie :devil: [COLOR=DarkGreen]Onto the topic! Like ultimamilz said, it depends on the clown...[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkRed]It will either be bown up,or get so poullted that we can't breath and all die of suffocation. Either way, it will be the fault of all the bastards and bitches of the world. They'll all burn in hell anyway. :smirk:.. *sigh*...Humans...so ignorant, crowdly and arrogant. I'm not human by the way...:demon: Let's just enjoy life while we can. I have a feeling it's going to end soon....-_-[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue]Kerry! I don't trust Bush one bit. That,and he has done some VERY stupid things in the past. Do we want him to do anymore stupidity that'll end innocent people's lives? HELL NO!! I'm with Kerry all the way!! To bad I'm only 12...... -_-[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen]P.S.[/COLOR] [COLOR=YellowGreen]I hope you're husband comes home safely. I don't like it when people die...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]EDIT:Ok,I changed my mind. I have no idea who I really want for president. I thought it out a bit. Both of them have their pros and cons. So, I guess I just have to wait 'till Noveber to find out who the hell wins...[/COLOR]
[quote name='Deimos']Nope,I looked in the rave master book and they show all the manga's she made and Ranma 1/2 was one of them.If you want me to go check again I will.I might even be able to find a picture of it too.[/quote] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Hmm...Well, you know about the little biograhy 'bout the great Takahashi-sama in the back of most of her manga? Well, it says nothing about her making Rave Master. I'll find out more about Rave Master first.[/COLOR]
[quote name='Deimos']I heard of Rumiko Takashi!She is the person who made Rave Master.[/quote] Rave Master? Were did you hear that? I think you might be wrong. The only manga that I know she made are InuYasha, Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkou, and a few others. You might have her mistaken for someone else.
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]My Mom and Grandma don't mind me wacthing anime,and my Dad doesn't even know I WACTH anime! Then again,they don't know what I wacth. :devil: Yeah,my Grandma would be VERY mad at my for wacthing something with blood and curse words like Wolf's Rain or Cowboy Bebop.[/COLOR][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Highly doubt my Mom would be very happy either...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]EDIT:I forgot to mention that my Grandma wacthed alittle bit of Yuu Yuu Hakusho (The edited verison I sould say.) and wanted me to change the channel. It was the episode when [SPOILER] Kawabara had to keep from fighting for a week.[/SPOILER] It was because of the fighting. -_- *sigh* Oh well.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]EDIT YET AGAIN:I just asked my mom if it was ok for me to wacth anime. She said "It's alright as long as it doesn't have violence or nudity and stuff like that." Oh crap. O_o Most of the anime I wacth has violence in it, (ex:InuYasha, Wolf's Rain, Cowboy Bebop.) and I'm going to get a Ranma 1/2 DvD soon, which (Of course.)has nudity on it.Then there's the infoumas 26th Excel Saga episode... I REALLY hope she won't walk in at the wrong times...-_-[/COLOR]
[quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']I've seen a few episodes of Ranma, but I honestly can't remember too much from them. Probably because my memory is going. I do remember one of the movies tho when the guy steals Akane (did I get that wrong?)[/color][/quote] I think there is one like that. Haven't seen it,but I did see a comerical like thing on a old tape of mine. I think it was a pokemon one. :ball: Now I have to do is find the damn thing! -_- (the tape. So I can see the comercial again to make sure that it's the Ranma movie you're talking 'bout.)
[QUOTE=Yami_Bijou]I really like Hamtaro, and I'm 13!! Gee, is there something wrong with me? xD I also like Tokyo Mew Mew and Sonic the Hedgehog, most people call me immature, but I don't care! ^^ Is there an anime that you like that most people hate?:D[/QUOTE] [FONT=Trebuchet MS COLOR=RoyalBlue]Actually,I liked to wacth Hamtaro when it was on Cartoonnetwork, and I'm starting to read the Tokyo Mew Mew manga,and I'm 12! So you're not the only one. Then again,I am pretty immature. :whoops: :rotflmao:[/FONT]