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Sir Gawain

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Everything posted by Sir Gawain

  1. [b][i]New Soviet Union Research Base ODIN 23 miles East of Mirnyi[/i][/b] [left][b][i]1300 Hours 2783 C.E. (Common Era)[/i][/b][/left] [b][/b] Mikhail Grondovich was a loyal soldier of the KGB. Even in the subzero cold that threatend to strangle him, he remained at his post. Two members of the Politburo were inisde the facility, speaking with the scientists. He would not allow anyone, anything, to get past him to kill vital political leaders of the State. "This doesn't seem like too hard of a job, eh, Comrade?" asked Ivan Boroskvy, the KGB agent on the other side of the door. "All we do is sit tight and hope we don't freeze to death before our Comrade Ministers leave. Then, a nice hot meal and excellent 'compensation' for our efforts." Mikhail had to smile at the thought. He knew exactly what Ivan meant by 'compensation.' [i]But do not forget, [/i]he told himself, [i]that first you have to keep alive[/i]. [i]Only then will you enjoy after dinner entertainment[/i]. The minutes ticked slowly by with nothing happening. Mikhail thought he saw something moving in the snow a hundred meters off, but Ivan said it was just the cold playing with his mind. An hour passed. [i]Even mammoths couldn't stand this[/i], Mikhail thought. "What do you think they are doing in there? Rearringing matter like in that silly cartoon my father keeps? Hey, are you listen-" Mikhail turned to see his companion's head missing from his neck and let loose a blood curtling scream. It took him several seconds to realize what had removed the man's skull. A large, sharpened wedge of some kind was stuck in the wall behind the corpse, right at about Ivan's neck would have began. He noticed a heavy looking chain tied to the end and followed it back to the source, an enormous man with hulking muscles, and what looked like a hundred yards of the chain were draped around his neck. When the giant spoke, it was in perfect Russian, complete with the stereotypical deep voice. "You like, Comrade? It is an antique, from Twelfth century Russia. The very blade that cut off my head." The man grinned wickedly, pulling down the chains to reveal what Mikhail only knew were stitches because the man had mentioned being beheaded. It almost made him vomit. "What is wrong my friend? Are you upset that I killed your partner there? Don't worry, you'll be seeing him again soon enough." The giant tugged on the chain and pulled the massive blade easily out of the wall. Mikhail didn't even have time to aim his rifle before it came at him. Five minutes later, every scientist in the N.S.R. ODIN base was dead, as was every security guard and soldier. The brute had only one man left to kill before his men could come in and take control of the facility. The Minister of Defense was on his knees, begging to be spared. "I wish I was sorry, Comrade, but my boss wants everyone here dead. You were only in the wrong place at the wrong time." "Before I die, what shall I tell Saint Peter my murderer's name was?" the Minister sobbed. The giant stopped his advance to think it over. "You may tell the devil that it was Gulliotine who killed you, but yourself that doomed your soul to Hell." One sickening thud later, another pool of blood was spreading across the linoleum floor. - - - I was thinking of making this an RP, but my idea sounded corny after I finished writing this. Didn't want to waste all that typing though. I'll update this at about 4 pm tomorrow if I can. Untill then, whatd'ya think? I accept all criticism, constructive and flame. But for those who flame, I don't give a rat's *************&**** about what you have to say.:D
  2. Thomas had to practically drag Cerebrus down the sidewalk. Which was no easy feat mind you. The usually fearless beast was wimpering, refusing to search the ground for any trace of the others. "Move it! Useless mutt!" he teased. The dog only wimpered more. "Aw come on. I didn't mean it." They kept walking, or rather trudging, along the dark street for several more hours. Making little progress, Tom decided that it would be best if they called it a night. He found an abondoned park nearby and the two slid into an uncomfortable sleep out of view from the surrounding city. Tom woke up and saw a very large gun in his face. At the other end was a man, or a woman, in equally large armor. There was a large orange V on their left shoulder. Vulcan. "Is the baby done sleeping?" they asked. Tom swore to himself. He hated the voice deepeners those Vulcans used. It always made the fight a little harder. "You do know that I'm not alone, right?" he asked, trying to look around for Cerebrus. The person in the suit laughed. "Yeah right, kid. You must've escaped from the asylum. No problem, just come with me, and nothing bad will happen to you." "It's not me I'd be worried about." "What's that suppossed to," the Vulcan stopped at the same time a very deep growl came from behind them. Whoever it was didn't have time to turn around. Cerebrus attacked with astounding speed, and even greater ferocity. He reared up onto his hind legs and let his claws and gravity do the rest. The armor tore like tissue beneath the obsidian like claws, and the Vulcan's spine was snapped almost down the middle. Needless to say, there was blood everywhere. Tom walked up beside his pet, and stracthed him behind the one ear he could reach. "One down. Who knows how many more to go. Too bad we didn't get to see this one use their weapon. Delta class fighter. One of the best we've seen, right boy?" Cerebrus answered by licking Tom's face. "You're right. Let's find the others first." And they were off. - - - OOC: Alright, enjoy. And remember, this is open ended, so you can make up your own Vulcan fighters. Happy hunting.
  3. Alright, we have enough people to start! The signups will remain open throughout, mostly because of a huge flaw: I never said how many kids' parents' were killed. So we could theorictically have the entire boards going on this. I'll go ahead and start up this thread. Load up your supplies and creature bits. Happy Posting
  4. Great sign ups so far. I never thought about either of those being mentioned. Here's my sign up. Name: Thomas Greene Age: 16 Appearance: White t-shirt, with a denim jacket and blue-jean pants (very heavy, literally). About 5'11'', 129 lbs., with brown hair and green eyes. Pet: Cerebrus Pet's Appearance: Cerebrus is named after the three-headed dog that guarded the Underworld. On all four paws, he's about 5'8'' tall. Cerebrus is covered in thick black fur, with terrible red eyes and yellowing fangs. Of coure, he's just an overgrown dog with only one head. Bio: Tom's godfather introduced him to Cerebrus directly after the incident. He was just a puppy, but he was already bigger than most other dogs. As the years past, they trained him, until they were no more. The Vulcans came again, this time killing Thomas' godfather. Only one thing was different this time around. None of the Vulcans walked away either. Now Tom and Cerebrus are trying to find the others whose parents were killed by the Vulcan organization. Tom believes that together, they'd be able to topple the entire world if need be. If their 'pets' don't kill each other first. (Mine's only shorter because most of it was in the intro.) Cool. We only need three more people and then we can start.
  5. They each stood before a gravestone, weeping. Only they knew what had really happened. But they had been powerless to stop it. The children finished their crying, and walked out to the cars that had been waiting for them. "Are you ready?" A man dressed in a black suit asked them. Only a few nodded, the others whiped the tears away. "Good. Don't worry. You'll fix this, eventually." Thomas got into the same car as the man, sitting in the back seat quietly. "Why did those bad people kill my parents?" "Because your parents were trying to stop them. Now, that's your job." the man replied, never taking his eyes off the road. His face was set in stone. "But," Thomas sobbed, "How can I stop them? Not even daddy could, and he's the strongest man I know." "Yes, he was." There was a note of feeling in that statement. "Of course, you're not going to use a man to stop them. You're going to be using something that even the bad guys can't stop. It'll be your new pet." "A dog is going to get the bad guys?" "Something like that. Just wait until we get to the cave. Then you'll start learning how to win. Thomas, as your Godfather, I have to take care of you now. But I want those dirty Vulcans dead just as much as you will." Thomas didn't know what to say to that. [i]10 years later . . .[/i] Thomas Greene, or just Tom, jumped backwards before the ground exploded in front of him. "Crap. Cerebrus, get them!" A giant dog-shaped creature jumped in front of him, snarling and drooling. With a bark more like a roar, it jumped at the tight formation of men. In seconds, all that was left of them was their various entrails dangling from the creature's mouth. Tom walked up and patted the thing, then started stratching behind one of its ears. "Good boy. Now all we have to do is find the others like my godfather said. Then the Vulcans will pay." - - - There are several points not covered in the story that will be cleared up here. We'll all be playing as one of the kids who had their families literally slaughtered by the Vulcan organization. Each of them are teenagers now, but they still have that hatred and sadness in their hearts burning furiously. Since none of them have powers of their own, they each instead control a 'pet' monster. These monsters are your main weapon. Only six people are expected to sign up, but the sign ups will remain open for awhile. SIGN UP SHEET Name: Anything works here. It takes place in a modern city, so go nuts. Age: Somewhere between 15 and 18. They were all little kids when the incident happened. Appearance: Pic or description. Pet's Name: What is the name of the monster your character controls? Prefereably a name of a mythical creature. Pet's Appearance: Once again, pic or description. But remember, they have to be bigger than your character. Bio: More like aftermath. How did your character meet your creature? You can even put in a scene from the incident. The name will probably change later on, since it doesn't make much sense. But it is so good for a title for something!
  6. Name: Amet Age: 2005 (explained in snippet) Gender: Male Class: Demon Appearance: Amet is a serpentine demon. His mouth holds only the four fangs he needs, and his eyes are the piercing yellow almost all know snakes have. Amet's body is covered in transparent green scales, which lack in any real value. Character Snippet: Amet was born about the same time as the human's messiah. A cannibal by birth, only demons with awesome power dare double-cross him. Such cannibal demons are known as Hysts. Amet only wishes to fulfill the cause of his creation; to devour until there is no more. (Put Amet next to Hyst, all in lower case letters for the idea behind him.) Let me know if this is still too humanoid for you.
  7. Okay, but if you didn't have any ideas, then you probably shouldn't have posted in the first place just to say that you didn't have any ideas. No offense meant, just pointing that out.
  8. I'm trying to come up with a monster RP for October, but I can't think of anything! I want it to be something like modern day monsters, like vampire hackers and such (makes sense, doesn't it?) but I just can't figure out how to write it! The idea well is dry! If anyone has any helpful ideas about this, or would even like helping to make the RP, please say so! I need help. Oh, and just so the thread doesn't get locked, the RP currently does not have a rating to speak of. It'll either be PG-13 or M, seeing as how violence is inevitable.
  9. OOC: Alright, this has gotten REALLY slow. This RP isn't over, but I think that this particular thread of it is. We probably need some time to just get over Assassin Academy for now. As such, Assassin Academy is suspended. Not closed eternally, but a mandatory vacation of sorts is now in effect. I need some time to think out the next step in the storyline, so I hope yo enjoyed this chapter. I'll be working on Assassin Academy 2 for about the next week or so. See you soon. Hopefully. Sir G
  10. Yes! I've finally done it! Most people won't care, but if you care about the Legend of Zelda series (made famous by Nintendo(go Miyamoto!)) you might actually care about what I have to say. Technically, this is a fanfiction. I'm going to go ahead and attach one of my personal favorites, but first, a brief description. A Link to the Future is my spoof on Nintendo's A Link to the Past. Although the story hasn't gotten to that point yet, Link will get tossed into the distant future by some catastrophic event. Not Windwaker future. More like, Oracle saga future. Anways, so far I've created five comics, if somewhat poorly. That only includes story comics. I've also created one special for my friend Charles' birthday. Enjoy, and give me some feedback on the comic. I want to know that somebody would read it if I put it online.
  11. Valkyrie cringed slightly. "These kids are good." They had been able to defeat the ninja/monks quite easily. Although they had suffered somewhat from the battle, they still had been able to get out relatively unscathed. "What do they have planned next?" - - - "Squads!" Hugo shouted above the insestant drawl in the armory. The Tropical and Sea squads had grouped here, ready for their mission briefing. "You are about to embark on a, strange, if not dangerous, mission. Howler was our best student at espionage. He could sit at surveillance for three days and break into anywhere. He even designed the academy's security system eight years ago. Now, it seems that he's in league with the others who turned their back on us." One of the freshman stood up from slouching and asked, "What are we suppossed to do about it?" "A pitiful question." Hugo retorted. "You are assassins, are you not? Do your best work on him. Before you leave however, I must insist. Howler is not a powerful fighter himself. But as soon as you set foot on his base, stealth no longer prevails you. There is no nook or cranny that he won't have wired. Work as a single team, and you might make it past the traps, and back alive." "What's the worst he can do?" the same freshman asked. Hugo was frowning by this time. "He once lured and trapped a SWAT team in a den of bears that were half starved. He once disarmed a nuclear missle that was en route. And he did both from a comfortable chair miles away at the same time." Silence.
  12. OOC: Alright, it seems that one of the others has dropped out. If anyone else wants to, say the word. I've got a nasty little surprise thought up just in case. Namely, the people playing on the other two teams. I knew that this was too good to be true. The two squads had split up. Wasp's was to the north. Black Wolf's was to the south. That would make them all too easy targets for a good sniper. But where was the fun in that? Instead, Valkyrie had enlisted the help of a group of incredibly ruthless individuals. They were trained in the Shaolin Arts, and no pain could enter their bodies. Unfortunately, when they threatened to kill her, she had made it clear that they wouldn't NEED to experience pain with death. Now, five of the not-so-stealthy ninjas were closing in fast on the Mammal squad. Too bad none of them were trained to be assassins. When the first was mere feet away behind Tiger, she spun around and delivered a swift kick to the head. "Hah! Won't try that again!" He just brought his gaze back on her, his shaved crown glistening in the low light, popping the bones in his neck. He replied, "This whench is mine." She could only stare in horror as the would be fatal kick had done nothing more than piss him off. They took fighting stances, as the others, now surrounded, and prepared for the fight of their lives. - - - OOC: Alright. I guess that sets up a nice fight scene. This entire thing was set up on the lines that everyone is hidden from view, so don't worry too much about being seen. Remember, these guys don't have guns. Play nice. :devil:
  13. OOC: Please do not heed InuyashaFandom's latest post until it is edited. There has been a technical misunderstanding about the plot. Post as usual.
  14. [font=Verdana][size=2]A lanky, graying man walked slowly up the winding staircase of Notre Dame to the belfry. He was dressed in a once fasionable suit, now covered in dirt with small spots of dried blood here and there. At his side was a katana, very strange for a Frenchman.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]At the top of the staircase, he was able to see the person he had come to meet. She was laying on the rail overlooking the magnificent city, dressed in an open sky blue vest over a white tank top, with cargo pants to match the vest. Her hair was in a long braided ponytail, and she also wore open fingered gloves.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]When she spoke, he thought back to how many men she had killed just by asking questions and taking action at the same time. Her accent was perfect French, "Are they coming?"[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]The old man replied, bowing unneccessarily, "Yes madam. Mr. Do,"[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]She cut him off. "Wasp. His name is Wasp, and mine is Valkyrie. We've been over this once before, and I shall not go over it again. Am I clear?"[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]If he hadn't been pale before, the color would be drained from the man's face. "As a winter morning. But, it appears that Howler acted without intention too early. They'll most likely be going after him as well."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"They don't know where Howler is. That's the whole point of his specialty. But, Martyr always was a decisive one. He caught onto me early too." Valkyrie said. The whole time, she had remained as stiff as a board on the rail.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Should I kill him and his accomplises?" the man asked.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]At this, she turned slowly and stood on the rail. A look of surprise compromised the possible beauty of her face. Suddenly, she turned to her right and sent her open palm in the side of a gargoyle's head. The statue proceeded to crack and crumble.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Let him live. Kill everyone else."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]- - -[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]OOC: Valkyrie=Badass I hope that the mammal squad's been talking about who will be the one to kill Valkyrie. I don't have a say in it.[/size][/font]
  15. Plenty to build a manga on. Just details and a story left to fill in the gaping holes. :catgirl:
  16. Ah, yes, Inu Fan. Your appearance threw somewhat of a wrench in things. As such, there was no thirteenth position available. But don't worry. There's still a special position available for you. It's just not one of the twelve that will be revealed in time. You'll be happy with it.
  17. Okay Reiku. I realize that some people may not feel too clear about what is going on right now so here it is: First, this is an RP, and as such, I am currently treating this as an actual role playing game on a console or otherwise. This gives me the benefit of distributing information at a desirable rate, think of me as the artificial intelligence in a game. The base code, if you will. The entire idea behind a multiplayer game is that the players get to make their own desicions, even outside of the overall goal. This will answer one of your questions. The players get to decide who will take what place. There are plenty more positions availble, but they will be revealed in due time. The due time being when each new enemy is revealed. Valkyrie is considered the master of melee tactical combat. If your character is not adept to take this title, then you should most likely concede the position to someone else. Howler (Howler Monkey) is considered the master of surveillance (more info on that later). In order to defeat either of these two (with whoever is present to beat them) the character must be more proficient in those areas than their enemy, thus the idea that the character will take that title. But as to answer another of your questions, characters cannot take more than one title. It would completely defeat the purpose of the exercise. Sorry if this post sounded a little harsh. Just trying to be formal. And there are some, outside events taking place at the moment that are doing very little to help my mood. Still, thank you for bringing up those questions. I had no right not to answer them.
  18. OOC: Helicopter or Jet. Team leader decides.
  19. Not take her place like that. What I meant when I said that a freshman would take her place I meant that one of the freshman would take her title as one of the best assassins to ever live. And for your information, kenshinbabe, this information may be acquired in full at PTTAPUTASF. Don't worry, you can get in. But as for the immortal words of Elliot, I counter with the immortal words of Guineas, "Squee squee squee squee." :rolleyes:
  20. Well, not only does Reiku agree, but so do I. Remember, I don't normally allow people to join in an RP so late in the development, but considering how long this is hopefully going to be, then it's not too far in at all. Everyone already puts you in their posts, well, some of them did. At any rate, welcome aboard Inuyasha Fandom. But, during your second post, please try to find some sort of administrator who can give you an application form. I'll be PMing you a room assignment later. But as I remember it, one person's already killed their roommate. Guess who you'll be bunking with?:D
  21. "Sick of waiting? That's not the positive attitude I require. So you'd best change it. Now." Hugo uttered, stepping intot the armory. The assembled members of the two teams appeared restless, in one way or another. He decided to get the specs over with. "Let's not dawdle since the lady is impatient. You will, as one team, be headed directly from here to Paris. There, mission command will be transferred to the individual squad leaders, Wasp and Black Wolf. You have two days to kill the target, one of our most talented students. She goes, even now, by the name Valkyrie." Hugo looked through the side of his eye at Wasp. The assassin was restless, or more likely, nervous. Some of the freshmen seemed to be in a slight state of shock over finding out they weren't the squad leader. If this mission wasn't so important, he would have grinned. Luckily, the one called Black Panther asked the vital question, "Why do we need to kill her?" Wasp took up the answer. "Because, earlier this morning we received a message from her. She's threatening to reveal the location of the Temple to the United Nations. If she follows through, we'll have every country on the planet sending in at least a thousand troops." "Isn't that excessive? And what if she was just bluffing?" White Tiger countered this time. "You're an assassin. If you make even one mistake, a mission is over. You must take even ungrounded threats seriously. And as for the excessiveness, do you know how many wars we've started? World War I, we helped kill the man who got that started. John F. Kennedy, we killed him too, then framed Lee Harvey Oswald. Abraham Lincoln was one of the first! You have to understand, there's a lot of people who want us dead. We just have to make sure that no one finds out how." Everyone looked around wildly for who had spoken. It hadn't been Hugo, or Wasp. Not even any of the other assassins. Widow unsheathed a katana and spoke loudly, "Show yourself!" "How can I show myself, when there's nothing left to show?" the mysterious voice cackled. Several of the company rolled their eyes. Stereotypical villains weren't interesting. "But, I can tell you my name. Howler. Remember it." Hugo slapped his forehead. "Not another one! Alright, Insect and Mammal squads, get ready and get out. I'll get on the intercom and call the Tropical and Sea squads to take care of this lunatic." - - - OOC: Didn't seem fair to have only one of the three freshman teams heading out.
  22. Freshman. Hugo wants Wasp to take her place, but the little freshman upstarts don't care. You all can decide who does it.
  23. This may come as a surprise to all, some, or even none of you, but manga is not the only form of comic. I'd just like to ask, for anyone who reads other comics, what are your Top Five choices of anything you'd like to read. Of course, it has to be in some form of comic/manga format. Storyboards are not acceptable. And give some reasons. And just in case no one here's ever heard of it, could you possibly describe it. [font=Comic Sans MS][size=3]I am not the only person in the Boards who reads anything other than Manga![/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]My choices:[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]1: El Goonish Shive[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]It's good enough to have a banner in my signature. Basically, there is no story. Everything is a collaboration of random events that seem to come together in logical order in the author's (Dan Shive) mind. But here's a run down: A weresquirrel, anime martial arts, transformation gun, genetically enginereed furries. What more do you need?[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]2: Two Kinds[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]This would have been my first choice had I not found El Goonish Shive. The long (VERY LONG) running story tells how a tiger girl and a super powered human fall in love. But there's a LOT of fighting along the way. I can't really describe it.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]3: Pokemon X[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]This one is x-tremely funny. The long running jokes are placed where neccessary, the battles make sense (logically) and overall I'd rather read this than watch the series. Not to mention Recon Dye is cool.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]4: Inverloch[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]The first three have laughs or emotion going for them. This one is beautiful, simply wonderful. The strangely long story actually makes a lot of sense, which is scary for this kind of comic. A goat person is trying to save his elf crush's boyfriend from what is thought to be certain doom. There's also really fast moving thieves and cool magic.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]5: Sokora Refugees[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]I [b]KNOW[/b] that some of you Otaku have read this! If you've ever been to Tokyopop's website, you've checked this out! Two words describe this comic: Fan Service. Lots of fan service. I think that an elf possesses a human girl, makes her beautiful, and is recuperating until she can help save her homeland of Sokora. It makes sense when read.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2]Here are some links to the mentioned comics. If you want to check out El Goonish Shive, click on the banner.[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][url="http://www.2kinds.com"]Two Kinds[/url][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][url="http://www.pokemonx.comicgenisis.com"]Pokemon X[/url][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][url="http://www.seraph-inn.com"]Inverloch[/url][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=2][url="http://www.sokora.com"]Sokora Refugees[/url][/size][/font]
  24. Giant hammers from out of nowhere? I see a bunny forming within you, kenshinbae (unless there's already a bunny there). Perfect, perfect. But back to your question, yes and no. Technically, Valkyrie is very decisive in battle. Something close to Finnish or Norwegian descent (explains the name) but trained intensely to learn all the pressure points of the human body. Thus, she exploits said pressure points with quick jabs to them. Series of jabs result in, well, painful consequences. But if she does know anything about the person she's fighting, Valkyrie will try to distract them. But seeing as how everyone who's suppossed to be attacking her are assassins, I would hope that not too many of them let the words go to their heads. Please take no offense that two of these four paragraphs began with the word 'But.' It is purely coincidental from my inability to think short term. I'll end this post with one of my favorite quotes ever: "It just sounds like one big awkward moment."
  25. Yes actually. Do you remember the Insect Strike story? Well, that (besides needing to be updated) is where the battle against Tiger Beetle takes place. Valkyrie, on the other hand, is the big time traitor of the RP. She got paid big bucks to kill a certain someone a while back by France. Why France you ask? That's part of it. The mission will take place in France. So basically, here's the idea. The twelve, let's call them, 'Lost Assassins,' are beginning to pose a sizeable threat to the Academy. For every one that dies, one of the freshman, that's all of you, take their place. Whoever defeats Valkyrie will be considered the master of Tactical Strike. That's what she's best at, finding the enemies' weak points and exploiting them. Hope you enjoyed this little insight.
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