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Everything posted by Sir Gawain
[font=Verdana][size=2]"They're not ready." Wasp whispered to Hugo. They were standing just outside a side door to the armory. "No matter how capable they are, she's a lot better."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Hugo smiled at his favorite student. "I know. That's why they're a Rush Squad. This mission is for YOU to finish."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Wasp cringed slightly. "Assassins shouldn't kill their own."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"She's not an assassin anymore. Valkyrie became a bounty hunter when she was expelled." Hugo replied, a serious look on his face. "It doesn't matter what was once between you. Tiger Beetle helped to prepare you. Now, be ready to finish your training, once and for all."[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Wasp thought back, back to the battle between himself and the former leader of the Insect Rush Squad. Tiger Beetle, even ten years after graduating, and becoming heavyset, he was faster than even any of these freshman. But Valkyrie, one cheap shot and . . .[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]"Yes sir. I'll be ready." And with that, the two stepped into the armory to greet the two squads.[/size][/font] - - - OOC: So begins the true story of Assassin Academy. Twelve to kill, twelve to take their place. Who is truly the best?
No problem. Everyone needs hlep. Always happy to myself.
Don't worry about the humor. Large supply. How can't you have humor when one of the characters is a (spoiler) Werefish? I know it sounds stupid, or strange, or whatever, but that's the point. Who would take someone seriously if they called themselves a werefish? As for the storyline, I couldn't really focus on having one main character, so I made certain characters the focus for different storylines. Here's some examples. In the first storyline, the comic is centered around the 'Sorcerer' in the group. His nemisis is a Jin, a free Genie. The second storyline is focused on the guy possessed by a demon and his battle with the angel Thyrius. Basically, the overall comic cycles through each character's enemies and then starts off on a new tier in the cycle.
First off, the currently I don't have an official for anything in my comic. But the entire thing is currently being referred to (among my friends) as Project: Otaku High. The same way my currently in progress character is being called Project: Dan. But I think that he'll end up being a Kurt. Or something like that. Secondly, mittens. I hadn't really thought of that. It would actually work a lot better than what I'm doing now. The hands are inproportionate to the arms, and I was trying to fix that. The mittens thing could help that problem. Thanks Lady Katana! You could have just gotten me past my hands problem!
[QUOTE] Then you need to practice. Look through manga, or on websites like deviantart. See how the expressions are drawn. Get an idea of how to do it, and then give it a try. Eventually, you'll get the hang of it. Practice makes perfect. Kilaria [/QUOTE] Actually, I think it all depends on what you're trying to do. My character, Dan, looks like a piece of, ahem, well, take a guess, when compared to real manga. But that's becuase he's not meant to be real manga. It all depends on how far into the real manga experience you want to go. You could be like Tom Fincshbach (I think that's how it's spelled) and his comic Two Kinds, where it's extremely manga-ized and everything looks like it could be in a professional manga. Or you could be like Dan Shive and just use one or two elements of anime/manga. It could be as sloppily drawn in the world as possible, but just as long as the message gets across. Of course, if some people think otherwise, then I would ask them not to hurt me. Just try to come up with your own style, make the characters come alive as you see fit. Of course, I'm not one to talk, am I?:rolleyes:
[font=Verdana][size=2]You need help drawing faces? My advice is: don't bother looking in a 'How to Draw Manga' book. It doesn't help you. Try to come up with your own style of art, from scratch. Just try to visualize in your mind what your character would look like.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]From there, try to draw what you see every time you think about your character. It won't end up like you envisioned it, but it will most likely be better. Example: I just started drawing a comic also. I personally start one character with the eyes first, because the shape of the eyes completely determine the shape of everything else. And it's not chibi.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]At any rate, think of how the character is suppossed to look, and try to make as close a likeness as possible.[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=2]Sir G[/size][/font]
Thank you for your input. And, if you care, I should be able to include a finished version of my first character in one of my next posts. It's actually kinda cool. He's the manga version of myself, with glasses and a cooler hair style. But the thing I like best about him is the shirt. I has the word 'Burn' written like this: [color=red]B U[/color] [color=#ff0000]R N[/color] [color=black][/color] Of course, the shirt overall is black. But now I pose a new question to anyone who hopefully has suggestions. I've hit the one snag in design (above hair). Hands. I can't draw hands worth *censored*. So, does anyone have suggestions on how I could possibly draw hands? It's driving me nuts! And if not, then thank you Lady Katana and Berry187 for your advice. Sir G
The speakers around the school buzzed to life. A sudden loud screech erupted from more than two hundred hidden speakers. Which was completely uneccessary as Hugo already knew where everyone was anyway and could have just as easily called them on the nearest speaker. "Will the members of the Serpent and Mammal squads please report to the armory. We have a new mission that requires your attention. Immediately. That is all." It was just one of the guards who spoke. But the message was clear. Something big was going down to use a strike and a rush squad on the same mission. Something very big.
[font=Book Antiqua][size=2]That is something to think about. The storyline, if it can be called so, revolves more around one character at a time. Not too sure about the details yet, but overall I basically want the comic to reveal several stories over time. With some decent humor in between.[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2]As for the characters revealing the surroundings, hadn't thought of that. Flipping back through the notepad, there plenty of potholes because the town hasn't really been revealed. This is gonna take some time to fix.[/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2][/size][/font] [font=Book Antiqua][size=2]Thank you. I'll try to post some sketches soon.[/size][/font]
I am yet another hapless Member trying to get advice on creating their own comic. I use comic instead of [i]manga[/i] because the art style I've come up with isn't entirely eastern. But, before I do anything, I should probably describe what I've already finished on my own. There isn't a real storyline, making it like El Goonish Shive (see sig), but is rather a random collection of short stories about each character. The stories wouldn't be magnificent (the characters are just high school students) except for the fact that they each gained a unique power/weapon during a field trip to the muesum. The comic (which I'm currently calling Otaku High) is based in the manga version of the school I actually attend, and the town it's located in. All of the characters are going to be based off of at least one real life person I know. And the main characters' powers are based on their life counterparts' personalities. Here's two examples. The character based off myself, currently known as Dan, is going to be possessed unsuccessfully by a demon and then becomes pyrokinetic. This is becuase my favorite color is red, and my favorite element is fire. One of my friend's characters, currently known as Cliff, is going to touch some enchanted artifact (no details yet) and gain the ability to cast spells of his own design. This is only because in real life, Cliff's counterpart has a Spellcaster Yu-Gi-Oh deck that he whooped me with. So, any advice on where to go from where I am now? I'm currently trying to perfect Dan (as much as possible) and then I'm going to test various effects with him. I plan on continuing this process with each character and their powers until I have to draw scenery and backgrounds. Multiple outfits are also a possiblity for now. Seriously, check out the website in my signature. You'll love it if you love any anime or manga. Just check the new reader bubble when you do.
"I wonder how long I have to wait until someone figures out how I'm doing it?" Maurice spoke to himself. He cuckled a little more and recommenced with his counting. Hide and go seek. Except with more than a little cheating. He hadn't been offered his job as Stealth instructor for nothing. Best in his year. Perhaps the best in quite a few years, as no one else had vied for the job since he had taken it. When he turned around, he was in a slightly better mood. All of the students were once again in the rafters, perfectly visible for himself. All except one. Well, if they skipped class, that was Vermillion's department. So he made due with announcing to everyone present, "You've been a decent class for the first day ever. So, how about tomorrow I give you something to look forward to? Next lesson, detecting concealed enemies. I'll be your target." There was a murmuring response, but only slightly. The students were wary of giving away their hiding spots. But it was enough. Two more pops, and a few bruises, later, two students were licking their wounds while Maurice began scouring the shadows for the missing one. "Come out, come out, where ever you are!" - - - Vermillion was patiently preparing his first class. Pity that none of the first day could be spent with the real leaders. They had all moved up to more advanced areas like Xiaolin arts. Nobody seemed to want to be a leader. He also knew that Hugo would be watching him. Three years ago there had been an, accident, which had eventually led to Vermillion to being forced to take patience training. None of the by now seniors had forgotten it. Maybe that was why they stayed out of his class. "What was I suppossed to do? The punk thought it was funny to be tossing those shuriken everywhere. Hazard to the class. Still, waste of a good chair." he was mumbling as his first student wandered in. Vermillion frowned and continued setting up the maps. However, awkward silences were never encouraging for morale. Hugo made this known by a sharp blast into Vermillion's earpiece. Reluctantly, he turned and spoke, "Know anything about battlefield command?" - - - OOC: Spot open for any Tactics student. Also, isn't imagination fun? What could he have possibly done with a chair!
Hmm. A most excellent point Reiku, thank you for bringing that up. I'll be working on it. Well, not much point to an empty post like this, so here's a factoid from the bottom of my mind. When creating Assassin Academy, I realized that I wanted to do something that no one else had really done before (that I know of). Well, these are called RPs, and what's an RP without NPCs? That's probably the best feature of Assassin Academy. The large number of NPCs to interact with makes each character seem smaller in a way, and really fit more into the universe without so many unanswered questions. But that's also why I had to remain out of the plot. I became the 'NPC Master' if you would. I had to introduce certain special characters that would drastically affect the storyline without it being overwhelmingly stupid. Thus, giving me a much larger amount of control in the RP than in previous attempts. And yes, kenshinbabe, you do get a cookie. The only question that remains is, what kind of cookie. And to Reiku, I will try to give a little more depth to the teachers by interacting in the classes more than I originally planned on (the original plan called for one of the teachers dying!).
Well, this is the Underground thread. If you found this on your own, I'll need your mailing address so you can get a cookie. If you followed the instructions (soon to be posted in the RP after this) then you also get a cookie. But I'll need your pin number, credit card number, checking account, etc. Okay, enough foolishness. I'm going to post a new topic here every time a topic goes dry. This is just general discussion of the RP, so don't get too into it. Okay, the first topic is: Your Thoughts What do you, the players, think so far about Assassin Academy. I realize that some of you are incontent with the low level of action, but that's necessary for now. I actually hope that this will go on for two months, giving everyone the full experience. But maybe it'll last longer. However, that's not the point now. The point is, what can I do to help make the Assassin Academy experience better for you. At least that's what my handbook is telling me to write. Type. Whatever. What could make this a better RP? Because if it dies I'll just ressurect it in a month and get new people in there! This is my zombie, and like Inuyasha: Search for the Sword, it shall return. We now continue to your regularly scheduled yelling at the computer screen and laughing at my avatar.
OOC: So sorry! I forgot that this went up! Please don't hurt me for my impudence! - - - Tyrone was wandering through the fog, hands outstrecthed in case anyone noticed him. Not that anyone could really see through the fog. "Hello? Is anyone still alive. Preferably a girl. Hot girl. With," Tryone was cut off in his calls for help. "Shut up you freakin' moron! We are all still alive, so don't finish that sentence." Tyrone grinned and replied, "I don't care if you're still alive. I want the people who think I'm funny still alive." "Then why aren't we all dead?" "Good question!"
Well, this is mostly based on the Insect Team. But I do have certain areas where the other teams make guest appearances to help out with the really tough missions. This is just the intro, the real fun starts with the next update.
Maurice wasn't in the happiest of moods. Which for him meant that someone had really ruined his day. Some of the older students might have been able to guess, but the unexperienced freshman would make wild guesses. What was causing his bad mood was something as mudane as pudding. Yes, pudding. He had been fored to eat vanilla pudding in the mess hall that morning, and that was why he was going to act pissed off all day. Of course, if anyone else knew about it, especially Hugo, they'd most likely search for him pummel and him into a pulp for something so stupid. But this was most unfortunate for the freshman. As normally he was actually a fun person to be around. In other words, the polar opposite of Vermillion. At least he wouldn't make the class harder like his rival would. Poor moods were no excuse for poor teaching. Unless you set too high an expectation for them on the first day back. Which was exactly what he was planning. You could almost hear him cackle silently as two freshman entered the room. - - - OOC: Just so you know, I'm totally not kidding with this post. Maurice is based on a large part off of a selfish child. So that's exactly why not having chocolate pudding is going to make the first stealth class hell. :devil: Have a nice day. *cackles*
This is based off of the Assassin Academy sign up story. I felt that it never got the attention it deserved, so for anyone who cares, this is it. The silent chopper swept over the semi-deserted landscape of frozen Russia. Four people, dressed in black jumpsuits, were seated in various locations, apparently bored with their job. The one flying the chopper was humming to himself lightly, taking this routine mission like an afternoon drive. You could almost hear him saying, "cow" and "moon" several times. The biggest of the group, large, muscular, and an overly deep voice, was sitting on the floor. No seat could hold his bulk, or rather his weight. He was polishing what could have been mistaken for two small gattling guns and mumbling about why he couldn't have finished his steak earlier. A woman, actually the only woman, was standing by the open door, gazing down into the icy wasteland beneath them. If she hadn't been wearing a mask, it is possible that there would have been a look of sorrow upon her face. The final member of the team, a lightly built man, sat cross legged in his seat, meditating as his instructor had always taught him. "Calm before the storm is key to nature, and what is more natural than murder?" she would always repeat. That phrase had been drilled into his skull more times than he had ever breathed. These four individuals were the Insect Strike Squad of the Hashsashin Temple, more commonly known as the Assassin Academy. What made matters worse for them was the time of the year. It was December 30, two days before the new school year. This was their exit exam, their final test to see if they deserved to become Seniors in the school. Twelve new freshman would be arriving in two days. They were suppossed to be good, probably better than some of the highest ranking already in the academy. But they would become better. The radio in the chopper buzzed three times, one long burst followed by two short bursts. A signal from the temple. Mantis, the man flying the chopper, reached over and grabbed the handset and clicked it on. "Mantis reporting. Is this Scabbard?" A drawling voice replied, "Affirmative. This is Scabbard. Status report Mantis. Are you in position?" Mantis turned in his seat momentarily to check with his squad leader. Wasp, the man who was meditating, nodded without looking up. Well, Mantis thought, he's either nodding or falling asleep. "Yessir. We should be arriving at the landing zone in two minutes. I estimate, about one hour after that we'll be returning." There was a long pause on the other end of the radio. "Unacceptable. We need you back here before the first. I want you at the landing zone in one minute and the mission complete in thirty. Finish at the designated time or not at all. We don't need failures. Over and out." Widow, the woman by the open door, was smiling. Mantis had purposely misled the headmaster to give them more time. In truth, in their three years at the Assassin Academy, this Insect Strike Squad had finished every mission within twenty minutes. Giving them each enough time to stop by the nearest worldwide McDonald's for a pick up. She turned around and broke her gaze away from the foreboding landscape. Wasp wasn't acting like himself. The kind of responsibility that was forced upon him shouldn't be. Mafia bosses were meant to be taken out by trained professionals, not students. But here they were, ready to kill easily one of the most dangerous men on the planet. Of course, this man of importance, this, Hashish, had never before met a Hashish eater. He had never met, a Hashsashin. - - - OOC: Well, some form of feedback would be nice. I'll post the next part as soon as I possibly can. But for the sake of continuity, that'll probably be once every two days. Flames are accepted.
OOC: Knew I forgot something! Um, let's see. Stealth is held in the basement of the east wing (think Potions class from Harry Potter). Tactics is held in a large classroom in the northeast corner. Marksmanship is held on the artificial meadow (inside the greenhouse, north wall of the building). Melee combat is held in the west wing training hall. Weapons will be available at the selected classes for the goal. For example, in Marksmanship you may (MAY) be forced to use a pellet rifle. And in melee you might be required to duel with forks (hey, these people kill for a living, they're crazy!). But most likely it'll be something more realistic. I'm also pleased to announce (for anyone who cares) that the adventures of the Insect Strike team will now become an offical Anthology storyline.
The next day. The freshman (who were still in bed) were given an extremely rude awakening from their slumber. Instead of an announcement for everyone to get out of bed, Vermillion was walking from room to room, barging in the doors and yelling in the faces of anyone who wasn't awake until they left the room. Fortunately, this yelling helped some of the others avoid the same fate as they heard him coming. Almost everyone was refreshed, with the exception of the Sea Squad. Very few hours of sleep wasn't healthy. But all Vermillion would say was, "Then maybe next time you'll get finished before dark!" The twelve freshman were given their assignments. One member from each team would be in each class of the day. Four classes a day, three members in each class at all times. Easy, right? White Tiger, Macaw, and Mako were in the first stealth class of the day. Then they were in marksmanship, then tactics (or strategy as the teach called it), and finally melee combat. Sparrow, Wildebeast, and Marlin had, respectively: Tactics, stealth, melee, and marksmanship. Black Panter, Baracuda, and Stone Rook: Marksmanship, melee, stealth, tactics. Black Wolf, Toucan, Dolphin: Melee, tactics, marksmanship, stealth. - - - Here's the new day's schedules. This will be the schedule until each person get to move up to an advanced class. Here's a recap of the teachers: Maurice- Stealth Marianna- Marksmanship Vermillion- Tactics And the new teacher is: Alejondro- Melee (he's from Cuba. NOT Mexico) Note: This post is merely a telling of what the new day is like. If you would like to continue any nighttime adventures, go ahead. Also note: There is no curfew. You can roam the halls as much as you like.
Vermillion was in the mess hall, as per status quo, as six pm sharp. His presence always doused the foul tempered moods that sprang up. At least of those that knew him. One of the students was interrupting the prodigy's meal. "Probably thinks it's his roommate." Vermillion spoke loudly. Loudly enough for the pale faced man behind him to know he had been found. "Oh, Worm, don't worry. I gave Spectre special permission to do that." The pale man was blonde, and had a long silly grin cutting his face in half. "I never approved of your Shadow Squad. Special Ops is suppsossed to be left to the governments. But using them in the academy? Hugo won't care, but I have a sense of justice amongst murderers." Vermillion wiped his mouth off. "And don't call me Worm, ever again." The skeletal man's grin faded a bit. "I guess old codenames die hard, huh? I don't see why. Hugo doesn't mind if you still call him Polar." "Polar isn't as demeaning a name. Now, good day to you Scorpion. Or should I say, Maurice?" Vermillion won that battle, carrying away his tray leaving a pissed off and poorly named Maurice pounding his steak. - - - OOC: Woohoo! New teacher to worry about. Maurice teaches stealth, which is why he has his personal Shadow Squad (Wraith, Spectre, Banshee, Ghost[familiar?]).
OOC: Some people may be wondering (and this is a generalization) WTF? XYZ is correct. Macaw was indeed selected to be the leader of the Jungle Storm Squad. And, just so you know, Mako leads the Sea Strike Squad, and White Tiger leads the Hunter Rush Squad. I think that there may have been some mix ups with the room assignments. If so, or if anyone hasn't yet received their assignment, please contact me and we'll sort all of that out. IC: "Sir! Sea Strike Team ready and assembled, as per your instructions." The four new recruits were indeed standing ready to go, but not so much as ready for a briefing as Hugo would have hoped. But what could you expect on the first day? He resigned himself to explain things a little further before the briefing. "Alright recruits. I know that you haven't had any formal training yet, but from what we've been monitoring of your movements, you're more than capable for this mission." "You are the Sea Strike Squad, more commonly reffered to as C Squad. As a Strike team, your priority is to accomplish the mission first. As such, stealth is the discipline you will have to master. Are you ready for the details?" Mako stepped forward and nodded. Hugo frowned, not sure about the young man's attitude. He was a good killer, but not neccessarily a good soldier. Not that they would be learning the difference. "All right. Your target is one Hideo Limbardi. His parents were obviously from different cultures. Hideo is currently trying to start a special ninjitsu school in the forests of China. Needless to say, if this school gets started, our attendance will drop dramatically. Kill him. Then kill everyone else who helped him. Leave no survivors." When he finished, there was a brief silence through the group. [I]Finally, they might start understanding.[/I] - - - (Opening for the Strike Team)
Marianna was having a good time watching Garet try to kill panther after panther faster and faster. His best time so far was 5.9 seconds. Of course, in assassin time, that was equivelant to about a year and two weeks. If your reflexes were good. Her thoughts were interrupted by the tiny microphone in her ear buzzing. It was Vermillion. "Yes, what do you want?" "Just contacted the security room. Those warrior fish guys have all found each other. Hugo wants them dispatched A.S.A.P. Little problem he said was urgent. Oh, and he also wants you to stop flirting with that kid and get out the room assignments. Now." This wasn't like Vermillion. Usually he was gruff, blunt, and to the point. But now he sounded preoccupied. Marianna sighed audibly so that Garet looked over during his training. "What's wrong? Not fast enough progress?" She shook her head and whispered, "Acknowledged." Aloud, she said, "Well, that's enough training for one day. I have some business to take care of. Now here's your room assignment. Be there in ten minutes or else. The instructions are on the paper. Your roommate will help you out when you get there." Before Garet could reply "Huh?" she was out the door, moving with speed and silence that would make a panter jealous. He gazed quietly at the paper in his hand. - - - OOC: Okay guys, since there really isn't enough real action that this is suppossed to be about, have Marianna stop by in your next post. Then you'll get your room and your bunk buddy. I've thought up some graceful matches.
"Sir!" one of the guards shouted from his post. "Sir, you're not going to believe this!" Hugo kept his eyes on the security screen in which Garet was busily hacking away at a second panther. His time was imrpoved, but only by point four seconds. At least that could make all the difference. He replied, eyes still on the screen, "I've seen many things in my day. There's nothing I wouldn't believe." "Well sir, I don't believe this. This freshman just took out Viper!" This got Hugo's attention. "Viper? Are you sure?" "Yessir." "Well, that's something. We were going to offer him a position as the reflex instructor. But, please forgive me, that plans seems to be shot." Several of the guards chuckled. The boss paid well, and made good jokes at the right moment. "Which one did it?" "Uh, this file recognizes his code sign as Black Wolf." "Hmm. I want him in Marianna's marksmanship class. He's going to put this school on the map. Or rather, hopefully keep it off. Put a tracker on him at the earliest possible time. I don't want him to take a piss and us not know about it."
Hugo was once again stroking his imaginary goatee. "Impressive. This young lady is definitely worth her salt for that talent alone. Yes, perhaps, Siberia? Yes, that will be their first mission. And that pest has become more than a mere nuisance. But it will seperate who the true feline master is." The guards in front of the wall of screens looked at each other a shrugged. Two months ago, one of their own had overheard such a conversation with the headmaster between himself, and had proceeded to twirl his finger around his ear in the universal sign of crazy. Now, two months later, they still hadn't found more than that very finger wrapped riggidly around his mircophone. "Now, who to check on next? I have an idea. A most wonderous idea! You there!" Hugo shouted suddenly at the nearest guard. "Call Vermillion. Tell him, Code Cerebrus." The guard nodded, saluted, and grabbed his microphone. No time to ask what exactly Code Cerebrus was. His fingers were going to live a long, if not peaceful life. - - - A short, muscular man was sharpening a deadly looking knife against a strap of leather. His streaked blonde hair glistened in the scant light that peered warily into the otherwise black room. He stopped long enough to pick up his cell phone, set to vibrate. Couldn't be too careful. "What?" he asked in a blunt, overly bored Austrian voice. "Mr. Vermillion? This is the security room." a quavering squeek answered. "Which Code?" Vermillion replied shortly. He knew that the only reason the security room should ever call him was if Hugo wanted something. "Co . . . Code Cerebrus, sir." Vermillion's breath shortened. Code Cerebrus was extreme. He began wondering if Jaken and the other cats were killing students again. The guard dared not break the silence on the other end of the line. "Very well. Tell Hugo it will be done, but it'll take three weeks. Oh, and, good day." He could almost hear the sigh before he hung up. - - - OOC: Okay, another update. Here's a list of the known teachers and their fields: Hugo- Master of the Temple Marianna- Hugo's 'Secretary' and teaches weapon tactics and marksmanship. Vermillion- Discipline Counselour, and teaches all levels of in depth strategy development. Don't worry if this doesn't make much sense for now. This is exactly why I didn't sign up as a main character and instead control and introduce the staff. Please contact me if you have any ideas for additional staff.
"Well Hugo? What do you think?" Marianna was asking the Eurasian instructor who had 'welcomed' the new students. Hugo was stroking an imaginary goatee, gazing deeply into the image presented by Security Camera 17. One of the newcomers had beaten what was technically a sophmore. "He is talented. Seven seconds flat. Here." he gave Marianna a slip of paper. "This is the first room assignment. It should be interesting to see how Alexander retalliates later on." Marianna was gazing for a long time at the slip of paper. "Are you sure about this? We've never put two such incompatible people in the same room." "Don't worry. The next time those two face off, I want, who was it? Garet. I want Garet to beat Alex in less than five seconds. That justifies the assignment. Oh, and what's this? It looks as if another freshman has found Jaken. Come back when you've given Garet his room number and key." Without any seen movement, Marianna was gone. Hugo preoccupied himself with the security cameras again. [I]I hope that we get some experienced vandals out of this bunch.[/I] - - - Okay, Chief Predator. Marianna is going to meet up with you soon. Don't read the note aloud, er, put what's on it in your post. I'll PM you with all the information. Also, Jaken is the leopard. (Inuyasha fan?)