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Everything posted by Sir Gawain
Cairn couldn't believe it. Lyeave had kept something from them that could have possibly helped the entire situation. The nerve. Instead of doing anything, he helped the others examine the drums. Not much to examine, of course, except that no skeleton could have been playing them. "Well, what now, oh fearless leader?" Cairn asked. He had been in a bad mood ever since his hunting skills had failed him. Jode didn't reply, but gave him a look that clearly said, "So help me God!" Cairn backed off. "They definetely were here earlier, but we still don't know exactly where they're heading. Basically, we're in the same position as before." They all sighed. There wasn't a way to track down these enemies, because they were too many and left no trace. Except for the debris. Kojiroh and Cairn lept up at the same time. They rushed to the edge of the clearing, examining the ground and trees again. Lyeave sighed. "There's nothing here that we can really do, remember. There's too many of them to leave a trail." she said. But they didn't stop, until Kojiroh found what he had been looking for. For all the world, it was only flat grass, trampled by hundreds of feet. Jode and Lyeave looked at him expectantly. He sighed and began describing what was going on as if he were talking to a young child. "There's a lot of them, yes. But, all of their feet were moving in the same direction. When you stand on grass, or take a step, the grass bends forward under your toes, they way that the skeletons were walking when they attacking. Grass usually springs back up, unless it gets completely trampled. So, we find a bit a trampled grass, check which direction its pointing, and that's which way we go." he smiled and took back some of the breaths he lost during the speech. They looked at Cairn, who nodded. "He's right. That's what we were missing." For some reason, Jode found this the perfect time to feel victorious. "Then let's go get 'em!" Before he had a chance to run after the skeleton army, Lyeave tripped him with an animated root. "What?" "We need a plan. There's four of us, and an army of them. We had barely won with our full strength in our own castle." "Almost full strength, remember? No Headmistress." Cairn reminded her. "So what do you suggest we do?" Jode asked increduosly. Lyeave let a wide smile erupt from her lips. "These guys are powered by Necromancy, magic of the inanimate and the dead, right? So all we have to do is find something powerful against the dead."
Corru ripped another strip off the demon and began where he had left off. There was somebody else going over to the hut now. Looked like a human, but even with the skin in his mouth, he could practically taste the demonic aura. She was powerful. He resided to watching this newcomer, seeing if he was the only one distrusted around here. That fox demon would really have ended up as his next meal. Ever since Corru began travelling with his father, Ryukai, he had learned to survive by any means, usually eating whatever crossed his path. So he sat in secluded in the tree branches, ready to help if she needed it. And if she didn't, he had run out of demon to eat and was still hungry. Then he felt another powerful aura behind him. As he turned he saw Kronos, the same dark angel he had seen before. She was even more menacing in person. "Need something?" she asked, twirling her scythe. Corru stood and bowed to her, the Mistress to Naraku. "I have only the need for blood, Lady Kronos." he replied as he stood. "Inuyasha did me a great wrong, and now only his demise will quench my thirst, although his nephews might do enough to keep me ready for the final prize." She seemed to consider what he said. Her eyes looked like they could read his very soul. Unfortunately, they probably could, for the next thing she said told him that she knew his true weakness. "You're not strong at all, are you? You are quite a sight to behold, something that would chill even a demon-slayer to the bone. But that's your only edge, isn't it.?" He almost fell out of the tree, but still he nodded. He wasn't nearly as powerful as his heritage would proclaim, but the mere sight of him had sent entire villages fleeing before 'the returned beast.' He kneeled before Kronos, very tough to do in a tree, and said, "It is true. But you can help me with my mission. My claw is yours to command." * * * OOC: Well, this should help Joeys Girl with her own personal lackey. Use him well :animeswea
Corru leaped back to the trees and got away from Thorn as quickly as he could, hiding his demon aura. The forest was thick with trees, almost all of them strong enough to support the miniature dragon. He judged badly, and ended up with a mouthful of dirt and leaves on the way down. "Now I know why my father DID live in the mountains. Less trees." He brushed off his shirt off and continued on foot. "Now, where's a tasty demon? Here demons! Come get some nice warm flesh!" he yelled into the forest. It wasn't long before a small horde of demons was rushing toward their free meal. Corru gripped his spear tightly, and impaled the closest demon. He let the end fall into the ground and kicked the next one with his talons. In a short flurry of spear thrusts mixed with some kicks and punches, the forest floor was covered in defiled carcasses. He dragged some of his spoils to the edge of the clearing to watch how the events around the hut turned out. There was an angel-like person floating above, doing the same as him. She was beautiful too. "I bet people would compare me to the monk." he said quietly. Corru watched Kronos hover for a while, then she disappeared from view. He returned his attention to the hut, watching people come and go. Picking up the first body, he chewed contently on the dead demon. There were quite a few visitors. Corru chuckled, a hoarse sound. "Crystal must be popular, unlike what she told me before. Too bad, she was so nice in Koal's time period. Now, well, HA!" He saw Thorn walking away, and spotted him, again. He was at Corru's side in a flash. "Yo dragon! What did I just finish telling you? Leave that little kid alone! And if you even think about touching his mother, I swear I'll," he stopped when he saw what the dragon was eating. "Oh God! How can you eat that?" Corru swallowed the demon in his mouth. "First off, I won't harm whatever little kid you're talking about, I just want Koal or Inuyasha. Second, I have high esteem for Crystal, and wouldn't maim her. Third, don't swear, it's not polite. Fourth, because it's tasty and I have more demon blood than human in me." He stood to his full hieght, a good deal more than Thorn's. "And don't step in the way of a dragon. I don't like hurting humans or half demons or even most intelligent demons. But I will rend you into my next meal." Thorn grabbed his weapon but Corru leapt out of reach back into the safety of the forest.
Sign Up Apocalypse: Save the Souls [R for extreme violence and gore]
Sir Gawain posted a topic in Theater
A break down of events leading to what is now referred to worldwide as the end of the world: June 8, 2022 Comet is detected by NASA telescope Hubble II. Comet is determined to be on a direct course for Earth. The United Nations bring together their space programs to create a powerful laser to destroy the comet. November 5, 2022 The anti-comet laser is finished, codenamed Hades. The UN celebrates when the first test fire is able to destroy a passing asteroid five times the comet's size. World Peace is decreed, temporarily, and the Hades's crew is compromised of more than twenty professionals in every UN nation. December30, 2022 Hades scientists determine that the comet will land in exactly two days, on the United States New Year at 12:00 midnight. December 31, 2022 Exremely large solar flare erupts from the surface of the sun, effectively disabling all satellites and large ground-to-space weaponry, including the Hades. Panic erupts worldwide as comet draws closer. January 1, 2023 Beyond all hope, the comet breaks before it reaches Earth's atmosphere. A stray meteor had crossed its path and split the comet into ten, controlable pieces that land in various countries. January 1 declard a worldwide holiday. January 2, 2023 Priests, bishops, cardinals, alim, and other religious figures claim that their dreams were haunted by the threat of the oncoming Apocalypse within the pieces of the comet. The Pope himself claims to have contacted by God who has warned him to prepare the world for Judgement Day, which he says will last for one-hundred days. Many Muslim and Catholic nations, among them Spain and Iraq, rally to the call of their Holy Men, preparing to defend the world while they are Judged. A majority of the US citizens protest against their government's reaction to the statement, and the House of Representatives prepare to impeach the President so that they may appease the people. January 31, 2023 The pieces of the comet explode, and a human-like beings step forth, speaking words to the faithful around them who die when touched. Each takes a name of the country they are located in an say they are setting out to save to world from invasion by Hell. * * * * This RP is about playing as angels who have been sent from Heaven to save the souls of the human race by killing them so that they won't have to spend an enternity in Hell. Yes, the goal is to kill off every human, but only so that they may live forever in Heaven. The angels will also have to battle demons that issue from Hell to save the Human souls. Here's the sign up sheet: Name: (Has to be something similar to what country you landed in) Country: (What country you landed in. Only 1 angel per country) Appearance: Pic or description is fine. Personality: Basically, the angels don't have real personalities, but this is where you describe how you interact with mortals to let them know what's going on. Like, say, pitying. Weapon: Each angel has at least one basic bastard-style sword. No limits on other weapons. Make yourself like Dante if you want, which means guns. Holy Powers: Something unique that harms demons but cannot hurt a mortal. Demonic Powers: What powers you acquire from your Hellspawn victims. Faith Origin: What religion is your angel based on? Yes, I know that angels are Christian, but this is just a generalization, like Islamic angels would be EXTREMELY different from an Orthodox angel. So, here's my sign up: Name: Antonio Country: Spain Appearance: A typical Spainish man. Dark tanned skin, curly black hair, and brown eyes. Sligtly muscular, and 6 foot 8 inches tall. Wears a silver chesplate (like a knight) with no helm, grieves, or pauldrons. Has tanned pants and sleeveless shirt, with simple tanned shoes. Personality: Speaks kindly to the faithful, but harshly to the nonbelievers. In other words, very pious. Will lead believers forward against the demonic horde and garuantee the fighters a place in Heaven. Weapons: The Angelic Sword, a magnum pistol, and spiked shield. Holy Powers: Faith of the Cross- Returns a lost soul back to its body, effectively reviving a dead human. The Son's Voice- Calls forth the words of His son, a sound unbearable by the demons and drives them mad. Also calms storms or summons storms. Demonic Powers: Satanist Circle- Creates a ring of fire that burns especially well on holy ground such as graveyards. Faith Origin: Roman Catholic This thread only needs nine other angels. You can play as a powerful demon general. Just put that instead of Faith Origin. This is the first RP I've started in a while, and I hope it doesn't bomb. Come all ye faithful! :angel: (The creators of this thread are not responsible for your religious beliefs.) -
The man lept nimbly from the tree and stepped inside the hut. "Wish I could do that." Corru said quietly. He turned his attention back to the river. Someone knew that he knew they were there. Unfortunately, he couldn't get his mind off of what the guy had said. " 'Shouldn't you be up north?' I'll eat my tail if he ever meets a real dragon that he can talk to like that. No matter." He switched his spear back to his right hand and jumped down, landing on his three free limbs, looking like a wounded lizard. His red eyes sparkled in the faint sunlight, and he crept slowly along on his two feet again, ready to ambush the elusive river-goer. Then he stopped. He tried with all of his might to move, be he couldn't. This wasn't a demon, it was a woman. As usual, he held back his instinct to attack to listen to what she was saying. Suddenly, she leaped to her feet, and made for the hut that the other person had wondered into. He stepped back, hoping to stay hidden. She ran past him, but she caught sight of him. She almost stopped, but a look of terror had spread across her face and she ran faster. Corru sighed and slumped to the ground. "Why do people have to be afraid of me?" Of course, he thought, it was because he was a hideous dragon hiding the shadows with red eyes and a spear. Who wouldn't be afraid? "Oh well." he sighed and stood up. "I shouldn't wait here too long unless Inuyasha's coming. But, if that's really Crystal's hut, then Miroku should be coming, but that doesn't mean Inuyasha. Damn it. Where's Naraku when you need him?"
Corru gripped the branches with his talons tightly. No need to fall out of the tree yet. He took in the world around him, almost entirely forest. There was a hut nearby, and a road a little further along. "There he is." Corru muttered to himself. He could definitely sense Koal's presence within the hut. "I'm sorry, Koal. But Inuyasha must die, if what you said is true. Thank you for leading me to him." The half dragon stood calmly, almost transfixed, watching the hut from the safety of the trees, waiting for the young wolf to pop out his head. He could remember almost everything that had happened. He had followed Koal for almost a week, and then today, or yesterday, they had ended up here. Now he only had to let Koal lead him right to Inuyasha the accursed dog. Then Ryukotsusei would have his revenge. Suddenly, he heard a noise below him and turned to see who was approaching.
OOC: Good job on taking charge. Finally someone else is getting events in motion. IC: "Well that's not something ya see every day, is it?" Kojiroh asked after Lyeave the wolf scampered into the dark folds of the forest. Cairn nodded, feeling a bit foolish for disbelieving her ability to transform. "But we do have one other problem to look into while she's gone." Jode said. They turned to him, forgetting the symptoms of transformation. "We have to find some clothes for her while she's away. After all, we don't want to look like pigs in front of a girl, do we?" The other two shook their heads. "Well, I'm out through." Jode continued. "Nothing I brought would really be comfortable on a girl." "Me too. Just the clothes on my back and a couple changes." Kojiroh replied quickly. They began staring at Cairn to hear his two bits. Cairn became all defensive and backed slowly away from them, feeling his way with his hands. "Uh uh. I don't have anything better than you guys. Everything I own is leather." "Not that cloak." Kojiroh smirked. "Oh HELL NO! I am NOT losing this cloak! This is a family heirloom guys!" "Yeah, so what? Didn't you agree that you'd treat the others in the school like family when you got here?" Jode joined Kojiroh in smirking. "That's not what I meant!" "Now Reodin," Jode was one of the few people who knew Cairn's first name, "This is for a good cause. You'll thank us later." Cairn wasn't a match for two of the strongest students in the Guild. Meanwhile . . . Lyeave sniffed through the grass, not able to really find anything. She could hear shouting behind her, but that was probably just boys being boys with their cruel jokes about when she transformed back. She couldn't really smell skeletons, but there was the reek of decay in the air, which usually meant corpse. She followed the vague scent for about half an hour, not covering too much ground. Then she found something. "I am going to have to remember to kill you two." Cairn grumbled. The other two had wreslted his cloak from him, and had also took one of his linen shirts and a pair of his more comfortable pants. "Why couldn't one of you guys contributed?" Just then, they heard a howl deep in the woods. They drew their weapons, ready for action, for Lyeave to run back to the clearing with a hundred skeletons after her. But instead, she just continued howling. They looked at Jode, who shrugged and followed the sound. When they reached the clearing, they could see why Lyeave hadn't come back. There were several huge drums, larger than any of them, sitting in the clearing as if they had been tossed down in a hurry. Lyeave had managed to get caught between two of them when she had nudged one to make sure nothing would happen. "Well." Cairn said lightly. "Let's help the poor puppy."
[I]The broad faced man threw down his hand to the table, shaking the group's mugs. They all stared at his cards, and several moaned and folded before they lost the clothes on their backs. But they stayed on, eagerly watching the remaining participants finish the game.[/I] Man: Well, what do ya say to that? [I] The other remaining player cringed, his free hand tapping lightly on his sword hilt. Even as he did so, the dwarf standing behind the winner cleared his throat loudly, once again bringing everyone's attention to the large axe in his hands. The other's hand returned to his mug, and he took a deep drink before folding himself. The dwarf's employer, a man known as Cinder, let out a triumphant yell that echoed through the room. Several heads turned from various tables, but they were disuaded from looking any further into it by the dwarf, Onuir Feris. Cinder greedily grabbed his winnings and cut a share for Onuir. The night had passed quickly. Already Cinder had won five games of cards, two rounds of a strange game involving bird bones, and countless rounds of dice. He was sending everyone in the inn bankrupt. And of course, his new friend prevented anyone from getting in the way of his winning streak. When there were no more willing gamblers left Cinder retired to his room, leaving Onuir to do as he wished with his earnings.[/I] Onuir: What have I gotten myself into now? A crazy cheatin' worm! Ah well, at least he pays well. [I] He took a quick jaunt to the bazaar to restock his supplies, and decided to check on his beast. The town guards had outright refused him to bring his ride into the city, and he had let it loose near an opening in the sheep pens outside for his slight revenge.[/I] Onuir: Altam! Altam! Come 'ere boy! We're gonna be leavin' this rat hole soon! I need to make sure you're ready! [I] For several minutes, there was no reply, but soon a huge wolfish creature bounded over the pen, blood stains across its mouth and coat. Onuir petted his beast, which he called Atlma, like the sea he had crossed to get here. He had taken Altma as payment to keep his mouth shut about a mage's experiments with animals. Now he rode Altma the same as a man rode a horse, except that Altma could fight better in a tight situation. Onuir grabbed Altma by the collar he used instead of reins, and led him to the gates. He arrived just in time to see two figures scale the wall and leap into the city. He thought nothing of it, of course, because there were things like this going on all the time here. Thieves and assassins were commonly finding their way into fortified positions. He then though about Shikyo and Morrslead, the two killers who had let him live. They had met him several times before looking for information about caravans, but they hadn't seen him since before he acceuired Altma. Surely they had some questions of some doings in the nearby desert. After all, only twelve caravans had gone missing in the past month, an all time low. Perhaps they had been lying low. As he pondered these thoughts, Onuir tied Altma to a lower level guard window and found his way back to the inn, perfectly prepared to find Cinder murdered in his absence. He had been counting on it, and looted what was left of the gambler's stash.[/I] Onuir: You really shouldn't 'ave let me give your door key to that man you played against. He was upset when he heard how you cheated. I just had to give him repentance.
Cairn couldn't help but be pleased with Jode's outlook on the matter. The forest was dark and looming, a perfect place for a hunter. He quickly got to work examining nearby branches. After several minutes of this, he caught up with the group, who had for some reason walked ahead a bit. "I can't find anything. These things have broken virtually every frickin' twig on every tree." Jode nodded, and turned to Kojiroh. "Your the tracker. He's the hunter. He can't do it, see if you can."
Cairn stepped forward. "I'll go." he yelled. "I grew up as a hunter, and you'll need one in that forest to find anything." There was some applause, but no where near as much as before. Jode nodded, and Cairn made his way to the wall and faced the crowd, awaiting more volunteers to join them. OOC: I have to end this here because I don't know who else wants to go!
By now the skeletons were pouring over the walls, forcing the students, and some teachers, back to the castle. Many students were being wounded by the fell weapons of the undead, and the mages could do little to help them. Luckily, some of them had gotten a good idea from Jode and had climbed to the walls to try and knock down the ladders. They had actually achieved a good defensive position in one of the towers. For the rest of the students, it was protecting the magic users who couldn't protect themselves. Cairn had seen Kojiroh run off. He didn't think it was a lack of courage, it was because Kojiroh knew what to do in a situation like this. "Probably gone to alert the others." he said to himself. Cairn had drawn his sword and taken a shield from one of the skeletons. Allison was nearby, cleaving through enemy after enemy. He could barely watch in awe. She didn't even seem to stop, just chaining her moves together into an eerie dance of bone. "I. Am. Never. Going. To. Another. Funeral." he cried as he brought his shield down onto one of their heads. Some people smiled, who had heard it. Those weere the people who lived for battle, and constantly yelled random comments that would have been funnier in other situations. He swung his sword again and distracted a skeleton long enough to clash his shield into its head again. These creatures weren't smart. He tore through another three like this, and then stabbed a fourth. But no matter how many he killed, more were always coming. They were being overrun. He could never recall exactly how much time had gone by since Kojiroh had left, all he knew was that if he didn't kill this next skeleton, he would die. It seemed like hours, and still they couldn't gain a real foothold. Eventually, Kojiroh returned, brandishing his weapon, with Cade and Lyaeve (who now had clothes on, although he didn't know she hadn't earlier), and together they actually gave the students hope. Until they realized that the Headmistress wasn't coming.
OOC: Thank God, something's going on! This is going to give everyone something to write about for a while. Good work Aiyanna. IC: As Cairn headed back to his room, another student ran beside him. "Well, well, Mr. Cairn." the kid laughed. "Were you actually ready to take on Cade? I'm pretty sure that you could've taken her." Cairn smiled weakly. "Then you have more faith than I do. I was just praying that she'd walk away. I've seen what she could do, and it's not pretty. Even without a weapon she could have knocked me senseless." The other student laughed loud enough for the few people in the hallway to turn and look at him. Apparently he thought it was funny that a swordsman could be beaten up by a girl. Cairn frowned, and tried to hurry up his pace. As they approched the West wall, the other kid nodded and walked into his room. Cairn gathered a few of his spellbooks and started listening to the rhythimic drum beats from outside the wall. "Hold on," he said to himself as he bolted upright from his bed. "Since when do drums play outside castle, or even at all?" He quickly pocketed his favorite scroll (the one that he had used to cast the speed enhancing spell in archery class) and ran outside, fastening his cloak. When he got far enough to look at the top of the wall, he was met by a hail of arrows. Several other students nimbly dogded out of the impending volleys paths, and some of them ran off. Some of the arrows were poking only their feathered shafts out of the ground. One thing was obvious though, these guys weren't firing blind. Almost every volley that made it over the wall landed close to one of the students, and they had to either move quickly out of the way or use a deflection spell. Some of his archery friends were already trying to fire back, fitting various enchated arrows into the notches on their bows. Cairn decided to join them with one of the neat little spells he had just learned. As more arrows flew through the air, some at their feet, others over the wall, Cairn uttered a quick repetitive chant. When he let his arrow loose, as it passed over the wall, he finished the chant and it split into five poisoned arrows. Even if they missed, not many people would be able to outrun the gas. But several others made amazing shots. One girl was firing arrows that turned into large blocks of stone. A group of people were coordinating their shots to make various weather effects, like miniature lightning storms and meteorites. Cairn sighed and though to himself, 'I really do need to learn more magic. Good thing about that combined lesson earlier. He smiled, fitted another arrow into the notch, and tried a different enchantment, all the while listening to the whistling arrows and beating drums. OOC: There you go. The castles under arrow siege so far and some of the students are fighting back. Someone else can think about how to get the invaders inside.
Name: Corru Age: 22 Description: Demon-Corru is a half dragon demon. He stands at about 7' 4'' when at full height but mostly appears to be 6' 8'' because he has to lean very often. He looks like a snake with arms and legs, with grey scales, red eyes, and a tail. He has two rows of sharp teeth and a long white mane that runs down his spine to about between his shoulder blades. He wears a tattered white shirt and black pants with a hole in the rear for his tail. Finally, Corru has 2' long retractable claws on both his hands and feet. Human- Almost same as demon form, except without the red eyes, tail, scales, and claws. Naturally tall, and has long flowing white hair (the kind of thing that makes a man giggle to himself in the night -Sarge) and blue eyes. His pants also lose their hole for his tail. Weapons: Hands, Feet, and a spear that he uses as a walking stick. Special Abilities: Fell Claw- A lot like the Iron Reaver Soul Stealer that Inuyasha uses, except Corru plants his spear in the ground, holds it, and kicks at his opponent with the talons in his foot. Human Benevolence- Being a half demon, Corru has to become human at certain times during the year. He becomes human for 24 hours ten days before and ten days after the new moon. He doesn't consider this a weakness. Ryukotsusue's Revenge- Corru's most powerful attack. A demon aura blast like that of Ryukotsusei, from the first time Inuyasha used the Backlash Wave. This is an extreme attack, and leaves Corru drained and barely able to move afterwards. Can use with a portion of its strength while in human form, but greatly injures him near to the brink of death. Bio: Corru was born from a masqeurading dragon demon and a loving mother. He was forced to leave his mother at an early age, and traveled with his father and learned that he was somehow related to Ryukotsusue, although he has never found out how. All he knows is that Inuyasha killed Ryukotsusue, and when Koal left to save Inuyasha, Corru had to follow him. Corru never really had a childhood, but that never stopped him from living a good life. Even when he followed Koal to the future, Corru never forgot what his father taught him in battle, and plans to kill Inuyasha. He also wishes to see two other things, Ryukotsusue's grave, and Totosei. If he is successful in killing Inuyasha, Corru plans to settle down in the present era and wait for his end. Weaknesses: He cares too deeply for human life. Cannot attack a female human because they remind him of his mother (so that means Kagome and Sango are safe) and will even put himself in danger to save their life. Also, his scales can be easily penetrated unlike his ancestor's, and he's color blind, which isn't too much of a problem unless he's painting. His weakness against women is shown mostly during the times that he's human, because they never leave him alone. Because he can barely fight in his human form, he keeps his true identity a secret from everyone so that Inuyasha won't find him, but Koal would recognize him. Era: Future Side: Evil
Ooc: I always love being a bad guy! I hope this is okay with you. Name: Kyu Shyn Age: 24 Sex: Male Description: Kyu wears a relatively new form of armor. His chestplate is brown, like the base of the rest of his armor, and has a magnetized back to carry some of his weapons on. He wears a black cloth material under all of his armor, and it is protruding only on his hands, neck, and joint areas. His arms' and legs' armor is also brown, with curved areas for the knees and elbows, the backsides of his hands are covered in the armor. His helmet consists of three glowing, rotating green opticals that allow him different form of vision, and he has no mouthpiece. Underneath his armor, Kyu is a pale athletic, black haired youth. Strangely, his eyes are naturally white, no iris or pupil to be seen. Kyu's personality can been summed up pretty quickly: he barely has one. His devotion to his masters is all the real personality he needs, following orders to the letter, and making sure others do the same. He is ruthless, inhumane creature without a soul, and he's perfectly happy with his life. Race: Super Human Weapons: Twin-Blade sword, various daggers, built in katars in his armor, hands and feet, and a single omni-rifle that can fire a large range of munitions. Job: Monster information gatherer/ Monster assassin Abilities: Night Vision, Eagle Eyes, X-Ray Vision, Infra Red Vision, True Eyes, Mind Scan ((Ooc: You said that the other abilities were only examples, right? Just PM me to make me change it.) Mind Scan works a little like Mind Control, except that the victim remains motionless while the user probes his mind for vital information using key words. Lasts for 5 seconds, used only three times a day, range of 50 yards. Can't affect anyone with cybernetic brain enhancements, or who has a strong will.) Bio: The invading Monsters weren't just mindless brutes. Some of them were extremely intelligent, or lucky, and were able to create their own breed of super-humans as soon as they captured one of the facilities. The Monsters then used these heritical humans as their eyes among the worlds, gathering information about troop deployments and high standing diplomatic leaders. Kyu was one of the first four super-humans, and is ranked as close as general among the Monster following humans. The other three each took different paths, but Kyu took orders directly from his masters, killing anyone, no matter how insignificant. With the threat of the new, monster powerful super-humans, loyal to their creators as well, Kyu has a new task, to kill their leaders as quickly as possible. Ever since, he's had only six successful missions to eradicate the super-human leaders. They're stronger, faster, and deadlier than him, probably smarter, too. But he's more determined to be one of the only humans left to obey the Monster horde until his dying day. The masses don't yet accept the truth that there are corrupted humans in their midst, and this may be their downfall. Lately, Kyu has been stuck following a particualr human. He's supposedly more powerful than any other like him, able to kill any monster or super-human. Kyu must find a way to bring him back to his masters for further assimilation into the horde. He hasn't tried to capture him yet, but he has a deadline to meet, deadline being a literal meaning. Side: Bad
Ooc: I like Inuyasha, and the chance to play as an evil character is a great change! Name: Corru (Core- u) Age: 59 Description: About 6' 8'', has natural dragon scales, elongated face, two rows of sharp teeth. He's a half-dragon demon. He has red eyes, his scales are grey, and he has a long white mane going down his spine until it reaches between his shoulder blades. He wears a ragged, torn, brown shirt and long black pants that reach his ankles, with a hole in back for his tail. He also has talons on hands and feet, so he doesn't wear shoes. Era: Future Weapon: Only a spear and his claws. Special Abilities: Fell Claw- Similar to the Iron Reaver Soul Stealer, but uses his feet's claws in a kick. Ryukotsusei's Revenge- A powerful Dragon demon blast that leaves Corru drained. Bio: Corru is related somehow to the vanquished Ryukotsusei, Inuyasha's father's enemy. However distant their relationship may be, it's enough to make Corru seek to destroy Koal before he can save Inuyasha's life. Knowing full well that he doesn't stand a chance against either of them, Corru follows Koal into the past to find Naraku, and become the tool of Inuyasha's destruction. Side: Evil Ooc: I'm assuming that this is before Naraku's defeated, if not, tell me and I'll edit my character's bio.
Ooc: It seems that no one is taking up the offer of a hero secretly aligned with the assassins. If it's not too late, I'd like to take the position. Name: Onuir Feris Age: 38 Race: Dwarf Height: 5' 5'' Weight: 230 lbs. Class: Bodyguard Eye Color: Hazel Hair Color: Black Bio: Onuir's early past is unknown to anyone except himslef in Ashenhire. He was born over the Altmara Sea, and protected his Captain whenever pirates raided the ship. When he first entered Theode, he saw all the wealth that the country had to offer, and gave his services to the nearest politician with deep pockets. However, roaming around the desert with a bunch of sour men lost its appeal, even with the often well earned payoffs. That was when he was 36. It wasn't long before he met his match. Two assassins raided the caravan he was protecting, and he was unable to save his employer. But, he was able to save his skin when he revealed the whereabouts and strength of other, greater caravans. With that deal, he was in as the assassins' inside contact. Not only did he get paid to be a bodyguard, but he was also given a nice, though proportionally smaller than the others', share of the loot. When they trusted him, they let him in on a secret. They knew where something was, something very valuable to everyone in Ashenhire. He wasn't told what it was, but should Morrslaed and Shikyo fail in their attempt to seize it, he should become friends with the object's holder and constantly report their actions. If he should succede, even his smaller share of the money would be enough to ensure that Onuir never needed to work again. Equipment: Double-bladed axe, and two short swords at his waist. Armor: Leather undershirt, a chain mail shirt, and a steel plated suit. Also has steel plated pauldrons, greaves, bracers, and a short chain mail tabard. Finally, a buckler shield with a sun painted on it in red. Spells: Altmara Wrath- When near water, he can use this spell to hit his enemies for minor damage, mostly a distraction. Bane of the Fathers- This spell rends the very earth on which Onuir's enemy stands, dooming them to an eternity in the deep places of the world. Abilities: Can naturally smell gold and other precious minerals in the ground. Weaknesses: Cannot swim, is rather heavy, and is very succeptable to poisons and deep wounds. Strong Against: Spears, blinding attempts, fire spells, and earth spells. Ooc: I hope I'm not too late for the position of disloyal hero, although that may change with time.
Cairn was the last to leave archery class. Magic really wasn't his strongpoint. In the end, he used a carefully selected spell, raised his hood, and let the arrow fly. It sliced through the target and left a small hole through its center. Neither of his instructors were pleased, because he had used a potent speed spell, but were obliged to let him leave. As he walked to the library to find another spellbook, he saw Cade and Lyeave at each others throats again. He smiled and stood back watching the two argue. "Well if you hadn't come along and distracted me then I would have," Cade was yelling. "You would have been cut down without a weapon! You should be thanking me!" Lyeave retorted. Cade was on the breaking point, and Cairn thought that he should step in to make sure no one got, severly, wounded. "Now, now, ladies," he said as he stepped between the two. They glared at him, and he thought he heard one of them snarl. "I don't know what happened, but I'm pretty sure that you would've gotten yourself hurt without a weapon." Cade gave him such a look that most people watching the fight cowered before her. At least Lyeave was pleased that someone took her side. "If you don't think that I couldn't take you down right here and now, punk, then you're sorely mistaken!" Cade yelled at him. But as she stepped forward, Cairn reached for his sword on his back. She stopped. And for once, everyone could see his eyes. They knew that if Cade attacked for real, he would show no mercy. She walked off, cursing Allison, Lyeave, and Cairn for ruining her day so far.
Cairn sat down beside to older boys who seemed to disapprove of his presence. Neither of them knew, or really cared, who this hooded stranger was, though they had seen him privately practicing his archery by the woods. For the first few minutes they ate in silence. Then a younger girl walked up beside them and stood quietly beside Cairn. He looked quietly around the table and saw a few other empty chairs, but she didn't take any of them. He was about to ask her to sit down when the boy on his right spoke rashly at him. "Move out of our sister's seat." All he could do was raise an unseen eyebrow beneath his hood. Then he stood up saying, "Of course. Excuse me miss." And with that he left, disposing of his tray just as the Headmistress quieted the room with a firebolt. 'So much for a good breakfast,' he thought as he started for the archery field.
Name: Reodin Cairn Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: White undershirt with a leather jerkin over it. Brown pants, and heavy boots. Has leather gloves and simple unadorned belt. Cairn has slightly paler skin than most people, leaf green eyes, and very short bed-head blonde hair. Over all this, he wears a deep green hooded cloak that's held together with a golden sun shaped brooch. Personality: Prefers to be called by his last name, Cairn rarely speaks without being spoken to. He's very open to anyone, and he can even recall painful memories if asked. He can be a deep thinker, and likes to observe until he puts forth his opinion. Cairn isn't a competitive person, but likes sportsmanship. Very patient, some people mistake him for being wise beyond his years. Surprisingly, he gets along better with girls than boys, because he didn't have any brothers and he spent most of his time either hunting with his father or cleaning at home :animestun . Weapons: Cairn grew up hunting, so he uses a bow first and a sword second. He stays away from magic, because his village regarded it as a heretical practice. Height: 6' 4" Weight: 138 (at age 16) How he came to the Guild: Reodin came from a simple village where people went through their day to day lives in ease. He grew up in one of the hunting families, and his father had attended the Guild as a boy himself. There's no mystery here, or a sad story. His parents sent him to the Guild to train to be a better hunter like all his forefathers. He deems this an honor.
Ichiro HATED the rain. It wasn't so much the water as the cold. But then again, rain was never hot. He shook his head. 'I think too much about this crap.' he told himself. Most kids would be in school by now, and especially him, and he would have. If it hadn't been for the Etsuko Sisters. The little brats had figured out what kind of screwdriver worked on his alarm clock. Now, here he was, doing his least favorite thing, running through the rain with his dog. "If I ever get a chance, those two are gonna be dead!" he tells Harley, his little puppy. His parents were big motorcyclists. Just as he entered Wishing Well's doors, a teacher grabbed him by the neck. "Well well well," she said, "You're not the first student I've caught today. Let's hear you're story." Ichiro squinted his eyes and prepared himself to do something he didn't want to.
Sign Up Misguided Hearts [M-LV, Mild S, Violent Image!]
Sir Gawain replied to Lilt's topic in Theater
Name: Etsuko Ichiro Gender: Male Age: 14 Appearance: Tall, but sickly thin and pale. Commonly mistaken for a skeleton. Has short blond hair (helps with the pale look), and green eyes. Always wears small glasses, blue jeans, and a bright colored shirt. Thoughts on Love: Too much thought, not enough love. Doesn't really love anyone (yet) but understands that love begets love, so until he loves someone or someone loves him, he's pretty much neutral. Bio: Since Ichiro's early ages, he's been into gaming of all kinds. A real thinking kind of person, RPs have always been his best, but he's a challenge for anyone at a fighting game too. Not able to really fight back in real life, he proved himself in defense. A bully once tried to beat him up and started by trying to bring his arm around his back, like a police officer would. This ended terribly, as the his strange bone structure allowed Ichiro to twist around and put his boot to the bully's face. Nobody tries to fight him, but he's not intimidating to anyone either. He enters the contest to try and bring out the best in himself, which has never happened before. Several of his friends are also entering, and he sees this as an opportunity to beat them all. OOC: My thanks (again) to Sonata for helping with my character's name. -
Actually, you make a good point about Holiday RPGs. You seem to have a firm grasp of an idea, but elaborate some. A party sounds cool, but as to your comment about you being the guy passed out on the couch, hehehe. I might be the person keeping the wall company (huh, like always). But, you have inspiration Abel the Wicked. Use it wisely.
This idea is a mix of several other famous 'base' ideas. All of these were mentioned by the posts above this one. However, there's also something that I recognize as Amazing Island, too. This will be a very good RPG. All you have to do is get the right people interested in this. Currently, I can see no problems, just some fine tuning. Very good work :) .
OOC: Welcome to the next reality story. I don't plan on signing up, but this is a very good idea. Good luck to everyone, then again, why? This will be an interesting , uh, series, to follow. Good idea, Moi.
Writing The Legend of Otaku Hollow [PG-13]
Sir Gawain replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
I'm touched. You actually put me in the story, albeit only for a second. Why must you always mention me? This was the best story I've read since the Fall of Reach. You have talent unlike any I've seen before. Boba Fett, if you read this, your a ghost because you were murdered. Chuckle. I can't wait to see anyone do a sequel to this. I can just hope that it'll be as hilarious as this one was, excuse me, is. Good work Dragon Warrior. With the power 'vested in me, I dub ye dubed.