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Sir Gawain

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Everything posted by Sir Gawain

  1. I can't wait! You seem to have built up quite a fan base by now. Hmm. Keep up the good work!
  2. Put simply, THIS IS AWESOME!! Halo is easily my favorite shooter, so just seeing a banner with the Chief on it makes me emotional. It's beautiful.
  3. The other Halo RPG isn't going anywhere anymore. Name: Curtis Moore Race: Human Class: Marine, Recon Personality: Blank. There's no room for emotion on the field of battle. But, follows orders and offers good advice. Bio: Recon always seemed to suit Curtis due to his abilities at sharpshooting. Find the target area, clear it, and provide long range backup while the gung ho fellas get themselves killed. He broke his personality at boot camp. His sergeant had been shouting at him that he was too afraid to shoot anyone. Curtis proved him wrong by putting the officer in the hospital for two months with one bullet in each arm and leg. His replacement wasn't impressed. Preferred Weapon: Sniper Rifle Specialty: Sniper
  4. Hey, I was just kidding about the big words! Another wonderful installmebnt! I'd have to say that in all my pathetic, short time here at the boards, this is the best story I've read so far! But as far as who the Postless Banner is, I'm stumped. Like a dead tree. In a forest. Wha? Please finish soon! Then you can get back to taking over the boards. :devil:
  5. That was interesting. Well, it certainly was a new take on Inuyasha. Keep writing, um, typing, I'd like to see how this ends up. Very good.
  6. Really! New members aren't always the causes of this! But what do I know? :D There's a reason I'm Kid Anime! But you must remember, not all new members are the stereotypes that you think of. Not that !I'm saying anything bad about you!
  7. An even better installment than the first. Just a thought first; Stop using big words, even if it is only for one paragraph. This is great. But did you really try to take over the boards? :devil: Haha. Or are you just giving yourself something?
  8. En Taro Adun, my friend. Hehe. Well, this IS fun, isn't it? Name: Khaldarix Age: 3723 Gender: Male Race: Protoss Appearence: Hunk of machinery. Looks like a metal spider with only four legs, hehe. Metal is colored red, crimson red. Class: Dragoon Psionic powers: High power energy blast. Starting weapons: Dragoon photon beam, legs Bio: Khaldarix became a dragoon when the Zerg invaded Aiur and removed his vitals. like all Protoss, he has a deep dislike for the Dark Ones and wishes only to sacrifice himself to save his planet. Personal honor isn't as big an ideal for him, but still important.
  9. Well, may I ask the point of this. It is interesting in any case.
  10. This is very good. Your inclusion of real people, err, real people's other selves, makes this an experince that others can enjoy. It was very enjoyable, and I'd like to see it again in Chapter 2. Oh yes, and using proper grammar and spell checking is very funny. You know, lawyers ARE dangerous. Keep up this story, and the boards could be remodeled!
  11. This was not the way it was susposed to happen. Being a Spartan meant being a supersoldier, even flying on a super ship. But they had still been defeated. Gustav knew that Jacks was trying to make the best out of a ad situation, but it wasn't the time. The Covenant were coming, heading toward Earth every second. If they were able to defeat the best soldiers and the best ship in the fleet, then there wasn't much stoping them. He sighed and fell into half crouch defensive postion, how he always used to sit. Before he became a Spartan. Then it hit Gustav like the force of his own attack (not to be taken lightly). He was still here. Talon, and Jacks, Steele, the other Spartans, and Master Chief. They were all still alive. New hope had arisen in him. The aliens had defeated the best ship in the fleet. They hadn't even blocked the best troops in the army.
  12. Character Name: Skull Kid Status:Otaku Team: Team Yokoi Boards Location: The Adventure Square Appearance: Look at my avatar. Skull Kid from Majora's Mask. Short, looks like a scarecrow with twig-like limbs, ragged clothes, and straw hat. Weapon: Majora's Mask. A source of deep black magic.
  13. OOC: Sorry, ran into some trouble that caused me not to be able to post. IC: Gustav picked up the jackal by its forhead and started slamming it into anything else that moved. Then he felt a huge shock that sent him flying. It was a hunter, probably the same one that attacked him earlier. If he had been in a sane state of mind, he would have ran. Unfortunately, he wasn't the best person to talk to about anger management. Instead, he stupidly rushed the hunter. It seemed to be surprised at this development, giving him the edge. Gustav grabbed the alien's head somehow swung over it to its back. He then sent his foot flying as hard as he could through its orange flesh. At the same time, he heard a round of shotgun ring in his ears. The Master Chief was on the other side of the hunter. "What was that about, trainee?" he asked. Gustav snapped to attention. Feeling foolish he saluted his superior. "Just, um, clearing the enemy." The Master Chief didn't look like he believed this. Then again, it was hard to tell. But he sighed and said, "Get moving, officer."
  14. Gustav moaned and looked around. The last thing he remembered was a hunter charging straight for him. Then he saw a big smirking face belonging to a grunt. he tried to move his arms, but they were manacled down. "Aw hell. Not this." he said as the grunt began laughing and slapping him with a plasma pistol. The blows couldn't do anything through his Mjolnir suit, but it was the morale effect. Another Covenant elite walked into the room. As it leaned in to face him, he heard a small click. The creature had turned on a translator to speak with him. "We've finally got you, nasty human filth." If it had a face, it might have smirked. "What do you plan to do now? Escape? No, you'll have to be a little test subject for our masters." Gustav groaned. "My ma always told me not to try and kill aliens. She was smart, but wrong." The elite looked a little surprised, if possible, at this. Inside, he grinned. He had always been known for anger outbursts. Letting loose all of his stored rage, he craked the wrists of his mjolnir armor and brought his hands around the monster's neck. Soon, the little grunt was with his buddy. And more Covenant were spilling through the dropship door. They didn't realize that they were in a small space with a very aggressive, pissed off Spartan.
  15. Gustav quickly released several rounds of his assault rifle into what looked like a grunt. He didn't care, it was in the way. And it had something he wanted. After a few more bullets shredding through it, he picked up the alien's Needler. Now he could start cleanup. His hallway was full of lower level Covenant troops, but they carried a lot of ammo. Soon there was a huge spray of brilliant purple needles slinging into anything that moved. Tiny explosions rattled in the Spartan's ears as the last of his rounds flew from the gun. This brought back memories. His nickname, Vesuvius, had been earned for two reasons. one, a surprise attack from a dormant volcano. Two, no one dared get in his way when he had an automatic weapon. especially if he was bored. Gustav's com channel clicked on and several bursts of unaudible static caused him to stagger, clutching his head. This was a bad thing, as a hunter walked slowly into the hallway from a side door and charged him. The brief disturbance in his enemy was all it needed. Gustav smiled to himself. The other Spartans were somewhat ambitious. But he was just a pissed off man with an auto alien weapon that shot exploding rounds. "Now I'm awake." Seconds later, he was unconcious due to a blow to the back of his head.
  16. My lord! This is a great story! . You've outdone yourself substantially. With so many interesting twists within the plot, which are very well thought out, this has the potential to attract some major attention. Indeed though, Deities, double souled beings, and Limbo have all been done before. Never so much grandly though. I enjoy the overlook of this story, the complicated rules, and the much anticipated action. I look forward to reading this in perhaps the OB Anthalogy. Good luck! ^_^
  17. Ha ha ha! Time to have a little fun! Name: Officer Gustav "Vesuvius" Venan Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearnce: Crimson Armor Personality: Conservative, will always hesitate to openely sacrifice the lives of soldiers. Weapon Style: Covenant Favoured Weapon: Needler Favoured Vehicle: Banshee Bio: Changed his name at an early age to mark his entry into the Spartan program. His methods of mayhem: evasive action, know your enemy, and surprise attack! Virtually a night soldier, prefers Covenant weapons because of their superior ability against their creators. Gets into any Banshee, pilot or no, and provides covering fire for ground forces. Never disobeys a direct order. Got the nickname Vesuvius because of a unique surprise attack on a Convenant outpost while hiding inside a dormant volcano.
  18. Intersting. Never had I seen such a description of Death. Most amusing. This is a very well done piece of work, and as such, I feel that you truly understand death. Remeber, you can only be afraid of it if you don't know what it is. And you have nothing to fear of death when it, or he, comes. A good story. Keep being inovative!
  19. Here's a little thought: those same people in the government will be replaced by our generation who are more tolerant of such things. Overall, the idea of banning anime is silly. For one, the US would become severly unpopular. There really are people out there in foreign governments who are that devoted. Second, no matter where you are in the world, you'll find a way to get it. If banned, it will only make the problem worse. And third, KIDS will protest. If Martin Luther King could make kids get involved in what they believe in, then the number of anime fans would simply take up a WHOLE LOT MORE than Washington. In case anyone has anything bad to say about my comments, I will detect it. Back to the topic. Sir, if your government wants to ban anime, simply do the following: Sit down outside wherever the decision will be made. If they say yes, stand up slowly. Bring a magephone and laugh at them until someone happens to get ticked off enough to take you down. Finally, run for it and start a revolution with as many people as possible. ^_^ Forget the last part. But you must take a stand. Everyone has a voice, use it now. Of course, there are some interesting legal documents that you should look for, especially the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. "We have the natural born right to the pursuit of happiness." -Thomas Jefferson. If they don't listen to the government, then they are as good as out of office. As for people who feel that violence is a big deal in anime; NEVER look for the Des Blood games! Ha! If you only knew what kids these days were capable of, then violence isn't the biggest problem. Some games aren't rated M for violence. I hope everyone here understands what I'm saying.
  20. There are several things that you can do. First, here's a checklist. You've probably done some of these. 1.Create an interesting idea. 2.Work out all main characters. 3.Figure out what roles the characters will play in the story. 4.Rebuild the main events so that they make sense in the long run. 5.Think of important smaller events that can take place between the main events. 6.Continue editing the story, adding any neccessary characters and making sure it flows the way you want it to. 7.Draw pictures with the story that make sense. Unfortunately, I can't tell you how to draw. I stink myself and always revert back to a poor 2 D creation I call Chob. Hehe. Chobs. Anyway, I hope this advice helps. Quote "Clear your mind, you must." -Master Yoda ^_^
  21. I've already tried to post two stories on the Otaku Boards. But I have several. Here's a little detail on what I've done, please tell me what you think of it: Fallen Angel- Death is unavoidable. But when you're an angel, even death is better than what you have to do. Not all angels are fortunate enough to be mere soldiers against Hell. There is one, who has been awakened. The demon angel, with bloodstained armor, thick black wings, and an unsatisfiable urge to kill. His sword is what he is often called, the Fallen Angel. Luckily, the blade can delve him deeper into his demon energies. However, when attacking hell, he will meet his every equal: the holy demon! Of course, Satan may not allow either's death. What has the Creator caused? Havoc beyond the cosmic scale. Dragon Heart- Many years ago, on the eve of creation, there were born the animals of the Chinese zodiac. King of them all was the dragon. The people feared the dragon, and tried to kill it. The dragon scattered its powers over the distant island, where now they have become awakened. It was by chance that Shike found her way to the warring states era. With the dragons, will she be able to hide the power that is, the Dragon Heart? Even her new ally Sesshomirou cannot tell. But an ancient prophet will also seek the power, and he has all the knowledge of the dragon king. Italian Assassins- In a year unknown to man, the five greatest countries on Earth seperated to the planets. Italy controls what was once Venus and has harnased the planet's ultra heat. Their assassins are the best. An ill secret waits on Neptune. A catlike alien race, not with technology, but with enough numbers to conquer the universe. France, Germany, USA, Russia, and Italy must band together to stop this potential threat. These are only three of my stories. Please tell me what you think of them. Any possible ideas will help. These are rated according to the state law, which is very good considering. All rights and registrations apply. Fallen Angel TM, Dragon Heart TM, and Italian Assassins TM are registerred trademarks of Infinite Soft, sub section Cross.
  22. She had asked the one question that none of them could answer. Fighting was the only way. They were outcasts, seemingly normal kids with extreme abilities with weapons. Fighting was what they were born for, and yet . . . No one could ever answer that. After the Juppon Gatana were defeated, what then? Noi asked himself this silently. Kenji was very kind, but Noi was going to stick to what he had vowed. He would only kill two of the Juppon Gatana to get even with his grandparents' death. But he would kill their murderer, the Sway would guarantee that much. He smiled. Rubi had done the one thing that Noi had been taught to avoid, question himself. He looked at Tsubaki, the girl who had saved his life, Suteneko, the girl who would have easily been able to beat him down, and Kenji, his friend and for now leader. Rubi now, who was innocence that none of them could equal. Yes, they might have been just kids, but this little group was as close to a family as Noi had right now. And he was happy.
  23. Indeed. Well, a Gundam Wing RPG will be welcome here on Otaku. Although I approve of the basic idea of how the characters evolve, there still has to be a story. So far, if this was X-Play, I would give it a 2 out of five for not having a story. Sadly, I'm not Adam Sessler, and I don't stand beside Morgan Webb every day. Anyway, give me some more info and I'll join easily. Most important, are there any more Gundams? Can we make our own Gundams? If so, here comes the Flaming Knight- Yee Haw! Ooc: Moderators seem to be joining these conversations a lot more openly, don't they?
  24. Excellent. A new Legend of Zelda look. I can't wait to try my hand at it. I've gotten bored playing Oot and Majora's Mask (along with a lot of others) in less than ten hours. A shift in gameplay will be a challenge. Of course, in my opinion this could be a REMAKE of Oot! It is possible, and a new variety of monsters! Ha! Not to mention, this doesn't show the popular Deku, Goron, Zora, or Gerudos! We'll all just have to wait and see. Hmm, maybe they should have Link travel to the future (Jet Force Gemini + Zelda = Machine Gun Master Sword ^_^). Anyways, this looks like a great game, but will the story and voices be up to standard? And, the one thing we're all thinking is, what about Zelda? What does she do in this game?
  25. There are things to consider. If you want to have the story go exactly as you plan, then do as venge says and post it in the OB. However, if you'd like to see how other people would help write your story with you, then make it an RPG. Among other things, the Eastern Zodiac has appeared numerous times and has always been something different. People will always read what you put though. A good idea is to post it as an RP and slowly guide the story in the general direction you want it to go. That way, everyone gets a voice. I hope this helps to an extent. I'm only 13 and already using words like extent! Hah!
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