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Everything posted by CaiSter21

  1. i think that WHR is an over rated series because it really isn't all that great first of all, its just like any other anime u watch with the same action, typical drama, and the occasional psycho. i mean when i first saw it on Cartoon Network, i was like WTF!!! anyway, other overrated anime series are Gundam Wing, no offense, but sum ppl just wont shut up!!! and Inuyasha, for christ sakes, hes just taking revenge!!!
  2. i started watchin anime at the age of 9 when gundam wing first came out on Cartoon Network in 2000. i wasn't an otaku until this past spring when i started downloadin fansubs off the net via bit torrent now i have around 60 GBs of anime on my hard drive YAY!!!! :p
  3. Can someone make me a gundam seed banner featuring kira and lacus? i would much appreciate it :)
  4. the world will blow up before all the raw materials run out because we r gonna nuke ourselves to death! i mean y do u think we still have all of our nukes just lying around, gathering dust! plus, the ignorrant politicians in this world just cant seem to get along and create peace! Damn Politics :mad: It always seems to ruin everything
  5. im think that im a lot like Kira Yamato from Gundam Seed for many reasons 1. im quiet and shy most of the time 2. i get pissed when i get mad 3. i perfer to find a peaceful way to deal with things 4. im sort of a loner or an outside
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