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Everything posted by Seifer
On a side note: ramzi yousef is currently serving 238 years in Prison with no parole. Eh.....Maybe if hes lucky he will get out in 2239. He should have got the Firing Squad so the tax payers of the US wouldnt have to pay to keep his but in jail.
CLoning may be helpful in some areas but it should not even be experimented with. Just think of the horros of someone like RUssia getting ahold of this ability to make an army of cloned human soldiers. Yes we may not intendt to do that but look what the atomic atom project turned into. They where just trying to learn about atoms and find a new energy source. A good thing turned into a thing that is one of the most threatining things to this day. Cloning is right up there. Then, cloning is practically trying to become god like. We are not meant to clone. God created people, we are not gods. Once one clones and we advance it even more people will start thinking we are god like. That will only cause further problems and perhaps anger God. Like I said though, even though it can be used for good things, the evil in it is to much to bear......
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] God you people just don't get it... LEGALLY it's NOT wrong.... MORALLY to an American it is wrong... THATS what I meant..... Put it this way, most things I say come from a legal stand point, not a political or moral stand point.... I can understand where you got the wrong idea... I won't burn the American, I don't support it morally, what I was saying is it's not wrong LEGALLY.... As in there's nothing you can do about it but be appauled or sickened.... I didn't mean that I would burn a flag, did I say that? No.... Did I say I support burning of the flag? No.... I said specifically... it's NOT WRONG... and that is meant from a legal standpoint.... And I'm neither with you or against you.... I'm against terrorism and violence in a whole.... if being with you supports war, then I'm not with you... but i'm not against you, because I don't support terrorism.... I'm the switzerland here.... I stay neutral most of the time... esspecially when war and violence is the subject.... But i support the US and the people willing to fight, I just won't be fighting myself cause I'm against warfare.... but if you feel the need to die for your country, do it... thats your choice... not mine... As said in the movie Patton: "The object of war is not to die for your country.... it's to make the other bastard die for his" [/B][/QUOTE] My apologies. I see now what you meant. I had just been listening to some guy trying to justify it earlier that day and I was already mad. Yes based on our constitution you can burn a flag. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I usually screw up everything anyway. Today, I was listening to keven miller and he was talking to some leader of an organization whos saying its not right to force people to say the pledge of alligiance. Well, I disagree with that. NO they shouldnt be forced to if there not from this country or are of other nationality. But anyone who is an amwerican should want to sday it let alone be forced to. If you dont pledge aligiance to our flag, what do you pledge allligiance to? IF you dopnt pledge alligiance to us that means your not part of us, then why our these people here voting and carrying out other things. He said we shouldnt idolize thingas and pledge to flags or other objects. Then he tried to justify flag burning as something like when the KKK burns a cross, then he got al stutter mouthed. One guy called in and pointed out the next line after the first to show we are not idolizing the flag and pledging to an idol. That is: I pledge of alligiance to the flag of the United States of America, [b]And to the Republic of which it stands,[/b] Like I said, if you dont pledge alligiance to us, why are you here doing things only american citizens can do. In world war two. Americans volunteering at the start of the war to fly in the Royal Airforce, had to pledge alligiance to the king. If you dont pledge alligiance to a country your not part of it.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Americans are just too ignorant to accept the ideals of anything NOT capitalist.... even Osama Bin Laden, who apparently hates Capitalism, gained over 60 million dollars in capitalist acts like investing and all that.... he contradicts his own beliefs.... Anyway, there's nothing wrong with burning an American flag.... hell, even in the US, Flag Burning IS constitutional.... Freedom of expression, and they, the Palestinians, have that too, and they are exploiting it... anyone who sees that as wrong, obviously isn't a true American because if you were a true American you would respect freedom of expression.... whether it be done in Palestine or in your neighbor's yeard.... [/B][/QUOTE] Sorry, I havent read past this statement yet because I was so appaled and disgusted when i read this. I cant believe an AMERICAN would say that. I dont care if another country wants to burn our flag. Thats understandable because enemies asre going to hate each other. But for an american say its okay for an american to burn their OWN flag. Thats ludicris and absurd. And A true american isnt if he thinks flag burning is wrong? Thats probably the most ignorant thing I have heard you say in my entire time i have known you. I did have respect for you but I just lost every bit off it. Thats like you burning your house down cause you dont like your moms idea own things. thats like spitting in your own families face cause you disagree on an issue. Thats like stabbing your brother in the back cause he made you mad. My god, your obviously not the true american here. Burning your own countries flag is the most dispicable thing i can think of. I hope you dont get drafted in a war, I would be terrified to fight with you for being afraid you would just shoot me and join the otherside. This is your country, you where born here (unless you arent and i didnt know that) Where is your patriotism. In the days if A knight burned his kings crest in prtest what would tyhe response be? Yes its constitutional. It shouldnt be but they allow it since it is a version of freedom of speech. Anyone who supports burning their own counrties flag is not a true amercian and dont need to be here voting and doing other things. Thats ridiculous. Im sick right now. My god, burning your own flag.......Like Bush said, your either with us or against us....
Well, I hate talking about all this. Not all people do but when most realize their popular, they start getting an ego and that I hate. At school we call them preppy's. I in know way want to be like them. Out of all of them only 2 are actually nice people. Determining whos popular and who is not is just another way to get conflicts started. Alot of people get mad cause there not popular and do things to others and take their frustration out. Im not popular and thats fine with me. I just hate seeing people label each other as popular and not popular. I thought everyone was equal anyway so why is someone more popular then someone else. I know i might be exagerating a little, but let me warn you, stuff like this only causes problems.
I dunno, that is pretty stupid....:O
maybe i said somethign wrong. I did not mean i wanted to go there because of prostitution or boobies on tv. I was using that as an example as to the stuff they allow yet they dont have many problems at all. As to your statement about ther ebeing no laws to break im not saying that either. Can someone tell me one time where a japanese kid brougth a gun to scvhool and shot a bunch of kids? Can someone tell me the last time, a store owner was beat to death by kids with baseball bats cause they didnt like him? Can you tell em the last time a Homsexual was killed because he was gay? These are all roblems we face and need to be fixed. You hardly ever hear about these probs in japan. Yes they have probs, everyone does. Its part of life. Evil is and always will be part of life. But they parent, and protect their country.
Who host this place and you site? Im trying to find a good hosting service that doesnt cost an arm and a leg.
I was just curious on what everyone thought. does it look better short or long. I like the long better.
I have played Gundam 0079 so much I caught myself visuallizing a battle in the middle of the city yesterday. I quickly corrected and disciplined myself.
Exactly, when all the school shootings happend. It was automaticlly, he shot those kids cause he watched a movie that had a guy shoooting someone. They did not say, he shot people cause his parents SUCKED! and didnt give a d@mn about there kid. If it was true that games, music, movies ect, cause people to do this I would have done killed thousands of poeple cause every day i listen to music that has cussing, watch violent movies, and play violents games. I have not even killed a deer in my life. I have shot one bird and thats it. And he died cause he liked to shurp beside my window at 5 am.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B]Heh, if it were me, I would hand that person a spoon, and tell them to "EAT MY @SS!!!" ...but that's just me...and I'm a B@stard ::p [/B][/QUOTE] Hhahaha, thats pretty funny, next time some one messess with me ill use that.
Im about getting sick of this country and im about ready to go to japan. Ive been reading and researching some stuff on japan. And its wierd how they have such free and open markets and lives. They allow nudity, cussing ,and other things on tv. Prostitution is legal. Yet they still live in a civilized world with one of the lowest crime rates in the world. But here we are with most of this banned and everything and we cant even walked down the street without the fear of being mugged. I think it all goes back to Parenting. America is growing lazy, we wont the goverment to do everything for us. Also we bann so much stuff that just about anything a person does can be a crime, then you get more crime, and its al just ridiculous. Im gonna join the navy and get assigned to japan or something.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJGoten [/i] [B]They post poned the Spiderman movie or whatever they did, because there were seens that that took place on teh WTC towers, not on tall buildings. [/B][/QUOTE] No, im talking about Spiderman 2 for playstation. they postponed it do to it taking place in tall buildings.
Yeah, I dont have a problem with them lloking at my hotdog or whatever. As long as there not watching me while im in my house. Now if Im making a deposit into the national bank of bootey, and there watching me, thats where I draw the line. As for reading my emails. Im not stupid enough to send out vitakl info on emails or anywhere on the net so that doesnt matter anyway. If they want to read about my sucky day let em.
Yeah, i know what you mean. My day wasnt exactly like that. Its hard to say if it was good or bad. First I spent the first two periods sitting in a room taking the exit exam, then all during third we had to listen to people tell us about aids and sex for the 500th time. Then we watch: "Behind the Terrorist" in my Law class. It was okay but yet it sucked, wierd. Sorry about your day and happy birthday! Mine is tommorrow.
Im getting tired of all this crap. Its in our contstitution that censorship is not allowed. Well then what is all this crap! Today I read where Spiderman 2 was being postponed several months because it has seens where your fighting on tall buildings that kinda look like skyscrapers. THATS RIDICULOUS. If we are going to that extreme why dont we outlaw tall buildings all together. Then the whole deal with gundam being postpone, and cowboy bebop. IT makes me so mad. Im not saying the goverment is censoring them but it is a form of censorship. If people cant cope with seeing a tall building they need help. I have been in a tornado and have known people killed by them. Does it bother me to watch them on tv or see them in a game. NO. And no one censors that. There also re doing Red Alert 2 because of a battle that takes place in New York, Now I have to hurry up and buy it before they screw it up. Its ridiculous. I understand people died and many people are greiving but theres a line between what there doing and they have just jumped way acrross it. there also taking the world trade towers out of MSF simulator 2000. Why? Cause if you want to you can fly your plane into the towers. HATS THE BIG DEAL. I can simulate recking a car into another playing driver. So shouldnt we bann that too?? This is all ludacris and im p.o.ed
Are you sure they cancled it? I watched it last night. The ship jacking episode must have been episode 6 cause they went from 5 to 7 last night.
GT is good. There are still getting stronger. It gets kinda dumb at the begging by making gohan a kid again but the middle to the end of the episodes are awesome.
Ha, it seems as though I cant. Chicks + Guns + Violence = GOOD anime
Your lucky. I cant wait to go to colege. Mainly because its not run by the goverment so they cant screw everythig you do up and turn it into a prison.
Hahaha. Thats pretty funny. Im always like that about camping. Unless they got something I can use to run my comp and log on to the net. FORGET IT.
Well im new to this so dont look at me to start anything. Heres my character Im starting from scratch. [color=indigo]Panzer[/color] Height: 5'7 Weight: 180 lbs in regular form. Level: Super Saiyan 1 Attacks: divine Wind: An energy attack combine with a physicle attack. A Large energy beam is shot at the enemy. After striking the enemy it not only hurts him it pralizes him for a breif period. Then Panzer flys at the enemy and spears him. Iron Fist: A point blank hit to the stomach then lets out a huge enrgy burts. Focus Power: duh!
It sucks to just miss a day here, so much is happening. I have no idea where barbados is either.
this is my award winning poem that didnt win any awards
Seifer replied to a topic in General Discussion
It is good. I didnt get all of it cause it was all one big paragraph. Try writing in word pad ike it sohuld be then save it and put it as an attachment. Everyone should be able to view word pad no prob.