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Everything posted by Seifer
Oh , okay.....Im not much into the Creators that much either. I like to know the character creators but not really the whole creator.
We have some German exchange students at school. Im firends with one of them. We call him Roth. He tells us all kinds of words to say in german. Hes cool too.
I wish I was a little younger too. Im only 16 in two days that is, but i wish i was still 8 and 9 playing with My GI JOES and Transformers with my borther. Those where the good ol days. Me and my borthers life revolved around GIJOE, Contra, Battletoads, and our gang of stuffed animals ledby the alf and peewee dolls.
Thank you all. Ill try Single H.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]heh, thats a pretty cool saiya-jin buddy icon.... [/B][/QUOTE] thank you, Its an honor to have it approved by you. As for saving it, you should be able to just right click and then click save. If you just cant get it to save I will email it to you or something. Im still working on it though. Im gonna add some finishing touches.
17, I still dont see how cell can be classified as an android. He is a living organism. Machines (androids) are built. Cell was basically s small cell that just multiplied numorous times and was fused with cells from all the others. But I guess they can call him whatever they want since its there show.
Well I used Paint shop Pro 7 and Animation Shop 3. I still dont have the text right though. It still needs some work. For the best pic, save it then load it as your icon. It has a couple of flaws.
Cool, sweet poster.
Name: Seifer Age: 18 Dragon: Dark Dragon Form: Hades Dragon Weapon: Ultima Weapon Magic: Hell Bio: Seifer is the youngest man in history to have mastered the dark powers of the ultima weapon and its magic. Nothing else is known.
Siefer: We meet again, Zero. This time I wont let you get away. Zero: Yeah, right. (Dashes towards talgeese with his beam saber.) (Tallgeese Blast upwards with all booster while launching several rounds from his cannon that slightly miss zero as its spiraling upwards toward him.) (Tallgeese throws out his cannon, and draws his beam saber just as Zero arrives in point black range, there sabers meet)
SSJ 4 is awesome. And trucks looks sweet when he goes SSJ in he capsule corp clothes. HE looked cool when he had part of his hair back in a pony tail too. But the sweetest is SSJ4
Fresh of the press, Here is my new Buddy Icon. I dont know if anyone has made a saiyan one, but just look at it and tell me what you think. feel free to comment, I dont mined constructive critizism. I may have to work on the hair a little bit though.
I like old games, but not too old. Atari games are fun but that not for long term play. I can play them for about 10 minutes and then im through. Now Starting with nintendo, there are tons of games from there all the way up to supe nes, gameboy, sega saturn and up to present day that I could play for hours straight. Examlpe: I could play contra 24/7 and never get sick of it. Anything FF. I love Ninja Gaiden and double dragon. The list goes on.
Well, since we are both bored, and I dont know what the hell CLAMP is, Why dont you explain it to me. :D
You can exceed his level. I think You can just go up to level 20 on the seedee rank but thats as high as you can go no matter what squalls level is. You can take them all in a row if you can get them all right. Thats what i do when i start over. It brings in the dough a whole lot quicker.
Well it sucks that it sucks.......er......yeah. I knew I had seen it thouhg. I got worried that I was trippin on something. :)
I keep hearing they dont sell Tactics anymore, but I just went to the mall earlier today and 4 stores are selling it for 20 bucks including Wal-Mart. Im gonna buy it next weekend because the game kicks @$$
Heres the Dealio g. Added Cut is in the game, best I remember its in Great Glacier, where I dunno. but its there.
Thats good. It would have been better if you replaced Sephiroths head with Cait Sith. :wigout:
Yep, it will be my 16th birthday. Im getting a nice Sony 5 disk DVD player. For a while I have been watching dvd's on my comp but i wanted a good one for my nice big tv. It alos plasy mp3's, vcds, and just about anyother disk. The rest of my family always give me money. Im not sure what ill buy with it though. Ill probably by the Digitec 300 processor for my guitar. Those things are very nice.
All the ISP's have been bogged down lately, especially with the terrorist attack. Mine slows done alot at the peek times.
Well alot of people are using their name from the V2 boards, so they just add v2
Its been slow, but its not all what kind of connection you have. I all depends on the server. If alot of people is using the server or if he is reaching his bandwidth limit or something. theres alot of factors involved.
Hmm....rather unlikely
I agrea with altron on this. And Im not just kidding or whatever. Also you people seem to mis the fact that Money IS NOT the root of all evil. The [b]Love[/b] of money is the root of all evil. So see this was all a pointless post anyway. With the quote, quoted correctly the thing boy wonder says is pointless and incorrect.