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Everything posted by Seifer

  1. Me, pass up a Gundam RPG....HAHAHAHA. Name: Seifer Age: 16 Gundam: Denan-Gei Armaments: Beam Rifle, Two shoulder mounted phalanx's, Beam rifle sniper Grade SE w/ extended barrel and cooling pack. A Doulbe blade beam saber (I.E. + darth mauls light saber). Origin: Heaven
  2. The original voltron was cool. It wasnt a Power Ranger rip off. Power Rangers was a rip off of voltron. Im serious though. I think american bussiness men just have some nack for messing things up. Look at the new saiyaman saga, they had to make him do all the stupid super hero voices, they could have at least gave him a better voice.
  3. I noticed some bloopers. Too bad I forgot them. Maybe later
  4. Well, the evas blow the gundams away in speed and defense. The gundams may have mor epowerful weapons but it doesnt matter if you cant hit the target. The only gundam that might liast is probably Epyon or one of the Mobile Fighters like God, or the one from Usa (forgot the name). they might stand a chance if they enhanced there speed some.
  5. Yeah your right, Killing the dessert fox was more than likely one of his biggest mistakes. And Rommel himself told hitler they would land at Normady but he didnt listen. Thank God he didnt too or Normady would have failed, the 101st would have been completly wiped out and only the lord knows what would have happend then. We where extremly lucky with the loses we did suffer althoug there was a large amount of cassualties. If Hitler would have listen to rommel and positioned the 1st Panzer division there. It would have been very very bad. Hitler did not send rommel troops either. Rommel request more supplies and troops in his dessert campiang but hitler said no. Anyone who is interested in this stuff get the book titled:"What IF? Strategic Alternatives of WWII by: Harold C. Deutsch and Dennis E. Showalter." Its great. You bring up another very good point about Yammamoto. He was a military genius as well. Alot of his downfall was bad luck, and an incompetent staff.
  6. Your probably right Forte but its a fact that there are a vast majority of minorities and extreme liberelaist who live in florida, more than almost all of the states. I think california still have the most. Im not saying i have a prob with these people, well except the ones about the flag. Im just stating a fact.
  7. Well right now we cover a couple of songs like: Bodies, One Step Closer, Forgotten, Moon Man, and more. YOu can get the basic sound and style of music we play from that. We are currentyl working on a song. "Our" Music has more of a linkin park influence than anything else.
  8. Whats scary is, what if hitler had not have been an idiot? His biigest mistake was trying to make himself a General. He did know what in the world he was doing. Then he kills off one of the best Generals in his army and perhaps one of the best in the world even today. (Rommel) He was a big idiot. He tried to fight two fronts at the same time. all hes genrals tried to get him to let them do it but they feared of being shot if they pressed the subject. Its scary he might could have actually won if it was not an idiot. All he was good at was speaking.
  9. Haha, your right transtic. I looked at the ballot that was supposedly so controversial. Any one who cant understand: Bush ---> O O
  10. Alot of movies add to or change stuff to make it more dramatizing. There are a few that have not added or changed anything or very little. To name a few: Saving Private Ryan, Enemy at the Gates, Patton. They all had some minor flaws but nothing that was just flat out wrong or had one man killing hundreds. They also put the jews on death marches, they marched them to camps closer to the core of the Third Reich. If you stumbled or fell you where shot. It doesnt make sense how they went to the exttreme of trying to kill the whole race but why did they not just kill them all instead of holding them in camps for as long as they did. That doesnt make sense.
  11. I dont really know why people have them. I guess to show who all are friends. But i dont understand that either. It just says pm me for me to add you. They do not know most of the people, how can you make someone a friend when you do not even know them? I just dont understand. Now if you pmed him and they say, why dont we get to know each other first or talked I could see that, they just start calling complete strangers friends. Well like transtic said. If it floats your boat, go with it.
  12. I in no way saying everyone from florida is like this. Im just saying florida has like the most minority/extreme lyberalists in the US. Im not trying to offend anyone from florida either. The point that brought this up is: My mom is a librarian at my local high school here. Well they where reading in a memo where Two florida university librarians where instructed by the bosses that they could not where the red white and blue, ribbon on there clothes there. Well They did not think about why or ask question but they wore them anyway. Well they got in big time trouble. They where told if they didnt make a formal appology they would be fired. The reson behind this was: The boss said:"Whearing the american flag colors might offend some of the minorities or foreing exchange students that might be going to the school. Is it me or is that extremly ridiculous? Telling someone they cant fly their own nations flag IN THEIR OWN NATION. Thats ludacris. It should have been the boss who was fired. They had to make a formal appology for everyone and came close to loosing their jobs. If it was me I would have just been fired anyway, then filed a law suit.
  13. Yeah, also our alabama and us history books dont talk about the incident that happend in birmingham in the 60's that they had to send the National Guard in. All i have seen are pics and stuff. I cant find nothign at school that explains what happened. It just talks about blacks having water houses shooting at them and dogs attacking them. Well about the concentration camps. Under no circumstances should we do that but everyone should know by concentration camp we detained them. Dont get it confused with the Nazi Deathcamps. Many confuse the two. Alot of people think concentration camp was the camps with the big incinerators. Tru when america advanced on it to france, they started just shooting the jews in the camps, the place where they mainly did the killing was death camps. But i can see why they detained the japanese and thats mainly because, like with the terrorist there were all inside america and had spies everywhere. They could not rely on intelligence back then. But im not trying to justify what they did.
  14. If you are, whats the name and what do you play? I think i told you all before that I play guitar and synth but since then me and my friends have finally pulled together and are doing some stuff together. We have not wrote any songs yet although my friend justin is in the process. Right now we are just playing covers. I play Guitar mainly but i will be doing the eletronic programming, synth, and rythem stuff since im the only one who knows what there doing with a comp. Oh we have not decided on a name yet but i think its going to be "Fall-Out" But we have a bunch we are considering.
  15. I was just wondering, who all learned about this in school? Well I goto looking at my history book of the us and it goes all the way up to Desert Strom but nothing is mentioned about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Is that because it was really embarrasing and showed how dumb our pres was? Yes it was a foul up to a certain point but we did get the russians to pull back their missiles? If you have this in your books please say something, Im just curious what it says. Kennedy was the worst diplomat ever. He saidd the one thing you dont say. I think it was like "You want a war, youll get a war" It was something like that but it messed everything up.
  16. Thank you for the corrections cera. Sometimes I get carried away and screw the things up im trying to say. I get it from my mom.
  17. Well, i hope you have changed and dont act like an *** anymore. I dunno you have already spammed and laughed at baby girl for being in serious pain so your probably the same ****** you have always been.
  18. My gosh I hope we dont make the anime. Please lt the awesome japanese guys do it. If we do it we will screw it up like everyother animated thing here in america. With the excpetion of the original Transformers. But they have screwed that up now. Whats this crapp with Omega Prime? Why do they have to mess everything up. Its like they have a disease or something.
  19. (hits self in head) I forgot to tell you, Sorry and I hope you get to feeling better!!!!
  20. Well im in the same boat you are. Well not exactly. Im 16 (5 days) and I have not had them taken out yet but they have not started to grow in. I can garuntee you when they do Im going to the dentist first thing.
  21. Well I skateboard, where Pac Sun, listen to bands like Sum 41, Kottenmouth kings, and others. I dont really care what people think about me. Im not sure if Im considered to be punk by most at school but i really dont care anyway. I just do what i like, listen to what i like, where what i like, play what i like and ect. I dont care what people label me as. To me there are really no categories, theres just people being them selves.
  22. Wierdest? Well theres something that comes on very, very late at night on PBS. Its some kinday cheesy sci fi thing. Its reallly really scary. I dont men the horror type scary either. I mean 24/7 telletubbies scary. Coolest: [list] [*]Boston Public [*]Jack @$$ [*]Family Guy [*]Junkyard Wars [*]I like jag alot [*]Law and Order [*]History Channel in general [/list]
  23. 1: Eternal Life 2: The power and energy of the entire universe 3: The ability to use all types of magic. If it would work my third wish would be infinite wishes. :)
  24. Remember, when Paul was writting the book, he was on a prison ilsand (patmus or something like that) He was righting it to the seven churches. He used symbolic writting so he could get the letters to the churches because if they would have known what he was doing they would have stopped him. after all, thats why he was at the island in the first place. I doupt seriously anyway it had anything to do with hitler or sadam hussien. If there the antichrist they where nothign special. hitlers dead and hussein will be soon.
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