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Everything posted by Seifer

  1. You mgiht be right cera. But the bible was originally written in hebrew, then it was written in greek do to I think it was babylon who ruled the known world at the time. (that was the unversal language then) So in arabic (hebrew) languages the numbers 666 can be arranged only to nero. You cant have it add up to different things. TWO spells TWO OWT Wot. Other langugeas might equal the value of others names but only the original arabic adds up to nero.
  2. The people wrote the bible but it was inspired by god. He was basically guiding them in what to wright. To back up the Baptism statement everyone look at the bible and go to Mark 16:16 and see what it says. It says: He that believeth and [b]is baptised[/b] shall be saved, he that believeth not shall be damned.
  3. Sorry, I cant start another topic for this but, what does everyone think on baptism. Ithink its the baptist faith believe baptism is not neccesarry to go to heaven but in the bible it plainly say it is. Once again im not sure the correct scripture I can look it up if i need to though. But it does say that to be saved you have to: Repent and be baptised for the remission of all sins. I can give you all numorous verse on that but i will have to look them up. All this is taken from the kings james version of the bible that has not been altered. Its an exact tranlation from the greek text. Another thing is. A lot of faiths used bible that are: New Revised edition. The thing is, those bibles have thing s that are changed from the original text (thus revised) and in the bilbe it says anyone who changes or adds too the word of god is damned. So a revised version is changed so that is wrong. Thats why we use the King James cause its a direct translationfrom the greek text. I know many of you may disagrea and thats fine. Im just stating my facts or opinions. I just want to see what other faiths believe about this. I also apologize for not being able to quote the scriptures as I should. If anyone wants the scripture I am getting this from just contact me and I will be glad to look it up.
  4. dang, that is freaky. Wordpad is an old program too. at least 6 years old.
  5. First of all, Everyone has different interperatations for revelations. This is mearly a study released to the public on one point in particular. Ill try and find the best way to put this since I dont have a document of it any where handy. first of all in Arabic language numbers are written out in letters like "two" and "six" Well a college (sorry forgot the name) has released a study they did and they played around with several things partaning to this and have found that 666 wriiten out in arabic will actually spell out the word Neero. Sorry i do not have a clue how to spell that. Well most of us know that Neero (emperor of rome at one time) was a very very evil man. He impaled christians and set them on fire all the way up the entrance street to the city as human tourches. Well based on this info they are saying that the events revelations is talking about are all leading to the end and destruction of the Roman empire. Another fact is that 666 mark of the beast was stamped on to all the hands of people who swore alligiance to neero. Alot of people say that 66 is talking about the anti christ coming soon and all. Alot of the stuff revelations is talking about is the fall of the roman empire. Many people say its all depicting the end of the world. True some is but alot is on the roman empire. I know some of you may disagree with this and thats fine. I do urge you to research this if it goes against any of your teachings. I have a huge booklet siiting in front of me talking about Revelations that was written by a Christian College professor. It explains alot of stuff. But other religions will probably disagree. One thing to think about is. In the bible it says. All men who oppose christ are anti christ.
  6. Well, Im church of Christ. In the bible (king james) it is said that on the last supper between jesus and his apostles that they passed around the wine and bread and jesus said to them. This ye do in remembrance of me. I dont really no the bible like i should but it says more. So thats why most of the christian faith always do something in that manor weather its grape juice or wine. It says by doing that you proclaim his death untill he comes again.
  7. You not have a boy freind? Hahahahahahah. Please dont give us hope :) lol j/k Im pretty sure you have one or can easily get one. well Im out for the night.
  8. thats why i bnever post a pic. Why corrupt all this heavenly beauty with my ugly mug.
  9. I have plenty of pics, I just never scan them. Dont know why, its just a thing i have. Maybe one day I will scan them.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticBabe [/i] [B]woah! Hotties alert! hehe, I would show a pic. of me, but you know parents today and how paranoid they are:rolleyes: :rolleyes: [/B][/QUOTE] lol...I know what you mean. My mom freaks out cause she dont know what this OTAKU stuff is I am always at...lol
  11. Goten is right as well. :) By the way. where is everyone?
  12. Your probably right Baby Girl but my eyes are still on the nice lady.
  13. I would like to set up a Rainbow Six type paintball place for special operations like that. ME and my friend smay do something like that later. My favorite time to play is in the woods with binches o peeps.
  14. Sorry my mistake, it works. She is hot too.
  15. Yeah I know how you feel. I was devestated when I found out Paul Ruben (PeeWee) was jailed :wigout: J/k But I wood be hurt of Mr Rogers died. I loved him when I was growing up. I still wonder if all those rumors about him being the Number 1 sniper in Vietnam was true?
  16. Who all here actively plays? Im not talking about people who have a talon who shoot and strangers and friends alike, but who actually play. Like in tournys, or organized events. Or at least plays regulary with people. I do play alot. I have not been in any tournys but I play at the locale paint wars thats a nice indoor facility. Right now I have a raptor silver eagle with a 16 inch barrel. I like it but I want something else. Im thinking of getting the Tipman Carbine.
  17. Did they not have a small FF Anime series at one time? I remmeber seeing something at suncoast called FF but i have never seen it again. Does this really exist? Or was I trippin or something :)
  18. Heero and Relena. Those too you could really tell loved each other.
  19. sorry me either. Try Gundam Plus ([url]www.gundamw.net[/url]) or Gundam.com
  20. anyone know any, I need some tips on painting them the most.
  21. Anyonje interested in joining up with a some people to make a Gundam website? I am just wondering. I have tried doing it myself and my ideas are just to big for one person. If anyone is interested in becoming a full time staff member contact me.
  22. Thanx transtic. I guess I will start woth Adobe premiere first.
  23. Basically name all the frames. Then inside the link you just target t and enter the name of the frame. I dont work to much with frames so thats basically all i can help with
  24. I have a lot of footage downloaded from the net. All I need is something to edit the footage and add music.
  25. That is great. I applaud you on that. You have done a respectful and honorable thing. Let us all pray for the victims and the terrorist. They both need our prayers.
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