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Everything posted by Seifer
Cool. Ill be sure to let you know what ever i find out then. I have a good song picked out but Im not telling the name cause i dont want anyone to copy me. good luck to you Desert Shadow.
I would join but i dont have anything good drawn yet. Maybe Ill do something tomorrow and post it if its still going on then.
I am wanting to make a memorial music video of the WTC bombing and I was wanting to ask any of you if you have any experience in this field to let me know what the best tools are to use. Thanx.
okay okay. I agrea. I jumped alittle and i was probably treated badly because of the communist remark. Im sorry. There was a topic of mine deleted for un known reasons but it doesnt matter now everyone drop it. From know own lets carry out disputes on AIM. That way we dont clog the boreds and make things worse.
Not you james. You have not acted like a communist. The only reason I have refered to them as communist is because of mainly transtic. He deletes my threads and falems me cause i have an opion different then him. thats communism. when you say something they dont like in china they throw you in jail thats communism and thats what is happening to me. Its not just the war topic. I understand that to a bit. Im furiated at the way i am being treated and at the numorus topics that where closed because transtic did not like them or just said it was spam when it was not.
Hmm....I dont know who you are niether do I know who hawk is. Some mod should delete this since all of mine where closed and where not as much of spam as this is. If they dont close it then they really are communists.
okay fine, Communist. By the way your spamming. I didnt even spam and I got my topic closed and yell at. Him seems are mods are not only communisty but they are hypocritical. Well I must go for now be back on tonight to make formal complaints to the admins.
okay fine, Communist.
Adam and James are the top Administrators for the board. Sephiroth is an admin too. Transtic baby girl, altron, kuja, and tohers are mods. Kuja is really the only cool mod so if you have questions ask him or the admins.
I do not mean this in a racist way or anything but I can tell your not an american. Im not really sure what you are saying but we dont kill innocent people on purpos. We only kill poeple who kill our and OTHER countries innocnet civillians. You say war is not the answer. Well mister rocket scientis what is? We did act on bin laden when he bomb the WTC the first time. Look what happend. He did it again this time killing over 4000 people possibly 5000. What do you suggest we do?
I posted this in another topic but it was kinda liong and old and i figured it would not get read. Please everyone who oppesses WAR read this. [quote] PEOPLE. Why do all of you against war associate war with getting revenge. WAR IS NOT ALL ABOUT GETTING REVENGE. I cant stand the thought of all of you not want to bomb him and kill that sick fool for what he has done. Its not revenge,. Its protection. We are doing it to keep it from happening again. IF HE DIES HE CANT DO ANYTHING. Yes there are more people like him that will do it but thats why bush said this is a war against ALL of terrorism. NOT JUST HIM. I do not want my familly to die because a bunch of fools sitting behind a computer dont think revenge or war is the answer. Yes, REVENGE is not the answer but War is not always about revenge. YOU CAN NOT LET THESE THINGS FLY. IT WILL JUST HAPPEN AGAIN. Laden was responsible for the 93 bombing of the WTC. Look at that, we did nothing to him. Now in the year 2001 at least 5000 people have died because of that. THAT ALONE SEVRES GOOD ENOUGH THAT HE NEEDS TO DIE TO STOP THIS. What do you all have to sday about that? If we would have took care of him then this would not have happend. Anyone who is againts taking action is really an ignorant fool. YOu are refusing to learn the fact that sometimes people must die. Even God himself new that some people just should not live on this earth. THIS SICKENS ME THAT ALL YOU DONT WANT ACTION. ITS LIKE YOUR WITH THEM OR SOMETHING. cause if we do not do nothing it will just happen again. WHY CANT YOU PEOPLKE UNDERSTAND THAT WHY?[/quote]
PEOPLE. Why do all of you against war associate war with getting revenge. WAR IS NOT ALL ABOUT GETTING REVENGE. I cant stand the thought of all of you not want to bomb him and kill that sick fool for what he has done. Its not revenge,. Its protection. We are doing it to keep it from happening again. IF HE DIES HE CANT DO ANYTHING. Yes there are more people like him that will do it but thats why bush said this is a war against ALL of terrorism. NOT JUST HIM. I do not want my familly to die because a bunch of fools sitting behind a computer dont think revenge or war is the answer. Yes, REVENGE is not the answer but War is not always about revenge. YOU CAN NOT LET THESE THINGS FLY. IT WILL JUST HAPPEN AGAIN. Laden was responsible for the 93 bombing of the WTC. Look at that, we did nothing to him. Now in the year 2001 at least 5000 people have died because of that. THAT ALONE SEVRES GOOD ENOUGH THAT HE NEEDS TO DIE TO STOP THIS. What do you all have to sday about that? If we would have took care of him then this would not have happend. Anyone who is againts taking action is really an ignorant fool. YOu are refusing to learn the fact that sometimes people must die. Even God himself new that some people just should not live on this earth. THIS SICKENS ME THAT ALL YOU DONT WANT ACTION. ITS LIKE YOUR WITH THEM OR SOMETHING. cause if we do not do nothing it will just happen again. WHY CANT YOU PEOPLKE UNDERSTAND THAT WHY?
Its sad you people dont know the difference between Grand Theft Auto and Car Jacking. Here let me help. Grand Theft Auto is what you all are talking about. Thats basically stealling the car when you take someones car that doesnt belong to you. CarJacking is the same thing as a highjacking except in a car. Carjacking:The theft of a car from its driver by force or intimidation. That means to car jack you have to take a person car whilke he is driving it by force. Most of the time he still has to be in it. There a few cases I have seen when he kicked the driver out. So see maybe I have helped clear things up.
Hmm.....im not sure what all this guy was talking abuot, and the fact that he is wrong or that hes been talking to mr canibus for way to long. but we sure dont kill innocent people just cause we dopnt like the values of another country. We have always attacked military targets and none other. there was that accident with the pharmecutical plant but it was an Accident. We are different from them and the fact you believe we are not is absurd. In Iraq we did not kill any civilians.yes some might have died but its war you have to expect a few deaths of innocent people. If we killed as many as you say bill clinton and the commanders would all be in belgium right now in a court being tried for war crimes. You really need to quit believing everything you see or hear. That thing about Iraq and Serbie is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. If thats true I am Micheal Jackson.
Yeah, he also did the character design for chrono trigger before that i think.
You reaslly need to watch it from the begining to fully understand it.
Is it me or is it lame? DBZ is good and GT is better but DB just sucks. I cant even stand to watch it.
Well everyone knows i have a different opion on this. First of all everyone read the sig. That man was a true amwerican leader. Second. Wars are useless and only kill people. But this calls for war. I know many of you say we dont need to get revenge or kill others but what if we dont do anything. Next time it might be you or your family. I dont understand why no one cares if they die. Im scared. You saw how easily they did the bombings. They could easily do it again at the next football game you go to. we should not have to live in fear in this land of the free. We have to strike them so that me, my family, you, and your family dont have to be the next ones to die. You all agree murderes should spend life in prison or be executed right? Well whats different here. These peopel are 20x worse than murderes. There crazy and there goal is to kill as many of us as possible. I dont understand why you poeple want these terrorist to live when all they do is devote their life to killing us. I just dont get it.
Animals do that. Sometimes they think their owner is being attacked and they try to help. My next door neighbors dog attack me and me and him whjere just playing basketball.
We could use the B-2. I just like the B-52 and it can carry more. It has the ability to carry a bomb bay full of bombs and carry at least 50 more out on the wings. B-2 cant do that or else it will no longer be stealth. The radar waves will reflect of the bombs making it look like a freaking flying wale on radar.
Well, your an artist now.
Theres nothing wrong with using images from other sites man. you can not claim them as your own but you can use them. Just make sure if there copyrighted you note it somewhere on the page to the respected owner. Unless you capture your own pics from movies, games, or somewhere else there not yours and even when you do do that there still really not yours, there the artists who drew them so if you want something to be YOURS you have to draw it yourself. So unless you drew it you can not copyright it. So see theres nothign wrong with using others images. You do it yourself on your site.
No one is stupid people. You dont have top point out the fact this could be in the wrong place. If your not a mod, you dont need to piont that out. We have mods that have been givin that responsibilite. all this does is clog up the topic with wastefull posts. Please let the people who have the jobs do the jobs.
My dad got mad at it himselve so swithcing was not really a prob. Do not get compuserve though. they screwed us big. They said there service was 20 bucks a mionth for unlimited access. Then when we got our 255$ bill we called them up and they said its 20 bucks for 30 hours and 2.50 each one after that or something like that. We told them they had told us it was for unlimited and didnt pay them. We almost went to court but then they left us alone.