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Everything posted by Seifer

  1. Yeah, I started out with aOL too. IT SUCKED! I finally switched to somethign else and I could then do a bunch of stuff. AOL would let me bring up chats, java, or other crap like that. Plus it ask you if you want to sign of every 15 minutes so its almost immpossible to leave it downloading overnight. And it disconnected all the time. My new service has never disconnected in 1 1/2 years. Its retty fast too.
  2. All vehciles are bad when A drunk gets on the road. Im glad your okay thoug. You just have worse chances of getting hurt on a bike thats why I never liked those crouch rockets anyway.
  3. Sorry, I have heard of orphan but never seen it.
  4. Drugs suck. Why would anyone do them. It is pointless. Anyone who does them are ignorant fools. That includes drinking and smoking. Why do people like to drink? Dont they understand there just slowly killing their liver. Its as dumb as smoking and its not cool or anything.
  5. Thats because Commandoes: BTCD did such a great job at re inacting the real thing. Its about 90% precise on operations and the small details. Plus its a fun game. I was not thinkning of that when I did this though. Well forget it no one wants to do this.] [b]COMMANDOES IS CLOSED![/b]
  6. Yeah, you can sing a song to death easily.
  7. [quote]once when i was in my family car i saw this guy doing his air guitar as he waiteed for the traffic light to turn green, it was hilarious, he was bobbing his head too. [/quote] Hey! theres nothign wrong with that!;) I hate it when you get songs you hate stuck in your head. Some how I always many to get songs from shows like blues clues and lamb chop stuck in my head. I have never wathed one of those shows except for when my little cousin has made me and amazingly I know the words to all of them. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
  8. People is this really that inconveinent(sp?) Alot of poeple dont take the tiome to read through 500 posts topics and 'I do not blame them. either ignore it or reply to the topic.
  9. Oh, I thought you meant we finally attack those sick fools over in the Mid East. Oh well anyway, it is very sad. There is nothing in the world that can justify the things that have happend. these people have died believing they will go to heaven when they will be recieving the worst punichment possible that is not reachable in this life.
  10. Seifer


    I have never broken anything in my life (franticly knocks on wood repeatedly) I hope I never do. Its not all the break that Is scary it just sucks having to walk around with that cast on all the times and depending on what cbroke you can be hindered from doing alot fo things. As for stories. My friend fell out of a tree stand and broke bothe arms. They had to help him do everyting. it was just if he had both arms amputated. It was sad. I hope nothing like that ever happens to anybody.
  11. Remember, where fighting against terrorism. tortureing people like that is not only unconstitutional it makes us no better then them. It defeats the whole purpous of our efforts.
  12. I hate chicken soup. It always help to drink plenty of fluids. that is if you can hold it down if not it just makes things worse. Oh and nver drink milk with a sick stomach. Its got like a 99.5% regurgetation rate.
  13. How about if Afganistan joins russia and China. Would you all want to participate then?
  14. Whats with everyone. The Military type RPG's never work. My commandoes one has not got a single post yet and only four poeple want to do this one. Im still in so if anyone wants to start with us four thats fine with me.
  15. D@mn, you said this would be easy.
  16. First I would like to say that I am truelly sorry about your sickness. I hope you get better soon. Dont feel bad though. And if your upset yuuor friends saw you crying, dont be. Im sure they will understand. If not there not really your friends anyway. The coach made you sit up? I would have made shure my vomit splattered all over him if he had done that to me. Dumb {edit} Same here transtic (knocks on wood) Well hope you get better!!!!
  17. thank you mystic. I really meant it. I dont want you to think i am mad at you cause I am not. I also dont want you to be mad at me.
  18. Mine would be the Power and Armor of the PHysalis, with the speed and agility of the God. It would probably be painted Olive Drab with a little mixture of desert spray. Weapons would be the atomic bazooka for shure, Two beamsabers, and a twin chaingun in one hand. The battle set up would be atomic bazooka on right shoulder and hand with the twin chainguns in the left. Oh and Physalis blast shield would be mounted on the twin chainguns.
  19. I dont really like Deathscythe. the only Gundam Wing gundam I like is the Nataku. It is sweet.
  20. Lets play umbrella roulette!!! (In case your not familiar with that you get 6 umbralles that are the kinda that pop out when you hit a button and 5 are fixed to where they dont pop out and then you take turns puuting it about a centimeter away from your nose and pushing the button. It can actually be pretty painfull.)
  21. this will be an RPG. Anyone is welcomed. I will start it off then everyone else who wants to particepate can either elaborate on the current story thats going or spin off into your own side story. The important part is to just have fun. this is taking place in the current time frame so do use anything we dont have today. Ill start with the Setting. 2001 AD September 15: Russians, allied with China have started to seize land in Asia and Asia Minor. Japan is desperatly puuting up a fight against the chinese but it seems they are quickly loosing the battle. The US and British have declared war on the two and a whole naval and marine task force is on its way to aid japan in repeling the chinese onslaught. The British get support from all of europe and start massing troops at the border between germany and what is now part of russia. Truelly World War III is breaking out. The Japanese are expected to fall in 3 days. they task force will not make it untill the 2nd day of those three and then it will be about too late. To slow the Chinese beast down several commandoes unites are sent to strike key bridges, instilations, hq, airfields, and take out leaders. Several teams have been droped in India and North Vietnam. They will both proceed inward to china to start these guerilla attacks. time is limited and they must succeed. Anyone who wants to participate just pick a team to start with and go from there. Try and keep to the setting. There can be more than one team in each location so either make your own or continue someone elses.
  22. Hellow everyone one! Im here to raise my pos....err....dance to some mackdaddyish music. :laugh:
  23. So I continue the story right? Or do i start my owen part of it?
  24. Name: Allan Peirce. Age:20 Weapon: Gunblade, Red-Eye/RPG Launcher (just for the heck of it) Item: X-Potion X5 Life X2 Mega Elixer X2 Bio: Master Seargent in the USN(United Staes of new America) in the 101st Airborn. First in history to reach his level of acheivment at such a young age. He is a military mastermind/genius. He has bee nsaid to be able to outwit all the greates of the generals of all time including: Alexander, Patton, Rommel and Swuartz. He isa very deadly erson and an active leader who doesnt sit back and command his troops he actually gets up on the front lines and fights with them.
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