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Everything posted by Seifer
I would not say it is. I just say it should probably go in games/stories.
Hahahah! Everyone needs to see the ones at badassbuddy. They have some awesome ones. Anyone who is old enough or are not offended by the f-word go to the naughty page and look at the one about osama bin laden. THATS A GOOD ONE.
Im still doing choco breeding too. You just about have to have KOTR to beat the American Monsters. Has anyone beat them with out it?
Thank you both. These have balls.
Whats the best place to find some really good buddy I cons. All the ones aol offers just about totally suck. Anything will be nice. I like the ones that look like a button on the AIM the most.
No mystic girl im pretty sure everyone understands you. You make a good point. I wish the same. But if you read the pm I sent you you will see the part I am having problems with. that is the fact that we have talked diplomaticly for 10 years. Even sturck some of there facilities and nothign has stopped. The guy who bombed the WTC in 93 said his goal was to kill as many americans as possible.(of course thats why he is currently serving 246 years in prison. :p). I agree that war should not be the first second or third things that a nation should try to stop these things but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. That is why I support this war on terrorism 100%
I kinda like the ranks now excpet i still wish we had master. I still think we should use Military Ranks.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jeff [/i] [B]pull out your weapon and make her see. she will be disgusted and never will she bother you again.:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] I think this would probably work the best. You might even mentally scar her for life. :laugh:
I respect your opinion and kindness Mystic howeverI have to strongly disagree with you. Killing them now prevents and will hopefully deter future attacks. At least destroy there means of attack. Not terrorize them like they did us but destroy their suppliez and trainging camps. Thats different from murdering them and putting them out of their mizzery. I would rather them do that then they die like they did on the 11. they died feeling they where going to be a legend and go to heaven. I would rather them die other wize. I only wish everyone where like you mystic. Then we would not be having these problems. (i do not mean this in a sarcastic way i truelly mean that)
To respond to Ice Dragon, I agree with him to a point . I am a strong believer in the bible (king james v) I do not believe he could see these forecomings but after researching this about the excerts circulating I have seen where some of his stuff has hit the nail on the head. I am currently re studying and thinking both. Its quite confusing. My suggestion to anyone is to talk with your pastor or anyone who has alot of expertise in both fields.
Its alright. I understand I can seem a little demanding sometimes. I do not mean it but right now I am still very Pissed off. We have all had sucky days. We are all angry and will be for a while. I think when interpreting some things it just depends on one persons thoughts on the subject matter. Also the one spreading is a hoax, however their may be a version that says that. I suggest everyone who cares read some of the versions and decide for yourselves. Maybe I jumped to conclusions but this above is what [b]I[/b] believe and in no way do I want to impose that upon you. I just want to state their is a bogus version going around. I think one mentions the city of new york when the origianl is i think city of god in most. Others talk about Metal birds stirking two twin brothers. anyone intrested im me and i will give you some refrence site for you to look at and draw your own conclusions
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B]Yes but Japan and Iraq did something to bring it upon themselves. Perhaps in the eyes of those who did it we did something that brought it upon ourselves. i don't know..all I know is I think WHOEVER did it deserves to die for what he did to all those people...my BABY cousin included... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] You are very correct. I agree completly
you need help. I dont know how your days been and if you dont feel like being at the computer. GET OFF. I am taking flak from you for what? Stating a fact you dont believe in. If you can translate french and di that yourself you obviously dont know what your doing. I havent had a good day either but I dont take it out on people who are posting facts that people should know about. Im trying to make this topic a usefull piece of info for poeple to read. I know what I am doing. I have read it with my own eyes. I know exactly what it says and it is different from what it says above. I dont want this topic closed so if you want to flame me IM cause i dont want you feeling everyones head with your @@#%. Please do not close this factual topic mods because everyone needs to see this. I ask justin to please not post anymore arguing facts that he needs to IM cause this is not the place to post this crap. My statement above is factual and the dates are correct. I have checked several sources and translations. [b] besides every account of world war III that this is supposedly the starty of has noth9ing to do with what is going on right now. Either way we will find out who is ultimately correct in a couple of days.[/b]
Yes humans suck. Plus the world will always be corrupt with evil. As for what transtic said. Yeah we cheered when we bombed japan, and Iraq. I would cheer willingly when we bomb the people responsible too. theres a difference though. These people are cherring, laughing and mocking us for having many innocent people destoryed by terrorist attacks and that is sickening. we cheered because we where attacked, weekend, and was totally uncalled for. They hit us with bombs full of pure evil like the terroirst attack has. We are not sick like them. We are cheering that justice is brought to these sick and mad people who care nothign for life. When these crazy suicide terrorist die. that is something to cheer about.
I just read your revised post and was kinda shocked. Im not telling you what to do or not do. Im simply asking you all to not spread fake rumors like this. My preacher has the original text and I have seen it. I can not quote it directly but I know for a god forsaken fact that this is nothign but a hoax where people have chnaged stuff around. It may be in one of the many interperations but it is WRONG. Im not telling you what to do or giving orders. Im simply presenting you with the facts. So read it and weap and dont be such an immature baby by telling me things like what you said. Immature. [b]I might add that you need to look at the dates. Nostrodamus died before the time listed.[/b]
Well your translation sux. You need to reevaluate the one you have and try reading the original text instead of what some guy thinks it says. this is a hoax. The above I have listed there is nothing pertaining to that in the original text. So either Nostradamus or the guy who wrote your translation was spending to much time with Mr. Canibus.
Every one needs to know that all this talk about this is a hoax. Just about all the nostradamus websites I have found display a message ike the one I have below. I just toook the one that was best wriiten and displayed it below. It seems as though some sick person thought to make a funny or something by doing this and he is no better then the terrorist scum. this is factual and credible. I ask everyone if you want to read about Nostradamus make sure you know what interpretation your reading. the best way is to read the interpretation beside the original text. Well please read the below article and please spread the word of this being a sick hoax. I know people personally who believe this and are scared. Anyone who does this s a idiot. Last time, THIS IS A HOAX, so everyone quit talking about it. 9/1/01: Tragedy in the US -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hoax Another hoax has been making the rounds. Here is the text included in the hundreds of e-mail messages that I've received from people inquiring about authenticity: "In the year of the new century and nine months, From the sky will come a great King of Terror The sky will burn at forty-five degrees. Fire approaches the great new city." "In the city of york there will be a great collapse, 2 twin brothers torn apart by chaos While the fortress falls the great leader will succumb The third big war will begin when the big city is burning." - NOSTRADAMUS 1654 The first supposed prophecy does contain a few elements from various quatrains written by Nostradamus; however, they were not written together as one prophecy. The second "prophecy" being sent with lightning speed across the Internet is completely bogus, as far as I can tell. Incidentally Nostradamus died in the year 1566. The following are a few genuine quatrains that you might find interesting. For the time being, I am printing only the English translation; over the next few days, I'll include the original French and short explanations on ancient place names. I've not yet reread the Presages or the Epistle but I do hope to get to those very soon. The following are offered without comment -- and without proofreading. Century 1, Quatrain 87 Earth-shaking fire from the center of the Earth. Will cause the towers around the New City to shake: Two great rocks for a long time will make war, And then Arethusa will color a new river red. Century 2, Quatrain 89 One day the two great leaders will become friends, Their great power will be seen to increase: The new land will be at the height of its power, To the bloody one the number reported. Century 4, Quatrain 16 The free city of Liberty made servile, Made an asylum for corrupt ones and dreamers: The King changed, to them not so vehement: From one hundred will become more than a thousand. Century 5 Quatrain 65 Suddenly arrived, the terror will be great, The principal players in the affair are hidden away: And the lady in the hot coals will no longer be in sight, Thus little by little will the great ones will be angered. Century 6, Quatrain 97 At five and forty degrees, the sky will burn, Fire approaches the great new city, Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up, When they want to have verification from the Normans. Century 8, Quatrain 17 Those at ease will suddenly be cast down The world put into trouble by three brothers, The enemies will seize the marine city, Famine, fire, blood, plague, all evils doubled. Century 8, Quatrain 59 Two times put high, two times put low, The East also the West will weaken: Its adversary after several battles, Driven out by sea will fail at the time of need. Century 9, Quatrain 81 The sly King will understand his ambushes, From three fronts the enemies assail, A strange number, tears from the hooded men, The brilliance of the translator will come to fail. Century 10, Quatrain 49 Garden of the world near the new city, In the path of the hollow mountains: It will be seized and plunged into the Vat, Drinking by force the waters poisoned by sulfur. Century 10, Quatrain 74 The year the great seventh number is accomplished, Appearing at the time of the games of slaughter: Not far from the age of the great millennium, When the dead will come out of their graves. Century 10, Quatrain 97 Triremes full of captives of all ages, Times good to bad, the sweet for the bitter: Prey to the Barbarians hasty they will be too soon, Greedy to see the "plume" [feather or of smoke?] wail in the wind.
[b] Everyone who thinks attacking the terrorist is wrong read this and reply with what you have to say then.[/b] Let me ask you this Mystic. Say next week your mom and dad are at a baseball game. Lets suppose we have folowed your suggestions of two wrongs dont make a right and have not retaliated against them. Being the terroist madmen they are attack again. this time they crash a plane in the middle of the stadium that has on board 200 passengers and a chemical warhard. Everyone in the stadium and on the plane is wiped out and so is the surrounding area sdo to the bio weapon. Your mother, father, friends and possibly you are dead. What would you say then? By hitting the terroits camps and knocking out there abilities to train, house, and supply terrorist with bio weapons and such this could have been prevented and your familly would still be alive. I have to ask, what do you think about that? I know what your saying and your right. But sometimes you have to do things no matter if there wrong or deadly. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to protect a greater number of people. In this case your family.
One trained a little here in america to fly jets but it was not the kinda training that would make him able to pilot a 767. They all have camps in countries like afhganistan that train them and house them. They also have weapons stockpiles. they where hit three years ago. Apparantly they have been rebuilt. See when we hit them we went 3 years before another attack. We have to hit them harder this time to hold of these attacks for even longer.
EVERYONE ONE STOP WITH THE STUPID WWIII THING. That is a ridiculous coment. Now, I agree with transtic. The fools responsible should all die. People who had nothing to do with it should not. If we do that then we are no diiferent from their scum. I understand if we bomb certain targets where supplies are made you are going to kill family men who are not in the military but really their part of it too if their building the weapons. We have to retaliate in a hard and grueling way. Doing nothing will do exactly that. DO NOTHING. You can just brushes this off like a piece of lint on your shirt. This is not like the first bombng where 6 people died this is BIG. Where talking thousands of innocent people DEAD. That can not go unpunished as wrong as it may seem it has to be done. Anyone involved should be targeted and Osama Bin Laden should be executed. He has already killed thousands before this big one anyway. Im suprised he is still alive. They will all ultimately pay when they die anyway. but we have to speed that process up a little so that they dont harm anyone else. these people are wild crazy madmen who would not think twice about killing YOU or anyone else. I ask you know, do you want them running loose around the world like that?
Everyone needs to realize that we probably want go to WAR. If anything hapens it will more than likely be like a couple of years ago when they bombed the embassy. We will just strikethe terrorist camps that harbour these terrorist and their supplies. Thats not really classified as a war more of an intervention. That is something that needs to be done no matter what. By doing that you prevent more terrorist from being trained and supplied. With out supplies they have to shell out more resources and time to get more. this will prevent attacks for at least a while. How can you really wage a war agianst a small group of terrorists anyway?
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B]serve my country? no. im still trying to decide if we were justified in bombing japan with nuclear weapons. i read that we just needed a reason to test the bombs. i don't know if i'd want us (the US) to bomb/attack another country because they're 'harboring' (the) terrorist(s) and kill more innocent people. is that what you call justice? [/B][/QUOTE] The Atomic Bomb is a horrible weapon that should never have been created. Using it is wrong and in humane. But If I had to make the disesion during WWII I would have dropped it. If we had not have dropped it we would had to invade Japan like we did at Normady and this time it would be at least 50 times worse. Many many more people would have died on both sides. The Atomic Bomb made everyone realize that fighting was stupid and useless. I hope to god it never has to be used again.
I must retire for the night too but before I go I would like to say a couple things. Sorry to anyone I pissed off. I have been really emotionaly today. Im glad we where able to be on different sides of the issue and debate it like civilized adults. I repsect everyones opinion and I hope you all respect mine. I would like to leave posting this from reuters. It seems as though this was part of ladin. Also lets all go to bed tonight and think about what al has happend. Look at how pointless this was and how many peiople are suffering right now. This is all ridiculous. Why must these things happen. 200 firemen are unaccounted for right now. They where trying to ave fellow americans from thhese terrorist attacks. Wars are bad. They cause death thats un neccesarry. But im sorry this is just something that cannot go unanswered. now I leave you with the reuters report. good night all. May god save us all. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - People who conducted attacks on New York and Washington that destroyed the World Trade Center and damaged the Pentagon (news - web sites) may have had links to Saudi exile Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) or his organization, U.S. officials said on Tuesday. [b]Names of suspected ``terrorists'' with possible ties to bin Laden's organization were found on the passenger rosters of the hijacked planes, a government source said.[/b] U.S. officials throughout the day have said the massive attacks by hijackers who crashed commercial airplanes into the buildings may be linked to bin Laden. The United States has accused the Saudi exile, who has refuge in Afghanistan (news - web sites), of masterminding the coordinated 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa. An Arab journalist with access to bin Laden told Reuters in London that bin Laden had warned three weeks ago of an ''unprecedented attack'' on U.S. interests. But U.S. officials said they had no advance warning that such an attack was in the works. ``There was no advance warning of this,'' one official said on condition of anonymity. Asked if he believed bin Laden was responsible, Sen. Richard Shelby (news - bio - voting record), an Alabama Republican who is vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said: ``A lot of things point to him.'' ``There are indications that people with links to bin Laden and the al Qaeda organization may have been responsible,'' a U.S. official told Reuters on condition of anonymity. ``There is reason to believe people with links to him may have been responsible for this,'' he added. The attacks, the worst on the U.S. mainland in modern history, plunged the country into chaos and panic, paralyzing communications, forcing the evacuation of key buildings, closing financial markets and schools. U.S. investigators have also been looking into whether the suicide bombing of the USS Cole (news - web sites) warship in Yemen last year, which killed 17 American sailors, had ties to bin Laden. But some intelligence analysts urged caution in making snap judgements about who was responsible for Tuesday's attacks, saying it could have been the work of other groups tied to the Middle East, angry over a perception that the United States supports Israel to the detriment of the Palestinians.
A good freind of mine had to leave school. They called him up(the military) and told him to go home and get his beeper that any moment they might need him. He will more than likely be called in because he services the aircraft and an Airstrike is the most probably path we will take for retalition. My prayers are with him and the other brave men who are fighting to protect me and the rest of us here in this country. If I was 18 I would be going with him.