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Everything posted by Seifer

  1. That I agrea with you. Except for the fact about only attack them if they keep attacking. this today was ridiculous. that was a clear act of War. If thats not declaring war on someone then what is. That requires retaliation. Peace should be the first thing consired though. A world with out wars is Heaven. Most of us know that heaven is not here on earth. It makes you think of how grand heaven will be to those of us he make it there.
  2. I thank you transtic for being mature about this and respecting my opinion. You dont find that this much in todays world. I repsect you opinion too. I would love to believ in that and would if I believed it would work. I just have different views. Once again I am glad we can discuss this like adults.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MysticBabe [/i] [B] ok, first of all, Gundum WIng is a T.V. show, a cartoon, anime, not real life. and also million of years into the future if we ever get there. I read somewhere, probably the bible, That the world is not YET perfect. But one day it will. I do care for my country, and what happens to it. I washaving all mixed feelings when i found out about the bombing, i felt like i needed to be somewhere, and not at school. Revenge is stupid when we are trying to make peace in this world. We should not go and bomb whoever bombed us. We SHOULD do something about it, yes, but not start a war. We need to find out why they took this course of action and make sure it doesn't happen again. Have you all heard the saying "Forgive and forget"? well, we certainly can't forget, but we can forgive, it might take a while, but we can do it. [/B][/QUOTE] LOL! yes gundam wing is a anime(not all that great of one) but it illustrates my point. So we dont strike back. What happens then? answer that please. Oh and what do you suppose we do, invite him for tea. We are not acting on revenge we are acting to protect the people of the us. If we do nothing what stops this from happening again. We have already enforced laws and regulations to keep this from happening. Thats not working either. If we detroy their abilioty to wage WAR we stop them from making terrorist attacks for a long time. Look at Iraq. We took action against them. They cant do anything now. They dont have missles or anything. We have succesfully kept them from damaging counrties like they did in the past. If we had not have stepped in , Israel would be nothing but scud craters.
  4. Thats good to here Goten. I was afraid I was the only one. I just want everyone to understand that if they feel war is wrong and dont fight then we will just be taken over by a foreing country and have their troops all throught our country enforcing martial law upon us. Every night we will have to be indoors by the tiome the street lights come on. They will head out bread and water and maybe animals if we are lucky. We will have to live under their goverments rules. (More tahn likely comuneism or socialism) and theres no telling how lonmg it will last. Everyone should read about life in occupied france during WWII. I dont want that and I dont want my kids to have to go through that. Then if thats happens you either live like that forever our you start a revolutionary war to become free again. See war is a part of life. So thats why I will fight to protect my country.
  5. I respect pacifists but I do not agree with them. Pacifism does nothign to deter war. My gosh even Gundam Wing pointed out that. If everyone could be pacifists it would work. Theres a presence of evil in the world that weill always be here. With that presence of evil you will need t protect yourself against it. Evil is not going away. No matter what there will always be murders, terrorism, crimes, and so on. Pacifism is like just ignoring it saying i am not going to deal with it. I just dont see how that could work. Wars are bad but there a part of life. Even God used wars for his purpose. They will never go away. I want to protect my country from this evil. this is my opinion. I know most of you dont agree, in fact I dont think a single person agrees with me. Im still in shock no one cares. I dont know if I mentioned this but during all this mess today I heard a girl say, "I have more important things to think about then this."(refering to the WTC Terror). that hurt me. Im serious, I was hurt by that. thousands of people have just died. She didnt care. Like I said before I would do anything, die too if I was killed in battle)to keep things like what happend today from happening. who knows, next time it could be your family. We can help stop this. Its not going away but we can protect our familys and friends. But to do that you have to be willing to give a little.
  6. Yuo are very right Transtic. YOu should have the right to choose if you want to fight or not. As for freedom, we claim to be the land of the free and the reality is we are not. We are more then likely more Socialist than Capitalist. I dunno maybe I was raised differently in that you love your country and protect it and its intrests. Im just saying you can not expect to have a country thats Free, totally. It cant happen. theres too much evil in the world. If we where completly free that would mean anyone, even teerorist, have the right to come in to our country carrying whatever weapon thwey like and go anywhere they want to. That would be total freedom. I dont want that. If that was happening todays happening would have been even worse. As for people calling you faggot, that is like we covered before an ignorant thing thats stupid but thats not affected by a free country. Your wanting a country that has no evil. Limited freedom is not what cause people to kill and call [people such things its EVIL. Evil causes these things. With a totally freee contry welet evil have even more power. I just think everyone should love their country and fight top protect their own family and freedom. As for politicians. Your right, all poloticians are corrupt.
  7. Its amazing how many people I know would not willingly serve their country in a crises like this. Just out of curiousity everyone please take the pole. Up top. I will start of by voting for one yes vote.
  8. Im sorry. This is all so bad. It so bad it sucks. I hardly ever cry or get emotional but today I was almost in a breakdown. It makes it worse to get here and learn that no one wants to support their country and would not help fight to keep things like what has happend to you from happening again.
  9. Hmm..... I am sickend by the people here who claim to be Americans. First Ill start with Akito: Yes they are cowards. Veitnam was different. We had the politicians running the war so you died anyway. I am from a military family. My grandfather was in WWII, he survived thankfully. My Uncle is currently in the Air Force. other reletives are in various places. I understand completly that when I join the war effort I myself can die along with many other people. I am willing to sacrifice myself to help protect this country and my family here and to protect our freedom. It is an honor for me to fight for my country. Thuis is one thing thats wrong with our country no one cares any more. If we had as many people like you akito back in WWII we would be under Axis controll right now cause we would have lost. I am proud to be an american and would defend my country t the drop of the hat. As for you, I hope you do dodge the draft. Cause if you get drafted, and i get stuck in a foxwhole with you you would probably get me killed with your stupidity and cowardice. Transtic. You make several good points. Under the clinton admin, we got into alot of battles we had no business in and many died for no reason. However as for electing an idiot into office you are very wrong. This so called idiot has infact saved lives. Under the clinto admin we would have many troops in afganistan right now. (this has nothing to do with whats going on now, this has to do with the executing anyone who has anythign to do with christianity. the same reasons we went to kosovo) However we dont have troops theire cause our idiot of a presdent knows we have no business there. We are a free country, but we as people let our rights be limited to help protect us and the common interest of man. If we where completly free imagine what would happen. I agree that this country is many things its not but this is still my home, y country. I was born here. These are my people. Everyone does things you dont like you cant just abandoned them cause you disagree with them. I love my country and would fight for it willingly. We will not be free or even as free as we are now for long if we have many more people start believing like you to. How can you fight a war with people who hate their own gov. and are cowards. I am sorry I know this has pissed many people of but is how I feel. I hiope to god there are at lieast one other person here who would willingly fight for their country. We owe everything to the men who volunteered the mintue pearl harbor was hit. they where not drafted, the VOLUNTEERED. Because the had nationalism and care and loved their country. They would die to protect their families and freedom. We are one of the freest countries in the world. If where not so free go and live in china for a while and you will appreciate your country. Its sickening that no one cares for their country anymore. Sickening.
  10. Consider yourself lucky man, gosh, I have watched it over and over on tv and i can not even imagine what it was like . What about the people trapped between the top and the bottom. It was either die of fire and smoke or jump. I would jump, a little bit quicker way. That was horrible. the whole us came to a stop. They showed pics of NY and it looked like an a-bomb went off. Oh and james, I understand why language like that is not alowed but we really need to enforce it first with the mods and other admins cause i have seen them use it and they dont edit it from peoples post either. It seems as though your the only one against it so you may want to talk to them again. Everyone really needs to be on the same page. (I am not saying this in an angry or flaming way I am just saying it to let you know)
  11. sorry to all who thought i was saying the afganistans did it. I thought they did at first but they finally showed that no one knew and it wasnt us attacking. Oh and by the way transtic, You said seeing the same topic was annoying but this topic is different, well it was supposed to be different. The topic of this was how should we react but i guess everyone got side tracked or something. who ever does it should pay though. Those stupid palestine people shouldnt be laughing either. If a big disaster happend there we would probably send some aid to the and help. all they can do is laugh at us.
  12. Anyone who dodges the draft is a coward who doesnt deserve to live in this country. not only is that dishonorable you basically saying you dont care about the country or the people that died. I would never do such a thing. I would not be drafted either cause I would have already volunteered and enlisted.
  13. I know your supposed to forgive and forget, but someone please tell me how you forgive and forget this. There is nothing and I mean NOTHING, in the world that could ever justify this. May the forces of the world and God show NO mercy on these people.
  14. Just on a side note, I have heard this about World War Three all day and its ridiculous. Only way WWIII will ever happen from this is if someone major like China starts supporting the enemy and then attacks us if we do anything to the person who done it to us. Then other nations qwould have to get involved. It takes a whole lot to start a Worl War. A World War was basically a bunch of wars that invovle each other and sides are formed and fought as one. Kinda complicated but I doupt seriously a world war will come of this. sorry everyone I cant type when im mad.
  15. War may be hypocritical in some examples but its not. What I mean by this is even so its something that happens, will always happen , and has to happen. If one does not punish people responsible for this what is going to happen? We are not terrorizing people like they are. What they are doing is refered to as a form of terror bombing. We do not terror bomb. /WE take out military objectives, power plants, and oil fields. Nothing there is an act of terrorisn. It ould be said as terrorism cause innocent people have to do with out power, oil, and other styuff for a whuile but they dont die for something someone else did. Anyone who thinks that retaliating to what they have done and bombing them is wrong is an idiot. We are not being hypocrites. If we started bombing there public facilites and tourist attractions, yes that is wrong. We are not letting our anger rule our minds. this is life. they have attacked us and this is a clear act of WAR. Anyone who sits by and lets this go with out retaliation is and idiot who does not deserve to live in this country. I cant believe some would would say this is hypocritical. Im not sure what all you said transtic but I hope you are behind us and support this cause if your not, I am scared of what this world is coming too. I was shocked at the number of kids at school who didnt care. One girl said she had more important things to worry about. That sickens me.
  16. I understand what you say but we can not let this go un justified. they have to be punished for this. We cant let all murderes go because we dont want to have to go through a trail and all. If War is hat is neccesarry, then War is what they will get. By the way, Secretary of Defense(I think thats it) has said its not us attacking kabul so whoever it is I hope they do a goo job at blowing the fools to pieces.
  17. We watched it all day long at school. This was horrible. They all need to pay for this. I hope our forces show no mercy on these fools. Sorry about your boy friend. All these people have died. For what? They have done nothing to them or anyone. they are just minding there own business trying to provide for their family and have a life. Everyone involved in this should be executed and put on display in front of the white house.
  18. How should we react to this? Should we just declare War on Afganistan? I want for a fleet of B-52's to rain hell upon them but then we are really no better than them. Nuclear bomb is just stupid to even consider. What would you all do? They say they dont know if its us attacking kubal or not. I dont really care. If its not us doing it, wait till the other person gets done then we will bomb them some more. They must pay for this. Its gone on way to long and this time it is just to catostrophic to let this fly. And the Palestinians celebrating in the streets! I was appaled by that. They are no better then them and we should "accidently" drop a bomb on them on our way back from kubal. Im just glad we have a president now that is not afraid to take action and will not limit the warfare like bill did. Because of him and his rules to the military many people died on the USS Cole that could have been avoided if they had be able to shoot the fools. AHHH!!! This pisses me off so bad. If I was of age I would be in the Air Force right now.
  19. first off, I want to say it doesnt matter what religion, what they belive in, what we beilive in. What they did was an act of War against us. I dont think Nuclear War is the answer but I say BOMB THE HELL OUT OF THEM. Anyone who says bombing them is wrong is no better than the terrorist. bin Laden is not soley at fault the goverment where he lives (afganistan sp?) Is responsible as well cause there doing nothing to stop them. Any coaward associated with laden should burn in hell. Im sorry but this is war now.
  20. No offense to you man but anyone who settles things with a gun is doing nothing but showing everyone how big a coward you are. Im not saying this to piss you off its the truth. Theres many other ways to settle this. With al the crap that is going on today no one even needs to joke about "capping" someone. Only coawards shoot people they cant get along with. I beg you to not lower yourself to that level.
  21. Anybody who wants to play around with a little bit of a synth go here.: [url=http://www.ss7x7.com/mixers/7x7studio/studiomain.asp]ss7x7[/url] Does anyone like Beethoven? I love his stuff. It was awesome watching Alicia Keys play Fur Elise. She is a great pianist. I like playing piano too but my main focus is basically stuff like what Joseph Hahn (my biggest inspiration) does with linkin park but I do more synth then he does.
  22. [Quote]: "I put my trust in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There's only one thing you should know I tried so hard, and got so far But in the end, it doesn't even matter I had to fall, and lose it all But in the end, it doesn't even matter" In the End by Linkin Park [/quote] thats exactly what I was gonna say Anna! :) The only thing I have to add is: Discomfort, endlessly has pulled itself upon me Distracting, reacting Against my will I stand beside my own reflection It's haunting how I can't seem... To find myself again My walls are closing in (Without a sense of confidence I?m convinced that there?s just too much pressure to take) I've felt this way before So insecure There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface Consuming, confusing This lack of self control I fear is never ending Controlling Crawling ~ linkin Park And anything by "Staind".
  23. Yeah Im more into synths but I would like to eventually get some turn tables to add to it. Right now all I have is My Casio butI am working on getting a rythm board. Transtic if you can every upload anything you have made if you still have it I would love to hear it. Well I am out for a while. I am going to watch my new Neo Genisis DVD. :)
  24. Im not talking about just people who own a guitar or something I mean that you play it regularly and make your own music. Basicaly a real musician. I play alot of the Electric Guitar but I am moving towards the acoustic now. I dont really make music or anything on my guitar I just play with it some but I do do alot of stuff on my keyboard. I have a really nice casio. If everything goes good I should be able to have some of my songs for you all to sample soon. That is if anyone cares.
  25. Well so far I have played both of them and I like FF2 A little bit better than CT. Partly because Im just a huge FF fan but CT is good.The first 1:00 of it is twice as better as the first disk to Crono Cross.
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