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Everything posted by After*Glow

  1. Sanji rox, I like the Japanese One Piece cause want what they did do the subbed version is a massacre.
  2. Fighting Fooddons I saw that show and was like what the hell I'm I watching? Total crap.
  3. Cowboy Bebop has some of the best music IMO also Full Metal Alchemist has some good ones.
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I love Viewtiful Joe, I can only hope that the anime is as cool as the game. I wonder if Dante will make a apperance in the show[/COLOR]?[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I don't think its a nod to anime but I read in newtype that there going to make a anime prequel to kill bill.[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  6. I think its jill from the new rewsident evil movie but anyways its way to small.
  7. After*Glow


    Thats really nice, good job
  8. I went to see it like a week after it came out with a friend. There were a total of 4 peolpe in the theater and I think that the movie sucked.
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