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Everything posted by Moonlight

  1. I loved your poem jesus christ action figure its so right. And retro is wrong your poems all rock. Retro acts like a moderator and They aren't its stupid. Someone on otaku boards made a story and it was like 8 paragraphs and Retro told them that they didn't give anybody else enough to work off of. If retro isn't a moderator they should shut their mouth!
  2. Name: Rayne Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: 6' 3" with red eyes and red hair to her butt. She has a snake tatoo running down her arm. She has a wristband of I smell death on you on her right wrist. She is a total punk and wears an AFI T-shirt and black shorts to her knees. She has her ears pierced and they have huge fake skulls in them. Her eyebrow is pierced and she has black dcs and red laces.She wears an irish ring on her middle finger on the left hand. She has black fingernails and they are long. Bio: One day she was walking in the woods and was all of the sudden knocked over by something huge. Waking up an hour later she found a boa constricter staring at her." You know it would've been better if someone had been watching where they were going!" it said. She got up cursing and asked what was going on and it told her. The things a real smart a**! She really loves it though and it always with her. When she goes to class it hides in her super baggy clothes. He is 8 feet long. Name: Torregir Gender: Male Type: Boa Constricter Guardian of: Guardian of Forest/ Guardian of The Plants
  3. Name: Kiaoty Janmia Age:17 Gender:Female Appearance: With black hair and green eyes she is 6' 2" tall. She has a black tee and black baggie shorts. She has a snake tatoo on her left arm all the way down and an irish flag on her right bicep. She has black nail polish and wristbands on her arms. She has black shoes and anarchy shoelaces. She wears a black watch and a breast cancer bracelet. She has red tips on her hair and her hair is long and often shrouds her face. she has a name tattooed on her neck that says Conner. Incident: A long time ago she was living in Ireland happy when one day her boyfriend and her best friend were shot and killed by her father when he was on crystal meth. He raped her and her dead friend and was stabbed by a 14inch knife and needed 16 stiches. She killed her father in self defense and her mother brought her here to start a new life. One thing she does is go to fighting class and has a pair of fighting swords. She works at a pizza place and gets 10 bucks an hour. She has a pet snake named Xiashia. She has a cousin who lives with them and treats her like crap. Her mother wasn't there when it all happenend with her dad and regrets not being able to help. Her mother was raped by her father and that was how she was born. Broken Personality: Afterwards all she did was stay in her room and listen to punk and drink bottle after bottle, shot after shot. She ate dinner in her room even and spoke to no one except her shrink who came over every day. She felt alone and scared that her dad would just be there one day and was brought to the hospital for almost drinking her self to death. She has been barely living and she feels completely dead inside! She has one friend named Hana but she was entered into a psych ward for 2 months because she is also suicidal! :animecry:
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=3][FONT=Impact]Hey look if you please make a person somebody so we can get started and if you want to can have 2 people if you want.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. Alright Back ground and appearance now.... Hope your happy Angel Lover!!!!! Background: Last year when Kyo went to Ireland he found a Shoma named Xiashia. He is half Irish half Japanese. He was at an orphanage because his mother was killed as a cat and his father ws a top secret military man for the U.S. and they killed him after they fired him so that he couldn't tell their secrets. He is of the snake zodiac sign and his version of the curse is worn down from the original curse so if he kisses a girl he changes instead of hugging them. At the age of 5 he saw his mother change when her boss hugged her and she was thrown out the window in front of him. On his 17th birthday he fell and love and kissed his girlfriend she freaked and he killed her laying the blame on her abusive father and leaving the correct evidence his father died a month later and Xia left for Ireland. He always felt alone until he saw Kyo change in a dark alley and spoke to him. Then Kyo brought him from Ireland to the Shoma's main house where he sleeps next door to Thoru. He gets along well with Thoru and Kyo but surprise hates Yuki since Kyo does. He has a crush on (duh duh duh)....... Hanajima-San!!! Bet you didn't see that coming! He doesn't go to school because he has had 89 girls kiss him at school causing him to transfer 12 times. He works at a pub from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. He has 3 pet snakes he brought from Ireland ( Shoky, Amanay, and Ibato). He believes he may have other siblings. Appearance: He is 6' 5" with short balck hair with red tips. He has a round face and green eyes when he gets mad they turn black ( NOT glossy yellow). He has a 6 pac and huge pecs and biceps. Hes wearing a black AFI T-Shirt and black baggy shorts with chains, zippers, and safety pins. He has 3 tattoos. A snake running down his left arm, an Irish flag on his right arm and the name Kary on his lower back. He has black shoes with anarchy shoelaces. He isn't a virgin and he loves RUM!!!!!!!!!! He has 6 wristbands (3 on each arm) I smell death on you , a star, black with pink skulls, a green day one, the punisher and 1 that says damn you all. He hates people who think they are better than everyone else, mean preps and of course the British. He loves intuitive and psychic people and he loves his girls hot , adventurous and smart. He is a practical joker and can be mean but he is a total punk/ goth/ rocker. His favorite motto is "I LOVE preps... they taste good!" :animesweat: oh my god that was so hard I think I am gonnna die even though it took me a whole 5 minutes....
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][[SIZE=2]FONT=Impact]THE BEGINNING A long time ago during different time all the worlds were together as one. One day all of the races began to fight. Many died and then the elders of the races held a meeting and at this meeting they decided it would be best to seperate the worlds and give them new histories. All of the races besides humans wanted to remember what had been before the humans however rewrote their whole history.What kept the worlds together and what allowed them to be seperated are the stones of the elements. These elements can only be brought back together when the chosen ones right all wrongs and unite the races once again. Many lost hope and began to fear that things would stay apart forever. Then one day 3 girls found places they could go to escape and be somewhere else. The method they use to travel is called soul traveling using this method they could see any race they wished and could make their own worlds. They fight many wars and battles. The 3 girls were 3 of the chosen ones.They find they are destined to marry 2 people a human and someone in these new worlds. They also discover different families. All of these teenagers come from bad or hard backgrounds. Okay basically the chosen ones need to come together and reunite the worlds by discovering magic, crossing boundries, sacrificing things and keeping secrets. They must also deal with a sword and find their families in the other world. They also must get others to see the worlds and are always (almost) in danger. There is alot of leniency in the story plot.In other worlds no cars, guns, or anything electrical. Characters; Moonlight:Myself Faith: Amanda: Drax (guy): Aaron: Vampy: Angel(guy): Lily: Jenny: Steven: Michaela(girl): Skye(girl) Also you can make up characters.These people are from America. If you want a person of diferent origin then make up your own. If making up a character you will need: Name: Age(13-17): Appearance: Gender: Background: Race(can be mixed): Weapons: Relation to anyone else in the story: World they live in Demon, Mcatheral, Human or Other. Children: Spirit animal(bald eagle taken) Name: Moonlight Age: 17 Appearance: 5ft 9 in Black hair, Green eyes, Black pants and black shirt. Black DCs with anarchy shoelaces and wristbands with skulls and other punk bands, 4 tattoos: irish flag, wolf bear and eagle in one and the name conner on her lowerback. She also has a snake up her arm. Scar shaped like a star from cutting her wrist below her right one. She also has a mark of an eagle on her neck. Black fingernail painting and a political banner on her shirt. Gender:girl Background: She is a punk in this world and a punk princess in the Mcatherall world. In Mcatheral she is know as the Madien Eternity because she will have many children but marry only one in the other worlds. Her sister Aphrodite is a traitor to her family in Mcatheral(Mc). Her friend Skye is traitor to all the worlds. She had a tough life in this world and was beaten by her brother. Her parents in the human world are divorced and dislikes her Mc mother. She goes to a high school in Minnesota USA with her human world friends and has a guy who likes her she doesn' t feel the same for. She knows she is destined to marry someone she isn't even friends with.Her aunt in the human world is wiccan.She is the unspoken leader of the kids always making hard desicions and saving butt. She is loved by Vampy, Drax and Aaron. All demons. Race:100% Macatheral Weapons(liked most): Her fire blades Relations: Best Friend to faith in the human world and sister in Mcatheral. Cousin in this world Amanda, best friend in Mcatheral. Lives in: Human Children:0 Spirit Animal: Bald Eagle! Shepherds we shall be For thee my Lord for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand That our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. And we shall flow a river forth to thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. Uminay Partray Mcfeely the spirit of santay. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  7. Moonlight


    THE BEGINNING A long time ago during different time all the worlds were together as one. One day all of the races began to fight. Many died and then the elders of the races held a meeting and at this meeting they decided it would be best to seperate the worlds and give them new histories. All of the races besides humans wanted to remember what had been before the humans however rewrote their whole history.What kept the worlds together and what allowed them to be seperated are the stones of the elements. These elements can only be brought back together when the chosen ones right all wrongs and unite the races once again. Many lost hope and began to fear that things would stay apart forever. Then one day 3 girls found places they could go to escape and be somewhere else. The method they use to travel is called soul traveling using this method they could see any race they wished and could make their own worlds. They fight many wars and battles. The 3 girls were 3 of the chosen ones.They find they are destined to marry 2 people a human and someone in these new worlds. They also discover different families. All of these teenagers come from bad or hard backgrounds. Okay basically the chosen ones need to come together and reunite the worlds by discovering magic, crossing boundries, sacrificing things and keeping secrets. They must also deal with a sword and find their families in the other world. They also must get others to see the worlds and are always (almost) in danger. There is alot of leniency in the story plot.In other worlds no cars, guns, or anything electrical. Characters; Moonlight:Myself Faith: Amanda: Drax (guy): Aaron: Vampy: Angel(guy): Lily: Jenny: Steven: Michaela(girl): Skye(girl) Also you can make up characters.These people are from America. If you want a person of diferent origin then make up your own. If making up a character you will need: Name: Age(13-17): Appearance: Gender: Background: Race(can be mixed): Weapons: Relation to anyone else in the story: World they live in Demon, Mcatheral, Human or Other. Children: Spirit animal(bald eagle taken) Name: Moonlight Age: 17 Appearance: 5ft 9 in Black hair, Green eyes, Black pants and black shirt. Black DCs with anarchy shoelaces and wristbands with skulls and other punk bands, 4 tattoos: irish flag, wolf bear and eagle in one and the name conner on her lowerback. She also has a snake up her arm. Scar shaped like a star from cutting her wrist below her right one. She also has a mark of an eagle on her neck. Black fingernail painting and a political banner on her shirt. Gender:girl Background: She is a punk in this world and a punk princess in the Mcatherall world. In Mcatheral she is know as the Madien Eternity because she will have many children but marry only one in the other worlds. Her sister Aphrodite is a traitor to her family in Mcatheral(Mc). Her friend Skye is traitor to all the worlds. She had a tough life in this world and was beaten by her brother. Her parents in the human world are divorced and dislikes her Mc mother. She goes to a high school in Minnesota USA with her human world friends and has a guy who likes her she doesn' t feel the same for. She knows she is destined to marry someone she isn't even friends with.Her aunt in the human world is wiccan.She is the unspoken leader of the kids always making hard desicions and saving butt. She is loved by Vampy, Drax and Aaron. All demons. Race:100% Macatheral Weapons(liked most): Her fire blades Relations: Best Friend to faith in the human world and sister in Mcatheral. Cousin in this world Amanda, best friend in Mcatheral. Lives in: Human Children:0 Spirit Animal: Bald Eagle!
  8. NOTICE An important thing to remember some races don't have spirit animals. if you have questions as to which ones PM me. Also if you are selecting an already made character then you must take the background chosen for them you may however choose their appearance! Also please put elements of your character (up to 3 elements unless you speak to me beforehand). If you have any questions about other characters PM me. Lastly, you can go to places your not aloud at in the human world for characters living there.
  9. THE BEGINNING A long time ago during different time all the worlds were together as one. One day all of the races began to fight. Many died and then the elders of the races held a meeting and at this meeting they decided it would be best to seperate the worlds and give them new histories. All of the races besides humans wanted to remember what had been before the humans however rewrote their whole history.What kept the worlds together and whaqt allowed them to be seperated are the stones of the elements. These e3lements can only be brought back together when the chosen ones right all wrongs and unite the races once again. Many lost hope and began to fear that thing would stay apart forever. Then one day 3 girls found places they could go to escape and be somewhere else. The method they use to travel is called soul traveling using this method they could see any race they wished and could make their own worlds. They fight many wars and battles. The 3 girls were 3 of the chosen ones.They find they are destined to marry 2 people a human and someone in these new worlds. They also discover different families. Okay basically the chosen ones need to come together and reunite the worlds by discovering magic, crossing boundries, sacrificing things and keeping secrets. They must also deal with a sword and find their families in the other world. They also must get others to see the worlds and are always (almost) in danger. There is alot of leniency in the story plot.In other worlds no cars, guns, or anything electrical. Characters; Moonlight:Myself Faith: Amanda: Drax (guy): Aaron: Vampy: Angel: Lily: Jenny: Steven: Michaela(girl): Skye(girl) Also you can make up characters. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Impact]If making up a character you will need: Name: Age(13-17): Appearance: Gender: Background: Race(can be mixed): Weapons: Relation to anyone else in the story: World they live in Demon, Mcatheral, Human or Other. Children: Spirit animal(bald eagle taken) Name: Moonlight Age: 17 Appearance: 5ft 9 in Black hair, Green eyes, Black pants and black shirt. Black DCs with anarchy shoelaces and wristbands with skulls and other punk bands, 4 tattoos: irish flag, wolf bear and eagle in one and the name conner on her lowerback. She also has a snake up her arm. Scar shaped like a scar from cutting her wrst below her right one. She also has a mark of an eagle on her neck. Black fingernail painting and a political banner on her shirt. Gender:girl Background: She is a punk in this world and a punk princess in the Mcatherall world. In Mcatheral she is know as the Madien Eternity because she will have many children but marry only one in the other worlds. Her sister Aphrodite is a traitor to her family in Mcatheral(Mc). Her friend Skye is traitor to all the worlds. She had a tough life in this world and was beaten by her brother. Her parents int the human world are divorced and dislikes her Mc mother. She goes to a high school in Minnesota USA with her human world friends and has a guy who likes her she doesn' t feel the same for. She knows she is destined to marry someone she isn't even friends with.Her aunt in the human world is wiccan. Race:100% Macatheral Weapons(liked most): Her fire blades Relations: Best Friend to faith in the human world and sister in Mcatheral. Cousin in this world Amanda, best friend in Mcatheral. Lives in: Human Children:0 Spirit Animal: Bald Eagle![/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Impact]Name: Xiashia Shoma Age:17 Gender: Male Appearance and background later. :sleep: Animal:Snake Fights: he ain't handicapped[/FONT][/COLOR]
  11. ( this is my first one so it may be horrible) She sat in the dark thinking about the child laying on the ground bleeding after the first feed she had in months.I twas a young boy named Sal. He wouldn't be missed by his mother who was in the bar since it opened for the day. She felt no remorse, she was what she was no more and no less! She lifted the dead child as she jumped from building to building. She was thinking about another child, her own child back when he was killed. She knew that she would kill Rakuj for the slaughter that took her son away. She hurried back to her boyfriend Lurth. She changed into her new dress and prepared Sal to lose more blood to Lurth. She had champagne chilling in a bucket and had candles burning. She called her pet raven and muttered," Melice Chalot Camore." causing the large bird to change into a small girl." Get a watch set up for anyone I don't need guests tonight except my beloved man!
  12. OKAY! :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
  13. Sweet pic you have there and yea she is around that age
  14. Sky send me a message ( this is kt)
  15. In the past the first person to see the dancer was a wiccan girl named Katy! :devil:
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