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em si hsoJ

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Everything posted by em si hsoJ

  1. my first word was ball, just ball
  2. [quote name='RadicalXEdward']I'm new to the board! Nice to meetcha all! :D[/quote] Hi...nice twirl *twirls around even better*
  3. I accidently posted two of the same picture and was wondering if theres a way to delete one of them. I know you used to be able to just go into the submit fan art page and do it from there but now that the site's changed I dont know how to do it.
  4. [QUOTE=Heero Darkangel]Ok...Looks as though his thread got abit ugly while I wasn't watching In answer to all your guys notions, fact stands...My eyes do change colour whether you believe it or not.. if you want to shoot my thread full of bullet holes by bringing in scientific resources and supersitious notions so then be it I don't really care.. and Hell no! i'm not a vain person! god can strike me now if I was but the eye colour changing gene actually runs from my mothers side...she too has the same eyes, they change with her moods...and also tell me this...if I where a red shirt (most of you say that it's the clothes you wear) my reds will go a change because of what i'm wearing..LOL...now thats funny...sorry Hey Dragon Warrior!! theres no such thing as magic!!!! and also did I say I was original...[B]NO[/B]...lol Also its not my hair that changes colour its my COUSINS!!!...and it isn't all of her hair it is the tips of her hair which I stated at the top!...lol Look I just asked if others had eyes that change colour not a full blown thread full of Scientific reasons and people who think its superstition And also can someone tell me...(since most all seem to be glued to scientific reasons)...if my eyes are saphire blue on a sunny day and to get the pale blue wouldn't I have to stand out in the sun and look at it just to make them fade? and if it's got something to do with the light...then why do they stay the same when I go outside and then go indoors and it's only until my mood changes that they do...meaning...I may be angry and they turn pale blue and then I go outside after being inside and it's sunny but they stay the same and then while I've been outside for a while and I start feeling better then they change to saphire..it's my mother who tells me, she loves it...but I guess it's quite hard for others to think out side the scientific and superstitious box when things like this come up...so they judge you on it and make assumptions about you (referring to Dragon Warrior) that aren't even true I'm not mocking anyone it's just that my eyes have been like that ever since i was little..hard to believe but it's true and if thats the way everyone feels about it...well there's nothing I can do about it...besides all I asked for is if anyone else has this problem and all I've been give so far is a science lesson and superstitious talk....but I do thank everyone for their posts..Ok[/QUOTE] do you really look at your eyes that much? cuz I think I've looked at my eyes like... maybe 10 times...ever for all I know they could change every five minutes and I dont think I would have any idea
  5. your cousins hair just looks differnet because of the light...your hair is dead cells theres no way it could change color purely because of the weather...as far as your eyes... sounds pretty cool! heh...mine are light green and...thats it...I feel so plain now...uh...my hair gets lighter in the summer...but thats just beacsue the sun bleaches it blonde and I think that happend to everyone...oh well geuss i'M jsut not special
  6. [quote name='Violinagin']I think it's pretty good. You might try tracing it onto unlined paper, and smoothing out the lines a bit. His legs (I can't really tell whats wrong, but they do look a little off) could also be done over. Other than that, it's a pretty cool picture of him :)[/quote] thanks lol and I geuss his legs prolly look a little short because I never drew in his feet lol...
  7. you "made" that first one? if you did I'd give it a 10, and the other one an 8 there both awsome!
  8. the cloth and the wings look awsome but her face and arms look really weird, I still like it though and it looks like the wings proboly took fooorever
  9. This is hte first time I've drawn anything that wasnt just original anime, I think coloring kind of ruined it becasue i only had colroed pencils and it looks really sloppy now :-/...lemme know what you think though
  10. [quote name='Sesshomarufan][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue']eh forget about it. color is just for those who need to see it anyways. what people fail to realize half the time is that black and white are colors. whenever i draw stuff, people always say, why dont you color it? i calmly tell them that i did color it and black and white are colors. i usually draw in black and white for storyboarding and comic strip stuff. what type of paper and pencils do you use on your drawings?[/COLOR][/quote] hate to brake it to you but black and white are not "colors", black is the complete absense of color adn white is every color....I love black and whites too though so I totally agree with you :)
  11. uh...why not ask it here this is an off topic board and my question isnt really included in any of the other topics...unless I missed something and if so can you please point it out
  12. How do you become a senior level artist so you dont have to wait for your art to be reviewd? Thanks :)
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