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The F-Bomb

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About The F-Bomb

  • Birthday August 13

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    Schizo Goblin
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    Just a guy trying to make it against the odds
  • Occupation
    full-time lazy good-for-nothing

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  1. x-ray pornography: it's exactly what it sounds like, and while it's not exactly the grossest thing ever, it's definitely very interesting. Tub girl and goatse also definitely make the list.
  2. The F-Bomb


    I wouldn't really worry about this being the last season. Keifer Sutherland has already signed up for a 6th season so hopefully that puts everybody's worries to rest. Anyways, I really like the direction that this season is taking, though I still can't believe how many major characters they've killed off so far. I can only pray that Audrey is the next on the list, I hate that *****.
  3. Here's My list: Jupiter Sunrise I Voted 4 Kodos The Matches Suburban Legends The KGB Larger Than Life Lucky Boys Confusion Bloc Party Paramore Anberlin The New Pornographers Figaro I highly doubt you could find most of these bands at your local cd retail store (with a few exceptions of course)
  4. [QUOTE=The Boss][color=darkgreen][size=1] [B]Green Day:[/B] I actually got into Green Day back on their first album, Dookie. I, however, quickly got annoyed with some of their singles. It took a couple more years and the release of American Idiot for me to get back into them. [/color][/size][/QUOTE] *Sigh* only a Green Day fan when they're big, eh? For that matter, Dookie is in fact Green Day's third album. Sorry, but as a huge Green Day fan I find your ignorance almost offensive. I just hate it when people think that Green Day started with Dookie. Anyways, on to my favorite bands in top 10 order 10. Suburban Legends - A totally bitchin' ska band with some incredibly uplifting tunes. Sure, they sound a bit like Reel Big Fish, but I just find they're music to be a little more energizing (granted none of their songs actually top Reel Big Fish's "Beer"). Check out the songs "High Fives" and "Alternative is Dead" 9. Jupiter Sunrise - a really great alternative band. These guys (and gal) are extremely talented and are continually expanding their musical horizons, not being chained down by any particular musical style. Every song on their album "Under a Killer Blue Sky" is incredible. Check out their songs "Arthur Nix" and "Josie's House" to get a feel for each of Jupiter Sunrise's singers. 8. The Ramones - Simple yet catchy melodies, a true classic. I'm not even gonna recommend songs because you SHOULD already know their music (at least casually) 7. Panic! at the Disco - Sounds a little like Fall Out Boy, but with a little bit of electronica thrown into the mix. And oh is it a beautiful mix. Every song on their one cd is a gem, but I'd recommend checking out "The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide is Less Press Coverage" and "Time to Dance" 6. The Matches - Some damn good rock by a small band trying to make it about a small band trying to make it. Check out "Audio Blood" and now I'm lazy so here's the rest 5. Less Than Jake 4. AFI 3. Tsunami Bomb 2. Lucky Boys Confusion 1. Green Day
  5. To those high school freshman that feel like their first year was deadly, don't worry too much about it. Not a whole lot of people actually like their first year of high school, but trust me, it gets better. You and the people around you will grow a lot in the next 3 years, and a lot of times your peers will become a lot less judgemental. Tomorrow, when you go to school take a good look around you... damn netha6ar any of those people could become a good friend by the end of senior year. I hated freshman year of high school too, but by the end of senior year I had forged valuable long-lasting relationships with people I never thought I would be hanging out with. You'd be surprised what can change over the course of 4 short years. To those graduating from high school and embarking on your college journey, the best advice I can give you is to not make the mistake I made my first semester - partying waaaaaaay too much. Damn near all college freshman make the mistake of getting a little too wild and crazy with their newfound freedom and wind up skipping classes. I think I woke up someplace unfamiliar about 4 times last semester and let me tell you, it's no fun. I know right now you're worried about your friends and whether or not you'll stay in touch, but you shouldn't really. As long as you make the effort to stay in touch they wil still be there for you. Unfortunately I still think you're gonna have to get used to the idea of losing touch with people though. It WILL happen and I'm very sorry, but that's the way it is. Friends and girlfriends/boyfriends will come and go surprisingly fast in college, but trust me when I say you will get used to it. Oh, and whatever you're planning on becoming right now... odds are you won't be wanting to become that by the end of your first semester. Things are gonna get shaken up, so just hold on tight.
  6. Cheyne: Why? Alex Why not? Cheyne: How can you answer a question with another question? Alex: Isn't that the point of the game? Cheyne: What game? Alex: Aren't we playing a game right now? Cheyne: How would I know? Alex: Shouldn't you know if you're playing a game? Cheyne: Well, what kind of game is it? Alex: Didn't Nomura say it was a game in which we could only ask questions? Cheyne: Then wouldn't you say we're doing quite well? Alex: Yea, but there was some other rule wasn't there? Cheyne: Weren't we supposed to try and be funny? Alex: I guess we suck then, don't we? Cheyne: Shouldn't you show a little more confidence in yourself? Alex: Don't chicks dig confidence? Cheyne: If you realize it then shouldn't you try it out? Alex: How about on that girl over there? Cheyne: Why don't you try this line then? (Whispers to Alex and Alex goes to the girl) Alex: I bought this condom, could you show me how to use it? Girl: Sure sweetie, wanna go somewhere private? (they exit) Cheyne: Did he realize that was a hooker?
  7. Well, being presently drunkish my book report will closely resemble a stoner's... Unless of course anybody on here posts high. So there's this book called 1984 and it's all about this dude Big Brother that seems to get off on watching you all the freakin time, which is wierd I think, though not just because it's a little creepy. I mean, I had a big brother and he NEVER wanted to pay attention to me. The only time I could get more than few sentences out of him was when I took his bag of weed and smoked all of it. I mean, what was he gonna do? Tell mom? HAHAHAHA. Right, I can see it now. Mooooooooooooooooooooooooom, Cheyne smoked all my weed!! In his face!! That's what he gets for ignoring me. Actually, that's not entirely true. He did get me back. He took my girlfriend away from me and began to torture me until I confessed. I love big brother.
  8. It's actually easier for me to pinpoint the kind of music I don't like than the kind I do, so I'm gonna stick with that because I'll love just about everything else. I hate, country (if I hear my roommate play "She thinks my tractor's sexy" one more time I'll have his head), rap, metal (most forms of it), and tween pop Otherwise, I'm a big fan of Punk, Ska, Reggae, Jazz, Pop Punk, Emo, Techno, and anything that fuses these musical styles together.
  9. Let me give this a shot. I write comedy stuff as a kind of hobby so I'll probably get a little carried away with this, so here goes: *Jibble the Sandwich, Strawberry Burton, and Krispy Kreme Redfield are all trapped inside of a room, stoner zombies (kind of redundant really) are on the other side of the door, which is the only escape from the room for our poor, delicious, heroes* Jibble: Krispy, is there a lock on the door! Krispy: Negative Jibble! Strawberry: Oh ****, that means we've only got a few minutes before they figure out how to get through! *On the other side of the door* Stoner Zombie #1 (staring blankly at the door knob): Dude, what the hell is this thing? Stoner Zombie #2: Ummmm, I dunno man. Can we eat it? *SZ1 puts his mouth on the doorknob and bites down hard on it* SZ1: Ow man, that hurt my teeth! SZ2: **** dude, maybe it's like a jawbreaker or something. SZ1: Oh those are so good man! SZ2: I'm gonna try sucking on it. *SZ2 struggles to fit the doorknob in his mouth, but eventually succeeds. He seems to enjoy it for a while until he tries to pull away, but he discovers that doorknob is stuck behind his teeth" SZ1: Dude. Dude! What's wrong dude!? *SZ2 can only get muffled sounds out* SZ1: Hold on man, let me help you! *After some struggle SZ2 is freed from the doorknob* SZ2: Thanks dude. SZ1: Don't mention it dude. SZ2: So what were we trying to do again? SZ1: Ummmm, I don't remember. SZ2: I've got the ******* hardcore munchies dude. SZ1: Aaaaaaaw, dude. I know what we should do! SZ2: What? SZ1: Let's drive to the store and get some Doritos! SZ2: DORITOS!! Oh, but dude, should you be driving stoned? SZ1: I drive better when I'm high, don't worry. *So the stoner zombies set out on their adventure to find the car in the garage, and it is only after many well fought battles against the various doorknobs in the house that they achieve they come upon their greatest challenge yet, the car door. Meanwhile, Jibble and company are still inside the confines of their room.* Jibble: Strawberry, have they left the house yet? Strawberry (with his ear against the wall): They're in the garage, they seem to be having trouble with the door handle. Jibble: Do you think it's safe to get out of here yet? Krispy: I think we better wait for them to be completely gone, they could still come back in. Jibble: Strawberry? Strawberry: Agreed. (Back to the stoner zombies) SZ1: Dude, there's some kind of invisible shield on this thing. SZ2: I think it's called a window, man. SZ1: Oh right, I've heard of those. SZ2: Try hitting it. *SZ1 hits his head on the glass, but only hard enough to crack it* SZ1: Ow dude! SZ2: Hey, it's working! Do it again! SZ1: Why don't you, cockmonger!? *SZ2 does and breaks the glass completely. Both make it into the car through much effort and settle in. SZ1 in driver's seat with SZ2 in passenger. They miraculously manage to start the car.* SZ1: I'm not so high anymore, dude. SZ2: Let's smoke another bowl!! SZ1: YEA!! *As they smoke the bowl in the car SZ1 has his foot on the gas pedal, and SZ2 accidentally shifts the car into drive. The car drives straight through the wall in front of them, and into the room with Jibble, Strawberry, and Krispy. The stoner zombies spot them.* SZ2: Dude! We made it to the store already! SZ1: I told you I drive better when I'm ripped
  10. I seriously wish I had never seen DBZ. It RUINED my life like a drug. My obsession with it was so great I lost friends over it (no joke). My grades dropped, I became severely depressed, I lost all my money to it. And the worst part is I never even finished watching it. But I'v e been DBZ-free for about 4 years now and am doing well, thanks for asking.
  11. As a frequent user of illustrator I must say I'm quite impressed with the results of your butterfly. In fact, it got me a little bit scared. I've always considered myself to be such a damn good illustrator but I can't say I've turned anything out that's quite the quality of that butterfly (unless I use a picture as reference). It sounds like your Illustrator lessons were far more comprehensive than mine ever were (I'm mostly self-taught).
  12. A while ago I got bored with my pitiful attempts at trying to create large animations so I decided to settle for a medium better suited to my time schedule. This was how Cartoon Zeroes was born. By putting my talents in Adobe Illustrator to use I created this monster... this social life destroying monster. So please read on and give me some feedback on these things so that I can find solace in the fact that I've wasted valuable time that could have been spent getting some (or at least trying to) or doing schoolwork. btw, it's mostly meant for my friends so here's a brief character rundown so you know who's who and why you should laugh (though most of the jokes don't require knowing the real people) Blond guy - Me (Cheyne) Brown long-haired horny guy - Andy Long-haired Mexican dude that's obsessed with being Irish though he really isn't - Luna Spiky-haired guy - Charlie Kid with earring - Brad Runtas UW Shirt Guy - Matt Runtas The rest of the characters are fictitious [url]http://img479.imageshack.us/gal.php?g=5compiled3uc.jpg[/url]
  13. Well, these are all things I've drawn out of boredom during my volunteer period in the graphics lab at school. I couldn't post these at school so I printed them out and scanned them in at home. I tried to make some color corrections in photoshop to correct any degradation that may have happened during the crossover, but it was honestly a half-assed attempt. Still, I'm just looking for a place to put these on the net so I figured I'd drop 'em here. Most of these were printed out at an incomplete phase of drawing (most are about 90% done, I just need to do some cleaning up), but feel free to comment on them anyways. 1. Clay Stomp logo contest piece - this baby won me 1st place in a district-wide contest this year. All art students were required to enter, but I, the only non-art student to make a submission managed to win the $100 savings bond 2. Futuristic Samurai Birdman - doodled this guy during calc, then drew him on the computer the next day 3. Skinner - angry old priest. I wrote a short flash toon script with this guy as the star. I still need to animate the darn thing. 4. Damien & Harold Main Cast - more character concepts for a script I wrote. This shows the main cast of characters for the toon. 5. DH Supporting Cast- supporting cast of characters for the previously mentioned cartoon. This one's probably the least complete of the batch.
  14. I'd have to say that Green Day's American Idiot Tour show was pretty goddamn amazing. Few bands can match the sheer amount of energy they display on stage. The songs all just seem to hit harder and sound faster than they do on their albums. I've been to a number of shows and I can honestly say that I've never seen another band control a crowd like Billie Joe (lead singer of the band, for the uninformed). When you're in the crowd, you know you're his ***** and you'll do anything he tells you to. Of course, there's always entertaining Green Day show staples like pulling audience members out to play the instruments (in which the guitarist chosen is lucky enough to keep the guitar he/she plays) and Billie Joe kissing at least one male per show (usually that same guitarist).
  15. I've actually been watching anime since before I even knew it was anime. I was probably 5 or 6 when I started watching Speed Racer on TV. A few years after that came a brief one year Pokemon phase. It wasn't until DBZ started airing on Cartoon Network that I really began to understand what anime was. However, I didn't really expand outside of DBZ for a while. After I got out of DBZ, which was quite a while before the series finished on CN, I stopped liking anime for a few years. However, after Cowboy Bebop aired in the early days of the adult swim, I became a full-fledged anime devotee. I haven't turned my back since.
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