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The F-Bomb

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Everything posted by The F-Bomb

  1. Anyways, to bring back this topic, I'd just like to say that I'm a pretty big Ranma fan. I own all of the seasons and the OVA, but I've only seen one of the movies (and I was drunk at the time, so that doesn't really count). Ranma was the series that rekindled my dead passion for anime, so I owe it quite a bit. I do admit that the serie gets pretty repetitive. When it boils down to it, some of the "inventive" martial arts styles that run rampant in the series are pretty lame. I mean, martial arts tea ceremony :sleep:? Martial arts dining :eek:? Martial arts cheerleading (double :eek:) ? I would think that Ranma is something that belongs on TV, since it's essentially an anime sitcom, which is why I hope that it does make it onto [adult swim]. Still, if (and I agree with Sol-Blade's following post. That is a big if) it were to air on TV I'd find it disappointing if all the nudity were cut out, though not just because I like nudity (which I do), but because Ranma's strutting around naked is part of his character. It helps to show that even in a girl's body, he's 100% man. The last thing that bugged me was how the series never had a definite ending. It feels like I invested so much time and money in the series to only find out that Ranma, nor any of the other characters, ends up romantically involved with anybody by the end of the series. Sure, Ranma and Akane are certainly on better terms with each other by the end, but they still refuse to actually admit they love each other. I guess this is because no matter what, the ending would have been sad for far too many characters, specifically Ukyo and Shampoo. Both of which are almost universally liked more than Akane, it seems. Still, the lack of closure could hint at the possibility of future episodes. However, I highly doubt this will happen.
  2. I've never actually gone to one of the homecoming dances at my school, but I get excited about homecoming week for another reason... Which would be the special dress days. I've always thought it to be hilarious fun seeing what people come up with. I always look forward to the chance to watch people flex their creative muscles on such occasions. I however, don't have any creative muscles, so I just dress regular (or maybe that's just my excuse for being too lazy to come up with a costume idea :D). Come to think of it, our special dress days have been getting lamer and lamer every year. When I first entered high school we had fun days, like cross-dressing day (it's hilarious and disturbing to find some guys that look better as girls and vice-versa). Nowadays, all we get is Hawaiian day :sleep: . It's not too difficult to dust off one of those old flower print shirts, nor is it very funny. Unless, of course, you're really fat and bring a ukelele to school.
  3. [quote name='Cyke][color=darkblue][font=trebuchet ms] Anyway, my idea for a good DBZ game would be to incorporate combat in the same style as Zone of the Enders. [/font'][/color][/quote] I've been thinking the same thing ever since I first played ZOE. Anyhow, I think their's a lot of potential for a good Naruto action RPG game. You'd play through the game as Naruto, following the main plot of the series. However, you'd be able to take side missions for the village in order to earn extra money and experience. Hmmm, I know there are already a few Naruto games in Japan, but I think they're all fighting games. If anybody knows anything about them, could they please tell me? Thanks in advance.
  4. I'd have to say that the worst anime ever is Yu-Gi-Oh!. I suppose it's just because the prospect of watching a bunch of people dueling with cards doesn't turn me on. I mean, it's watching people play a game,which isn't a very fun activity. All things considered, I've never seen the Japanese version. Perhaps it could change my mind. As for Dragon Ball and it's sequels, I really don't think they're [I]that[/I] bad. The only real problem is its longevity, which is due mostly in part to its slow pace. It usually takes 10 episodes for the show to get anywhere, but at least I'm interested during those episodes... At least for the first time I watch them.
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