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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Gray"]Firenze bounced her knee up and down impatiently. She understood the purpose of her being her, but it didn't change the fact that she hated drawn out meetings. She guessed that was probably the reason most of her clan had died out centuries ago. Order was never her best friend and planning things just seemed to take too long. [COLOR="Plum"][I]'Firenze, what are you going to do now?" an older gentleman called after her. She turned to look at him. He was a massive wolf made up of mostly grey fur. He had stopped changing into his human form some seven centuries before she met him telling her some non-sense about it was going to kill him. She hardly paid attention to him. "I'm going to find him." She called back to him. "And what will that do you except cause more trouble." "What do I have left, Pan?" Firenze shifted into her wolf form, smelling the surrounding area before looking back at the grey wolf. "You have me." He walked up to her. Firenze laughed at him. "You are a grand-sire, there's no way I'd stay here with you. Besides, I would drive you mad." She looked around at her slaughtered commrades. One day her kind would be seen as more than just beasts. "He can set this right," Firenze yipped. "Are you sure its not just lust for his blood that drives you to follow him Firenze? What if you find him and he wants nothing more than for you to be dead." The grey wolf sniffed around the bodies. Firenze snarled at him. "I will have his blood again and he will be mine." "I think you're crazy wolf. That vampire will have your head on a plate." Firenze turned on him then, ripping into his shoulder with her teeth. He whimpered, falling to the ground. She sneered at him, her long snout in his face. "I have no loyalty to you or you have witted ideas. You follow me and I will kill you." She snapped at him before leaping over him, gracefully loping off into the distance.[/I][/COLOR] Firenze looked over at Seraphim, his long hair pulled back away from his face. He was discussing his new mission with this men. He held her hand in his and it felt...ackward.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Gray"]His touch was cool against her hands and his eyes almost as cold. Her heart raced as his scent engulfed her. Bitter sweet memories flooded her mind. She was losing herself in him and everthing that was him. His power swirling around her like no other had ever done. She pulled away from him, throwing the chair over as she moved away from him. She could feel him watching her, but the bitterness was rising in her. She growled low in her chest when she spun around to look at him again. "I'm not an idiot Seraphim," she growled at him her form shimmering back and forth in small sections. "Do you think to trick me and go running off again? A thousand years I've been tracking your hide all over the world! I'll hunt you all over again for all of eternity! You can't hide from me!" She snarled at him as he stood. "Firenze stop," he said coldly. "How is he?" she softened, walking towards the end of the room. "Strong, I'm sure you saw." "And he knows nothing?" She turned to look at him. How she wanted to engulfed in his powerful embrace. To listen to his blood rush through his body with all the power she had ever desired to consume. He was hers and yet he was not. "Nothing?" She flew at him. He caught her as she reached forward, sinking her teeth into his shoulder and neck. A groan escaped his lips. She dug her nails into his back as she drew him closer. "I will never let you go," she whispered into his ear as he slammed her against a wall. He made no move to reply back as he ran his hand along her leg. His power pulsed in her head. His scent grew stronger, overwhelming almost all of her senses. Her control on her form faltered as he bit into her and she could feel his blood in hers. His hand ran over her shoulder and she felt him hesitate. "Old wounds, Seraphim. Old wounds..."[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"]OCC: Hope that's ok Afro![/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Gray"]Firenze danced about the room impatiently. Nero sat in a chair idly chatting with some sprite. Though his appearance was decieving, she knew he was much older than most of the immortals that occupied this bit Seraphim had called a base. She could never understand vampires taste in housing or clothing for that matter. "Why don't you sit down and relax?" someone motioned towards a chair, but she snuffed her nose up at him. "Pathetic," Firenze mumbled under her breath as she looked at the others. There was a peacoat dressed vampire who smelt some what fairly but nothing compared to Seraphim's sweet allure. She cocked her head to the side suddenly when she noticed a fair female vampire sitting by herself at a small table. Firenze stalked closer, sliding into a chair across from this girl. This child. The girl startled as Firenze sat down, looking about to try and figure out what was going on. Firenze leaned forward, her body almost fully on the table staring at this girl. She sniffed the air, the girl looking at her as if she was crazy. "How long have you been a vampire a couple of decades?" Firenze growled at her, but the girl said nothing. "Why would Seraphim let a...[I]child[/I] like you into his ranks? Do you even know what you're fighting for?" The girl dropped her head down into her lap. Firenze could smell fear trickling off her body. Firenze jumped up, frustrated and bored. She wanted Seraphim... "Argh," she began to pace back and forth across the room, shifting from wolf to human form as she went.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Gray"]Bars...a great place to pick up men or loose women, depending on your prefence. But it was also the perfect place to find vampires looking to score their next meal which made them extremely easy to catch. Generally speaking Firenze enjoyed the chase and kill method of hunting her food, but she had grown so bored with the hunt. Powerful vampires were becoming harder and harder to find. And recently all she could think of was Seraphim. She hadn't seen or even smelt him since that faithful first encounter. She needed him....craved him beyond anything she had ever felt. A rumble rosed her from her current victim, a century old twit that fell easily into her grasp. Her muzzle was drenched in his sweet, yet lacking blood as she approached the end of the alley way. Fire and smoke errupted into the air as another explosion followed shortly after. The rank smell of burning debri filled her nose and then another more pleasant smell attacked her. "Oh my..." she mumbled to herself as she slid back into her human form. "What does my lovely nose find for me?" She wiped her mouth clean with a piece of cloth that she had torn from her victim as she strolled down the side walk, her nose leading the way. She rounded a corner to find a very lovely sight indeed. A rather handsome mix breed standing over a fair girl with a whip. She ducked back around the corner and waited for him to come out. She followed after him and swung her arm around his shoulders playful. "Nero...Nero! How do you do my dear precious Nero?" She playfully teased at his ear with her words. "Do I know you?" he tried to shrug her off while still being polite. "Of course you do!I'm the [I]big bad wolf[/I] who ate two little piggies and red riding hoods grandma." She danced about in front of him. "Then aren't you suppose to be dead?" She stopped in front of him, a very stern look on her. "Those are fairy tales told to keep little kids happy. I never die." "So what does the big bad wolf want?" "I want you to take me to sweet delicious Seraphim. No worries precious Nero...I want harm him none."[/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Black"]OOC: Sorry it took me so long Afro.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]If it would be oh so possible for someone to make a banner/avi set for me with the following pictures it would be great. Any color scheme would work as long as DC781 is on the avi and "Can you really trust a wolf?" is on the banner please! Thanks! DC PS: Not all images have to be used![/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://media.animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/wolfsrain/wolfsrain_2_640.jpg?m=1194400015[/IMG] [IMG]http://media.animewallpapers.com/wallpapers/wolfsrain/wolfsrain_4_640.jpg?m=1194400082[/IMG] [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k75/Sturmer09/Kiba3.jpg[/IMG]
  6. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Gray"][B]Name:[/B] Firenze Nuri [B]Age:[/B] 13th century [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Species:[/B] Werewolf [B]Alliance:[/B] Seraphim (no one else but Seraphim) [B]Appearance:[/B] At an average height of five feet and four inches tall, Firenze Nuri seems fragile with brillant blue eyes and long dark hair. Her fair features hide her fierce personality with perfectly placed lips and a soft nose. Her body is firm but she's by no means model skinny. Her wolf form is her best feature. [CENTER][IMG]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/members/1/258/257254/thumb_620x2000/BLACK_WOLF_.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]Personality:[/B] A monster in her own right, Firenze is a hot tempered and nasty. Her appearance makes her deadly because she can draw anyone in before they realize what she's truly after. As a wolf she is a master of huntress and no wound can stop her from her prey. [B]Weapons:[/B] None. (what werewolf needs a weapon...seriously :-P) [B]Unique Ability/Special Skills:[/B] Can change at will. [B]Writing Sample:[/B] Blood...it was everywhere, rushing into her mouth and nose like a fountain. Thick, rich blood, heavy with memories that were not hers. Powerful, intoxicating blood and she wanted more! Her head shot up, her eyes scanning the crazed battle field. Creatures of all sorts, including werewolves, were running a muck through the burning town. "Over there!" A man pointed to her from across the courtyard. Her heart leapt nearly out of her chest as she began to race across the courtyard. This was no ordinary man. This was her favorite vampire who called himself Simon. He was the keeper of the pits, a place she had reluctantly called home. Screams accompanied her to bed every night as he was rape and torement those that were forced to stay in the pits. She had not done anything to warrent her being placed in such a place except she was born a werewolf. The frigid cold air swept past her ears, ruffling her fur along her neck and back as she dashed across the rough stones of the courtyard. Three silver swords were drawn against her, but she wasn't afraid of them. The pain would be fierce but her revenge was stronger. She lept through the air and landed on her target. Her teeth sinking into the leg of the vampire on her right. She ripped it from his body, his screams filling her ears. She felt the searing pain of the vampire on the left thrusting his sword into her side. "Kill it! Kill it you damned idiot!" screamed Simon under her. She could feel herself howl in pain, reaching around and ripping the other vampire's arm off, the sweet taste of his blood dripping onto her tongue. They were useless to Simon now. His screams grew faint as she listened to the increasing flood of fresh blood running through his body. Her snout was quickly buried in his chest, blood rushing all over her mouth. Firenze shot her head up, her lust suddenly gone. A vampire like nothing she had seen before walked calmly through the battle field, easily slicing heads off of any one that stood in his way. He smelled sweet and ungodly powerful. She must have him. She rushed forward, dodging to the left only to recieve his sword into her right shoulder. A snarl escaped her, savage teeth exposed before he brought his eyes down open her. Cold masterful eyes. Her hatred vanished and he pulled his sword from her with little care. He left her, never looking back to go about things as if they had never run into each other. [I]Seraphim[/I] his name floated through her like a chilled breeze and she vowed on that day that her teeth would only sink into the flesh of the undead. That she would only drink the blood of the cursed until she found him again. To whatever end it brought, she would have him.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Green"]Ok so I'm going to try [I]not[/I] to take offense to some of the things on this thread [I][B]*Vampire/Demon/Angel/Lycanthrope (This is because nobody ever gets it right, and that pisses me off for some reason.)* [/B][/I]Being that I have ran some very successful and long running RPGs with this theme. That said. I have tried the western approach, basing it off of a very popular novel probably hindered its success but none-the-less I love this idea! I have seen the attempts for a viking theme but they've never seemed worth signing up for. And you have to be careful on how much control you take over the RPG too. I know a lot of players don't like following set rules (such as predetermined posting orders) ect. A couple of ideas, I'm not sure if they would ever work would be maybe a Alien invasion theme or pirates/buried treasure sort of thing. I have been in a few RPGs that had a pirates sort of theme too but the creator didn't have the sort of stamina or structure the rpg needed. I could see you doing well with either (and all ideas) since you seemed determinded to have dedicated players. Though that's hard to find in itself. Alright now that I've rambled on forever. I'll leave ya be. I hope to see a new rpg up from you soon :-)[/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Navy"][CENTER]The man without a face: Alick Eastman[/CENTER] A man of short stature walked down the barren halls of his current employment, his boot heels clicking with obnixious presistance on the tiled floor. He was youngful in appearance but his thick hands were begining to show his true age of thirty-three. Alick turned a corner with graceful steps and opened a door just a few steps down. The room was empty; not surprising. "Bastard left early again," Alick grumbled aloud. He walked in and slapped the folder in his hand upon the desk, reading over the name plaque that stared back at him: "Edward Danvers". How he hated working for the London Offical, but it was money. He picked up the plaque, fingering the lettering with bored fasination. He couldn't understand why a man like Danvers was still in office. He was filth, a dog. Then Alick started thinking. He chuckled, "maybe I'm no better." He set the plaque back down. "What's this?" He reached down, his fingers gingerly wrapping around the thin newspaper. Their was no heading because the page had been folded on top of it. He began to read the article on the front page, skimming through the lines quickly. "Someone killed a Thomas Jackson. Why is Danvers concerned with this? It has no releavance to his current endeavors." Alick creased his brows. He shook his head and tossed the paper back onto the desk, strolling out with every intent to leave the office. He gathered his things and made his way down the flights of stairs. He beckoned a carriage, pulling his top hat down onto his brow as he climbed in. "Evenin' ter ya, Mr. Eastman," came an all too familiar accent in Alick's left ear. He turned to see look at the much larger man. "Wot services would [I]yeh be[/I] seekin' this time?" "None, good sir Jack." Alick said almost miserably. "Oh aye?" "Early hours for Lord Danvers tomorrow. Last thing I need is to have some young thing messing up the order of my flat and taking all my needed energy." Alick motioned for the carriage to stop. He slid the door open and signaled for the man to exit.[/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER][FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]OOC: I know I didn't go into much detail on Alick Eastman's vice so I'll simply state that he has an addiction to prositutes, both male and female. But he does not necissarily sleep with the women but enjoys abusing them. The men he loves to lavish in fine clothing and luxaries.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  9. [FONT="Arial Narrow"]I absolutely love it! Thank you so very much!![/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="Green"]Hey all those on OB with far more talent than I in this art. I have a request please! I would like a blood+ avi/banner set. I have a few pictures that I would like used in the creation process...other than that let your imaginations fly![/COLOR][/FONT] [IMG]http://img335.imageshack.us/img335/9789/duofl1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://sishou.up.seesaa.net/image/blood2BOP.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://images.minitokyo.net:8001/view/247243.jpg[/IMG] [FONT="Arial Narrow"][COLOR="green"]Thank you![/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Jaden studied the screen for a moment, wishing he knew who was in charge of the inventory to see what they needed but he supposed it would be a good idea after the battle he had missed. He placed his hand on the com system and tried to sound as professional as possible. "This is your captain speaking, we will be landing for some supplies. We will be staying for a few days so fell free to do some shopping of your own." Jaden removed his hand from the com and turned to the young man at the controls. He gave Jaden a strange look making him feel uncomfortable. "It should be a rather smooth ride, Captain if you'd like to take a seat." Yuri motioned towards the seat not far from his. "Uhhhhhh," Jaden began. "I think I'm going to make a trip to the Doc's office to see what the damage was from our first battle." Jaden turned around, knocked his knee into a chair, stumbled a bit and finally made his way out of the room. He did rather well this round in finding the doc's office without too much trouble. Only bumping into a couple people and a few random objects before stumbling into the office and interrupting some conversation between a woman and the doc. "Oh...excuse me...I'll come back another time."[/FONT]
  12. [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]They are beautiful :-D Thank you![/FONT][/CENTER]
  13. [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Wootness :-D can't wait to see :-D[/FONT][/CENTER]
  14. [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Hello fellow OBers...I don't know how many of you out there know of Kyo Kara Maoh, but I have grown rather obessed with the story and even named my ferrets Konrad and Yuri!! I know, I'm crazy but I can't help it. So I was wondering if one of you fine artists could make me an avi/banner set. My favorite characters, if you couldn't already tell, are Konrad and Yuri. So something combinding the two in darker colors: grey, pale blue or something along those lines. I don't have much in the way of pictures that I could think of possibly using, but if you need some let me know and I can post what I have. Um...I would like "DC781" on the avi please and "My life is your's." Thank you uberly! DC[/FONT][/CENTER]
  15. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Jaden beckoned the four guards that had orginally escorted the two escapees into the doc's office to help escort them down to the cells, not that Jaden really knew where they were. But that never stopped him before. The three females left Jaden feeling uncomfortable, not scared, but uncomfortable. He wanted to question them but where to begin. [I]You know the doc thinks the Rsam was crazy to put you on the Obession as Captain.[/I] Jaden could hear Mark's voice in the back of his head. [I]He doesn't even think you can take these low lifes down to the holding cells without screwing it up.[/I] Jaden tossed his head slightly, trying to keep the burden of living up to something other than his already clumsy name, allowing himself to fall behind the guards and the prisioners. He realized that this was a far better position to be in. He could watch them and it would be harder for them to attack him and take control of the situation. "You're not really much of a captian," this female by the name of Naydine, was it, commented. "Well it got me off the rock I was living on." Jaden tried to smile when he noticed the very female mocking him was very obviously limping. "Here let me help." Jaden walked up towards her and one of the guards blocked his way. "Don't you know that you can't touch a prisioner when you're captain of a ship." She said with a wiry smile. Jaden squinted his eyes some from the remark, but slid the guard aside. He may be captain of the ship, clumsy, and dead set against females but he wasn't going to allow a creature to suffer. He slid his arm around her back, tilted her back and pulled her legs up towards his chest. She was amazingly light, almost to the point where he thought he was going to break her. She seemed to struggle some before relaxing. "But me down!" she protested. "No. Now stop moving before I drop you." Jaden said firmly.[/FONT] [SIZE=1]OOC: I hope this is alright with every one and I didn't get your character wrong BKstyles.[/SIZE]
  16. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Jaden slammed on the door with little hope of it coming open or any one finding him for that matter. He sighed heavily and leaned back against the locker wall. How would he explain it to any one how he found himself locked in a locker. He could feel the sudden jarring of the ship and gun fire, but what could he do? He was stuck here. He heard voices pass by him and began slamming on the door once more, shouting as loud as he could. He could hear some questionable mumbles, silence and then suddenly the door flew open, blinding light filling his tiny space. Three young women stared back at him, he instantly wanted to shut the door again not from embrassment, or was it? Embrassed that a woman had to help him out of sticky situation, Mark was right. There was no way he could be captain of a ship as clumsy as he was. "Uh...thanks," he said pushing through them. They looked at him with a strange glance as he rushed down the hall, stumbling every so often. He rounded a bay and heard voices. He instantly spun towards them nearly falling over and saw a closed door. "Doctor's Office" Jaden tilted his head and thought "eh...might as well." He hit the button that opened the door and saw the guy with the glasses that he had seen the day he had applied for this crazy job, and two others, a man and a woman. "Oh! You guys must be the prisoners I was briefed about." Jaden said with a goofy smile, the three people looking at him strangely.[/FONT] [SIZE=1]OOC: I hope this works for you Redemption.[/SIZE]
  17. [FONT=Arial Narrow]The free fall from the plane was blessful, the warmth of the sun warming her pale skin. If she had one regret about allowing herself to be turned would be the internal darkness that she had to live with. The bright, beautiful sun was blinding as they landed even under Kizan's wing. But the warmth was oh so inviting she couldn't keep herself from it for long. Hesitant at first, the memories of the unbearable burning still very fresh in her mind. With long slender fingers she reached out to touch the golden rays onto her finger tips. Nothing. Like that of a gitty child, Krishna lept into the light spinning and dancing about the green grass and bright sun. The sun still hurt, but it was something different this time. It was bearable. What a power to have, the ability to walk in the light. How much more powerful she had become with just the simple device. She stopped suddenly and lifted the cross from her chest, staring down at the black cross. It was a simple structure and its material she could not begin to describe, but it didn't matter. She was now a daywalker. Suddenly she jumped, a realization had crossed her mind. Some one could easily take it from her and turn her fragile vampire body into dust. She could not allow this to happen. She looked about wearily to make sure no one was watching before reaching a single hand down her tight leather shirt. She pressed the cold cross between her small breast, closed her eyes and shoved the object into her flesh. It burned terribly and she almost screamed but knew her secret would be revealed if she did so. She pulled her hand back out when the cross was level with her flesh, new skin quickly healing around it to keep the cross from falling back out. Now she was ready to join the others that were almost to the temple now. She skipped along behind them as if nothing had changed.[/FONT]
  18. [COLOR=Olive][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Aren't you going to be late?" Jaden looked over at Mark just as he ran into the cupboard door in the kitchen. A dozen or so curses flew threw the small apartment before Jaden walked back into the sitting room. Mark had his feet up on the end table in front of him, something playing on the tv as he turned to look at Jaden. Mark had an annoyed look to him as the younger man walked through with a small gym-bag. "You know that there's no way you can pull this off Jaden. You don't have the...stuff to be a captain Jaden." Mark eyed him again before turning his focus back to the tv. Jaden held his tongue. He had hoped that his leaving would have had a different effect on Mark. He fumbled with his key card for a few moments, bumped into a few more things before he left the apartment and started towards the docks. He had never flown before and he was so excited. [I]Maybe that dude that looked like a doctor will be there.[/I] He thought to himself. He hailed a cab, ran into the door twice before managing to get in. If he had really thought about it he would have seen his over abunance of clumsily as a sign that he was not meant for this adventure, but he was too overwhelmed with the idea that he was going to see something other than this planet. When he arrived in front of the dock he knocked his head on the cab and got his fingers caught in the door as he shut it. He cursed some more, not so much from the pain but from the sheer fact that he kept screwing up. He finally entered the building and rushed down the hall. He was nearly forty-five mintues late. Not very good for a soon to be captain. He found himself lost shortly after arriving before finally finding where he was suppose to be. He pressed the button to open the sliding door and watched every one turned to look at him, including the guy he saw during applying. He could feel his face turn red as he tripped over himself and fell flat on his face. The sliding door closing on his bag. He laid there in complete shame of himself.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Krishna watched every one with dull fasination. This changing human that Kizan had taken a speical interest in had far surpassed her powers as a mere turned vampire, and it irritated her extremely. It was like watching Eden give orders to Riley and ignoring her as if she was a mere child. She hissed at herself, tearing her attention back to Riley who was now finding a seat on the plane. "I smell fresh blood," Krishna said suddenly, feeling her lustful appetite swirling over her. It had been such a busy night that she had been unable to feed. She licked her lips in attempts to keep the drool at bay as she walked towards Allure in an almost trance state. Her blood was still sweet with the scent of human purity, but it was rapidly turning bitter with every heart beat. Its rythmic thudding becoming more rapid and her breathing as well. Krishna's heart fluttered and she forgot all about the others. She needed to feed and it wasn't going to be on corpses. [I]Dean...who is Dean?[/I] She thought briefly before coming to the limp girl. She bent down with greedy swiftness, sliding her tongue across her lips. She reached out and drew a tiny drop of crimson red liquid from the girl's wrist and stuck it in her mouth. Instantly Krishna threw her finger from her mouth and hissed savagely. [I]Silver![/I] Before she had time to react, a firm hand latched onto her shoulder and threw her backwards into a vow of seats. She landed with a heavy crash, braking at least two seats before she was back on her feet again snarling savagely at this man called Sarin. "Protect your fair lady all you want, Beast. But soon she will be one of us and you'll want no more of her tender human flesh." Krishna chuckled childlish as she spoke through her teeth sounding something like a snake would if he could talk. "Krishna, to me." Kizan said firmly. The vampiress glanced briefly at Riley he seemed to watch her with a hint of disbelief before she skipped playfully over to the vampire overlord and sat just shy of his right leg, wrapping her arms around it and gently digging her nails into his muscle.[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Arial Narrow]It all happened so fast; Krishna had been standing side by side her greatest threat to face a being no longer human, but not quite vampire to being given something grand that was almost as grand as being turned. She clapped her hands and giggled playfully. But she had to think. She couldn't just rush right into this. There was secrecy involved that excluded Lady Eden...could she really betray Lady Eden? It didn't matter whether she said yes or no, she was going to have to keep a secret from Lady Eden and why not make it worth it. She'd have a power over Riley. She snickered at this thought when she realized that wanna be vampire was standing behind her. She swirled and hissed at him, fangs exposed. This creature seemed not to be impressed by her childish antics and she felt firm hands on her shoulders pulling her around. Kizan looked down on her with a stern, yet soft face. Fear raced through her suddenly and she instinctively latched onto his forearms with her nails. The pain didn't seem to bother him as he spoke to her. "Just ignore him, Krishna. He can't hurt you and I don't want you to hurt him. Take my offer." Krishna dragged her eyes from Kizan's and looked down at the black cross that was bumping her left arm. She could feel its strange warmth on her arm from where the cross had been pressed against his chest. It didn't burn like most crosses did. "I have not seen the sun in so many centuries," Krishna spoke softly, like a lost child. There was a long pause before Krishna answered. "I shall assist you until my body decays."[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Krishna snarled as the vampiress walked off to see her Krishna's precious Eden. It took everything within her not to chase after the woman and attempt to tear her a part, but she knew that would only anger Miss Eden and that was the last thing she wanted to do. Krishna sheathed her mighty blades and grumbled over to the objects she had dropped yet again. She faintly wondered if they would still work. Her playful nature had left her as she made her way to the outside of the mansion and started to lay traps. Her thoughts clouded with what Eden was doing with that bitch, Riley. Why did she have to come back? They didn't need her, she was suffecient enough to handle events here, she wasn't a child any more. Krishna mashed her teeth together as she buried the last of the traps next to a lone tree in the yard. She stood up and dragged her dirt covered hands across her skin tight leather pants. Of course the dirt didn't stick to her clothing, but simply slid from her delicate flesh and back onto the earth. She saw something in the corner of her eye and instantly was drawn to it. Something darted past the last set of windows on the far east side of the mansion and disappeared into the night. Even her vampire senses could not keep up with whatever it was. Or maybe, the reason she couldn't, was because it wasn't really there. An imagination she had created in her mind. But it alarmed her. Something wasn't right, even if she was only seeing things and Lady Eden needed to know right away. Maybe she could talk with the new and powerful stranger. She lept through the yard with easy steps up onto the roof and through a balacony window towards the back of the mansion. No one saw her as she raced down the hallway with the speed that only her race could master. Muscles flexed and pulled against her small frame as she burst through the closed door ignoring the fact that she was surely going to feel the wrath of Lady Eden. "Lady! Something has happened!"[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Jarden swirled around in a crazy whirl, smashing his shin into his wooden coffee table. A spue of curses left his lips as he hopped around the living room for a moment, clutching his key card in his left hand turning his knuckles white. He was already running late to apply for a position on the Obession, and he desperately needed this job. It was his last chance to prove to Mark that he was worth keeping around and it obviously was not going according to plan. Jarden stumbled over to the door, slammed his palm into the red button that open the sliding door and dashed out of the apartment, forgetting to lock it. It was only moments before he was on the sidewalk cursing at himself as he raced back in, up the nine flights of stairs to swipe his card through the slot in the wall, frantically punching in his keycode to lock the apartment. He stumbled down a dozen or so steps on almost every bend in the stair well until he smashed into the door that would lead him back outside. "Cabbi!" he shouted at the top of his lungs and within seconds a yellow, wheelless vehicle spun up to the curb. He climbed in, handed the man his card and took it back. He fumbled for a moment before slidding the plastic card with his picture on it into his back pocket. "Where to kid?" Jaden rolled his eyes as the gruffy fat, elderly man. "Plaza." "Gotcha." Jaden noticed a thick accent then as the cabbi pulled away with a annoying zipping noise. "Gonna apply for that Obession voyage or whatever?" Jaden rolled his eyes again, he hated light conversation within meaningless strangers. "Yeah."[/FONT] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Narrow]"Are you here to apply for a postion on the Obession mission, Sir?" a younger man approached Jaden as he came to sit before a metal desk, there was men every where. "No, just here to site see," Jaden spat. The young man said nothing as he handed Jaden an application. "Please fill this out Sir, some one will be by to pick it up from you momentarily." "Thanks," Jaden gave sarcasiticly as he pulled out a pen from his jacket pocket.[/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black][CENTER]Name: Jaden Dawn Age: 25 (Third Generation) Gender: Male Position Aboard: Captian Reasons for Application: To find myself away from the world I've known all my life. To see all the worlds that may be out there and all their glory. To prove myself more than a clumsy man of marginal age.[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial Narrow]He put the last period and felt that it wasn't enough, that it didn't prove a damn thing about his character or anything, but it was all he could think of. The same young man from earlier came back around and picked up the small application. That's when Jaden noticed a fair man with glasses walking across the floor. He had never seen him before, but there was something about him that made him think he had.[/FONT] [URL=http://hometown.aol.com/jonathanm221/images/guys48.jpg][FONT=Arial Narrow]Jaden's Appearance[/FONT][/URL]
  23. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Krishna smiled with giddy pleasure as he handed her the things she had dropped. Though unconcious, she flashed him her well kept fangs as he wondered back down the hallway in the opposite direction than she. She watched him for a moment, fasinated by such a powerful being that put Eden to shame. With a soft, deadly giggle, she swirled on her heels and leapt down the hall with boundless energy preparing to set her traps. She zipped past a dozen others that were chatting about Kizan and him being there before she came across the front door. Krishna was not one to pay much attention to visitors or servents, just wasn't in her nature unless they were food. Then they were fair game, but most humans didn't wander upon their front steps begging for a good time. ?Tell Lady Eden her darling enforcer is home.? a voice like nails on a chalk board rang into the front hall way as Krishna danced by. Of course, the voice wasn't actually something so awful as to be compared to that, but it Krishna it was. This fair blonde vampire was a threat to her and her attention she recieved from Eden. A horrible loud hiss escaped Krishna's teeth as she spun around, dropping everything in arms with a loud clatter. With graceful, effortless motion she pulled her two katanas from her hips and lunged towards the door. The servant was slashed aside in two bloody pieces as Krishna's blade met steel. The blonde woman shoved back forcefully against both blades, snarling at Krishna. "Leave!" Krishna growled as she pushed the blonde woman back. Though the much smaller vampriess knew that her strength was no match against this older vampire, rage and jealousy fueled her to continue. "Out of my way child," the blonde said calmly as she stood up straight as if Krishna was no threat to her at all. Krishna roared and lunged forward again, her right blade slicing the upper part of the battle field while her left slashed at the lower portion at the same moment.[/FONT] [SIZE=1]OOC: Hope you don't mind Astdis :animeswea figured our characters could bring some added drama to the vampire side :D [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Krishna bent the man's head backwards as she lunged for his throat, fangs extended. A thick pop ensued as her fangs sank deep within his flesh allowing rich, metallic blood to rush into her small mouth. Its taste and texture overwhelming her senses as she pulled at his throat for more, never seeming to get enough to fill her. She pulled harder and more quickly until the man stopped squirming and his blood gone. Krishna threw the body away in frustration like a little girl would throw her doll. His lifeless corpse hit the wall and three female vampires rushed at it to see what she had left behind. Krishna snarled, the females jumping away from the corspe in reaction, though the motion was not directed towards them. "Find me another!" She cried out, tossing her fists like a child. "Krishna," a short voice called out her name. Her head swiveled up towards the balcony at the top of the stair well. "Baron has sent word that Lady Eden wishes your presence." An elegant smile of such wicked pleasure raced across Krishna's younger features. She danced about in place for a moment before rushing up the stairs and past the woman that had called out to her. Baron, a handsome enough vampire, stood at the champer doorway, a rather nervous expression on his face. Four fairly lovely vampiress sat with devious smiles on their faces across the room, eyeing him with lustful intentions. Krishna stopped in front of him, blocking the vamprises' view. His eyes danced about her wildly. She was encased in the youthful form of a girl just hitting her teenage years and she loved most of all seducing perverted men into her bed chambers then sucking them dry. Wicked men deserved such wicked fates. She reached forward, her dazling blue-grey eyes swallowing Baron whole, as she clutched his hand. He trembled under her touch from fear she assumed as she placed his index finger into her mouth. Her tongue slid along the bottom of his finger as her lips tenderly pressed against the base. She pulled it from her mouth softly, scrapping her teeth along his flesh. She watched him shutter before bitting down on its tip to taste his blood, but not indulging in it. She smirked. "You have a sick way of showing your apperication," he grumbled as she leaped away down the hall like a school girl. "Milady sent for me?" Krishna grinned as she approached Eden's office doorway, lowering her head but never letting her smile to drop.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  25. [CENTER][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Name: Krishna Brown Race: Vampire Age: 200 looks to be about twelve or thirteen Gender: female Class: Turned Personality: Krishna is beyond loyal to the Elder indirectly responsible for her turning, Eden, and any one that Eden has placed any sort of power on. Her down side, she's wild, uncontrollable, and blood thirsty beyond reason. Her greatest pleasure is to torture those that hunt Eden by placing traps and various other distractions in their way. But her favorite of them all is the tracker known as Carman. Appearance: [URL=http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a387/_Shena_is_cool_/Anime/Guys/Twoanimemales.jpg]In the Black[/URL](just imagine that he is actually a rather flat-chested teenage girl). The tatoos were used to place pain on herself before she was turned. Always in nearly skin-tight black leather and crazy hair styles, Krishna is hard to miss in a crowd, but a master of disguise in the dark. Weapon: [URL=http://www.mwart.com/images/p/Katana_Katana_Double_Edge_25_in_Blad_88DEC_615.jpg]Clicky[/URL] x2 When Krishna actually feels that its nessicary to use her double katana style, she lavishes in the flying blood and dancing form. Bio: Krishna was born in India to British parents with some money to spend and Krishna was very spoiled. But what her parents didn't know was that Krishna's name was of an ancient God of evil in the Hindu religion. On her fifth birthday there home was raided. Her mother was thrown down, rapped and brutally murdered before her young eyes, her father away on business. When the raiders were on their way out, a screaming Krishna in their arms, her father returned. With fate on their side, he was surrounded a few of his business partners alongside. Krishna withdrew from nearly every one and that's when Mr. Brown decided it best to move back to England. Most of the rest of Krishna's life was pretty normal and uneventful until she met a older boy at school. Two hundred years have melted away details, especially the boy's name, but his effect are ever evident in her blood thirsty eyes. [COLOR=Sienna]UGH! This is horrible, but all I have for now.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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