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Everything posted by demonchild781
[B][FONT=Arial Narrow]Dallas[/FONT][/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]It had caused her great pain to look into the face of the woman that stood before her. The woman was tall with a slender frame. Her face seemed too long with thin lips and eye-brows, and a slender nose. Her delicate mouse brown hair was pulled back in a simple ponytail, which was held back with gel or moose to keep it from falling out of place. Her make-up was thick and unpleasant and her perfume was overwhelming. She wore the latest fashions, though her slight frame and lack of curves made the outfit look rather gaudy. The woman squinted her eyes at the sight of the girl, pressing her lips together in distaste. "Hello, Maryann." The girl said gently. "Dallas." The woman replied shortly. "What do you want?" "Where's Mark?" Dallas bit her tongue, trying desperately not to be bitter. "I have no idea what you're talking about." The woman turned her head away, pulling her tall lemonade from the stand that was next to her lawn chair and sipped at the cups edge. "********!" Dallas found herself swearing. She took a deep breath and looked away from the woman. "He doesn't love you any more and you're a fool to keep chasing after him." Maryann held her cup just above her lap as she leaned back in her lawn chair again. "I just want to talk to him." Dallas kept her eyes from Maryann, knowing full well that the two years older woman would see the tears that were trying to escape if she looked up. "He won't want to talk." Maryann shook her head and played with her cup. "Please." Dallas choked back tears as she begged the woman. Maryann brought her head up to look over Dallas and her freakish outfit. She glared at the girl before waving her towards the house. "He's in the lounge," Maryann said as if she didn?t care as Dallas raced by her. "What do you want!" was the first words out of Mark's lips when he saw Dallas rush in. "I thought I told you to stay away from me?" "I just wanted to tell you something." Dallas replied, her voice shaky much like her body was, but she managed to keep eye contact with her former lover. "Well out with already." Mark said bitterly. "I wanted to say thank you for every thing." Dallas smiled. "What?" "You showed me what it was to love and to know what love was, even if you did cheat on me." Dallas allowed a slight hint of laughter to escape her lips. "You will always be in my heart, Mark. Thank you for everything." Dallas smiled brightly, stuck her hands in her pockets, and slowly walked out of the house without waiting to hear Mark's reply.[/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER]*****************************[/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]I've created such rpgs as [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46264]Angels Must Die[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47337]AMD: Thinning time[/URL], and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45512]Reality of Dreams[/URL] to name a few. I've also been apart of other rpgs like [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=43821]Hold Tight, Drink Deep series[/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47865]Battle for Haven[/URL].[/CENTER][/FONT]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial Narrow]Sariel smiled lightly to herself as Katrina's words raced through her mind. It did seem like a running problem with the group, but she wasn't about to try and change it. She sort of preferred it rather business like, kept emotional ties from becoming more than just business partners. Sariel sighed heavly at the thought, she missed her Angel so much. Sariel brought her head up and saw that every one was trying desperately not to laugh at Alchemy's latest drunk charade. Sariel smiled lightly to herself yet again as the room filled with chatter again. "Kugo, would you like to play some pool?" Sariel spoke up suddenly. Gabriel turned to look at her with a strange gaze, his cigerrate half way to his lips. She paid no attention to Gabriel's stare as she waited for Kugo's reply. "Yeah, sure." He said with a quick smile as he got up away from the bar. "Ladies break?" He called over his shoulder as he headed towards the table. "Why not?" Sariel smiled as she hopped over the bar counter. She choose her stick and started to line up her shot. Upon breaking the balls Kugo shouted out, "nice shot!" and Sariel instantly felt her cheeks turn red. About half way through the game, Alchemy rushed over the table, almost laying flat across it. Kugo burst out laughing as he helped her back up. "I want to play too!" She shouted out, stumbling over a few words. "You can't even stand, let alone shoot straight!" Kugo chuckled and Sariel smiled at the comment. The others were watching now, laughing at Alchemy's behavior yet again. "Next game," Sariel called. "You can take on the winner of mine and Kugo's game. Alright?" Sartiel smiled at Kugo and he gave it back.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial Narrow]Sartael walked behind the counter of the bar to mix her own drink. She knew the bar tender on duty was good at his job, but she still prefered her own drinks. Cocktails were her speciality along with various shots, Alchemy loved them, but she was too busy downing the shots the bar tender were serving her currently to ask for any. "Hey, bar tender, give me something on the rocks." Sariel turned to see Gabriel with his shoulder freshly bandaged. She smiled and nodded with a "yes sir," before she ran off to do his drink. It was a slender glass of some clear liquid that she sat before him and he quickly downed it. She shook her head in disapproval as he lit another cigeratte. "Why do you do that?" Sariel asked as she sipped on her cocktail. "Habit." He said simply as the others sat around the large bar counter. Sariel brought her eyes over to glance at Kugo quickly before turning away. "Why don't you talk to him?" Gabriel asked as he blew out smoke through his nose. "I don't think the others much like me, other than Alchemy, but I think that's because I can make her powerful shots." Sariel looked at the floor after finishing her drink. "Its 'cause you're too quiet and keep to yourself all the time." Gabriel motioned for another drink. Sariel quickly full filled his request and stepped back from the counter, cleaning up the slight mess she had made on it. "I've learned that its best to keep to oneself, that way nothing can be taken from you." Sariel said simply, keeping her eyes from the surrounding people.[/FONT][/COLOR]
OOC: Starts before Kariz & the others show up. IC: [FONT=Arial Narrow]Sartael landed softly on the railing not far from were this fallen of the Yakuza stood. She watched as the young Zodiac thrash his way through his foes. She smiled softly as the fallen leaned over the railing some. "He's amazing..." whispered the fallen. "I told you I would bring them to you." Sartael leaned up against one of the metal beams of, crossing her arms as she watched Yasuo transform into his panther form and then back again. "Ah yes, the other Zodiac." The fallen said monotonely as he stepped back from the railing and sending his gaints down to the floor below. "They are smarter than you think," Sartael said sweetly. "I take your warning into thought, Angel. You have done much, I shall keep to our bargin." The fallen said. "Good," and with that Sartael vanished from sight.[/FONT] [CENTER]*******************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]"I do not trust this Emily," Jacob said as they walked off the train. He followed close behind the ex-Guardian with Amber and Emily bringing up the rear. "She will keep the zodiac busy, if they have choosen to destroy me." Reoan whispered softly as she walked through the crowds of people. The others followed quietly behind her as she entered the station. A wave of energy rushed over Reoan's body and she turned her head to see Kraven, K, David and Asariel standing in the shadows not far from the front glass doors. She tried not to smile as she walked over to them. "Who's the girl?" Kraven was the first to speak as they approached. "Emily. She will be traveling with us." Reoan said simply. "She better not get in the way." Kraven said harshly. "I can hear you, ya know?" Emily barked. Kraven was about to say something when Reoan cut him off. His eyes grew wide as Reoan held both him and the new girl by the throat. "I will have no fighting amongst us, do you understand?" Reoan growled. "I don't need your conflict getting in [I]my[/I] way." Kraven and Emily both nodded their head in approval and Reoan dropped them both. They stumbled back, holding their throats as Reoan started towards the glass doors. "Where is our next destination?" Asariel spoke up softly. Reoan turned to face him, a wicked smile on her face. "They're on their way as we speak. Asariel creased his eyebrows as Reoan exited the train station. "Lucifer." Jacob walked up beside the Fallen, still watching Reoan. "What?" Amber asked as she joined the Guardian. Jacob turned to her and smiled. "Luficer and Asrael are on their way to take Reoan's life." "Why would Lucifer want to kill Reoan?" Kraven was the next to speak. "He made a deal with God. If he kills Reoan and sends her back to Hell, he'll be able to return to Heaven as an angel." Jacob said as he started after Reoan. Amber was soon to follow and then David, leaving the other four to watch.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Those apart of my little gathering, could you guys do some socializing? Be at a hotel order food, a love scene between some one, anything. I don't want to rush right into another battle scene just yet. Thanks.
[CENTER][COLOR=Green][FONT=Arial Narrow]Name: Masami Miri Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: Looks more like a boy than an actual girl. Tall with a well defined muscles. Her hair is short and black with eyes to match. Personality: Strong and willing to take on any boy that stands in her way. Doesn't like hanging out with other girls because she believes them to be weak-willed, but has been known to talk to a couple. Why Are You Here: Still working on this one...sorry. Sorry, Beta. Will edit soon, promise![/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial Narrow]Sariel watched as the Angel darted from the crew and back into the alleys. Sariel squinted her eyes as she heard shots fire. She brought her attention back to the fight at hand. "Thanks for letting me use your gun, Sakura." Sariel ducked behind the woman as she handed back her weapon. Sakura looked at her puzzled for a moment, then took the weapon back. "Won't you need this?" Sakura asked above the roar of noise. "I'm better at hand to hand, but it doesn't matter. I need both my hands for what I'm about to do any ways." Sariel nodded softly as she crawled back behind the lines and docked into an alley way. "What are you up to, Sariel?" Gabriel growled. "I'm going to look up the statics on ugly." Sariel shouted back. She pulled out her electronic organizer. She had gone through all the members before starting any of their missions and asked about all they knew about the members of the gangs they were in. She complied her data into her organizer, along with some extensive research she had done on some of the higher ranked members. "What did you find?" Gabriel shouted. "Hold on! Still searching." She replied almost bitterly.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan's fragile body flew through the cold night air and landed with a sickening thud onto the cement walkway of the park. Her body slid about fifty feet on the powder like snow until she ran into a park bench. Her sword shreiked across the cement after her and stopped just an arms length from her head. "Reoan!" Amber bellowed out. Reoan struggled to push herself off the ground. "No," she shouted, thrusting a hand towards the girl. "Stay with him." Reoan groaned as she slammed her outstretched hand on the hilt of her sword as she pulled herself to her feet. Amber pressed her lips together and held back her tears as she pulled Jacob further onto her lap. His breathing was shallow. She timidly placed her hand onto the deep wound that ran from his hair-line down the side of his face and flew down to his chest. Blood was every where. Amber wished so desperately that she had Jacob's power so she could heal him. "Give up, Reoan. Please." Oriel stood with her feet just slightly apart, her clothes still laying lightly on her body, and the tip of her glorious sword of light laid gently on the ground. "You can't possibly defeat me." Reoan staggered forward as she lifted her blade, noticing that it seemed a lot heavier than it did before. "I will not stop until you are dead!" Reoan growled, stumbling backwards, but still remaining on her feet. "Reoan, look at yourself, you're as good as dead." Oriel said simply despite how much she was suffering instead to watch the girl she had grown to love as if she were her own daughter. "Please, Reoan I beg you. Turn away now. Don't make me send you back to Hell." Reoan cried out, finding a new strength as she charged at the Angel. Oriel parried easily and Reoan tumbled to the ground, her sword flying from her side. Oriel looked pettifully at the fallen ex-Guardian as she slowly made her way towards her. Reoan staggered to her feet, barely able to keep herself up right. "I'm sorry to do this to you yet again, Reoan." Oriel closed her eyes as she drew back her sword. "NOOOO!" A long wale let lose as Oriel opened her eyes to see her blade about to cut through the small girl that was traveling with Reoan. Attempt as she may, Oriel just couldn't pull her sword up in time. Suddenly a brillant light shot from Amber's body and engulfed the three women in its embrace as uncontrollable screams left Oriel's throat. It was so sudden and overwhelming that Reoan had to sheild her eyes from its brillance. With a sudden sound of something striveling, the light was gone. Reoan opened her eyes to watch both Angel and half-demon fall to the bare ground below. The snow started to fall again, very lightly, and Reoan found herself alone. She took a deep breath and noticed that there was no sting from her broken ribs. She grabbed her rib cage and then looked at her once tattered body. "I'm healed?" Reoan searched her body quickly and then rushed to Amber's side. She picked the girl up and pulled her into her arms. She was limp. Worry faced across her face as she checked for vitials. She was fine, not a single wound on her. "No...oh no." Some one sobbed suddenly and Reoan looked up to see Oriel, or what was left of her. Her wings were completely, not even stubs to show that she was even an angel at one point. Her body was horribly managled and her face--Reoan had to turn away, it was just too much to take in at once. Reoan stood slowly, picking up Amber with her. Oriel turned on her hands and butt to look up at the healed Reoan. Tears streamed down her face as fear took hold of her suddenly. Reoan walked up to her, turning to the side to look down at her. "I will show you mercy this night," Reoan paused suddenly, realizing she could no longer call her an angel. Reoan snorted as a devious smile played across her lips. "Oriel. May you know what its like to have the knowledge of the greatness you once stood for and live among these mortals and their impurity. I'm sure you'll find Hell a better opition then this place." Reoan snickered as she left Oriel crippled and weeping in the center of the park. "What happened?" Amber asked, sitting up next to Jacob on the warm sand of some beach. "And how did we get here?" Reoan was silent, looking over the dark ocean before her, her knees pulled up and her arms wrapped around them. She didn't turn to look at Amber, just continued to stare across the water. Amber turned her head to look at Jacob, he was wide awake starring up at the stars, all his wounds were healed as well. "You saved Reoan," Jacob said softly above the roar of the waves. "How?" Amber almost shreeked. "The only one who would know that is Reoan, and she hasn't spoken a word since I woke up." "Did she heal you?" "I'm guessing so." Jacob reached up towards his head feeling the small scar that ran down his chest. Reoan had managed to heal the wound well enough on his face that know one would know he had a mortal wound racing down it just a few hours ago. "We will join Kraven soon. But for now, we'll rest here until he calls for us." Reoan spoke up suddenly, her voice just aduiable over the waves. Jacob sat up as both him and Amber stared longingly at the ex-Guardian. Something had happened when they were unconcious, but neither new exactly what and probably would never know.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Teal]Her fair hand grazed the small girl's right cheek, smearing crimson blood across it. Vibrant dark eyes stared back at the angel; tears sitting just barely on the surface, yearning to break free from their hold. Drawing her hand back, the angel stared at the blood that had been placed on her fair skin. Who's death laid heavy on this young girl's head--how could she kill all for the sake of orders from them. The angel creased her eyebrows. If she could cry, tears would be streaming down her face like a waterfall, but angel's were unable to cry. Unable to bleed. She brought her eyes up and stared at the girl that was no more than ten years old, it was the first time she had ever seen the one named Reoan. "I did not believe Adoil when he told me that you would..." the angel trailed off, turning her head away. "That I would do what, Angel?" The girl cocked her head to the side in bewilderment. "Do not worry yourself, so Guardian. It is only my mind playing tricks with me." The angel smiled and patted the girl on the head.[/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You were so innocent, Reoan. So willing to obey orders given to you. How could any of us have known you would turn to this if given the chance to know what love truly was. To know that you were able to have everything they had." Oriel whispered to herself as she watched Reoan, Jacob and Amber walk into the small central park in Frankfurt, Germany. "I was wondering when you would seek me out, Guardian." Oriel sent her voice through the park, her perch was stationed on one of the street laps laying over the park. "I am no longer a Guardian, Angel. I gave that title up when you and the others betrayed me!" Reoan barked back. The ex-Guardian stood firmly in the center of the park, her sword unsheathed with Jacob and Amber ready for combat behind her. There was a gentle covering of white snow and the travelers all could see their breaths before them. Jacob had managed to find something for Amber and Reoan to cover up with, but it didn't help much. Reoan was still accustom to the scorching heat of the Pit. "We did not betray you, Reoan." Oriel slowly flew down from her perch and landed, without stirring a flake, about a hundred yards away from Reoan. "You were suppose to protect me, guide me through this world! You took Adoil from me and then sent him against me. You were my Angel, my Guardian!" Reoan shouted, pointing the tip of her sword at the heavenly creature. Oriel closed her cobber eyes and took a deep breath. She was dressed in pastel blues, showing her slightly femine frame. Her chestnut hair was pulled back away from her, stretching past her waist in a cascade of rich, thick locks. She was stunningly beautiful, but almost to the point of being too perfect. "You chose this path, Reoan. Not I." Oriel tried to keep her firm and gentle tone up, but could feel her voice falter slightly. "And you were suppose to be the one to help me down that path. The long nights I called out your name for guidance and you were no where to be found." "I had others to help, Reoan. You were not the only I took care of." Oriel looked at Reoan with gentle eyes. "You left when Adoil came to me as Caleb. Far too convient, Angel." Reoan growled. "And now what? You plan to kill me? How will this solve anything, Reoan." Reoan snickered. "Precisely. You will be sent to be judged, Angel," Reoan smile widened, "and if my guess is right, you will know what its like to suffer as I have."[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: A former character is rejoining us. Please welcome her with open arms. :catgirl:
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]Sariel sank back into the alley as she dropped her first clips from her handguns. She pulled fresh clips from within her coat and shoved them into each gun. The constant shots echoing across the dock as Sariel rolled back out into the fight. "How many are there?" Sariel called out to Sakura who wasn't too far from her. "Can't tell, six maybe seven?" Sakura replied as she too replaced her clips. Gabriel was completely focused on the targets before them. [B]Him and that damn habit of his.[/B] It frustrated her beyond all belief to watch him puff away on them cancer causing sticks. She grit her teeth as she focused on what was at hand. Shots wizzed by her head as she ducked back into the alley. "Damn it." She cursed, shoving her handguns back into their holesters on her hips. She pulled the two from the holesters hidden within her coat and ducked back out of the alley. She fired three shots and finally one of the Demons fell; hopefully dead. Two more Demons fell before Sariel was out. "I'm out!" She called out. "You should learn to conserve your ammination better." Katrina said simply. Sariel kept quiet and nodded her head. "Here," Sakura called out, tossing Sariel one of her handguns. Sariel caught it easily and looked the weapon over before bringing her eyes back up to Sakura. "Thanks," Sariel whispered as she took aim at the Demons yet again.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Hope this is ok...wasn't really sure what to write and I hope Sakura and Kitty don't mind me adding their characters in my post.
RPG Hunters of the Apocalypse: A Predetermined Fate [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow][I][B]I remember my mothers screams every time I look at them; their ugly faces shrouded by darkness. How I had grown to hate them.[/B][/I] Caleb brushed a tangled clump of hair and blood away from his eyes as he prepared to take on his next opponent. The thunder clashing in the background and the sudden flash of lightening was all the pretty boy needed. He raced forward, his leather trench swipping behind him as he traveled across the rubble. Pushing himself into the air effortlessly, Caleb swung his legs around to connect with the demon's jaw with his right foot. A sharp snap broke free as the creature spun to the ground. Caleb landed perfectly on his feet and rushed towards his fallen enemy. Without a sound, Caleb pulled his sword from within his trench and severed the demon's head. The almost ebony blood poured from the body as the head rolled a bit to the side. Caleb stood up, dangling his sword at his side. The others were fighting hoardes of demons, the ground littered with bodies. Some of the hunters now fought beside Jace. Caleb let out a small chuckle as he perried an on coming demon. He shook his head, shoved the demon back, and chopped off its head. [I][B]This is far too easy.[/B][/I] Caleb told himself. He ran his hand across his blade, removing the ebony blood that had found its way onto it, then shealthed his weapon. Slowly, small clusters of demons moved towards him. He smiled brightly as he raced forward. He swept three to the ground by knocking their feet from under them. He brought himself up to catch a punch within his own hand. He twisted it, watching the demon slowly sink to the ground in pain. A wicked smile slid across his face as he brought his leg up to brake the demon's neck with the heel of his foot. The body dropped lifelessly as more came rushing at him. "Now this is more like it," Caleb chuckled aloud.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[FONT=Arial Narrow]I have attached three pictures below and would like all three to be a part of the banner some how. If any one would like to attempt something animated, that would be awesome, but its not nessicary. I would like the colors to be sort of pastelish and light, giving it an angelic effect please. I would like for the words "When love turns into obession" to be a part of it as well. The font and color does not matter, but I would hope for something that ties into the rest of the banner. As for the Avi, does not matter. I'll take just about anything. Thank you [/FONT] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=23712]Picture 1[/URL] The others are attached
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Gray][I]We were bred and created for one purpose, to destroy those that apposed the Almighty. We did not question our orders, but held our heads high and cut the throats that were not willing to kneel before the Almighty. We knew nothing else. Just blood, death, and whatever he willed of us. Now, I fought for no one but myself. Shedding blood of the ritious or any that stood in my way. I knew nothing of fear or death, and love and compassion were almost beyond me. But some how, I managed to take a few stragglers with me. However lost and toremented they were was they're own thing, not mine, and I wanted nothing to do with their pasts. Let their sleeping demons sleep, for they had nothing to do with me. But Oriel's shrieks would show me that I was so very wrong.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan watched, expressionless as Kraven staggered back from Jacob, barking some sort of vengences. The fool, Jacob was a healer; not a fighter. But the Guardian had made it this far, so he had to have been good at something other than healing. "I may not be able to protect him forever, Kraven. But I assure you, that if his blood lays thick on your hands I will have your head." Reoan managed to crease a smile across her almost delicate face as the others stood and watched. They had managed to stop by a small village, finding the streets barren, but the hour was surely to blame for this. This Zodiac that had stumbled into their mist was a curious sort and very powerful, or at least he knew his powers much better than the others. Reoan growled suddenly at remembering the Guardian she had met in Central Park. "Something bothers you, Mistress Reoan," Asariel's soothing voice glided over her and she nearly forgotten what had made her so upset in the first place. "Memories of one that has seen more forgiveness than I, despite our similarities." Reoan spat softly, drawing Jacob's attention towards her. Jacob approached her quietly as Kraven gave a look of disgust. The ex-Guardian looked over the healer, his sword shealthed at his side. His strange western clothes, that looked more trouble-some then what they were worth, gave a strange appeal to him. Not one to take part in worldly pleasures with, but an appeal none-the-less. "Kraven wishes to seperate." Reoan restated. "I will take Amber and Jacob with me. David, you go with Kraven." She suddenly turned sharply towards Asariel, a stern and almost bitter look on her face. "I want you to go with Kraven as well, and watch over the Zodiac. I have no time for his destractions and I find it best for you to stay with Kraven so it will be easier for all of us to find each other again." Asariel reached out and place a light hand on her cheek, the warmth of his simple embrace swam through the flesh of her cheek and rushed down her neck and into her chest. She closed her eyes softly, to take in all there was to take in before bringing herself back to her task. She stared into the depths of his crimson purple eyes before turning towards Germany. "If something should go wrong, send the bird." She motioned towards the Zodiac. "Are you sure that's wise?" David questioned. Reoan turned to look at the man, his stature strong and confident. He stared back at her with no fear, but a sense of wonder. She could feel his desire to be near her, even now as they watched each other. "Yes." She said simply as she started on her way, Amber and Jacob following behind her on the dirt road. "Good hunting, Kraven." Reoan yelled over her shoulder. "Same to you." He called back.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: The post was fine, Fallen. I like the conflict you've set up between the characters :)[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow]Sorry about that. I must admit, that had to have been one of my worse post ever :animenose I was kind of hoping that you guys would decide on whether to stick together or not, being that I really don't know how your characters react to each other yet. So, if you wish to split up, that's fine. If not, that's fine by me too. Once again, sorry.[/FONT]
Sign Up Hunters of the Apocalypse: A Predetermined Fate [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Name: Caleb Mathers Age: 23 Gender: Male Angel Parent: Aniel: (Venus) Non-Fallen Appearance: Attached. He stands at roughly 6"4' nearly colorless blue eyes. His hair always cut short and his muscular structure yearning to be touched. His wings should be the heavenly white of his father's, but they are tainted and have become a slate gray as he grew. Personality: A quiet, reserved man of refined background. His heavenly parent brought him the irrestiable nature of his beauty and woman loved to flock around him, though their attentions fell short. While Caleb longed for ever lasting love, he hated and feared the notation that he would one day lose them as he did his parents. He shys away from any one that gets too close. Short History: When Caleb was born to his human mother he came into the world with the whitest wings one could hope to find with an angelic son. His beauty was apparent even at the earlest of ages and seemed to make Caleb an outcast of sorts with the other boys. Their numerous attempts to beat the snot of him to destroy his pretty face drove both his parents to train him in hand to hand combat. At the age of 12, not a soul could lay a hand on the "pretty boy". Both his parents spent days on melee and hand to hand combat, along with advanced education in the arts, mathematics, various languages and writing skills. At the ripe age of 15, Caleb watched both his parents being slaughtered by demons to save him. The next five years were a blur of main, torchment and loneliness until he happened upon the Hunters. Due to his abilities in both melee and hand to hand combat he was a prized young man. He trained and soon began to fight along side them. Weapon/s: [URL=http://www.weaponmasters.com/images//products/website/KE-2630_large.jpg ]German Landsknect[/URL] Trademark Clothing: What's in picture along with ankle length leather trench coat that hides the shealth to his sword.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] -
[FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]The Dukes of Hell: Beelzebub Satan Leviathan Asmodeus Astaroth *Next Target* Behemoth Belial Lucifer[/CENTER][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]You may side or destroy these characters, but do keep in mind that Lucifer is a played character unlike the others. This includes the remain angles, but Adoil cannot be killed as of this moment. Angels Remaining: Adoil -- No one knows (Hand of God) Camael -- Italy in the house of the Pope (He Who Sees God) Haziel -- Russia, Moscow (Glory of God) Israfel -- South Africa (Burning One of God) Jeremiel -- China some where (Mercy) Ketheriel -- Israel some where (Crown) Nahaliel -- Colorado near the grand canyon (Valley) Oriel -- Germany some where (Light) *Next Target* Sartael -- Japan some where (God's Side)[/CENTER][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan smiled at the slight tension that found its way into the hearts of her companions. It was ironic now, how her cause was bringing so many different types of life into her life. If only Adoil could see her now. "We have a decision to make." Reoan said smoothly, taking a seat in one of the small funiture chairs. She pulled her sword, shealth and all, onto her lap and stared up at Kraven and Asariel, being that they were the two closest to her. "And what would that be, Reoan?" Jacob was the first to speak, his voice and tone completely normal with a hint of affection. "A Duke of Hell is near, but so is an Angel. We could seperate into two parties, Kraven's team searching for the Duke and my team for the Angel. Or we could stay together, defeat one and then the other." Reoan ran her finger tips along the leather and metal shealth as the four other various creatures stood completely silent before her. Reoan smirked and released a slight bit of laughter at their silence. "We shall travel to meet the Angel, Oriel. We'll find her in Germany." Reoan suddenly turned to look at the demon. "You will not use your modern weapons on my targets. I perfer to watch them writher with pain and agony as they bleed." "Understood," Kraven nodded. "Whenever the rest of you are ready." Reoan smiled gently and almost wickedly.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Sorry this is such a crappy post, wasn't sure what to do so I left it up to Fallen or Lucid. Hope to see one of you post soon.
[FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name: Sariel Oki Age: 21 Gender: Female Former Occupation: Bartender Affiliation: Gabriel?s Crew Appearance: Attachement below Personality: A cool and collected character with a constant pull to both the Angels and Devils. Never really stating what side she stands on or how she feels about a certian situation, sometimes its hard to trust her. Bio: Born to a whore on the corner of some street in L.A. Sariel spent most of her young life bouncing around from foster home to foster home never feeling like she truly belonged any where. She managed to travel all over the United States finally being adopted in New York to a middle class family with four kids. George, Maggie, Greg and Albert where the kids names. Each one of them took Sariel's arrival differently. George ignored her, Maggie tried to out do her, Albert tried to beat the snot out of her, and Albert was fasinated with her to the point that he tried to rape her. Her new adopted parents seemed to ignore her just as much as her foster parents had. April and Ron fought a great deal and were always busy with something other than the children. That's when Sariel found the gangs through her slightly older adopted brother Albert. He dragged her from her bed one night and brought her to the gang leader. The leader's name was lost amongst the various memories in her head, but the gang brought her a world completely different from the constant struggle of normal life. The gang trained her to be one of their best all around spy. Her cool, collective persona got her close to the Angels quickly and her helpful insight made the bigger members complete their various missions as well. But it was bound to happen and Sariel fell in love with one of the members of the Angels. A dramatic story that left her without a name, a home and a life. She then took the name Sariel, started working at a local bar. She started training herself in various arts. Her combat skills with both her hands and handguns became her main focus, but she left nothing out. She could do simple hacking, spy work and perform every day chorse while being able to make a mean drink behind the bar. Everything changed when she met Gabriel one night at the bar she worked out. The stunning young man with a hidden past gave her a thrill for excitement, but the talk of gangs made her nervous. Weapons: Usually held in shoulder holesters: Attachment below two Usually strapped to hips: [URL=http://www.finearms.ca/Images/Beretta/full_size_92_series_fs.jpg ]Two[/URL] Skills: A jack-of-all trades of sorts. Not overly skilled in any one area and always willing to learn something knew. Character Snippet: "Morgan!" The voice was a shreek, filled with fear. The young girl swirled around in a frenzy of concern and anticaption of the worsest possible news of her life. The man was tall, six foot something with brillant blonde hair and the coldest blue eyes one could hope to find. Love reflected in them as he rushed towards her, but slowly the fear that was so urgent in his voice slowly became apparent again. "Morgan, they're coming." He rushed up to her and she shoved herself into his arms. His massive arms took in her delicate structure, holding her head gently against his chest. "I don't want to run any more, my Love." Morgan weeped. "Let's leave this place and never come back." He whispered into her ear as he pulled her back, to stare into her dark eyes. "How? They will find us, where ever we go!" She cried, tears slowly streaming down her delicate face. "No tears, my Angel. No tears." The man said softly as he pulled his thumbs delicately across both her cheeks. "You are so beautiful." He attempted to smile, despite the obvious pain he was in. "You always know how to flatter a girl." Morgan smiled lightly. "THERE! There they are!" The rough shouts of serveral people broke the joyous moment shared between the two lovers. "No...no this can't be." Morgan looked past the man to look at the four men rushing towards them, three shots already being fired. Morgan ducked, her lover sheilding her with his body. "Run, Morgan. Get out of here!" The man shouted. "I can't!" she cried, looking straight up into his eyes. Those cold, cool blue eyes. Another few shots were fired and the shouting was getting louder. The man grabbed a hold of Morgan's shoulders firmly, shaking her gently. "You have to go on, Morgan. Change your name. You are so young and have so much to live for. Please, for our love, run now and save yourself. I'll hold them off." Morgan searched his face as tears ran down her face faster than she could wipe them away. She reached up and placed a gentle hand on his face. He pulled her close to kiss her one last time as he shoved her off. She rounded into a small alley just in time to hear seven shots fired. She caught her breath and pressed her fingers to her lips. She tried desperately to keep her sobs from escaping. She snuck to the corner of the building and peered around it. The four men where looking about, trying to figure out where she had gone. Below their feet laid the man she loved, died. She shook her head as she darted out of sight.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SlateGray][CENTER]Bitter sweet pain Envolopes itself around me And all I can think about Is your touch There is no blood thristy regret That lays heavy on my shoulders As it does yours I'm free to admit That my heart belongs to you Go ahead And tell me another lie For I'll believe it Until the day I die I did not ask to love you Only to hold your hand And share your pain To take flight Or battle the light Wait out the dark Or enter the night I will love you Until my dying breath[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan searched Asariel's sincer face, so perfect and tempting; all of him was so overwhelming and she could feel the desire seep into the depths of her soul. Her chest felt heavy when she realized that the pain in her shoulder was gone. She turned away from him and ran her fingers over the scared flesh and allowed a slight snort to escape. "Jacob has been my healer since I arrived back on Earth, Fallen. His attachment to me will create conflict. You will do well to keep your anger in check when dealing with those closest to me, understand?" Reoan's voice seemed cold and distant as she kept her eyes from the man at her side. Asariel lowered his head softly and replied sweetly, "as you wish, Mistress Reoan." A sudden twinge of pain filled Reoan's chest, just below her breast. She wrapped an arm around herself in hopes to calm this knew found pain. "What is it?" Asariel stupped closer. Reoan clenched her eyes shut as a flood of pain and nausea engulfed her body for a moment. She suddenly sat straight up, her breath short as she spoke one single word: "Kraven". Reoan rushed from the bed before Asariel could protest, grabbed her sword that lay propped against the wall nearest the door and rushed into the main room. David, Jacob and Amber all jumped with a startle as Reoan raced towards the door, Asariel on her heels. He finally managed to grab a hold of her arm and pulled her back towards him. She whipped her head around and stared straight into his crimson purple eyes. "You cannot go hunting demons when you have not fully healed." Asariel protested, Amber, David and Jacob watching them both intently. "You will do well to let me go, Fallen. I may be weak yet, but I assure you I will find my strength when caged." Reoan's voice lay low in her throat, threatening and yet tempting him to push her. Asariel ran a gentle hand over her delicate face and a bright smile streamed across his own. He slowly released his grasp. "I will accompany you." He said simply. "I do not wish it. You will stay here with my companions. I will call for you if I need you. I only have to locate one demon." She smiled wickedly. Reluctently every one allowed Reoan to venture from the hotel on her own. She could feel their worry swirling around her chest as she swiftly made her way through the city streets. She cleared her mind and focused on Kraven's fading energy. He wasn't far from the river or the city, which was convient. The small field that laid surrounded by hills was thick with tall grass and small shrubs. I battle had taken place here, the animals clearly stated this upon her arrival. But unfortonetly, Reoan could not locate Kraven's body and his energy had fallen so low that she could barely detect it. Reoan was about to pull her sword for its shealth when she tripped over something and nearly landed face first into the dirt. She managed to regain her balance and twirl around to see an unconcious Kraven on the ground. His body was covered in blood, but it didn't seem to be his own. The ex-Guardian knelt down beside him and ran a gentle hand over his body. He seemed to be breathing and his heart beat normal, just unconcious. Or so she hoped. Reoan lefted the heavy man onto her back, his head and most of his chest slumped over her right shoulder as she held firmly to his legs. She managed to find both his swords and return them to their shealths before making her way back towards the hotel. "You could stand to lose a few pounds," Reoan grumbled as she made her way through the field.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow]Hey every one, sorry its been awhile. Just move from New York to Calornia and still trying to get settled. The WWIII has been almost completely stopped now, but there are some riots still about. I would like for all the Zodiac to finally meet up and start on their way to stop Reoan/Kraven's followers or whatever side the specific character is on. I'd like to see some conflict and/or love interest start up. Can't have a story without some of that, ya know ;) Well I hope some of our less frequent posters start writing more. That's all for now. DC[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]The sweet smell of spiced food wavered through the warm early morning as the contents of a small hotel lay restless. A warm breeze slowly filtered through the closed shades, rattling them softly. Amber laid upon the massive Grigori half-breed's lap, while he sat ackwardly against the wall furthest from the front door, fast asleep. The Fallen had insisted that he stay closest to Reoan and Jacob reluctently allowed for this to be possible. Jacob sat restlessly in the small chair, its back towards the small room that concealed Reoan and Asariel. He knew that Reoan was merely resting; recovering her strength. But why had she fainted yet again, her strength should be returning to her. Especially after the death of three of the twelve angels. "She's locked herself away, Guardian." The crisp, smooth voice nearly made Jacob jump out of his chair. "You shouldn't be here." Jacob spoke once taking in the strangers sight. The man laughed. "The others cannot see me as you do." "Then why show yourself to me?" Jacob sat back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest. "I did not plan to." Jacob glared at the fair skinned man. The man simply smiled back. "She has given you her sight." The man tried to make his smile brighter, but it failed. He seemed to stay perfectly posed against the door, one foot pulled up against the door with his hands stuffed firmly in his white pants pockets. "To see what?" "Through our barriers and see our true forms." The man gave a half smile as he lowered his head. "She could always find us, always hear. She went beyond all of our expectations." "Why did you condem her to Hell if you still love her so much?" Jacob leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. "You could never understand, Guardian." The man mumbled. "I watched you, through her memories. I cannot understand why you would send her to Hell by your own damned hands just for the sake of returning to a place where you would always be welcomed." Jacob nearly shouted at him. "She was becoming the thing we had tried to destroy, a monster. A monster my love help create. And though a part of me took great joy in the fact that she would then spend entirty in Hell with me, I knew it wouldn't be so. For even the Dukes of Hell would keep us apart. Our love was forbid far beyond just the boundaries of Heaven. So when God offered me the chance to end the terror Reoan was creating and try to ease her pain, I took it. For I didn't want any one else to take her life, but me. My love created her, my love would be what destroyed her." The man could not look at Jacob, but kept his head low, staring at the carpeted floor below. "And she fears that it will happen again. That if she were to allow her true strength...her true power unfold that she will find herself betraying everything she holds closest to her." Jacob sat up straight, his eyes racing over the man's body. "You've seen her vision." The man whispered. "I could never..." Jacob began. "Oh but you will. Asariel and Kraven will help her hunt not only the rest of the Twelve, but the Dukes as well. The balance will be completely destroyed and the world will be plundged into chaos. The war has begun to slow, the humans have slowly realized that war will not solve this crime." "The angels doing." Jacob growled. The man turned his head to the side for a moment and replied, "yes. God's orders, he does not wish innocent humans to suffer for our irresponbility to keep Reoan under control. And the young one holds a greater secret than even Reoan can fathom." Jacob turned his head towards David and Amber. "But she is only a demon, how could she be something beyond even Reoan, myself or you?" "You will see when you face Oriel, she will come looking for you because of your knew companion." The man suddenly shoved himself away from the wall and looked behind Jacob. The Guardian didn't move, but simply said, "she's awake." The man brought nervous eyes over to Jacob. "If you don't stop her, Guardian, she will destroy everything with her endless thirst for revenge," and with that the man disappeared through the door. "I will not betray her like you have, Adoil, my love is beyond the boundaries of this world." Jacob whispered as he stood up.[/COLOR][/FONT] ************************** [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan moaned lightly and brought herself to open her eyes. The stricking face that had floated around her dreams all night was watching over her. He smiled brightly as she looked up at him, removing a stray hair from her face.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Please check out the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46264&page=6&highlight=Angels]Underground[/URL]
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan growled as Kraven disappeared into the night. She clutched her throbbing and blood covered shoulder, watching Raphael slid oh so gracefully into the water, his crimson blood pooling to the surface before washing down stream. "Who was that?" Amber questioned. "Kraven, a demon I destroyed some years ago after attacking me." Reoan gave a slight at the memory, though it was extremely fuzzy. "I'm not sure why he attacked me, but his death laid upon my hands. As if an Angel would have shown him mercy, especially Adoil." Reoan fell suddenly silent, her gaze distant. "Finish Raphael off--." "Why end his suffering quickly?" that voice swept over her like Adoil's had, so soothing and comforting to her aching body and soul. Reoan turned to see this Asariel standing at her side. She caught herself in his eyes, the depth surpassing even her's. Her three companions stood tensely next to the ex-Guardian, Jacob's slid his hand onto the hilt of his sword, gripping it tightly. But he could feel Reoan's presence in his mind, her sweet sent wrapping its way around his body and easing his worry. He sighed and closed his eyes for a brief moment when a sudden gasp and cry unleashed, upon opening his eyes once again he saw Reoan in the arms of the stranger. "She has fainted." The stranged stated. "Her wound," Amber cried. Jacob rushed to Reoan's side, the fallen easing her onto the ground. The grass was thick and soft from the rich soil from the river. Blood poured onto the richly colored grass, the night hiding its true damage. Amber and David were soon standing over them, worry and concern apparent with both. "The bullet went straight through." "That's a good thing, right?" Amber added. "Yes," Jacob replied quickly suddenly noticing that Asariel was running his fingers lightly through Reoan's dark hair. A twinge of jealousy raced through him, but he quickly pushed it out of his mind. He took a deep breath as he lifted her damaged shoulder up enough to place one hand under her on the exit hole. He then placed his remaning hand on the entry hole. He brought his head up to look into the mysterious eyes of Asariel just briefly before closing them and constrating all his energy into her wounds. He could feel every fiber rush into her would, stopping the blood from following through the broken vessels and slowly tying the tissue back together. The effort was exuasting, but nothing compared to the chest injury she had given herself. And that's when it hit him, the flood of memories that he had experinced while trapted in Reoan's mind. They all came rushing to the surface and grabbed a hold of them, all of the them dancing in front of him at once. The love scene, her death that sent her to Hell, the screams, and that sight...that dreadful sight. He caught his breath and suddenly slammed back onto the Earth, gasping for breath. "Jacob! Are you alright?" David and Amber fell to his side, holding him up off the ground. His expression was that of sheer terror, something they had never seen Jacob display any other time except when Reoan was dying. "She still is so weak," Asariel whispered as he pulled Reoan up into his lap, cradling her softly. Jacob brought his eyes up to look at them as his heart still raced. Could it be that jealousy was what created the rift between them and sent her to destroy everything? Jealousy that was not in her heart, but in his? Impossible. He did not love Reoan as one would a lover, he could never touch her in that matter even the thought seemed to taint his mere thought of her, not because he couldn't see her acting upon physical desires, but because he could not see himself acting upon physical desires with her. "Are you going to be ok?" Amber asked, touching his shoulder. He jumped at her touch. She creased her brows with sorrow as she pulled away. "We should find some where to rest," Jacob spoke aloud. "Agreed," added the Fallen.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Sorry it took me so long.
RPG Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M-LS, pos V]
demonchild781 replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]"How in the world do you plan on going fishing?" Rin asked as soon as Jace pointed towards the shore. "Well aren't we a bunch of nature nuts." Jace rolled his eyes as he scrunged around in his bag, pulling something out of it as he made his way to some fallen trees. He took out his pocket knew and hacked away at one of the thinner branches, finally pulling it away from the trunk. He carve it into a simple pole attached something to it and walked back over to the group. "I have more line in my bag if any one else wishes to help catch dinner," Jace called over his shoulder as he wandered towards his bag to see if he had anything to use for bait. "Hmm...nothing. Damn." He grumbled as he wandered back towards the trees. "I found some worms under this fallen log," Zeph shouted. The group had gathered a small container and threw some of the worms and dirt into it. It was good enough, now hopefully salt-water fish would eat it.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Sartael looked cursiouly over her fellow Angel as she watched the Zodiac finally defeat the rest of the demons and allowing the plane to slowly take its course again. Camilla and Kariz made their way around the plane, comforting and reassuring people, bringing them back to their seats. Despite the craze, all the humans seemed to listen to them. "Why did you help them?" Sartael said, walking up behind Adoil. "To be defiant?" Adoil cocked his head back to look at the Angel, her angelic voice was the opposite of soothing, it was irritating. He sneered at her. "Why do you help the Capricorn?" Adoil spat at her. The Angel smiled childishly and turned her head from Adoil. "We have found ourselves at a stand still." "I see." Adoil glared at her for a moment before turning his attention back to the others. "Soon the plane will be landing and they will be on their way to find your precious Capricorn. You won't be able to protect him forever." "I do not protect him, my dear. Just doing what God has asked of me." Sartael smiled again, in her mischieves manner as she started towards the rear end of the plane. "I shall be seeing very soon Adoil. Let's pray that Reoan doesn't get to you first." Adoil continued to look over his shoulder and managed to sneer at her comment. "I fear for you more than myself, Sartael." Adoil commented as the Angel vanished.[/COLOR] [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan parried another one of Raphael's moves and stumbled back from the angel's force. She quickly regained her balance and stood perfectly posed with her broad sword. The others had remained relatively quiet as they watched the battle take place, both warriors not advancing. "I'm surprised you've gone this long with me, Guardian. It feels like it was just a lifetime ago you couldn't even stand next to me without passing out from the effort." Raphael panted as he held himself in a similar position as the ex-Guardian. "I've learned quite a bit in the Pits, Angel. You should try it some time." Reoan lunged at him, her sword's steel clanging against Raphael's as he slid across the water's surface. Reoan sent a flying foot towards the Angel's feet only to find herself parrying his attack with her sword. The Angel jumped up into the sky, his wings were spread wide as he floated amongst the stars. "I always knew you were a coward." Reoan sneered at him. "Not a coward, Guardian, wise." He snickered as he twirled around in the air, mocking the Guardian below him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]"What is he doing?" Amber turned to Jacob. The Guardian didn't take his eyes off of Reoan and her enemy, he wanted to be ready if anything went wrong. Kadar's sword was strapped to David's back, its silver incasing shimmering with the faint moon light. The Grigori half-breed had taken quite a liking to it on their trip. "He toys with her, teasing her because she is part angel and part human." Jacob said softly. "Half angel? How?" Amber questioned as she brought her gaze up to stare at the ex-Guardian again. "Guardians are suppose to be the perfect combination between human and angel. They were meant to walk amongst humans without being noticed, but physically here so they could manipulate their world directly. Favored by no one and hate by Angels, Guardians did not have the best of both worlds." Jacob narrated as Raphael continued to play his game of cat and bird, swooping down every so often to tease at the ex-Guardian.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Fight me you damned coward! What do you have to lose? Your life." Reoan mocked. "You're immortal, what do you have to fear from me!" "I am not a fool, Guardian. I know you know our weakness." Raphael said as he regained his altitude. "Aw, too bad." Reoan smiled playfully. I was hoping for some real action, not this child's game." "You'll get what's coming to you, Guardian." Raphael nearly growled at her. "Testy." Raphael rose to a great height and suddenly began to swirl towards the ex-Guardian that stood ready for the Angel on the surface of the river. Everything went deathly silent as the angel's desent increased. He tucked his wings back along with his arms and sword. Faster and faster. The angel was nearly upon her when she rolled out of the way. It took every thing Raphael had not to plunge head first into the water below them. He pulled up and landed with a few jerks and some grumbling as he might Reoan's blade, it nearly cutting off his right wing. The angel pressed firmly against Reoan's blade. "You almost had me there, Guardian. Cle--" Suddenly Raphael's eyes grew wide as if they were going to pop out of his head. His feet slowly began to seep into the water as one feathery white wing splashed into the river. Reoan brought her eyes up to see a figure hovering in the air a brillant glaive's blade dipped into the cool water. Reoan could not seem to make herself move as she stared into the ever changing purple and red colored eyes of this stranger. Something, an over powering emotion and energy engulfed her whole being when a sudden surge of pain entered her right shoulder. Everything became fuzzy as the grip on her sword weakened. She clutched her shoulder as her contration weaked and she too slipped into the water. "REAON!" Amber screamed as David rushed into the slow moving water. He was just tall enough to wade through the water and grab the ex-Guardian and drag her back to shore. Amber and Jacob hovered over her until she shoved them away as she sat up. "Let me guess," Reoan said bitterly as she made her way back to her feet, her sword in hand. "You've finally found me Kraven." "Such a smart girl." The man's voice replied. Reoan turned to see him standing on the other side of the river, Raphael had managed to crawl onto the shore some distances from all of them. The strange figure still hovered in the night sky, his glaive at ease. "Should have felt you sooner," Reoan grumbled to herself, her companions taking postions beside her.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Hey everyone, the character played by Kairi needs to stay in play for awhile long so please make sure to include him in things. Also we've lost our Cancer Zodiac so if you guys want to find...we'll make Cancer a male to try and even out the genders between you guys. Also, the only one that can see Sartael the angel is Yasuo. Camilla will be have to be kept in the story for awhile as well because her user has been unable to post and might be awhile on doing so. Lucid and Fallen. If one or both of you could post your response to mine that would be great. Remember, no killing of Amber, Jacob, David or Reoan, but you can have your way with Raphael now that he is partial mortal from the missing wing. [/FONT]
RPG Welcome To Your Lesson on Love [M-LS, pos V]
demonchild781 replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]Jace sat up suddenly, gasping for breath, water spuing from his lips. His hands dug into the soft sand as rain poured down on his face. He finally managed to open his eyes and peer out across the chaotic water. He rushed to his feet as he looked around. Some kid sat at the water's edge, two chicks, and Zephan. "Any one else around?" Jace shouted above the roar of the rain. "No." Zeph replied. Jace looked around, searching for some cover from the storm. The island didn't look too big, but it was enough to seperate the class. "There's a cave over there." Jace pointed to the distance. "Gather your stuff and head into there. Should provide some shelter from the storm. Zeph you come with me and try to find some fire wood that's not soaked."[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Sorry so short and it took me so long. -
[COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Adone estas?" David's mother shouted as she rushed up to her massive son. She grabbed a hold of his arm and attempted to pull him away from the others. David turned to the woman, a firm look on his face. He forcefully pulled her off and shoved her towards his grandfather. "Adone estas, David?" His mother cried over and over again. Reoan opened the apartment door, the hallways and stairs littered with people. She watched Amber and Jacob exit the room and start down the hallway. David pryed himself away from his family, gun holesters exposed. The ex-Guardian watched him duck under the doorway. She turned just in time to block the door from David's mother. "Out of my way!" the woman shouted, pushing on Reoan's arm. The ex-Guardian swung around quickly placing her katana's blade softly against her throat. The woman caught her breath as she held herself completely still. "There are things that are beyond you, human. You're son has choosen to take part in that which is beyond you. You cannot stop him and standing in his way would be pointless." Reoan slid the blade carefully across her neck so she could feel the slight bit of the steel. "I will not watch your son die without giving my life first," and with that Reoan pulled her sword towards herself and sheathed it as she stepped out the door to follow the others. The woman was completely speechless as she watched the ex-Guardian decend down the massive building, the cries of joy and happiness still engulfing the building. The travelers were silent with Jacob leading the way, Amber and David following, and Reoan bringing up the rear. The whole scene was a dramatic event that seemed too far fetched for it to be real. The travelers exited the building and began their long journey to where rumors had stated Raphael had been last seen. They tried to avoid using public transportation, but some times it was necissary. It had taken them most of the evening to reach the Tajo river that stretched across most of Spain. The cool night breeze swept over their tired bodies, but they all knew they could not stop. "Reoan," Amber spoke up as she climbed up a few rocks after the ex-Guardian. Reoan turned around once on top of the ledge to help pull the girl up. Amber was well worn from the travel and she was starting to struggle to keep up. "Yes?" "How did it feel when you killed for the first time?" Amber said as she dusted off her pants. Jacob and David were already at the river's banks waiting for them. "It felt like nothing, it was just another task given to me by those that had direct contact with God." Reoan said simply as she turned around to join the others. "Oh," Amber hung her head as she followed behind Reoan. "Here," Reoan said, bringing Amber's head up. The young girl looked, wide-eyed, at the object placed before her. "I...I couldn't take this." The girl stammered. Reoan grabbed Amber's right hand and placed the brightly colored katana into her hand. "It is my gift to you. Use it well tonight." Reoan turned away and shoved her way through the small brush. "Tonight!?" Amber shouted as she started running to try and catch up. When she reached the others she noticed how quiet every one had fallen. She stood, the sword in hand, staring across the crisp water. Its surface nearly calm. Jacob and David standing on either side of Reoan turned all their attention to her. She slid her sword quietly from its shealth as she stepped forward, her first step sinking into the thick mud that had been left my the river. A small gasp left Amber's lips as Reoan's next step stayed flush with the surface of the water. The ex-Guardian slowly made her way to the center of the river upon its surface, not a drop of water touching any part of her body except the bottom of her shoes. "You've learned some new tricks since the last time I saw you, Guardian." A firm masculine voice swept over the ex-Guardian's body as a light figure appeared before her. His toes bearly touched the water's surface, his brillantly white feathered wings fanned out on either side of him, his heavenly blonde hair cut short around his very femine face. "I no longer follow your rules nor your God, angel." Reoan snickered. "So I have seen. You now fight to destroy us." The angel folded his arms gently across his flat chest, his face unreadable. "You wish to destroy lives for your own self worth or those that aren't fit to be part of your cult." Reoan said calmly, her sword's tip dipped into the running water. The angel slowly smiled. "You were getting out of line, young one. It was time for some one to put you in your place." "Then why not punish the other that has caused such harm?" "He chose to betray you, Guardian. It was no choice of ours." The angel smiled as he slowly walked towards her, not even a small ripple coming from his steps on the water's surface. Reoan smiled, he had walked right into her little plan perfectly. She pulled her blade forcefully through the water, sending a wave of water into the angel. Taken off guard, the angel fell back, plundging into the depths of the river. Reoan was right upon him when he surfaced again. He managed to just avoid her blade as he pulled the ancient sword that was hidden within his being out. The shimmering light sent Reoan to stumble backwards. As she regained her balance, the angel was upon her. She threw her sword up to block his advancement. The two blades clanged together and screeched as the two tried to keep the other at bay. A smile creased upon Reoan's lips, her teeth showing brightly in the night. "You look delightful drenched, Raphael. Must be a new feeling for you to have some one out smart you." "You little..." Raphael brought his foot up to kick her, but instead found nothing. Reoan's footsteps splashed on the surface as she avoided Raphael's attack and made her own. The angel managed to swirl around and parry the ex-Guardian's attack. [/FONT] [/COLOR] OOC: Well I've lost my inspiration for the rest of this post so I'll leave it here for any one who wishes to make an appearance. There will be no killing of Amber, David or Jacob...and of course Reoan herself. You can do whatever with the angel and attack whomever. Sorry this took so long.