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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. Reiku, I won't be able to post until Sunday evening. I'm sorry :animedepr
  2. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]The dreams faded away as the constant beeping rang clearly in Jace's head. He rolled over and smacked his clock firmly. The noise stopped as he sat up in his bed. He rubbed his tired eyes as he focused on the clock's image. [I]7:00[/I] Jace cocked his head to the side for a moment as he reached down to scratch his crouch. He pulled his scattered blankets from his nearly naked body, a small twinge of pain from his shoulder as he stood up. "Alex!" Jace shouted as he walked to his bedroom door. "Yo! Princey-boy!" Jace opened the door and started towards the kitchen. "In here Jace-chan!" Alex shouted back. Jace turned from the kitchen and started towards the front door. Alex had most of both their things packed and set by the front door already. Jace dropped his jaw as Alex looked up at him. "What the hell! You get up at the crack of dawn or something?" Jace shouted at him. "As a matter of fact..." Jace waved his hand at Alex as he turned away from him and started towards the kitchen. "Don't take too long, Jace-chan, or we'll be late and might miss the boat." "Yeah yeah yeah." Jace grumbled as he walked into the kitchen, still wearing only boxers. He grabbed a few random items, shoved them into his mouth, and headed towards the shower. "God it'll be nice when I can work out again. This being laid up shit is for the birds." Jace grumbled as he walked into the bathroom. He reappeared wearing only a green towel around his waist. "Hey Princey-boy! You pack all my stuff?" Alex walked into the hallway to answer Jace's questions. His eyes grew wide at Jace's sight. "No," he stuttered at first. "Left some clothes behind." "Good." Jace said, walking into his room to change. He wore slightly fitting black jeans with a white muscle-tank. He had a navy blue over shirt that was left unbotton exposing his well-muscled body. His hair was a mess upon his head, but the dark strands seem to add to the whole outfit. "Let's go." Jace said, picking up his bags as he started towards the door. Once the cool air washed over Jace's body did he realize how sore he was. His rib cage throbbed and his lip was puffy. He was going to need this vacation more than he'd like to admit.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]Adoil watched helplessly as the Zodiac struggled to save the plane and its passangers. Demons and humans whirled around him unable to see his physical form. He was posed so calmly and beautiful near the rear of the plane. His white feathered wings stretched out so he could lean against the aircrafts interior. "Its so hard just to watch isn't it?" A heavenly voice slid across the chaotic screams. Adoil lowered his head, his arms crossed on his chest. "And you're one to listen to that rule." Adoil's voice was filled with a hint of bitterness. "I would know plenty, Hand of God. You forget that I've watched your tanglement with the Guardian race for many many human lives." The voice slowly became visible into the fair image of Sartael, the angel of God's Side. Adoil did not bring his head up as he pulled one foot up against the plane's wall. "I have no attachment to these creatures," he said plainly. "Then why do you insist they destroy her?" Sartael walked as if she was never touching the interior's floor. She came to stand before the ancient angel, creatures passing through her heavenly body as if she never was there. "I want her to find peace, Sartael. I will long for it until she receives it." Adoil looked up into the glass blue eyes of his fellow angel. "She will never receive it until your blood covers her hands and even then she will continue to kill. Its in her nature, Adoil. You of all beings should know this by now. She was created to destroy and she's doing what she knows best. There is no rest for her wicked soul." Adoil rushed forward and grabbed the angel by the throat. He swung her around and slammed her body against the haul. Sartael didn't make a noise nor flinched at the angel's movement. "Never will you pass judgement on her when you know nothing of her!" Adoil hissed at her. "You may have helped condem her to this fate, but you nothing of her or what she has been through. You will not speak of her in my presence ever again, God's Side or you will feel my wrath ten fold." Adoil shoved his arm forcely against her before dropping her. He turned suddenly to the others who were franticly trying to figure out the demons weaknesses. "There is a whole on the left side of their chest. Pierce it and they'll disappear back into the realm of the shadows." Adoil shouted over the noise.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Wow...that was a few too many short posts all in a row. :animeknow Has this RPG really gotten that bad? :animenose
  4. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]"You keep givin me your speeches, Princey-boy. 'Cause they go in one ear and right out the other." Jace pointed to his head and then the other side as he jumped down off the stands. A slight twinge of pain rushed around his chest, but he ignored it. "You can't keep running away, Jace-chan." Alex turned to follow Jace. Jace swirled around, catching Alex by surprise as he grabbed a hold of his flatmate's collar. "Stop preachin to me, Alex. I'm not here to be your pet." "Let go." Alex said calmly. "I love it!" Jace bellowed as he shoved Alex away from him. "I love how you always stay so damn calm. You and your perfect manners." Jace started walking across the field, heading back to the flat. "You can't keep running, Jace-chan. Its not going to help you." Alex called after him. Jace grit his teeth, swirled around and rushed at Alex. The badboy managed to land a forceful punch onto Alex's right cheek before the Prince could react. Alex shoved Jace away in an attempt to keep the fight from occuring, but Jace just wouldn't take the hint. Jace threw a left and then a right. Alex manage to block them both and thank the stars above that Jace was too angry to actually use his best features, his legs. Jace managed to get one more hit in before Alex knocked him to the ground. The dark haired boy was never much of a fighter when he was upset. "Jace, just stop." Alex said as Jace crawled to his feet, the pain in his chest nearly unbearable. Jace wiped the small blood trickling from his lips and smiled in that "only Jace-chan kind of way". Alex's brows were creased with concern as Jace straightened himself up. "You gotta heavy right there Princey-boy." Jace said smiling, some blood splattered across his teeth. Jace walked up to Alex and stared into the heavenly eyes of his flatmate and best friend. Before Alex could say anything, Jace shoved his mouth onto his and gave the Prince a very heavy kiss. Jace pulled away just a suddenly as he had done it. The badboy smiled as Alex stared at him with complete bewildermeant. "How's the blood taste, Princey boy?" Jace chuckled. Alex realized the salty liquid on his tongue and began to spit it back out, wipping his mouth fierciously. "You didn't think I was trying to kiss ya for the fun of it, did you?" Jace cocked an eye brow as Alex looked up at him. "No," Alex replied shortly. "Ok," Jace chuckled again. "Let's get cleaned up." Jace wrapped his arm around Alex's neck as he started to drag him back towards the flat.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Hope this is ok Reiku
  5. The story is up in the square! Hurry go post!
  6. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]Currently Ben, Ima, Camilla, Kadar, Zane, Raven, Kariz, and Rubedo are on an plane that is hidding for the Earth below. Demons attack the aircraft. Human passangers are at stake and the Hand of God, Adoil cannot save you. Use your powers together to try and save yourselves and the other humans. Reoan, Jacob, David, and Amber are in Madrid searching for Raphael. I knew secret will be revealed here and the hidden life of David. Lucifer and Azrael are on their way to Madrid to stop Reoan hopefully for the last time. K O'Brian, Raed, Emily, and Tristen have started their journey in search of the other Zodiac. Word has reached all four that they are traveling to Japan and there still remains one in the United States. As for the other creatures (Ashleigh, Asariel, and Kraven) they do there part to either help or prevent the war from spreading across the world.[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SlateGray]Oh my god...I am so terribly sorry on how bad this intro to this rpg sucks. I've been so freakin busy with stuff that its not even funny. I was hoping for this huge glorious post with a BANG at the end...but I couldn't find the time to write it on here or by hand. But I didn't want to keep you all waiting forever so I decided to give ya a basic idea on what to do with your characters and let you guys start it. I shall post ASAP. :animedepr [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]~Nice to see you back Xy, was starting to worry about you. Thought you had left us :( ~Thank you Reiku and Who Am I? for rejoining us. I assure you that you will have a much bigger role to play in this chapter Who Am I and I'm terribly sorry about the last chapter not picking you up. ~Welcome to the group Lady Dust and I look forward to your character's involvement with the other zodiacs. Should be [I]very[/I] interesting. ~elementalshadow, I tend to be very generous with Newbies since we all start out as one. I like your sign up and your character so welcome to the group. :) We have at least four others from the other rpg that I'm hoping to sign back up. So please be patient and I'll try to get the thread up ASAP. Thank you :)[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]~I'm glad to see Kitsune, Ozy, and Anne back. Hopefully we get most of the others to return as well. ~Skye, I look forward to having you with us. Wish you could have stayed the first go around, but I'm sure you're character will bring something interesting to the game. ~Lucid *drools* I love your character. Hopefully Angelus signs back up and we should have some interesting plot twists and fun scenes with the two of your characters :animesmil ~Raze, hmmm. Well I do like your character, but I am a little nervous about your spelling (mine sux too so don't feel too bad) and the fact you're a newbie. But I guess I can give ya a chance ;) I will be keeping sign ups open for at least a week or so. You'll have to forgive me if I seem to slack off a little in the next couple of days. Finals are coming up and last minute papers do. But hopefully I'll be able to make enough time for this. Thank you[/FONT][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]I have decided to create a chapter system to try and keep this rpg going. If you would like to return to this game please place a sign up in the new sign up!![/FONT][/COLOR] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=655411#post655411]Link Here[/URL]
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]I spent nearly six centuries in the Pits of Hell. My only companion, the Fallen Angel known as Lucifer. My tedious attempts to escape my prision were numerous and unsuccessful. It wasn't long before my attempts were to just attract the attention of the Morning Star. But even the Morning Star's affections could not allow my soul to suffer in peace. The constant reminder of mortal wounds on the weak and tender flesh of a human body, unable to die, was all that I needed to keep my hatred alive. What was my crime that caused such damnation? Love, and a few innocents' blood spilt by my own hands. Crimes that would see forgiveness if I were human. I was first born at the very beginning of the Ancient Greek civilization to human parents. But it wasn't my physical body that made me unique, it was my soul. Created by what would later be called God and housed in a human body instead of an angelic one. This set up allowed my kind to wander about the Earth, among humans, unnoticed. We were the hidden warriors that served God directly on Earth instead of subtely influencing a select few special humans. As the human civilization grew my kind slowly became known as Guardians. We were just as differently tasked and talented as humans, but all of us were quick healers, well rounded with all weapons, and taught to be completely devoid of emotions and intuned with whatever are talent may be. Our lives were full of strict rules and many of the things humans took for granted we were denied. I had stayed extremely loyal life after life with the only reward being my continious reincarnation. Most of my memory lost through the process of dying and having my soul transferred into a new body. But not even being sent to the Pits would stop the one memory that fueled my desire for revenge.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]The Zodiac have nearly finished gathering as both Heaven and Hell stand in their way. The Angel that Reoan seeks, Adoil the hand of God, has information that may change the Zodiacs thought on the balance, but new perrils appear before the Angel is able to reveal his information. A Guardian, unsure of where to go and what to, travels with them. Along with a human with a hidden secret inside. Their task is to keep the balance, but with the threat of World War beckoning for their attention as Reoan continues her revenge. Two of the twelve Angels, the ex-Guardian seeks, have been sent to the Gates of Heaven for their judgement. One by her own hands and one by the Guardian who travels with the Zodiac. What will happen to the world and the balance if World War III brakes out and Reoan is able to finish her revenge?[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2]Welcome Rpgers to Thinning Time, the second chapter to Angels Must Die. This Rpg is not for the weak or timid. Only the truely dedicated and loyal will survive the task of staying alive. You will be spending some time by yourself, so be prepared to work alone and build up your character.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][SIZE=4]Rules:[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][list=1] [*]No God-molding (I won't being do it with my character I would like the favor repayed) [*]All major ideas or plot changes must be runned by me first. [*]Be prepared to PM other characters to discuss story ideas or misunderstands between characters. [*]No killing of any one's characters unless I or the character's owner says otherwise. [*]Have Fun! [/list] [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=3][FONT=Verdana]Four New Zodiacs to choose from:[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange][FONT=Verdana][CENTER][U]Taurus[/U] (the bull) *Lady Dust* Planet: Venus Color: Orange Stone: Emerald Element: Earth Animal: bull, cow, ox, antelope Traits: patient, determined, reliable[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=SandyBrown][FONT=Verdana][CENTER][U]Leo[/U] (the lion) *elementalshadow* Planet: Sun Color: Gold Stone: Ruby Element: Fire Animal: lion, leopard, jaguar Traits: generous, creative, enthusiastic[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Verdana][U]Scropio[/U] (the scorpion) *Raze* Planet: Pluto Color: Dark red to maroon Stone: Opal Element: Water Animal: scropion, dragonfly, spider Traits: determined, emotional, powerful[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][U]Libra[/U] (the scales) *x kakashi x* Planet: Venus Color: Blue Stone: Sapphire Element: Air Animal: snake, hawk, pigeon Traits: diplomatic, easy going, romantic[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]Will also except sign ups for Angels, Demons, Guardians, Grigori, humans or any combination of the previous. Somthings you might want to know: [CENTER][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46119&highlight=Angels]Angels Must Die's First Sign Ups[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46261]Angels Must Die's Story Part 1[/URL] [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46264]Underground[/URL] [URL=http://www.amadan.org/Innomine/Grigori.html]Grigori Background[/URL][/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Verdana]Sign Ups: [CENTER]Name: Age: (both soul and appearance see my sign up below) Gender: (if angel/demon what they appear to be) Side: (with or against Reoan) Appearance: *please include height and weight* (describition or picture) Personality: (one paragraph of a least 2 sentences) Zodiac: *please state what animal you've choosen for your morphing ability and your powers. Example of power -- Aries: pyro-kentics* (those returning please state so) Weapon: (nothing futuristic, but everything else is welcomed) Bio: (Background info at least 2 paragraphs. Those returning please show how your character has developed. You may also state any companions you're traveling with here.)[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name: Reoan (pronounced Re-oan the oan being like loan) Fehu Age: 17-18 (soul around since Ancient Greek/Egyptian time frame) Appearance: Height: 5'5" Weight:120 -- At first glance the ex-Guardian looks to be nothing more than a young girl in her late teens. Her smile hidden behind her dark expressiveless eyes. Her hair long with a small tint of red floating amongst the dark strands that lay about her shoulders, chest and back. Her structure firm and built from the well worn beatings she endured while in Hell. Her body being sent directly from the Pits to Earth retained a scar for every injury she endured. A constant reminder of the torement she had to suffer through. Race: ex-Guardian Power: Smite me: Reoan must gather surrounding energy and pull it into herself. Upon screaming out the words "smite me" a dozen or so black shapeless orb like structures spring from her body. As they race through the surrounding beings they take their souls and send them to be judged. Those that are relatively pure return to Earth, those that are not are sent to Hell. Does not work on Angels/Demons. Once thought to have been taught to her by Lucifer. Weapon: Born and raised in the ancient world, Reoan will not use guns of any sort. [URL=http://www.weaponmasters.com/images//products/website/KR-6_large.jpg]Broad Sword[/URL] [URL=http://www.weaponmasters.com/images//products/website/M-2021_large.jpg]Katana[/URL] Bio: When Reoan was thrown from Hell back to Earth a Guardian by the name of Jacob found her and took her in. He spent weeks healing her wounds and restoring her human body the best he could, but erasing the scars and the memories they held was impossible. The Guardian followed Reoan loyaly not because of fear, but because he felt a sense of belonging with her. A connection was created that was far beyond just lust and worldly pleasures. A love that neither Guardian could explain nor deny. Two others were soon to join their quest to destory the twelve Angels that condemned Reoan to her to Hell. Amber, a young girl around the age of 13 with the soul of a demon. Her past a hidden mess, but her love and dedication unquestionable. The other was David, a spanish Grigori half breed. Despite his hideous appearance and lack of intellengence, David's strength was for Reoan and Reoan alone. Each of the ex-Guardian's companions found something different and brought something new to her cause. Now in Madrid looking for the Angel Raphael after a short encounter with death and Padael. Reoan grows stronger as the Zodiac grow closer to finding one another.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  11. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Jace grabbed his chest, a small ache stabbing him repeatedly. Alex throwing him on the bed really hadn't helped his injuries much and his shoulder was starting to bother him again. He looked the letter over and rolled his eyes. "God damn it." Jace cursed as he folded the letter back up and slammed it back onto the bench. "Why the hell do we have to do this? And now of all times." Jace grumbled for a bit about the letter before realizing Alex had left yet again. Jace swirled around and put his left fist through some of the plaster of the wall. He pulled it back out, a small amount of blood starting to trickle over his knuckles. He grabbed a hold of his sling and ripped it from his body. His arm hung slightly ackwardly at his side as he stormed back to his room. He pulled a white shirt over his head, a small twinge from his shoulder as he reached for his jean jacket. He pulled the collar up to his neck as he left the front unbottoned, is rippling body slightly exposed by his white shirt. He grabbed his house keys from his dresser and stormed out of the apartment, locking it behind him. "Oh, Jacey." A familiar female voice rang up the flat stairs. Jace kept a straight and firm face as Kitoyama-san came into view. She smiled brightly as she always did, her well weathered face creased with dimples of joy. Jace grit his teeth as she reached out to take a hold of his right forearm. Jace pulled violently away as he continued to make his way down the stairs. Kitoyama didn't even try to stop him as she watched him. He bursted out onto the street and started walking down the side walk before he knew it he was running, his chest heaving with pain. He didn't care, he just kept running. He passed people on the street without even noticing them. The flood of memories washing over him was all he could see. He ran harder and harder forcing himself to be over come with fatigue. Jace found himself at the soccer field behind the school. It was as good a place as any to rest. It was away from people, the noise and most importantly away from the memories.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Jace grumbled to himself as he walked through the apartment towards the living room. He scratched at his rock-hard stomach with his left hand as he stomped through the apartment. He could hear Alex offering drinks and being friendly again. "Damn kid." Jace grumbled as he sat down on the couch with a flop. A sharp twinge rushed through his chest and he caught his breath, but no one noticed. "Are you going to join us in the kitchen for something to drink, Jace-chan?" Alex said as he and the others walked through the apartment. "Does it look like it?" Jace spat back at his flatmate. Alex sighed and shook his head as he walked by. Jace turned his attention towards Tina and Kina still standing at the door. The girls shot him an ackward look as they followed behind Alex. "Don't worry, I won't bite...hard." Jace snapped his jaws as they passed him. "Jace-chan cut it out." Alex growled at him. "Make me Princey-boy." Jace shot him a look. The silve-blue haired boy stood posed in the door way to the kitchen. "Don't, Jace." Alex was almost cold. "You wouldn't dare hit me with broken rips and a bad arm. So don't threaten me." Jace stood up, his black hair falling into his stunning blue eyes. The tone in Jace's voice wasn't playful any more and the tension was rising in the apartment building. Jace ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it away from his eyes. He turned sharply from every one in the room and walked to his room.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Sorry its been so long since I've posted. Trying to keep Angels Must Die alive, back work to finish, and getting ready to move across country has kept me rather busy. :animestun Me does apologize.
  13. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]The night air was cool and the after math of the small storm could still be seen in the historical streets of Spain. Reoan, Amber, Jacob and David had spent what seemed like eternity traveling through France. Secruity continued to increase and getting their illegal luggage through the gates was posing more and more of a problem. The group made their way through the quiet streets, no one daring to speak. David was leading them through the back [URL=http://www.terena.nl/tech/task-forces/tf-csirt/meeting11/pictures/pages/MadridStreets.html]alleys[/URL] of Madrid. Reoan followed swiftly behind as Amber and Jacob brought up the rear. The young demoness had stopped her cute little flirty antics with the Guardian after watching what had transpired the night Reoan had tried to take her life. Amber didn't know why, but she knew that no matter how hard she tried she was never going to have all of Jacob's attention, and a part of her was glad. David took a few lefts before coming to stand at a small wooden door. The others waited quietly across the alley-way as David knocked on the door. "Hola. Que quiere ested?" came a rough masculine voice. "Es David. Vengo llevando un regalo, su nombre es Reoan," came David's familiar voice. "Es David! Es David con Reoan!" There was a loud commotion as the wooden door swung open. The massive half Grigori turned towards the group and motioned for them to follow. Each of them looked at each other before following behind their companion. The large flat was alive with chaos, but most of it seemed joyous. Reoan stayed hidden between David, Jacob and Amber as they made their way through the very small hallways and flights of stairs. The flat was alive with the mixed dialect of spanish and english, women and children, men both young and old. The noise and chaos reminded Reoan of Hell, but something was different. It was the splender and joy that flowed through the building, not hatred and pain. Seven flights up and a long hallway before David walked into one of the small apartments. An older, man some where around his late 50s, came up and embrassed the massive man. A woman, in her early 30s, and two young boys also came up to embrace the Grigori half-breed. "Es Reoan?" The woman asked, nodding towards the young woman standing just slightly behind the Grigori. "Si, no hable espanol." David replied to the woman. The woman smiled and approached Reoan. She motioned for the boys to take the travellers' things. The woman reached out and took a hold of Reoan's hands firmly. She continued to stare into Reoan's dark and expressionless eyes. "Me nombre Isabel." The woman stated softly. Reoan said nothing, just continued to watch her. "I am David's mother." She smiled brightly. "If I had known...that David would...find you...and become a part of....what you stand for." The woman paused for a bit longer than usually. Probably trying to find the english words to go with whatever thought she had. "I would have given you more of him." Reoan stayed silent and the ex-Guardian's reaction made the woman nervous. She hesitated at first and then stepped back. She looked at her son and then the older man. "Did you honestly think that I would be some lovable and gentle creature?" Reoan snarled at the woman. The older man stepped towards the woman as the children came running into the room. The woman gathered them into her arms. David looked down at Reoan, his expression unreadable along with Jacob and Amber's. "I've lived in Hell of centuries while you precious little humans multiplied on this Earth, creating technology that helps destory it more and more each day. You manuplate everything around you and yet, God lets you into Heaven. Forgiven for all your damned sins." Reoan growled stepping forward, causing the family to step back. "I don't create change out of the goodness of my heart. I do it because I want justice for those that have wronged me since no one else will do it for me!" Reoan turned sharply from them all and left the apartment. As she made her way through the hallways and up the flight of stairs, people reached out to touch her. Praising her in their spanish tongue. There were whistles, hoots and hollars as she finally broke through to the top of the building. She dashed across the roof top and barely stopped at the edge of the building. "I don't understand, Jacob." Reoan said aloud as the Guardian opened the door and walked out onto the roof top. "These humans, they don't understand what I stand for but yet they praise me. They will give anything to help me succeed in killing their precious Angels they worship so dearly." Jacob slid a firm hand along her back and across her mid-section as he brought the other up her back and over her shoulders. He pulled her against his firm body, his warmth and energy swirling over her skin as he held her there. She laid her head back and nuzzled it perfectly between his neck, face and shoulder. At first glance one would think they were lovers, but their bond was beyond physical desire and worldly pleasures. "Because what you strive for is something so many have longed to do, but never had the strength or courage." Jacob whispered into her ear as they both stared across the rooftops of Madrid. "But I am no stronger than any of you...I..." Reoan tried to pull away, but Jacob held her close to him. "Its not your physical strength that they admir, Reoan. You fight against our creator. You fight for what you believe in and you won't have anything stand in your way, not even death." Reoan fell silent, unable to find the words to counter Jacob's. [/COLOR] [CENTER]**************************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray]Most of the Zodiac were asleep when the angel slowly made his way down the isle. Zane was the first to notice him. The Pisces motioned to wake Camilla, but Adoil placed a finger to his lips. The young man looked at the heavenly creature for a moment and decided that it was best to let her sleep. "I do not come to hunt you or create trouble, healer." Adoil said as he walked up to the Zodiac. The man nodded. "I only wish to speak to the Sagittarius, he had sent me on a request and I am here to deliever my information. If--." Adoil said before Zane could say anything. "He so desires to tell you, then so be it. But my words are for his ears only." Adoil walked past him and the others and over to Kadar. The angel gracefully perched himself upon the back of the passanger seat in front of the Zodiac, strangely enough both the seat owner and Ben were asleep. "Hello Kadar." Adoil said softly, nothing more than a whisper, but the Zodiac could hear it clearly. He brought his head over to look at the angel. "I have--" just as the words left the angel's lips the whole plane shook violently. Every one that was asleep was now awake and the plane rose with commotion. "You," Adoil turned to see Ben snarl at him. The plane shook again. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please stay calm. We have hit some slight tuberlance and things--." The pilot was caught off as the lights went out and the plane suddenly plunged downwards. The lights flickered back on for a brief moment as screams died down. "Everything should be--" the plane took a nose dive as the passangers rose in a frenzy. Adoil stood in the isle, invisible to the other passangers. "There are demons...they have come for you." Adoil told the Zodiac. "I cannot help you." [/COLOR] [/FONT] OOC: Alright kiddies. You have a task before you, no god-playing ur character. Work together with the other Zodiacs to try and save the plane and its passangers. Have fun ;)
  14. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]" I won't always be there to save you Jace-chan. You have to look after yourself more." Alex's words kept replaying through his head over and over again as he difted off to sleep. ************************ "You know, Jace. You really need to learn how to stand up to Yuki. I'm not always going to be here to save your ass." Ravi turned to look at his five minute younger brother. The two brothers were about thirteen and the only difference between the two was their personalities. They dressed nearly the same, cut their hair the same, and even their voices were impossible to tell apart. The thing they enjoyed the most was confusing people because they were so much alike and always together. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." Jace mumbled, continuing to pedal his bike. "I'm serious, Jace. One day you're going to find yourself all alone and no one will be there to save you." Ravi pedalled harder to keep up with his brother. The cool fall breeze swept over their sweaty bodies as they raced down the quiet street to their Aunts house. It was the only place they could go that was out of their father's reach. Suddenly every thing went black and Jace could feel a numbness rush over his body. He could feel himself sobbing and trembling, but he couldn't feel anything else or see anything. There was screaming and suddenly his body slammed against a something hard. He opened his eyes to see his father towering over him, shoving his body against him. Jace tried to move, to get away, but his father held firmly to him. His father screamed at him, hitting him, tell him how worthless he was. "No!" Jace screamed. "NO!" He could hear the front door being opened and the rushing noise of some one running. ********************** "NO!" Jace sat up screaming. His head swam and sweat rushed down his brow. Suddenly reality washed over him and the sudden pain from his rips shot through his body. He allowed his body to drop back onto the couch as he looked about for Alex. "Alex?" Jace called out. There was no answer. Jace took a few short breaths before he halled himself up to his feet. He wandered about the apartment, but couldn't find Alex any where. [I]I wonder where he went.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Hehe, a little of Jace's past and the mentioning of his twin. :) Well Jace is all alone and varinable.
  15. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Jace mumbled a bit, his head felt heavy as he brought himself to open his eyes again. The white walls of the hospital stared back at him as he tried to sit up a bit. His chest prevented most of his movement though. They had slung his arm up to prevent him from using it too much. Jace looked down to see Alex sleeping lightly at his bed side. Blood and various other things still covered his body. Jace shook his head and smiled. He ruffled the silver-blue mop with his left hand and the Prince slowly stirred. "Hey sleepy head, why haven't you seen a nurse?" Jace brushed a few strains out of Alex's eyes. "Jace-chan, you're awake." Alex smiled at his friend. "Yeah, what's your point Princey-boy?" Jace's tone changed a little, but still just as friendly and fun-loving. "I was worried about you, Jace-chan." Alex sat up, cringing a little from the wound on his back. "Well stop worrying about me, Princey-boy and get some medical attention would ya. I'm fine." Jace gave a playful hit to Alex's shoulder.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Sorry Reiku....creative juices gone...so this is the best I could come up with. NOW GO FIND A NURSE AND GET BETTER!!
  16. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial Narrow]Right now this will probably make absolutely no-sense to any of you except maybe Reiku. In our next adventure we will be split into two groups as follows: [U]Group One[/U] [list] [*]Alex [*]Aka [*]Maria [*]Hoshiko [*]Kaela [*]Andrew [*]Kyo [*]Natasha [*]Courtney [/list] [U]Group Two[/U][list] [*]Jace [*]Micky [*]Rin [*]Zephan [*]Ranmaru [*]Ken'Ichi [*]Kina [*]Dirk [*]Amy [/list] [/FONT] [/COLOR] Details to the adventure shall be coming to you soon :catgirl:
  17. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Jace's head swam and he couldn't clear the blackness from his eyes, just couldn't get his eyes to open. He could hear people running around and the smell of burning materials filtered through his nose. He grumbled some, couldn't tell if it was out loud or not, but he did it any ways. "Jace...Jace wake up!" He could hear some one shouting over top of him. "Eh," Jace mumbled as he forced himself to open his eyes, the bright sun nearly blinding him as he tried to focus on the figure above him. "Jace?" The face started to become more of a shape rather than some big pale blur. It was Maria leaning over him, she had dark patches of ash on her body. "My head..." Jace moaned as he tried to sit up. A sudden surge of pain ran through his body and he dropped back to the ground with a thud. "You shouldn't move. You broke some rips and dislocated your shoulder." Maria said leaning over him again. "What happened? Alex!" Jace shouted trying to sit up, but Maria put a firm hand on his stomach. "Alex is fine, he's helping rescue the other students trapped in the building. He pulled you out." Jace gave another moan as he laid back down, staring up into the punk-goth girl's face. She wore way too much pink for his taste, but she was always cool to hang around. Not like some of the stuck up snots Alex hung around. "So what happened?" Jace mumbled, trying to keep his cool-tough guy appearance. Maria smiled at him. "The chemistry teacher blew up a couple of labs and caught the school on fire." Just as she finished her sentence flashing lights and sirens sounded. A parramedic rushed over to Jace and Maria. She nodded her head and left with the man as another came over to check him out. "Damn...I was hopin' for a chick, but you'll do just fine." Jace smiled at the attractive dark hair man that stomped over him. "Just lie still sir," the man said as he took a hold of Jace's left arm, the one that wasn't throbbing like crazy. "I'll do anything for you." Jace winked.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. Sorry I haven't posted, i was away for the weekend. Shall do so tomorrow. Later.
  19. Korea, Russia, and the West Coast of the US has been bombed. So tension is high in most countries. Just make secruity really tight and what-not. Nothing too big or new. Tis all. :)
  20. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial Narrow]Sun streaked through the small canopy, lighting up the young girl's face. She was pleasantly sleeping in the cool European shade. Three angels stood just in hearing range, while a single Grigori sat quietly meditating next to the young girl. "She's moved through her training rather quickly, Adoil." A sweet voice chimmed. Like a sweet morning dove cooing to its mate. The girl stirred slightly and all the angels fell silent as they watched her settle back into slumber. The three drew their attention back to each other. Adoil stodd facing the young girl and the Grigori. On his right stood Ezeqeel with his massive body freckled with sun spots. One of his massive hands lay gently on the hilt of his board sword, the other was shoved into the depths of his slack's pocket. On Adoil's left stood the very heavenly figured, but small busted Padael. She wore a similar outfit as that of her two masculine counter-parts, both hands shoved in her slack's pockets. "Her speed surpasses nearly all of the other students and her powers..." Padael continued. "Incrediable!" Ezeqeel nearly shouted, both of his companions shot an aggressive expression towards him. "What are you hiding from us, Adoil?" Padael asked when she noticed that Adoil wasn't really paying attention to the their conversation. "She's just your average Guardian." Adoil answered, still not looking at Padael or Ezeqeel. "Adoil?" Padael grabbed a hold of the angels arm and he retracted it quickly. Ezeqeel took a few steps towards the fellow angel, a determined look on his face. "I've been sent to watch over her from the very beginning of her existance. Her abilities grow stronger and stronger with each life she lives, along with her will to be free." Adoil said, still staring at the young girl sleeping soundly in the grass. "Have you taught her this? You know if you did God --." Padael began to ramble. "No." Adoil turned sharply to face her. "I did not teach her the independence she has found." He searched Padael's angelic face for a moment before bringing his eyes to the ground and slowly back up to the girl. "Fate has shown Reoan the gift of free will and the ability she has with a human body. I have not." "I can see that." Ezeqeel suddenly answerd, Padael turning her attention towards him. "She trusts very easily and puts everything she has into every mission. An angel could not touch a Guardian that determination, not in a million lifetimes. But I fear that Fate and God have two completely different plans for this young soul." Every one fell silent as the young Guardian stirred and slowy brought herself to sit up. She couldn't have been more than eight years old, so young and pure, but yet a blood thirsty killer. She had already seen more than any little girl should have at her age. "Angels." The girl smiled upon seeing the three. The Grigori brought himself to the present and slowly stood up next to the massive tree. "Afternoon Reoan." Padael smiled at the girl. "We have a new mission for you, young Guardian." Ezeqeel stated, also with a smile upon his face. Adoil stayed quiet as the two angels told the young girl the next man she had to hunt down and destroy before he reached a very valuable castle that God had invested himself in. The young Guardian took in every word carefully and was soon off to defeat her new foe.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]******************************[/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What do you think happened to Ben?" Amber asked as they made their way to the train station. Reoan brought her head down and looked down at the young demoness. The girl had a worried look on her face, she had grown fond of the human. Reoan smiled lightly as she continued to follow behind Jacob and David. "He'll find his way back to us." Reoan said. "You think so?" Amber nearly shouted, not hiding her pleasure in the ex-Guardians statement. "Yes." Reoan turned a pleasant smile to the girl. Amber nearly jumped out of her shoes with joy as they boarded the train.[/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER]*****************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]In the shadows lerked a figure that no human would be able to see unless he purposefully placed himself before them. His feathery white wings were hidden by some form of magic as he leaned up against a wall watching the various people wander about the frantic airport. His white grab would have stood out like a swore thumb being that it was designed some where in the victorian area with little ruffles at the cuffs and collar of his coat. He looked like a Artist formally known as Prince wanna be. A massive wave of strong energy washed over him like a tidle wave, bringing his attention towards the front doors. A crowd of seven very different people walked into the massive lobby together. Each of them chattering about something, but he didn't care about all of them. There was only one he wanted to see. He got up away from the wall and started towards the crowd. None of them could see him, maybe sense him, but their eyes failed to pick up his sight. He walked right through the center of them until he found Kadar. He suddenly materalized and grabbed the Zodiac's shoulders. The man tried to attack the overly white man, but failed at every attempt, his flesh slipping through his. The man drew Kadar from the group and into a bathroom. [COLOR=Black][B]"What do you want?"[/B][/COLOR] Kadar spat at the man that was slowly becoming more and more materalized. [COLOR=Black][B]"Who are you?"[/B][/COLOR] "I am the Hand of God, Adoil." The man replied softly. [COLOR=Black][B]"So you are the Angel Reoan is after." [/B] [/COLOR] Adoil avoided the Zodiac's eyes, "Yes. But that is of no importance here. I have come to tell you that sending Reoan back to Hell is going to do little to know good for this planet or those beyond it." Kadar leaned up against a sink as Adoil locked the bathroom door and continued. "She would only return to fight again until she sent every last Angel to judgement." [COLOR=Black][B]"But won't you all go to Heaven any how?"[/B][/COLOR] "No. All our sins will be looked upon as if we were mortals. The fact that we were angels would hold no substance because far too many humans have claimed to have been angels, and some have been. No, all of us will be judged and just about all of us will be sent to Purgatory or worse...Hell. For we all had a helping hand in what Reoan has become and done. Especially myself." [COLOR=Black][B]"So you're telling me you're trying to protect your own skin?"[/B][/COLOR] Adoil fell quiet.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Ok, you guys can do whatever you want with Adoil [U][I]except[/I][/U] kill him. Enjoy. Later.
  21. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Times New Roman]Jace grumbled as he made his way into his Biology class. What a waste of time, but it was better then any of the other classes he could be stuck in right now, besides. He got to stare at Miss Nevada all period. It was about the only class he ever showed up on time for and stayed the whole period too. He threw himself into a seat and leaned the chair back onto the legs. He threw his feet up onto his desk as he watched the other students file in. God...this class was so dry. No one to harass really, just a couple of kids that hung out with Alex every now again. "Good morning class," Nevada's sweet voice broke through Jace's tattered thoughts as he brought his attention towards the board. "Good morning, Nevada-sama!" Echoed the class, all except Jace. Nevada placed her bag up on the large desk in the front of the room and looked across the class. She pulled out her attendance sheet from her bag and started calling out students names. "Jace Tahlia." Nevada called out over the quiet room. "Back here, teach." Jace nodded his head up to draw the teacher's attention. "How was your walk through the building, busty?" The girls in the class turned and sneered at the vulgar young man in the back of the room. He gave a smugged smile as he waited for the teacher to react. "It was fine, Tahlia." Nevada smiled softly as she checked off Jace's name. He chuckled to himself as the other students starting pulling out their books. "Another boring day in class," Jace mumbled.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. Angels that are left and their possible locations: [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]Adoil -- No one knows (Hand of God) Camael -- Italy in the house of the Pope (He Who Sees God) Haziel -- Russia, Moscow (Glory of God) Israfel -- South Africa (Burning One of God) Jeremiel -- China some where (Mercy) Ketheriel -- Israel some where (Crown) Nahaliel -- Colorado near the grand canyon (Valley) Oriel -- Germany some where (Light) Raphael -- Spain some where (Has Healed) *Reoan's next target* Sartael -- Japan some where (God's Side)[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] There ya go Kairi.
  23. [COLOR=Teal]Hey people, Figured I would let you all know that there's been more bombing. Korea and west coast of the Unitied States has been bombed. Nuclear warfare is still on the verge of being down, but no one knows who's doing the bombing just yet. Two of the twelve angels that Reoan searches for are dead. [CENTER]Ezeqeel Pedael[/CENTER][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]The massive white feathered wing lay twitching by the organ, blood spuing from its base. Pedael was crawling to her feet now, reaching for her shoulder where her wing once stood. Tears were streaming down her face and blood covered her white clothing. Reoan held her head high, Isla hanging by her side as she walked forward. "How's it feel, Angel?" Reoan snarled. Padael threw a hand forward in an attempt to send her flying back, but nothing became of the angel's attempt. Fear raged across her face, her eyes wide and her body trembling. "You've lost your angelic powers, Angel." Reoan continued to walk forward, her head bent down to look at the angel, while the rest of her stood completely straight. "You're almost mortal now. Blood washing over your pure body. Your own blood." The angel looked at her hands. They were covered in bright red liquid...her blood. Padael stumbled to her feet, her body off balance with the missing wing. She tried to call for her angelic blade, but was unable to. Trying to fly would be useless. "Where is your precious God now, Padael? Why isn't God here to save you?" Reoan corned the angel against a wall, the distant screams of the priest and the paladin echoed through the massive church. "You would...you would kill in this holy place?" Padael shook. Reoan smirked. "This place is not holy to me. Its just another building built by the human masses. The only thing its good for is calling you to me." Reoan rushed forward and shoved her sword straight through the angel's abdomen. She screeched as her whole body folded towards that one point. Reoan have another thrust as the blade clanged against the wall behind Padael. "You feel that? The undescrible pain that rushes through your body? It cries out and you can feel every muscle, every nerve in your body failing you. Your head swarms with darkness, but not because you're dying. Oh no. You can't die still angel. No, your wound will remain on your body for all eternity because you're still immortal." Reoan jerked the blade from Padael's body and watched her fall face first onto the marble floor. Reoan took a deep breath as she looked towards the ceiling. She closed her eyes and drowned out all the noise that swarmed inside her head. She drew her head back down and with a swift slice, cut Padael's last wing off. The angel cried out again as she rolled over in unexplainable miseary and pain. Reoan wrinkled her nose as she stradled the creature. Blood rushed out from all of Padael's wounds as the angel wriggled under Reoan. "Now you're dying." Reoan leaned in towards the crying angel. "And you will die as a mortal and judged just like the rest!" Reoan rose, placed both hands on the hilt of Isla, and shoved the sword straight threw Padael's tender chest. A sick pop echoed through the chruch as one last gasp left Padael's lips. Her body feel limp and Reoan pulled her sword from the carcass. The priest and paladin were soon by the angel's side, checking for a pulse. Reoan sneered and walked away. Amber said nothing as she approached Reoan and handed her the broad sword she had thrown. The ex-Guardian took it silently as she walked past both Jacob and the demoness. "I heard screams." David walked up behind Reoan just after her entering her room. She turned around and looked at the Grigori half-breed. "I am sorry to have woke you." Reoan said softly, bringing her eyes towards the floor when David noticed the blood covered katana. "You did not kill the priest and his paladin, did you?" Reoan smiled slightly at his foolishness. "No, David. I killed Padael, one of the twelve." "Oh." The Grigori fell quiet for a moment. "Does that mean we need to leave again?" Reoan nodded. "I will go pack our things." With that David left Reoan's sight.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Tahoma]Jace stormed through the flat and into his room. He slammed the door, grumbling all the while. He hated it when Alex made him go to school. He took a deep breath and scratched his abs as he looked for clean clothes. Despite his badboy rep, Jace was very organized with his personal belongings. Everything was neatly put away in its own little space and soon his bed was going to be made. He fixed everything really quick as he pulled his uniform from the top dresser draw. He grumbled some more as he wandered into the bathroom in only his boxers to take a very quick shower and get dressed. He did some quick grooming before heading back out into the flat to grab his books. Jace didn't wear his uniform like he was suppose to. Where was the fun in that? His pants were normal enough, but his under shirt was usually unbottoned without his tie and rarely did he ever wear his coat completely bottoned. He hated restricting his movement is such stuffy tight clothes. "Let's go." Jace grumbled as he walked past Alex. The even height boy smiled at his flatmate's antics as he followed behind them. They snuck down the stairs without that creepy lady seeing them and started towards school. The chaotic noise of the school yard slammed into both Alex and Jace as they stepped onto school grounds. Alex had a playful smile as students came up to him saying hi and being friendly. Jace rolled his eyes and turned his head away from Alex. "What do we have here," Jace cocked a smile. Sarah Nevada, the biology teacher that was well known for her great legs and huge rack. She was always dressed in something small and tight and it was hard not to drool over her. She had dropped something on the ground and was bent over trying to pick it up. Her ass in the air and her chest nearly falling out of her low cut blouse. "Hey Ms. Nevada!" Jace called out. "Your tits are looking great this morning! And your ass, marvelous." The woman stood up quickly, her face a rosey color. "Jace Tahlia! Do you have no shame!" The woman shook her head as she yelled at him. "No ma'am." Jace smiled broadly as the woman hurried into the building. "Did I see you drooling again, Jace-chan?" Jace heard Alex's voice over the noise. Jace turned and gave a sharp look at Alex. The boy smiled at his best friend as they continued towards the building.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Sorry this is so short and crappy. Will do better next post!
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