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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. The rpg is up in the square now!! [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=652242#post652242]Here[/URL] 2 More days before sign ups close kiddies!! So get in on the fun soon!!
  2. Hello again every one. What I would like is something to unite the 2 rpgs I'm in currently. My rpg is "Angels Must Die" (my character is seeking revenge for being wronged by God/Angels). The other rpg is "Welcome to your Lesson on Love" were I play a badboy that has been through some horrible trials causing his hard outershell. I'd like something that kind of combines them together with some quote stating how they are a like yet different, or something. (I like people to be creative so I'm trying not to limit that). I'm going to keep my current avi, but would like just a new banner theme. Pictures: [URL=http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/3954/kamuro04.jpg]Jace[/URL] [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/FF7DVD/ffac27.jpg]Reoan[/URL] The color sitting should be something that sets the mood to be a little depressing, but not too morbid. Splash of red or highlighting a certain part to make it stand out more. Nothing too flashy or plain. I think that's all of it. Any questions just let me know.Thanks.
  3. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan twitched slightly as she followed behind the Father and paladin back towards their rooms. Amber and Reoan were directly behind the Father and his apprentice, while Jacob followed. "The boy is doing just fine," the Father spoke up. "He sustained minor injuries to his chest and arms, but nothing life threatening." "Thank you, Father. We very much appreciate all that you are doing for us." Reoan replied, the paladin turning to look at her. She flashed a devilish smile towards him and the young boy jerked his head back around. "Oh child, it is what God would want us to do." Reoan sneered at the priest's words. If he only knew. "Our society should be more apt to help the troubled youth. Teaching them non-sense about fornication being public exceptable and leaving our youth to create such hatred amonst ourselves." The priest made a funny noise; spit flying towards the ground. The priest continued to ramble on, preaching about how the world had fallen from God and had grown corrupted with sin. The paladin took in every word the old man said, nodding his head every so often and taking mental notes. The priest must have been some where in his early 80s and walked with a slight gimp. His white and gold robes hung to the floor and the ends were darkened from all the dirt it had been dragged through. The paladin wore the traditional black grab one would usually see a priest in. He was young, maybe around twenty years of age and very naive. His dark hair was cut short and tailored nicely around his thin neck. They were a lovely little pair. [I][COLOR=SeaGreen]Reoan.[/COLOR][/I] Reoan's thoughts were intruded by Jacob's energy flowing over her like a sweet warm breeze and swirled around in her head with a persistance that she was unable to keep herself from succuming too. [I][COLOR=SeaGreen]Will you need time for yourself?[/COLOR][/I] Reoan smiled and lowered her head. Amber looked over at the ex-Guardian with curiousity. Reoan paid her no-mind. [COLOR=SlateGray]I will follow them back to our rooms. I need to collect my things.[/COLOR] Reoan's sweet energy filtered through Jacob's body, making him catch his breath softly. A moment of unexplainable ectascy swept through the whole crowd as Reoan and Jacob's spiritual connection swarmed around both Guardians. [I][COLOR=SlateGray]I'm drowning In a sea deeper than The darkest ocean And I search for you now To take you down And I hated all the blood That you made I wanted you died And I'll make it that way But you know what I hate the most That you're gone And I'm on this path now And our love is gone And all I have are these scars You will be mine[/COLOR][/I] Reoan's broad sword lay unshealthed and in her right hand as she walked through the church. The Priest and his paladin were sound asleep in their rooms, while Jacob kept David and Amber occupied in their rooms. They had been through enough and Reoan wasn't about to spill more blood before them. Her beautiful katana, Isla, lay at her side, hidden within its blue-opal shealth. She placed the broad sword in her left hand, in a nervous attempt to calm her nerves. She shoved the large doors open and stormed through the center isle towards the front of the church. "Where are you, Pedael!" Reoan threw her sword back into her right hand again, twirling the hilt around in her hand. "Oh come on," Reoan bellowed again. "I know you're here. You've always come to humans as the 'Whom God delievers'." "But you are no human, Guardian." A heavenly-sweet femmini voice echoed lightly through the massive building. Reoan swirled around and saw a figure standing just inside the massive doors to the large church center. Reoan smiled as she took a few steps forward. "Aw, Pedael. Its been so long." Reoan called out as the Angel slowly pulled the doors shut. "I've been trying to keep it that way." The angel started to walk forward, its massive wings held gracefully behind the very womanly like angel. "You're so terribly rude, Pedael. Leaving me all alone for so many centuries." Reoan continued to walk forward, playing with her sword. The angel continued to approach as well, arms at her side. "What do you want, Reoan?" The Angel spat back. The two stopped just a few feet from each other, staring each other down. The Angel stood much taller than Reoan, her elegant structure putting the ex-Guardian's figure to shame. The Angel's long blonde curls lay drapped across her chest and back in a display of her heavenly beauty. "Answer a question for me, Pedael." Reoan looked into the soft blue eyes of the creature before her, such hatred burned for the ex-Guardian. "Can we get this over with already." "Do you love him?" Reoan said bluntly. "What?" The angel looked at her puzzled. "Oh, don't play stupid with me, Pedael. You know what I'm talking about." Reoan gave with a nasty tone. "Not like its any of your business, but yes, I do love your precious Adoil." The angel spat back. Before Pedael had time to react, Reoan had rushed at her, sword thrown back and perpared to strike down the angel with a ferious blow. The angel flew out of the way as the blade swung and nearly missed the marble floor. Reoan was back up again, both hands on the massive broad sword. The ex-Guardian swung it around with no effort what-so-ever as the angel tried to avoid the weapon's blows. "Fight me!" Reoan screamed as the angel lept to the top of the organ and out of Reoan's reach. "So you can act out your silly little revenge?" The angel mocked. "I don't think so." Reoan growled. The ex-guardian whispered something under her breath as she pulled one arm back, sword in hand. The angel had her wings out-stretched for balance, a smile mocking the ex-Guardian. Reoan groaned as she chucked the broad sword towards the angel. Pedael gasped as she ducked to try and avoid the blade, exposing her wings completely. The blade spun and collided into the closest wing base. The angel screamed as the blade loped off the feathery wing and sent it crumbling to the church floor below. The blade clanged against the wall and clattered to the floor as well. The screaming drew the attention of everyone in the church and the first person to appear amongst the pues was the priest. "What have you done!" the man shouted. Blood poured every where as the Angel fell to the floor, screaming and wriggling with pain. Reoan drew her attention from the angel and towards the priest. He was rushing towards the fallen holy creature. Reoan watched, a cruel smile on her face as the man dropped to his knees next to the angel. The paladin was soon by his side. "What have you done! Do you not know what this creature is?" The priest turned his attention towards Reoan. "Whom God Delievers, Pedael. A holy angel of God's. The graced ones with the white feather wings sent her to protect us from the evil of Satan and Lucifer." Reoan raddled off with a devilish tone. "You have sold your soul to the devil!" The priest cursed. "No, Father. My soul has already been damned and I'm setting things back in order." Reoan stepped forward, pulling Isla from her side. "Reoan! No!" The ex-Guardian snapped her head around to see Jacob and Amber rush into the room through the massive doors. "He's an innocent!" Jacob called out. Reoan turned to look at both the priest and the paladin next to the fallen angel. "We will take care for them." Jacob said as him and Amber rushed by her. Jacob took the young boy, while Amber took the priest. "You're all going to Hell if you condone this!" The priest shouted. "We were condemed from the start." Amber whispered to the man.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: There, much better ;)
  4. Yeah, random creatures being all of the above. Whatever you want to attack them that would be trying to stop them, could be Satanic humans for all I care. What did you guys think of Reoan's little talent there? Was trying not to get too out there, but I think it turned out well. You'll be seeing it again one of these days, just pray she doesn't use it on you ;) Oh, as for the demon, it was to show that the technique doesn't work on demons and such. (Like angels) Its because their souls have already been judged and hence the reason they are what they are. Yeah ok. Done with that now. Love to all
  5. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]The guard squinted his eyes at her response as he pulled his gun into full view of Reoan. "Now miss, I won't be so nice the next time I have to tell you to get down from there." The man was firm and his voice hinted at aggression. "I'll make sure not to spare your soul then," Reoan flashed her eyes wide as she smiled again. The soldier was starting to get annoyed by her, the frustration apparent in his aged face. Reoan rotated her head back, closing her eyes, and fanning her fingers out next to her legs. Her palms faced most of the crowd as a slight breeze began to pick up. Reoan's hair slid across her face and her clothes pulled to one side. "I said get down," the soldier barked, reaching up to pull Reoan down. "I wouldn't." She warned, startling the man slightly. [/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]"Grab my hand." Jacob said firmly, holding both hands out for the Grigori and demoness. Both dropped there things and timidly grabbed a hold of the Guardian's hands. "As long as you hold onto me, you will be safe." David and Amber looked at each other, and then at Jacob. His expression was emotionless as he started at the ex-Guardian three hundred yards from them. What could she possibly do that would effect them this far away?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]The wind started to pick up more, but there seemed to be no storm coming. The strange breeze started to draw other soldiers' attention and soon the crowd had become aware of it. Chaotic noise rose as the wind swirled faster and faster around them. Bags began to blow away, people stumbled as they tried to stay up right. The soldiers were losing control over the massive crowd surround the docks. Panic was soon to start. "I said get down!" The soldier reached up, intending to pull Reoan from her perch, but when his flesh touched her hand he was shot backwards. His body slammed against the crowd and began to twitch uncontrollably as his eyes rolled into the back of his head.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]"What's going on! I can't see a thing!" Amber shouted as she jumped up and down. "The soldier tried touching her." David added. He was the only one able to see over all of the heads at the docks, but it was still difficult to see everything with the mass starting to swarm. Jacob watched, his face straight. He had heard about Reoan's unique talent, but never watched some one preform it. Rumors had it that the Fallen Angel Lucifer had taught her the technique, but something just didn't seem to fit with that statement.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]The winds had grown wild and Reoan seemed to be the center of it. The soldiers were doing all they could to keep the raging crowd in check. Water crashed against the docks and ships, spraying water into the air and sending it flying over head. Reoan's body began to tremble, her fingers stretched to their limits. Her clothing was pulled tight against her firm body and every muscle strained. Her mouthed opened slightly as if to gasp, but instead a tremendous voice bellowed from her depths. "SMITE ME!" A burst of black masses shot from within her body and rushed over the crowd. They darted in and out as they shoved themselves into the various people standing at the docks. As the oval-shaped mass shot through an individual and left their body, the person dropped to the ground; seemingly dead.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen]"What the Hell!" Amber shouted, she started to back up. The Grigori was also wide-eyed with fear. "Don't move and keep a hold of my hands!" Jacob shouted as the masses rushed closer and closer to them. He could feel Amber's grip tight as David's stayed the same. A hissing noise sounded as the masses were only feet away from them, dropping humans like flies. Three of the oval shaped masses suddenly swirled around in mid-air, stopping right in front of the Guardian, demoness and Grigori half-breed. They seemed to be talking to themselves, the almost shapeless-hovering masses. They lingered a bit longer before darting off to finish the crowd.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]The masses hovered over the lifeless crowd for a moment, making sure that they had completed their job before rushing back into Reoan's body. The ex-Guardian wavered for a bit on her stand and as she felt herself falling towards the dock below Jacob had rushed over to catch her. He cradled her in his arms as he knelt down onto the dock. "My sword..." Reoan mumbled. Jacob brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Amber...David...my sword..." Reoan mumbled. Jacob creased his brows together and then brought his head up. Amber stood behind David as he tried his best to keep an attack off her. Jacob went to get up, but Reoan pulled him back down, her strength was already returning to her. "My sword." That was all Jacob needed. He propped her against part of a peer as he rushed towards the other two. He slid to the ground, just behind one of the fallen bodies. He scrambled to draw Reoan's duffle-bag to him and open it without drawing attention. Just as he pulled the [URL=http://www.weaponmasters.com/images//products/website/KR-6_large.jpg]long sword[/URL] from the bag, the Grigori flew over Jacob's head. He had no time to see how badly the massive man was injured. Jacob rushed to his feet, Reoan's sword in hand. A man far worse looking than David rushed at the Guardian. Jacob threw the sword up just in time to block the man's massive claws. The metal and nails screeched against each other as Jacob threw him back. Amber scooted by them both as she went over to David. [/COLOR] [I][COLOR=SlateGray]Nails made of steel, heart made of glass.[/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]The touch of Reoan's mind was overwhelming as Jacob kicked the man's feet from under him. The creature flipped over and landed on both hands and feet. [/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray][I]Slow what you see. The sword is an extention of yourself. Right, left. Up, swirl, thrust.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Jacob could feel her hands on his skin, guiding the sword effortlessly as they blocked the man's attacks and shoved the silver weapon through his chest. The creature cried out as Jacob pulled the blade from him and watched him drop to the ground. Jacob turned around to see Reoan squinting down next to Amber and the Grigori. He was bleeding from multiple wounds, the man had slashed through him with those deadly claws all to protect Amber. The demoness was weeping, screaming that it was all her fault. Jacob slowly approached them and took Amber into his arms, handing the sword to Reoan. The girl burried her face into his shoulder and cried as if David was dead. Jacob smiled at her innocents as he looked over at Reoan. The ex-Guardian wipped her sword off on a nearby human as she shoved it back into its shealth, and into her bag. She brought her eyes up to stare into Jacob's before she spoke. "I know where we can go and its not far." "How are we going to carry him?" Jacob nodded towards David. Suddenly the massive man groaned and sat up. Reoan smiled, "he'll walk." [CENTER]******************************[/CENTER] "Welcome, guests." An old man approached the group. "Thank you for taking us in, Father." Reoan bowed slightly as she kissed the holy man's hands. "You're companion is injured, my dear. And we never turn those looking for shelter away." The Father opened his arms to the massive [URL=http://www.centralia.ctc.edu/~vfreund/Images/France/LeNordPicardy/Amiens/Amiens6h.jpeg]church[/URL]. "Now right this way, my children. I will show you to your quarters." "What was that thing?" Amber said as she placed her bags on one of the two beds in her's and Reoan's room. "A Splice Demon. He must have turned up when the Purifiers searched every one." Reoan replied as she too placed her things on the other bed. "Purifiers? Them black oval things?" "They were a tool used by priests and nuns during the Crusades. They stole the souls that surrounded them and sent them to judgement. If the souls had remained relatively pure, they were sent back to their bodies. If they hadn't been and were murdering, raping or any other sin, they were sent directly to Hell." Reoan began to pull her swords from her bag and laying them onto the small bed. "Why did that demon thing not get his soul taken?" "It only works on humans." "Oh." Amber looked over at Reoan. The ex-Guardian had taken her coat off and her shirt hung slightly low on her upper back. The young demoness could see various scars that stretched across her shoulders and back, never touching her neck. They were hidious! "Dinner awaits you, misses." A monk popped his head into the open door. Both girls nodded and slightly followed behind him.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=SeaGreen][CENTER]Name: Jace Tahlia Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [URL=http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/3954/kamuro04.jpg]Right Here[/URL] Stands some where around the same height as Alex with ice blue eyes and jet black hair. Loves to wear his uniform wrong just to piss off his teachers. Location: Flat with Alex.[/CENTER] Personality: A serious trouble-maker, always getting sent out of class and getting kicked off of school grounds for various reasons. The strong silent type, but extremely loyal to those he does call friend. (Mainly just Alex, but he has been known to stand up for a girl or 2). A robust, loud mouth that hides behind crued jokes and overly affectate mannerisms. He rarely allows his childhood, or any happenings of his past to slip through, but he usually seems cheerful enough. His sharp tongue and lack of campassion usually drives people from him. Short History: Jace was born to a well-off and very happy couple. The family was happy to add Jace and his identical twin brother to the family. But unknown to the two boy, their birth had caused numerous problems with their mother and just six years after their birth, she died of heart failure. There loving and caring father became an alcoholic and began to abuse both boys. When their father was murdered, fingers were pointed towards Jace's identical twin and the two inseperable brothers were torn apart. Jace was thankful enough that Alex was at his side when his brother was taken and though for a short time Alex and Jace were apart, because of his constant bouncing around from foster home to foster home, they made their way back together. When Alex's parents, dear to Jace as well, were killed in a car accident the two rented a Flat together. Jace vowing that they would never be seperated again. [CENTER]Subjects: Other than Math/Language ~Visual Art ~ Biology ~Gym ~Performing Arts Relationships with other students: (please don't take any of my listings personally) [SIZE=1][U]Alex [/U] -- Flatmate and best friend [U]Rin [/U] -- Annoying girl in his visual arts class that he's ended up saving from some of the other punks at school [U]Zephan[/U] -- Hot kid that ends up hanging out with him and Alex after school [U]Ranmaru[/U] -- Some competive brat in his gym class that he loves to pick on [U]Aka[/U] -- Has a slight crush on her because of her strong nature and carefree attitude, loves how she picks on Alex, but doesn't really talk to her [U]Maria [/U] -- Loves goofing off in class with her [U]Hoshiko[/U] -- Tends to get annoyed by her quickly, but is usually the only girl he really has a conversation with [U]Ken'Ichi[/U] -- Some kid in his class that he doesn't really talk to [U]Kaela[/U] -- Some quiet chick Alex hangs out with every so often [U]Andrew[/U] -- They hang out in class and he usually drinks with him [U]Kina[/U] -- The rival [U]Micky[/U] -- Another one of the many kids he likes to pick on [U]Kyo[/U] -- Some do-gooder sports kid that plays on Alex's team [U]Dirk[/U] -- Snot-nose kid that seems to stick his nose in just at the right time whenever he's start trouble [U]Amy[/U] -- Some chick in her math class[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan slept peacefully through the rest of the night as she healed. A sudden throbbing woke her from her slumber as she rolled over to try and releave it. "You're awake!" A shrill voice shierked and caused the throbbing in Reoan's head to worsen. Reoan dragged herself up right just in time to recieve the young demoness in her lap. The young girl wrapped her arms around the ex-Guardian's waist and burried her head into her stomach. Reoan was too shocked by the outwardly expressed affection to know what to do. Soon after Amber's surprise attack, the Grigori half-breed raced into the motel room and lifted both woman off the bed in his massive arms. He held them close as he made strange noises of sheer joy. After what seemed like forever, Reoan began to struggle to get away from the massive man and he soon put her back down on the bed. "You're awake," Jacob came into the room, whipping off his hands on a towel. "I've just got back with some food, would you like some?" Reoan watched as Amber and David rushed out of the room to gather their share of the food Jacob had aquired. They seemed so happy and blessful as they raced to the other room. She brought her eyes down to the bed sheets, blood still covered them. "How you feel?" Jacob's soothing voice washed over her aching head. "I'm alive," Reoan said as she slid from the bed, gathering the bed shits into her arms as she dragged them towards the door. As she tried to walk past Jacob she felt him firmly grab a hold of her forearm. She brought her head up to look into his blue eyes. "What do you remember...when you were..." Jacob said, not turning from her. "When I was slipping?" She searched his face, the ache taking over her body and knew that something was causing him pain. "Not much, honestly." Jacob looked away from her when her words fell upon his ears, letting go of her arm. She slid her hand up against his face and whispered softly, "except that you were there." His eyes shot up quickly and his eyes raced over her expression. She did not smile, but the fluttering that rose between the two of them was enough for them both. Reoan took the sheets and depoisted them in the small dumbster in the back of the motel. She re-entered the room and sat down at the small table in her room with the others. Amber and David laughed, and played as the four of them ate. Once they were finished they cleaned the motel of any sign that they were there, used Amber's money to take a boat to Europe. [CENTER]****************************[/CENTER] As the three disembarked from their ship onto French soil, a swarm of armed men rushed into the dock. Instructions were that no one was to leave without being checked for weapons. News swept through the crowd quickly, Russia had been bombed by some unknown country and they were threatening to send nuclear weapons across the world. "But if they search us they'll find our," Amber started, looking up at Jacob. The four stood next to the walk way, each of them clutching their belongings. Reoan stood between the Grigori and Jacob, while Amber was on Jacob's other side. The Guardian looked down at the demoness, knowing she was right. "Care to make a distraction, Reoan?" Jacob turned to the ex-Guardian, a slight smile upon his face. She tilted her head and gave a wicked one in return. The ex-Guardian gently placed her bags onto the ground and slid into the crowd. "What is she going to do?" David turned to Jacob. "Something she learned while in Hell." Jacob smiled as he turned his attention to the parting people. Reoan suddenly reappeared onto of a small stand, know one really paying attention to her except her companions. A guard approached her, armed and threatening. "You need to get down from there miss." The man said gently. Reoan brought her head down and smiled. [/FONT] [/COLOR] OOC:Well Kiddies, you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what Reoan has up her sleeve. Please no one step in! Thanks.
  8. Love Zane, Reiku!!! He's so sweet and cute!! [U][CENTER][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4]Zodiac[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER][/U] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]You're probably sitting there sayin to yourself "what the hell, Kadar could have killed Reoan right then and there and this RPG would be over". Think again. Reoan isn't the only thing you have to worry about now, World War III is starting up soon and Russia will be the first to be bombed (by "unknown" forces of course). Oh, just would like to make a hint or so (don't have to do this), but it might make things more interesting if you guys started throwing random creatures attacking the group and conflict amongst yourselves. Start building up your characters again. Who knows, I might come out with something after the end of this one where you can use your characters again ;)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=3][U]Just as a heads up for every one[/U][/SIZE]: Reoan will be soon moving again and in search of the 12 angels. Well 11 after Rubedo killed Ezqueel. The end draws closer kiddies. And I so can't wait to see where everything goes.[/COLOR]
  9. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Lucifer stood, completely shocked at the vital ex-Guardian as she crawled up the head-board, propping herself up against it. Blood trickled down the front of her shirt as she gritted her teeth from the effort. Jacob watched her, on the opposite side of the bed of Lucifer. He didn't reach out to help her, knowing she would refuse it, but was ready to catch her if she were to start and fall. "My dear, reincarnat," Reoan paused, gasping for breath. Just the simple act of breathing was a struggle. "You risk my very life....being here." "Not my intentions, I assure you." The zodiac took a step forward, his posture completely non-threatening. "That's close enough," she placed a hand up. Hard, nearly brown blood stained her hand, sliding down her wrist until it reached her elbow. "Now, Jacob." Reoan turned her head slightly so she could at least see some part of Jacob. "Would you be so kind...as to...escort are Angel guests out of the room. Since...I won't be dying any time soon." Jacob nodded as he walked towards Azrael, the Angel of Death stood perfectly still as the Guardian approached him. "I will not leave." Lucifer spoke up suddenly, both angel and guardian turned to look at him. Reoan shot her head in his direction, a small spell of dizziness taking over her for a moment. "You are not allied with me...or a companion, there for...are against me. As an Angel, you can't kill...any one unless directed to by God. So...if you have no further business here, [I]Angel[/I], then I suggest...you leave quietly." Reoan's left hand slid against her dagger, David must have left it on the bed after he pulled it out of her chest, she thought. Lucifer looked down at the ex-Guardian crossly, something hidden behind his eyes that she couldn't see? It didn't matter. He and the Angel of Death needed to go if she was to talk to this Zodiac. "Come Lucifer," Azrael suddenly spoke up. "Her time will come and we'll be here to collect her. We can catch up as we wait." Azrael tried not to smile, but the joy was so clear on his face. "Yes, Morning Star, go with your brother." Reoan smiled wickedly as the Angel glared down at her. Jacob was at the door the front door now, holding it open for the two angels. Azrael started towards the door, but Lucifer still refused to move. A sudden whisp of something moving could be heard and a slight [I]thunk[/I] sounded afterwards. Every one turned towards the once Fallen Angel to see crimson red blood washing down his right grey wing. "You!" Lucifer started as he pulled a large dagger from his tender wing. The Angel lunged towards the bed, dagger in hand and ready to strike down the ex-Guardian when something pulled on his wings. He growled slightly as he turned to see Jacob firmly holding them. "Leave Morning Star!" Reoan hissed at him, clutching her chest. "You are no longer welcomed here!" Lucifer sneered at the ex-Guardian and then looked over to Azrael, who stood waiting at the door. The Angel pulled himself free and started towards the door. He said nothing as he and Azrael left the motel. Jacob turned back towards Reoan, knowing full well what she was going to say next. "I will take all your weapons with me." He said simply as he approached the Zodiac. The Zodiac hesitated for a moment before giving his weapons to the Guardian. Jacob nodded his approval as he left the room, leaving the Zodiac and the weakened Reoan alone. "What is your name?" Reoan closed her eyes as she tried to reposition herself.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]"Kadar Romolac--."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"The Zodiac Sagittarius," Reoan's voice suddenly became harsh as breathing became difficult. "Sit." Kadar nodded and took the chair that Jacob had once occupied. "What do you want, Kadar Romolac?" Reoan reotated her head against the head-board and stared into his eyes. A small glaze covered her dark irisis, and tears had stained her blood soaked face. Her hair was a scrambled mess and both arms were caked with dry blood. She was a mess. Reoan noticed his gaze and spoke again. "I did this to myself." She said simply.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]"Why?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"All of my existance I've had to kill for some one or some thing. Always searching for a new victim, then trying to clear my skin of its painful memories." Reoan rolled her eyes back as she tried to focus.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC:Well I have to go to class. If you want to post Xy, go for it. If you don't by the time I get back I'll edit this post. Later peeps.
  10. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]The sweet scent of blood floated gently across the breeze, a fine mist hidden within it. The roaring waterfall crashed upon the motionless rocks below, shoving the raging water down the river. A lone figure stood amongst the rapids, wading in the shallow water, her body exposed for all the world to see though there was no one to see her. She slid her hair from her face as she continued to scrub at her arms and hands; trying to free herself of the blood she had drenched her body in. The crimson red liquid floated down the river, drawing attention of various fish, but not even the simple creatures risked getting much closer to the warrior. "It would just be simpler if you just stopped." A deep voice made its way over the raging water. The girl turned seductively towards the voice she knew far too well. She covered her breast, while her lower half lay hidden within the depths of the water. Blood trickled down her firm stomach, water mixing with it as it sunk into the rapids. She smiled at the man's sight. "Too many times I have found you this way, Reoan." The man's voice hinting at the pain that filled him. "And what would you have me do, Angel? This is the life your God has given me." Reoan kept her pose as the slight sound of birds floated through the forest trees, calling out the beautiful spring season. The man, the angel, stepped forward, allowing his glossy white wings stretch behind him as he approached the water's edge. "I just hate seeing you trying to free yourself, time and time again, of this curse that was bestowed upon you." "When did you care so much about a Guardian's life, Angel? You were created higher than us. What concern is it to you how many times I kill?" Reoan retorked. The Angel placed a single, white shoed, foot into the clear, rushing water. The liquid rushed up his leg and turned the fabric a dim gray as he dipped the other foot into the water as well. Reoan turned slightly, a strange expression sliding across her face as the angel allowed the water to rush up around his legs. He dragged one foot forward, splashing water up his body more. Then the next, and he continued to move closer to the human-like warrior until he stood before her, looking down on her humbling stance. A slight fear slid across her posture as she continued to hide her body. Reoan looked up into his clear blue eyes, heavenly perfect in every way. He stood some where around six foot something, tall enough to make her bend her neck back. His long golden locks were pulled back my some form of hair-tie, not a strand falling out of place. His body was perfectly chisled, not too muscular, not too skinny and not fat, while his clothes fit perfectly against his body. The tips of his white wings hung gently in the water, pulling them back every so often. "Why are you playing this silly game, Angel? You could easily walk upon this water and keep your perfect form." Reoan searched his perfect face, confusion dancing about her own expression. "Because, Guardian, I want to show you that I am more than just some angel of God." The angel reached out and placed his hands firmly on both of her arms. Too shocked to do anything, the angel pulled her bloodly body close to him, staining his white clothing. Before the Guardian could protest there contact, the angel kissed her. Just as quickly and sudden the moment had happened, the scene vanished and both human-like creatures stood in the center of a battle field. War raged around them as Reoan shoved the angel away. "What the hell are you doing here, Adoil!" Reoan screamed at him. She was dressed now, but his clothes still remained stained. "To remind you of what you are." The angel said simply, trying to hide the flood of emotion that coursed through his veins. "And what the hell is that?" Neither person seemed to notice the war that raged about them. It was as if they weren't even there. "Do you remember nothing of what is happening?" Adoil took a step towards her, but she backed away. He gave a heavy sigh as he took back the step he had taken. "I was thrown into Hell after your betrayal!" She cried out. Adoil looked away, pain streaking across his face. "You're dying, Reoan. Don't you remember?" "Remember what? I'm not dying." She slammed her hands up against her body, a smacking noise cried out. "You stabbed yourself in the chest with your own dagger in front of a fellow Guardian. You even showed him everything. Reoan...you're dying and Azrael is on his way to come take you back to Hell." Adoil's voice was desperate as he cried out to her. The scene around them started to blur. Reoan shook her head, reaching up to hold it with her hands. "Why should I trust you? The last time I did you stabbed me through my chest and watched me die. You sent me to Hell just so you could return to Heaven as a blasted [I]ANGEL[/I]!" "Please, Reoan. If anything...think of your revenge. You have to remember what is happening. The world is in chaos because you created a diversion so the Zodiac and God would be too busy trying to stop it, to mess with something so simple as you. Remember the twelve that have helped take your life. Remember Jacob's dying memory." Adoil shouted as the scene started to dissolve again. "NO! I don't want to remember it! I want this! I can't go back, I can't face them. I can't wash away all the blood!" Reoan screamed as she sank to the ground, her knees slamming into the dissolving earth. "Remember the promise you made to make me pay for what I had done. Show the world that you are more than just some simple tool! Show them, Reoan. Make them remember you, make them pay for the life you never asked for. The debt you paid and shouldn't keep paying for." "I WANT YOU GONE!" Reoan screamed, a dagger hidden within her hand as she lunged forward. Adoil stood waiting for her as the dagger plunged into his chest. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan's limp body suddenly surged forward, sending both angel and guardian to their feet. She sat straight up for a moment, a sudden gasp being drawn in as she slammed back onto the bed. Both creatures rushed to the bed side to do all they could for her. Ragged breaths left her lips as her chest surged, blood seeping through the bandaging. Jacob reached out, touching the bandaging and her forehead at the same time a sudden surge of images darted through his head before he could focus on healing at least the top of her flesh to stop the bleeding. The blood slowed and Reoan seemed to be calming herself. Her breathing become regular as sweat poured down the side of her face. "You bastard..." Reoan's faint voice slowly rose above the noise. "What are you doing here Morning Star?" Before the angel could reply, Reoan spoke again. "Come to watch...the angel of death....take my soul back to Hell." She gave a slight chuckle as she clenched her teeth with pain. "Not this time." She smiled through her pain as she kept her eyes clothes. Jacob turned his head as Azrael slid quietly through the door and into the room. He stood by the door for a moment, both Jacob and Lucifer staring at Reoan. A strange pulse radiating through the room.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: You'll have to excuse any spelling or grammatical errors in this post, its 1:30 in the morning. Later peeps :)
  11. HEY EVERY ONE!! Sorry I haven't posted or anything and I was unable to tell you that I was leaving for the weekend. I won't be able to post or anything until later tonight. Sorry so much for the delay please forgive me :animeblus :animenose :animeswea
  12. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Aren't you coming with us, man?" Daven shouted over his shoulder as he started towards the car. "Nah, I have to be some where." Jacob waved his friend on, standing casually by the cement steps that led up to his house. "You know Savanna'll be there, right? I heard she's hot for ya." Daven turned around, walking backwards as he spoke. "Yeah I know," he smiled broadly thinking of the girl's sweet scent and vibrant smile. He hadn't seen Savanna in a couple days now, and it would have been great to see her again. "You're not going to see Savanna," Amanda popped up on the other side of the blue colored car, standing on the runners of the passanger side door. Jacob smiled and laughed at her. "You guys go ahead, I'll catch up with ya later. I really have to do this," Jacob pointed off into the distance not really naming any specific places. His two dear friends stared at him for a moment, nervous and wishing he would state more but knew that he wouldn't. "Alright you crazy bastard. You take care of yourself." Amanda said, blowing him a playful kiss as she ducked into the car. "Catch ya around, man." Daven waved some strange sign as he, too, got into the car. Jacob watched, a slight pain filling his chest, as the car spun down the small dirt drive way and out of sight. He really wanted to go see Savanna, got how he missed her and her touch, but there was something he had to do. Something that was going to mold the rest of his life and some one that needed his gift. Jacob tried to smile as he turned and walked back up the steps pausing for a moment. "When the time comes, will they know the sacrifice I have made this day?" Jacob whispered out loud before walking into his home. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]It was a mere few hours when Jacob would meet Reoan for the first time in this life and events would lead them to where they were now. Jacob had pulled a chair next to the motel bed and was leaning over it, running his hand through Reoan's long, tangled strains of hair. Amber had curled up in David's lap and cried herself to sleep. David had finally taken both of themselves into the other room and went to sleep in the other bed. Ben had wandered about both motel rooms, pacing in some form, despite the obvious pain he was in from the would Reoan had left him. "Reoan..." Jacob whispered. "Is she going to make it?" Ben suddenly spoke up, the quiet air stirring violently as Jacob brought his head up to look at the man. "I honestly don't know," Jacob's eyes dropped. "She won't let me in again." Ben took a few steps towards the bed, his eyes focused on the girl laying on the bed. "What did you see, when you were...where ever you were?" Jacob looked up at him, the man not turning to look at him. He let out a heavy sigh as he turned back towards the bed. "She showed me what she was going through. The love she shared with Caleb. The knowledge of a massive human army that attacked her's when she and Adoil fought. Her first suicide attempt." "First?" Ben added. Jacob nodded. "Once she came back to Earth and nearly healed she was going to jump from my roof-top to the pavement below." "What stopped her?" "My presence. She hadn't tried it again until tonight and she just might get her wish." "What drove her to this point? I thought she wanted revenge or something." "She does, but what revenge is worth all the betrayal and death that it causes? She lost the last thing she held dear to her and..." Jacob started, but simply could not finish his statement. Ben turned to him, noticing something was on the Guardian's mind. "And..what?" Jacob stayed quiet. "What did you see?" Jacob turned away and stared at Reoan. "She showed me what the world was going to be if this world has another world war and what will be the one to stop her before she finishes her revenge." "Who?" Ben was getting annoyed at this avoidence shit. "Me." "I thought--." Ben started. "Just," Jacob said sternly at first, his voice going fragile towards the end. "Just leave. Go watch over the other two, please." Ben looked coursely at the Guardian for a moment before seeing to his wishes. Jacob got up and slowly closed the small wooden door seperating the rooms and sat back down again. His head spun and his body ached every where. He laid his head on the bed, Reoan's motionless arm resting against it lightly. "Please Reoan, don't give up yet."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  13. [SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Century Gothic]A DemonChild Production:[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=Olive][CENTER]When the world begins to die A group of rogues will come From the farthest reaches of the universe To seek out the last of the dragons To take their blood Make it their own And save us all One of hope One of faith One of courage One with strength A vibrant leader And a coward to warn They come together As the story is told Only when truly united Will they behold All their greatness And victory[/CENTER][/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Times New Roman]"Grandpa, why do you always tell that stupid legend?" Cameron watched the children leave, discarding loose change into the small box by the door. "You will see when I lie on my death bed, Grandson." The old, nearly crippled, man hobbled through his clutered little home and gathered the wooden box next to the door. He turned, his body trembling with the effort, to his grandson and smiled. "Be a good lad and take care of the benches." "Yes, Grandpa." The boy nodded as his guardian patted his shoulder, and hobbled into the back of the house. The boy took a deep sigh before starting his task. [I]10 years later...[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Grandfather, the Earthlings have broken through the barrier and they are attacking Corlan!" Cameron rushed into his grandfather's bedroom, the old man was laying on his bed. "The time has come, Grandson." The old man's shakey voice quievered as he reached his trembling hand out to his grandson. "You know what you must do." The boy nodded, knowing he was going to have to leave his grandfather on his death bed as the Earth armies invaded the village. He took a deep sigh as he grasped his grandfather's arm. "The map is in the chest, along with each crest." The grandfather clutched his chest with his other hand, gasping for breath as his body trembled. "My time here is over." Cameron allowed one tear to slide down his face as he kissed his grandfather good bye and rushed to the very back of the building. A small compartment lay hidden within the floor boards where the chest had been hidden. The small box, adorn with gold trim, was small enough to stuff into his sack of supplies as he slipped out the back to avoid the massive army shoving their way through the city. Once out on the long, sparsely traveled road, Cameron pulled out the brittle map from the chest. He looked over the six crest, all attatched to long thick leather strings, then he opened the map. It was almost too perfect, telling him every village, forest and valley to vist collecting objects at each location. His first stop, LeRouse, where he would find his dear friend since birth. He folded the map, stuck it in his pocket, pulled the Crest of Leader and hung it around his neck as he closed the chest. The crest glowed a soft blue for a moment before he shoved the chest back into his sack and started down the road once more.[/FONT][/COLOR] The setting is Corlan, an ancient world that is parella to that of Earth. Corlan is run by magic and weapons, though rare, are melee in type. The whole world has one unified lanuage with little to no war breaking out ever. There are six kingdoms: [CENTER][U]Denali[/U]: largest, where Magi are trained and usually live the rest of their lives. A very magically powerful kingdom. [U]Sagira[/U]: smallest, where priest, clergy ect are trained. Peaceful kingdom. [U]Andra[/U]: has the strongest military. Very aggressive. [U]Gavril[/U]: second strongest military, but tend to try and fine non-violent solutions first. [U]Salvatore[/U]: a kingdom that is well diversified and where Cameron originates from. [U]Kerri[/U]: thieves, merchants and a kingdom filled with darkness and lies. Most people try to stir clear of this kingdom. [U]Priscilla[/U]: the oldest kingdom where my character will be found. Birth place of the Elders. Firm believers in dragons and still practice ancient rituals, praying to them ect. [/CENTER] The basic types of magic: [CENTER]Black: evil (use of curses, shadow manipulation, death spells) [COLOR=Blue]Blue[/COLOR]: neutral (usually elemental based) [COLOR=White]White[/COLOR]: good (healing, light spells, calling spirits)[/CENTER] A few sub-species of dragon still remains wandering the lands of Corlan, but these beasts are tame, serving their owners until their death. The largest of these sub-species are about the size of a large horse. They seem to retain most of the abilities as the massive dragons do except for one key thing, their blood is not made of liquid fire. The dragons said to have possed this ability have all dead out, at least as far as the magi know. Magi are the rulers of Corlan and have been for as long as the Elders can remember. There are six Magi that currently live in the Denali mansion who have become power hungry. They opened a portal to Earth, after discovering its existance, and planned to use their magic and Andra and Gavril's armies to conquer the world. But their attempt to take over the far more advanced civilizations of Earth back-fired and now the Earthlings raid Corlan in hopes to take their natural resources. As the Magi stay hidden and safe in their kingdom, Corlan is being attacked and destroyed. Cameron must find the other Crest holders and the dragon herd that lays hidden some where on Corlan to save their world from the earth invaders. Maybe this quest will even bring a new ruler to Corlan. Earth's current weopanary is as follows: [URL=http://www.cwslagleantiques.com/]Here[/URL]. Despite the weaponary advancement, Corlan still has a fighting chance against the invaders because of their strong belief in the natural ways of Corlan and being able to harness its magic. [COLOR=DarkRed]RULES: 1. No God-molding 2. Post's are subject to change if they conflict with my plot line. 3. No killing of characters unless directed by the character's user or myself. 4. There will be a chapter-like system and I will be PMing characters with random information needed for the story, since my character won't come along until later in the rpg. 5. If you have a conflict with posting or some one's post, PM me or the person to tell them. I will not stand for long periods of non-posting. If you can't post or want to drop out I need to know asap! 6. Only serious rpgers and no NEWBIES. (with the exception of Ominu, but that's because I've rpged with him before and know him personally)[/COLOR] [U]Crests[/U]: Hope: (3 gifts)(reserved) Faith: (4 gifts) Courage: (2 gifts) Strength: (2 gifts) Leader: Cameron (need some one to fill this as well) (4 gifts) Coward: (this will be an Earthling with no magic) Will also need: A mage(reserved). Sign Ups: Name: (unlimited) Age: (15-40) Gender: Race: (this could be anything, but preferably something that's humaniod) Personality: Crest: (choose from above) Gifts: (this could be anything from a specialized skill to a magic ability and most have something to do with the crest you've choosen. Coward does not have a gift.) Magic Color: Mount: (this could be any creature you wish and you will receive your mount *example: like a horse* when the group arrives in Sagira: Chapter 2 or 3) Bio: (A writing sample for me. Talk about whatever you wish and include things that you think is important to your character that I don't have part of the sign up).
  14. Innocent: Kadar just found Virgo and Kariz and Ima are on their way to find Pisces, so not long before they come to find you. :)
  15. I'm so gonna smack you Kistune!!! Smart ***!! :animeangr :p
  16. Astdis- Taurus was. A non-rper character. Just randomly through that into my post, sorry if it confused any one. As for my last post, I'll be PMing a couple people with a few ideas in a minute, but over all I don't want any one really knowing about Reoan dying just yet. The one's I pm will start to circulate it and we'll go from there. Thanks :)
  17. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]The swirling wind engulfed him and the sound of rushing water could be heard no matter what direction he turned. The trees, the grass and even the sky had a white fuzzy haze to it as a sudden sound of laughter drew his attention. Slowly he made his way across the leaf covered ground, following the laughter. It was faint no matter how close he got to it until he was upon it. A beautiful young woman laid nearly naked on her back with an almost angelic man braced himself above her. They both were smiling and the joy that engulfed them pulsed as if it were a light. Jacob watched as the two seemed suspended there; in that splendid, blessful moment. "Its beautiful isn't it?" A sudden fragile voice spoke up. Jacob snapped his head to the right to see Reoan, staring at the pair. Her body was fragile, brittle, with her arms crossed on her chest. She wore a Guardian's traditional grab, loose trousers and a simple tunic of green-brown coloring. "Why would any one want to take them from each other?" She spoke again. "Reoan?" Jacob said softly, but the ex-Guardian didn't turn away from the two before them. "I love you, Caleb." The girl's voice on the ground drew Jacob's attention again as he watched it play out before him. "And I love you my dear sweet Reaon and nothing God can do to us will keep me from you." The man ran the back of his hand across her face, bringing a smile upon the very young Reoan's face. The Guardian pulled the man close to her and kissed him. He then drew her into his body as the kiss turned into heated passion. As the moment became more intense, it began to fade away, and before he knew it, Jacob, was standing in the middle of a massive field; a battle raging all around him. "Reoan?" Jacob beckoned and soon the woman walked up beside him. He watched her for a moment before bringing his attention back to the battle. The scenery danced about various small battles, neither Guardian moving as they traveled. They stopped suddenly before an angel and a woman, battling. They seemed to be saying something to each other just before the woman received a blade into her abdomen. Reoan winced as they stood just out of hearing distance from the angel and the woman. Jacob's attention was drawn to the west as a battle cry rang out. A white stallion carrying a massive body of silver errupted from behind the horizon as a human army moved in. The scene started to blur as it washed away into a white void, leaving only Reoan and Jacob standing in it. "You knew about the human army?" Jacob questioned. Reoan nodded, still not looking at him. "I knew about it when I took my place in front of Adoil's army." She replied. "Why did you continue to fight when you were out numbered?" "Death did not and still doesn't frighten me." "But all those people..." "I didn't care," Reoan cut him off, her hair still hiding her face. "I put those people in front of that mass knowing full well that I was not going to make it out alive because I didn't care. And..." Reoan allowed her sentence to trail off as the white avoid began to waver. Jacob stood silently watching Reoan's imagine slowly disappear.When it had completely vanished, he stood by himself over a bed in a small and very familiar room. He then saw himself walk into the room carrying some one and placing them down on what was his bed. Jacob turned away for a moment at the sight of Reoan. Her body was badly mutilated, she was so skinny that almost every bone showed and some even jutted from her flesh. Scars, deep hideous wounds errupted all over her flesh caked with blood and mudd. Fresh burns still sizzled on her back. Jacob turned his head back to watch himself carefully lay Reoan onto his bed, postioning her head on his pillow and brushing hair from her face. Without hesitation his past self turned around and went off to fetch supplies to help heal her. Jacob took a deep breath as he walked closer to the bed and reached down, running his fingers gently across her battered face. Her skin was rough and moist. "Why are you showing me this Reoan?" Jacob called out as he stared down at her. There was no reply as the scene began to fast forward, like forwarding through a movie. He watched things jump around until it stopped suddenly. It was still his room, but with rags, buckets and various other cleaning supplies laid scattered about. He found himself laying on the floor, how he remembered that night. He was completely drained of all his energy after setting all of Reoan's broken bones, and she still had said nothing to him. There was movement and Jacob turned to see Reoan sit up on his bed. She looked over herself, dressed lightly in a shirt and a pair of his slacks, before she attempted to stand. She threw her feet over the side of the bed with little effort, but seemed to hesitate. She struggled to keep her legs from bending as she finally was able to stand next to the bed. She picked one foot up to move it forward and crumbled to the floor. Jacob's first instinct was to race to her side, but he waited and watched. Reoan stayed on the floor, noticing Jacob there. She crawled over to him and touched his chest with her hand. "You shouldn't drain yourself so." She whispered to him. She looked up and pulled the blankets from the bed, using some as a pillow and the others to cover him. Finally she dragged herself to her feet again and left the room. "You went to the roof," Jacob said out loud. "Yes." Reoan replied as the room vanished and the rooftop appeared, the city screaming below them. "You knew if you weren't near me, my healing wouldn't be able to take effect." Jacob walked up beside her, like he had that night. She turned to him this time, her eyes heavey with saddness. "Yes." She turned away and looked down at the street below. Jacob followed her gaze and at first didn't understand. He searched it, looking for some clue as she stepped closer to the edge. He watched her as she closed her eyes. She suddenly opened them again when his past self walked up from behind her, "the world has grown so much since you last blessed us." "You were going to jump." Jacob said. Reoan turned to meet his eyes, the scene still playing as if she hadn't moved. "If I hadn't come out at that very moment you would have ended it, why?" Before he could get a reply, the scene slid away like sand and was replaced with a beach, the sun setting. He looked about, trying to find Reoan, but was having no luck. He raced down the shoreline and soon found her...talking to a black winged angel. "Lucifer?" Jacob questioned. He approached them, watching the scene play out in its dramatic setting. "If you want alliances" Lucifer looked down at her, "I came to you because I didn't want to rush into a hasty decision." He turned his back walking away from Reoan, "And now I know that it was a waste coming here." "You would turn your back on me fallen? When it is my death that will bring you back to Heaven. Either way, you benefit from me, wouldn't it be wise to stay close to me and not so distant? And I never asked for alliances, Morning Star. You," she paused for a moment, water rushing up her legs, "told me never to have followers. So I do this on my own. If they," she threw her arm away from herself, "want to help me, fine. But stand in my way and I shall send you to whatever fate has in store for you!" "So be it." He spoke, still facing away from the girl, "I shall see you in Hell soon Guardian," and with that Lucifer flew off. His dark, outlined form danced across the sky before Reoan turned from him. "I don't understand." Jacob said, Reoan turning from the sunset to look at him. "Lucifer was the only companion I had while in Hell. The closest thing I had to it any ways. It took roughly two centuries for us to get past our bitter hatred for each other's kind before we were able to consol one another. It was his job to keep me in Hell and mine to get out. I knew better than to have trusted him, but a part of me felt so betrayed when he left that night, and all I could think about was Adoil." Reoan dropped her eyes, holding her caught close to her. "Reoan..." Jacob whispered and he felt as if he was going to cry. He stepped forward, hesitate at first, but when she didn't move he walked right up to her and embraced her. Holding her firmly in his arms as she laid her head on his shoulder. "I just want it all to be over, Jacob. I don't want to go to Heaven, don't want to be in Hell...I just don't want to remember it any more." Reoan whispered, barely audiable. Jacob creased his face with pain as he rubbed his head against her hair, running his fingers firmly over her neck. The scenery began to blur again, more so then it already was, and suddenly it began to chaoticly disepate. Jacob suddenly found himself alone again, surrounded by darkness with a single street light over head. He could barely make out corpses scattered about the modern street. Jacob creased his brow as he stepped into the darkness. "GO BACK!" something screamed and Jacob took a step back into the light just as a dark figure reached out for him. Upon hitting the light it let out a piercing scream and pulled away. "Reoan? Where am I?" Jacob called out. "Your city." He heard her faint voice. "What has happened?" He could catch glimpses of things rushing by him, but he couldn't make it out in the darkness. "A year has passed and the war started, bombs flew while the zodiac were busy trying to stop me. Angels, demons and any other creature that wanted to walk on earth, but couldn't can. And nine of the twelve angels that brought my head to God lay slaughtered before you, three by outside forces and the other by my own." Something started to walk through the shadows and Jacob watched it with wide eyes. The figure slowly came into the light and took a hold of his hand. It was Reoan or what was left of her. Jacob took her hand as she dragged him across the street, things flying every where, death scattered about and buildings topaling. Jacob did all he could to keep his focus on her and her hand. Her current appearance was worse than the first time he laid eyes on her. Flesh was torn from her body, exposing bone and various other parts. Her guts dangled from her mid-section and blood oozed from the corner of her mouth. Her hair was nearly gone and part of her skull was showing. A piece of her lip gone and teeth knocked out. Even her fingers were torn apart. Nothing seemed to be spared. She dragged him to a small courtyard fountain, blood washing over its sides instead of water. The cobbled walkway was bare of any life, dead or otherwise as two figures suddenly rushed into view. They were in mid-battle and continued to rage on, not noticing their audience. Wounds were delivered to both parties until one fell to their knees before the other, grasping the edge of the fountain. "Finish it you bastard!" the fallen shouted. "You brought this upon yourself Reoan." The other replied bitterly. "I never asked for Adoil's betrayal, nor did I ask for yours!" the fallen spat back. "You should never had taken it so far. You should have given up when you came back." He called back. The fallen hissed and lunged forward, her bowels spilling out in front of her as the other embraced her with his sword between her rib cage. A loud gasp echoed through the barren streets as the sword holder shoved the blade further into her body before pulling it out again. Reoan fell backwards and landed with a heavy thud onto the cobble stones. She gasped for breath as the figure took a stance above her. "Now I send you back to Hell damned one!" The figure shouted as it sent his broad sword through her chest and straight through her heart. Jacob whinced as her body twitched for a few moments before finally dying. Reoan pulled him rapidly forward, towards the two figures everything seemed to have froze in that split second. Jacob held firmly to her boney hand as she pointed to the figure above her. He looked down at the dead Reoan and then looked up at her killer. He screamed out, throwing Reoan's hand from him, stumbling into the darkness. His heart race, sweat poured from him and his eyes wide with disbelief. The darkness surrounded his body as unseen figures began to engulf him, crawling over him and they had begun to smother him. He gasped for breath, blind and unable to hear even Reoan's voice.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]He sat up rapidly, choking for breath as he held his chest. His head spun and his stomach ached with nausea. "Jacob?" He heard Amber scream though his head still spun far too much to tell if she was near him. "Dude, you need to calm down before you pass out." Some one else said. Jacob clutched his chest for a moment longer before turning over to see Reoan still laying on the bed. Her chest was patched up beautifully with bandaging completely across her chest. He ran his fingers across the gause lightly as he slid his hand onto her neck. Her heart beat was faint and her breathing shallow, she was dying. "Reoan..." he whispered, not realizing that every one was watching them and even if he had he wouldn't have cared. He laid his head down onto her neck and curled the rest of himself around her body. "You will not die here like this. You will finish what you came here for and I will stand by your side until my dying breath. I swear on my soul and everything I've ever stood for," he whispered into her ear.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Sorry so long you guys. Had a lot to say :) And check the underground please.
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Figured I'd find you here." The sweet and richly accented voice was soothing to Reoan's ears. The violent screams had nearly numbed her sense of hearing and the Pit had become just about quiet to her. "No where else to go." Reoan shrugged, looking down at what seemed to be the end of Hell. The black, bottomless ravine that lay before her stretched for miles on either side of her until it disappeared into the heavy red and black haze. "Then what's the point in continusiouly escaping?" Lucifer walked up beside her, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Because I will get out of here, Morning Star! I will find my way back to Heaven and Earth and fulfill my revenge." Reoan's voice was strong though her body had begun to break. She could barely stand now, her bare skin covered in hideous scars and countless broken bones shoved their way through her tender human flesh. "You'll just continue to end up here, Guardian." Lucifer said softly. "So what's the point?" "The point," she turned to stare at him. "The point is that I will not allow Heaven, Hell, Earth, God or Fate stand in my way, Morning Star. I was wronged, and I will show this damned universe that when you wrong some one you have to pay the consquences for such actions." "I see." Luicfer turned his head away from her and stared down into the blackness. "Why do you always seek me out, Morning Star? What is there to gain from trying to find me every time I escape?" Reoan asked. "Because its my job and I want to. You've made Hell intersting, Guardian, with your constant attempts to escape." He smiled at her in a playful manner. Reoan tried desperately not to smile as she shook her head at him.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]"What happened?" "Bring her over to the bed." "She's not breathing!" "She's lost too much blood!" "Reoan!" The chaotic screams filled the two small motel rooms as Jacob rushed Reoan's nearly limp body towards the bed. He carefully laid her upon the neatly made bed, straightening her body and turning her head to the side so blood could rush out of it, trying desperately to free her air way. The massive [URL=http://www.weaponmasters.com/images//products/MC_2002/MCHK-913HL.jpg]dagger[/URL] still lay deep within her tender flesh, blood pouring out from around it. David and Amber were chaotic with worry and fear as Ben was still hidden in the bathroom. "We need to take her to the hospital!" Amber screamed, standing at the end of the bed staring down at the motionless ex-Guardian. "We can't." Jacob said calmly as he ripped Reoan's shirt and coat from the dagger. The sight was nauseating, but removing the weapon would only cause more bleeding. "If we bring her to the hospital they'll ask to many questions and associate it with the murder." "Murder?" Amber turned towards him. "Reoan killed a Zodiac." Jacob didn't bother to look up at the young demoness as he continued to try and stop the bleeding. Reoan's breathing had stopped; her lungs were filling with blood. David stood, towering over all of them, silent as he stared at the young woman on the bed. She looked to be about eighteen or so, her fair skin was made to look even lighter because of her black hair and dark eyes. She was gorgeous, but yet terribly ugly all at once. Nothing particular stood out about her physical features and she seemed more human than some creature spat out of Hell. A pale colored bra, something she had just recently started wearing, hid her breast but not the scars that seemed to cover her body. A reminder, the Grigori half-breed thought to himself, of what she had done and been through. While the small mixed group of hellions stood over the fallen Guardian, Ben had finally finished his shower and was slowly making his way back out into the center room. He saw them all standing around the bed and was about to say something when he noticed the psycho guardian laying on the bed, blood drizzaling from her mouth. He watched as the group frantically tried to bring her back to life.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Shouldn't you be home with your parents?" A not so friendly voice beckoned for Reoan's attention and the ex-Guardian turned around to face who ever was trying to draw her attention. It was a young man, not much older than she. His dark complection made it difficult for her to see his complete form. His bright white smile told her that there was something not right with this situation. "Can I help you?" Reoan said calmly as the boy began to walk closer towards her. The small island village was still swarming with both human and animal life. The sun had just set, and the darkness was covering the land. People were packing their belongings and closing their shops, while lighting torches and turning on lights. "Yes you can." The boy replied, approaching her faster. Reoan kept her hands in her pockets, running her fingers over the hilt of her dagger. He backed her into an alley and slammed her up against the wall. He towered over her, but still not nearly the size of David. She looked up into his eyes, they seeming to be darker than her's, but his soul was far younger and innocent. "We can do this the easy way," the boy said with an attempt to be seductive as he ran a finger across her cheek. "Or the hard way." He slammed his pelvis into her, grinding his bulging mass into her body. Reoan growled with discuss as she reached towards her hip, slowly pulling her dagger from her side. "Let's do it the hard way." Reoan sneered as she looked up into her eyes. A flash of fear darted across his face as Reoan pulled her dagger out and plunged it diagonally into his rib cage. The boy tried to scream as Reoan covered his mouth with her hand. "Are you liking this?" Reoan smiled wickedly as she twisted her dagger. The boy mumbled and groaned as Reoan twisted him around and threw him towards the wall, the dagger ripping from his side. He gasped for breath as he hit with a thud. He grabbed his side, already knowing that it was bleeding without having to look. "You're not human," he stuttered. "What was your first clue?" Reoan twirled the dagger in her hand, allowing the blood to drip from it. "You're the damned one," the boy whispered, his eyes wide with fright. "What did you call me?" Reoan's playfull mannerism dropped and she looked coldly towards the boy. "You're...you're Reoan! The damned one...Lucifer's pet...the one we're suppose to destroy!" The boy began to shake terribly and Reoan noticed that the earth itself was beginning to shake as well. "How do you know that!?" Reoan shouted as she tried to maintain her balance. "You aren't one of those..." "Zodiac," the boy shouted as he raced forward. The earth trembled, throwing Reoan to the ground as he grabbed a hold of her throat. Trying to regain her senses as she fell into this blackness of rage, hatred and adernaline.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Jacob pulled his coat from his body and then his shirt. His body was not nearly as firmly built as one would think it would be. But it was appealing enough to the eye. "What are you doing?" Amber shouted, her thoughts completely focused on Reoan that she forgot all about her little crush on the Guardian. "Going to try and save what's life of her life." Jacob said coursely. "David I'm going to need you to pull out the dagger for me." The massive man looked down at Jacob from the other side of the bed, tears streaming down his face. "But," "There's no other way, David. I have to seal the wound inside her chest and that dagger is in the way." Jacob said in a matter-of-fact tone. David nodded as he bent over Reoan's body. Jacob crawled up onto the bed and stradled the ex-Guardian, blood dribbling onto him as he placed his hands on either side of the dagger. He took a deep sigh and nodded, the Grigori pulled the dagger straight out and Jacob threw both his hands over the massive whole in the center of Reoan's chest. Blood washed over them as he focused all his energy into the whole. His spirit swirled invisibly around both Guardians, rushing into the open wound. It traveled through her whole body as it drew cells to close the wound and draw out all the blood that had filled her lungs. It seemed to take hours within Jacob's mind-set, but it was a matter of seconds. A massive burst of air swirled around both figures on the bed and dissapated just as quickly. Jacob's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his body fell limp. David caught him just before he landed ontop of Reoan. The massive man picked him up and laid him carefully next to Reoan, knowing that Jacob's healing would not last if he was moved too far from her. "She's still bleeding." David spoke in his crued tongue. Amber rushed to his side and looked as blood still poured from the open wound. "What?! I thought--." "Too much damage was done, Jacob couldn't heal her all." David continued to stare at Reoan, her skin turning paler by the second. Her lips were starting to lose their color. She was dying and the only one that could save her was too weak to move. "You!" Amber shouted suddenly, running towards Ben. "You can help!" "How can I help?" Ben said carelessly. "You can do what you did to yourself. You can patch her up!" Amber shouted as she stood before the man. "Why would I want to do that?" "Please!" she screamed falling to her knees before him. "Please," she placed her hands together as she begged. "Please you have to help her. I can't watch her die. I can't let her die, please!"[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. My guess is the first three are your character, the girl...Jamie was it and ur character's best friend. The other two are Raven and Rubedo...I think. But I suck at guessing. So yeah. Later
  20. *Sigh* Well just wanted to let every one that I do apologize for stressing out over the little mishap that happened with a couple of posts. A couple people didn't help the situation OB either. But that's ok. Well hopefully I'll be posting later on, but right now I have to get ready to go back home for a bit. Later. Oh, Xy, how's the comic coming out?
  21. Ok kiddies, I'm throughly pissed at this point. You guys were doing so well *sigh*. My first complant is to Kairi...I don't want the story move so quickly and you MUST read every one's posts. If you looked at Xy's his post stated that his signel was still going strong for another week. I'm sorry, but no army is dumb enough to attack some one when all communication is ****** up. For second, big cities have [B]evacuation[/B] proceedures and they wouldn't be in chaos like that unless a ****** bomb hit them! Ack! AND NO GOD-MOLDING Xy! And next time some one decides to make such a huge decision like that...run it through here first or pm me if you don't want the others to see it yet! If this happens again I will be killing characters. Remember people, I am GOD in this rpg. What I say goes! Not trying to be a *****, but I really hate watching things get all crazy and chaotic and I don't want to watch this rpg die like my last one did. Thank you oh so very much. :animesigh
  22. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan pulled her coat tightly around her, not really wanting to zip it up. The air was still warm, despite the slight breeze that had started up. She had removed her shoes to take in the warmth of the ocean water and the sand that lay so peacefully on the shore. The over powering smell of salt water and sea creatures filled the air as the sun began to sink farther and farther down the horizon. "Will I ever know why you had to take Caleb from me?" Reoan spoke out softly, to who ever so wished to listen. "Why was is so wrong for us to live like the creatures you made us to look like? Why would you give us the ability to feel such things and demand us not to? A challenge--a test to see if we were worth existing?" Reoan shook her head and kicked at a random shell on the beach. Her head hung low and her hair swirled around gently. Reoan suddenly brought her head up. Something tugged at her insides. She smiled at the familiar feeling and turned around to see Lucifer. He was dressed in his traditional clothing, very classy and modern. His black hair danced about his face and his wing exposed. "Hello Morning Star." She said just above a whisper. The vibrant words floated across the slight breeze and over to Lucifer. He stood a good twenty yards for him. Lucifer walked towards her, his feet making no prints in the sand as he stepped easily over it. He soon was nearly standing over her, as he did so many times before, but this time he didn't seem so happy to see her."Reoan," He said, looking about the beach while wrinkling his nose, "can't stay away from the heat can you?" Reoan smiled playfully. "Of course not. Been around it for far too long." He shook his head, looking down at the sand below them, croutching down to pick up a handfull of it, watching as it silently slid through his fingers into the breeze. Reoan watched him for a moment, her smile fading. "You didn't come here to be socialable did you, Lucifer?" He looked up slowly, meeting her dark eyes, "No Reoan, I did not." The ex-Guardian wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her suede jacket close to her body and her shoes dangling from her right hand. The warm ocean water slowly washed over her feet as the waves started to roll in steadly. "Why did you come then?" Reoan's voice had lost its luster and fell to a calm, yet depressing sound. "I received a message from God" He tilted his head slightly, keeping a steady eye contact with her. "And?" "He made me an offer." Lucifer didn't know why it was so hard to say what he was about to, perhaps because he didn't really want to say it as he looked at her, but it had to be done, "If I join God, and strike you down, I can return to Heaven." Reoan smiled smuggly, pulling her head down. "And what do you want from me, Morning Star?" Lucifer snorted turning to look out at the ocean, "A little guidance would be nice." He turned back to her, frowning that he couldn't see her eyes anymore, "This has me stumped, and I thought it courteous to bring it to your attention." Reoan brought her head up, slowly walking towards him. "God has offered something you have longed for, for so long. And you doubt it because of me, or because he has waited this long to offer you such a thing?" "Both," He sighed, looking down at her, Azrael's saddened expression came into his mind again as he winced to push it away. "The angel Azrael, a very old friend of mine delivered the news." Reoan looked down at the darkened sand for a moment before bringing her head back up to look at the fallen. The warm sun nearly gone and it caused beautiful colors of red, orange and even some purple to dance upon them both. She searched his face for a moment before speaking again. "The only thing I could hope to offer you, Morning Star, is the throne when I win." Lucifer grimmaced, clenching his fists at his side. A mighty wind blew up the beach from behind him as he felt like screaming. Not only did he not get a stable decision, but he was now even more pulled between the two. He wanted power, and he wanted to go back to heaven, but he couldn't have both. Reoan watched the fallen angel, noticing the tension creasing across his body. She stared directly at him, a hidden hatred starting to burn within, as she spoke yet again. "I will promise you, that if you do decide to betray me to return to that promised place, I will tear your wings from your wretch body and slide a sword through your unholy body." Reoan growled at him, not meaning to, but her hatred for angels burning bright and no one to shelter it. Lucifer scoffed at her, she wanted him to help her yet she was the one making death threats, "Tread lightly Guardian." He smiled wickedly at her, "You're not giving me much incentive here." "Was I suppose to?" Reoan stepped in front of him, the water at her back. Her eyes filled with hatred. "If you want alliances" He looked down at her, a fire of anger building in his own eyes, "I came to you because I didn't want to rush into a hasty decision." He turned his back walking away from Reoan, "And now I know that it was a waste comming here." "You would turn your back on me fallen? When it is my death that will bring you back to Heaven. Either way, you benefit from me, wouldn't it be wise to stay close to me and not so distant? And I never asked for alliances, Morning Star. You," she paused for a moment, allowing the water to rush up her legs, "told me never to have followers. So I do this on my own. If they," she threw her arm away from herself, "want to help me, fine. But stand in my way and I shall send you to whatever fate has in store for you!" "So be it." he spoke, still facing away from the girl, "I shall see you in Hell soon Guardian," and with that Lucifer flew off. His dark, outlined form danced across the sky before Reoan turned from him and stared across the colorful horizon, aircrafts dancing about wildly in the sky. Reoan smiled. "So you think setting both Heaven and Hell against me will stop me." Reoan started to laugh, a deep, in-your-chest, laughter. "Nothing will stop me, not even death for I will find my way back to Earth and I will have my revenge." [CENTER]**************************[/CENTER] It was well after dark when Jacob decided to leave the motel in search of Reoan. The others were sleeping about the motel after a small dinner and some wine. Amber and the Grigori seemed oblivious to Reoan's absence. The ex-Guardian was powerful, but something just didn't seem right. Jacob searched for nearly an hour, finally finding her in a back alley in one of the neighboring small villages. She was crouched over something and she was covered in blood. Jacob slowed his pace, but moving forward with no fear, also making sure his body didn't show any signs of being threatening. "Reoan?" with the sound of his voice, she hissed at him and began to back away with every step he took until he stood over her victim and she up against a wall. He bent down and clarified that the victim had been human at one point. "It attacked me! That crazy Taurus attacked me!" Reoan screamed from the wall, huddling close to it. "They wish to break me. Send me back to Hell. I will not let any of them win!" "Reoan..." Jacob sobbed. "I will have no more of this!" She screamed pulling up her dagger with both hands and shoving it straight into her chest. Jacob had no time to react and by the time he did, it was too late. The weopon was barried deep within her tender human flesh. "NO!" He yelled, slamming her up against the wall. The noise they were creating started a chain reaction of lights being turned on and villagers starting to wander out into the nearby streets. Jacob looked about before bringing his attention back to Reoan. "We need to go, they'll be finding us soon." He grabbed a hold of her arms and began to pull her away from the wall. She pushed him away, bellowing: "Let them come! I will have all their heads if they dare to stand in my way!" "Reoan, you don't have the strength too. You've only been on this plane for such a short time. Your mind and body aren't ready yet." There was a silence between the both of them and with no signs what-so-ever, Reoan grabbed a hold of Jacob's throat with one hand, spun him around, and slammed him into the wall. A large snap sounded as the wall gave way to Jacob's body. The Guardian let out a groan as his body began to squirm about. "I could kill you, Guardian. Send you to Purgatory to wait for the outcome of this life." Reoan growled at him. "Do it!" Jacob screamed, Reoan instinctively pressing harder against him. "If you..." Jacob gasped. "If you really...want me dead...then do it!" Reoan searched his face, a flood of images and emotions rushing over her whole being before she went black. The first image to appear before her was Lucifer's back and it seemed to stay there, that long, cold silence. The breeze swipping over them both as he began to walk away from her. She felt her body drop as reality came back to her. Jacob fell to his knees before her, coughing and choking for fresh air. The sounds of people were nearing them both and Jacob was the first to speak. "We need to go." He looked up at Reoan, meeting her endless dark eyes. She said nothing as she stared back, but nodded in agreement.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. OOC: Before and During "Master" Kairi's post. :animesmil [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]Jace watched M and Andy walk away, a smugged look on his face. [I]Hate for you to leave, but, damn, I love to watch you go. [/I] Jace chuckled at his thought as he slid from his chair. He had no time for these people. This was retarted. "Where you off to, Tahlia?" The bar tender shouted. "Away from these wacked out people," Jace hollared back, grabbing his thigh length coat from the coat rack at the door. "You see Jason or any of the underground, tell 'em to find some other monkey to take this team about the city, I've had enough." Jace threw his coat on, waving to the man as he burst out onto the street. The smell of rotting flesh floated over him for a moment and then the strong scent of freshly cooked meat. Jace tried his damnedest not to drool, but [I]god[/I] he was hungry. He ran his fingers through his raven black hair as he started towards the buildings on the other side. "Don't you have a meeting to run?" Came a slightly familiar voice. Jace turned, smiling upon seeing Eric leaning up against the tavern. He walked towards him, shoving his hands into his coat pockets. "Well if it isn't the man of my dreams." Jace chuckled. "Yeah, I'm sure." Eric replied. Jace threw his arms on either side of Eric's shoulders, nearly penning him up against the wall. Eric watched the man. Jace slid his face down next to the man's neck, taking a deep breath through his nose, as he drew it up towards his face. "Oh, but you are." Jace whispered. "Dude, get away from me." Eric shoved Jace's chest, and the six foot something man stepped back. "Catch ya around," Jace threw his hand in the air and flicked his fingers in some form of good-bye gesture. "Thought you had a meeting?" Eric called again. "So did I," Jace called over his shoulder as he disappeared into shadowy cover of the buildings. [I]What the hell am I doing with these people? There nothing but a munch of rejects with super-human powers from all over the place. I can't show them anything and even if I did...[/I] The thought trailed off as a sudden throbbing could be felt on his chest. "The ruby," Jace whispered. He made unnoticed glances about his surroundings, pulling his coat tight against his body. The massive modern buildings towered over top of him, the sounds of flying vehicles every where. "Hello Jacey boy." A faint voice echoed through the metal and concret. Jace stood up straight, hands still tucked in his pockets. "Still runnin' from your past, Jacey boy." The voice called out again. "Nah, Reindeer. I ain't runnin' from my past any more. I'm destroying it!" Jace shouted, swirling around and throwing a red hot fire ball north west of his position. The ball collided into the building, exploding and sending various pieces flying into the air and onto the ground. Within the hole Jace had created stood a lone man. He clamped his teeth shut, trying desperately to keep the memories from flooding back. He shoved his hands down by his waist and shouted "[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]ANSUZ[/COLOR]!" A rush of wind swirled around him and shot him into the air, soaring right into the hole. "You've gotten better, Jacey boy. But you still ain't good enough!" The man shouted upon Jace's landing. He balled his hands together, said something beyond Jace's hearing and comprehension. The man threw the massive glowing ball towards Jace, who stood up with both hands thrown forward. "You can't beat some one that knows all the elements, Reindeer." Jace said calmly. "[COLOR=Blue]KANO PERTH[/COLOR]!" Jace shouted. From his hands spewed a tidel wave, rushing straight into the crackling ball. At first, Jace's water attack seemed not to phase it and the other man began to laugh wickedly. A smugged smile creeped across Jace's lips. "[COLOR=Blue]Laguz[/COLOR]," Jace whispered as the whole room filled with water, turning the glowing ball into a massive rock floating in a room of water. The water rushed from the room through the opening in the wall, and the man Jace had been calling Reindeer, laid on the tiled floor, not moving. Jace walked over to him and checked for a pulse. "Slimy little bastard." Jace mumbled as he hoisted the man onto his back. Using steps made of electricity, Jace made his way back to the ground level and started back towards the tavern. Just out of view of the building he had come to know as home, the ruby laying on his chest began to throb. He looked down at his chest, a glowing light seeping throw his close. He threw his head up, face creased with looked to be fear. "Damn it!" Jace cursed as he rushed towards the Tavern. Rushing into the Tavern, Jace couldn't seem to find any of the Heaven team. He threw Reindeer onto his bed and rushed to the bar. "Where are they?" "Don't know. They all left just after you did." The bar tender replied. Jace swore, slamming his fist into the counter. "There's a man upstairs in my room. Make sure he stays there." "Sure thing." Jace rushed towards the door again. "Where are you going?" "To find Project Heaven, they're in great danger!" Jace shouted over his shoulder as he raced from the building.[/FONT] [/COLOR] OOC: Hopefully this doesn't conflict with any one's ideas and if you have any questions, pm me. Later kiddies :)
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