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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. OOC: I love you people :animesmil and I just realized that I've been spelling Adoil wrong...my bad :( IC: [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Times New Roman]Adiol:[/FONT] [I]Hand of God[/I] [FONT=Times New Roman]Camael: [I]He who sees God[/I] Ezeqeel: [I]Strength of God[/I] Haziel: [I]Glory of God[/I] Israfel: [I]Burning one of God[/I] Jeremiel: [I]Mercy of God[/I] Ketheriel: [I]Crown of God[/I] Nahaliel: [I]Valley of God[/I] Oriel: [I]Light of God[/I] Pedael: [I]Whom God delievers[/I] Raphael: [I]God has healed[/I] Sartael: [I]God's Side[/I][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan rotated her shoulder, another scar to add to the scores of those created from previous injuries. Jacob was ushering the human, Ben, into the other room while she stretched. Another relocation, this time to far warmer climate. Illinios and New York were terribly cold, even for the onset of summer. But this place; this climate was near perfect. Not nearly as hot as hell had been, but warm enough so she didn't feel like she was freezing to death. "The human seems to have lost a lot of blood, Reoan." The half Grigori stopped into her room, the two rooms only being seperated by a small wooden door. "Will he make it?" Reoan held her shoulder for a moment as she awaited the reply from the Grigori. "He seems to be a fighter, just fear that all this traveling will cause more harm than good." Reoan nodded. "Well keep a close I on him. If he starts slipping, send him to the hospital." David looked at her curiously. "What?" "Even if Ben does return to the humans, we have little to no threat from him. He doesn't believe in God and the likes, so he won't run and tell them. And if he told the humans what truly is happening here, they'll think he's crazy." "Ah," the Grigori nodded. "Never thought of that." "We know." Reoan smiled. "Now go." The Grigori bowed lightly and walked back into the other room, ducking so not to hit the top of the door way. It was hard enough trying to find a motel tall enough to so David could stay with them and trying to explain Ben's condition wasn't any better; constant protests that they should bring him to the hospital. It was damned irritating. "Look what I found," Jacob walked into her room, holding the back of a young girl's neck. Reoan cocked her head to the side and scowled at the dark eyed girl before her. "I told you to stay home, Amber." Reoan growled at her. "But there's nothing there for me!" The girl protested, trying to pull away from Jacob. Reoan waved her hand and turned around. Jacob released the girl and she fell to her knees right in front of him. She looked up at Jacob, giving him a cross look before turning her attention back to Reoan. "Please, Reoan. I want to help. Please let me help." Amber whinned. "Gather her things and send her on her way." Reoan said without turning back around to look at the girl. "REOAN! Please!" The ex-Guardian continued to do things about the room, pretending not to hear her. Amber dropped to the floor completely and began to cry, tears pouring down her face. Jacob watched her as he stood above her. Reoan still stayed firm. "Send her back." "Reoan, we're running low on funds." Jacob said above the noise causing Reoan to turn around. "I can help!" Amber sat up, her face soaked with tears. "My parents started a fund for me and I know the pin. We could use that. They've put lots of money into it, they're rich and all!" Reoan looked down at her for a moment, a bright smile streaked across the girl's face. Reoan brought her eyes up to Jacob who smiled in return, nodding lightly. Rolling her eyes, Reoan agreed to keep the girl with them. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to take a walk--by myself." Reoan added as she threw what she had in her hands on the bed, scooping up her dagger and shoving it into her clothes. Jacob protested her going out alone, but she refused to take any one with her. She wanted to enjoy the warm sun and Earth air that she had been denied for so long. The warm, tropical air wrapped itself around Reoan's almost fragile body as she walked along the shore line of the small island. The sun was starting to set and the water looked beautiful under its light. The birds and small mammals that ran about called out, enjoying themselves as the earth began to cool itself. [I]I'm coming for you Adoil and your little angels.[/I] Reoan smiled wickedly.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. OOC: :lecture: Wow...either you people need to pay attention to people's post better or state whether or not it is before or after the other person's post. Because in all honesty people, this rpg is crazy! Scattered about like it is. Come on peope, I don't want to have to kill Jace off so soon...I really like his character. *sniffle* [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Navy]Jace smiled as he sat in one of the wood chairs. The whole bar had a mid 20th century feel to it. Wooden floors, with real waitress and bar tenders. The tables looked ancient and well worn along with the rest of the bar. Jace leaned back and propped the back of the chair against the wall as he folded his arms behind his head. He could feel his muscles stretch, that familiar ache that always felt so great against his well-toned muscles. Eric sat directly across him, as if he was trying to put the most distance between them. Jace smiled at that thought. M sat on Jace's left, his sweet and lovely Andy on his other side. [I]Figured as much. Gotta be close to the head when you've been labled the leader. [/I] Jace shook his head. [I]What the hell![/I] Jace protested in his head.[I] What's taking the others so long? Do they not know how to take a freakin order or something?[/I] Jace allowed his chair to rock forward and slam against the floor. He watched a couple Heaven members jump before he turned to M. "Where the hell is the rest of your team? I don't feel like baby sitting during this whole freakin mission." Jace threw in M's face.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Sorry so short.
  3. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid][I]I wanted to die when I found out that God had taken you from me. Wanted to end it all, but I knew that I would only return to this plane again to serve out my duties. So I did the next best thing, I went about seeking revenge for your death. If I would have known you were Adiol--one of God's precious little angels, I would have never touched you. Would have left you where you laid.[/I][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]An angel with heavenly blonde hair, pearl white wings and a body made of perfection stood before the massive crowd that Reoan had gathered some time during the age of the crusades. Behind the angel were a bunch of loyalist and a dozen angels, all waiting for his cue to attack. But no one seemed to move. "What are you doing here, Adiol? This doesn't concern you!" Reoan shouted above the roaring wind at the angel that had been her mentor in so many lives before. "Oh, but this does Guardian." The angel's voice was deep, sweet and succulent, washing over the warrior like a tidel wave. She tried to shake the feeling, but couldn't. Adiol motioned for the angels to step forward, taking the front line. They all seemed to be nearly identical to their leader, while the humans behind them varied in so many ways. Reoan noticed in that very moment how much she had grown to envy humans in their free-will and various personalities. So free to be what they wanted, when they wanted to be, with little to no consequence. She reached down to her waist and drew her broad sword, throwing it forward and pointing the tip at Adiol. "I will not hesitate to kill you angel, and send you back to the plane you came from!" She screamed at them. "How do you plan on doing that Guardian? We are immortal." Adiol laughed at her, placing his hands on his perfect hips. "Cut those precious white wings of yours and you become one of us. You bleed like we do and you die like we do!" Reoan sneered, pulling her sword back down in front of her. The hand of God fell deafly silent as he stared at the woman, knowing if any one could cut the wings off an angel it was Reoan. She was ruthless and now blood thirsty with revenge. Reoan smiled at his silence and now she had just told her army how to kill the twelve angels that stood before them. She cried out her battle cry, rushing forward to take on the loyalist that stood before them. Her army followed with a roar behind her, swords and various other weapons drawn. The two armies collided with a sickening crash as the battles began to rage about them all. Reoan easily sliced through who ever stood before her, which seemed to be mostly humans. Their blood covered her body as she pulled her sword through guts, necks and various other body parts with little to no effort what-so-ever. Finally Reoan came to stand before Adiol, blood spilling all around them. She rushed at him, her sword colliding into his with a thunderous erruption. The two eyed each other. Adiol could see the hatred burning within her soul, spuing from her eyes over him. He was betraying her more than she even realized. He took a deep breath and shoved the warrior back. She landed as if nothing had happened and charged again. Adiol swirled out of the way as he blocked her attack. She, too, spun around to try and deliever another attack. He blocked that too as he extended his wings in an attempt to distract her. "You miserable angel!" Reoan cursed as she danced around him and through the blade through his right wing. The angel cried out in pain never felt before as he nearly feel to his feet. "Did you forget? I know you're weakness and I want your death!" Reoan screamed as she pulled the blade away, watching his crimson blood wash over his white wings. He turned around and slashed at her mid-section, landing a small wound across her stomach. She caught herself and stumbled back. A human raced towards them, aiming for the slightly distracted Reoan. Adiol was the first to notice the man. He swirled around, folding his wings behind him as he lunged forward seeming as if he was attacking Reoan. She braced for the impact as the blade raced past her and sunk deep into the flesh of a loyalist charging her. Reoan turned her head to watch the man fall to the ground, lifeless. Her eyes danced with bewilderment as she stared into Adiol's eyes, noticing something there she hadn't before. The war ragged on around them, but all seemed oblivious to the angel and Guardian. There longing looks at each other, the pain they had both endured and what was to come of them both. Who was to know that their tangled romance was going to bring about the greatest change the earth had seen in a long while. Reoan was the first to move again, sinking her sword deep into the angel's side. He bit his lip as he pulled his body from its blade. Blood rushed from him, covering the already muddy earth. Reoan regained her composure as she squared herself off again, blade held firmly in both hands. That's when Reoan noticed that the angel she thought she had known so well wasn't healing like he usually did. "What have you done, Adiol?" Reoan questioned, standing up straight as the angel backed away with pain. He brought his head up, looking into her eyes, tears slidding down his face. She just couldn't understand what was going on and she had grown so numb to every thing she truly didn't care. She rushed forward, knowing Adiol's weakened state, her blade held back to deliever a blow that would surely kill him. But Reoan under estimated him. He brought his sword up, despite the pain and shoved it straight through the center of her chest. Her eyes flew wide, tears of pain forming at the corner of her eyes as she dropped to her knees stiffly. Adiol watched her, as he stood up to shove the blade through her back. Blood burst from her mouth and sprayed over his white shirt. As she fell back Adiol took her into his arms. "You..." blood spewed from her mouth, her eyes nearly bursting from their sockets. "I have something to tell you, Reoan." Adiol held her close, as if she was an old lover. She reached up, with what little strength she had to take a hold of his white collar. She clenched her teeth together firmly, her hands shaking and blood covered. "I took on a human form shortly after you left my side in this life. I had grown so much in love with you and could no longer bare being without your touch. When I died, I went to Hell, as Caleb and not the hand of God. My love for you would never end until God told of your betrayal to earth. He offered me the chance to return to Heaven with an angel body if I came to Earth and destroyed you." Adiol's last words nearly missed Reoan's ears as she slid from the reality she had known so well into the Pits of Hell. Lucifer to greet her at the very doors she had sent so many too.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER]***********************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]As Reoan's vision cleared, she could take in the sight of Jacob. He sat not far from the bed, in a small chair sleeping soundly. The room smelt of cleaning materials as she looked about to see where every one else was. The Grigori half-breed, the demon girl and the human laid on the far side of the room, all seeming to be sleeping. Reoan pushed herself up to a sitting position, pulling the covers back to rest on her lap. Her shoulder was bandaged, but blood had still managed to seep through. She was half hoping to feel some sort of ache, pain from her new wound, but there was none. She smiled half-heartedly. "Why do you stay?" Reoan felt her voice crackle upon speaking. The noise stirred Jacob and he turned to look at the ex-Guardian. Tears had fallen down her face and she hadn't even realized it. "Because this is where I am needed. This is where the world will see the new change. I don't want to say I'm in love with you, Reoan, demoness and destroyer of God's way. But I part of me is eternal connected to you. I am here for you, no one else, to help you because its what satifies me." Jacob said without asking what she had said to begin with. "I know Amber is here because she looks up to you, and the Grigori mutt sees you as a mother of sorts. I know the others that help have their own plans for you and your outcome, but leave that to us for now. You worry only about putting things in motion and taking back what is rightfully yours." Jacob got up and walked to the bed side. He ran his fingers through her hair lightly as he urged her to lay back down. "Your wound should be completely healed in the morning. You should rest, we'll have to leave again at first light." Jacob whispered as he pulled the blankets back over her. She nodded slightly as she watched Jacob started towards the chair again. "Jacob..." "Yeah," he turned his head towards her. "Thank you." He smiled brightly as he sat down in the chair again, watching Reoan drift off to sleep.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial]Jace watched with curious eyes as Eric exited the room, a smug smile creasing across the man's lips. He walked gently across the room, as if some precious bird too afraid to injury his tender feet. The floor made no noise as he approached his finally made bed and knelt down next to it. "In all the nights of wandering about this city with nothing better to do, I pray to the Earth that this does not turn out as I've seen it." Jace spoke softly to himself as he reached under the bed to pull out a small wooden box. He ran his hand over the ancient box, the rough surface causing his hand to scream out in protest. "It has been centuries since any of my relatives opened you," Jace said softly as he set the box on top of his bed, rising to his knees to hover over top of it. The small metal pieces of possibly silver or steel were well worn and hardly noticable any more. The corners badly rounded from many years of service and the hinges were ready to fall off at any moment. Whispering hidden words that sounded like a sweet melody. A rusty creek sounded once Jace fell silent and the small box opened itself. Inside the box was furnished with satin and lace, kept as if it were brand new. Upon the dark colored material laid a leather strap. Jace reached into the box, his large hand barely fitting into it. Wrapping his fingers around the strap, he pulled the object to him. Once the contents had left the box, the box sang a sweet melody as it closed once more. "The gift of my ancestors," Jace whispered as he took in the sight of a blood red ruby. "You will protect us in our most dire of needs." Jace ran his hand over the ruby before wrapping the leather strab around his neck and tucking the gem down his shirt. Jace shoved the box back under his bed as he stood back up, grabbed a shirt and rushed from the room to order the fun and prepare the table. "Tahlia, you lazy-ass bastard!" Some one showed from behind the bar as Jace made his way down the flight of stairs. "What the hell do you want Harris?" Jace called back, rounding the last step beautifully as he agressively made it to the bar. "You could have told me all these people were going to be around!" The man behind the large bar counter shouted. "Yeah well, boss' orders to keep my mouth shut." Jace said as he sat down at the bar. "And when the hell did you start listening to your boss?" Jace smiled. "Good point. But we need a large order of the usual. The far back table. Duty calls, ya know?" "Hear ya. I'll have Danny be ur server." Harris smiled as he turned to serve another customer. "Oh hell yeah." Jace laughed, smacking the table with the palm of his hand. Harris chuckled as the large dark man walked back into the crowd. As Jace made his way through the crowd he managed to find Eric, standing against a far war listening to the music, keeping the rythm with his foot. "Why don't you join me at the table while we wait for the others," Jace smiled brightly as he approached Eric. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial]Jacob held Reoan's arm gently on his, whispering what seemed like sweet words into her ear as if they were ancient lovers. Reoan smiled playfully as the made their way up the stairs into the long hallway towards the hotel room. "I do not like the feel of this." Reoan suddenly changed her temperment as they closed in on their room. Jacob, too, suddenly felt the eeriness in the air and stepped slightly away from Reoan to grab his gun from his waist. The thickness in the air grew as they both stopped, breathless in front of the door. Without looking at each other or saying a word, they threw the door open and prepared for a battle. Jacob was the first to rush in, gun cocked and ready. He surveyed the area before Reoan entered silently. She had a fire burning in her eyes and her body tense with annoyance. She held her body erect, shoulders pulled back firmly and her head held high. She showed no sign of carrying a weapon nor a fear of being attacked. Upon seeing the two dead followers, bloody on the floor, Reoan let out a savage growl as she clenched her fists. "Reoan!" The ex-Guardian brought her eyes up just in time to catch Amber running at her. She took the girl into her arms as she began to sob. "Oh Reoan! I am so sorry. He was far too much for us to handle." Reoan ran her fingers delicately through the girl's hair, listening to her sob. Suddenly, without warning, Reoan grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it back. Her gaze dug into the girl's very soul and she squirmed with fear. Jacob watched Reoan, concern creasing his face. The look he saw dancing across the hellion was one he had prayed never to see. Reoan bared her teeth in some form of wicked smile as she threw the girl towards Jacob. He caught the little demoness effortlessly and slumped towards the floor. The girl weeped as if her life had been threated. Jacob hid her face into his chest as he brought his head up to watch Reoan. She walked past him as if he didn't exist. Upon entering the small space that kept the other bed just on the other side of the small kitchen like area, Reoan dropped her head down and to the side, a wicked grin creasing her near perfect face. "Oh you're back. We've been waiting for you." Ben motioned towards the Grigori offspring that had apparent evidence that he had been in a pretty harsh battle. The massive man dropped his shoulders and snuck off into a corner upon seeing Reoan's face. Ben only smiled at her, hoping for a challenge, Reoan suspected. She smiled, no sign of her intent coming across her features. "You definitely need help," Ben said bodly at the ex-guardian's display. "Oh no, my dear foolish human. It will be you who needs the help once I'm through with you." Reoan's voice was unfamiliar to his ears as she began to walk towards him, nothing in her hands or on her body. Ben pulled the blade up and pointed it at Reoan. "You might want to stay back. I'm pretty good with this thing." Ben said mockingly. "And I've killed mortals for less." Reoan continued to smile as she came closer to him. Ben posed himself and took a quick swing at her with the sword. It barely missed her tender flesh, but it didn't look like she was trying to avoid it either. He brought it around in a beautifully display in skill as he thrust it forward. It hit its mark--right above her breast, away from her heart. The blade slid through with a terrible sound and blood rushed from the young woman's body. But not a sound came from her mouth as she shoved herself onto the blade, the tip bursting out her back. She reached forward and grabbed a hold of Ben's shoulders, shoving him against the wall. The hilt of the sword shoved itself deep into his throat, making the man choke for air. "You think that I spent nearly five centuries in Hell and didn't learn tolerance to mortal wounds?" Reoan spat in the man's face. She watched him choke, his face beginning to turn colors. Her smile widened as she shoved the hilt farther into his neck. "You've killed valuable people to me. Those willing to die for my cause and by all right I should have your damned head. But I think I'll spare you this once. You stay at my side, keep your mouth shut and stay out of the way, and I'll let you live. You refuse or fight against me and I will kill you here and now." Despite his attempts to struggle against her hold, Ben was just not able to break free. And even if he did, Jacob was sitting right in the next room with Amber. He did his best to nod to the arrangement. Reoan shoved the blade one last time before letting him fall to the floor, clutching his throat. Not completely trusting this human, seeing that he fought against her once already, Reoan pulled the blade from her shoulder and shoved it deep into his abdomen. The man cried out lightly as he grasped the sword with his hands. "You think of turning on our agreement and try to stab me in the back, I'll cut you in half." Reoan growled as she turned away, David getting up from the corner to check on the human. Jacob had laid Amber on the bed, covering her with the blankets despite the noise from the other side of the hotel room. As soon as she seemed comfortable, he rushed to find Reoan. Upon seeing the blood rushing from both sides of her body and pouring all over the kitchen floor. He rushed to her side and reached out to touch her, to examine the wound when Reoan swirled around and landed her fist into his face. He swirled around and landed heavily onto the floor. The sound of his crash brought Reoan's head down to look at him, her numbness apparent on her face until she saw his eyes. Her body slumped and she nearly fell onto the floor herself if Jacob had not caught her. Blood poured over the both of them as Jacob held her close to his body.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]************************** [/CENTER] [I]"Word has spread quickly and small wars have broke out all over the world. Its utter chaos as the leaders of the world prepare for a battle to end it all. Missles aimed, targets set and the UN unable to solve the crisis. World War III is upon us, ladies and gentlemen, and the world may suffer its effects with its life." [/I]
  6. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Couldn't come up with a more original name so you stuck yourself with M?" Jace said smuggly as he looked down at M's hand, not excepting the gesture. "Kind of rude aren't you?" An attractive woman joined M's side and he knew right away who she was. "Ah, and you must be the fair lady, Andy." He smiled generiously as he grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. She stood there struck with shock as Jace smiled playfully at her, ignoring the piercing look he was getting from M. "Even your skin is perfect." Jace's tone was sweet as he stepped back. He gave a chuckle as he welcomed the others. "My name is Jace Tahlia. At this moment you can call me Jace, since I hate formality. I will be your guide through Tokyo until your mission is complete. I will be taking you back to your quarters in just a moment and tomorrow I will bring you to Tokyo's undgerground head quarters to meet the rest of our staff." Jace paused for a moment, smiling oh so brightly at every one. "But I'm sure that you're great team will not need the assistance of such lowly ranked humans." Every one seemed to be rather quiet, not really willing to take on the smugged and cocky remarks of this young lad. He smiled and shook his head at them. They were all different and every one seemed to be paired off except for Eric, and oh how Jace loved this. "So, follow me." Jace turned around and started towards the elevator. "Oh," he turned around smiling just before the metal doors. "Since ya'll are new here and my boss would have my head if I risked dragging you through the under-streets. I'll take the local transportation." The elevator door rung and the doors sprung open. Jace was the first one to enter through them, standing perfectly posed next to the doors, ready to operate the buttons. He watched every one enter the small space. How cute it was that they had created such bonds together already. The elevator brought them to the base floor where Jason's transportation was waiting for them. Three beautifully made modern vehicles waited at the curb for Project Heaven and Jace. Jace ushered them all to a car as he climbed into the front seat of the first vehicle. "Where too, Tahlia?" The driver said once Jace slammed the door shut. "The tavern, Joe." Jace said with a smooth, soft voice. "Yes sir." The man smiled and tilted his hate as M and Andy climbed into the back seat of the car. Jace watched them through the side mirror, holding each other and being affectionate. He took a deep sigh, going un-noticed as the car began to pull away. Jace nodded to the driver as he climbed out of the car in front of the vey tavern Jason had found him at. The disgusted looks on all the members at the site of where they were staying was priceless. He smiled brightly as the three cars pulled away and the members walked up to him. "Right this way ladies and gentlemen." Jace extended his arm as he spun around in a little theatrical dance. The members followed behind the man, through the bar and up the back stairs. Upon reaching the upper floor a small group of gasps could be heard. The hall that kept all the many doors to the many rooms was amazingly modern compared to the outside and even the bar. Each door decorated with fine woods and the floor carpeted with the finest materials. "Alright. On my right, Andy and M's room. On the opposite is mine and," Jace looked down on the paper in front of him. Jace gave a great chuckle as he brought his head back up. "Eric's room." Jace pointed towards the door. The strange look he got from Eric was great. "As we continue. On the next one on my right is Lee and Ivy. Across is Taikaru and Farel. And the next door will have Carl and Julius. Ah! Two more of lot. Nice to have you aboard." Everyone still remained quiet. Jace shook his head as he folded the paper and slid it into his pocket. "Alright kiddies. Your room keys our on ur bed, along with other various gifts from Jason. For some reason he wanted you all to feel comfortable as if you were on some bloody ass field trip. Dinner will be served in about half an hour downstairs in the tavern. We will discuss business then." Jace waved as he shoved his way through the crowd and left all the members strained.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. You guys are freakin awesome!! Thank you so much for keeping everything running and selecting an aries and pisces while I was gone! *hug* Well I'm off to go see what's been happening while I was away. And i would feel honored if you did a comic based on this rpg Xy. :animesmil
  8. Kewlies...well I'll be gone this whole weekend and unable to post. So I would truly appericate it if you all could keep the rpg running while I'm gone. Would love ya guys forever! When I get back I'll figure out what's happening with pisces and aries!
  9. I'm going to be opening sign ups once again due to the fact that I have lost a few much needed characters and still need another to be filled. If these characters aren't taken then I will allow already signed up rpers to take them (or myself if needed...I hope to god not.) I need dedicated players since this rpg will be basd around character development and tends to move slowly with the action. These are the characters I need: [COLOR=Red][CENTER]Aries: the ram Where they'll be found: Rio Order: Second - Planet: Mars: passion - fire - cardinal -pulling the strings Color: Red - male - action, ego, will, aggression Animals: tiger, loin, badger, alligator Ruby -- repel poisons, vitality, courage[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Pisces: the fish Where they'll be found: Morocco Order: fifth - Planet: Jupiter: Luck/Neptune: Illusion - water - mutable - helping others Color: Blue - male/female - emotion calming, tranquility, loyalty, hope Animals: bluejay, giraffe, donkey Sapphire -- prophecy[/COLOR][/CENTER] Sign Sheet: Name: Height: Weight: Age: (give what you appear to be and then how old your soul is. Don't make your soul age crazy please) Appearance: (pictures or detailed describtion) Race: (Which zodiac) Position: (loyal or not to "God" and why you are) Power: (keep this very limited...say 2 for now try to keep your power related to your sign and color) Morph: (please choose an animal from the list under ur sign and give me a picture) Weapon: (this can range from guns to ancient weaponary, but limit it to 2 or 3. nothing too out there please. remember mordern day.) Bio: (give me some background information on your character. can be short or long, but remember that I'm judging the sign ups so not every one will make it.) PM me with any questions. Thank you.
  10. Damn it all we just lost Pisces...this is so not going well. I NEED 2 OF EACH ELEMENT DAMN IT ALL! [COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][U]Zodiac[/U][/CENTER][/COLOR] If it would so be possible for you all to have a character that you conflict with amongst yourselves, that would be great. Give a little spice to the whole thing. Sorry to those that seem to be having a hard time trying to post. Hopefully with WWIII starting soon, things will become far more interesting, so hang in there. PM some one if they want to take up Pisces...I'm going to open sign ups again for it. I do believe the Rper playing Lucifer will be taking up the Aries zodiac unless something else comes up. Thanks.
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial]Reoan pulled the curtain shut again as she finished rinsing off. She creased her brows as she turned the water off. She couldn't imagine who was at the door, a human more-than-likely since she couldn't sense him. "Ah...yes," Reoan smiled as she pulled back the curtain and grabbed a white towel hanging on the wall. "What--." Reoan heard Amber's voice slid through the door. "Bring him to the table, I'll be there in a moment." Reoan growled at the girl as she started drying herself off. The ex-Guardian could hear commotion in the other room as she started to dress herself. A pair of loose fitting jeans, over top of soft blue undergarments, with a simple grey t-shirt to complete it all. She ran a brush through her hair quickly, allowing the long mass of wet strains to fall onto her shoulders. Before exiting the room, Reoan clumped her bath supplies together on the counter, hung the towel up and hid her dirty laundry by the sink. The whole hotel room was filled with a thick sense of tension as she opened the bathroom door. The television played loudly in front of the bed, the lights low and the curtains drawn to avoid drawing attention to the room. Amber was flirting with their guest as Jacob came out to greet Reoan. "It is the human male you had sent Amber to follow." Jacob whispered into the woman's ear, making it look like he was landing a gentle kiss on her cheek. Reoan nodded as she started towards the make-shift kitchen where her guest awaited her. Jacob followed closely behind her, his head lowered as if he had just been scolded. The first thing to catch the damned one was the boy's vibrant blonde hair and when he turned to look at her those blue eyes. He was differently human, no mistaking that. Young, more so then even Amber. Reoan smiled, nodded and took a seat before him. "We were just talking about you, Benjamin." Reoan ushered Jacob to gather some refreshments as Amber moved away from the guest. "Call me Ben." He said plainly. "As you wish." Reoan gave a glare towards Amber and the girl rushed from the table. "Sorry for whatever behavior she presented to you. She is young yet and still doesn't know what to make of her body." Reoan smiled playfully as Jacob set two glasses before them. "Coke do well for you?" Jacob began to pour the beverage as Ben looked crossly at her. "Get to the point." He demanded. Reoan smiled at his bitterness. "REOAN!" a crash was heard after the ex-Guardian's name was called. She spun in her chair to see a man, badly deformed, rush into the hotel room. He had nearly torn the door off as he rushed to her side. She snarled as he bent over her chair, his massive body nearly dwarfing her. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Jacob slowly make his way to the door and close it, repairing what he could of it. "You should be more careful, David. Do you want the whole world to know I'm here!" Reoan nearly shouted at him. The man tried to catch his breath, but was having extreme difficulty. He shook his head. "No," he whimpered, acting as if he was a puppy that had been beaten many times before. "Now what is it?" "He has killed Dakota!" "What?" Reoan stood abruptly. "He snapped her neck at their meeting place." The man stumbled back so not to get in the much smaller human-like figure's way. "This is what has become of Guardian's? Filled with human emotions and desires. After I was punished for doing such simple things such as taking a lover." Reoan shouted, a meancing tone in her voice. "I will not stand for this! This fowl beast shall pay for his stupidity, and for God's misjudgement!" The room fell silent for a moment, when Amber came rushing towards the outragged hellion. "The politicans are dead, Reoan! And talk of war rumbles across the land. Can you feel it?" The girl shouted, forgetting all about the human. Reoan swatted her to the floor. "Foolish girl. Don't you know you just put us all into jeopardy!" As Reoan spoke her words, the massive man known as David rushed towards Ben. The human rushed to his feet, preparing to protect himself when two figures came up behind him. The three men were able to disarm the man and shackle him quickly enough. Reoan turned towards him. "Sorry to have to do this to you, but since I don't know where your loyality lies you'll have to be our perminet guess until you decide." She smiled wickedly as David dragged him towards the spare bed. "My lady?" Jacob beckoned for Reoan's attention. She watched Ben struggle a little, knowing he wasn't actually trying at all. She brought her head around and walked powerfully towards the bed in front of the television. "Yes?" Reoan said sweetly, as if to a lover or maybe a family member. "Aquarius and Sagittarius have been united." Jacob whispered towards her. Reoan smiled, the clearness of her thoughts almost apparent on her face. "You never meant to stop them from joining did you?" Jacob questioned, the room filled with shouting and struggling. "David needs disipline." Reoan shook her head rolling her eyes. "No I didn't." Reoan slid past Jacob and sat down on the neatly made bed. "I want them to unite. They are not here to stop me, Guardian. They're here to keep the balance. And if the balance is disrrupted, say by a third world war..." "Then they would be focusing on stopping that and not you because that would be the more imediate threat." Jacob finished her sentence. Reoan smiled joyfully as Jacob sat down next to her. "Exactly." Jacob smiled back, feeling her joy as if it was his own. "My dear, sweet savior. Show me what this world has to offer. I want to understand what has tempted so many Guardians." Reoan stood, pulling Jacob to his feet. He continued to smile and nodded. "We can go searching for this Madge as well." Reoan gave a slight hint of laugher as she followed him out of the hotel room.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. OOC: I figured I would let you all know that Ditzy_Taurus has been grounded from the computer for awhile. I'm not sure when she'll be back. IC: [COLOR=Teal]Dakota walked towards her truck, the dark forest green color glowing in the sun. She worked long and hard to earn that truck and to pay for all the expenses that went a long with it. It almost seemed not worth it at times. Walking in front of it, Dakota spun around to the calling of her name. She shook her head at the familiar face of Devin, her obessed co-worker. She smiled and hugged him joyfully. "What do you want know?" Dakota laughed playfully at the man that was at least three years older than she. "Just was wondering what you were up to, is all. Maybe we can get together with Alex and Liz?" He smiled broadly. Strong facial features and a near perfect body, Devin was to die for. He usually kept his hair cut short, face shaved and wore the traditional farm clothes. All joking aside, Dakota would take him in a heart beat, if it weren't for the fact that her parents hated him. Dakota smiled at him, still shaking her head. "Not tonight, Devin. I have to pick my brother up and then run some errands for miss Demi." "Damn, that sucks." Devin looked at the ground for a moment before bringing his head up to smile at Dakota again. Dakota knew what he was thinking, he knew that her parents hated him and that she obeyed their rules because she still lived in their house. He hated it, and she did to. But there wasn't much else she could do. She couldn't afford to live on her own yet and had no one to go in on an apartment with her. "Hey!" He said suddenly, breaking her train of that. "Yeah?" She stared at him with confusion. "I almost forgot to tell ya. Liz and Alex are going to start renting a house not too far out of town and they offered two of the spare rooms to you and I!" Devin nearly shouted at her. "Are you serious!?" Dakota shouted back at him, embracing him tightly. Both jumped up and down with extreme joy. "This is great news! Oh my god!!" Dakota smiled, looking down at her watch and whincing. "We'll have to talk about it more later..." Dakota began. "Yeah I know, you have to pick up the brat." He smiled as he watched her climb into her truck. She smiled and waved before heading towards the high school.[/COLOR]
  13. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Jace slid down in his chair upon seeing the pile of folders that were slapped onto his desk. Nine vanilla folders with different names on the tags. He brought his eyes up to his boss. "What the hell is all this?" He retorted. "Your assignment," the man said coldly. "They'll be arriving in two days. You might want to look those files over." The man turned around and started to leave the small cubicle. "Is this the Heaven Project, Jason?" Jace called after the heavy set man. "You catch on quick kid." The man threw over his shoulder as he left. Despite everything that was happening on Earth, Tokyo had remained fairly untouched with all its technology protecting it. Jace had come here young and became a local officer. When the lights went out and Jace lost everything, he and a few other rag-tags joined together to save the city before it fell. Now they all worked in a small underground firm erradicating the filth that tried to take over the city. Jace took a deep sigh as he reached for the top folder. [B]M[/B] "That's it? That's his whole name?" Jace shook his head and laughed. "This should be real fun." He flipped one the file and browsed over the information inside. "The moon, huh? Never met any one from the moon before. Should be interesting." He smiled to himself as he grabbed the next file. [B]Lee Sheridan[/B] He scanned over the names of the others before opening Lee's file. [B]Farel Sandivar Eric Corvis Andromeda Madison Taikaru Ivy Minamora[/B] "Well she's hot," Jace said upon opening Andromeda's file. "Prefer's to be called Andy, huh? I think I'll just stay to the formalities." Jace smiled as he slid her folder to the side to pick up the one he had skipped over. There was something about this folder, this guy, that really drew his attention and he just couldn't put his finger on it. "Eric Corvis, common enough name I guess," Jace found himself talking out loud still. "Attractive too." Jace scanned through the small file before slidding it out of the way as well. The last folder contained what his mission was to be with all these rag-tag losers. It had a list of set targets and questionables that they were to investigate and/or destroy. "This seems simple enough." Jace said shoving all the folders into his desk. He stood, grabbed his caught off the back of his chair and walked towards the exit. A few co-workers called after him with good-byes and friendly teasing. ********************** Jace's small appartment was housed above a small tavern, one of the last remaining ones in Tokyo. The reason it stood still was because most of the underground force was housed above it, and every one needed a drink every now and again. Jace watched the door slide open as he stepped into the crumbling building. There were a few strays sitting around the place as Jace walked up to the bar and sat down, throwing his arms onto the counter. "The usual?" The bartender asked as he swept by. "Yeah," Jace replied. The bartender filled a shot glass and slid it down the table towards Jace. With let effort, Jace caught the glass without spilling a drop. He downed the liquid and slammed the glass back on the table. [B][I]I wonder if they'll find out.[/I][/B] Jace thought to himself. [B][I]I don't much care for these pshyics, despite my skills. They go around peeking in people's heads where they don't belong. Little Bastards. If I had my way...[/I][/B] Jace let the thought trail off. No need thinking like that. They were here to help save humanity, not make it worse. The least he could do was be helpful and show them the ropes. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What did you find out?" Reoan turned gently from her bed towards the door to take in the sight of a young demoness. "He's human and not sure what side he's on." The girl replied. Reoan nodded lightly, bringing her eyes from the girl for a moment. "You want us to convince him to be on our side?" The girl added when Reoan looked away. The ex-Guardian's eyes shot back over to the girl, giving a slight sigh. "Its not our place to make him choose what side to be on, its his own. When he decides to seek us out is when we'll know where he stands." Reoan looked over the young girl. She had to be about thirteen and so very young. Her soul was only a couple of centuries old and her eyes betrayed that youth so perfectly. She stood at Reoan's shoulders, some where around five feet or so. She had short curly locks of copper that she usually had pulled away from her face exposing those innocent amber eyes. She wore the latest fashions and was quite a handful for her parents. Neither Reoan or the girl knew why she had become a demon, since the girl's history was lost during her reincarnation. The only thing either of the them knew was that she was a demon and very much so a rebel. She had to have done something directly against God in her life before, but nothing serious enough to keep her in Hell. Those innocent eyes... "Do you know what happen to the viles, Amber?" Jacob strolled into the main quarters of the hotel room. The girl looked up at him, a smile creasing her face. She lost herself in his image for a minute before replying. "Um...no, does Dakota?" Jacob's brows creased together as he brought his attention to Reoan. "Where is Dakota?" Reoan smiled playfully as she turned back to her bags on the bed. "Reoan?" Jacob called after her as he approached the bed side, the young demoness watching enviously. Reoan only continued to smile as she pulled things from her bad, random clothing and bathing supplies. If there was one thing about this time period she liked more then any of the others was the access to a bathing area. "What are you up to now?" Jacob said, leaning over and placing his hands on the bed. "Playing my part in helping this world," Reoan whispered towards Jacob. Jacob stood up almost abruptly, his eyes dancing over the ex-Guardian's face and stance. Her body lanugage hid whatever she was thinking or planning, and getting her to tell him was next to impossible. He stepped back and smiled at Amber. Reoan took notice of it and squinted her eyes. "Do we have any contacts in Illinois?" Reoan grabbed some of the bathing supplies and turned directly towards Jacob. "I believe so, why?" "Contact them, I want to know of this Madge I keep hearing about in my dreams." Reoan replied as she started towards the hotel bathroom. "Of course." Jacob nodded even though Reoan couldn't see him. Reoan growled slightly as she shut the door behind her. The small room that housed a tube, shower, sink and toliet was everything Reoan could ask for. In the Pit of Hell there was no water therefor no way to wash one's self. But even on Earth, before her banishment, there weren't too many public areas that housed such facilities. Placing her things on the small counter and around the outrims of the tube, Reoan turned on the water to allow it to warm up before she climbed in. Though she enjoyed soaking for long hours in a bath, she had no time for such luxuries now. So a relaxing shower would have to do. The warm, nearly hard spray, steadily rushed over her back and filled the small room with hot steam. Things were running smoothly for the moment, and Reoan wondered why. Why hadn't Heaven nor Hell done anything to find her? Its not like it was all that difficult, despite her constant moving. [I]That Guardian[/I]. Reoan thought as she stood in the shower, completely losing her senses in it. [I]He'll have so much fun when he finds out what my mission will accomplish.[/I] Reoan smiled at her devilish plan. [I]So many had tried to rule the world by conquering it. It was far simplier to set it upon itself then trying to take countries one by one, isn't it? It truly didn't matter, she didn't want to rule this cursed planet nor did she want to destroy it. Simply show God that she was free of his embrace and punish those that had betrayed her so many centuries ago.[/I] "Reoan?" The calling of her name brought her from her thoughts as she stuck her head out from behind the curtain. "What?" she nearly growled. "Some one has arrived." Reoan narrowed her eyes, staring at the wooden door before her. "What shall I do with them?" "Let them in." [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  15. Sure thing Xy. It is the Zodiac that choose the real outcome of this story, since you all are the balance keepers :) I'm so happy with this story and I love working with all of you. Keep it up :)
  16. I have this wonderful habit of changing my banner and avi a lot. So I will be using all of urs eventually cuz you people are so talented :)
  17. Nice Ozy! Welcome to the group :) Right now your character is just doing whatever is a normal day/week for her. You should talk to Xy GGu about how your characters are going to meet up. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Red][U][CENTER]Kadar[/CENTER][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE] When you find every one, teach them how to morph if they don't already. It plays an important role later in the story. Thanks :)
  18. Sorry, one picture of girl and one of guy and avi I have no idea. I'll leave ya'll to figure that out. I'll leave this up for a little while longer to see what I gets. :) thank ya much :)
  19. My rpg is called Angels Must Die. The story is about a girl named Reoan who was a warrior for God. She was betrayed by her angel lover and sent to hell to pay for her sin. She's free now and wants to seek revenge upon her ex-lover Adiol. A few quotes to consider: [I]"Revenge is sweet, my Love."[/I] [I]"You brought this upon us both."[/I] A combination between dark and light colors. Reoan Picture Ideas: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/spiral/spiral21.jpg]One[/URL] [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/FF7DVD/ffac27.jpg]Two[/URL] Adiol Picture Ideas: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/angelsanc/AngelSanc32.jpg]One[/URL] [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/dnangel/dnangel55.jpg]Two[/URL]
  20. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan smiled at the pleasant and familiar face that had companied her so many times while she was in Hell. There was no attraction for the fallen angel other than a sense of companionship and similarity. Reoan shook her head as she slipped into a memory.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [CENTER]******************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DimGray]A sicking thud echoed across the scorching red pit as Reoan's body swung in her chains. A scream let loose from her mouth as she threw her head back, nearly hitting the red hot wall behind her. Her arms were stretched far apart by metal chains, cuffs cutting into her tender flesh of her wrist. Her body was bare, covered with dirt, blood, sweat and various wounds. Her long red-brown hair was a tangled mess behind her head, streaking across her face slightly. Another bone broken, more blood was spilt and yet the ex-Guardian still kept a smile on her face after her screams. Her head fell forward, the muscles in her neck weak from the constant breaking of her spine. Given a mortal body to feel the constant pain and torcher, unable to heal the wounds she received and never able to die. "You should just give in, Guardian." A rich english accent rose above the constant screams that adoren Hell. A hissing sound followed behind it; another body burned against the walls. "What do you want, Fallen scum," Reoan growled, seeming more like a mumble then something threating. "To ease your suffering," the Morning Star chuckled. Reoan grit her teeth as she struggled to pull her head up to look at the dark figure before her. "Rot in..." Reoan's words trailed off. "In Hell?" Lucifer smiled, laughter filtering through his words. "We're in Hell, Guardian and you'll never return to Earth, for God fears the destruction you will cause." Reoan made a commotion in her chains, her torturer watching her struggle, a smile creasing his managled face. She managed to bring her head erect, her body straining with the effort. Blood raced from her wrist, every broken bone in her body sending almost unbearable pain through her. "I will return to Earth! I will seek my revenge on the angel who betrayed me and I will send a message to [I]God[/I] that I will never bow before him again!" As the last words left her lips, her torturer raced forward with his massive hammer. He slammed the stone like head into her mid-section, a bone shattering sound screamed out as Reoan's body fell into the wall behind her. The shock from the blow numbed her for a moment before the searing of her flesh flooded her senses. The sound that echoed from her mouth rose from the depths of Hell and could be heard in Heaven. Nothing in the world could compare to the sound she made that day, and Lucifer watched as he saw her fight with all her might to get away from the wall. The torturer having a different idea. Lucifer remembered when he had such spirt--such pride. But he feared that it would bring her down fall like it had him all those centuries ago.[/COLOR] [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan was brought from her painful memory when a sudden knot filled her stomach and her chest tightened. She smiled and looked up at the dark fallen angel. "My guest has arrived." Lucifer smiled as he reached out and grabbed a handful of her hair gently. He noticed how dark it had grown since the first time he had seen her. It was nearly black now, just like her eyes. How much she seemed to resemble him, no wonder why God wanted her to have compassion or destroyed. "I must go." "I must be going as well." The fallen angel replied. Reoan smiled smuggishly as she pulled away from Lucifer. "I'm sure we'll run into each other again." She slipped past him and vanished into the darkness as the rain began to fall upon the Earth. Once out of sight Reoan fell to her knees in the mud, grasping her abdomen, including her rips. They ached and burned with the memory of them being crushed over and over again. Jacob had done so well to heal her, but he was unable to get it all. Some wounds laid far too deep for him to be able to heal and she suffered from them behind closed doors. Reoan took a few short breaths before shoving herself to her feet again. She followed the laughter and joy that filled the air before the knot in her stomach filtered through her body. A tall, firmly built man stood before her. His essence floating from his body like a wave of small light. He watched the small children playing joyfully in the puddles by the road way. "They seem so innocent, don't they?" Reoan said. She stood just out of sight from the kids, leaning up against a large tree trunk with her shoulder. "You're late." The man said coldly over his shoulder. "Ran into a Fallen." She smiled playfully. "I see Jacob was able to find you then?" The red haired man allowed the slip of paper the Guardian had given him to fall to the soaked road way, water running over his body. "I have a task I would like you to do. On behave of God, Satan, myself or just for the pure joy of it." "Go on." He said, not sure he liked what this creature had to offer. "No strings attatched. You'll never have to see me again and if I'm caught, your name will be cleared and never uttered again." The Guardian didn't reply, just continued to watch the children. "There are three government officals that have wronged not only humanity, but the higher order. I, myself, cannot bring them their just death for I would be discovered and stopped far too quickly. But you on the hand could perform the procedure flawlessly from what I've seen." This caught the Guardians attention and he turned his head slightly to the side. Reoan smiled and continued. "I will have a contact give you the names of the men and their current locations if you so wish to take this." Reoan crossed her arms as she waited for his response.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. Splendid idea Xy. I'll search for a replacement, but I don't think I'll find any one. I'll let ya you by monday morning. Every ones doing well still. No complaints as of this far :)
  22. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][COLOR=DarkOrchid]The setting sun casted dancing shadows across the lightly colored hotel room. A bed lay torn apart on the opposite side of the window, a small night stand sitting next to it. The stand was decorated with a small Russian lamp and an ashtray. A small table stood off to the right, while an entertainment system was across from the table. A sharp knock echoed across the room, but no one was there to open the door. The intruder opened the door, finding that it was unlocked, and walked in. Other than the bed being a mess, the small room seemed to be kept rather tidy. A light smell of cigarittes and sweet perfume filled his nose. "What are you looking for?" A think, masculine voice rose behind the intruder. "You," the stranger answered. The hotel occupant clenched his fist. If only his master hadn't told him no more killing, he would be rid of this intruder in no time. "What do you want?" The man walked into the apartment and slammed the door behind him. He was obviously not intimadated by this stranger. "I came on behalf of the one I must not name," the stranger replied lightly. This man was large, but not nearly as threatening as his commander would be if he were to fail. The occupant turned to face the stranger, a glare in his eyes. "Tell me who sent you," he said with a straight foward face and slight aggervation hinted in his voice. "I am afraid--" the intruder started. "I don't want to hear lame excuse." The occupant growled. The intruder nodded lightly with a slight smirk. "Reoan sent me after hearing about your...mishap with the politican." The expression on his face brought a smugged smile to the intruder's face. "My name is Jacob, a humble Guardian like yourself." "And you've allied yourself with the fallen?" The occupant walked towards the small table and placed his weaponary onto it. "I healed the fallen after she was sent from Hell." Jacob watched the massive man walk about the hotel room as if he wasn't even there. "Sent from Hell?" The occupant turned to face Jacob again. "Yes, Rubedo, sent from Hell on God's orders." "I thought--" "That's what Heaven wanted every one to believe. As a former Guardian, Reoan cannot stay in Hell forever. Its far too dangerous; for if Lucifer or his son wanted to calm this world for their own, a Guardian would be far too powerful an ally. So God sent her there to repeant for her sins." Jacob turned towards the window and stared across the city, the sunset turning the sky various shades of orange and purple. "What had she done to send her to Hell?" Rubedo watched the fellow Guardian for a moment. "Took human life for revenge." Jacob turned towards Rubedo. "You don't have to live the way they, upstairs, want you to. You can be free and do what you want, what completes you. When I heard of Reoan and her return, I knew that this is where I could do the greatest good. Don't let them control what moves you make, Rubedo, it doesn't get you into Heaven, just another spot back here on Earth. If you're going to come back time and time again, might as well enjoy it." Jacob looked towards the floor for a moment before bringing his head back up to look at the other Guardian. "Reoan sent me to find out what you were like. She wishes nothing from you, but if you ever wished to meet her," Jacob approached him and extended to him a piece of paper. "She will meet with you there, at that time." Rubedo unfolded the paper and looked it over. [CENTER][I]Central Park 4:30 A.M.[/I][/CENTER] "I must go." Jacob nodded and started towards the door. "Reoan killed humans and angels alike for the sheer pleasure of it." Jacob added just before exiting. [CENTER]************************[/CENTER] "Looks like Azrael is looking for you, Lucifer." Reoan smiled broadly as the fallen angel came into view, the sun casting gentle shadows among the trees. The fallen angel smiled upon seeing Reoan's face. "Well if it isn't my favorite Guardian. What brings you out into Central Park in such modern clothing?" the angel replied as he approached her. "Out for a walk, trying to find what keeps you so interest in this world with all its change." Reoan chuckled as she probbed herself against a tree.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] OOC: Make sure you check the underground for an update.
  23. We've lost aquarius to let you all know. Those that have posted, you're doing great! Disty_Tarus: Please make sure you space your paragraphs and start writing about what happens with your every day life. Less detail more development of character. Take note from some of the other characters. That's about all for now.
  24. Hello every one thank you for joining. Alright this is what I need from ya: [U][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]Akrio/Camilla/Mariah/Luna/Raven[/CENTER][/COLOR][/U] My wonderful little zodiacs. You haven't caught world of Reoan's return yet, that will be given to you when Kadar finds you. For right now I want you guys to write about your every day lives, build up your characters. This is also to allow me to see what you're made of. Maybe show me how you morph or use your other powers. [U][COLOR=Red][CENTER]Kadar[/CENTER][/COLOR][/U] My lovely sagittarrius, I would like you to have an angel come visit you in your first post, please. The angel will tell you about Reoan and how heaven wants to destroy her and hell wants her alive. The zodiac are to keep the balance, so the decision to kill or let Reoan live will be up to you guys whenever you find her. The angel will also tell you where to find the other zodiacs (Aquarius: Coasta Rica, Gemini: Greece, Virgo: Switzerland, Pisces: Morocco, Cancer: Orlando, United States). He will not give you names of the zodiac nor describitions. You'll have to be creative on how you find them...but don't do it all in one post. Make sure you talk to the other members to clear up everything. [U][COLOR=RoyalBlue][CENTER]Azrael/Tabris[/CENTER][/COLOR][/U] I want you two to discuss what's going on in heaven. Whether you personally have distaste towards Reoan for what she has done and if you were involved with her at one point. (Being that Reoan has been reborn into new lives, she cannot remember everything that happens in them.) [COLOR=Navy][U][CENTER]Lucifer[/CENTER][/U][/COLOR] You can interact with whom ever, make your presents known to the other characters and where you stand. Can even start playing your games of lies and deceit. [U][COLOR=SandyBrown][CENTER]Ben/Rubedo/Madge[/CENTER][/COLOR][/U] Tell me how you found out about guardians ect and your basic lives. Try to show me how your character will show importance for the story. [COLOR=DimGray]FYI: If I am not satisfied with your character or how you're pulling the story I will not hesitate making you change it or to kill off your character if you refuse to change it. Be creative and original and have fun![/COLOR]
  25. Haha...I wasn't very choosy again...every one is in. The story is up in the Square, make sure to check out the underground before you post. Thanks.
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