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Everything posted by demonchild781
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial]The darkness swept over Reoan's nearly naked body as she stood, posed beautifully, on the roof top. A man by the name of Jacob had come to her the night Hell had spit her back out, freed her of her physical torement as he repaired her bones and cuts. She laid patiently, watching him with wide and intent eyes. He was a guardian, a healer, and he was glorious when he did what he was best at. "The world has grown so much since you last blessed us," a soft, masculine voice swept over her like the gentle breeze did. Reoan lowered her head as she listened to him walk up beside her. He didn't bother to look at her either as he stared across the city. The lights and screaming machines echoed through the night air. "Have I truly been gone that long?" She brought her head back up to look over the earth before her. "Yes. You're weaponary," the man paused for a moment, glancing over at her and the objects strapped to her body. "Is extremely out-dated and easily over powered by gunpowder and bullets. Your talent for taming the wildest of creatures is nearly pointless in this life for they use machines to travel by now, and phones to communicate with. No longer horses or birds." Reoan turned sharply towards the man, looking at him and his modern grab. He was stunning in his human way and his eyes showed his age. How much things had changed and how much she needed his help to regain her power again. Reoan grabbed her dagger from her thigh and shoved it forward. The blade dug into his tender throat, but the man let out no cry of pain as Reoan grabbed firmly onto his arm. She held both arm and dagger tightly as she growled into his ear. "Why didn't you stop me, I could have killed you." "Then let death come onto me because I will never strike you." "Even if I threatened everything you loved?" Jacob turned his head towards her, staring into her dark eyes. Hidden tears raced under the surface and he longed to hold her. The dagger bit into his flesh, but he still made no motion to remove it. "I would try to stop you, but never would I harm you." Jacob replied softly. Reoan searched Jacob's pain stricken face, his blue eyes staring straight into her's. She pulled back sharply and turned back towards the city, the dagger dangling losely at her side. Jacob didn't move, only watched her as she drew the blade up to herself. "Its been an awfully long time since I tasted blood," Reoan flashed a smile towards Jacob over her shoulder as she ran her tongue across the blade. She pulled her blood covered tongue back into her mouth and smiled with satisfaction. "Its time to gather the others and start my revenge."[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC: make sure you go to the underground to find out what you should be doing.
[CENTER][COLOR=Navy]Name:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Jace Tahlia[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Age:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]22[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Gender:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Male[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Home Planet:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Earth[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Apperance: see attachment Personality:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]A robust, loud mouth that hides behind crued jokes and overly affectate mannerisms. He rarely allows his childhood, or any happenings of his past to slip through, but he usually seems cheerful enough. His sharp tongue and lack of campassion usually drives people from him.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Bio:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Growing up in the southern states of the United States, Jace was well known for his dark skin and hair. Kids flocked to him while in elementary school. One faithful day in middle school everything seemed to fall apart and Jace found himself on the outside looking in. With few friends and a none-existant love life, Jace grew bitter and closed himself off to the world. He lost himself in his studies and eventually it led him to Japan once he turned twenty. The change of life did well for Jace and after finding a a lover, he seemed happy for a time. His skills developed rapidly and his phyiscal strength grew, and his heart warmed with his lover's touch. December 31st when the world was destroyed, Jace lost everything that night as he fought to keep all that was left safe.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Weaponary:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]N/A[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Gift:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]To be able to manipulate all the elements with great control and can cast simple spells, this includes love spells as well. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy] Your Greatest Fear: [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]For the world to find out his secret.[/COLOR][/CENTER] Ack! So short...but there's so much mystery surrounding him :) I hope this turns out to be fun.
[COLOR=Purple]Sarah was the first to stir in Alex's room. She made some noise which rose Alex from her slumber. Adian laid next to her, nude again. The night before had been interesting, if only she could remember more of it. Sarah had left the room for sometime before coming back to sleep on the couch again. The girl moved towards the bathroom as Alex pulled herself from her bed and slidding a robe onto her perfect body. She leaned over the bed to playfully kiss Adian as she walked over to the table and sat down for a brief moment. "I'm going to finish getting ready in my room, I'll meet you at dinner." Sarah said as she left Alex's room. The Irish woman said nothing, only nodded as the girl left. Alex started towards the bathroom before she was met by Adian's naked body. The man teased at her before the red head broke free and rushed into the bathroom to free herself of the night before. After both Adian and Alex had finished their preparing before they made their way towards the dinning hall. Upon entering, Alex took notice of the woman sitting at the table, picking at some fruit. She smiled broadly as she and Adian sat across from her. "Hello, the names Alex from Ireland." The girl nodded. "Kayran." "This is Adian, my french stud." Alex winked and brought a light chuckle from the woman. Adian cursed to himself as he played with a glass of water. Alex chuckled at him as she gathered some fruit for herself.[/COLOR]
Xy *sniffle* pickin on me :( It was suppose to be made...not mad...blah. Stupid keys :( Well I hope to be posting this soon, still seeing if any one wants to sign up for Aries or Gemini. If not tis ok too. Should be up by tomorrow after noon or evening. :P
You're a little late their dear Kairi. I do believe Gemini is still open and of course human, guardian, demon and angels and whatever else you have in mind. And of course I understand if it takes you all a few to finish your sign ups, that's fine by me. As long as you get them done before the story starts :) Xy GGu, you're fine. I can't wait for this story to start to see what you're mad of ;) And of course from the rest of you. Seen some of you before and enjoy your work :) Um...DuoMax just want to make sure that you don't go about killing everything, which I'm sure you won't. Especially of my character...being that she is still mortal...speaking of my character, I still haven't given you peeps her appearance. Maybe I'll give you some basics, but nothing solid or defining so you won't know her when you come across her ;) Keep things interesting. I'm going to start an underground once I put this up so any questions or ideas. It'll have the same name :) Oh, still waiting for at least 2 more people. A friend of mine to sign up and maybe a few others for angels and what haves you :)
Name: Reoan (pronounced Re-oan the oan being like loan) Fehu Height: 5'5" Weight: 120 Age: 17-18 (soul around since Ancient Greek/Egyptian time frame) Appearance: Dark eyes and hair, attractive. (That's all you're getting ;)) Race: Guardian-Demon Position: Against because of extreme hatred for the unjust treatment of Guardians. Power: To be revealed during the story. Weapon: Born and raised in the ancient world, Reoan will not use guns of any sort. [URL=http://www.weaponmasters.com/images//products/website/KR-6_large.jpg ]Long Sword[/URL] [URL=http://www.weaponmasters.com/images//products/website/M-2021_large.jpg ]Katana[/URL] [URL=http://www.weaponmasters.com/images//products/MC_2002/MCHK-913HL.jpg ]Dagger[/URL] Bio:[COLOR=Green][FONT=Times New Roman]Guardians were said to be almost cold when first spoken to, though most Guardians could feel the suffering of others as if it were their own. Though Guardians were forbidden to act on such feelings and emotions because it interfered with their work. They were to protect Earth, its creatures and the balance. Selfish acts meant corruption amongst them and they would be punished like so many had. Most Guardians were born to average, normal human parents. This kept the guardian trait impure and Guardian love from occuring. Though every so often a Grigori or Fallen Angel Guardian did appear amongst their ranks, but most turned blind eyes to it. Reoan was born to human parents that gave her to the church when they realized that their little girl was extremely special. Her speech and motor functions were far too advanced for her age. This is where Adiol found her, God's Hand, was what he was called by the preist and the monks. Adiol raised her, taught her every thing she was suppose to know about her kind. When she was old enough, he sent her on missions, always keeping a watchful eye on her. Reoan's first death was painful, dying to a deadly disease. Her next few lives were normal for Guardians and she died in the heat of battle. It wasn't until the middle ages when Reoan would come back into the world and play a huge role in history. But she had a helping hand. During the Crusades, another war raged. This one against Heaven and Hell, one of the first known Guardian wars to occur on Earth itself. This battle allowed an evil to enter Reoan's heart while a love for the Angel Adiol had already begun. When the angel took on a human form and became Reoan's lover, "God" was ferious and sent his wrath upon them both. Not knowing at the time that Adiol had taken a human form and that Caleb was actually him, Reoan fought for both their lives only to lose Caleb. Upon his death, so stricken by grief, Reoan joined a demon army and began to reek havok onto the Earth. It had taken ten long years for Adiol to regain his angel form again completely before he could venture back to Earth, but his angel body had a price. He had to stop Reoan by killing her, and sending her soul to hell. He did it and as he shoved the blade through her fragile chest he told her that he had been Caleb. After many centuries, Reoan's soul was released, only to return to hell again. Now she is free and wishes to bring the death of all "God's" followers as part of her revenge.[/FONT][/COLOR] (Well that ended up longer than I had planned...ah well :animeswea )
Sign Up Unchangeable Destany; My Heart Bleeds [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Ditsy_Taurus888's topic in Theater
Name: Dakota Menus Age: 19 Birth date: 11/26/85 Gender: Female Height: 5'6" Weight: 120 lbs. General appearance: Fair skinned with golden curls that fall around her face. Her crystal blue eyes are expressionless and sometimes cold. Her body structure is lean and muscled almost giving her a masculine boyish look. At first glance the fallen angel looks like a rather tall and lean young boy, but upon meeting her and hearing her fair voice one knows that Dakota is a female. Species: Fallen Angel Bio: (Still can't think of anything) -
[I][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Times New Roman]It had been six long years before I was released to venture back out into the world. My punishment was to teach me compassion and understanding, but it failed miserably. The first thing I wanted to do was seek revenge and show my "God" just how much I hated what had be done to me.[/FONT][/COLOR][/I] [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Arial]"Maybe you'll learn this time around not to piss the [B]Almighty[/B] off," cursed a rather large and hiddeous looking Grigori. Rolling over onto her back, after landing in the mud, Reoan hissed at him. "Worthless loyalist, you all should perish!" "You're the one who is worthless, Fallen!" The Grigori spat, literially spitting at her. "You'll go back to Hell if you continue your ways." "And I'll bring you with me, you in-human beast!" Reoan growled, proping herself up on her elbows. The massive disfigured man trumpted as he rushed at the much smaller human-like girl. Rage filled his face, and his body and strength would have surely crushed Reoan. But she smiled wickedly at him before a highly attractive man appeared behind the Grigori, grabbing the man's shoulder with one hand. "Leave her be," the man's voice resinated from the very depths of his soul and washed over the Grigori like a gentle river, calming the raging mass. "Yes," the Grigori lowered his head, turning and walking through the dark door-way, which he had come from. The man watched him leave before turning back to the naked and now mud covered Reoan. "Tisk, tisk, tisk Guardian. To see such a body and spirit like yours fall to such miseary." "Go to Hell, Adiol! You worthless creature! You've damned me to this fate!" Reoan cursed at him, trying to bring herself to sit up was unable to. Her body was undernurished and nearly every muscle and bone nearly destroyed. The man bent before her, placing his hands firmly on his knees as he stared into Reoan's dark eyes. "What are you going to do, Guardian? Kill me? I'd like to see your pathetic body get up." He looked her over as he growled his words to her. "You'll be the first I seek, Angel. And I will send your tratirous hide to Hell so you can witness first hand what your [I]glorious[/I] work has created!" Reoan spat back as she fell back, her body trembling from the strain. "You've grown worthless, Guardian." The man said mockingly as he stood back up and started back towards the door. "This won't be the last of me, you worthless loyalist! I will seek out my revenge all your worthless beast will perish at my hands!" Reoan called after the man as he disappeared into the darkness, the door vanishing afterwards.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange](MUST READ) My fifth RPG and hopefully the third to make it all the way to the Square. *prays* Alright, this one will be a tad more strict after watching my last one...Falling of Dreams die after some BIG misunderstandings. I will be very picky who signs up for each of the characters and I want serious rpgers, willing to stick with it and make it interesting. If the story makes it to the Square any big ideas/events you have for your character must be run by me first, you can either pm or im me, my sn is on my profile. The basic plot is set in modern times. Reoan, once a Guardian of Earth, had broken a vow and fell in love. When that love was taken from her by "God", she sent her wrath upon the world, trying to destroy it. When she was finally caught, she was sent to Hell for a century for punshiment before returning to the Earth where she was enternally damned. Now Reoan gathers others that have been "wronged" by "God" to start an all out war. Loyalist (this can be humans, angels, demons, whatever) want to stop her and the Zodiac are to keep the peace. They play the biggest role in the story. There will be no GOD LIKE CHARACTERS! No one character is better then the next. I will be running the "supposed bad guys", you, my rpgers, will run the "supposed good guys" and the 8 or so Zodiac that try to keep the balance. I would like Angels and Demons to be researched some what with real names, like Adoil is Hand of God. Here's a site for [URL=http://www.angelicartistry.com/]Angel Names[/URL] and for information and some names on [URL=http://www.amadan.org/Innomine/Grigori.html]Grigori[/URL]. I don't have any sites for Demons, but I'm sure you kiddies can do that on your own. I could also use a few humans if ya'll wants. But humans have no "special gifts" like the Zodiac, Guardians, Angels, Demons. Oh yeah, Guardians are basicly humans with extreme warrior skills and the task to protect certain parts of the Earth and its creatures. They once had the ability to heal, some to read thoughts, and some could use magic-like skills. One thing they all had in common was the fact that they were to have no worldly possessions or feelings. They were to take no compassion, just do what they were assigned to do from the Grigori or Angel. I also need about 8 Zodiac. Whom ever signs up for the Sagittarius will be the one to go about the world gathering the other 7 after an angel tells them of the up and coming war. The given gender is not what the character has to be, but has to have personality traits that are like that gender. The animals listed are those you can choose from for their morphing ability. And here's what you can choose from:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]Cancer: the crab (Innocent) Where they will be found: Orlando, United States Order of being Located: Last - water - cardinal - Planet: Moon: ruler of emotions - hosting a party Color: Silver - female - protection Animals: Snowy Owl, hawk, dog, wolf Opal -- secrecy[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Aquarius: water bearer (Ozy) Where they'll be found: Coasta Rica Order: First - air - fixed - Planet: Saturn: Karma/Uranus: Rebellion - in a picket line Color: White - male/female - purity, godliness, cleanliness Animals: Cat, swan, bear Pearl -- feminity, focus, gentleness[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Aries: the ram Where they'll be found: Rio Order: Second - Planet: Mars: passion - fire - cardinal -pulling the strings Color: Red - male - action, ego, will, aggression Animals: tiger, loin, badger, alligator Ruby -- repel poisons, vitality, courage[/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]Gemini: the twins (Rieku) Where they'll be located: Greece Order: Third - Planet: Mercury: communication - air - mutable - mulit-tasking Color: Yellow - male - intellect, mental clarity, confidence Animals: phoenix, crow, parrot Tiger Eye -- courage, protection, luck, beauty[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Capricorn: the goat (Ominu Jaku) Where they'll be located: Japan Order: Sixth - Planet: Saturn: Karma - earth - cardinal - in charge Color: Black - male - rebirth, wisdom, control Animals: dragon, panther, bat, jaguar Diamond -- fidelity[/COLOR] [COLOR=Magenta]Virgo: the virgin (Opal) Where they'll be found: Switzerland Order: fourth - Planet: Mercury: communication - earth - mutable - crunching numbers Color: Pink - female - emotions from heart, friendship, compassion Animals: sparrow, deer Rose Quartz -- sexuality, calming, love[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]Sagittarius: the archer (Xy GGu) Where they'll be located: They discover the others with suttle hints for the Loyalist. Order: none - Planet: Jupiter: luck - fire - mutable - globetrotting Color: Purple - male - justice, royalty, clairvoyance, charm Animals: unicorn, eagle, vulture Turquoise -- psychic connection, protection, balance, strength[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Pisces: the fish Where they'll be found: Morocco Order: fifth - Planet: Jupiter: Luck/Neptune: Illusion - water - mutable - helping others Color: Blue - male/female - emotion calming, tranquility, loyalty, hope Animals: bluejay, giraffe, donkey Sapphire -- prophecy[/COLOR] Sign ups: [FONT=Arial]Name:[/FONT] (for angels/demons it has to be a real name. Every one else whatever you wish.) [FONT=Arial]Height: Weight: Age: [/FONT] (give what you appear to be and then how old your soul is. Don't make your soul age crazy please) [FONT=Arial]Appearance:[/FONT] (pictures or detailed describtion) [FONT=Arial]Race:[/FONT] (human, demon, angel, vampire, succubus, human, grigori, or one of the 8 zodiac) [FONT=Arial]Position:[/FONT] (loyal or not to "God" and why you are) [FONT=Arial]Power:[/FONT] (keep this very limited...say 2 for now. Zodiac try to keep your power related to your sign and color...like gemini could have a lighting power.) [FONT=Arial]Morph:[/FONT] (for zodiac characters only. please choose an animal from the list under ur sign and give me a picture) [FONT=Arial]Weapon:[/FONT] (this can range from guns to ancient weaponary, but limit it to 2 or 3. nothing too out there please. remember mordern day.) [FONT=Arial]Bio:[/FONT] (give me some background information on your character. can be short or long, but remember that I'm judging the sign ups so not every one will make it.) [COLOR=DarkOrange]I will be posting my character soon. Hope this goes through[/COLOR] :animenose
OOC: IMPORTANT!! We have a problem kiddies...our wonderful '...' might have left us which causes great conflicts with the story. I can't continue this rpg without Sarah!! If some one wants to play her character PM...if not I might just end up playing her character myself. Oh and keep an eye on adventure inn, I might start a new rpg soon ;)
OOC: Be prepared to die!! How dare you set my castle ablaze!! :animeangr IC: [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]Watching Lysander leave with aggrevation streaming across his face, Damion shoved himself to sit up again. Sarah was clearly angered by the man's words and rude mannerisms towards her. She sneered at the opened door as Damion reached out and grabbed her hand. She jumped at his sudden touch, swirling around to hit him when she realized that it was he who had her. "Don't let him get to you, my Angel. Lysander is a great man, and only knows of my misdeeds." Damion smiled and kissed her hand lightly. She smiled at him as she sat back down on the bed. "You really should rest," Sarah said as she laid her head on his chest. "I know," he replied, brushing a strain of hair from her face. "But I am still king and need to attend to this uprising." "I know, but I wish you didn't have to." Sarah sighed. He slid his hand onto her cheek and held her close to him. "My Lord!" some one shouted as they rushed into his chamber. It was a young servant boy, the one from the stables. "What is it?" Damion asked, Sarah sitting up again. "The castle is on fire, my Lord!" the boy shouted, sweat pouring down his face. "WHAT!?" Damion bellowed as he rushed to his feet, Sarah quickly at his side. "Where are my nobles?" Damion yelled as he gathered a tunic a trousers. "Lysander, Raymond and Alder are here, but no sign of Michael, my Lord." The boy watched as Damion dressed himself in his royal grab quickly, his light armor being placed upon his body with Sarah's help. He could see the pain that danced in her eyes before she turned to smile at the King. "Fetch Ashrel and my nobles, I want them in the main foyer by the time I get there." Damion cursed. The boy bowed and rushed off. "My Angel," Damion turned to Sarah and grabbed a hold of hands gently in his. "Would you gather whatever servants and freed slaves that have remained behind to help put out the fires." She smiled at him and touched his face gently. She nodded, her pain so obvious. "I will come back to you, my Angel. I shall never leave you here alone as long as there is an ounce of life left in my body," he bent forward and passionately kissed her before rushing from the chamber to meet with the nobles in the main foyer. [I]How in the world did a rebel get past my guards even with most of them fighting at the front gates?[/I] Damion growled to himself.[I] I know I didn't raise and train my own army to be idiots or lazy and I know damn well not all of them left my side.[/I] He tried to wash the thought from his mind as he burst into the foyer. Two massive guards held a fair looking noble between them, while Lysander stood before him. Ashrel stood off in the distance with both her servants and Amaya. Raymond and Adler stood just off to Ashrel's right, laughing and chuckling as Damion approached. "My Lord," Lysander said, turning and bowing to Damion as he approached. "Do have a sweet tongue towards my Lady Sarah the next time you meet with her." Damion said, trying not to growl at the man he saw as a brother. "Of course," Lysander nodded his head. "Sire," Damion turned to see Jarrod and three of the other elite guards. "We've brought back some of the troops to help with the fire. The rebels have nearly broken through the gates, my Lord." Damion growled. "How the hell have hundred mounted men and three hundred train men on foot been nearly beaten by a hundred and fifty men!" "I don't know, Sire." "Do I have to do everything myself?" Damion bellowed again, Lysander laughing at his anger. "Ashrel, you organize Raymond's men, the remaining servants, and the soldiers that have returned to take care of the fires." "My Lord," Ashrel bowed as she, her servants, Amaya, and Raymond left the foyer. "MY Lord, what do you suggestion of this gentlemen?" Lysander beckoned Damion's attention. Damion finally turned towards the two guards to see who they had caught running around his castle. Upon approaching them he could smell the faint smell of smoke and seeing the man's face Damion could nothing but smile and chuckle. "Marquise, how nice of you to join us." "You won't win this time, you murderous bastard!" Rion shouted at him. Damion gritted his teeth as he wrenched his body around and back-handed the rebelious noble. Damion's head began to ache and his vision swirled a bit. "You will bow to me, you treadous snob!" Damion turned to the guards. "Shackle him and stick him on a horse." The men nodded and dragged Marquise off. "Lysander and Adler, you and your men will accompany to the front gates. Bring your troops." Damion started towards the stables. "Jarrod, fetch my sword. You and the elites will ride with me." "Sire." Jarrod bowed and hurried off towards the armory. ******************************* Damion looked down the hill from upon Eclipse, Lysander on his right with Jarrod and another elite next to Jarrod. Adler, high upon his grey horse, on Damion's left with two elites next to him holding firmly to Marquise mount. An army of over a thousand men, both on foot and mounted, waited patiently behind them. Damion sneered at the sight he beheld. His men were being easily slaughtered by these rebels and it was disgracing beyond all words. Eclipse shifted uneasily under Damion, anticapation racing through the stallion. Damion was dressed in his metal armor, larger shoulder plates, silver cape and all. His head had been cleaned and its bandages removed, and his long dark hair was pulled back at the base of his neck. His eyes glowing red with anger as he bellowed for the charge. Lysander, Adler and the two elites with Marquise stayed perfectly posed on the hill as the army rushed forward, Jarrod and Damion, sword drawn, in the front. They collided with the rebel army and nearly destroyed it upon impact. Screams, cries and begging could be heard as the king's army descreated what had remained. As the battle died down after such a short moment, Lysander, Adler, the elite and Marquise made their way towards them. Damion and Jarrod dismounted, two soldiers holding their mounts as they approached the nobles. Both Jarrod and Damion were covered in crimson blood and one of it was their own. None to the troops that had followed the king down had stained any mortal wounds, but some wounds were being treated for. Damion greeted the nobles as Jarrod walked past them to grab Marquise and pull him from his mount. The noble hit the ground hard as Jarrod dragged him by the collar over to Damion. Damion pulled his sword from his waist as he took a hold of Marquise. "I know you're still out there, Asher!" Damion bellowed over the calm. "You and your rebels! You see this," Damion pulled Marquise to his feet by the back of his neck. "Your precious noble lord who thought it would be satifing to set my castle on fire!" Damion stuck his blade through Marquise's right leg, listening to him wail in pain. "This will happen to you if you dare try to set foot on MY castle again!" Damion threw the noble forward into the blood and muddy earth, shackles still around his wrist. Damion turned away from him, cleaning his sword with a piece of cloth. "Strip him," he commanded Jarrod as he mounted Eclipse once more. [/COLOR] [/FONT] OOC: Decided that I was being too nice to you people!
RPG War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha watched Lana and Nye exit the hotel before her, each holding their own weapons against their body. The small shine of Lana's sais' made her grit her teeth and Lana's betrayal flashing through her memory. The slight scar in Kietha's shoulder began to itch. She feverishly reached up and scratched at it, neither Nye or Lana noticing this action.[/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]What will you do with the Opal Shadow Assassin[/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]The shadows swirled around Kietha, but managed stay hidden from Nye and Lana's sight and hearing. Kietha kept her composure as she follwed the two young vampires. The Blue Lace that laid around her neck and dangled against her flesh glowed with soft blue light under her thin shirt. She dared not touch it. Reaching into her pocket, Kietha pulled out the Opal shard that was suppose to go to Kuroichi. She looked down at it and growled. "Something wrong?" Nye turned his head slightly towards her Kietha brought her head up, eyes soft grey. She shook her head, hidding the Opal in her hand. He gave her a curious look before he continued on his way. [I]It is time I freed myself of loyalities and lords[/I]. Kietha's shadow voice spoke softly, Nye and Lana unable to hear it. [I]If Kuroichi wants to rule all the clans, he must face all the challenges one must take and if that includes bringing Nye my own head, then so be it.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]There is a war With the hunters And Kuroichi Zuriel has fallen[/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kietha stopped suddenly, which brought both Lana and Nye to stop and bring their attention to her. "What is it?" Lana asked. "Kuroichi and the hunters fight, my young lord...Lady Lana. Zuriel has fallen once more, but his health seems to be recovering." Kietha avoided their gazes for a moment before bring her eyes back to them.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Damion turned his head carefully to look down at her. Her face was hidden amongst her hair and the warmth of her tears slid down his bare arm. He reached out and lifted Sarah's head by her chin, bringing her eyes up to him. He tried to smile, to comfort her, but knew that this would more than likely be his last battle. He rubbed her cheek gently with his thumb and tried to wipe away her tears. The feel of her lips still lingered on his own, her delicate scent and taste racing across his mind. He didn't want to lose her or cause her more pain. He had done enough of that already. His heart ached and he wanted to turn away from her, but just couldn't bring himself to do so. With a slight hesitation, Damion bent forward and gently laid his lips against her's. He waited for a moment, feeling her body rise to meet his, before he allowed himself to indulge in a more passionate kiss. He pulled her in front of him and gently pressed her body against his, desire and lust falling over him. He intangled both his hands in her hair and held her head delicately before he pulled back. She looked up at him, her green eyes glossy and splendid, oh how he wished to have her by his side always. "Will you please lay down?" Sarah begged again. Damion smiled and nodded. "Only if you will lay next to me." He said softly. Sarah seemed to catch her breath and she said nothing at first. He was hoping he hadn't done anything to cause her pain or discomfort. Suddenly she smiled and began to push him towards the bed. He did all he could not to show his satification as she got him back in bed and under the covers. He ran a gentle hand across her face as she laid next to him, the blankets seperating their clothed bodies, his nearly bare. She cuddled close to him, placing her head on his chest and an arm over his waist as he engulfed her with one of his powerful arms and ran his fingers across her face before he difted back off to sleep. [CENTER]******************************[/CENTER] Jarrod watched as the rebels fought fiercly against Damion's small army. Many had already fallen and he was rather taken back on how well the rebells were holding up. He swung his large broad sword around and it smashed into the face of a rebel, nearly cutting his whole head in half. The man fell to the ground with out a word as Jarrod prepared to defend himself from an on coming attacker. A perfect parry and an outside swing, and the man fell, screaming, to the ground below. Jarrod looked up for a moment, blood splashed across his armor and face. His five elite had done well to keep the rebels away from the gates, though the rest of the guards and knights seemed to be falling to hold up much, despite their numbers. Just about all on horses were now on foot. "Now you're on armed rebel," Jarrod heard some one yell. He swung around to see Ravenblood and a soldier. The rebel leader was unarmed and the soldier was preparing to take his head, and what glory would come of it as well. Ravenblood smiled as the soldier rushed at him. The boy jumped out of the way and knocked the man's knees out. The man fell forward and right onto his sword. The metal shot through his back and a cry fell from the fallen soldier's lips before he fell silent. Jarrod shook his head and smiled as he prepared to defend the gate once more. [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] "Did you hear!" a slave girl rushed to Maaya and grabbed a hold of her hands. They stood in the slave quarters, which was in chaos. "No, what?" Maaya replied, puzzled by all the commotion. "Damion has freed us all! He has sent us all free!" The girl screamed as she took Maaya's hands and jumped up and down in great joy. "What?" "Because of the rebellion, Damion has sent us all free to do with our lives as we please!" the girl smiled broadly as she rushed from the slave quarters in great joy.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]Damion smiled, trying to keep from vanishing back into the black waves of dizziness. All he could focus on was Sarah's beautiful face and soft eyes staring back at him. He couldn't believe she had come back. He was so overjoyed and wanted to kiss her, but he knew that moving would cause him to fall back into the black waves. Damion was about to say something when the door burst open and Jarrod rushed in, his breath short. "Sire," Jarrod bowed quickly. "Forgive me," he added upon seeing Sarah. Damion turned to him, Sarah dropped her hands and turned to look at the man. He was large, like Damion, but his face was hardened with the many years of torture and battles he had endured. His fine flaxen hair was cut short and was scattered about his face. His heavy metal armor made quite a racket when he moved and his pale blue eyes seemed to be missing something. "What is it?" Damion said bitterly, receiving a hardened glance from Sarah. He cringed slightly as he waited for Jarrod's reply. "Sire," Jarrod stood back up. "The rebellion has started and Asher rides to the city gates!" "WHAT!" Damion sat up quickly, despite Sarah trying to usher him to lay again. "They have taken many of the outer posts, Sire. And they try to take hold of your nobles and some have already turned." Damion swayed lightly, grabbing his head. "Marquise?" growled Damion. "Yes and many others, Sire." "Call Lysander, Raymond, Adler and Michael to me at once! Rally the men here at the castle to stop the current attack. Send Ashrel to me at once!" "Of course, Sire." Jarrod bowed, his eyes flickering to Sarah for a moment before leaving. [CENTER]*****************[/CENTER] Jarrod rushed through the halls, his armor making enough noise to warn any one in the way to move. He rushed first to the knight and guard quarters, yelling commands for them to rally in the front court yard in full line up and to call upon the horsemen. Once the word had spread, Jarrod rushed through the building in search of Ashrel. "Ashrel!" a voice called above the noise. The castle was in chaos as it prepared to take upon the rebel force. The woman turned from the slave before her to see Jarrod approaching her, full armor and all. "What is it that you want?" She snarled at the man. "Damion wishes to see you in his chamber and you'll be happy to know that his favorite pet is with him." Jarrod smiled wickedly at Ashrel. She sneered at him. "Is it true, the rebellion that is?" Amaya said boldly, standing just off to the side from Ashrel. "Yes," Jarrod said quickly before he made his way back into the castle and out to the front courtyard. Four hundred men had gathered, a hundred of them on horses, and all were ready to take on the rebels at the gates. Jarrod mounted his horse and rode the front line up to the gates. [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] "My Lord," a servant said as he approached Raymond. "Word has come from King Damion. He asks for you and your army to join against the revolt at the castle." The small man, standing only at 5'6", turned to the servant. He wore the king's colors, green, silver and gold, and his symbol, the horse and tiger. Raymond nodded and sent the servant away. The noble pulled his long auburn hair back at the base of his neck and tied it with a bronze ribbon. His strong, angular facial features exposed and his rich chocolate eyes glowing with the anticapation of the coming battles. He rushed from his study to deliever the message and rally his own men. A much similar event happened at Michael's, Adler and Lysander's estates. They drove their forces closer to the castle, not knowing that Damion knew that this battle would not end well. With not only his physical strength nearly gone, but his will to keep his power sliding with every moment he grows closer to Sarah. [/COLOR] [/FONT] OOC: Well here we go kiddies! A war has started...let's see who will win :animesmil
[COLOR=Indigo]"Adrain darling," Alex said, running her fingers across his chest. He smiled playfully at her. "Would you care to go to your room for a moment, please. Found something fashionable to wear that is clean." She smiled teasingly. "Of course, madam." Adrian nodded. He slid past Alex as he started towards the door. "Do remember not to talk to any one." She watched him try to hide the rolling of his as he left the room. Alex shook her head as she wandered into the bathroom. "I'll be right back. Just going to take a quick shower." Alex said before closing the door. The bathroom was of proper size with two faucets and a rather long sink top. Beautiful pink and white marble decorated not only the sink but the floor as well. The dark cherry wood that made up the cupboards matched perfectly, along with the light pink colored rugs and wallpaper. The shower curtain was decorated with pastel pink and darker rose petals, and the tube also a soft pink. Alex fixed the small mess Adrain had left on the sink and made her way to the large shower. She started the water and began to undress herself. The warm water rushed over her body, massaging her tighten muscled. She tried not to think as she bathed herself and got out. The cool air sent goosebumps along her skin as she grabbed a towel. She dried herself, wrapped a robe around her and walked back out into the bedroom. Sarah still sat at the table, sipping on her coffee lightly. Alex couldn't help but smile at her as she took a seat across from the girl. "I want to tell you something I haven't told any one in ten years." Alex said suddenly. Sarah looked up at her. "Ok." "When I was a little girl my family owned a small stables with a few horses." Alex played with her hair as she kept her eyes from Sarah. "My mother, my three older sisters and I use to go on long trail rides, for weeks sometimes. I loved going and never could get enough of it. Well one year I got sick with the flu, but we had already made plans to go on a trip, so my sisters and mother went without me. I was so mad that I threw a fit the whole week they were gone." "Ok." Sarah said, not really understanding why Alex had never talked about it before. "Well at the end of that week, my mother and sisters were suppose to have come back. But they hadn't. There had been a sudden storm that occured and a flash flood that created a landslide. All four horses and my mother and sisters were caught in the slide and killed." Alex went quite for a moment, looking at the table. She smiled suddenly and stood up just as there was knock on the door. Adrian came in with a handful of clothes and walked over to Sarah. "Madam, I figured you would need something clean to wear so I brought your things from your room." He bowed lightly with a playful smile. Sarah took her clothes with a smug look on her face. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][I]Earlier....[/I] The loud screams from up the hallway and the thundering footsteps running about the mansion where just enough to distract Sarah from her shot and she scratched. Alex chuckled as she made her way over to the other end of the stable. She was acting rather funny-loving and was rather friendly with her hands since the game started. Sarah watched her as she pulled the white cue ball from its resting spot. Alex's smile just kept getting wider and wider. The pool game had lasted well into the early morning, both girls doing their best to win. Now Sarah was a head with only one ball and the eight left. Alex had three and the eight ball, but the shots were near perfect. "Right corner pocket," Alex called out as she placed the cue ball on the table. Sarah shook her head and smiled. Alex had missed those long shots all night, there was no way she was going to make it now. Alex lined the ball up and placed her stick on her hands. She seemed almost too careless to be playing such a game. She struck the ball and sent it flying into the three ball. They collided with a smack as it raced towards and into the pocket Alex had called. Sarah's jaw nearly dropped, but she shook of the trembling that had started to grow within her. Alex walked around the table and began to square up her next shot. "Left side pocket." Alex declared just before shooting again. The cue ball flew halfway across the table, into the two and sending it into its destintation and senting her up for the five ball. She took her shoot effortlessly as she made her way around to decide how she was to sink the eight ball. Sarah had caught her breath now. She tried to keep her composure as she waited for Alex to take her shot. Alex tipped to one side for a moment, her smile still dancing across her face. She brought herself back up straight and began to aim her stick. She lightly tapped the ball, it rolled across the table gently and hit the eight ball lightly. Things seemed to move extremely slow as Sarah and Alex watched the ball. [I]Kurplunk[/I] "I think I just won!" Alex said joyfully, twirling around to smile at Sarah. Sarah's face went white as she reached into her pocket to pull the drug out. Alex watched with anticapation as Sarah unwrapped it. "Come on..." Alex said with slight annoyance when Sarah hesitated. "A deal is a deal." "Yeah..." Sarah said looking at the pill. "Hold on!" Alex ran off and hurried back with a glass of something. "Here, drinking it with this soda. It will make it easier to swallow." Sarah took the glass and stared at the drug. She took a deep breath as she stuck it in her mouth, took a drink, and swallowed quickly. "How long does it take?" "By the time we get up stairs." Alex smiled as she ran her fingers across Sarah's arm. She pulled away. Alex smiled again and twirled around and started towards the door. With every servant they passed, Alex drapped herself across them; whether they were male or female didn't matter. As they began to make their way up the stairs, Sarah started to feel the effects of the drug. Slowly at first and then really fast. She felt almost light headed, but good. "Tingles and makes you want some one to touch you, because it feels so damn good." Alex turned on the last step before the top to look down at Sarah. "Yeah," she smiled. "Knew'd you like it!" Alex said as she made her way into the hallway. "Now where did my room go. Sarah giggled at her. Alex smiled again as she started down the hallway, noticing an approaching figure. She squinted at them as she strolled down the hall, chest held high and her body swaying as if she was on a catwalk. Sarah giggled at her as she followed behind. "Hey," Alex said upon coming face to face with him. "Can you help me...." "Marcus," the man replied. "Marcus," Alex smiled and nodded. "Can you help show me and Sarah to my room. I have a guest," Alex winked at him, "waiting for us." Marcus creased his brow, but agreed to help. "What's your name?" "Alex Miltray," Alex placed her hand in front of him delicately. He shook it as he turned around. Alex took a hold of Sarah's hand as they followed behind him. They past a few doors before they came to her own. "Here ya go." Marcus said, stepping to one side. "Thank you," Alex opened the door and ushered Sarah inside, closing the door behind her. "I would like to thank you properly." Alex smiled at the man who only looked her confused. She walked up to him, slowly sliding herself against him and draping her arms over his shoulders. He looked at her with curious eyes as she leaned in and kissed him rather passionately. At first he just kind of stood there, shocked before pushing her off. She ran delicate fingers over his exposed chest as he continued to push her back by her arms. "Um...no thanks." He said politely. "Maybe next time," Alex winked as she provactively walked into her room. "Hello my pretties...oh my!" Alex said upon seeing both Sarah and Adrain laying on her bed. Sarah was still being a good girl, Adrian running his hands over her shoulders, but he was stunning in his nudity! Alex licked her lips with a devilish smile. She walked over to them both as she pulled her shoes from her feet. Adrian's close laid draped across the large maroon colored cough that lay on the other side of the room. Oh how stunning he was! Alex laid onto the bed in Sarah's lap and the girl slowly began to run her hands through the red head's hair. Alex tried not to reach around and start teasing Alex as he continued to massage Sarah's shoulders. He must have noticed her eyeing him because he started making small gestures towards her. ************* When Alex stirred from her deep sleep some time during mid morning, she was laying completely naked next to Adrian and Sarah, covered and probably in the same situation as she, was laying on the couch.[/COLOR] OOC: No ... we didn't rape your character :) Just played a game of strip poker ;)
HAHA! Gonna make you start this one now! Name: Beelzebub for short Zebub--Prince of Demons (since I'm far too lazy to look up other demon thingys :) ) Creation: Well if I'm the Prince of all demon's doesn't that mean I'm a demon?? that's what I thought ;) Sex: Male..since it says "Prince" yeah. Hey...does that mean that if you become the key that I can rape you ?? ;) Appearance: [IMG]http://www.rivetheads.com/Tohell/images/beelzebub.jpg[/IMG] and see attachment for appearance without armor and do excuse the katana in the pic... Personality: Known for the deadly sin gluttony and very much into keeping things as they are. Bio: Watching his armies casade onto the earth as he was commanded to, Zebub could not help feel uncomfortable. He had always remained loyal to his king of hell, Lucifer, but this new change and the bringing of the end of human rule seemed to be a bit too much. The other angels would be coming soon and he would have to defend his King. (sorry...still don't have the creative groove...damn it! But I'm sure my posts in the actual story will make up for it ;)) Power: Flames can errupt from the bottom of his gut and spue from his mouth like a fire breathing dragon. Weapon: [IMG]http://www.spiral.org.uk/acatalog/Gothic2.jpg[/IMG]
[COLOR=Indigo]"Hey, Sarah." Alex called when Sarah came back into the room. "Yeah?" "Would you mind not talking to any one for awhile...until I say otherwise?" Sarah gave a deep sigh and nodded her head in approval. "Thanks. Um...y ou want to hang out in my room for a bit. I have some great tastying wine and a deck of cards." Alex smiled brightly, a hint of devilish fun hidden within. "Um...ok." Sarah replied. "Great!" Alex jumped away from the table and started towards the doors. Sarah followed obediently behind her. "You know," Alex said, twirling around to talk to the girl. "You don't have to be so quiet." "Yeah, well...what am I suppose to say?" Sarah replied. "Well you could start with where you're from?" "California." "United States?" "Yes." "Hey! I just remembered. We're suppose to play a game of pool weren't we?" Alex twirled back around in her black heeled boots. "Yeah." "Well let's go!" Alex paraded towards a servant to ask him where the pool room was, flirting with him openly. He seemed rather distraught about the whole thing. "Thank you." Alex replied when he finish telling her, blowing a small kiss towards him. He flushed and tried to hide it from both girls. "You know what?" Alex said upon entering the large pool room. She picked one of the center tables and began to set the balls up. "What?" Sarah finally said, looking over the pool sticks and bringing two over, one for herself and the other for Alex. "You should really try this ecstasy." Alex said as she pulled the triangle from the table. Sarah looked at Alex with fear crossing her face. Alex smiled brightly as she pulled the small pink pill from her pocket. She extended her hand towards Sarah. Sarah hesitated, looking into Alex's eyes. "Go on, take it." Alex said joyfully. [/COLOR] OOC: ... you can start our little game if you so wish. :) Has fun!
[COLOR=Indigo]Alex paused for a moment, watching every one leave and allowing the small joy that had spread across her to disappear after Adrian's little display. People were getting so emotional about their pretty little cards, could it really be that bad? Alex shook her head, smiled and played with the rest of her food. Sarah seemed to be paying no attention to her card as she played with her food, not really eating it. Alex shook her head again, this girl needed to lighten up. Well better not keep the card waiting. Alex picked up the card and carefully opened it. The cardboard-like yellow paper had perfectly printed letters on it and the instructions simple. Alex read it carefully once. Her eyes flashed wide before a devilish smile creased across her lips. She carefully tucked the card back into its envelope and handed it to Adrian. "What would you like me to do with this madam?" He asked politely, bowing. "Place the card in my top left drawer of my vanity and then make yourself comfortable on my bed." "Yes madam." Adrian prepared to turn and leave the dinning room before Alex added something. "Talk to no one on your way there." Her voice was a little venoms. "Of course madam." He nodded gently and preceed to leave. "Enjoying your meal?" Alex turned to Sarah with a smile.[/COLOR]
RPG War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black] The priest searches for you and Lady Lana[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha could here the shadows whisper as she walked towards the small Heart Covenant. The place reeked of human with the sweet scents of Dracula and....Zoku. She had just missed him. On his way already. But that was not of her concern at this moment. Two guards came into few as Kietha stopped to allow the shadows to venture in and return to her. The cool night breeze fluttered over her, blowing her crimson and black hair from her face. Her dim grey colored eyes reflected the soft moon light as she stared at the men. They watched her with curious eyes, knowing that she was a vampire, but did nothing. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]He is there So our the Hunters And Dusk And his companion And Zuriel[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]The shrill whispers of the shadows circled around in Kietha?s head, brushing her skin and hair. They danced about her as if they were drunken fiends ready to have their way with her. She stayed perfectly still as they fluttered around her delicate clothing and through her hair. They teased at her, but paid them no attention as if they were nothing more than shadows. Kietha allowed her eyes to slide close as she reached up to touch the Blue Lace around her neck. The gem sent a small pulse of blue light through her body as she projected herself through the shadows as she had when she visited Lana and Nye. A shadow cased itself before her, taking on her shape, her structure and appearance down to her dim grey eyes. It walked forward in the same manner she would have and Kietha?s eyes took on whatever the shadow saw. And she could feel whatever it felt as it approached the door. ?I?m sorry miss, but you can?t enter here.? The main in front said firmly, placing a hand before her. She looked up at him, cocking her head to the side gently. ?You can?t stop the shadows.? She whispered gently. Silently she slipped past them both and through the door. A beautiful red light glowed all around them as the figures came into sight. No one seemed to notice her at first as she played along the walls, chairs and tables as she made her way closer to them. ?HALT!? a very masculine voice shouted as it rushed forward, towards her. She paused, standing firmly in the middle of the room, her shape swaying slightly upon realizing what it was. Kairi rushed forward, throwing a dagger to the Shadow Assassin?s throat. Kietha did not move, but tilted her head gently to the right, her eyes staring straight into his. ?She?s one of Kuroichi?s,? Zuriel shouted. ?The Shadow Assassin,? Kietha could hear Dusk nearly whisper. Kietha could feel Dracula move through the shadows, his scent engulfing her. She attempted to move, but Kairi kept her still. She brought her eyes over to the light where they all circled around as the tall, mysteriously handsome vampire made his presence known. ?Dracula,? Kietha?s whispered voice sounded desperate, pain filled. The ancient vampire tried to keep his composure as he walked towards her. ?She comes here for me, Kairi. Let her be.? Dracula?s voice echoed through the room. ?You must be mad!? Zuriel shouted. Kietha brought innocent and curious eyes towards the hunters. She smiled at their sight, though they could no see who she was. Not now. She was far more rogue then she had been when Kuroichi originally threatened things and they were so you, and she so old now. ?I pose no threat to you in this form.? Kietha hissed towards Zuriel, he looked bitterly towards her. Kietha slid her body through Kairi?s blade and towards them all. Her shadowy structure showing itself for a brief moment. ?Why are you here?? Dusk asked. ?To see Dracula.? Kietha said sweetly. ?How you?ve changed.?[/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]Time grows short Some one comes[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha brought her head back towards Dracula. She walked up to him and buried her face into his neck as he embraced her. ?You have lost so much, Kietha.? He said softly, trying not to be heard. ?My end, draws near, Dracula. And I find I have little strength left without this gem. It is all that holds me together. I have nearly finished the Gyshram, my Lord young and I nearly killed him too. Its like it was when Serio granted me this life and now...? Kietha?s voice faultered. ?He is not to share it with you. You have found another, have you not?? Dracula caught her sentence. ?We are of opposites, my dear Dracula. I cannot fight with him nor against him. I am lost.? [/COLOR] [/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]Kietha![/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]The shadows began to hiss, growling and dancing franticly. Kietha creased her face as she pulled away from Dracula. ?I have to go. Please forgive me, my Father.? Kietha nodded her head and vanished from the building. Upon entering her body again, Kietha felt a rush of dizziness take hold. Her body glowed a soft blue for a moment before it faded. Focusing again, Kietha saw the two guards rushing towards her. She was unprepared and unable to draw her weapons from a sudden surge of weakness. The guards pulled guns from their sides and aimed them at Kietha?s chest. The shadows hissed and circled around her in a black wall. The bullets hit them solidly, causing them to groan and scream with pain. When the guards had emptied their shells, the shadows swirled around them, engulfing them and crushing their bones. Kietha watched in amazement when the shadows vanished, dropping them to the ground lifeless. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial Black]Lady Lana and Nye Have returned to Japan Go to them But what of Zoku... It is not time Nye and Lady Lana They go to Kuroichi You must go with them[/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha bowed softly as the showed engulfed her, taking hold of her as they carried her to where Lana and Nye had kept themselves and the army. The hotel was small and out of the way. She had seen it before, when she was much younger when she use to travel with Lord David. Taking a deep breath Kietha walked into the office. The man at the counter recognized her on sight and drew a gun, pointing it in her face as she stood at the counter. She stayed calm and cool, feeling and smelling Nye?s presence as he made his way down the hall towards them. ?Let her pass,? Nye commanded. ?Yes, my Lord.? the man replied, putting the gun away. ?My young Lord,? Kietha bowed at her waist. ?I have heard that you wish to see Kuroichi and my shadows have told me that I should be at your side once more.? Kietha rose, her dim eyes flickering over his face. ?Yes, of course. Lady Lana will be delighted to see you again.? Nye smiled as he turned around to start back down the hall. Kietha followed silently behind him, watching his aggressive and confident walk. He had grown so much and she...she so little. [I]Zoku...how can this love last when I am against all you are planning? How can my love grow when I am so close to death?[/I][/COLOR][/FONT] -
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Indigo]Alex smiled at the Master of Games who sat perfectly posed on the other side of the table. She shook her head at the mere thought of his name as she delicately sat down and watched Sarah sit next to her. [I]Charming girl.[/I] Alex turned her head to look at a rather handsome man and he seemed to be well to do. Alex licked her lips as she folded her hands in her lap. "My name's Alex Miltray, and yours?" She asked him coyly. He turned his head elegantly and a smile played across his lips upon seeing her. He gave her a quick once over, trying to keep his gentleman appearance. "Adrien Lemont from France." He smiled brightly, nodding his head gently. [I]Oh, he's french. Delightful![/I] "I would be from Ireland," Alex smiled playfully drawing herself up to bring attention to her figure. The waiters began to dance about them serving food. Only the best food was placed before, as it was at home. She smiled and brought her attention back to her food. She saw that Sarah only stared at her, as if she was going to cry or something. "Hey, cheer up. We're suppose to be enjoying ourselves here. Change of scenery and people." Alex looked at Sarah. "Here this will cheer you up," Alex passed Sarah a small pink pill. "What's this?" She said taking it into her hand. "Its called ecstasy. It will make you feel like you're in heaven. Try it." Alex nudged her gently. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
OOC: Hey every one, sign ups for the second chapter is up in the INN under the name Falling of Dreams! Hope to see you all back again :)
[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial]Damion, King of Arawn, has been in power for only five years after over throwing the original king when he was only sixteen. Damion ruled with an iron, cold-hearted fist to prove to the people and the world that he was more than just another whore's son. Lost in his power and trying to keep his dream a reality, Damion has grown more and more blood thristy. But the lastest group of girls to be trained as slaves has brought about a strange turn of events. Sarah, one of the slave girls, had found her way into Damion's heart and as the days grow closer and closer to the rebellion, something Damion has been longing for, the bond between the two grows stronger. With Damion's physical strength nearly gone from a fight with both the rebel leader, Asher, and an old foe, Jacob, Damion's kingdom lays at the hands of his nobles, knights and guards. His first in Command, Lady Ashrel's health is fading and her spirt to keep fighting for her king grows weak. Will Damion keep his kingdom, or will the rebels win the battle? Only you, my wonderful rpgers can tell me the outcome!! :) First off, be fair to every one and I don't want any holyer-than-thou characters out there. I will be playing the part of Damion, the King. The setting is medeveilish. The basic idea here is here's a kingdom ruled by a heartless bastard (yes, a fatherless son). Love, rebellion and death is all apart of this rpg. To catch up on the story line you might want to read the first story. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=45512]Reality of Dreams[/URL] Currently, if every one signs back up (which I'm so praying they do since this is my first rpg that has not only made it into the adventure square, but has gone on to a second chapter) I will have about an even playing feild. What I really need is nobles and knights for both the rebellion and loyalist. I could take a few more slaves/servants and/or commoners as well. Well here's the sign up sheet and Damion's info. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=Arial]Sign Ups: Name: Age: (no limitations but try not to make them too young) Height: Weight: Gender: General appearance: (picture or describtion but please make it detailed if you write it out) Occupation: (also include if you are loyal or a rebel) Weapon: (picture or describtion) Bio: (you can have this short or as long as you wish. But please allow me to know what kind of character you have. If you pick Ashrel tell me how or why you fell in love with Damion--how you met him. If you're the leader, tell me why you want the rebellion and what you plan to do if you succeed. Ect ect.)[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow]Here's Damion: [COLOR=SeaGreen]Name: Damion Rossfer Age: 21 Height: 6' 2" Weight: 200 lbs Gender: male General appearance: A tall dark man with a muscular build. His hair draps around his shoulders and his eyes full of dark hatred for life. His face is stunning and a body that no one can match. If not for his bitterness and evil interior, Damion would be one of the greatest prizes for a woman. Usually dressed in his king garb with shoulder armer and dark blue cape, Damion commands respect. Occupation: King of Arawn Bio: Born on a lonely road to a slave woman, Damion grew up in a small town with out a father and constant harassment. His mother worked in the small village tavern, supply her son with education from the men she served. As Damion grew into his teens, he found that he had taken an interest in the dealings of ruling a kingdom. He would spend hours studying war stragedies, proper etiquete, and customs. On his sixteenth birthday, Damion rallied his allies, mostly kids that he had grown bigger than, and they over threw the current king. The blood bath lasted for weeks as Damion freed himself of all those that had torched him as a young child. Even taking great satisfaction in killing his own mother. Until Damion was nineteen, he spent his days conquering land and creating bloodshed until he had formed a large kingdom loyal, mainly out of fear, to him. He would let nothings stand in his way. And before the ending of the last chapter, Damion opened himself to Sarah and told her how he never truly wanted to be King. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
OOC: Leading up to Dragons_bait's post. IC: [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]Damion helped Sarah into a chair next to him and took his seat again. His nobles chatted amongst themselves as they awaited their meals. He hadn?t noticed until that very moment the smug look that creased Ashrel?s face and he knew exactly what was causing it. Never in a million life times did Damion think that Lady Ashrel could love him as she had. How blind he hand been to it. He kept his eyes from both women and he knew both knew something was wrong. Damion watched unamused as the servants, dressed in their fancy grab, paraded around the tables delivering various dishes to all. He ordered something for Sarah and waited for his own food to arrive. Upon its delivery, Damion realized that he wasn?t all that hungry. His head throbbed and his other wounds burned. He began to pick through his food, shoving a few bits into his mouth, but none of it satisfied him. ?Are you alright?? Sarah asked suddenly. Damion nodded gently, but didn?t look at her. This brought Ashrel?s attention to them, but she didn?t say anything either. They both watched him until dinner was done and the servants began to clear the tables. Damion turned to Sarah and smiled at her, ?I?m so happy you?ve come back.? He stood up, a little wobbly. He braced himself on the table with both arms, Ashrel standing up. ?I?m fine.? He said shortly. He pushed himself away from the table and made his way to the doors, trying desperately to keep his balance and strength. He made it to the doors, his head swimming and his legs weak. He braced himself on the door way, trying to make the dizziness stop, but failing miserably. He tried to step forward only to lose it all in a wave of blackness as he tumbled to the floor with a sickening thud. Guards and servants rushed to his head aid leaving Ashrel and Sarah helpless next to the table. They picked him up and carried him off, more than likely to his chamber. The news was already spreading like wildfire through the castle and it would only be a matter of time before it reached the commoners.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Sorry so short guys. Alright. I'm going to be posting the sign ups for the second chapter by tomorrow. So get the last little bits you want before the revolt starts...IF IT EVER STARTS. If you have any questions just pm thanks :animesmil
[FONT=Tahoma][COLOR=Indigo]Alex followed slightly behind this charming girl. She seemed so sweet and naive almost. But obvisiouly had been through something great to make her not willing to talk. Alex tried to smile at the whole idea of being around her, but it was hard. She hated being around depressing people, but there was something about this girl that she just couldn't leave. Alex smiled at the thought of playing pool, it had been awhile and she was probably pretty rusty, but she had nothing to hide. She always enjoyed a good challenge any ways. Just then a pair of guys walked by her and Sarah. "Where are you two off to, have a little funny." Alex said mockingly, but still very playful. "Dinner." One said with a rich accent. He seemed a little course about her question, but didn't bother to continue the converstation. "Hey," Alex called to Sarah. She turned around, a rather displeased look on her face. "I think dinner has started. We should eat before we start our game. It'll step up my game a bit." Alex smiled as she placed a hand on her hip. Sarah hesitated for a moment before agreeing to that. The two walked side by side towards where ever they were suppose to eat. Alex more or less following her because she hadn't really paid that much attention to the lay out of the house.[/COLOR][/FONT] OOC: Hey ... sorry I changed that a bit. I still think the pool game is a good idea though :)