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Everything posted by demonchild781
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=Indigo]Alex watched the different people break off into their various groups and all she could do was stand there and smile. [I]Silly little people.[/I] Alex followed her driver up to her room and watched him leave. She would have started flirting with him if he was something to look at. Poor dear must have been rejected a few too many times when he was younger. She chuckled to herself as she opened her suitcases. The room was rather large with a queen size bed sitting to the far right, delicately covered with fine red silk. Alex could barely contain herself as she followed the man into the room. He placed her things neatly on the bed and turned around, nearly running into Alex. "Thank you, my good sir." Alex smiled playfully at the charming driver. He made a half smile as he tried to step around her. "Is there any thing," and her voice reached a higher pitch "I can do for you, to repay you for you serices?" Alex fluttered her eyes a bit as she took a stance to bring attention to her well shaped hips. "No, but thank you ma'am." He smiled, nodding, and left the room. Alex giggled to herself as she pranced over to the bed. On the wall opposite the bed was a large vanity with various things displayed on it. Very charming, but a little too childish for her taste. She began to unpack and there seemed to be enough room for everything she had brought with her. Even a small spot to stash her many drugs. Once finished with unpacking, Alex shoved the bags under her bed and wandered over to the vanity to see what was laying on it. The mirror that laid gently against the wall was large enough to take in most of Alex's appearance and wide enough to stick three 300 lb women side by side. The wooden vanity was covered with a fine rose colored cloth and upon that were various little figurines. She smiled at the old memories they brought back before shoving them all into the top drawer. "I have no time for old dreams," Alex smiled as she made sure her appearance was perfect before venturing back downstairs. The other guests seemed to have found other things to do. A few servants wandered about, but nothing seemed to catch her eye. Well if this was going to continue she was going to find herself rather bored. As Alex wandered about she found a charming garden extrance that lay at the back of the house. On farther inspection, Alex found a lone girl laying in the grass. Having nothing better to do with her time, Alex decided to introduce herself. She walked up to the girl and bent down, nearly startling her. "Hey, the names Alex Miltray. I'm from Galway, Ireland." Alex extended her hand gently towards the girl. Taking Alex's hand the girl replied, "Sarah." "Nice to meet you." Alex sound joyfully. "So when do we eat?" [/FONT] OOC: Sorry so late. :)[/COLOR]
OOC: It was great Amgoddess! Oh and people, would you stop making my guards out to be such pussies. Gees. You really think a cold hearted, ruthless king would surrond himself with so many idoits?? Thanks :) [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]Damion stared down into Sarah?s almost serine face. She was so beautiful and the only thing he wanted was just to be here, standing before and nothing more. A small breeze swept across them and her hair fluttered across his hand. He smiled, but it slowly faded away. ?I never wanted to be king,? Damion said almost randomly and Sarah opened her eyes to look at him. He his hand fell from her. ?I put together a rebellion when I was sixteen to prove to people that I wasn?t just some whore?s son and that I could amount to something. I wanted the world to see me and those that had oppressed me to suffer at the hands of my wrath.? Damion?s voice grew cold as he turned from her, not wanting to peer into her beautiful, strong willed eyes. ?I never meant for it to go as far as it has. But some how I got caught up proving to the world that I was something and searching for power, that I lost the meaning behind why I had rebelled in the first place.? Damion fell silent, not sure Sarah was even at his side any more. He stared across the valley below taking in the glorious colors the setting sun was creating as it slide farther and farther under the horizon. He took a deep breath as gentle finger tips eased their way onto his bare arm. He smiled gently as he turned back around to see Sarah. Her eyes were so soft and he felt overwhelmed. He fell to his knees before her and wrapped his arms around her waist, barring his face into her stomach. ?I just want it all to end. I don?t want this life any more.? He whispered, nearly weeping. Sarah timidly looked at the top of his head, the bandage had finally stopped the bleeding and the blood was turning a deep brown color now. With hesitation, Sarah slowly placed her hands on his back as she held him closer to her. Damion did not cry, but neither said a word. The setting sun casting orange and red rays of light over them as from some movie or story book ending. ?Horses.? Damion whispered as he pulled his head up to look in the direction which they had come from. He slowly slid from Sarah and stood up. In the distance a set of three horses came into view. Damion took a deep sigh as he turned back around to Sarah. He slid his fingers across her right cheek and watched her eyes close gently with his touch. He smiled at her. ?You are free.? He said suddenly bringing her attention back to him. ?You can take Starlight and ride as far away from here as you wish, for you are no longer bound to me.? Damion turned before she could say anything or see the expression in her beautiful eyes. He mounted Eclipse and shoved him towards the approaching horses, never looking back at Sarah. ?Sire,? Jarrod greeted Damion upon reaching each other. ?What?s going on?? Damion?s voice was filled with concern. Jarrod never came searching for Damion unless something was of extreme importance. ?Its Lady Ashrel, Sire. She has fallen...ill.? ?Ill?? Damion looked puzzled for a moment before the four rode off towards the castle. [CENTER]**************************[/CENTER] ?My Lord,? Marou greeted the King as he entered the castle. ?Where is Ashrel?? He demanded. ?She is in her chamber, my Lord.? Marou replied as she followed him through the maze of corridors to Ashrel?s room. ?What is wrong with her?? he barked upon reaching her door. ?She is ill, my Lord.? She replied, trembling a bit. ?I know that!? ?Simply put, if I may, my Lord. But Lady Ashrel is dying.? Marou looked up into Damion?s eyes cold dark eyes as he stared at her with bewilderment. ?She has a rare disease that attacks the lungs and senses, my Lord.? She replied as a guard ran up to them. ?We have captured a slave girl that was trying to escape, my Lord.? The boy said upon arriving. Damion swirled around and put his fist into the boy?s face. His nose exploded as it broke and he fell to the floor screaming, blood rushing every where. ?Get him out of here!? Damion yelled, Jarrod?s men taking him away. ?I want no one to disturb me!? ?Yes, Sire.? Jarrod nodded as Damion disappeared into Ashrel?s chamber.?My Lord,? Ishizu said upon the king?s entering. She was cleaning the last bits of blood off the floor and looking over Ashrel?s bandages. Damion reached up to touch his own head. He had forgotten all about the previous fights. He was so lost in Sarah?s glory and the worrying of Ashrel?s well being that his own had never come to mind. He made his way over to Ashrel?s side, pulling a small wooden stand over to sit on. ?She has bandages on her back, my Lord.? Ishizu added as he sat down next to Ashrel, who laid on her back. ?Why?? ?Lashes, my Lord. She asks for lashes.? Ishizu vanished from the room. Damion stared at Ashrel?s peaceful face. She was so beautiful and followed him so loyally that he never saw the damage it had done to her. He had created a monster out of two people, not just one. He reached up to pull a strain of hair from her face noticing a small amount of blood on her lips. He reached in his pocket to pull a small cloth from it. Slowly and carefully he whipped it from her lips. ?I am so sorry that I have been so blind to you, Ashrel.? Damion whispered as he laid his head on her bed next to him. He longed to cry, but could find no strength or the tears to allow him to do so. So he sat there, listening to Ashrel?s ragged breaths and said nothing.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Damion watched Sarah walk off, her words still ringing in his head. He wanted to follow after her, but thought better of it. His head throbbed and he needed medical treatment. He gave a heavy sigh and turned back towards the stable. "You said you were good with medicine?" Damion asked Maaya upon reaching her. "Yes," she said trembling a bit. Damion turned his head to the stable hand slowly and told him to brush down both horses and make sure they were well feed. The boy nodded and was on his way. "Follow me." Damion moaned, the ache in his head coming back. [I]That damned fool.[/I] Damion cursed silently, grabbing a hold of his head again. His body ached and he knew that getting up out of bed tomorrow was going to be difficult. As they passed a few guards, Damion ordered them to make sure the girl that had tried to escape was caught and thrown into the dungeon. The cool corridors of the castle was a welcome feeling on his sweaty skin as Damion made his way towards his chamber. He unlocked the massive door and struggled to push it open. He sent for the maid to fetch the medicial supplies as he sat on the edge of his bed. Damion sat quietly as both maid and Maaya moved about him. He had removed most of his clothing allowing them to reach almost every part of him. His mind began to wander to various things. [I]The stupid little girl at the stables. She's lucky that Sarah was there otherwise I would have beaten her into the ground. Hearing her screams would have pleased me far beyond mere words.[/I] He chuckled to himself. But as soon as the thought had entered his head he desperately wanted to erase it. He tried to clear is mind as Maaya and the maid finished the last pieces of bandaging they were working out. He nodded his head and both left his presence. Taking a deep sigh, Damion stood up despite the throbbing ache in his head. He turned to look in the mirror, his perfectly carved body was covered in scars and now new bandages covered various spots on him. His head was wrapped in white guaz, blood already seeping through it. A sudden pull filled his gut, seeing the setting sun behind him in the window. He smiled, a real, honest to god smile, creased his lips as he quickly dressed in some clean clothes. "Send for Sarah at the stables." Damion told a servant as he passed them. "But my Lord, your injuries?" The servant questioned. "Just do it." Damion growled as he marched towards the stables. The sun was beginning to set and the air was growing cooler. Damion asked the stable boy to bring out his finest mare, a freisian, that he planned to breed with his stallion when she came into season. Damion took great care in brushing Eclipse and saddling him before the boy brought the mare over to him. "Yes?" Sarah appeared, a confused look on her face. "I would like to show you something." He said softly. "Ok?" She looked cautionately at him and then the mare. "She's really gentle," Damion said softly as he mounted. He watched her eyes light up as she walked over to her. "Her name is Starlight and one of my favorite mares." Damion smiled at her. Sarah timidly mounted and turned to look at Damion, his exposed bandaging nearly soaked with blood. He nodded and slowly easied Eclispe forward and out past the castle. The fields were lovely and the sunsetting sun was a beautiful display. They rode for a short time until they came to a small hill were he dismounted. "I use to come here when I was younger and watch the sunset by myself." Damion said as he walked to the top of the large hill and looked down at her, extending his hand to her.[/FONT][/COLOR]
RPG War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]The Blue Lace throbbed lightly against the fair skin of her chest as Kietha waited patiently for the plane to land. She had a rough time trying to reassure the pilots that her two swords would pose no threat and that she could not part with them. Since the crushing of the outer Opal with Assassin?s Heart, Kietha could not bare to be far from either of her swords. Kietha took a deep sigh as the plane hit some tuberulance as they extended the landing gear. The light sounds the jet made and the screeching of its tires against the pavement below allowed her to know that she had landed. The pilots and single flight attendent helped Kietha gather her things and make her way from the jet. The warm air filled her nose as she stepped onto the small steps of the ramp. The night air was warm and death slid across her senses. There had been a lot of death already and some still fresh. She looked down, feeling the pull of the Lace on her throat, and saw Nye and Lana. The Black Widow sneered at the Shadow Assassin and Nye stood silent. He was becoming more and more like his great father, a smile filtered across Kietha's expressionless face as she descented down the steps. Nye walked forward, despite Lana's protests, to welcome Kietha. He bowed to her, Kietha's eyes fluttering lightly and a smile still creased her face. He brought himself back up and embraced the warrior. Kietha tilted her head with confussion before returning the gesture, hidding her face in his neck. "Welcome Shadow Assassin." Nye said as he backed away. Kietha smiled at him brightly, looking into his beautiful eyes as he eyes danced over to Lana. Her smile faded away and Kietha tilted her head slightly to the right. The vampiress sneered at Kietha, her posture threatening. The scent of blood still lingering on Lana. "Lady Lana." Kietha bowed lightly, feeling the sting in her chest where Lana had tried to kill her. "What do you want?" Lana spat. "Nothing," Kietha replied calmly. "I am here to serve my Lord." Kietha stood back up, but avoided looking at the Black Widow. "Too ashamed to look at me, Kietha." Lana growled. "No," Kietha whispered as she watched the shadows beginning to form and dance about them. "Remembering scares." "You can't talk about scares, you didn't watch Nye --." Lana began and even before she could finish, Kietha had her by the throat. "I never meant to hurt my young Lord," Kietha hissed, the shadows forming faster and beginning to rush about. Nye watched curiously as the shadows in circled them. "I never meant to watch you suffer either, Lady Lana." Kietha's eyes fluttered, the dim grey color flickering with the passing shadows. "I did not know that there was no one to stop me and that Kuroichi would not take me directly into his legends. I did not know you would betray me so and wound me twice." Kietha threw Lana at Nye, who caught her effortlessly. Kietha turned her head to look at them both, a slight smile playing its way onto her lips. "I know you've grown stronger since I left," Kietha whispered, the shadows carring her words to Nye and Lana's ears. "I prepare to see the full extent when we meet again." And with that, Kietha vanished into the ring of shadows allowing them to absorb her in a new trick they had learned. They carried her carefully, hidden within their darkness and shapelessness through Japan to where she needed to be, the pulse of the Opal shard quickened. "Zoku..." Kietha whispered and knew his ears heard it. The shadows stopped their swirling maddness and left Kietha standing up straight before a large wooden door. She could have used them to melt through the door, but decided it would be best to just open it. She turned the handle, it was locked. Playing with it for a moment she finally unlocked it and opened it to be welcomed with swords. She instintively pulled Chaela from its shealth as two of Zoku's creations brought their swords upon her. Zoku stood by a large window as he turned to see what was happening. "Kietha," his voice held surprise as he tried to keep his composure. "Zoku," Kietha whispered, no longer aided by her shadows. She was bare for all the world to see. Just a humble assassin, her two swords, a gem and her light clothing. "Let her in." Zoku commanded. The creations stepped back and allowed Kietha to enter. "Zoku," Kietha hastly made her way to him, dropping her sword to the floor. She embraced him and fell to her knees. "I've been worrying about you, Kietha. Was afraid I had lost you forever." Zoku picked her up and stared into her almost colorless eyes. "I am sorry, Zoku. So very sorry. I have been lost and with a new gift." She pulled the Assassin's Heart from her back. "I, too, have one." Zoku replied. Kietha tilted her head to the side before placing the sword on the window sill. "Can I..." Kietha hesitated. "Can I spend a moment the night with you, Zoku." Kietha pleaded, her eyes wide with ache.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]Zoku's eyes held their cofussion as he bent down to kiss her. Kietha allowed the embrace to take a hold of her as she returned the gesture. A warmth filtered through both as a blue light engulfed them, as Zoku pulled back for a moment to look into Kietha's eyes, he watched them flicker and swirl to their natural green color. He smiled at her as they allowed passion to grab a hold of them both. The creations filtered out of the room as Kietha and Zoku spent their first, and maybe their last night together. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER]*************************[/CENTER][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Black]Assassin Assassin[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]The slight whispering of the shadows brought Kietha awake and her attention to the end of the bed. She was completely free of everything that had every kept her from what she was and was glorious in her knew found nudity.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black]Sumiyaka calls the wind to find help.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black]Kuroichi has fallen[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray] Kietha startled as she looked at the massive Zoku still sleeping peacefully. Her eyes burned as tears began to slide down her cheeks. She tilted her head allowing her eyes to return to their dim gray as she slid from the bed and dressed quickly. She wrote a small note and left it on the pillow next to him. [I][CENTER]Zoku, My loyalities have called for me and I must obey. I will forever hold your scent and taste with me, and I am truly sorry that I have been so unkind. Forgive me for what I have to do is the opposite of you. Love, Kietha[/CENTER][/I] Kietha gathered her swords and allowed the shadows to engulf her as she followed their cries to Kuroichi.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Everything ready?" Damion barked at one of his elite. "Yes, sire," the guard, Jarrod, replied. The man stood about as tall as Damion, maybe an inch taller, and was built about the same. Jarrod had been part of the uprising in the beginning, fight and trained along side Damion and even helped kill the royal family. Damion trusted the man with his life. "Good." "Would you like me to move things out, Sire?" The man turned to Damion, his king obviously frustrated. "Yes, I will join you shortly." Jarrod nodded his head as he mounted his large grey steed and started the carvan moving. Cursing and protests insuing as they left. Damion smiled at the thought of their blood as he rushed back into the castle. "What would you like of me, my Lord?" Ashrel joined Damion's side as he stormed towards the slave quarters. "I want you here." He said shortly. "But my Lord..." Ashrel protested. "You are need here, Ashrel." He growled, flashing bitter eyes towards her. "I want you to make sure the slaves don't get any wild ideas while I'm gone." Ashrel fell back, disappointed that she didn't get to watch Damion's performance today. He didn't even bother to look at her, just continued on his path. Before reaching the slave girl corridor, Damion was greeted by a messanger he had sent for. "I want you to make sure all the nobles that have been kept in my castle for the last couple of days are at the event in the town today." Damion spoke firmly. "Yes, Sire." The man bowed and was off. Upon reaching the slave girls' corridor, Damion first thought of Sarah. He stopped before her door, wanting to enter, to see her and bring her with him. But he began to recall the conversation they had the night before. He brought his eyes to the floor and decided against it. He rushed down the hall to the next door across the way and flew the door open. The small girl within jumped and nearly screamed upon seeing the king. Her long raven hair and forest green eyes were the first to catch his attention. He sneered at her, looking her over quickly. "What is your name?" He spat. "Maaya." She said timidly. "Get dressed in something nice." He growled at her. She hesitated. Wasn't he going to shut the door and give her some privacy. "NOW!" he bellowed. She rushed to her dresser and pulled the first nice thing she found out, turned around and put it on. She walked timidly towards him and he reached out, grabbing a hold of her wrist firmly. He pulled her through the doorway and down the corridor. "My lord, you hurting me." She cried. He shoved her forward and grabbed the back of her neck before she completely lost her balance and fell. She stayed quiet the rest of the way. Upon bursting out the front doors and into the sunlight, Maaya sheilded her eyes as her King continued to shove her along. She nearly fell when he threw her foward next to a bay mare. "You can ride, can't you?" He sneered at her, her eyes watering from the bright light. "Yes, my Lord." She bowed. "Good." He said upon mounting his large black friesian stallion(see attachment below for the King, Maaya, and Jarrod's horses). The servants that held firmly to Damion's and Maaya's horses let go as the king shoved his stallion forward. The small parade followed behind him and Maaya. She tried her best to keep her horse nearly even with his as they made their way through town. Horns sounded upon their arrival as the crowd parted and the knights circled around them with their horses, making a small horse and human wall in case one of the canidates decided to try and escape. Damion rode to the center of the make-shirt ring his men had created with his stallion. A man came and took hold of Maaya?s mare and helped her to where she was suppose to sit and watch. Guards closed the small fencing behind Damion when the King reached the very center. He twirled his horse on his haunches as he surveyed the crowd, all anxious to see what their king had planned for them. Damion pulled gently back on the reins and thrust his pelvis forward, the cue told the stallion to rear up effortlessly. The crowd filled with gasps as Damion held his stallion in his perfect pose for a moment longer. He allowed the horse to bring himself back to all fours, making him prance and side step as Damion made him exit the arena. On the outside of the arena, Damion looked to his right to see Jacob and Asher standing in their wooden-caged cart. Jacob stood calmly in a corner while Asher was right in the front protesting all the while. Damion smiled as he dismounted his horse. A servant rushed forward and reached up with hurried hands to take the horse?s reins. Damion swatted him to the ground. ?Don?t you ever dare rush at Eclipse in such a manner again.? He growled at him. ?Yes, your majesty.? The boy bowed from his position before standing slowly. Damion gently handed the boy the reins and watched him carefully lead the black stallion away. [I]Stupid kid.[/I] ?Are you sure about this, Sire?? Jarrod approached Damion, a worried look on his face. ?Yes.? Damion replied with confidence. ?They need to be taught a lesson, besides.? Damion turned with a bright smile towards his companion. ?If anything goes wrong, you?ll be here to catch my back.? Damion laid a friendly clasp on Jarrod?s shoulder before making his way to the center of the ring. ?Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen!? Damion announced, throwing his arms above his head to welcome them all. ?I?m sure you all are wondering what I?ve brought you this great and glorious day.? The crowd bellowed its reply and Damion smiled at them all. ?I have brought two rebels before you!? Damion threw one arm towards the cage. ?But I have given them a chance to show you how much their rebellion stands a chance against me.? The crowd continued to roar as Damion smiled at the man and boy within the cage. ?Bring them forth and let?s see what they?re made of.? Damion swirled around, pulling his shirt from his body, his rippling chest and abs making the girls giggle. He threw the fabric at a group of them before turning around to watch the guards unlock the cage. Asher was the first to come flying from the cage, followed closely behind Jacob who didn?t venture far from the cage. Asher didn?t even bother to remove any articles as he rushed forward toward Damion. The king smiled taking up a fighting stance that he had taught himself. The boy flung a right first towards the King, but Damion just simply moved out of the way. Asher swirled around with a heel only to miss again. ?Stand still you coward!? the rebel leader spued. Damion chuckled at him as he dodged yet another first. A kick to Damion?s head and the king slid below Asher to swipe the boy?s other leg from under him, but Asher was a little more skilled that Damion had first thought. He managed to maneuver around Damion?s swipe and nearly connect with a hooked kick. The king rushed to his feet to just catch Asher?s fist. Damion took a few steps back after throwing Asher back a bit. Before Damion could regain his composure, Asher was upon him with a right fist. The flesh and bone connected with the king?s face knocking him back and off balance. Not until then, did Damion hear the crowd. He had been numb to their hoots and screams until that very moment. Every one seemed to have fallen silent for a moment as Damion brought his head back up. Blood slowly trickled from Damion?s mouth as he sneered at Asher. The rebel leader spun around and knocked Damion to the ground with his heel. The crowd was in an uproar of disapproving bellows and cheers. Without a single sign, Damion darted from the ground and speared Asher back into the ground. Dust swirled up around them from the dirt street they played on. Damion threw a hard bunch that connected with Asher?s face, making a sickening thud. Damion grabbed a hold of the boy?s throat with a single hand and lifted him into the air. He kicked and gasped for breath before Damion threw him over his left shoulder. Asher landed with another thud. He climbed to his feet and prepared for another attack. Damion walked forcefully forward, dealing a right, left and an upper cut which sent Asher to fly onto his back again. Damion dragged Asher back up by his shirt and dealt a few more hits to his abdomen before tossing him to the side. The rebel leader could barely breath, let alone move. Damion sneered at him and then brought his attention back Jacob. ?You?re turn my old friend.? Damion smiled as he called for Jacob to come forward. But the man didn?t move. Damion tried to keep his playful smile on his lips as he walked briskly over to Jacob grabbing the man with both hands and throwing him over his shoulders. Jacob did nothing, but get back to his feet. Damion snorted and smiled again as he dealt a swift kick to the man?s chest. Jacob stumbled back, but still did nothing. Damion was starting to get frustrated. Sweat lightly covered the king?s body and aderaline filled his veins. He wanted something more than Asher. Damion rushed as Jacob who prepared to block whatever attack it was only to receive a firm grasp on his hair as Damion pulled his head back. ?Rinoa liked what I gave her. Made her scream for more.? Damion growled into Jacob?s ear. The man struggled a bit, clenching his teeth. ?You stay away from her!? He yelled. ?Oh, and what are you going to do? Save her like you did your wife?? Damion brought his lips extremely close to the man?s ear. ?She liked what I had to give too. Said I was better than you just before I bathed in her rebellious blood. She was sweet.? Damion smiled feeling Jacob tense under him. He threw the man from him. ?Now maybe you?ll give me a real challenge!? Damion boasted. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo]Alex chuckled at the email that was displayed on her laptop. [/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow][I]Sure, I'll play along.[/I] [/FONT] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alex sat down and started to type her reply.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Times New Roman]Game Master,[/FONT] [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow][I]What a queer ass name...[/I][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Times New Roman]I except your invitation. Alex Miltray.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo]She dragged the mouse up and clicked the send botton. Smiling to herself she closed the laptop and began to pack. She ended up with three things of luggage, and she was rather inpressed with herself. Never had she packed so little on a trip, but didn't want to have to make the poor luggage boy carry it all the way down the stairs and break his neck again. She chuckled at the thought of him falling again. [I]Stupid kid.[/I] "Ms. Miltray, you're limo awaits you out front." George, the butler, called from the bottom of the main stair case. Checking herself over in the mirror before leaving, Alex made her way down the stairs briskly, her cleavage bouncing in her tiny little top as she made her way down the stairs. "Have a lovely time, Ms. Miltray." George bent forward to lay a courtly kiss upon her cheek. Alex returned the gesture as she bounced her way out the door and into the limo, her things following closely behind, a small, but bright boy, carrying it all. Upon entering the limo and making herself comfortable, a small but firm voice filtered into the back. "Hello, my name is Rich, I will be your driver. The Game Master has arranged a private Jet for you with plenty of company to attend to your needs, Ms. Miltray." "Good," she replied, sitting back in her seat. She sipped at some perfectly aged wine as she waited to arrive at the airport. The jet was lovely and the people and things inside were just to her liking. All rich and fantasy with people well suited for that lifestyle. Alex partied her heart out and was well wasted when she arrived at the mansion. [/COLOR] [/FONT]
RPG War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[FONT=Arial][COLOR=DimGray]Kietha sat calmly under the protection of the rock shelter, the blistering sun glaring down on the Australlian landscape. Her eyes were closed and her thoughts focused to where the pieces of the Opal had gone to. Kuroichi had not received his piece yet. Something had to have happened. She found herself traveling across the vast waters of the ocean to America where the last of the Gyshram lived, the last of her people. A pulse rushed at her as Zoku's face became clear, his piece of the Opal laid upon his chest. He and the others he had gathered were preparing to leave, to Japan. To Kuroichi. She twitched involuntary and lost her grip on Zoku. Her next images were scattered. Water. Sky. Darkness. Earth. Death. With a whip-lash effect, it all stopped suddenly as she looked upon a small camp. A small fire rose gentle into the night air, the sky clear of clouds and the stars bright. Kietha was whipped around to take on a man's sight. [I]Nye? [/I] The question rose from the darkness and filtered out into the camp. "Spy!" shouted Lana as she rushed at the figure Kietha saw through. "No!" Nye shouted in return and Lana stopped instantly. [I]Nye?[/I] came the shadows voice again...Kietha's voice. "Yes, Kietha." The voice that came from the man's mouth frightened her. It was him, but how much he had changed. How much she had caused. [I]Nye[/I] The voice came as a whisper, faint and painful. "Be gone you filth!" Lana shouted at the shadow, pointing something at it. Kietha backed away, knowing she wasn't welcomed here. [I]I am sorry.[/I] The voice came softly, the shadow taking on more and more of Kietha's features. It started to become more solid, taking on her clothing, skin tone, her hair and slowly her eyes. Those dim, distant eyes. The features became so solid that it looked as if the shadow had become Kietha. "About time you showed your face!" Lana cursed as she continued to stalk forward. Kietha continuing to back away. "You coward. You see what You have done!" [I]I am sorry.[/I] "You think your sorries are going to change anything? They won't bring back everything you've destroyed they won't wash away the scars you've created!" Nye watched, his firm composer taking over as he watched both Lana and Kietha. There wasn't much he could do, but watch. Lana continued to advance on Kietha, a blade shoved towards her. She kept yelling, screaming at her and Kietha had no idea what to do. She continued to back away. Lana lunged, the blade held out as it struck Kietha's chest. She gasped, rushing back into her own body. Her eyes flew open as she gasped for breath. Her chest hurt, with a stabbing pain. She brought her eyes down to see a small red spot where Lana had struck her. Kietha looked about the rock shelter, breathing deeply. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [I] [FONT=Arial Black]Zoku destroyed us. Lana hates us. You are falling Shadow Assassin. You have grown weak. You betrayed Serio and now... Now you will die with him. Your lust to bring change has brought your end.[/FONT][/I] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DimGray]The shadows hissed from their hidden perches out amongst the sun. Kietha said nothing, just say under the rocks feeling her chest throb with pain and her eyes too dry for tears. It was time to go to Japan, to go to Kuroichi to see what he willed of her.[/COLOR][/FONT] -
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]The day had gone too quickly, but finally everything was arranged for the next day. The guards were making their last rounds around the castle, making sure all the gates, doors and windows were locked and began to usher the guests back into the building. Damion took a deep sigh as he sat back in his large wooden chair, looking about the study again. It was five years ago when he and the others created this master piece, and he became their ruler. He had lost many allies in those nights, but in the end it was worth it. He would give anything to his allies, women, gold, land, supplies--anything. Some many were falling from him and he needed to teach them a lesson. Needed them to see that he was still powerful and able to take what he wanted. Ashrel was becoming lost in her lust for blood, it felt good to watch her and he wished his future wife to be as loyal as Ashrel. Some one defiant, but submissive to a point. Some one able to take over if he were to become injured or ill, but satisfied enough that he was King and they were not. But not just any one would do. And without even realizing it, Damion?s thoughts wandered over to Sarah. Her slender body feeling his thoughts and fantasies, her sweet brown hair laying under her or over him. How vibrant her eyes had glared at him in that dungeon, but yet for whatever reason he did not wish to break her. His thoughts were broken by the slight sound of rushed footsteps. Damion grinned, smelling the scent of horse and sweet hay. Some one has entered my castle uninvited. Damion quietly pushed himself to his feet and made his way towards the study door. Upon closer observation, Damion could tell the footsteps were headed towards the dungeon. It was one of the rebels. Joy slid across his face, it had been awhile since he had a good fight. He made his way back over to his desk and pulled a small dagger from one of the drawers before heading out into the corridors. The long passage ways were cold and getting ready for the evening. The servants were making their way around the castle, lighting candles and torches as he passed. As Damion approached the dungeon entrance he could hear the doors being broken and some one whispering. Damion smiled as he crept down the long stairway and into the small passage. The small torch light flickered across Damion?s face as a slave girl came rushing at him. He smiled devishly as he grabbed a hold of her and slid the dagger across her throat. Her eyes flew wide as she fell to the floor, twitching slightly as blood poured from her body. More calls farther down the dungeon told him that the man that entered it was rather skilled to have made it thus far. Charming. He was almost glad that he had given his elite guards the night off. It would have spoiled all his fun. ?I can?t get them undone.? Some one whispered from the deepest parts of the dungeon. ?Don?t. Leave me here!? Cried another. The voice as that of Jacob. So he did wish to do as Damion had asked. How charming. As Damion approached the back of the man who was trying to free Jacob, he realized who had snuck into his castle. ?Well look who decided to try and save the day.? Damion chuckled, bringing Asher?s attention to him. ?You.? Asher growled. Damion rushed forward, taking the much smaller boy by the neck and slamming him up against the wall next to Jacob. ?You slimmy little bastard.? Damion spat in Asher?s face. ?You really think you and your pathetic little rebels can stop me and my armies?? Asher didn?t reply, just spit in Damion?s face. Tightening his grip, Damion pulled his dagger to Asher?s throat. ?We shall see what you?re made of rebel, tomorrow alongside Jacob.? Damion quickly searched the boy, removing all objects that would allow him to escape or injure a guard before throwing him onto the floor. ?You can see your daughter tonight, Jacob.? Damion growled as he pulled the man from the wall, holding firmly to the metal cuffs still around his wrist. Locking Asher in the dungeon, sending two of his elites to watch him, Damion dragged Jacob up to the castle and threw him in a room that lay within the slave quarters. [/FONT] [/COLOR] OOC: Sorry this post sux. Having issues tonight. Later peeps.
RPG War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial]Kietha collapsed under a rock shelter, ragged breaths coming from her mouth. Her chest heaved with unexplainable pain as she fell forward onto her right hand. She reached up and clutched the Opal with her left, its broken surface cutting into her delicate flesh. She could hear the shadows dancing about, mocking her pain...laughing at her as she gasped for breath. She clenched her teeth as she turned over to sit up straight. Hesitating at first, Kietha reached up behind her head and undid the clasp that held the silver chain around her neck. The Opal slid gracefully across her bare chest as she caught it with her right hand. A sudden sensation of a thousand needles stung her hand as the Opal slid from its perch. She clutched her hand closed quickly so not to look at it, not yet. She brought her head up to stare at the shadows and the peaceful Australlian landscape, the pain in her hand subsiding. It was not mere luck that had shoved the Opal in front of the priest's sword. The gem had done it on its own, protect Kietha's very delicate chest from being mortal wounded. She took a deep sigh and opened her hand to display the Opal before her. Colville sword had almost gone completely through the hard surface exposing the most interior of the gem. [I]Blue Lace[/I] Kietha peered inside the gem, the beautiful blue and pink splashed gem shinning gently back at her. She growled at its beauty and thew it from her. As soon as the gem hit the Australlian dirt Kietha's head filled with a pain so fierce that she fell to her side, grasping her head. The screams that left her mouth caused the shadows to dance in a crazed manner, insane with the Shadow Assassin's pain. All seemed to be suspended in this tormenting moment. The shadows lost in Kietha's horrific screams. Tears filling her eyes, her gut wrenched from the pain in her head, Kietha dragged herself to her feet and over to where the gem had fallen. The shadows had begun screaming and hollaring with Kietha's pain, drowing out any other sound. With the last bit of strength left in the vampire's body, Kietha pulled Heart from its shealth, the sword pulsing just as much as Chaela, and took it into both hands. She pulled it high and drove it down into the center of the stone. Blue and pink eletricity engulfed Kietha, causing her to cry out again. Her body suspended in its tormented display for what seemed to be forever before the gem exploded, sending Kietha's lifeless body flying. The shadows scattered as she landed. When the Shadow Assassin didn't move did they then circle around her and the pieces of the Opal. The night seemed to fall silent just before Kietha sat up, gasping for breath. The shadows backed away from her, hissing and chattering at her as Kietha tried to make her way to her feet, searching franticly for Heart. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Black][I]You have destroyed that which has kept you sane You will kill You will hunt down Nye You will search for Zoku Lana will kill you[/I][/FONT] [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial]The shadows began to hiss as Kietha picked up her sword, sheathing it once again. She snarled at them, but they continued to follow her at a distant. [I]Bring me the Opal[/I] she growled through inside her head, allowing the words to sweep through the shadows. The shadows laughed and giggled at her as they gathered the remaining shards of the outer opal. They threw the pieces at her feet. She picked them up and looked them over, the light burning filling her hand. There were four equal pieces that all had a round, smooth center. [I]Where is the center gem?[/I] [/FONT] [/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Black][I]It is not yours We take it for ourselves[/I][/FONT] [FONT=Arial][COLOR=DimGray][I]Give it now![/I] The shadows swirled and cried out as one, human figure came forward and offered the gem with a black hand shape structure. Kietha stared at it for a moment, dreading the pain that was soon to follow. She reached out carefully and grasped the gem. A sudden blue light wrapped itself around her and seeped into her flesh. She felt a warmth over-take her before the numbness returned to her. Her eyes flickering blue lightly before returning back to their dim grey.[/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=DimGray][I]Bring a piece to Zoku, a piece to Lana and Nye, and a piece to Kuroichi. Bring me news of them each and their reactions.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial]Kietha's body grew weak again as she walked back to the rock shelter to spend the rest of the evening and the day in. [/FONT] [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial]Light flickered through the slightly drawn curtains and across Damion's face. He groaned momentarily before shoving the noble woman from him. She woke softly, but did not stir. She watched his naked body, seeing scars that she had not noticed before. She dared not ask him anything as he quickly put on his trousers, a loose tunic and a pair of boots, and started for the door. Damion swung the door open and shut it forcefully behind him, the two guards on either side never flinching. "Where is Lady Ashrel?" Damion growled. "Down by the courtyard, my Lord." One replied. "Get the woman something eat and send her home to her father. He'll be wondering what happened to her." Damion said nothing more as he made his way down the corridor. As he turned the corner to walk into the open room just before the courtyard doors he found Amaya quickly making her way back to her room. He smiled and called her to his side. When she heard his voice she jumped slightly before doing as he had commanded. "Yes, my Lord." She bowed softly, keeping her eyes from him. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Damion picked up her face by her chin, looking into her beautiful eyes. "My quarter's, my Lord." Amaya answered politely. "Why in such a hurry, trying to keep something from me?" His tone became edger and his grasp tighter. "No, my Lord," she pleaded. "My Lord?" Ashrel approached Damion, struting herself pleasantly with no care. Damion turned his head towards Ashrel with a bitter distaste before turning back to Amaya. "Go to your quarter's my dear Amaya and if I catch you wondering about without my permission again, I will have to show you how to mind." Damion shoved her back, nearly knocking her over. She bowed quickly and made her way back to her quarter's. Without turning to look, Damion back-handed Ashrel. The first in-command staggered backwards and grabbed her cheek. "Never [I]again[/I] will you interrupt me." He snarled at her, turning bitter eyes towards her. "Forgive me, my Lord. It shalt happen again." Ashrel bowed, trying to ease the pain in her face. "I have gathered not only this Jacob you seek, but an escaped slave-girl as well." Damion flashed attentive eyes towards her. "Which?" "The one that you found in the Center Court last night, my Lord." Ashrel allowed a playful smile run across her lips. "I had her stripped and thrown into the dungeons." Damion squinted his eyes, things slowly falling together. "Keep an eye on Sir Marquise." Damion said lightly. "And make sure no one leaves this castle without my permission." "Yes, my Lord." Before Ashrel could say any more, Damion started towards Amaya's quarter's. The long corridor was walled with doors, each room belong to one of his slave-girls. Of course not all of them entertained him with sex. Some danced and singed, played music, bathed him or gave him massages. They all having different talents and needs to keep the satifisied in some manner and he saw to it that they were all put to good use. Turning to his right and looking upon a plain wooden door, Damion knocked quickly before swinging the door opened. Amaya slid closer to the wall on her bed as Damion burst in. "My Lord," she gasped and lowered her head towards the bed. "Give me a pair of your trousers and a tunic," Damion demanded. "Of course, my Lord." Amaya rushed from her bed and over to her dresser. She quickly drew what the king had wanted and handed it to him gingerly. He grabbed her by the neck and pulled her face close to his. "Never lie to me again, Amaya, or you'll find yourself missing a few things." He shoved her back onto the bed and started towards the door. "I never thought you would betray me after what we've gone through," he growled, slamming the door behind him. Without much notice to the others in the corridors, hallways or room he passed, he made his way straight to the dungeon. Poorly dressed, unshavened, or cleaned up by any means to visit his new guests. He passed a few random slaves, peasants and servants without much mind. Jacob was probably in the far cells, chained to the wall from causing so much trouble in being caught. Damion sneered as he caught sight of Sarah, wrapped up in a blanket on her cot and against the cold dugeon wall. A sudden and unexplainable feeling filled Damion's chest. It ached and his head swam from it. He caught himself and pulled himself back together as he unlocked the door. "Not you again." Sarah growled at him. He smiled at her as he threw the clothes onto the end of the bed. "Found Amaya running around, figured I would give them to you personally." As the last words left his lips, Damion realized that he had no desire to make her put them on now, in front of him. He even turned away from her as he thought about it. "I will send Amaya back down to show you to your room. If you so please." "I'll do just fine here," Sarah spat at him. "Suit yourself. You change your mind--." He began as he left the cell, locking the gate door behind him. "I won't!" Damion smiled and continued down the long path of cells before reaching a large box, like opening that led to more. These cells were stronger than the others and harder to get to. Usually six or seven of Damion's best guards were stationed down here to watch over the deadlest of "criminals". "Hello, Jacob." Damion called as he walked in front of the peasants cell. "Kind Damion." Jacob replied courtly. "I'm going to make an example of you, tomorrow in the center of town. All eyes watching." Damion's tone was menacing and cruel as the massive man opened the cell door and walked across the dank, and wet floor. Jacob rolled his head over, barely able to lift it. Damion strolled over to him swiftly and grabbed the man's face. "What do you plan on doing to me this time, Damion." Jacob grumbled, staring up into the king's face. "You will fight me," Damion smiled. "With no weapons, no armor. Just two men with their bare fists in front of all the villagers." "Isn't that a little unfair being in my current state?" "My servants will nurse you back to health before your fight. I'll even give you the chance to see your daughter if you mind your manners while in my castle." Jacob's eyes widen. He thought his daughter had died alond side his wife. "I'll leave you with that thought. When Amaya comes to check on Sarah, I will have her bring you to your daughter's room. That is if you agree to behave. You decide to escape or help set anything off, I will have your daughter's head." Damion left the cell, locked it and walked back up to the surface.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Sorry it took me so long. Hopefully this will get things moving again.
RPG War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Onix's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DimGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]A warm breeze raced across the dry Australian outback, pulling loose dirt into the air just to be tossed onto the ground once more. Under a small, scrawny tree, back braced against rocks that seemed to be yearning to break free from the earth, was a lone figure. It sat cross legged, leaning over the object in their lap. The figure tilted its head to the side, peering at the strange blade on her lap. It was no bigger, heavier or lighter than the blade she already carried, but some how it held something so powerful within it. The figure reached forward and ran her fingers across the perfectly shiney metal, its cold smooth surface gliding gracefully under her skin. Another warm breeze swipt across them and Kietha brought her head to the other side. "You give me such a powerful object, but deny me the instructions to use it, my dear Lord Kuroichi." Kietha whispered to herself paying no attention to the strange and almost nerve-wrecking dance the shadows seemed to be doing around her. Kietha had spent day after day training with both the blades, Chaela constantly protesting the Assassin's Heart's part in it all. No matter how hard she tried to discover the sword's secrets, she just could not. And without the Opal chained firmly to her neck, Kietha could barely pick up the Assassin's Heart. Another breeze dragged itself across her and the her swords, blowing her crimson hair across her face. Her long hair had always been tied back because of its length. Reaching to her romp, it was easy to get tangled up in the mess or one's vision to be empared. But now, Kietha's hair fell only to the tops of her shoulders and was now streaked with black. At first glance one would think they were dyed, but further expection showed that they were not. Behind her, the shadows continued to dance and take on a life all their own. They laughed and hissed in the bright moonlight; Kietha paid no attention to them. She focused solely on the blade before her. Yearning to know all its secrets. "The priest comes," the shadows hissed as they started to swirl in protest. Kietha only smiled and brought her head up. "I was wondering when you would find me, priest." Kietha allowed the words to seep from her lips and across the shadows. Colville stood motionless as the shadows danced closer and closer to him. He held his sword calmly at his side and a cross around his neck. "Ye Lady wants you to return to her." Colville spoke above the shadows' roars and screams. "Ah, yes. Has my Lord survived his mortal wounds?" Kietha's voice sounded almost numb, not full of hatred nor love...just barren of it all. "Ye, he did." "And now you wish to drag me back?" Kietha still stayed cross-legged in the fine Australlian sand, her expression vacant. "Ye would be correct." "Sadly, I won't." Colville instintively brought his sword before his face just in time to catch one of Kietha's blades. She had rushed him so quickly that Colville couldn't even see her, just feel her motion. Kietha reached up and pulled Chaela from its sheath at her side and swung it around. Colville back out of the way just in time to be missed. He pulled his own sword to the side to block yet another attack from Assassin's Heart. There was no expression to Kietha's face as she swung left with Assassin's Heart, right with Chaela. Up. Down. Forward. Back. He did all he could just to block her, let alone try to attack. Colville shoved Kietha back, the assassin stumbled none, but allowed the priest to have his moment. Staring into what was once amber eyes, Colville saw nothing but a dim gray color. The evil amber or the passive green were no where to be found. Just the dim gray and the white that made up her eyes. Kietha tilted her head as the shadows drew closer and closer to them, and for a moment Colville drew his eyes to them. They hissed and snarled at him, their human like forms with no eyes or mouths staring into his very being. Wanting to destroy. Wanting to kill. "They will not hurt you." Kietha spoke softly, her body leaning from one side to the other as she stood and watched him. Colville drew weary eyes from them to her, not knowing if he could trust her or not. Kietha smiled gently as she rushed forward again. She brought Assassin's Heart high and down quickly upon Colville. He blocked effortlessly as he dodged yet another attack from the side. He threw her sword back, swinging at her mid-section only to hit steel. She swirled around with Chaela to block once again with Assassin's Heart. Attack after attack and block after block, neither warrior seemed to be advancing. "Ah, it is time for me to stop this foolish game. I have been far too easy on you." Kietha nearly growled into Colville's ear as she pushed back from him. She rushed forward, both blades at her side. Colville prepared for another side attack from the left, but how mistaken he was. An upper move from the right, and a left kick brought Colville off balance and Kietha's Assassin's Heart went straight into his leg. But before Kietha could move to make another attack, Colville shoved his own sword straight at her chest. The Shadow Assassin flew back and smacked her head against a small pile of rocks. Her swords fell from her hands and her body lay lifeless. The shadows screamed with pain and protest to the fall of the Shadow Assassin that Colville had to fall to his knees. He covered his ears, trying to found some comfort. Not even the wound in his leg compared to their shrieks. But just as painful as their shrieks were, the silence was almost worse. As if some one had turned on all the lights, the shadows had vanished and taken their original shapes again. Colville looked about, the assassin still laid against the sand. He pulled himself to his feet, grabbing his sword, and made his way over to the fallen Kietha, oblivous to the wound in his leg. He bent down next to her to check the wound on her chest to find there was none! His sword had hit the Opal and nearly split it in two. He brought his head closer to see that a second jem lay hidden within...a Blue Lace. Before Colville could take his next breath, a firm sudden hand was around his neck. "You should have killed me when you had the chance," she kissed, throwing him over her shoulder into a tree. He groaned as his body slammed into the earth, creating a small cloud of dust around him. He pulled himself up enough to see that Kietha had vanished some where into the shadows of the night. [/FONT] [/COLOR] -
So I lied...I do have time to post earlier. Name: Alex Miltray Age: 20 Sex: female Location: Galway, Ireland Appearance: A tall, thin girl of 5' 8" and 115 lbs. Her hair is a deep red and cut to about her shoulders in the lastest fashion. She's well defined, with no fat and subtle chest and romp. Usually dressed in something provocative or flattering. Personality: Very self-center, but funny loving and willing to have a good time. Easy to get along with, but hardly ever gets into indepth conversations. Always looking for a good time. Bio: Born and raised in Galway, surrounded by the sights and sounds of a very festive city, Alex found herself lost in the material world. Tempted by the rich because of her outward beauty and the wealth of her parents, the girl only wishes for more attention and material possesions. Greatest Desire: Sex, drugs, alocohol, partying and anything of material wealth (diamonds, rubies, and money) Greatest Fear: To lose her beauty and wealth.
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial]"You called for me, my Lord?" Ashrel approached Damion in the main entrance, still wrapped in her satin robe. He turned sharply towards her and didn't even bother to take in her full sight. She knew then that her king was no happy. She smiled with a slight hint of pleasure, but tried to keep it at bay so not to receive his wrath. "I want my secruity tighten!" he barked, frustration flickering across his face. "I want all those that attempt to escape thrown into the dungeon, and make sure every one knows this." "Of course, my Lord." Damion swirled around, trying to get his thoughts straight. There were too many things on his mind and he had company awaiting him back in his chamber. He placed his hands on his hips and lowered his head to try and think clearer. "Who were the commoners in my center court?" He growled, bringing his head back up to look at Ashrel. "A few of your higher peasants, loyalist I do believe Lord.There was one that I didn't recongize." Damion's expression eased for a moment, filled with curiousity. "Describe him." "He was toned, seemed to have been beaten before...long brown hair." She paused as she tried to remember more of what the man looked like. She had been far too concerned with seducing Sir Marquise to have paid attention to a mere peasant. Then it hint her, the one feature that stood out the most, "he had these stunning blue eyes. Nothing I had ever seen before." "Jacob." Damion growled and stormed towards the guards quarters. "I want him in my grasp by the time I wake up tomorrow!" He threw the sentence over his shoulders as he stormed off. [CENTER]************************[/CENTER] "My Lord," a sweet, almost seductive voice radiated from his massive bed as he entered his chamber by candle light. "I am sorry to have kept you waiting, my Lady. I had some business to attend to." Damion's voice was filled with deep rooted lust and annoyance all at the same time. "It is all right, my Lord. Come, come join me in your glorious bed." Damion approached the bed seeing the woman dressed in a thing piece of clothing barely covering her torso. She was pleasant to look at and arousing, but nothing compared to his slave girls. Their beauty was untouchable, but Damion could do with a change. He smiled at her as he slide the candle onto the stand next to his bed. The noble woman laid perfectly posed on her side, staring up at him. He smiled brightly as he undid his sash and started to undo the buttoning on his fancy shirt. The woman watched intently, lust filling her eyes as he slide the material gracefully from his shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor. The perfection of his body hidden slighly in the dim light. The woman moved anxiesiously on the bed. Damion smiled as he began to undo his belt and pants, sliding them gracefully from his body and the woman saw how massive the man truly was, even under his thin trousers. The woman's eyes grew wide as Damion made his way onto the bed, and over to her. "How would you like it, my Lady?" He said just above her lips, slidding a hand gracefully behind her head as she rolled over onto her back. She trembled with anticipation and nervousness as he ran a firm hand up her side. She allowed a gasp to fall from her lips as he laid upon her, both still having clothing between them. She threw her head back, allowing Damion to caress her neck with his lips. She moaned as he ran his hands up her small night gown. Her skin slightly rougher than he preferred, but he was determine to give the castle a good chance to know he hadn't lost his touch. She wrapped her arms around his back and dragged her fingertips along his skin. She was delicate with her touch, he was going to have to be careful with this one. He slid down the length of her body, running his lips across her exposed skin creating more gasps and moans as he brought himself back up, pulling the little clothing she had on off. He pulled his trousers from his body and laid there on top of her, just kissing her and playing with her back and sides with his hands. Slightly moving to more forbidden spots, her gasps and moans becoming louder. He held her hips firmly as he slid within. She let out a loud moan, almost a scream as the passion rose in the room. Though he was tender with her, it was just another woman to try and satifisy his needs, but always failing to do so. As she climaxed her screams of pleasure could be heard nearly throughout the whole castle. He slide off her and laid onto his back, pulling the blankets up around him. The woman was breathing heavily as she rolled over to lay on his chest. Not caring at the moment and haven been relieved in some aspect, the both fell asleep. [/FONT] [/COLOR] OOC: Hey ladies and gentlemen. We'll need to keep Lady Ashrel in the wing of things until amgoddess comes back to us. That should only be a week or so.
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial]Damion snarled, nearly throwing the noble woman from his arm. He recovered his composure quickly as he bid fair well to his guests. They seemed to have been fairly discussed by Ashrel's display with his prisoners, but he found it amusing. Most of his guests had found great entertainment in his girls and the wine, and were heading back to their own mistresses and wives. "May...I stay with you, my Lord?" The woman hanging on his arm inquired. "Of course my lady." Damion smiled, leaning forward to lay a gentle kiss on her cheek. "In your chamber, my Lord?" She smiled brightly at him, the wine starting to fall from her expression. Damion stood up straight, a little taken-aback. He nodded his head to a couple as they made their way out into the cold to their carriages. "If so wish." He replied, not looking at her. "Oh yes, very much my Lord." The woman nuzzled close to him, her attention completely focused on him. "Then you shall have what you wish for, my Lady." Damion smiled at her finally, motioning for a few of his guards to come to him. "Yes, your majesty?" The guards asked as they came up to Damion. "Please escort miss Amadon to my quarters, providing her with something to sleep in and some warm tea." He nodded to two of the four guards. They bowed and left with the noble woman. Damion waited until the last of the guests left before turning to the last two guards. He grabbed a hold of one of the men's collar and pulled him extremely close to his face. "What the hell have you block-heads been doing?! Stuffing your fat faces!! I don't keep you alive to sit around screwin each other!" Damion screamed at the man, throwing him backwards. "Sorry, my Lord." Both guards lowered themselves nearly to the floor. "Now get a hold of all those girls, lock them in their rooms, place some one at every exit and window and make sure no one gets in and out of here!" Damion reached around, grabbing a vase, and threw it at the guards as they rushed to avoid the flying object. "Some one find Ashrel and NOW!" Damion bellowed as he stormed back into the buidling. OOC: Sorry so short guys. I'll write more later tonight.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial]Damion nodded to his closest allies as they excused themself from the table and followed the crowd towards the center court. Damion smiled at their beautiful clothing and elegant structures. None of them possing a body as craved and solid as his, none of them seemed to be able to compete with his physical strength. It was a satisfying thought, but not something that he wanted to gloat over. Damion watched as Rion, Joel, and Jonathon exited the room, keeping a watchful eye on the king. He smiled at them, knowing of their plotting against him. He wasn?t stupid, he knew who was loyal and not. Though doing anything about it to such well-respected people would have been unwise. ?My Lord?? Amaya?s sweet voice beckoned for his attention. He nodded to a few more guests before he brought his attention to Amaya. ?Are we to join the others?? ?Yes, you may meet me there. I have some things to check up on.? Damion ran his thumb gently along her arm. ?Yes, my Lord.? She smiled, nodded gently, and stood up from her chair. He ran a playful hand across her stomach and over her hips. She slid from his touch and left the massive room to join the others. Various servants still wandered about the room, cleaning up the table and floor. Damion tapped his fingers with annoyance upon the large wooden table. ?Your majesty?? A servant came up to him, bowing at his middle. ?What?? Damion snapped. ?Is there something I can get you?? The servant kept out of arms reach, knowing if the king felt violent enough he would take out his rage on him. ?Make sure all the girls are at the center court. Have the maid start sorting them out for their various talents. Tell Ashrel to start the entertainment for me.? Damion barked as he shoved himself away from the table. The servant jumped back to avoid any conflict he might find with his king. ?Yes, your majesty.? The servant bowed at his middle and rushed from the king?s sight. Damion ran his fingers through his thick dark hair, allowing a frustrated sigh to leave his lips. He finally brought himself to walk out of the dinning hall and into the corridors. Blissful music roared in the distances and the sweet smell of perfume and sweets filled his nose. He smiled. As Damion started down the long corridors, two of his guards walked up behind him on either side and they made their way towards the center court. Damion stood perfectly posed on the steps above the center court, a few commoners from the streets had been allowed to slip past the guards and mingled within the nobles and knights. Damion growled, but did nothing. He watched them all sitting, and standing about as beautiful music played and an elebrate dancing performance took place in the very center. ?Oh, my Lord.? A very soft voice floated above the noise. Damion looked down to see a young noble woman of maybe twenty standing before him. ?How can I help you, my Lady.? Damion bowed gently, placing an arm behind his back. ?Oh no, my Lord.? The woman grabbed the edges of her dress and lowered herself delicately towards the steps. ?I must have lost my way. I think I have had too much wine this evening.? She smiled brightly, her face flushed. ?Oh, it is no problem, my dear Lady.? Damion smiled back her. She was cute, nothing like his mistresses, but attractive in her own manner. He took her arm and ushered back towards the party. The both of them carrying on, laughing about non-sense. ?You don?t say? And he fell into the mud afterwards?? Damion laughed as he brought his face closer to the woman?s, smelling the strong wine on her breath. ?Yeah, and he...he proclaimed that I was...a pompus...pompus wench!? The woman slurred her words and laughed throughout her sentence. Damion smiled at her as he grabbed another glass of wine for himself. She begged to have some, but he refused to allow her any more. He sent one of his servants to fetch Amaya for him and before long the lovely woman stood before him. ?My dear Amaya,? Damion spoke clearly watching Amaya look disapproving at the drunken woman. ?There is a girl, Sarah, that awaits for me in my chambers. Will you see to it that she is cleaned up and is given a suitable chamber to stay in, something close to yours.? ?Yes, my Lord,? and with that she left the king?s side. [/FONT] [/COLOR] OOC: Altron if you would have a couple duels break out please. Thank you.
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial]OOC: Ok let's try this again. Damion shoved his chair back and raised his wine glass high to bring every ones attention to him. Amaya sat perfectly composed in her chair next to Damion, sipping delicately at her own wine. Once Damion had their attention he began. "I am sorry to have kept you all waiting, I had some pry business to attend to. I wanted to make this was one of my best dinners for you, my nobles and knights." Damion allowed a wide smile to follow his slight pause. "I now bring to you my newest additions to my harem and the richest of food." Damion bollowed to allow the servers to hear his request. Before any one had time to breath, various servers and scantly-clad dressed girls came racing from the kitchen and began to dance about the various tables. His guests were in shock of the large platters that were placed before each of them and the various appetizers that were placed on each table. The air filled with the rich scent of expressive labor and delicate foods. Damion smiled at their approval. "Before we all begin to feast upon what I have set before you," Damion begged for every one to bring their attention back to him. "I would like to congradulate our dear Sir Marquise for his victory against the late Duke. Seeing that the Duke should have kept up his skills and not have challenged a man of such high reguard in the first place." Damion through his cup high into the air. "You will have first choice in any of my ladies, expect for," and he paused for a moment to bring every ones attention to Amaya who sat so perfectly in her chair. "The lady to my right." Damion smiled as Amaya lowered her head gently. "Now." Damion bellowed louldy. "Tonight's--." And before the king could finish his sentence a loud crash echoed through the room and all were drawn to the kitchen doors. Damion scowled at the sight of one of the new girls laying sprawled face down on the floor. The platter she had been carrying flung across the recently polished floor. The room filled with hushed whispers and gasps. Damion looked to the guards that stood by each door and motioned for them to take her out. As they did so, other servers rushed to clean the mess. "Terribly sorry my ladies and gentlemen." Damion brought his attention back to his guests. "We have new members on the staff and aren't quite use to being in front of so many fine and noble people like yourself." Damion lowered his head in apology. "As for tonight's entertainment. I have arranged for singing and dancing by some of my best performers in the center court. There will be plenty of wine, ladies and men," he smiled and nodded to some of the young women without a lord, "and desserts to feast upon. I hope you all will join me. Now you must excuse me, I must deal with my small problem." He smiled courtly as he backed away from his table. "You may all begin." And with that he started towards the kitchen doors, calling Ashrel to his side. "Yes, my Lord?" Ashrel nodded when she reached his side. "Watch over my guests and when every one is done usher them to center court." Damion snarled. She nodded again, smiling because she knew what that rage meant, and went about her business. Damion broke through the kitchen doors and stormed to the back where the guards had thrown the young girl. She was one of the new ones. "Out of my way!" he barked at his guards as he rushed forward to take the girl by the throat. "How dare you make me look like a fool!" He screamed at her, slamming her against a wall. "I will not tolerate such disobedience and you will not live very long if you continue to do so." He threw her to his left, her body flying into a wall and crumbling to the floor. The girl began to weep as she crawled into a ball. "Shut her up and take her to one of the quarters." Damion screamed at one of the guards as he tried to regain his composer. "Yes, your majesty." The guards replied as they scooped up the girl. Damion tugged on the bottom of his shirt and re-tied his sash before venturing back into the dinning hall. He sat calmly in his chair and turned to Amaya. "How did they behave while I was gone?" He said very sweetly into her ear. "The servers did very well after your leave. Some of the new girls trembled a bit though." She whispered back as Damion place his large, firm hand on her leg. "Good. Have you been enjoying your meal?" Damion turned back to the table and began to eat. "Very much so my Lord." Amaya replied. Damion nodded to the guests that sat at his table as he began to eat his own dinner. He laughed, joked and talked with the noblest most loyal to him, and the only ones allowed to sit at his table with him. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
OOC: well people...sorry this taking so long but for whatever reason OB does not like me and I can't seem to post. I do have this huge plan/idea in my head but every time I go to post it...I lose it. *swears over and over again* So bear with me for a little longer and I'll get it up I promise.
[COLOR=SeaGreen]OOC: Let's try this again...my college server sux ass and kicked me off. Which it had a lovely habit of doing to me last night when I tried to post. *goes of swearing* IC: "Your majesty?" A guard dressed in dark green and silver armor approached Damion's side, a long spear held on his right side. "What?" Damion questioned with little interest as he continued to look through the closet before him. "The guests have begun to arrive, your majesty." The guard continued, his voice a little shakey. "And..." Damion was growing annoyed. "What would you like us to do with them?" Damion stood up abruptly and turned his head sharply towards the guard, a scowl creased across his face. "Show them to the dinning hall." Damion spat. "Now be gone from my sight before I take my frustration out on you." "Yes, your majesty." The guard bowed quickly and hurried off. "Fools," Damion cursed as he continued to search through the closet. The lady that had lived her before had left many dresses behind and Damion was looking for just the right one. Pulling and discarding many as he went through them. He finally settled on a soft lavander dress with silver seems and see-through sleeves. It was delicate, but not too revealing. He smiled at it as he drapped it over his left forearm. Damion made his way through the long corridors nearly naked, trying to avoid guests and his staff as he made his way towards his chamber. The maid that had tended to the girls early met him in the hallway just outside his chamber door. "How did the girls fair, maid?" Damion questioned upon seeing the elderly woman. "Not so well, my Lord." She replied. "They're not ready to be present at dinner in front of your nobles and their knights." Damion scowled, not truly at her, but more in protest to the news. The elderly woman had never recieved any ill treatment towards her, especially from Damion. He respected the woman for her wisdom and loyality. "They'll have to do." Damion replied, turning his attention towards his chamber door. "She refused to wear the dress as you had stated, my Lord." The maid added upon noticing where his attention had been drawn. "Of course," Damion nodded and turned to smile at her. The maid returned the smile before she left her King to do what he did best. Damion stared at the door for a moment longer before unlocking it and entering. His grab for the dinner formal laid decoratively on his massive bed, its shades of green were eye catching along with the silver horse on its chest and two tigers on the sleeves. Damion brought his head up to take in the woman, Sarah's, sight. Damion smiled at her as Sarah stood quietly next to the vanity. He laid the dress upon the bed and wandered over to the opposite side of the room. His nearly perfect body still dripped slightly with water from his previous bath as he searched for string to tie his black hair back. His white trousers clung lightly to the back of his legs as he searched through random drawers. "Get dressed." His voice was neutral, not rough and violent, or soft and soothing. It was just his voice. "What?" Sarah questioned. "I found a dress that should suit you liking. But it on, you'll accompany Amaya and I to dinner." Damion stood up then, reaching back to tie back his hair. OOC: ... you can refuse his request with a light beating or join him. Which ever you wish.[/COLOR]
Well thank you to everyone that has signed up. The rpg has been placed in the square so go at it!! One thing though, if you are unable to post and do not get a hold of me in a week to 2 weeks your character will be killed and unable to be brought back to life. No exceptions. HAVE FUN!!
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial]Damion, thumbing through an old hard covered book, felt restless and bored. Though he should have focused more on the book in front of him, it just simply wasn't intersting enough. He slammed the book shut and shoved his chair back, nearly knocking it onto the floor. He briskly made his way to the study door and threw it open. He turned sharply towards one of the guards. "You will go to my closest nobles and send them word that I require them to attend dinner this evening." Damion spat at the guard. "Yes, my King." The guard bowed and hurried off. Damion swirled around, nearly startling the other guard half to death. "You will fetch Ashrel." "Ye...ye...yes, my...my King." The man attempted to bow, tremblig horribly. "Now, damn it!" Damion barked, watching the guard jump and scurry down the corridor. A smiled creased the King's lips as he chuckled, re-entering the study. The elebrately designed shelves were neatly stacked with various books and the walls decorated with paintings done by some of the greatest of painters. The floor tiled with expressive marble with sculptures of men and women scattered about, horses and tigers posed purposefully upon mantles and stands. Damion allowed a joyous smile float over him, marvling over what he had. He sat down at his desk once more, throwing his boot-covered feet upon its top. "My Lord?" Ashrel asked upon entering the room. "Ah, my dear Ashrel." Damion smiled upon her arrival. "Yes, the girls you sent for are in your chamber, my Lord." Ashrel replied. "Reading my thoughts once again." Damion allowed his smile to continue as he got up and away from his desk. He stopped just before Ashrel, a smile still creased his lips. "I would like you to accompany me to dinner this evening. I will need you to keep a watchful eye over my nobles and their knights. Wouldn't want them to start a quierl during dinner. Dress in something nice, but comfortable." He reached forward and pulled a loose string from her shirt. "Yes, my Lord." She bowed and left the room. He watched her for a brief moment before starting down the other corridor. The massive hallway was decorated in the lastest fashions and showed off his power and wealth. He finally came upon his chamber, unlocking it, he walked in to see what had been brought to him. "They're young," he growled. The six girls were firmly pressed against the corners of the room, while a couple of his older slaves lay posed on his massive bed. He glared at all of them displeasingly. "Are you not pleased, my Lord?" Amaya, a slave that had been with him since the beginning, slide from the bed and began to approach him. Her beautiful body hidden under a loose tunic and trousers. He smiled at her as she came to stand before him. He reached out and slid his hand onto her face. Her delicate skin sliding effortlessly under his caress. "You will be my companion this evening, my lovely and fair Amaya. Go dress yourself for this evening and fetch me a maid." He allowed his hand to slide from her as she made her way past him and through the door. Damion looked over the group, going through his head what he would do with them. "My King." The maid said as she entered, handing him a piece of paper containing the girls names. Majesta Jade Nadine Wreathen Maaya Joston Alen Noxton Marie Michael Riesa Trace (OOC: Alen, Marie, Riesa are for any one to use at any time for any reason) "Well at least some of you are of decent age." Damion mumbled out loud more to himself then anything else. "What would you like me to do with them, my Lord?" The maid asked. Damion looked up from the paper, "have them dressed and ready to serve the nobles and their knights. Make sure each one of them know how to mind or they'll go to the pit." Damion commanded as he left his chamber, tucking the paper within his trousers. "My lord," some one rushed before the king, lowering herself quickly. "What?" he spat. "Some one walks up the steps to your majesty's castle door." The girl hid her face in her hair and on the floor. "Fetch them at once and bring them to me." Damion shoved the girl back as he walked towards the kitchen. When he arrived he told his cooks what was to be prepared and the girls that were to serve it. "My King," two guards came forth upon Damion's exiting of the kitchen. Damion looked at the woman they held firmly in their grasp, a fire burning within her green eyes. "This girl has been sent to you by the blacksmith. He says he tires of her and her disobeince. Says she has become a poor slave to him." The guard on the right proclaimed. Damion stepped forward and grabbed the woman's face forcefully. She tried to pull from him, but he was stronger than she. She was a gorgeous creater, and fiesty. He looked her over quickly, she had been beatin and worked firmly. She would be a poor slave for noble company. "What is your name?" He demanded. "Sarah." She spat back. "Well Sarah, it looks as if you've found yourself a new place of work." Damion smiled devishly at her. "Give her to the maid, she'll know what to do with her." Damion nodded his head for the guards to leave his sight. They dragged Sarah, protesting some, towards Damion's chamber. He smiled to himself. Things were going well this evening. Now it was time for him to ready himself. OOC: Welcome my followers. I hope we can make this RPG good and last a while. I will be doing a chapter system of sorts to keep it from dying hopefully. Have fun and if you have any questions or would like to discuss an idea with me just PM.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Sign Up War of the Blood 3: Of Blades and Hunters [M-LSV]
demonchild781 replied to Onix's topic in Theater
Name: Keitha Nickname: Shadow Assassin Age: 1000 Gender: Female Species: Vampire Clan: Directly loyal to Kuroichi and once the Shadow Assassin for the Gyshram Appearance: At first glance Keitha looks to be the picture perfect beauty. Her curvy frame, strong buttocks and large bust line. Her long crimson hair was once always pulled back at the base of her neck, Kietha's long hair stretches to the small of her back in a display of her age and ability. Caught in her lust, Kietha's eyes burn a dark amber ready to kill, but when brought back to reality her glorious green eyes flash their soft light. Weapons: A simple katana named Chaela. The Assassin's Heart, given to her by Kuroichi, its powers hidden to Kietha and her darkness. The gorgoues blade is similarly crafted like that of her own Chaela, but far more beautiful. Powers: To manipulate shadows and untouched stealth. Personality: Once known for her quiet and hidden talents, Kietha has become well-known through out the world as her lust continues to grow. Unable to control herself, Kietha has become a threat to all those that oppose Kuroichi. She loves to play with powerful and strong men. Bio: After the murder of her father and producing three children after being raped by vikings, Kietha fleed from her captors where she found Serio. A vampire far older than his outward appearance. He took in the young twenty year old woman and together they took vengance on the Vikings that had destroyed her life. When Serio finally told Kietha of his true life, she asked to be his enternal lover. After a long fought battle with Kuroichi, Kietha had no more strength to give. Serio came to save her, as he always did, but at a price. He gave his eternal life to save her's. So she grew and gave everything to her Clan. When word spread of Kuroichi wanting to take over the clans, Kietha was quick to her feet. She advised Lady Liltha and Lord David to join Kuroichi in his fight telling them that their clan was no much against Kuroichi. But after much plotting, Kietha's motives began to become unclear. She had aquired the Death Diamond and had given it to Zoku, Kuroichi's most powerful advosiary. After learning all she could of Zoku, Kietha joined him on an outing to meet up with Dracula, LeStat and Kyo. There she had discovered their plot against Kuroichi. But the Shadow Assassin didn't seem to be choosing sides, but she had clearly stated to Zoku that she wanted the clans unitied. After the death of David and Lilth at the hands of Zoku and the changing of alliances, Kietha began to lose herself. While in Australia with Lana, Kietha found herself in a tanglement with Zoku. Unable to control herself, Kietha drew blood from Zoku and there for brought herself back to the days when she was given her name, Shadow Assassin. Unable to control her lust and always wanting more of Zoku, Kietha found herself destroying all that was against Kuroichi and eventually leading Lana to turn on her. Upon recieving Lana's sai into her right shoulder, Kietha and Colville went to the hotel Nye, Lana and the remaining Gyshram were hiding. Killing all and nearly killing Nye, Kietha was brought back to her humble self. Realizing she had nearly destroyed everything she had worked for, she disappeared into the Outback where she met up with Zoku and recieved the Opal of thirst to help control her thrist. -
Hey Kiddies, I would greatly appericate it if I could get some nobles, guards or some higher society such people. Its great that I have slaves and rebels but I do need some higher society characters as well. Don't want to be the only rich snob.
[COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: No problem amgoddess. It leaves for me to have more fun with Colville :) Kietha hissed at Colville as she pulled the sai from her shoulder, blood oozing down her arm. Kietha wrinkled her nose as she looked at Lana's weapon. "She wants the Gyshram and Nye," Kietha hissed. Suddenly the assassin dropped to both her knees, screaming out in horrible unseen pain as she grabbed her head. She threw her torso back and forth as her screams became even more piercing. "Vampire?" Colville tried to shout over-top of Kietha. The vampress was unable to hear him as her whole body seemed to be caving in on itself. Her head and heart felt as if it was going to burst. Kietha clasped onto the ground in a heap, clutching her head. Finally she had fallen silent, her body trembling from whatever had caused her so much pain. Colville watched without a word. Kietha's head danced as the feeling in her body came back to her, her stomach ached...craving for more blood. She flashed her eyes opened and saw Colville's feet. She brought her head up to see him standing over top of her. She smiled in her funny little manner as she crawled to her feet. "Ye--" Colville began. "You will never speak of this again, priest." Kietha growled at him, flashing him her charming smile and dark amber eyes. Colville smiled in return. Kietha reached down and picked up Lana's sai. She gave a slight chuckle as she slide it into her belt. "We shall have fun this evening, preist. We will punish those that have become unpure." Kietha tilted her head towards Colville, her smile even brighter. "What have ye in mind?" Colville played with his wounded shoulder. Kietha smiled at him. [CENTER]*********************[/CENTER] The priest burst through the door, Kietha close behind him. Three guards came rushing at him and with little effort, the priest took all of their heads. Kietha parade through the door next to take the next three, sipping lightly on their spilt blood. Its sweet, bitterness filling her for a moment. As Kietha and Colville made their way through the long hallways of the hotel, Kietha could taste Lana. Her sweet scent strong and overwhelming. Kietha smiled, her walk powerful with a gentle sway to it as she followed Colville further into the building. More of the guards parished at their hands and blood began to cover the buildings walls. Colville rambled on about something, but Kietha was lost in her lust. In the thrill of knowing she was going to hurt Lana. Make her pay for her new wound and betraying her. Kietha growled at the thought of Lana's sai in her shoulder. She took her new found aggression out on the Gyshram before her. It wasn't long before both burst into the back room, six figures standing about the room. "Kietha!" Nye exclaimed upon seeing her. "Well...well...well, what do we have here." Colville smiled as he adjusted his sword in his hand. "Hello Nye," Kietha smiled devishly, tilting her head to the side. Lana stood next to him and Kietha took a quick glance at her before bringing her eyes back to the vampress. "You may have the others, priest. They are no concern of mine." Kietha spoke to Colville. He nodded and smiled. "Keitha, what's going on?" Nye spoke. Kietha only squinted her eyes together as she smiled brighter before her and Colville rushed forward. The guards tried to stop them both, but fell short of their task. Before either Lana or Nye could react to what was happening, the rest of the Gyshram laid dead. Colville slid behind Lana, grabbing a hold of her arms. Kietha shoved her sword into its sheath and pulled Lana's sai from her belt. With a devilish smile Kietha rushed Nye into a wall and thrust Lana's sai into his abdomen. Both Lana and Nye cried at as hot red liquid poured onto Kietha's hands. Kietha smiled evilly as Nye slumped against the wall. "Kietha..." he gasped, grabbing a hold of her hand. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Suddenly Kietha's eyes began to flash as she looked into Nye's eyes. Slowly they turned to their vibrant green as tears poured down her cheeks. "Nye," she sobed reaching out to touch his face, he hand covered in his blood. She pulled back quickly and looked about. Colville looked at her puzzled and Lana struggled to free herself, lost in her emotions. The rest of the Gyshram Clan was dead. She threw her head back around to Nye, shaking it in discuss. "Nye." She whispered as she rushed from the building. ******************* Some where in the wilderness Kietha found herself, her body weak and her face caked with tears and mud. "Zoku....help me!" she cried out as she fell to the ground.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial]"You called for me, my Lord?" Ashrel bowed at the waist as she swept her cloak behind her with a single arm. "I want the six that I've choosen in my chamber by dusk." The King bellowed at her from his throne. He sat straight and posed so beautifully in his large wooden chair, a devilish smile creased across his lips. He was the perfection of handsome, with a gorgious face and stunning body. It was more than any woman could handle, but oh how ugly he truly was. He was a fierce warrior and a King that ruled with an iron fist. No one dared to threaten him, but all hated him. "Yes, my Lord." Ashrel smiled as she twirled around on heels, never looking at the king, and left the throne room. Upon entering the extremely elebrately done corridor, Ashrel bellowed for the guards to follow her. They walked through the castle and into the busy courtyard. Bellowing yet more orders, Ashrel smiled and placed her hands on her hips as the men dashed off to do as she had commanded. When the guards returned each had a girl or two within his grasp. Each of them some where in their teens and all beautiful in their own respect. "Bring them to our Lord's chamber admittely!" she shouted. The men lowered their heads and shoved the girls towards the castle entrance. Some protested screaming, crying and carrying on but it was all pointless. They were all going to the King whether they liked it or not. Each serving him in whatever manner he requiered of them. Whether as some one to bath him, pleasure him, fetch food or water, or something just to look at. They would would stay at his bed side until they too entered the rest of the harem. The women that served him more indirectly then his close personally slaves. He didn't always like the younger girls. He preferred them to be around his age, maybe a few years younger. (He being about 21) Every few years, the King would call upon new girls to serve in his harem. They were a tool to keep their fathers loyal and he a way to found a wife. Though he had not found one such woman yet. He wanted some one strong, not weak and defensiveless for a wife and mother to his heir. He wanted powerful offspring, nothing weak. Alright kiddies, what we got here is a new rpg from yours truly. Though I've only had one of my ideas get past Adventure Inn and only lasting for a short time, I plan to stick with this one and make it work, darn it all! Ok this is what I have for ya. First off, be fair to every one and I don't want any holyer-than-thou characters out there. I will be playing the part of Damion, the King. The setting is medeveilish. The basic idea here is here's a kingdom ruled by a heartless bastard (yes, a fatherless son). Love, rebellion and death is all apart of this rpg. This is what I need from you, the players: Ashrel--lovely lady that is Damion's first in command of his armies. She is horribly in love with her king, but has never admitted to it. (pending) Leader of the Rebellion--can be male or female, doesn't matter. But whomever I pick for this part needs to stay with the rpg and not crap out on me. (Lil Kitsune Boy) Slave girl-- this is the best friend to Damion's love. Very strong willed and helping set up the rebellion. (Dragons_Bait15) I also need various other people like assassins, guards, workers, peasants and maybe an outside king/queen. Well hopefully this goes some where. Please PM me if you want the part of Ashrel, leader, love or slave girl. The rest of ya sign ups are as follows: Sign Ups: Name: Age: (no limitations but try not to make them too young) Height: Weight: Gender: General appearance: (picture or describtion but please make it detailed if you write it out) Occupation: (also include if you are loyal or a rebel) Bio: (you can have this short or as long as you wish. But please allow me to know what kind of character you have. If you pick Ashrel tell me how or why you fell in love with Damion--how you met him. If you're the leader, tell me why you want the rebellion and what you plan to do if you succeed. Ect ect.) Here's Damion: Name: Damion Rossfer Age: 21 Height: 6' 2" Weight: 200 lbs Gender: male General appearance: A tall dark man with a muscular build. His hair draps around his shoulders and his eyes full of dark hatred for life. His face is stunning and a body that no one can match. If not for his bitterness and evil interior, Damion would be one of the greatest prizes for a woman. Usually dressed in his king garb with shoulder armer and dark blue cape, Damion commands respect. Occupation: King of Arawn Bio: Born on a lonely road to a slave woman, Damion grew up in a small town with out a father and constant harassment. His mother worked in the small village tavern, supply her son with education from the men she served. As Damion grew into his teens, he found that he had taken an interest in the dealings of ruling a kingdom. He would spend hours studying war stragedies, proper etiquete, and customs. On his sixteenth birthday, Damion rallied his allies, mostly kids that he had grown bigger than, and they over threw the current king. The blood bath lasted for weeks as Damion freed himself of all those that had torched him as a young child. Even taking great satisfaction in killing his own mother. Until Damion was nineteen, he spent his days conquering land and creating bloodshed until he had formed a large kingdom loyal, mainly out of fear, to him. He would let nothings stand in his way.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Arial]The dark, dank cargo hold smelled of piss and bowel movements. The rank smell of human sweat and death was almost overwhelming. Kietha was curled in a corner, her knees pulled close to her naked body. She was covered in the derbre that was scattered about the wooden floor and she trembled with fear. She couldn't have been any older than fifteen, and she had watched her village be destroyed, her father slain, her mother rapped, and herself beaten and rapped. Now she was thrown into the cargo hold with about seventeen other women, bleeding and unclothed. The heavy crash of the sea waves rattled the boat and caused some of the women to cry out. Kietha could not bring herself to move, her whole body felt dirty and ached. "Darla? Darling?" A fragile voice called from above her. "Mother..." she whispered, too afraid to move. "Oh, Darla, my sweet little girl." The voice came again and suddenly Kietha felt arms around her. She began to panic, screaming and struggling to free herself. Finally she managed to get away from her attacker and back herself against a wall. Her wet hair clung to her face and her whole body trembled. Not until the figure came into sight did Kietha realize it was her mother. She too was just as naked and covered in filth as she. Kietha lunged forward and wrapped her arms around her mother's waist, weeping uncontrollably. "Everything will be alright my child, you shall see. God will show mercy on us." Kietha's mother's sweet voice soothed her as the woman stroked Kietha's head. [I]God will show us mercy...there is no GOD[/I]... Kietha bent forward, forcing the large thick brush to scrap across the deck. She lay heavy with her second child and had made quite a life from what she had. She was one of the few women allowed on deck for extended periods of time and was almost allowed to roam about the ship freely. She was about eighteen now and had seen a great deal of the world. Or at least the world through the eyes of the vikings. [I]Death, destruction and rap. Yes it was a glorious time to be alive and to bring new life into the world.[/I] "Hey wench, get over here." A rough male voice beckoned her. Kietha placed her brush into her bucket and made her way a clumsly to her feet. She waddled across the deck and bowed before the massive man. He grabbed a hold of her hair and pulled her head back. Kietha made no sound and waited for her beating. The man struck her and she fell to the wooden deck floor. "You better produce me a son, wench. Or I'll have your head." The man yelled and stormed off. Kietha cursed under her breath as she dragged herself to her feet, and back over to her bucket. "Are you alright, darling?" Kietha's mother rushed over to her. "Fine." Kietha snapped as she began to scrub again. Her mother had already produced three children for the vikings and was heavy with yet another. The woman did well do obeying her captures and was one of the men's favorites. Kietha was growing bitter towards the woman that gave birth to her. Her constant ramblings of "God will save us from this" was beginning to drive Kietha mad. "Oh, my poor Darla. You will see, this will all end soon." Her mother whispered as she waddled off. Kietha paused for a moment, pressing her lips firmly together and staring blankly at the deck floor. She took a deep breath and began to scrub again.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]..........................[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Arial]Kietha let out a horrible cry as the nursemaid beckoned her to push again. Even after the first child, the pain of giving birth was still unbearable. The rank smell of the cargo hold filled Kietha's lungs every time she took a deep breath. The nursemaid continued to ask her to push as the child slid farther and farther out. "Its a boy!" The nursemaid cried out when all of it was done. Kietha pant as she laid back onto the wooden floor. "Would you like to see your son?" The nursemaid came to Kietha's side, the baby in her arms. Kietha brought her head up to look at the nursemaid and the wrapped child. The nursemaid had a cheerful smile on her face as she extended her arms towards Kietha. The girl glared at the nursemaid and laid back down. Confused, the nursemaid brought the child close to her chest. "Don't you want to hold your son?" The nursemaid questioned. When Kietha didn't answer, her mother came to her side and began running her fingers through her daughter's hair. "Kietha?" "Get that ville thing from me!" Kietha screamed, pulling away from her mother. "Darla!" Kietha's mother shouted, the women around the young girl confused beyond words. "Get away from me, all of you!" Kietha screamed, wriggling to her feet despite the pain she was in. "Stay away from me!"[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]..........................[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Arial]On a dark morning Kietha was beckoned to the ship's captian's cabin. With her furs wrapped tightly around her thin body, Kietha made her way across the deck to the captain's cabin. The sweet smell of fresh food swipt over her as she entered the lovely furnished room. The captian sat at his desk when she entered. Kietha pulled her furs closer to her, the crisp cold air stinging her flesh. The man stood quickly and Kietha watched him with dull eyes. She what was to come. He walked briskly over to her and snatched her by the arm. Kietha didn't struggle, there was no point. They were far stronger than she. He tore her close from her and threw her onto his bed. He struggled to free his body of his clothing as he climbed on top of her. She closed her eyes as he thrust himself inside her. When the man had his feel, he dressed and left her there. Naked, nearly crying and badly beaten. Kietha laid there, unable to move when she caught sight of a dagger sitting on the viking's desk. She rushed, unclothed to the desk and grabbed the dagger and put it to her chest. The sting of the tip entering her flesh caused her to draw back for a moment. Her breathing came ragged and short as she looked down at the dagger. She heard footsteps coming towards the cabin. She threw her furs around her and placed the dagger under them. "Send her back." The captain barked as he and two other men entered. Kietha said nothings as she made her from the cabin. "We'll dock here," the captain's voice rang out. "Will retrieve supplies and women." Despite all odds, Kietha managed to keep her prize hidden until they docked some nine months later. She laid heavy with the captains child when they docked in a Norman port. It was night, and all were asleep when she snuck from the depths of the cargo hold. [I]This will be the last time my body will betray me[/I] Kietha slide into the captains cabin, his snoring loud and annoying. She pulled the dagger from her under her furs and dangled it over the vikings body. She trembled with fear as she placed both hands on its hilt. She closed her eyes and thrust the blade down, deep into the man's chest. He cried out as Kietha brought the dagger back up to thrust it down once more. The cries and the sound of a slight struggle rose the others still aboard. They rushed in to see what had happened. When they took in the sight of their dead captain and they bloody girl, they didn't know what to do. Kietha swirled around, dagger thrust forward. In their attempt to contain her, the three men all suffered mortal wounds that enabled Kietha to escape. She ran as fast and as long as she could into the darkness of this strange world. Before dawn Kietha lay in labor. Alone and no where to go, Kietha lay under a tree willing herself to free her body of the burden she carried. By the time she had given birth and recovered from the act it was almost mid-day. "A girl..." Kietha whispered. The wailing baby lay in the grass covered in fluid and dirt. Kietha stood, preparing to leave the child were it was. It was another ville creature produced by her captures. But she could not bring herself to leave it. She took a deep sigh and scooped the baby into her arms. Instintly it went quiet. Kietha smiled without realizing it as she began to walk without a destination. When reaching the first house, Kietha walked to its steps and looked down at the child she held. "I wish a better life for you." She kissed the baby on the head and laid it on the steps, knocking on the door before she disappeared into the forest.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]"Ah, priest." Kietha smiled as she came to, her body still pulsing from Zoku's blood. "Have you come to seek out some fun?" The vampress spoke with slurred words as she tried to sit up. The priest only smiled as he helped Kietha to her feet. "We must find Lady Lana. I fear she has become as I." Kietha smiled as she picked her sword up. "As ye like." The priest answered picking his things up as well. Across the city they danced until they came to a part of the city filled with destruction and death. Kietha smiled, her body wallowing in its glory. Lana was destroying more mortal lives when Kietha and Colville found her. "Lady Lana," Kietha called out, her voice sweet and soft. Lana turned, her face filled with bitterness. Kietha tilted her head to the side, smiling and extending her hand. Lana stood still her sais at her side. She looked at Kietha and her invitation, then noticed the preist. "He is here to help us, Lady Lana. Please, join me as we show this world what we really are." Kietha rolled her head to the other side, waiting patiently for Lana. "You can have anything you want, Lana. You could even have Nye if my Lady wishes it so. Just come with me." [/FONT] [/COLOR] OOC: sorry so long