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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial]Kietha let out a moan of pleasure as she pulled her head away from the neck of a woman. The woman's body laid limp in Kietha's arms, her skin pale and her face locked in a small scene of ectcasy and pain. Kietha's eyes rolled into the back of her head as the woman's blood coursed through her veins. The warmth filling her with pleasure and making her yearn for more. It was never enough. The small rush faded quickly and Kietha brought herself back to the woman in her arms. She hissed at it and threw it from her. Kietha tilted her head to the sounds of a fight. She listened to it, ignoring the fact that random humans were starting to wander by her. It was a powerful battle and the smell of spilt blood washed over her. She pulled her lips back and took a deep breath through her teeth. Kietha brought her attention back to her surroundings when she began to hear whispering. There was about a dozen or so people crowding around the body she had discarded. She watched them, with a smile, at their curiousity. "Would you like to witness death again?" She spoke loud enough for all the people to hear her. Most paid no attention to her, but some did look in her direction. She smiled at them and they seemed taken-a-back at her strangely large fangs. They began to tap and poke the others, motioning towards her. Before any one truly had time to react she began to feed on them. The screaming chaos drove her thrist to be stronger as she drained each quickly, moving onto the next running victim. Before too long, the street was littered with bodies. All pale and left in a scream of pleasure and pain. "You all are empty. Not what I need." She tilted her head again allowing the remains of the fresh blood run through her veins. "I must have sweeter. Humans are too plain." Kietha spoke aloud, as if she was talking to some one. Kietha took in a deep breath through her nose, smelling the air. It was thick with blood--disloyal blood. Kietha smiled as she reached to her side to touch Chaela. She twisted her fingers around the hilt, digging her nails into the wrapping on it. Her body ached and the smell of fresth blood got the better of her. She followed its scent, racing among the streets with her shadows when she came upon the chaos left in the streets. Fire, pilled cars and blood streaked across her sight as she cautiously made her way onto the scene. [I]Zoku...[/I] Smoke filled Kietha's nostrils, smoothering the scent of blood. The cries of dying humans and their loved ones flickered in and out of her ears. Kietha sent her plentiful shadows to search for any vampires. Kietha's attention was brought to a strangely corrupted wall. The horizontal streak that stretched almost down its complete width drew her in. A sudden smell of disloyal blood rushed over her and she pulled her head quickly down to see a fallen vampire. "A Myrkur Aniol." Kietha smiled as she bent towards him. Uncontrollable lust rushed over her as she not only smelled his blood, but saw it. She reached out and ran her fingers over one of his wounds. The warm red liquid covered them; she quickly pulled them up to her lips and shoved them into it. Kietha let out a slight growl, tasting its bitterness. She clenched her fists when she heard the sounds of another battle taking place and familiar presence. "Could it be, my dear Dracula." Kietha whispered as she stood. A sudden rush hit her, nearly knocking her to her knees. She braced herself on the crippled wall as her head swam. The red-blackness took a hold of her sight and a dizziness from lust consumed her body. "Zoku..." a seductive growl left Kietha's lips as she pushed herself to her feet, forcing herself to stand up straight. Kietha forced herself to walk through the mess that was left and follow the ever stronger pull towards the thing that had given her back her lust. When Zoku's powerfully built form came into sight Kietha wavered a bit, her lust so strong and the red-blackness overwhelming. She sent her shadows out, but was unable to see or understand what they took in. "Kietha..." Kietha heard Zoku whisper as he turned to look at her. A sense of hatred filling his red eyes. She smiled at him as she forced herself to stand again. "Well, well. If it isn't Zoku, my Lord's favorite." Kietha's slurred words rose above the noise of the battle. She walked slowly foreward as Zoku brought Oblivion up. Kietha tilted her head with a devilish smile on her face as she brought Chaela from its sheath. Zoku prepared himself for her attack, but watched with slight bewilderment when Kietha shoved the blade into a pile of rocks. "I come not to fight you, my Lord's favorite." Kietha tilted her head from one side and then the next, smiling along the way. "What do you want?" He growled at her. Kietha managed to draw the shadows around her and Zoku preventing either vampire to see what was happening or leave. "You." "I got that." "I want to taste you again, my Lord's favorite. I wish to have you. You are the sweetest. You are loyal. Your blood lingers longer than the others." Kietha suddenly feel to her knees, the red-black dizziness sweeping over her. She screamed at herself, dragging her limp body back to its feet. [/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial]"Your scent...so strong," she almost whispered, her eyes closed. "I know David came to you in your time of need. I know he threaten you to stay away..." Kietha's voice faded in and out, as if she was battling herself. "I wanted to go to you that night...but I could not. For I would have drank from you, possibly killed you..." Kietha's sentence trailed off as her strength seemed to be coming back to her.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]She opened her eyes, the color flashing from green to amber, and finally resting on a dark amber. She smiled again, but it was the one filled with lust, desire for the red liquid. She began to approach him again, her wall of shadows began to slowly vanish. [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  2. Hey guys, sorry to tell ya but I've decided not to continue this RPG.
  3. [COLOR=DarkRed]Well as is my custom, I've been having so very far out there dreams. But there were 2 just recently that really got me thinking and even sparked an idea for an rpg. I wanted to run it through the underground first to see if any one might be interested before I chanced it in Adventrue Inn. Alright here's my idea: Evil/bad prince/king dude (yes I still have to work out the kinks) that is the center of the whole thing. He has a second in command (a woman that's in love with him but he's not with her) There's slaves (sex and just plan servent slaves) and vassals ect. The object would be to rebel against the king (especially the slaves), but of course I would need people (like the second in command) loyal to the king and eventually a slave he falls in love with. And of course the players/characters would determine who won in the end and all. So whatcha think? Any good or should I drop it like a bad habit? Well let me know what you think and any ideas to help improve it. Thanks The Demoness[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]"I was rather surprised to see how weak the Gyshram were without their assassins. Even the Black Widow would have posed more of a threat then the whole clan." The vampire who spoke looked young, but his scent was filled with the ancient flesh of his clan. "Its ashame that Kuroichi has wasted his alliances with such a piteful clan." Another spoke, his appearance was much older looking than the first. "He should have just destroyed them." A vampire some where between them added. Kietha hissed at their comments, but tried to keep her appearance low. There was at least two dozen Ijuuj, maybe more. Their scent ancient and almost sweet. Lana was filled with anticaption, the same anticaption that filled Kietha's body. Something told Kietha to wait. They were still too far apart for them to attack. "It would have been too time consuming with both the Black Widow and the Shadow Assassin running about the underground city. He was wise, even in his youth, to take an alliance with them while the assassins were still there." The eldest appearing vampire replied. The rest of the Ijuuj filtered into the baren streets. Kietha wasn't sure what they were doing, but the three that she had over heard seemed to have been the leaders of the group. The began to create a circle with the three in the center. "Lana," Kietha drew the vampiress attention to her. "Stay above them, in the darkness. Start to take out those on the far outside." Kietha flashed a smile of joy. Lana returned the smile and without questioning lept from the building, disappearing into the darkness. Kietha's smile grew as she watched the circle grow as the others filtered in. Slowly Kietha could see a vampire drop, the others almost completely oblivious to it. "You shall pay for the death you have brought and the pain you have caused." Kietha whispered, allowing the shadows to take her words down to the Ijuuj. The Shadow Assassin lept from her perch and onto the ground. Her vision covered in the red-black darkness, her body ached for blood and all she could think of was death. She darted forward, her blade drawn. Upon seeing Kietha rushing towards the crowd, Lana dropped to the ground and pulled her sais into action. Both assassins, with great stealth and little effort, began to destroy what seemed to be the last of the Ijuuj. Blood splashed and splattered every where. Soon the circled Ijuuj began to realize they were under attack and began to fight back, protecting the three in the center. Kietha was lost in her motive. The scent of blood and the death that she was bringing filled her with an insane lust. She slashed, sliced and drove her beautiful sword Chaela into her opponets. Her goal--the three in the center. Their blood would taste the sweetest. It was a matter of minutes before Kietha and Lana had destroyed all those that stood between them and the three main Ijuuj. Both vampiresses chuckled at their good furtune. They began to encircle them as the Kerlek drew their own swords. "Such ville madness needs to be destroyed." The eldest spoke. "Ville?" Lana questioned, a smile upon her pretty face. Kietha snapped her jaws at the youngest, smiling as he jumped back from her. "You pretty little Kerlek aren't use to fighting your own battles, now are you?" "Don't let her tricks scare you, Jeroen. She is nothing but another vampiress lost in her lust for revenge." The eldest spoke again. "Revenge?" "Kuroichi and Zoku, I think they mean." Lana spoke, drawing a tilted head from Kietha. "Revenge. Revenge is for those that holds something against some one. I don't want their deaths," Kietha spoke softly bringing her attention back to the Kerlek. "I am loyal to Kuroichi and Zoku is loyal to him as well. Loyality is one's salvation from my wrath." She smiled at them, giving a quick glance to Lana. The young vampiress took the sign and pouned on the youngest Kerlek. She sank her teeth deep into his neck, drawing his blood into her mouth. A slight moan escaped from under her lips. This told Kietha that they were sweet. Kietha tilted her head to the side, smiling as she walked slowly forward towards the last two. Before either could react, she was upon the next youngest, drained him of his blood, and threw him away. Kietha threw her head up to the sky, allowing the fresh blood to trickle down her throat. It was bitter-- bitter with hatred for Kuroichi, but far sweeter than those she had before. Her eyes burned a vibrant amber as her whole body pulsed with ectcasy. She could hear Lana's footsteps racing quickly down the street, more than likely after the eldest. Lana tackled him and was ready to end his life. "NO!" Kietha screeched. Lana brought her head around to look at Kietha, the vampiress' head still thrown back. "But why not?" Lana seemed displeased. "Haah," Kietha gasped as she brought her eyes to meet Lana's face. "I have questions for this one." Lana squinted her eyes, but drew the vampire to stand with her. She thrusted the elder vampire forward as Kietha made her way towards them. "Tibor, is it?" Kietha's words were slurred, but aannunicated carefully. She brought a hand up and ran her fingers carefully across the vampire's face. "Keep your hands from me, you ville mistake." He yelled at her, pulling his face from her fingers. "Mistake?" Kietha hissed, bringing her face close to him. "Serio should have never changed you. You should have died as a mortal." The vampire spat at her, staring directly into her eyes. "Oh, but Serio did change me. What have you against Serio's Lady?" Kietha brought her face closer to his, grabbing a hold of his throat quickly. "Serio was a respectable vampire, made from Dracula. He should have never created something from human flesh and emotion. No vampire should be made from human flesh and emotion. You and your kind will destroy what is left of the [I]true[/I] vampires." Tibor cursed. Lana pulled the vampire's arms taunt behind his back as Kietha dug her nails deep into his throat. "You dare insult me while your life rest in my grasp?" Kietha growled. "What does it matter, Shadow Assassin? You'll kill me no matter what I do." Tibor glared at her, he began to gasp for breath. Kietha let him go and spun around. Lana shoved a sais into his back, warm blood covering her hand. "You're right. I am going to kill you." Kietha smiled to herself, her back still facing them. "But I must know, Kerlek. Why did you attack the Gyshram if they were no threat?" Kietha spun around then to look at the vampire. "The Gyshram had grown to be a disgrace to the vampire heritage. Taking in tainted vampires and taking an alliance with such a villian as Kuroichi." Tibor held his head proudly as he spoke his few little words. "So you had the Gyshram nearly destroyed because they didn't conform to the old way of the vampires?" Kietha sneered at him, a wave of lust feeling her. Lana shoved the vampire forward and right into Kietha's grasp. "Are there more of you Ijuuj still lurking around here or any where?" Kietha held his throat firmly with one hand as she ran the other across his face. "We were the last." He gasped. "Good." Kietha drove her teeth deep into his throat, a rush of blood filling her mouth. "Ah!" she bellowed throwing him from her. "You are ville, poisioned with disloyality and hatred. Not even my lust can stomach your bitterness. You may have him, Lady Lana." Kietha swirled around, listening to the sounds Lana made as she destroyed Tibor. "Now we must go back to Nye." Kietha said as she began to head back to where they had left him and the remaining Gyshram. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] "It is done, my young Lord." Kietha bowed, falling to one knee in front of Nye. Lana only bowed her head quickly as she stood next to Kietha. "No one shall threaten you again, my young Lord. Not as long as Lana and I serve you." Kietha smiled as she disappeared into the depths of the room. "Now I know why my mother felt so threaten by her." Nye spoke suddenly. Lana watched Kietha disappear before bringing her attention back to Nye. "Kietha shows her loyality so violently that if my mother were to show any distrust or ill manner towards my father, Kietha would have killed her. Or at least, in the beginning. I've never seen her like this, and it leaves me to worry." "She wouldn't do anything to hurt you, Nye." Lana spoke up. "Not on purpose or directly. But if I were to take a lover or I were to go into battle. Kietha may not care too much for it. And I don't want to let her attentions control me like they did my father. He was too afraid to admit to the love he had for her. He didn't want to lose my mother because he knew that Kietha would never turn from Serio. So he gaver her everything that he could, including his own blood to help with her thirst. I admire Kietha and love her, but not like my father. Never like my father."[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Hey ULX, hope you didn't mind that we whipped out the rest of the Ijuuj. If this isn't ok, I'll change it.
  5. OOC: I'll post my stuff in green when Caden appears as a wolf. Hope you don't mind I borrowed the idea from ya Amgoddess. The light scent of lunar flowers lingered in the air. As faint as it was, the scent filled Caden with a slight since of joy. He had known full well of the story of Kiba and the others, and their search for paradise. But never did he believe it to be real. He had wandered about this world a lone wolf, his pack long dead after human hunters. The streets seemed rather bare as Caden made his way to a bar he saw another wolf walk into. Her scent was strong and her smokey white image streaked across his thoughts. Upon walking into the bar he saw not only the white, but another. A black wolf with curious purple eyes. Both sat at the bar itself. Caden looked about the room and pulled his small coat closer to his body. The other two wolves didn't seem to notice him, at least not yet. Maybe he could keep it that way for a little while. He slid into the crowd and sat at a table in the corner. A waitress came to him to take his order. "Glass of water." He answered. His voice filled with confidence that his posture hid. "Is that all sir?" the young woman gave him a funny look, noticing that he wasn't really paying attention to her. "Yes, thanks." He replied looking up and smiling at her. She squinted her eyes and then wandered off. Returning soon with his glass of water. He took a couple of quick galps as he watched the two at the bar. Was the search for the Flower Maiden occuring again?
  6. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial]Kietha allowed a moan to escape from her lips. She couldn't bring herself for the red-black darkness, so she allowed herself to fall deeper into it.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]*********************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Times New Roman]Kietha brought her head up with a snap, gasping for breath, blood rushing down her chin and throat. The liquid was still warm and filled her nose with a pleasant ectcasy that was almost undescribable. Her eyes flashed from its deep amber to the stars as her body heaved with lust. Her victim laid lifeless in her arms, their body drapped across her lap and the cool ground. Six other bodies laid scattered in various positions of horror, small drops of blood drizziling from the large wounds on their necks.[/FONT] [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Kietha, come back to me.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Times New Roman]A gentle voice swipt across her thoughts and brought more ragged breaths to seep from her body. She hissed in protest as she shoved her victim from her lap. [/FONT] [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I]Please come back to me, Kietha. My love.[/I][/COLOR] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkRed]The voice was enchanting, peaceful and wonderful. Kietha rolled her eyes into the back of her head, closing her lids to allow for the peace to take hold of her body. Her body protested and screamed out for more, her fangs bit into her bottom lip and the tip of her tongue. The small drops of her own blood filtered to the back of her throat and she pulled her eyes back open, her eyes a vibrant green.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkGreen]"What a mess you have made, my Love." Kietha took in Serio's glorious sight. He was turned away from her, looking over the seven victims she managed to drain in less than fifteen minutes. His face was creased with disappointment and pain, but when he turned to look upon her his face was filled with nothing but love and happiness. "You've done well, my Love. So very well." He approached her, pulling a cloth from his back pocket. "You killed the seven traitors with almost little to no notice by the public. You've grown beyond even my abilities as an assassin." Serio smiled as he began to whip away the blood that streaked her chin and neck. His touch was delicate and loving, each stroke was given just the right amount of care and pressure to free her of the burden she had taken on. "Fear courses through your veins, my Love. What have I done this eve to make you feel so?" Kietha's words were slurred slightly and an ancient accent followed behind every word. Serio tried to smile as he finished his work. "Oh my Love, I've grown bitter with myself." "What have I done to cause such feelings within you, my Love. Please...please speak to me?" Kietha's eyes quickly glazed over as Serio sat back on his heels, checking her over making sure he missed nothing. "Serio...my Love?" Kietha weeped. "The Gyshram fear that you will destroy them with your blood lust, my Love." Serio tried to smile as he brought his eyes to look at her. He reached up to caress her face and give her some reassurance. Kietha pulled her eyes from him, tears slowly falling from her face. "It is not your fault. We did not know that you would have such lust for blood. No one knew that you would be such a vampire even after five hundred years of living as an undead." He pulled her to look at him, his hands as soft as ever. "I don't want to lose the alliance we have created with the Gyshram. David has been so kind to us." Kietha tried desperately to hold back her tears. "We won't, my Love. I promise you this." He smiled at her brightly before leaning in to passionately kiss her.[/COLOR] [/FONT] [COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Courier New]It was only four years after that Serio gave his life for me...Kuroichi, how I've longed to drink your blood. To taste Serio once more. [/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Times New Roman]David sat in his throne chair running his fingers through Kietha's long crimson hair, watching her intently. Her mouth was pressed firmly against his wrist, her fangs had been driven deep into his flesh, and her tongue coaxed his blood to fill her mouth. He watched her lovingly. "You must stop now, my Shadow Assassin." David's firm voice beckoned for Kietha's attention. Slowly she pulled herself from him, whipping her mouth of blood quickly so he wouldn't see. She kept her face from him, hiding under the long length of her hair. Her eyes flashed from green to amber before the settled to something in between. The ache that usually filled her body began to lessen as David's blood coarsed through her veins. "How do you feel?" David's word yearned for her to look up at him. "Better," she sighed as she brought herself to her feet. She bowed her head, still hiding from him. "You don't need to hide, Kietha. There is nothing shameful here. You need what I can supply, and I'll do it willingly." "What of your Lady wife, my Lord." Kietha's voice seemed fragile as if she was about to break. "She will have to understand that I made a promise to you and Serio to take care of you once he was gone. Liltha knows of your lust. Most of the Gyshram and the other vampires do. You are well-known, Kietha. Few humans transformed into vampires have the lust you do and the control to conquer it." David smiled at her, his voice soft and soothing. "I know your heart aches for Serio and your lust is harder to control now, more than ever. But I have faith in you, my Shadow Assassin." [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][I]It took me five years to conquer the thrist for Kuroichi's blood. Not of vengance. Never have I wanted vengance. My targets paid dearly for their betrayal. Oh how sloppy I was when my body longed for blood, but my heart would have none of it. Serio I vowed to never return to this monster, to the Kietha that so many had come to fear. The [B]true[/B] Shadow Assassin of old. The taste of loyality is so sweet and that of those who oppose the way of Kuroichi...so bitter. I must taste the sweetness...but I must not betray that which I am loyal to. Must stay with my vow. I must have Zoku. Must have Kuroichi. They're blood is richest. Their lust for death, destruction and the new way fresh. I must have [B]it[/B]![/I][/COLOR] [CENTER]********************[/CENTER] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial]A hiss escaped Kietha's lips as she threw her self up. Her eyes a deep amber, her fangs resting on her bottom lip and her expression almost frightening. The first sight she took in was Nye and then Lana. The scent of the Gyshrams that remained soon filled her as she turned to Nye once more. "Nye, sweet young Nye." Kietha's voice was soft, vibrant with lust and her words slurred. "The Gyshram are no more. The villian must pay. Allow me to take them, drink their rotten, cursed blood from their body like I did so many centuaries ago for your father. Lana will be at my side or yours, my young Lord. To protect you or to help me. I will obey your command until my dying end." Kietha pressed as smile to her lips as she tilted her head towards Lana. The young vampiress looked at Kietha with a strange look. The Shadow Assassin took a hold of Lana's hand as she brought her attention back to Nye. "You will be safe here, any one who ever so much as looks at you wrong, my young Lord, will feel my wrath." Kietha snickered as she pulled Lana closer to her. Nye stared at her, remembering the stories his father had told him of her lust. The tales his mother and threatened him with, but Kietha's smile was intoxicating. There was something about her words and manner that gave him reassurance as he looked at the lovely Lana. Some how he trusted both of them.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: Um...would any one like to be Kietha's new foe? Or I could just pick a random clan to pursue. I'm sure there's a clan that no one is in or something. Sorry if it was a little confusing.
  7. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kietha's head swam, her thoughts lost amongst the rapids and waves that flooded her head. Lana was at her side as she passed through the gates, the rank smell of disloyal vampires filling her nose. Kietha ran a careful hand gently across Lana's arm for some sense of reality. Kietha's body suddenly lurched forward causing the vampiress to grab her stomach and nearly double-over. Lana was soon at her side, bending over the Shadow Assassin. Words rushed from the dark haired Black Widow, but Kietha couldn't make heads or tails of any of it. Kietha's whole body surged and cried out for more--more blood to feed its appeite that had been surpressed for so many centuries. Kietha nearly cried at as she forced herself to stand again. Some how she managed to order Lana to do something and the young vampiress rushed off in another direction. Kietha closed her eyes and took in a deep breath of the warm Sydney air. The harbor wasn't far and the sea could still be felt creeping across her skin. Kietha threw her eyes open, letting out a sort of hiss escape from her lips. She clutched her sword's hilt and vanished into the shadows. "Kuroichi is meeting with Sumiyaka as we speak." A male vampire said to another, reaching over the small barrel they had created a table on. "That stupid bitch. She betrayed us all!" called out another vampire. "Yelling and cursing isn't going to solve anything," yet another spoke. "We must figure out something to stop Kuroichi before he takes a hold of very one." "Hello there," the first vampire called out as he turned from the table. "What do we have here." The other two followed suite as Lana came into view. Her beautiful figure and pretty face taking hold of all three men. She played a devilish little smile across her lips as she pranced forward. All three males were taken by her and began to turn all their attention towards her. "Hello boys, I thought you could do with some cherring up." Lana spoke seductively. "Hell yeah!" One shouted as she walked to the center of them. Kietha watched from her perch, waiting until the moment seemed perfect. She wavered a bit as she sent her shadows to dance about the four youngsters. The males seemed oblivious to the funny little laughs and ackward movements the shadows seemed to be making around them. Kietha listened as their hearts raced with excitement as Lana drew them closer, their foul stench swirling up and taking hold of Kietha. Her head felt heavy, her body surged and ached. Kietha fell from the tree, landing on all fours perfectly as she flew forward to take one of the men by the throat. She swirled him around and before he could make a sound she sent her teeth into his throat. "HEY!" some one shouted. "What's going--." The other was silenced by a strange gurgle as Lana stuck a sais through him. The vampire in Kietha's grasp struggled and tried to throw her from him, but was rapidly losing control. Harder and harder she pulled his blood from his body, the other vampire attempting to pull her from him. His blood was bitter, not the sweet seculant taste Zoku's had been. [I]Zoku[/I] Kietha growled and threw her victim away as she pounced onto the one behind her. He let out an awful cry that filled her body with excitement as she began to draw his blood from his body. The same bitter taste came to her tongue as before. She wrinkled her nose and spat him out. The vampire grabbed a hold of his neck noticing the wound wasn't healing like it should have. His blood poured out over his hand and the pain was far too real. He staggered to grab his sword from his waist. Kietha caught a glimse of his movement and before he could pull his weapon from its shealth, Kietha cut his head from his body. When she swirled around to find where the other one had gone she saw Lana finish him off. "Ahhhh," Kietha cried out. "They're taste is bitter just as they're hearts towards our Lord Kuroichi." Kietha growled. Lana only smiled at her companion. "The sun will be here soon, we must find a place for safety." Kietha turned to Lana. Kietha's thoughts were flooded with the red-black visions of blood and its lust. Zoku, Kuroichi and the woman of silver that was in Kuroichi's room. Her new Lord's bed, her old Lord's head. And all of it was washed away by the crimson red of blood and her body ached for more. The sweet taste of... "Kietha?" Lana's voice smeared the red curtain away and brought Kietha's attention back to where she was. Kietha smiled wickedly and laughed. Before she allowed herself to give into the red-black dizziness and fall to the ground.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]***********************[/CENTER] [COLOR=Sienna]"No..." a slight sigh left the new Gyshram Lord's lips. "It seems it is so, my Lord." Jacob bowed before the young Nye. "What are we going to do? The Shadow Assassin is what kept the Gyshram alive. She was its strength and hidden weapon." Nye shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "We have others, my Lord. We aren't completely incapable." "Yes of course." Nye answered, his face fading. Their was a sudden crash as soldiers rushed into the throne room. Both vampires rushed to their feet as the soldiers drew their weapons. There was a sudden wave of darkness and blood covered everything.[/COLOR] [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]"NYE!" Kietha screamed sitting up rapidly. "Its alright Kietha. Nye is home and safe." Lana's sweet voice washed over her darkness as she brought herself to focus. Kietha turned her head towards Lana, the vampiress sat on the edge of Kietha's bed. "You must...must go to Nye. Send him word that we're attending business here and will be home soon." Kietha's words were uttered slowly as she tried to speak around her teeth. "I don't think I should leave you." Lana protested. "I said go to Nye! Do it as soon as the sunsets." Kietha growled as she laid back down allowing the red-black darkness take her under again.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. OOC: well I had a 2 page post I was working on and almost had finished...but that was screwed up when I noticed kairi posted. Ah well I'll work around it :) "Ye be a foolish lad to tempt one such as she," came a strange and unfamiliar voice to Kietha's ears. She turned her head to see...a priest? "Ah Colville, you found me already." Zoku muttered. "Paladin Colville?" Kietha mumbled. "That's right." Colvilled placed his things on the ground and shuffled with his clothes. "That vampiress ye are messing around with isn't fooled by your tricks. She's beyond them." Zoku gave a short chuckle and clutched Kietha closer to his body, the Shadow Assassin letting out a slight moan. "Shadow Assassin Kietha, Lady of Serio. Ye shouldn't be fooling around with one such as she. She may seem to be in your grasp, falling for ye temptation, but she does not feel them as ye would wish. After over four hundred years of nothing, she has trained herself beyond all temptation even from the jewels you and your master use. Ye not believe me, look into her eyes, they will tell ye." Colville placed his hands in front of him, entangling his fingers together. Zoku burst out laughing, still holding firmly to Kietha. "You've got to be kidding me? No one can resist either the Opal or the Moonstone, they're--." And before Zoku could finish his statement, Kietha sank her fangs deep into Zoku's wrist. The pain slowly sank into pleasure as Kietha began to draw more and more blood from his arm. The sweet taste of blood filled Kietha's mouth and engulfed her mind and body. [I]You're right, Zoku. I did want something, but it wasn't revenge. Silly boy. [/I] "The reason Kietha gave up her lust for blood was not only a promise to her lover, but to herself. She did not want to shed blood of those who were naive to her kind or to the true pain of the world. Her lover was the only one able to stop her and her hunt when she was first turned. When she lost him, she was afraid that her lust we destroy the world and everything they had worked for. Now that she has freed herself, not even you are safe." Colville spoke as Kietha drank. Suddenly Zoku noticed that he was becoming slightly dizzy. The pleasant feeling in his wrist was becoming more of an ache that was crawling up his arm. Kietha sucked harder and harder, her teeth further and further into his flesh. "Enough!" he yelled, swatting her away. Kietha stumbled back a bit, keeping her face hidden under her hair. "KIETHA!" a high pitched voice cried out. Lana rushed from the shadows and to Kietha's side. The vampiress took hold of the Shadow Assassin, trying to get her stand and show her face. Lana kept leaning close to her companions face trying to coax her out of whatever shell she had placed herself into. "She was starting to drain me..." Zoku mumbled. "She only wanted one thing from ye, vampire. Your blood and she got it." Colville gave a small chuckle, still keeping his composure. "Vengance is overrated, Zoku." A sweet menacing voice eoched over the crashing waves. Both the priest and vampire turned to look at Kietha. The vampiress was standing now, Lana holding her arm. At first glance nothing seemed to have changed, but once she began to speak one noticed her enlarged fangs. "Why did you want my blood?" Zoku held his wrist. "You owe me far more than the small sampling I recieved this evening, but this will have to do." Kietha's words were gently slurred and held a strange senses of power. "Now you all will know truly why my Lord took such honor in having me completely loyal to him and why my clan has great respect. For they know the tales of my hand of death." Kietha smiled and turned to Lana. She ran three gentle fingers across the vampiress' face. "Let's have us some fun, Lady Lana. But I don't want simple humans like you use to hunt. Let's fine the vampires that wander these lands and opposed to Kuroichi." Kietha's smile turned even more devilish as her eyes flashed a vibrant green, then amber before turning to their normal state again. "Sure, Kietha. Anything you want." Lana smiled and nodded as she began to walk back towards Sydney. "Until next time boys. I look forward to having some fun with you, Colville. I think we could truly show the world what innocents should be." Kietha flashed a pretty smile towards the priest before both her and Lana disappeared into the shadows. OOC: sorry if the spelling is really bad. its 4 am.
  9. Alright...alright, I'll post my character now. Name: Mercel Desper Age: 18 Gender: female Height/weight: 5'5"/120lbs Hair/eye color: Black with blood red streaks racing through it/vibrant green eyes that you would find on the breast of a humming bird Skin tone: fair, but not too pale Body type: Her perfectly crafted frame shows that she is a very active young girl, though she doesn't partake in school sports. (make sure to add all transformation appearances as well if you have any) Personality: A hot-tempered, fiery sort of girl with plenty of attituded to spear. She loves to dig her nose into others business to better understand the situation at hand. A kind hearted girl underneath her sometimes wicked ways. Friend: Nose Dorta (accent on the "e" so its pronounced No-say) Nose Dorta is a vampire that has taken Mercel and her mother's home as his own. A 6'3" 19 year old lost in the world. Short black hair, pale green eyes and a body to die for, Nose at a distance is the perfect example of a vampire. His actual age stretching far into the past and his immortal body still carrying a mortal wound that stretches from his right shoulder to his left hip. He works a part-time night shift at pharmasuitical. Race: half wolfbat-half werewolf Grade/Occupation: 12th/local horse breeder Bio: Mercel was the only child born on a beautiful full moon night to her werewolf mother. The first time mother was thrilled to have the child, even though she had wished for more. The child's father, a ruthless wolfbat that was bent on world domination and the destruction of all creatures less than them. The wolfbat had his own family with a wolfbat female, but when he came upon the werewolf female there was a love connection past the boundaries of flesh. So their forbidden tango brought Mercel into the world. Mercel knew well of her father and that which he had brought to the world. She had met his wife and their children. They were beautiful and the perfection of their species. But his family did not except her, could not believe that she was his niece for he could never tell them that it was his daughter. They outcasted her every time she came to be around the wolfbat kind because the girl could not control her morphing like they could. When Mercel finally went into Middle School, she stopped visiting her father and his life-style. She didn't belong amongst them and no matter how much her father loved her and she loved him, the fact that she was a mixed breed was only going to bring her pain there. Human school prove to be more of a challenge then the wolfbat school had been. Unlike the wolfbats, werewolves lived among humans and tried to live partially normal lives. They would morph whenever their was a moon and feed on full moons. Most humans were unaware of their world and they preferred it that way. But Mercel was not use to this way of life spending most of her childhood with her father and his family because her mother wanted Mercel to be able to control her rage. Living with her mother and in the human world, Mercel felt torn and lost amongst all her peers never truly feeling like she belonged though she had many friends. High school was a true test of Mercel's amazing gift. She had gained her mother's blood lust on full moons and her amazing green eyes. But her structure and power came from her father. She was blessed with his gift to morph on will, except on full moons where she had no control over herself. She had gathered many friends and had found others of mix blood. Not just wolfbats and werewolves, but vampires, demons, and angels as well. She didn't feel so alone any more. [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] At the end of the first chapter a mysterious character by the name of Tudor had entered. He had taken a liking to a strange black-winged angel boy that had fallen just in front of the B & B. "Hidden among the shadows of an alley stood a masterpiece of a man. His height was some where around 6'6", 6'7" ,and his body was perfectly semtrical with beautiful muscling. But it wasn't so much his body that caught one's eyes. It was the pale blue eyes hidden in a mask of hip-length cloud white hair. They seemed to pierce through one's soul and saught all its evil and good, and placed it on display for all the world to see. He was dressed in white and silver victorian clothing showing the world that he was far older than his gorgeous face appeared." Who and what this character is, no one truly knows. He just appeared. He has a strange and powerful effect on vampires. In a way he can steal what is left of their souls. Any one can use him during their posts, but I would like him to stay rather elusive. If you would like to read the post he appeared in just click [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44283&page=2&pp=15&highlight=Blood+Lust+Purity]HERE[/URL] Its a 11 posts down from the top. That's all for now kiddies :D
  10. I'm going to try my hand at playing a male character :) Name: Caden Age: 19 Apperance: See attachments Starting city: Moniean Particular markings: A long, slender white patch that starts at the base of his left shoulder and streaks across his back to his right hip. (his human appearance its a long barely visible scar)
  11. Kietha smiled as she watched Lana wander off in disappointment and frustration. Such a charming young vampiress. A few more years and a little less lust running through her head, and you'd be a glorious leader. Even one well suited for Nye and the Gyshram throne, if that's what you wanted to call it. But what would that matter when Kuroichi united them all? Would he keep the clans and their foolish little lords to over see the happenings of his empire, reporting to him as their surperior. Or would he have them all killed? She prayed not. Nye was far too young for murder and not nearly his fault for the throne. Though he was next in line, the only reason he had it was because Kietha had handed it to him. She knew that David had listed her the next to rule the Gyshram and lead them to unity with the other clans. But she was no leader. She had too many things to accomplish that were of her own accord and she wasn't going to place them in some one else's hands. Kietha took a deep sigh and threw her head back, gazing up at the bright stars. The moon shined brightly off in the distance and the sky a heavely deep blue, purple. It had been so long since she had looked at the stars. Her and Serio had done it almost every night they could. Longing for a better life, but not wishing to leave where they both were in. Now Kietha was alone, completely alone. The one thing she had left had been slaughtered in his very own home, right under her nose! Where the hell was she when the devil Zoku snuck in! Kietha slammed her fist forcefully against the rock ledge she sat upon, hearing the thunderous cracking it made as small pieces of it fell away. Sydney lay behind her, the lights and the noise all too close for her liking. She could have traveled to the opposite shore-line to see the glorious cliffs, but felt it wise not to drag Lana all over the place. "More reckless blood is being shed tonight, oh, and look, some one has turned." Kietha spoke aloud, turning back towards the city. [I]Zoku[/I] Kietha growled in her head. [CENTER]************************[/CENTER] The flashing lights, loud music, and the scent of raging hormones was enough to make any vampire lose control. It was something Kietha could picture Lana enjoying herself in. She was reckless enough for this atomsphere. Kietha turned her head from the foul stench of smoke and vomitt as she slipped into the crowded bar and into the back shadows. She wasn't properly dressed for such an occassion, but at least her hair was up and out of the way again. The clad women dancing both on floor and table was something else. Never had she seen such a display of maddness in all her thousand years of life. Or death. The men were crazed over the amount of willing females. Beer and mixed drinks spewed from all sorts of places within the loud, flashy bar and the rank smell of sweet and sex was almost unbarable. Kietha had almost forgotten the rituals and behaviors of humans had changed so much from her time. Kietha managed to slip past the crowd and to a back table to herself. No one seemed to bother her as she watched the room with light eyes. There were a handful of vampires making their way through the busy place, but that wasn't why she was here. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]I can smell you, Zoku.[/I][/COLOR] The rapidly moving shadows threw her words around the bar, finally reaching their mark. The massive vampire sat at the bar counter, drinking and smoking away when the shadows' voices finally reached him. At first he thought it to be the music and that he had made his name follow suit. But the second wave of shadow voices told him he wasn't alone. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Your scent is strong. I followed you from Sole and Jinsei's hotel all the way to here. So unlike you to be in such a shit whole. I thought better of you.[/I][/COLOR] There was a slight pause in the string and Zoku was about to look around when the next string came. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]I think Zoku should come out and play with me tonight. Its been so long since I've had fun. But can you find me? By the time you hear the last of them I'll be gone and on my way. So come out, come out to where ever I am. And leave Oblivion behind because Chaela won't be out to play.[/I][/COLOR] OOC: Hey Kairi, it be real nice if you decide to meet up with Kietha to not kick her ass. Of course causing conflict is always fun. I have a few hidden surprises I'd like to bring out in our little meeting, but if you don't. That's ok too. I can work around the details. But if you do, just pm me for the location if you haven't already guessed it. Later and night kitties and puppies :D
  12. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Navy]Well I started the original RPG not too long ago. Ran well for a bit there and kind of dropped like a bad habit. Didn't help much that I didn't really have a plot and was completely dry for ideas either. But I've some new ideas and maybe an actual story line we can follow and I think I might try the chapter system like some others out there whenever the RP hits a dead spot. Well I'll give you the low-down on the first rpg. [/COLOR] [/FONT] [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black]The bell rang loud and clear allowing the anxious students to scramble from their class rooms. Only those walking along with friends could hear each other's words in the otherwise deafening hallways. At first glance, the small town high school looked normal. But it was far from that. Amongst the crowd of students is a girl named Qwa. Alone and not paying attention to where she was going, Qwa ran full force into another student, throwing her back onto her butt. Qwa franticly gathered her books apologizing profusely. "That's ok," the student replied, walking away. Qwa blushed as she made her way to her feet. "Hey, you ok?" an older girl approached Qwa. "Yeah...I'm, I'm fine." Qwa stammered. "You sure?" the girl reahced a hand out in an attempt to balance the girl. Qwa refused the help and brought herself to stand. Qwa prepared to leave when the girl shouted towards her. "Hey, I think you dropped this." The girl waved a paper that seemed to have something drawn on it. Qwa turned around, a slight "oh" slipping from her lips as she grabbed the drawing, clunching it to her chest. "You're pretty good," the girl said. "I wish I could see more." As the last word left her lips the bell rang. "Damn. It was nice meeting you." the girl waved to Qwa as she rushed off. In an attempt to not be too late, Qwa rushed through the halls and into her classroom. "Miss Qwa, you're late again." The teacher scolded. Qwa lowered her head as she found her seat.[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR] UPDATE: It started as a normal day for most of the Darkville citizens. Kids off to school, adults to work and trouble to start. Darkville is no normal little town, its infested with the both the creatures of the night and the light. And the whole town knows about it! They wander the streets, go to work, and even attend school as if there was nothing unusual about it. But laws still standing pervents them from killing, especially the innocent. After a brutal murder at the local High School a handful students, a few random wanders gathered at the local Books and Brew to try and discover more of what was going on. The girl that had been murdered was Principle Mito Itami's daughter and now he called for a war. A war for the blood of vampires and any other blood thirsty night-stalker that stalked the streets of Darkville. But not only had this become a new threat to our young characters, but a young vampiress was creating a deadly new breed of vampires. Daywalkers. The very creature that had killed the principle's daughter. So not only were the innocent products of the night being hunted, but the innocents of the light were as well. Its a race to stop the creator of the Daywalkers and prevent the war Mito plans to create. Or are you for the war? Or the victory of the Daywalkers? Its all up to you kiddies, choose wisely. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Century Gothic]Races: (please pick from these...if you have another creature in mind just PM and I'll let ya know if its ok or not)[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Vampires:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Lime]Werewolves[/COLOR]: [COLOR=Purple]Demons:[/COLOR] This includes succubi and incubi as well. Not all demons are bad, remember that. [COLOR=Yellow]Angels:[/COLOR] I don't want too many of these. This also includes Earth Guardians such as Grigori as well. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Wolfbats:[/COLOR] These are massive werewolves with black bat-like wings created by man to hunt werewolves. They've become power-hungery in the last few centuries and kill all that oppose them. Humans: well that's basic. [COLOR=Navy]Another little tid bit. Vampires and humans are enemies. Werewolves and wolfbats. Demon and angels. The reason I'm saying this is because you can have mix breeds if you wish. Each have their own "clan" so to speak and the other is trying to kill or conquer the other. So yeah. So here's the sign ups.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Sign Ups:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Name:[/COLOR] (you can make it unique or simple and put last names as well please) [COLOR=Navy]Age: [/COLOR] 13-30 (Of course certain people are going to be older than this because of their race. Put try to keep it relatively young because this started as a high school setting) [COLOR=Navy]Gender:[/COLOR] (I think you all understand this one) [COLOR=Navy]Height/weight: Hair/eye color: Skin tone: Body type:[/COLOR] (make sure to add all transformation appearances as well if you have any) [COLOR=Navy]Personality: Friend: [/COLOR] (currently you can have one main friend and make sure to describe what they look like ect) [COLOR=Navy]Race: Grade/Occupation: Bio: [/COLOR] (tell me your characters life story in as little or as much detail as possible.) [COLOR=DarkOrange]ENJOY[/COLOR]
  13. OOC: WOOT!! I'm back people!! Thanks to all that kept Kietha in play while I was gone. :) Well if any one doesn't like the happenings in this post just let me know, ok? Thanks again :D And ULX, I love your Phantom of the Opera avatar and banner, its kick-ass! *Looks about* Hmmm...where to begin. IC: "I have a secret to tell and an alliance to solidify." A voice whisphered from within the room. Shadows began to dance about the room swirling around Kuroichi with laughter. Kuroichi clenched his teeth and threw a small dagger at one of the dancing shadows. "Show yourself, Assassin," Kuroichi growled. "Oh, but wouldn't that take all the fun out it, Kuoichi?" Kietha's playful voice bounced off the walls of Kuroichi's charming little room. "Besides, you have a [I]date[/I] tonight with the Lady Sumiyaka." "She can wait." "You would make such a lovely Lady wait? Oh I thought you were more of gentleman then that." The room filled with snuffed laughter as the shadows began to dance more crazed than before. "Enough!" Kuroichi bellowed. The room fell instantly silent and the shadows back to there places. "I am sorry my Lord," Kietha's gentle voice came briskly into the room as her form slid through a wall into the room. "I forget that you have no humor." Kietha smiled devishly at the white haired vampire. "Get to your point assassin." "Of course." Kietha continued to smile as she bowed. "Which would you like first, my secret or alliance?" Kietha brought herself back up and began to wander around the room allowing Kuroichi to see her unique outfit. How the delicate fabric clung to her well shaped frame and her long crimson hair, that had always remained hidden in a braid or upon her head, was cascading down her back and sides. "Just get on with it." The bitterness had become gentler, but still very apparent. Kietha turned abrutly towards Kuroichi and began to walk towards him. Almost unable to be seen, Kuroichi pulled his sword from his side and shoved the tip nearly into Kietha's throat. A smile of almost pure ectcasy creased her lips as she pulled back her shirt and pants. "I hide no weapons, Kuroichi. Would you honestly kill an unarmered alley?" She began to run her fingers across the beautiful metal of the blade. "What do you have up your sleeves Shadow Assassin?" Kuroichi glared at her. "I know we haven't been the best of friends, White Haired Demon." Kietha slid around the blade and began to approach Kuroichi again. "And I would never try to seduce you, not my style." Kietha ran her hands gently across Kuroichi's shoulders and down onto his chest, bringing her face close to his neck. She took in a deep breath and let out a slight moan. "I can still smell him on you." She slid from him and stood in front of him again. He had lowered his sword now and watched her with puzzled eyes. Suddenly Kietha fell to one knee and threw her head toward her knees. "What is this!" "Over five hundred years ago I pledged my services to the current Lord of the Gyshram, David, along with my eternal lover. My lover died some years after my pledge and I promised to stay as loyal as I had always been to both my clan and to my lover. And I have. I have not feasted on human or vampire flesh in four hundred years and I have never broke my loyality to my lord. But now both my lord and lover have died, their dreams fading away as I speak. I long for revolution and revenge, I want to watch blood poor from my victims body as they scream for mercy. I wish to pledge my body and power directly to you, my Lord Kuroichi." The room fell deathly silent, not even the steady sound of breathing could be heard. Kietha smiled under her vail of crimson hair. "I do not wish for your answer now," she said with that sweet, arrogant tone that was always in her voice. "The morning sun will give me your answer." And before Kuroichi could protest, she was gone. [CENTER]---------------------------------------------------[/CENTER] "Are you ready, Lana?" Kietha walked into the lobby of the hotel where Lana was waiting for her patiently. "Of course, where are we off to now?" Lana joined Kietha's side, handing Kietha her sword. "Where ever you would like. The rest of the night is our." Kietha smiled at her fellow Gyshram assassian. OOC: It took me so long to write this because I kept getting distracted *sigh* Um...Amgoddess you can do whatever you would like hun, just no sucky sucky of pretty red liquid for Kietha (but she can help lure silly little boys out to play though) Otay I'm off now. :D
  14. OOC: I am terribly sorry that I have been away for so long and I wish to write tonight, but I think I've got the flu :( So I will try to post as soon as possible. Once again I am sorry.
  15. Kietha brought her gaze up at the last remaining bits of the Gyshram Lord and Lady's head. Blood had stained the spears they rested on, dust littered the marble floor of the throne room. Keitha's eyes were filled with unshed tears and her body supported by her knees. The Shadow Assassin slumped forward hidding her face in her lap. "Who found them?" Kietha cursed from her position. "Black Widow." A servent replied. "Where is she?" Kietha stood briskly, turning sharply to face the man. "I do not know, my Lady." The man replied gently. Without a second thought, Kietha pulled her sword from its shealth and sliced his head from his body. "Any one else want to give me lame answers?" Kietha growled at the crowded throne room. Everyone held their tongue and kept their eyes from the Shadow Assassin. "Where is the Prince?" "I am here, Shadow Assassin." A large hand rose above the crowd and began to make its way towards her. The pleasant combination of both David and Liltha's face finally came into view. The boy had been crying and he wasn't ashamed to show his tears as he approached his idiol. "Nye," Kietha forced herself to smile as she embraced the vampire Lord. "I am greatly thankful that I still have you." "As I am of you." He gently pulled himself away from the assassin to gaze into her green-amber eyes. Kietha gently placed her hand on his soft cheek for a moment before turning him around to face the crowd that stood at the door. "Your new Lord and Leader of the Gyshram Clan is Nye! Allow him to rule and make us strong!" Kietha shouted above the noise. At first the room stayed akwardly silent and without warning it burst into chaos as they rushed forward to take in their new Lord. Nye held firmly to Kietha's hand as they began to sweep him away. But eventually he lost his hold and slipped into the depths of the city. Kietha watched in a small measure of joy. Nye was going to be an amazing leader. "Will you not join them, Shadow Assassin?" Jacob suddenly appeared before her. Kietha brought her head around to look at him. "No, not this time old friend. I have some strings to cut." Kietha gave him a smile that he knew meant trouble. "You be careful, Lady Kietha. David had created a great many enemies because of his jealousy over you." Jacob gave a slight cock to his head and mergerly smile. "Have faith in my skills, Jacob. I am no mere vampire." Kietha said with a hint of bitterness. "I do not wish to offend you, only worried. I do not wish to lose you as we have the Lord and Lady. You are far too important to the Gyshram." "I am sorry to make you worry." Kietha smiled gentlier as she embraced the servent for a brief moment. "I shall return to you and Nye. I vow to." Kietha turned back to look at the blood stained walls and the two spears. It was time to put on her masks and create the world she had long so much for. Kietha left Nye to wallow in his grief and new joy as she headed towards Australia to greet Kuroichi at the docks. The vampiress wasn't dressed in her traditional assassin garb. Her clothing was flattering to her figure, her sword hidden somewhere underneath the free flowing fabrics of her pants and shirt. Her hair lay undone and straight around her shoulders and back, she wore no make-up, but something was different about her. OOC: sorry crappy post!! Great to have this rpg back!!
  16. RETURNING CHARACTER YAY!! Name: Keitha Nickname: Shadow Assassin Age: 1000 Gender: Female Species: Vampire Clan: Gyshram Appearance: At first glance Keitha looks to be the picture perfect beauty. Her curvy frame, strong buttocks and large bust line. Her long crimson hair is pulled back at the base of her neck, a few stray strains falling amongst her face. But watch out for the green-amber eyes because once she flashes you a glance, you're gone. Keitha is usually dressed in flattering clothing, but rarely seen in dresses or skirts. When out on assignments, Kietha wears leather trousers, a black undershirt and a blood red tunic tied tightly around her waist. Weapons: A simple katana named Chaela and two hand guns hiden within her outfit. Powers: To manipulate shadows and untouched stealth. Personality: A strong-willed woman that usually holds her tongue. She rarely shows emotions especially on assignments. Enjoys seducing weaker men and killing them before intercourse accures. She loves to play with powerful and strong men. Bio: After a the murder of her father and producing three children after being raped by vikings, Kietha fleed from her captors where she found Serio. A vampire far older than his outward appearance. He took in the young twenty year old woman and together they took vengance on the Vikings that had destroyed her life. When Serio finally told Kietha of his true life, she asked to be his enternal lover. After a long fought battle with Kuroichi, Kietha had no more strength to give. Serio came to save her, as he always did, but at a price. He gave his eternal life to save her's. So she grew and gave everything to her Clan. When word spread of Kuroichi wanting to take over the clans, Kietha was quick to her feet. She advised Lady Liltha and Lord David to join Kuroichi in his fight telling them that their clan was no much against Kuroichi. But after much plotting, Kietha's motives began to become unclear. She had aquired the Death Diamond and had given it to Zoku, Kuroichi's most powerful advosiary. After learning all she could of Zoku, Kietha joined him on an outing to meet up with Dracula, LeStat and Kyo. There she had discovered their plot against Kuroichi. But the Shadow Assassin didn't seem to be choosing sides, but she had clearly stated to Zoku that she wanted the clans unitied. Others: Just to let you all know, my spelling sux! So please bear with me :D
  17. i'm not sure how the chapter system will work, but I'm willing to give it a try. Can't wait to see HTDD back up and running again!
  18. Mercel left her eyes on Sieg for a moment, a million thoughts running through her mind. She tried to smile and brought her eyes back to Nose. "There had been a murder at the high school this after noon. Daywalkers..." Mercel allowed her voice to trail off for a moment. Her eyes caught on Nose's gently raising chest. "Daywalkers are vampires that are able to wander the streets during the day. They're mindless beasts that have no conscience and feed on whatever they can get their hands on. Now a war, of sorts, will begin among the creatures of day and night. Countless numbers of innocent people will be caught in the middle. Those aware, and some not aware," she brought her head up and smiled at the strange young man. "Gathered in the B & B to see what could be done about the murder and the events that are to follow." There was a loud noise outside and then the gentle crunch of pavement. Mercel swirled towards the front door. Sieg grew tense, his wings slowly sliding back into his flesh. Mercel touched his arm gently, glancing up at him and smiling. "Its my mother, she'll be able to tell us more about what happened to Nose." Mercel's smile broaden as she rushed towards the door to greet her mother. Before Sieg had time to react, Mercel and her mother were back in the living room. "This, mother, is Sieg." Mercel smiled at him. "It is a pleasure to meet you." The woman smiled gently, her brown eyes twinkling lightly. She was a tall woman, with slinder hips and broad shoulders. She had this strange aura thought brought a sense of calming into the room. Mercel ushered her mother past Sieg and over to Nose. She began to examine the seemingly sleeping vampire. "Thank you so much for all the help you've been, Sieg." Mercel kept her eyes from him. "I don't know what I would do if I were to lose Nose. He means so much to me. Not like a brother, but more of the world's greatest friend. I will be in your debt forever." Mercel allowed her hair to cover her face as Mrs. Despare continued to look over Nose.
  19. Your ideas sound good. And we could use some fresh blood into the mix. Might spice some stuff up. Hope to see the rpg up and running again soon.!!
  20. "Shirow?" Rebecca turned to take in the white wolf that was Night's companion. [I]Night has lost control! [/I] The wolf shouted into Rebecca's mind. (Sierra has surfaced again.) Alender appeared at Rebecca's side. "Where is he, Shirow?" Rebecca began to venture through Last Haven, towards her corner of the complex. [I]I will take you[/I], Shirow replied, following Alender and Rebecca. The halfdemon hunter burst into her room and rushed towards the opposite side of the room. She pulled her katana from its resting place, sliding it forcefully into its sheath. She twisted herself to tighten the leather belt that held the sheath to her waste. She reached down to place two daggers inside her leather boats, standing back up to place a few throwing knives around her waist. (Are you sure your body is ready to fight again?) Alender's voice floated gently through Rebecca's course thoughts. She brought her head down to stare into Alender's ice blue eyes. His face was filled with worry and concern. She didn't want to make her dear companion to worry so much about her. She knew in the back of her mind that this may be the end. Rebecca smiled broadly at her friend, "have a little faith in me, Alender." The tiger tore his gaze from her and began to walk out of the room, following behind the white wolf. Rebecca watched them for a moment. This war was becoming far too painful for both companions, and the death of Selino had caused some havoc amongst the hunters, and Night was probably suffering the most from it all. Rebecca faked a smile as she pulled on her shirt before leaving her room. The three rushed from the building and started towards the city. Rebecca flew above the tiger and wolf, watching their beauty dart in and out of the destruction that had been brought upon the city. Suddenly and explosion errupted from the far side of the city causing the trio to lose their balance. (What was that?) Alender shrieked. [I]Can you see anything, Rebecca?[/I] Shirow questioned. Regaining her composure, the hunter peared across the darkened city, smoke raising fromt he fire that had been created. A powerful surge of energy rushed at Rebecca and smacked her in the face. "A SHADOW LORD!" Rebecca screeched. [I]And Night is headed that way![/I] Shirow howled. "Then we must go!" Rebecca started towards the smoke, followed closey behind the others. OCC: you'll have to exuse this horribly done post. having a writter's block.
  21. OOC: Um, just to let ya know there is a reason why my character's name is spelled MERcel instead of MARcel. Just wanted to make sure you all knew that. Also I want to sorry for taking so long to reply. I have a lot of crap on my mind :D IC: Mercel looked back at the black-winged angel, Nose hidden within those glorious wings. Why was Sieg helping them? Oh it didn't matter, she was greatful for his strength and his wings, and that's all that truly matter to her. Bringing her attention back in front of her, she quickly rounded another corner and darted down the street. She tried to keep her speed as normal as possible so Sieg could keep up and didn't get lost. If it would have been a race or him just falling her without Nose, she wouldn't have held back. Nose's burning flesh still lingering around them, and the combination between fresh air and the seered flesh was enough to knock any normal human out. She shook her head as she made it past one more corner and two houses down from it. Sieg come up next to her, looking at the medium sized house that stood before them. The front yard was small, stretching into the side and backyard. The wooden siding was painted a gentle brown color and the trim a deep blue. It was an oldly happy, yet sad looking house. Mercel brought her attention towards Sieg how inturn brought his to her. He didn't seem much taller than she, even though he still had to bring his head slightly down to look into her eyes. He was fair faced boy with beautiful ice blue eyes. She had never seen such eyes before. They seemed to draw every inch of her in and she longed to reach out and touch his skin to see if it was as cold and icey as his blue eyes. Mercel shook her head fiercily as she brought herself to look at the drive-way. [I]Good, Mom isn't home[/I]. Mercel said to herself, turning back to Sieg. "Come in please." Sieg seemed to hesitate at first, but quickly followed the girl up the porch steps and into the house. The inside was gloriously decorated in both modern and ancient furnisher. Beautiful pictures of great battles between unseen beasts were told all over the walls, while joy and the material life displayed on stands, rugs, funiture and bookshelves. It was almost overwhelming to walk into that first room, but as Mercel made her way through the entrance, through the dinning room and into the living room, Sieg found himself more and more relaxed. There was something about the old style and the new blending together in harmony that brought a sense of peace to him. To them all. "You can lay him on the couch. My Mother and I have painted all the windows with special protection from UV rays so Nose can live freely through our home, though he still perfers the basement for his room." Mercel smiled as Sieg placed Nose on the couch. "Thank you so much." Mercel nearly cried out, falling to her knees on the living room rug. "I don't know what I would have done if I would have lost Nose."
  22. Sorry peeps, but I'm going to have to say bye bye to you all. I'm done waiting for this rpg to pick back up again. Maybe next time. Later
  23. OOC: The character I'm about to introduce can be used at any time with any one. I will give you his basic characterists in this post as he interracts with the others. Please try to keep him about the same. If you have any questions just ask in the underground. Thanks. IC: Hidden among the shadows of an alley stood a masterpiece of a man. His height was some where around 6'6", 6'7" ,and his body was perfectly semtrical with beautiful muscling. But it wasn't so much his body that caught one's eyes. It was the pale blue eyes hidden in a mask of hip-length cloud white hair. They seemed to pierce through one's soul and saught all its evil and good, and placed it on display for all the world to see. He was dressed in white and silver victorian clothing showing the world that he was far older than his gorgeous face appeared. He smiled gently, this man of white and silver, and made his way from the alley, sheilding his eyes as he brought himself into the light. He could see the crowded Book and Brew, and the young man that sprawled on the park grass across the street. He could feel the power raising above the all and melting into the sky, but his attention was brought towards the black-winged angel. The people wandering around the busy streets of downtown Mayville (OOC: if you guys want to change the name of the town/city just let me know. I'll take suggestions from any body.) rushed from the white and silver man in some form of fear. But the man seemed not to notice the strange reactions of the mostly human population. His attention was focused on the boy before him. "Your name is Sieg, is it not?" The voice that eminated from the white and silver man was almost as blissful as when an angel sung. The beautiful deep masculine tone glided gently, but swiftly across the breeze towards the boy on the ground. Sieg sat up quickly, shock written across his face. "Who are you?" He shouted. "You may call me Tudor." The white and silver man replied. [CENTER]****[/CENTER] "Eric, Artemis, please. I would like some explaintion of what is going on here. And you, Mr. Matuso. You have information on the school principal. I need information people." Mercel demanded as she watched Nose leave her side. The B&B was filled with chaotic noise, not the usual atomosphere found at the small store. Mercel had seen the girl she had bumped into early walk in and vanish among the shelves. All the noise was giving her a head ache, not to mention all the smells and different species among them. "Nose! where did you go?" Mercel swore, spinning around to find her dear friend. "What in the..." Mercel began as she started towards the glass door. Nose was already at the door, sheilding his eyes from the sun, his skin beginning to sear from the sunlight. Mercel was caught in the eyes of the white and silver man standing above the black-winged angel. Lost for words for amount, Mercel just continued to walk forward. Then suddenly the smell of burning flesh caught her in her nose brought her back to reality and her eyes towards Nose. "NOSE!" she shouted, grabbing a hold of his searing arm and pulled him back into the shade of the building. The vampire stumbled towards the floor, smoke raising from his exposed skin. Mercel jumped over top of him and peered down into his eyes. "Nose are you alright? Nose?" She began to frantically shake his shoulders, trying to pull him back to her. His eyes were of a black glaze, unable to see or be seen into. "Some one...some one help me?" Mercel shouted, falling to her knees above Nose his flesh still not healing. OOC: Tudor is not an angel, by any means. But he has a strange and powerful effect on vampires. In a way he can steal what is left of their souls. Otay, hope to see you all posting again. Later
  24. The moon slowly slide behind down below the horizon as the sun began to crest the opposite side. Watching its splended glory as the lights of darkness and of day collided was the Shadow Assassin, Kietha. She smiled at the simple bliss of it all wondering to herself what it would be like to walk among the lights of day again. She sheilded her eyes as the sun began to rise above the moon. She knew that before long the sun was going to reach the entrance she stood at and burn her. She took one last look at the beautiful landscape covered in bright sunlight before ducking into the cover of the Gyshram City tunnels. The city was unusually busy, but that was to be expected during such times. Few of the people rushing to and frow within the tunnels noticed or said anything to the Shadow Assassin. Not that she much minded the lack of attention. She had no business this day and was looking forward to a peaceful rest in her quaters. But we all know that a story would be rather dull if it ended here. "I am sorry to disturb you, Shadow Assassin." A well-mannered vampire came to stand in Kietha's way. "What would you like, my fair prince?" Kietha spoke calm and smoothly, knowing that his Lady mother was soon to beckon her. "My mother ask for you to come to her chamber at this very moment." The Prince bowed lightly before the much older assassin. He took great pride in being sent to talk to Kietha. He looked up to her as a mentor and just being in her presence was reward enough for his efforts. "Why does she want me to come to her chamber?" Kietha cocked her head slightly, giving the prince a puzzled look. "I'm not sure, Shadow Assassin." The Prince motioned to start towards the Lord and Lady's chamber. Kietha followed behind him, continuing to question him on what he knew. "Is your father there?" "No, he has gone out tonight." The Prince said over his shoulder. "Out? Where could he have gone?" "I do not know. He said he had something about you and loose ends." Kietha creased her brows and looked towards the stone walk-way. None of this made any sense to her, or it did, but she didn't want to assume what either Lord or Lady were trying to accomplish. "We are here, Shadow Assassin." The Prince stepped to one side and extended his arm towards the Lady's chamber door. Two guards stood on either side. The prince told them that she was here to see Liltha and they opened the large wooden door. "Kietha, come in." Liltha was on the other end of the massive room, fiddling with something on one of their many dressers. Kietha nodded towards the prince and smiled at him, and he returned the gesture. Kietha entered the room, carefully taking in all the small details as the guards sealed the door behind her. The master bed was on her right, strung up in decorative fabrics of purple and moron, and covered with pillows in black and blood red. There were mulitpule decorations on the walls, shelves and stands that would natural catch one's eyes. On the left was the door to the large bath and before her stood an extremely elebrate closet. "Please, take a seat," Liltha extended her arm towards a large cushioned chair. "Thank you, my Lady, but I would rather stand." Kietha replied courtyly. "Fine," Liltha replied shortly. She began to fiddle with things in her room. Kietha wasn't truly she of what she was doing, but it was beginning to her annoy her. Kietha was loyal to Gyshram, but more so to David then anything else. But one thing she had learned was to respect David's lovely wife, Liltha. She had a wicked temper and her personality was great, for any one other than Kietha. The vampriss had an extreme distaste towards Kietha, formed from jealousy mostly. David had always shown great favoritism towards HIS Shadow Assassin. She had served him for 500 years and he was a brother to Serio. Liltha had only been alive about 300 years. OOC: hey kiddies, I'll write the rest of this post tomorrow or sunday since its getting really late. Night.
  25. The crisp night air swept across Irisa, scattering her hair about her face and shoulders. Her clothes clung to her body, but the cold did not bother her. Her evening with Viktor had been ruined once more, but that was to be expected during this time. Angels had caused enough problems already and she was growing tired of them destroying everything. "Hello miss, can I offer you--." Irisa turned sharply towards the male voice, causing the man to silence himself quickly. He was shorter than she with no muscling whatsoever. He was a thinned faced man looking for an easy female to bring back to his apartment and have his fun. Irisa chuckled and smiled at the man, feeling the intense desire for blood suddenly pulsating through her body. "You can." The man's face was suddenly overwhelmed with surprise. "Ye...yes ma'am." He tried to smile as he walked towards Irisa. He timidly took her arm into his and began to leader her through the streets. Irisa began to play sweet and innocent, a character she much hated, but rather enjoyed the out come. She made small jesters towards the small affair they were about to have. He loved it, taking it all in and his sheer desire was rather apparent. She ran her hand across his chest, down his abdomen and up his shirt. His thin, rough skin pulsated under her touch and she smiled at the thought of his thick, red blood sliding down her throat in a rush. She suddenly pushed him into a passing alley and shoved him against the far wall. He groaned in pain and pleasure as she reached forward and shoved her mouth against his. Confused and overwhelmed with the event, the man began frantically searching for a way to grasp her, trying to thrust her up so he could feel her warmth against his crotch. She suddenly pulled his head to the side, running her tongue gently across his neck and collar bone. He began to groan uncontrollably, desperately searching for a way to bring her up to him. Suddenly she threw herself against him. He gasped and lost control of himself and that's when she struck. She latched into his neck, imbedding her long fangs into the tender flesh. The man tried to scream, but he was so lost in his pleasure that the pain in his throat was almost unnoticed. Beautiful, delicious, crimson red blood rushed into her mouth and spilled from the corners. Her body surged from the extreme pleasure it brough her. She drank and drank until there was nothing more to drink and then she allowed his corpse to fall to the ground. Irisa gasped for breath as she stumbled from the alley. She whiped the blood from her lips as she made her way back towards the mansion. Her body felt heavy, but satisfied in a way it hadn't been in sometime. She smiled to herself as she made her way into the mansion, passing servants and other vampires with no acknowledgement. She went straight to her room and locked the door behind her. She could hear the commotion of Viktor's arrival as she rushed towards her vanity drawer. "What they don't know," Irisa whispered to herself as she pulled a long sword from it. She carefully pulled the blade from its sheath and marvled at its perfection. "What a wonderfully crafted blade." Irisa spoke to the sword, running her hand gently across it. "You have served me well against vampires, and now we must face a greater foe, angels." Irisa smiled devishly before hearing a knock. "Who's there?" She growled. "Viktor," a gentle voice beckoned from the door. Iris shoved the sword back into the drawer and slammed it shut. "Yes?" She said upon opening the door.
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