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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. Yeah, that's fine. Gives the story a little twist. Thanks for running it by me :D
  2. "Temtation has gathered the better of you, has it not young Zoku." A strange voice filled Zoku's burning ears. Zoku's sight caught between clearity and blurring, he could not tell who the stranger in his room was. The red crimson room seemed to flood is sense of sight and the stranger's form was lost in the blur of red. The stranger reached down and took a hold of Zoku by the throat. Zoku gasped for breath as he raked his nails into the stranger's wrist. The stranger smiled at him as he tightened his grasp. "You can feel it, in the very depths of your human soul, can't you Zoku?" The voice echoed through the room, through Zoku's tender ears. "She could set you free, take this pain from you and teach you control. Teach the true power and nature of vampires, but you refuse her touch." As the man spoke, Zoku began to notice the deep masculine tone. "Lord....Lord Gyshram..." Zoku gasped, the rage filling his body even stronger. David through Zoku across the room, the human's body crashing into a stand. Zoku's body smashed through the wooden stand as he crumbled to the ground,fighting not to rush back at the vampire Lord. "You disappoint me, Zoku. I was hoping for something greater. For my Shadow Assassin to take such an interest in a mere mortal without strength to face what he truly is." David growled across the room as Zoku stayed on the blood red floor. David shook his head in disgust. The vampire lord rushed forward and took a hold of Zoku's shoulers. The vampire wasn't much larger than the human, but being fully transformed allowed his body to be far more powerful than what it appeared to be. David slammed the man against the wall, his fangs exposed. Zoku fought within himself not to fight back. "She would change you in a heart beat, especially now." David paused, taking in a hissed gasp, pleasure sliding from his mouth. "Your body yearns to be freed from its prision you have put it in. And if I can feel it, then she would wallow in its glory." When Zoku still stayed silent, David thrusted him harder against the wall. "You stay away from [I]my[/I] Shadow Assassin! You hear me human!" David threw him into the wall again. Zoku moaned as he threw his head back, his body feeling none of the torcher the Gyshram lord was putting it through. Not pleased with his response, David threw the man across the room again and watched his body slam into yet another wall. "Good luck with your lust. She won't come to save you this evening and don't put your faith into an assassin. She may lose her loyality to me, but you will never change her heart. She loves to play games with the weak and to destroy them at the end." David chuckled his wicked laugh as he neared the tower's window. "Oh, just to let you know, Zoku. Kietha hasn't drank from a victim since the death of Serio. Imagine what that would do to her? You think that your lust is bad?" David smiled wickedly as the human cried out again. "Fair well to you Zoku." And with his final words, David leapt from the building. OCC: Figured I would get the rp going again.
  3. "Wait! Don't go," Mercel reached out towards the black-winged angel. Mercel held some compassion within her chest. Her werewolf breeding allowed for that, being that she was still part human. His torn expression upon seeing the angel and its reaction towards him was painful and brought back memories of life with her father. Sieg looked at her with his expressionless face. The perfection in his face proved that he was an angel, his stance shown the abuse he had endured, and his wings were stunning. The sheer black feathers stretched behind him in a display much more stunning than any pure angel she had ever seen. She was a creature of the night, her powerful wolfbat form was stunning in itself, but nothing could compare to his form. Sieg turned from her, looking towards the exit. He wanted to leave, or at least that's what seemed to be apparent from his actions. Nose came to stand beside her, his usual friendly smile had vanished as he placed a friendly hand on her shoulder. "Let him go, we'll see him again." His tone was serious and his voice deep. Mercel brought her eyes up and looked into Nose's. They held something deep within them, a secert, or hiding something from her. She searched his face for a moment before turning to look back at Sieg, who was now heading for the door. Mercel made a motion towards him and he shot her a glance, something strange yet familiar and she stopped, watching him like a wolf pup watched something it had never seen before. The bell rang as Sieg left the building and that's when Mercel noticed the sudden silence. She turned around to see every one's attention on the door and the strange boy. Once he was out of sight the room store filled with its never ending commotion. Mercel shook her head and looked at her dear friend. "Time will give you the knowledge you seek." Nose said to her gently, that strange expression still on his face. If vanished just as quickly as it appeared and his quirky smile returned to his face. He ruffled Mercel's hair as he pranced towards the counter, probably to hit on Mr. Matuso. He took so much pleasure in doing so.
  4. Mercel looked about the room, her senses going crazy with all the attention they were getting. Nose had wandered off some where, which was like him. Always making nice with the locals. Most of the people in the B&B were familiar to her so she didn't pay much attention. When Mr. Stevens walked into the shop, Mercel all of her human hair stood on end as his rich scent filled her nostrils. [I]Another werewolf, how odd. I wonder,[/I] and she smiled slightly to herself, [I]how well Mr. Matuso and Mr. Stevens would get along in such a small space. Best not to think too much, I might awaken something.[/I] [CENTER]****[/CENTER] Nose found himself amongst the many shelves of books in the small shop. They seemed to have everything all neatly stacked and in order. He saw the others come in to the shop, it was odd that so many varieties were among them and now a human as well. Something terribly odd was going on and he was thankful Mercel had beckoned him to come. He smiled as he rounded another row of books and nearly running into Sieg. The boy jumped back, fear streaked across his face. "I am so sorry," Nose shouted. The boy coward towards the floor, holding his head tightly as if to protect himself from an attack. At first Nose was completely clueless on what to do. He couldn't fathom any reason why the boy would be afraid of him. Sure, he was a vampire and all, but he didn't kill children. It wasn't in his nature to hurt the innocent. "Um," he looked about. "You ok?" He bent down and pulled the boy to his feet. "I didn't mean to scare you and I would never strike you. Well, maybe I would. But only in a playful manner." Nose smiled broadly and tried to look into the boy's face, but he received no response. "You know what?" Nose paused, waiting for the boy to look up. When he finally did, he continued. "You should meet Mercel. She's this really sweet wollllll...." he let his sentence trail off as the boy looked at him curiously. "She's this really nice girl I live with. Took me in when I had no where else to go. I think she would like you." Nose smiled and playful nodged the boy's face. Sieg just looked at him. "No?" Nose tilted his head gently. "Is it because you're afraid of the crowds, is it?" "Yes, sir." Sieg finally replied. "Then I'll bring her here! Be right back." Nose dashed off to drag Mercel from the busy counter. OCC: Thank you all for keeping the rpg going while I was away!!
  5. A warm tongue streaking across her face is what brought Rebecca back to consciousness. She struggled to pull her eyes opened, a sudden awareness that there was an almost unbearable pain in her left side. A strange sound escaped her mouth as she tried to sit up. (It is best that you stay laying down. Kira has brought you back to Last Haven, you are safe now.) Alender's gentle voice floated through her mind. Finally focusing, Rebecca took in the white tiger's sight. His beautiful blue eyes were amazing as his face was nearly in her's. She reached out, her hand shaking from the effort and touched his velvet fur. His warmth tingled along the nerves of her hand, stretching through her flesh and up into her arm. It slid carefully through her arm, into her chest and down her side. Rebecca tried to smile as she began to run her hand over his coat. (We weren't sure you were going to pull through. You had lost a lot of blood and the new wounds didn't help any.) Alender's face creased with concern. "I am sorry to worry you so. How is the girl?" Rebecca's voice was scratchy and hoarse. (She is fine, eating now. Kira is watching her at the moment.) "How long have I been out?" (Almost a day now. We found some left over healing medicine, but weren't able to give you all that you needed.) OCC:sorry so short guys, i'll write more later.
  6. OCC: hey guys, I'll be posting soon. I'm just dealing with some issues with my friends right now. Hope you all understand. Please keep the rp going while I'm away. It shouldn't take me too long, a day or two at the most! Thanks
  7. Morgon stood above the wooden coffin, gazing down into the black whole that was sooned to be filled. Her red robe was tighted with a white sash behind her. The small yellow-gold symbols that decorated her robe were pretty, but a little too feminne for her taste. Morgon negelected to bring her head up as Sarek stormed from the group.[I] Let 'em go[/I]. She thought. [I]There be no point in brin' him back[/I]. Morgon stepped forward, the other members still around the square hole in the ground. "I be sorry ye not be with us any'n more. But ye memory will never be lost." Morgon said aloud as she dropped her sword into the hole. "An' this be wha' I contribute to ye. Ye had a warrior soul an' fought to de death an' nearly beat me. De least I be given to ye, be me best sword. I hope ye enjoy de after life." Morgon stepped back and waited for the others to deliever their gifts and small speeches, but she couldn't help wonder how Sarek was doing and before too long, curiousty had the better of her. She wandered off, stating simply she was looking for Sarek. She found him by the portal. He seemed to be looking at the scenery. "It be pretty, ain't it?" Morgon said. Sarek turned around to take in her sight. "What are you doing here?" He barked at her. "I figer I see wha' ye where up to. Guessin' Li's death ain't goin' over well with ye." Sarek just shrugged and made his way towards the portal again. "Hey!" Morgon called with a friendly tone. "What." Sarek said dryly. "I been meanin' to spare with'd one of ye, but things been to crazy for me to be doin' so. Since we be headin' back early an' all, I figer ye and me could spare?" Sarek gave a slight chuckle and shook his head. "Wha'?" Morgon's face filled with puzzlement. "Sure, we can spare." Sarek smiled at her and vanished into the portal. "Hey, wait up!" Morgon called after him as she dashed into the portal herself. OCC: sorry its such a short crappy post
  8. The afternoon halls were filled with chaos as students rushed from the rooms and towards their buses. It was nothing out of the ordinary, the same routine every day. Even with blood spilling into the hallway from the recent vampire attack. Though some students, mostly humans, were repulsed by the sight and the smell of the red liquid, most paid no attention to it. It was just another killing and another loss. But this child held more power than the others. It was the principal's daughter and that meant things were going to change now. Things were going to change for those that were not of human blood. Mercel had left her friends to fend for themselves as she rushed through the familiar halls of her school. The administration had already begun to close off the wing were the attack had been held and the creature that had done it was already gone. The smell of fresh blood and an already decaying carcass rushed into Mercel's face and nearly knocked her on her ass. She shook her head, trying to keep it clear as her eyes began to take on their lustful form. [I]Not now[/I], she plead as she rushed across the bright red hallway and towards the room. "Ms. Desper, you shouldn't be here." Mr. Matsuo appeared before her. He reeked of human flesh and that delicious werewolf smell. Not the same smell her mother had, one of ancient flesh rippened far beyond the years of most werewolves these days. "Mr. Matsuo, I have always been involved with the buidings affiars. Being a part of the school newspaper allows me to stuck my nose into most things." Mercel answered cautiously, trying not to take her eyes from her teacher. "That may have been the case before hand, Ms. Desper. But not here. This case is far too sensative--." The principal came screaming out of the room, two of the larger staff members holding him firmly. Mr. Matsuo shot his head towards his friend, pain and sorrow creasing his youthful looking face. "Or is it too personal, Mr. Matsuo?" Mercel's words stung as he turned around to look at her. He said nothing to her as he joined his friend. Mercel shoved her way through the crowd to take on the sight of the principal's daughter's carcass, or at least what was left of it. Another killing, and it was vampire. It was rare for demons, werewolves or wolfbats to attack during the day. Too much exposure and their blood lust was usually stronger at night. "Daywalkers," Mercel heard behind her. She spun around to see a tall slinder man, attractive and much older than she. She could sense something different with him and growled instinctively. "You shouldn't do that in public." He warned, smiling at her. "Why does it matter? Its not like they don't know we're here." Mercel spat. "They don't know of you, yet. Your mixed breeding helped keep you hidden." The man looked over her shoulder at the carcass. "You're one of the B&B owners," Mercel realized as she studied him. "Tell me, tell me more of these Daywalkers." "I can't, not here. Come to the shop." And with that Artemis disappeared into the crowd. Mercel took her last bit of notes for the paper and rushed from the building, still reeking of flesh and blood. She rushed to the payphone just outside the side doors she always left out of. "Ello?" a voice replied after she dialed her number. "Nose, meet me at the B&B in a half an hour." Mercel replied shortly. "But I don't wanna," Nose whinned. "You know I hate trying to make it through the light." "Oh stop being a baby and just get yourself there. Its important." Mercel barked back. "Ok," he grumbled. "Bye." "Bye."
  9. Elizabeth's florual prefume floated across the gentle breeze and wrapt itself gently around Kietha. Taking in the scent, Kietha proceeded to prance through the trees until she found her target. Both vampires were amazingly dressed, their outfits appealing to the opposite sex. [I]Looks like the children were trying to seduce each other[/I]. Kietha said to herself. They strolled together as if ancient lovers together for the first time, but the submissive behavior Elizabeth was showing was sickening. If Kuroichi went for such easy bait, then there was going to be some big issues arising. Suddenly both vampires came to a stop. Kietha smiled. Kuroichi knew she was there, but he could not figure out where she was hiding. Having the power of shadows was a handy little trick. Kietha slid from her tree perch and slid through the shadows. Elizabeth kept close to Kuroichi, but not close enough. Kietha slid behind the vampriss and grapped a hold of her neck. She made a slight noise as Kietha brought a small dagger to her heart. "Gyshram Assassin." Kuroichi muttered as he turned his attention to his date. "Hello, Kuroichi. It has been a long while and I see your taste in company is just as poor as before." Kietha smiled at him. He kept his distance, smiling slightly. "You should be kinder to the lovely lady." "I always forget that you like them to submite to you." Kietha smiled, throwing Elizabeth towards him. He caught her with grace as he slid her next to him. Kietha braced herself as Kuroichi rushed at her. Kuoichi snatched the dagger from her grasp as he slammed her against the metal fence by her neck. Kietha struggled none as Kuroichi tighten his grip and brought the dagger up. "You dare to defy me?" Kuriochi's sweet voice stung with bitter needles. "I have always defied you, Kuriochi, or don't you remember?" Kietha chuckled at him. "How could I forgot, Kietha. The one thing that stopped me before." Kuroichi sneered at her. "But now you put a whole clan at risk. What are you up to Shadow Assassin?" "I'm waiting for you to take the throne." Keitha said shortly and Kuroichi dropped her. Kietha slid to the sidewalk and looked up at him. "Surprised, Kuroichi?" "You have something up your sleeve and I want to know what it is." Kuroichi demanded. "I am the least of your concerns now." Kietha glanced over at Elizabeth. Kuroichi turned to look at her. "Before careful, Kuroichi. They're rallying against you and if you want to unite the clans and become their king, you're going to have to do a little better than this." When Kuroichi turned around, Kietha was gone. She had disappeared into the shadows again. [I]Let's see what you're made of Kuroichi. Stop with these pointless games. And take what is yours.[/I]
  10. Well, I was rather surprised that I had people sign up for my rpg so my brain has gone completely blank on ideas. So I would love to hear any. Current Players: Valen: Sia Kamigawa -vampire -11th -sister Danielle Demonchild: Mercel Desper -wolf bat/werewolf -12th -Nose Dorta Methuselah: Imi Kagami -human -8th -Imric Kagami her brother KairiKIce2: Ken Matsuo -werewolf -teacher -Principle Mito Itami Legacy: Eric Renee Lecarde -vampire -Books and Brew (B&B) -Artemis Relashi Zisagawa: Koga Munsume -angel -10th Wave_of_Death: Kimura Maomi -human/demon (succubus) -9th ArunueSheKamari: Kara Dei -vampire -waiter B&B Heero Darkangel: Sieg Wahrheit -human/angel -home schooled Now that is clear, I'm still waiting for my sister to sign up for the character of Qwa and sign ups are still opened. Things look great! Thank you all for joining and I hope this rpg lasts for a great while!! [size=2][color=Red][font=Trebuchet MS]Demonchild781, please[b] stop double posting[/b]. You do it way too often. I've merged your two posts... -Bio [/font][/color][/size]
  11. Otay kiddies. Let's get this started. Here are the list of the current characters: Valen: Sia Kamigawa -[COLOR=DarkGreen]vampire[/COLOR] -11th -sister Danielle Demonchild: Mercel Desper -[COLOR=Navy]wolf bat/werewolf [/COLOR] -12th -Nose Dorta Methuselah: Imi Kagami -[COLOR=DarkRed]human[/COLOR] -8th -Imric Kagami her brother KairiKIce2: Ken Matsuo -[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]werewolf[/COLOR] -teacher -Principle Mito Itami Legacy: Eric Renee Lecarde -[COLOR=DarkGreen]vampire[/COLOR] -Books and Brew (B&B) -Artemis Relashi Zisagawa: Koga Munsume -[COLOR=MediumTurquoise]angel[/COLOR] -10th Wave_of_Death: Kimura Maomi -[COLOR=Red]human/demon [/COLOR] (succubus) -9th ArunueSheKamari: Kara Dei -[COLOR=DarkGreen]vampire[/COLOR] -waiter B&B Heero Darkangel: Sieg Wahrheit -[COLOR=Orange]human/angel [/COLOR] -home schooled Now that is clear, I'm still waiting for my sister to sign up for the character of Qwa and sign ups are still opened. I would like every one's first post to be of a typical day at home, work or school or whatever. I will be starting an underground so you peeps can post any ideals you might have for the rpg. Please, if you decide to drop out for whatever reason, just let us all know in the underground. Thanks. IC: "Are you evre going to get up?" Nose yelled over top of Mercel. She mumbled a few choice words before rolling over onto her back. "Go away," she shoved his legs with her hands. "Put you have to get up for school, my dear pup." Nose reached down and pinched Mercel's cheek. "OW! Cut it out, Nose. And you know I hate it when you call me that!" Mercel tried to turn away from him. "I know, that's why I use it." He gave off a light laugh as Mercel rushed to her feet. "Get out of my room!" She pointed towards the door. Nose gave a small sniffle and stuck his lip out at her. "Go! How am I going to take a shower and get dressed with you standing here." Mercel placed her hands on her hips. "Well..." Nose allowed a large grin to stretch across his face. "Oh, get out of here!" Mercel shouted at him, shoving him towards the door. "Why can't I watch?" He sniffled again as he peered from behind the partially closed door. "GET!" she shouted, throwing something towards the door. Nose shut the door quickly and the object bounced off the wooden door. Mercel shook her head and smiled as she made began to undress. She threw her robe on and rushed to the bathroom down the hall before Nose would see her and harass her some more. After a hot relaxing shower, Mercel rushed back to her room to get dressed. "Are you ready?" Mercel heard her mother from down the hall. "Almost." Mercel yelled back as she gathered her books and rushed from her room. "See, you should get up earlier, so you won't have to rush around in the morning." Nose teased as he met her at the door. "One of these days I'm going to get you back for all this," Mercel pointed her finger at him and squinted her eyes. "Until then," he smiled brightly, "I'll continue to harass you." "Now you two," Mrs. Desper warned as she opened the front door. "Stay out of trouble, Nose." She turned around to give him a light kiss on his cheek. "Yeah, be have, Nose." Mercel mocked, giving him a hug. "I'm not the one that seems to find trouble..." Nose slid her back and smiled at her. She glared at him playfully as her mother and her left the house. **** "Thanks mom," Mercel leaned over to give her mother a hug before getting out of the car. "Yep. See you later, hun." Her mother waved her off as Mercel walked the pathway up to the double doors of the main entrance. "Hey, Mercel!" Some one shouted at her. "Andy!" Mercel shouted when she noticed the girl. "How are you?" The two joined each other and walked into the crowded building. "I'm alright. Did you hear about the recent murder?" Andy said as the two walked towards Mercel's locker. "No," Mercel gave her friend a wierd look as they made their way up the stairs. "Yeah! Some girl was attacked by some animal! They think it was another vampire or something a long that lines!" "Wow," Mercel gasped as she opened her locker, throwing her unneeded books inside. "That's terrible. Another one. Gees, that's like the fifth one this week." "I know!" Mercel and Andy started towards the class room, talking idly about the current subject as they walked into Mr. Matsuo's class. "Hello, girls." Mr. Matsuo said as they entered the room. "Hey, Matsuo." They both replied taking their seats.
  12. "Shall I escort the fair lady to her room?" Daktor stood before Irisa as she made her way to her feet. He held out his arm to her once more. She smiled brightly and took his arm. As they made their way towards the hall that would eventually lead to her chambers, she saw Viktor rush from the room and up the large flight of stairs towards his chambers she assumed. She gave a deep sigh and placed her smile back upon her face. "Does something bother you, Lady Irisa?" Daktor asked suddenly as they disappeared into the vacant hallway. "I only worry for my Lord, Lord Daktor. The recent events have lift him rather jumbled and detatched." Irisa replied simply, a smile still on her face. "Viktor will be fine. Our people will invent something to his liking and we won't have to worry about the angels any longer. Give it time and every thing will be alright." Daktor gave a hardy smile and kissed the back of Irisa's hand gently. The two vampires walked with hardly any words passing between them on their way to Irisa's room. Daktor spun her around before her door and took in her eyes. "You need not worry, Irisa. Things will work out." Daktor bent down and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek before venturing off. Irisa watched him for a moment before entering her room. She closed the door gently behind her and walked over to her vanity. She sat at the large wooden vanity and stared at the odds and ends on it. She ran her fingers through them, sliding them along the smooth surface of the vanity. She gave a heavy sigh just before she heard a knock on her door. "Who?" she whispered to herself. She got up and made her way briskly across the floor. She opened the door timidly to see Viktor dressed in his best suit. She snuffed a gasp as she opened her door so the vampire could enter. "I am sorry to have run off on you, milady." Viktor lowered his head gently towards her. Irisa could say nothing, just stand there in amazement. "I've come to give you a gift and maybe take you out tonight? If you have nothing planned?" "I would love to," Irisa nearly shouted at him. She lowered her head to hide the flush color of her cheeks. He reached out and gently pulled her head back up. He smiled at her and rubbed his thumb across her right cheek. Irisa hesitated at first, but brought herself to place her hand upon his. "Shall we," he smiled and motioned towards the door. "Yes." She smiled and rushed off to grab a coat. "We will return shortly," Viktor told the servant at the door. "Yes, my Lord." The man replied as the two left the building. **** "This place is beautiful, Viktor." Irisa said softly as she looked about the outdoor resturant. The stars were in full sight and the moon hovered lightly off to one side. The warm breeze wrapt itself around them both as they sat at their small little table. "The food was amazing!" Irisa announced as well. "This is one of the best resturants in the city and you deserve the best." Viktor said with an elquent voice. Irisa blushed and smiled, hiding her face once again. "I have something for you." Viktor spoke again, bringing Irisa's head up. He reached into his suit pocket and pulled a large sapphire out. He extended his hand towards Irisa, noticing that her eyes were wide, filled with surprise and wonder. "Its yours. I would like you to have it." "Really?" Irisa brought her hand up and, trembling, took the jewel from him. Its warmth ran through her fingers and made her face glow softly. "Its amazing, thank you so much." "Any thing to show you how much I am sorry for leaving you so abrubtly earlier." Viktor smiled at her beautiful expression. Suddenly both vampires moods changed and Viktor rushed to his feet. The outdoor resturant was empty other than them and the waiters. But there was something was with them now. "What is it?" Irisa asked as she made her way to her feet slowly, placing the jewel in her pocket. Viktor rushed forward and placed Irisa behind him as two angels decended. Irisa grabbed one of his arms gently and watched the angelic creatures land before them. Viktor kept the arm she clung to behind his back.
  13. Kara swirled effortlessly out of the way, Rebecca sliding past the demoness. Kara chuckled as she brought herself around to look at Rebecca. "The mighty huntress can't even hit me." Kara chuckled, a brought, pride smile creased across her face. "You are no threat to any one." Rebecca pulled herself to stand up straight, straining slightly to bring her sword up as well. Her side throbbed and fresh blood was beginning to fall from it. Her head ached horribly and her balance off, but she wasn't going to allow this demon to defeat her. "You think so?" Rebecca smiled lightly suddenly taking a more relaxed pose. Kara glared at her. "You're not toying with me, hunter. I know you are weak and injuried!" Kara spat as she rushed forward, her weapon ready to strike down Rebecca. The huntress smiled, her trick had worked nicely. The demoness rushed at her and ran full force into her blade, the only problem was it missed its target. Kara screamed out as she pulled back, wrenching herself free of Rebecca's blade. Thick red blood poured from Kara's left shoulder, her arm now useless. "You tricked me!" the demon spat. She reached up and caressed her shoulder. "I may be weakened, demon, but I am not done. I refuse to allow such a vile waste win over me or any other creature opposed to you!" "Ah!" Kara screamed, rushing at Rebecca, who wasn't ready for the attack. Rebecca placed her blade up to take the force of the attack, leaving her wounded side open. Kara swung around and dealt a powerful kick to Rebecca's side. The huntress cried out as she dropped to her knees, still holding her sword before her. Kara continued to strike the same spot over and over again, leaving Rebecca nearly helpless. (REBECCA!) Rebecca heard Alender's voice in her head. "No!" Rebecca screamed. "You must protect the child!" She could feel Alender's soul sink, knowing that this may be Rebecca's last battle and he was completely powerless to help her. "Your poor little kitty can't save you now." Kara chuckled as she brought her foot back for another kick. "You will not win!" Rebecca screamed, thrusting herself to her feet, pushing firmly on her sword and throwing the demoness backwards. Kara stumbled, trying to keep her balance. Rebecca rushed to her feet and powerfully walked foward, her sword ready. She had forgotten all of her pain, all of her handicaps. Her eyes burned with hatred and purpose, she could feel her body pulse with rage as she brought her sword back. Kara threw her weapon up to protect herself, but without her other arm she was not strong enough to through Rebecca back. The huntress broke the demoness weapon easily. Bringing her sword back, Rebecca thrust it forward as hard as she could and this time it didn't miss its mark. The sword pierced Kara's chest and slid out through her back. The demoness gave a few uncontroled spasms before she fell from Rebecca's sword. "I told you that I was not going to allow you to win." Rebecca whispered as she collasped onto the ground.
  14. The white haired man stood in front of the large wooden doors, hidden behind them was the Lady and Lord of the Gyshram Clan. A servant was at his side, protesting his appearance at the large doors and two large guards stood, their weapons crossed before him. The man stood quietly, waiting for the moment he would enter those very doors. ?Let him in!? David shouted from within the room. Both the servant and the guards before him struggled to keep composure as they ushered him in. The servant fell to his knees before his Lord and Lady. ?Please, my Lord, forgive me, but I could not stop him. He?.? The servant began. ?We have been expecting you Yurei.? Lord David broke him off, a bright smile creasing the vampire?s face. The servant shoot his head up, jaw dropping as he looked at his lord. ?We are terribly sorry that you were not welcomed properly, Yurei. But we were not expecting you on such short notice, you understand?? David added. ?Be gone with you,? Liltha waved her hand at the servant angrily. The man rushed to his feet, bowed and left the throne room. He and the guards shut the door behind them, leaving the Lord and Lady alone with the powerful Yurei. The large man nodded his head lightly at the couple. ?Can we offer you anything?? Liltha opened her arms in a sign of offering. ?No.? The man replied shortly. ?Let?s handle the business at hand.? ?But of course?.? David began. ?Kuroichi questions our loyalty.? Liltha nearly snapped, shooting a wary glare at her husband. ?Yes.? The man replied shortly. ?Tell the White-haired Demon that he has nothing to fear.? David turned his attention from Yurei to his wife and smiled at her. ?And what of the assassin?? Yurei added, slightly annoyed that the Lord was not keeping courtiousy towards his guest. ?My Shadow Assassin?? David turned back around to face the man before him. His smile widened. ?She is loyal to me and our clan, there for loyal to your White-haired Demon, Kuroichi.? [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Kietha looked up at the large castle that stood before her, she had stopped moving so quickly in the night and allowed Zoku to catch up with her. ?Have you ever seen one before?? Zoku spoke as he joined her side. ?Yes, but nothing like this.? Kietha said, her voice sounding very distant. Zoku stared at her for a moment, not truly knowing what to say. ?I had lived in one, given to Serio and I by the Gyshram for our loyalty. We had heard many great tales of the Dracula Castle, but never had I thought it would be this wonderous.? Kietha stared at the structure in complete wonder for a moment. ?Shall we enter?? Zoku motioned with his hand towards the building. ?Yes,? Kietha nodded. The two walked side by side into the massive structure. There were various paintings and displays, all one would find in a castle made into such a maginfiecent home. Kietha followed closing behind Zoku as he made his way through the castle. He led them finally to an off room towards the back. Upon entering the room they were greeted by harsh weapons and words. ?Who is she?? some one yelled. ?What is she doing?? another added. ?This is?.? Zoku began. ?It has been a long time, Kietha, Lady of Serio.? Dracula walked gently towards the assassin with such elegance that almost any lady would have melted. Kietha smiled at the familiar face, extending her hand towards him. He took it carefully caressing it with his hands. He bent forward and laid a gently tender kiss upon the back of it. ?Your hands are so worn, Kietha.? Dracula sighed. ?They once were so gentle and soft.? He seemed to weep with every word. ?The Gyshram Shadow Assassin.? LeStat said bitterly. Kietha and Dracula turned their attention towards the vampire. Kyu stood with confusion stretched across his face and Zoku wasn?t far from the vampiress side. Kietha slid her hand from Dracula and strut towards LeStat. He watched her with envy and anger as she came to stand before him. He looked down into her dark eyes, her sweet scent raising to meet his nose. ?LeStat. It has been awhile hasn?t it?? Kietha smiled at the man. ?What has made such a well-known assassin want to grace us with her presence?? LeStat spat at her. ?Oh, poor LeStat. Still bitter about something?? Keitha reached up to touch his face, but he pulled back. ?I?ve come to see the forces that rally against Kuroichi.? Kietha smiled, turning to the vampire she did not know. ?And you are?? ?Kyu.? The vampire replied plainly. ?Why did you bring her, Zoku? She and her clan have sided with the enemy.? LeStat coursed. ?LeStat! Hold your tongue.? Dracula said coursely. ?Whether she is the Gyshram?s Shadow Assassin and sided with the enemy, she is still a guest in my house and an old friend of mine.? Dracula took up Kietha?s left side. ?But you do know my dear fair lady, that if we come to battle during this war that I will not hold back. No matter how much you and Serio mean to me.? Dracula took in Kietha?s eyes, worry and concern stretched across his. Kietha nodded, ?I know of this, Dracula. I will not hold back though your blood runs through my veins as well.? Dracula gave a false smile as he beckoned every one to sit once more. OOC: To clear up any confusion, Dracula is Serio's creater, father, master, what ever you wish to call him.
  15. Still waiting for one more person...but the advernture shall start hopefully by the end of this week at the latest. Thank you all for signing up.
  16. Rebecca stared down into the blacken streets of the city. Alender's white form was no where insight; she had made the white tiger stay back with the other hunters to protect the girl. She knew that he would die before allowing any one to touch the child other than her. The nearly bare streets were skattered with litter and blood. The demons had left quite a mess and a heavy trail. Four very large and obvious skirmishes were taking place on the East and South side of the city. "I wonder what Kira had found." Rebecca muttered to herself. (The Last Haven has been astablished on the far side of the slums. The girl is sleeping while the others prepare for our next move.) Alender's voice rang over the noise of the wind rushing over Rebecca's ears. "Thank you, my dear Alender." Rebecca replied. "I shall be returning soon." Unaware of what was following her, Rebecca made another go around the east and south side of the city just to make sure things were as she had first seen. Just before Rebecca had turned to make for the slums something came crashing down upon her. The two fell from the sky like a brick and slammed into the deserted streets. Rebecca let out a hoarse cry as her body collided with the pavement, but the creature had allowed her to crash without its extra wait. "The mightly Rebecca doesn't seem so mightly now." A shrill demon voice echoed through the alley. Rebecca whinced as she struggled to get to her feet, her tired and already mangled body not being able to recover as quickly as it normal would. "You," Rebecca whispered. The demoness gave a wicked smirk. "You won't be getting away from me this time, hunter." Kara spat from her grin. Rebecca growled deep in her throat as she pulled her sword from her side. Her hands trembled with the effort, but she wasn't going to let a demon defeat her. She had come too far to be defeated by such a vile creature. "That's a nasty little wound there, hunter." Kara pointed towards Rebecca's waist. "Shut up you vile creature. Wound or no wound. I will defeat you!" Rebecca shouted as she rushed forward.
  17. Sweet, so glad so many have signed up...just waiting for my sis to get around to signing up. All is good, hopefully Methuselah will get back to us soon.I'll PM every one when I start the adventure!
  18. Thank you so much for signing up Valen!! Just one thing though...can you give me some details on your character's sister? If there's a reason you kept it secret then just let me know. Any how...forgot to post my character...silly me :D Name: Mercel Desper Age: 18 Gender: female Friend: Nose Dorta (accent on the "e" so its pronounced No-say) Appearance: A fair creature at 5'5", Mercel has beautiful black hair that lays gently on her shoulders. Blood red streaks race through her hair, but that's not the only strange abnormality about the girl. Vibrant green, a green you would see on the breast of a humming bird, graces her well propotioned eyes. Her perfectly crafted frame shows that she is a very active young girl, though she doesn't partake in school sports. Nose Dorta is a vampire that has taken Mercel and her mother's home as his own. A 6'3" 19 year old lost in the world. Short black hair, pale green eyes and a body to die for, Nose at a distance is the perfect example of a vampire. His actual age stretching far into the past and his immortal body still carrying a mortal wound that stretches from his right shoulder to his left hip. He works a part-time night shift at pharmasuitical. Race: half wolfbat-half werewolf Grade/Occupation: 12th/local horse breeder Bio: Mercel was the only child born on a beautiful full moon night to her werewolf mother. The first time mother was thrilled to have the child, even though she had wished for more. The child's father, a ruthless wolfbat that was bent on world domination and the destruction of all creatures less than them. The wolfbat had his own family with a wolfbat female, but when he came upon the werewolf female there was a love connection past the boundaries of flesh. So their forbidden tango brought Mercel into the world. Mercel knew well of her father and that which he had brought to the world. She had met his wife and their children. They were beautiful and the perfection of their species. But his family did not except her, could not believe that she was his niece for he could never tell them that it was his daughter. They outcasted her every time she came to be around the wolfbat kind because the girl could not control her morphing like they could. When Mercel finally went into Middle School, she stopped visiting her father and his life-style. She didn't belong amongst them and no matter how much her father loved her and she loved him, the fact that she was a mixed breed was only going to bring her pain there. Human school prove to be more of a challenge then the wolfbat school had been. Unlike the wolfbats, werewolves lived among humans and tried to live partially normal lives. They would morph whenever their was a moon and feed on full moons. Most humans were unaware of their world and they preferred it that way. But Mercel was not use to this way of life spending most of her childhood with her father and his family because her mother wanted Mercel to be able to control her rage. Living with her mother and in the human world, Mercel felt torn and lost amongst all her peers never truly feeling like she belonged though she had many friends. High school was a true test of Mercel's amazing gift. She had gained her mother's blood lust on full moons and her amazing green eyes. But her structure and power came from her father. She was blessed with his gift to morph on will, except on full moons where she had no control over herself. She had gathered many friends and had found others of mix blood. Not just wolfbats and werewolves, but vampires, demons, and angels as well. She didn't feel so alone any more.
  19. "Here, take her for me Alender." Rebecca laid the girl onto the large white tiger's sturdy back. Alender altered his posture and carriage to take on the new weight of the young girl. Rebecca continued her walk as Alender joined her side. There were few hunters left after the assault on the mansion. Some had died at the hands of Boru and his demons, others had left for the city to take upon a new life. One free of death and destruction. Most of those who had left were human for most half-demons could never partake in normal lives. Rebecca watched the spat between Zet and Night as the troop of left over hunters took a stop for the moment. It was ashame that Ziarre had betrayed them, though Rebecca knew little of the half-demon. She knew that both Zet and Night had a great fondness for the young hunter and her betrayal was probably very difficult on them both. Rebecca gave a light snort and drew a small smile across her face as she fell to her knees just outside of the small circle of hunters. (You are hurt?) Alender's frantic voice matched his outward appearance as he rushed to his companion's side. Rebecca had her right arm wrapped around her waist, but it was hard to tell if it was her blood or demon blood that covered her. Rebecca lowered her head and braced herself with her other arm. She was thankful that the small spat between Zet and Night kept the others occupied, she didn't want to deal with the probing of questions and possible hands on her body. "I'm fine, Alender. Just a small wound." Rebecca turned her head slightly to show the tiger a smile. "Hey, you ok?" Rebecca heard the new comer's voice. "Kira is it?" Rebecca replied. "Yeah," the voice answered. "Glad to have you with us. Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Just exhausted with a few new wounds is all." Rebecca sat up then, leaning against her caves and the heels of her feet. "Do you need anything?" Rebecca took in the sight of the young hunter. "No, thank you." The warrior replied to the other hunter, a slight smile creased on her face. (You need help,) Alender said gently, knowing that the hunter didn't quite like taking help. "I'll be fine, Alender." Rebecca began to stand. (Let me see?) Rebecca looked down at the tiger, surprise streaked across her face. Her companion never asked questions so directly or used her name. Rebecca lowered her head and gave a deep sigh. Pulling her arm away Alender was able to see the full situation. The wound was more of a cavern that stretched from the top of her left him up to her left side of her rip cage at and angle. The wound was deep enough that Alender could see Rebecca's actual rips. (My goodness.) Alender nearly shouted. Rebecca looked down at the wound and only smiled. (Take the child's cloak and tie it around the wound.) Alender said it forcefully. "The girl will freeze." Rebecca protested. (She lays against me, she shall stay warm. If the child could speak, she would give her coat to you willingly. It would be the least she could do for you risking your life for her, Rebecca.) Rebecca turned away from Alender for a moment. He was right, she had risked her life for the child. This wound she had, was from a demon trying to kill her. Rebecca sighed and slowly took the coat from the girl. Twirling the fabric around she tied the arms together around her waist so it would put constant pressure on the wound until she could sew it shut. "Are we ready yet?" Rebecca barked at the motionless hunters.
  20. "Ey, Capin'!" some one shouted over the thick crashing of waves against the wooden blanks of the english naval ship. "Wha' ye be needin' Night?" Morgon slid her feet of her desk as the young man rushed into the cabin. His face was creased with excitement as he slammed his palms onto the table. "We found this cove, Capin'. It be perfect to be stayin' the day in. No one be findin' us there!" Night shouted. Morgon smiled at him and shook her head. "Wha'?" Night pulled himself back, his hands sliding to his side. "Keep lookin' Night. I ain't likin' that there be no exit, just the one we be comin' on." Morgon smiled at her first-mate. They had grown up together and she respected him far more than any of the others on the ship. He was a strong fighter and had been at her side for as long as she could remember. "Wha' ye be thinkin' Capin'. I seen that look on ye face before. Somethin' is botherin' ye." Night creased his face in concern, but Morgon only smiled at him. "Give the order to the others, would ye Night?" "Aye, aye Capin'." Night rushed from the cabin and back up the stairs. She could hear him yell the new orders up on the deck, some protesting and others taking the orders whole heartly. Morgon stood slowly and looked about the cabin. Everything was the way she remembered it. The strange treasures she had obtained, the weaponary and the english naval design. If only things had been different, she would still be sailing the seven seas with Night and the others. If only she had thought more thoroughly about the location and the layout of the cove instead of being so thrilled to enjoy the thrill of life. If only she had taken the time every one would still be alive. There was a loud knock on the metal door to her room. "Where going to be leaving to Li's timeline very soon. Please get ready." David yell from outside. "Aye," Morgon replied. Morgon looked about the room, grabbed the sword that had injured Li and rushed from her quarters. "Hey, David." Morgon shouted, catching his back just before he disappeared down another corridor. "Hello, Morgon. What can I do for you?" He replied when he turned around. "I want ye to change me room. If that be ok. Make it modern, like ye's or maybe somethin' like the girl Maya." David looked at the pirate strangely for a moment and then shook his head, "sure, I can do that Morgon. As soon as we get back from Li's timeline I'll get right on it." "Thank ye." Morgon nodded her head. "Come on, let's get the others." David motioned her to follow and she did.
  21. Keitha made her way through the long corridors of the underground city of the Gyshram clan. Not all of the Gyshram clan lived in the underground city below the great city of London. They were shattered about the world as most of the vampires were, but there was one other place that a large number of Gyshram could be found and that was the city below the great American city known as New York. Lady Liltha made frequent visits to the city under New York, reporting all she heard and did to her dear and faithful husband. Keitha came to stand before the large wooden doors, two guards on either side. "Come in, my Shadow Assassin." The Gyshram Lord called from inside the throne room. The guards came forth, each grabbing hold of a brass handle and pulled the double doors open. Keitha was greeted with the sight of David on his large chair built for him and him alone. She had noticed that the Lady did not grace his side, she must have gone to America. A long copper carpet ran from the doors to the bottom of the steps to the throne chairs themselves. Beautifully hand-crafted tapestries hung from the stone walls in a dramatic display of how old the underground city was. "Come, come my Shadow Assassin." David announced, waving his hand for her to come down the carpet. "Yes my Lord," she bowed slightly and made her way down the carpet. David watched her intently. Her smooth powerful strides made her look as if she was gliding across the floor. Her posture held confidence that was not easily detected without knowing the warrior for some time. He smiled softly as she came before him, bowing at her mid-section as she always had. ?Rise my fare Shadow Assassin, let me look upon your face.? David smiled broadly as the warrior brought herself to stand before him. ?It has been so long, I have missed you so. Having you at my side, it is like you are my dear wife, departed from me on another one of her trips. With all this war it has been hard to see either of you.? Kietha smiled lightly and bowed her head. ?You did not beckon me here to chit-chat, my Lord.? Kietha spoke boldly, she never was one for formality. ?No, no I didn?t.? David?s face was creased with a mild smile. Kietha ran her eyes over her lord. He was a powerful man and his posture showed that. He wore a traditional dress-like robe with the Gyshram?s horse symbol embroided on his chest. His long wavy brown hair lay on his shoulders and drabbed across his chest. His strong face housed his vicious green eyes. At first glance, David was a very intimadating vampire and with the way he carried himself just set the whole mood. Kietha had loved looking into those amazing green eyes. After all the years that she had served him she had slowly begun to notice how distance he had become. Those green eyes had lost something, something that had drawn her in and gave her comfort when she lost Serio, but now...now it was gone. Lost some where amongst the chaos of the world. ?My dear Shadow Assassin, the other eve I had to reassure my dear and lovely wife that you were as loyal to us as you were some five hundred years ago. But now, with the recent events, I, too, have begun to question your motives in this war.? David said calmly, a slight hint of worry cradled around a few words. ?What is it you would like to know, my Lord?? Kietha asked plainly. ?What are you up to, Kietha? What have you planned that you have not told to me? I have always trusted your judgement, but during this time of war...? The Gyshram Lord allowed his sentence to trail off. ?You can?t help but worry and wonder,? Kietha smiled brightly and shook her head lightly in a form of disappointment. ?I have never shown you disloyalty, my Lord. I do not plan on showing it now.? Kietha?s smile still had not left her face. ?Why is it you smile so brightly, my Shadow Assassin?? David leaned forward a bit, pretending to have to adjust himself. ?Only this, my Lord.? Kietha reached into her pocket and instintively the man flinched. David knew that he could trust the warrior, or so he thought, but he couldn?t help but wonder sometimes. She was far more powerful that he and could easily kill him and just about every one of the Gyshram. The only thing that stopped her was her undying loyalty to him and their clan. ?So jumpy my Lord. You cause my heart to ache at such distrust.? Kietha placed her left hand against her chest as she held out the other. David leaned in close to see what she held within her closed fist. She unwrapped her fingers to reveal the Death Diamond. ?HOW...how did you come to aquirer that gem?? David demanded, nearly jumping from his seat. ?My little secret, my Lord.? Kietha smiled broadly and lowered her head. ?What do you plan on doing with such a powerful gem?? The lord sat back in his seat. ?To alter this war, my Lord. To alter the war and bring harmony to our clans that I and Serio had desired for so long.? Kietha stood once more and clutched the diamond in her fist once more. ?I hope this has nothing to do with vengence, my shadow assassin.? David questioned. ?No, my lord. Vengence would be a disgrace to my dear beloved Serio. But my dear lord, there is much I must do before the night is over.? Kietha bowed again, only allowing her head to turn up this time. ?Yes of course, you may be off.? David said with great expression. ?I am sorry to have mistrusted you my faith Shadow Assassin, I shall never question your actions again.? ?Thank you, my Lord.? Kietha brought herself to stand and turned from the vampire?s gaze. She walked out of the throne room and disappeared into the night. **** Zoku held himself up on knees and hands as he wept. Night had fell upon his humble home and small shadows were cast across the room. Slowly the shadows seem to begin to move, dancing to unseen music. Zoku brought his head up, his vision blurred from his tears and all seemed normal again. He looked about the room and again, the shadows began to dance. ?Why do you weep, great human warrior?? Not only did Zoku hear the faint voice, but he felt cold steal against his throat. ?Go ahead and kill me.? The human shouted. The stranger gave a slight chuckle. ?I do not wish to kill you. Stand.? As soon as he was released, Zoku rushed to his feet. He swirled around, the shadows taking their normal resting place as he took in the sight of the Gyshram assassin. ?They call you the Shadow Assassin and now I know why.? Zoku said plainly. ?Such a wise lad. But as I stated before, I do not come here for your death.? Kietha took a carefree stance as she slid her sword back into its shealth. ?What do you want then?? Zoku?s voice held a faint hint of irratation. ?To give you two gifts.? Kietha moved forward and Zoku moved instintively backwards. ?You do know,? Kietha said as she slid behind Zoku before her could move. She took a hold of his waist as she slid in front of him. ?You maybe quick, human...Zoku. But I have spent a thousand years perfect my art and I have not yet dead and forgotten it.? Kietha slid in front of him, still hold his waist. Her face was only an inch or two from his. ?What do you want, vampire?? Zoku nearly spat. ?You say that with such disgusts, Zoku. I know the pain that torments your heart, your body and your soul.? Kietha whispered close to his lips. Zoku pulled away from her in an almost violent manner. ?How would you know! How could you possibly know!?? Kietha slid beside him again, pulling his head to the side, exposing his neck. ?Your pain, which I?m sure you know, is caused by your half blood. I can solve that.? Kietha ran her tongue across Zoku?s scars. ?It hurts for a moment and the power is immense. Becoming a vampire doesn?t mean you lose who you are. You just lose the ability to die as a mortal. I was once human, like you.? Kietha brought teeth gently onto Zoku?s neck. ?It was hard at first, to stop the lust for blood. But I had help, I had Serio. Ah, what am I doing.? Kietha jumped back and looked at the man before her. ?Here,? Kietha reached into her coat and handed him a book. ?My journal,? Zoku sighed. ?And this,? Kietha added. Zoku looked up to see Kietha holding out the Death Diamond. ?How in the world...? Zoku gasped. ?I am a Gyshram assassin who has been on this planet for some thousand years now. I have my talents, my contentions and some debts that needed to be filled.? ?Why are you giving me this? I thought you and the Gyshram had sided with Kuroichi.? ?We are.? ?I don?t understand.? ?I believe that the clans need to be united finally. We have become so distant and too concern with ourselves. We need to come together as a people and if Kuroichi can do that, then that?s great. But he must past many trials, like gathering the gems and defeating those that oppose him. You, Zoku, is all that truly stands in his way. I don?t want some one weak or fool-hearted to be the leaders of the clans. I may be loyal to Gyshram, but I am still an indiviual. I want the best for my people and for our children. The world will not come to an end if Kuroichi wins, but the world will change and innocent blood will be shed. But finally we will be united and Serio, and even myself can finally rest peacefully.? Kietha smiled and gave a slight laugh. ?I want to make sure Kuroichi is the one to rule over the vampires and I will do anything to test that loyalty until I feel satisfied. If that means adding you and making you stronger, than so be it.? Kietha forcefully placed the diamond into the man?s hand and smiled. ?If you ever want to take me up on my offer, you can contact me. Until next we meet, Zoku.? And with that Kietha disappeared into the night once more. OOC: sorry its so long, had a lot to say.
  22. Character?s Name: Kirra Place of Origin: Middle Ages Describe your character in 50 words or less: A strong woman who's traveled the world. Dark, short with a strange appeal to her. I watched her from my corner seat. She wore tight, revealing clothing with her curly hair pulled back dramaticly. She wore heavy heeled boats that seemed none-too-pratical, but gave her powerful walk a sway. The rotating of her hips, the bounce of her hair and practically exposed breast was all some how beautiful. I wasn't attracted to the woman; I enjoyed male company in my bed, but I knew when I saw something beautiful. And that she was. I watched her carefully as she pranced across the room and out of sight. She was twenty years of age, flaunting herself to all the men in the tavern. She had fair skin, smooth with little to no freckling. Her hair was a stunning straw yellow with too much hair products in it. Her dress was low cut, tight around her waist and flaring lightly above her ***. Overall, she was tall, thin with ample hips and breast, and an appealing face. "Whatcha be starin' at, Kirra?" A voice pierced the overbearing noise. "Just the girl," I pointed towards the door. "Ah, the fair one. She be in some trouble wearin' that garb around here." Ander sat beside me, her light hair falling onto the table. "That she shall. That she shall." I replied.
  23. The bell rang loud and clear allowing the anxious students to scramble from their class rooms. Only those walking along with friends could hear each other's words in the otherwise deafening hallways. At first glance, the small town high school looked normal. But it was far from that. Amongst the crowd of students is a girl named Qwa. Alone and not paying attention to where she was going, Qwa ran full force into another student, throwing her back onto her butt. Qwa franticly gathered her books apologizing profusely. "That's ok," the student replied, walking away. Qwa blushed as she made her way to her feet. "Hey, you ok?" an older girl approached Qwa. "Yeah...I'm, I'm fine." Qwa stammered. "You sure?" the girl reahced a hand out in an attempt to balance the girl. Qwa refused the help and brought herself to stand. Qwa prepared to leave when the girl shouted towards her. "Hey, I think you dropped this." The girl waved a paper that seemed to have something drawn on it. Qwa turned around, a slight "oh" slipping from her lips as she grabbed the drawing, clunching it to her chest. "You're pretty good," the girl said. "I wish I could see more." As the last word left her lips the bell rang. "Damn. It was nice meeting you." the girl waved to Qwa as she rushed off. In an attempt to not be too late, Qwa rushed through the halls and into her classroom. "Miss Qwa, you're late again." The teacher scolded. Qwa lowered her head as she found her seat. [CENTER]***********[/CENTER] Ok peeps...I'm going to try this once again. But I see this one going farther some how. Ah well. Here ya go. Races: (please pick from these...no made up critters ok?) [COLOR=DarkGreen]Vampires: [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I know its kind of hard to have vampires in school but you don't think we're just going to have sceens in school do ya?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Werewolves:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The big bad wolf.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Demons:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]This includes succubi and incubi as well. Not all demons are bad, remember that. [/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Angels:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]I don't want too many of these. This also includes Earth Guardians such as Grigori as well.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]Wolfbats:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]These are massive werewolves with black bat-like wings created by man to hunt werewolves. They've become power-hungery in the last few centuries and kill all that oppose them.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]Humans:[/COLOR] [COLOR=SandyBrown]well that's basic.[/COLOR] Another little tid bit. Vampires and humans are enemies. Werewolves and wolfbats. Demon and angels. The reason I'm saying this is because you can have mix breeds if you wish. Each have their own "clan" so to speak and the other is trying to kill or conquer the other. So yeah. So here's the sign ups. [COLOR=DarkRed]Sign Ups:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]Qwa has been reserved so all you people can have orginal characters...aren't you thrilled. Ok...let's begin.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Name:[/COLOR] (you can make it unique or simple and put last names as well please) [COLOR=Blue]Age:[/COLOR] 13-20 (if you would like to be older, since we're in high school, you can be but you'll have to be a parent or teacher. Please state that if you decide to be older) [COLOR=Blue]Gender:[/COLOR] (I think you all understand this one) [COLOR=Blue]Friend:[/COLOR] (currently you can have one main friend and or second character...i may allow for more) [COLOR=Blue]Appearance:[/COLOR] (this includes you and your second character if you decide to have one. please make sure i know which one looks like what..thanks) (I will accept pictures) [COLOR=Blue]Race: Grade/Occupation:[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Bio:[/COLOR] (tell me your characters life story in as little or as much detail as possible.) I shall post my character in a bit...I'm off to lunch currently.
  24. "These damn vikings...why can't they leave me alone...I feel the burning inside of me again...it has been taking hold of me for quite sometime now. I'm sorry mother...but I can't help myself. Death is all around me...why can't I stop. Oh all those years ago when you died mother...I'm still looking...for that one. I just love to kill...to slaughter the weak. If only for a moment I feel joy due too their suffering. They should feel my own...I will...*a slight scribble* (due to his evil taking hold again)..." Keitha read to herself before closing the hardcovered journal once more. She sat comfortably in her own quarters amongst the Gyshram clan. Her small room held a bed, a dresser and a desk. Nothing to extreme, just enough to live with. She reached up and touched a large brick with her finger tips. It slid back and clanked as it allowed a larger stone to open. She slid the journal within and paused before removing her hand again. Her eyes were caught on the small dagger and picture that lay inside. Kietha gave a deep sigh, remembering why she kept the picture turned around. It was hard for her to bare with the fact that her lover was now gone, dead to never return to her again. She reached in, trying to keep her hand steady as she pulled the picture frame from the hole. She sat back on her bed, leaning her back against the wall. Taking another deep sigh, Kietha pulled the frame back and took in the sight she had longed to forget. She smiled suddenly, remembering how nice mordern pictures were. The invention of the camera was amazing and she silently wished that she could have a real photo of the man that not only loved her, but had changed her life. The painting was old, very old, but she could still remember him as if he had only left that morning. Standing above her at an amazing 6'3", extremely tall for the time period. He was the perfection of that time. He was well built, powerful muscle running through him and a bright smile to flaunt his perfectly etched face. Beautiful blue eyes sparkled back at her and thick black hair hung around his shoulders. She could remember the soft, silky feel of that hair when she use to run her fingers through it. His medievel grab lay loosely on his chest and shoulders, hiding the soft, delicate skin and the perfection of his muscles. He was a sight to be hold, even in such an old painting. Kietha reached out and tenderly ran her finger across the man's face. "Oh how I miss you Serio." Kietha whispered. Kietha brought her thoughts back to the day she watched Serio leave her. [CENTER]****[/CENTER] It was around 500 years ago, probably less than that. A battle raged between an extremely young vampire and another young vampress. The battle seemd to be even on both sides. The woman had dealt a few heavy blows and the man had returned them. The tides seemed to not be wavering either way. "Your far more talented than I first thought," the woman said as she brought herself to a stop after a recent attack. "And you," the boy answered. "But this needs to end now." The boy rushed forward, colliding with the woman's blade but before she could recover from the heavy attack, the boy swirled around and sank his sword deep into her side. The woman let out a scream of such and rushed from the attack. Almost black blood rushed from her wound as she stumbled around the rocky terrian in an attempt to keep her balance. "Time for you to die!" the boy shouted. He rushed forward sword held behind his head as he prepared to take the woman's life. The woman closed her eyes, holding herself up with her sword barried in the earth. There was a sudden gust of wind and the woman closed her eyes tightly shut awaiting her fate, when she heard a loud clang. Her eyes flew open to see a man before her, the boy's sword rubbing against his sword. "Let's make a deal, Kuroichi." The man said calmly. "What would that be, Serio?" The boy answered almost angrily. "Fight me for your throne--." "No, Serio. You mustin!" The woman shouted. The man turned around to look at her, "but I must, Kietha." He smiled at her lightly and focused back on the boy. "And leave Kietha out of this. She has done nothing to you." "In return I get your blood and your power...I like that." Kuroichi replied. "We have a deal, Serio." As Kietha watched helplessly on the ground the battle between the 1000 year old vampire and the boy raged on. It seemed all of eternity had wanted for this battle to end. As the older vampire began to weaken, the younger one took advantage of it. Sending his marvelous blade through Serio's chest. Kietha screamed as she darted to her feet. Serio turned his head around to look at her whispering the words "I love you" as his body fell to the earth, shattering to dust. Kietha fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. Kuroichi looked at her, a strange look creasing his face before he vanished into the night. [CENTER]****[/CENTER] There was a sudden knock on the door that brought Kietha back to the present. "Yes?" she replied, chocking down her soft tears. "The Gyshram Lord beckons you to his side, my lady." A voice called through the door. "I shall be there in a moment." She replied. She waited until the man left her entrance before staring back down at the painting. She ran the back of her fingers across the man's face before getting up and placing the picture back into the hole. She slid her finger tips gently across the smaller stone and watched as the hole vanished behind. She pulled herself together, tied her sword to her waist and made her way towards the throne room.
  25. As promised: (And since I've been playing all female characters recently, I've decided to play a few male) Name: Mikko Ochant Age: 20 Race: Half Elf (but can pass as very attractive human) Class: Mage Weapon(s): A small crystal locked inside a steal desin. The crystal hangs from Mikko's neck and lays hidden under his clothing. A long rapier like sword is belted to his side. Though magi were not known for their warrior skills, Mikko knew how to handle himself if his mage skills were useless. Appearence: see attachment. Mikko is usually found in fashionable clothing and colors that flaunts his natural appeal. Personality- A very generous character with a smile to please. When provoked or friends and family are threatened, Mikko has a very uncontrollable rage. Usually a care free sort and a bit of a joker, you never know what will come out of his mouth next. Biography: Mikko was born to a poor, slave girl of the young age of fifteen after she had been rapped by his father. Unable to raise the child and fearing that it may find death at the hands of the greater elves for his mixed blood, Mikko's mother left him on the door step of a well-known human merchant. The man and the woman took the child and raised him as their own. Telling him of his scattered birth when he was old enough to understand. Mikko grew quickly mentally and his physical structure seemed to be slower than most children. Both the man and the woman, known to Mikko as Mother and Father, knew very little of elves and how they were raised. But Mikko appeared to be more human until the age of sixteen when they discovered Mikko true hidden power. The couple were thrilled to see that their adopted son could be something great and they quickly sent him off, with the consent of him first, to small village of magi. Here Mikko studied until his 20th birthday when he was called upon.
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