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Everything posted by demonchild781
Rebecca held the girl close to her chest. The child had some sense and clung to the hunters neck and waist. Rebecca suddenly watched Selino rush past her. At first the hunter took no notice, but the sight of the strange servant brought a thought to her mind. Rebecca turned around swiftly and made her way back to the main hallway. There was something that just puzzled her and yet she didn't quite understand it. Something didn't feel right and it was comfirmed with the girl tightened her grip around the hunter. Before reaching Night's chamber, Rebecca knelt towards the floor. "Now I must ask only one small favor from you. I cannot have you clinging to my front and protect you with all my power. You must hold tightly to my back between my wings." Rebecca spoke softly as she gently pulled the girl from her. She picked her up and placed her on her back, the girl gently wrapping her arms and legs around Rebecca once more. "Thank you." Rebecca stood just in time to avoid a flying mess of flames. The corpse shattered the glass window, sparing all those in the room with the shards as the body tumbled across the floor. Before Rebecca had time to put the flames out a battle cry surge through the night air as thousands of demon warriors rushed into the mansion. Rebecca pulled her sword from her side and destroyed all those that opposed her. She watched as others fell around her, demon and hunter alike. There was another crash as the mansion began to catch fire. Rebecca heard Night's voice, shouting commands and then all went to the sounds of death and destruction. Rebecca broke her way through the room, helping others to their feets and bring some with her. As they broke into Night's chamber a dozen demons came crashing through the open door way. Night stood, breathing heavily just out of reach of the flames. More demons began to rush into the room as the Hunters perpared to fight them off.
Well sorry peeps but i'm going to have to say good-bye to this rpg. Close it up the powers above
Kietha gave a light chuckle as she lowered herself from the railing onto the floor of the balacony. The large doors were left unlock making it very easy for Kietha to make her way in. "What a cozy little apartment," Kietha smiled as she slid the doors closed behind her. The small moonlight flitering into the main room allowed Kietha to see everything as if it were mid-day. There were various bags laying about the room, some starting to fall over from all the random searching. The bed was unmade, but retatively the hotel room seemed well kept. "Hmm, where to start." Kietha looked around the room and at the two doorways on either side of her. "Let's see what are friendly little human likes to eat." Kietha turned gently towards the kitchen and enter it with soft, tender feet. Opening all the caboards and draws and the appilances, Kietha discovered nothing in them. "So he likes to eat out, hmm." She smiled slightly as she made her way back into the main room again. The soft, thick carpet allowed her nearly naked feet to sink into it as she quietly made her way across the room towards the bathroom. Upon opening the door, Kietha saw the remains of the small mirror that hung above the white porcilen sink. "Tisk tisk, some one has a little bit of an anger problem." Kietha carefully made her way into the small bathroom to examine the contents. The tub and shower was covered in a fine line of dirt, some one hadn't taken a shower in a rather long time. After her examination, Kietha made her way back into the main room. "A faint prefume, maybe clone. But it is not of a human stench." Kietha closed her eyes and took a very deep breath through her nose. "It is vampire. Some one was here before I." Kietha began to search the main room in an almost frantic manner. She pulled things from the various bags finding nothing of real interest in them and then shifted through drawers. "What's this?" Kietha ran her hand over a hard cover book. Its smooth surface told her that it was old, even ancient. She pulled it from beneath the little clothing that was in the drawer to see a rather thick book. The cover seemed new enough, but the pages that seemed to be stuffed inside were not. She carefully opened it to see the very old wrinkle pages bound together with thick leather string. On the inside cover were a list of names in various languages, some of them Kietha could recogonize. She scanned through them briefly before turning her head to look at the first page. "Hebrew?" Kietha spoke softly to herself as she looked over the first entry. "And read like those from Japan. Curious. "It was a hot spring day in my home town. Mother was in the house doing the laundry and Father was out on the streets trying to feed us. I was out in the stables cleaning once more. I hate it out there. Them horses stink so bad." Kietha read out loud from the journal. There was some flicker of something and it drew Kietha's attention from the journal. She sat the journal on the dresser and stalked over to the bed. Two beautifully crafted blades lay in perfect symmetry on the bed and under them a sweet little note. Kietha chuckled as she pulled the note up and began to read it: "Zoku, I have recieved your message and we are all taking action agains't this new uprising of Kuroichi's again. I have heard of your battle with Kuroichi and I have decided to give you these scimitars. ''Fate it seems...is not without a sense of irony.'' During the first war of the hunters against Kuroichi...when you were in league with him. There was a lone hunter who stood in Kuroichi's path...and you killed him...here are his blades. Now I ask you...to stand against Kuroichi yet again...and to preserve balance. Stay low and safe, while we prepare for war. Leader of the Gwyar" "So Zoku has the gracious of the Gwyar. How cute." Kietha smiled at the note, tucking it back under the swords. A gentle breeze swept over Kietha's body and she instinctively closed her eyes. A gentle smile creased her face as she allowed her eyes to slide open once more. She turned her head to the front door to watch Zoku make his way into the room. He didn't even notice the assasin as he shut the door and dragged his very tired body towards his bed. "Might want to be careful, wouldn't want to hurt yourself on these finely crafted gifts of yours." Kietha spoke up just before Zoku rolled onto his bed. He stood straight in fright as he took in the assasin's sight. "Oh, don't be so frightened," Kietha chuckled at him. "I may be a vampire, but I was born human. Not to meantion that I have a warriors soul. I never take advantage of the weak...well unless they're a weak vampire." She looked towards the sky in a playful manner as she walked around the bed. "Who are you?" Zoku nearly yelled. "And how did you get in here?" "The same way they did." Kietha pointed towards the bed. Zoku took a few glances at Kietha as he picked up the note and read the note. "Making a few alliances I see." Kietha smiled at him. "But I think you should heal yourself before we find what really makes you tick." Keitha backed up almost like a leaf in the wind, swept the book of the dresser and held it up to Zoku. "I'll be borrowing this," she gave a slight chuckle again. He made an attempt to grab the book as she swept by him towards the balacony. "We shall meet again my fair human wanderer." Keitha smiled as she slide through the doors and vanished into the night.
Name: Ingra Age: 18 Country of Origin: United States, Alaska Race: wolf Talents: A howl that can sooth the most toremented of hearts. Personality: Having been denied the right to leadership because of age and appearance, Ingra holds a very toremented heart and soul and tends to become rather violent when treated like a child. He is loyal and passionate beyond his young years and is willing to die for those who but trust into him. Can be hot-headed and stuborn at times, but loves to make some one laugh. Description: see attachment Biography: Born to a remote pack in the great Alaskan wilderness, Ingra was raised by his mother and her three sisters. His father and mother were alfas and his aunts and uncle were members. As Ingra and his two brothers and one sister grew, Ingra found that his calling was his voice and to become a leader like his great mother. As he grew from his white fluff-ball to his adult size, Ingra began to notice something. Though Ingra and his family was relatively happy in the forest, he began to feel as if he was repressed. His mother was always supportive of him. Especially when he took on the heavy task of watching after his sister when the others were off hunting, but he always felt he was never going to see his full potiental under the limitations of his father. After hearing the old man, Ingra decided that he became his own leader and howled his heart out to the world, not just his family. Items: nothing
"Such a clever boy," Kietha smiled from her place in her tree. "Such an amazing battle." Kietha paused for a moment to slid from her perch as she watched Kuroichi storm to the surface again. She had sent her shadows amongst the cave to watch the battle as she stayed safely in her perch out of harm's way and out of sight. Zoku's blast nearly brought her into play, but Kietha was a little quicker than that. This whole ordeal fasinated her beyond words and she was overwhelmed at the thought of two such powerful advisories. She enjoyed watching them exchange attacks, but what if they did join forces. Eh, foolish thoughts. Kietha brought her head in the direction Zoku had raced off. Kuroichi was still browing over the recent trick as Kietha left the sign to follow the badly wounded Zoku. OOC: I know its short, its suppose to be. Just wanted to give the hint that Kietha is wondering about watching the happenings. Later ya'll
Slashing through the mansion in a small fit of rage, Irisa made her way back to her room. She slammed the door behind her as she tore through the room looking for suitable clothing to put on. She hadn't even realized that it was now the evening. "Lady Irisa?" Irisa heard some one ask from the other side of the door. "What?" she barked as she threw slacks and a blouse onto the bed. "Lord Viktor calls for a meeting in the grand hall." Her bedroom door slid open apartially and a youthful looking face appeared in the space. Irisa strolled aggressively across the carpeted floor and pulled the door open. The gentleman at the door nearly fell to his face before her. "Did I say for you to enter?" she asked bitterly. "No ma'am. I'm sorry Lady Irisa." The gentleman gathered his composer and started to leave. "I'll be down in a moment." Irisa called after him as she gently shut the door. Taking a deep sigh, Irisa made her way towards the small bathroom off of her room. She quickly washed up and dressed herself. The soft fabric hung losely on her slight frame and left imagination to run wild. Irisa took a seat before her vanity, ignoring the fact that he reflexion went unseen. She ran a brush gently through her long thick hair before pulling it back from her face and tying it with a velvet ribbon. Small strains slipped from the ribbon and fell along the sides of her delicate face. She slid from her chair and placed small raised heeled shoes before exitting her room. Her temperment seemed to be less filled with frustration and her previous lust had vanished. "Would you like an escort my lovely lady?" Irisa heard a very familiar voice behind her. She turned around to see Daktor, a thick, bright smile creased across his face. He extended his arm, keeping it bent at the elbow. Irisa returned a friendly smile and slid her arm around his. He placed his other hand over her exposed arm and began to walk towards the great hall. "I see you are in a better mood, did you find Viktor?" Daktor asked as they made their way through the halls of the mansion. "Yes, my Lord, I did find Lord Viktor." Irisa replied simply, smiling delicately at the servants and other vampires they passed along the way. "Did you discover the answer to whatever your problem was?" Irisa turned to him then, her eyes dancing about his face searching for some explaination as he turned towards her. "No, unfortunitly I did not." Irisa nodded and brought her eyes back to their path. As the great vampire and Irisa enter the grand hall, Vikto stood in the center. Other vampires had gathered around him and the servants were beginning to do the same. Most of the vampires were dressed in delicate or fancy wardrobe, set for an evening out on the town. Irisa smiled at them as she entered with Daktor. A few smugged looks crossed some faces and a few flattered ones from the servants. Irisa brought her attention towards Viktor who seemed to be rather frustrated and up tight. He held a strange sword in one hand and a stone of some sort in the other. He had been out, she could smell the night on his clothing even from this distance. Daktor slipped from Irisa for a moment only to return with a chair. He sat the object behind her and helped her to sit down, though she didn't need it. He took a few steps foward so he was standing beside the dark haired vampiress. Still more entered the grand hall until it was uncomfortable to move normally, that's when Viktor began to talk.
If I can only get one other person to sign up I will start the thread in adventure square....if those already with characters would like to create another character that would be fine.
"Lord!" a man rushed into the throne room, flying past Kietha and falling to his knees before both lord and lady. A light smile creased Kietha's lips as she watched the lesser vampire before her. "How dare you enter here without permission!" The Gyshram Lord rose from his chair with great anger. "Forgive me my lord," the man pleaded. Kietha walked almost aggrogantly towards the man on the floor. She looked directly into the eyes of her lord as she slid her hand across the man's shoulder. He shuttered with fear as she sank her nails delicately into his flesh. "My Lord, I think your humble servant has great news for you." Kietha bowed her head lightly and then flashed a smile at his Lady. "What have you to say?" The lady was the first to respond, coaxing her husband to sit once more. "My Lady, this Kuroichi has not only aquired the Blood Ruby, but has managed to kill Il Signore!" The man nearly shouted, still keeping his head low and his eyes hidden. "How can that be?" The lord replied, nearly leaping to his feet again. "Il Signore was no mere vampire lord, he was powerful and wise!" "That is not all my Lord," the man added carefully trying desperately not to upset either the Lord or his lady. "Continue," the Lady demanded. "There is a human, Zoku he goes by. He is powerful my Lady and he desires to stop Lord Kuroichi and has aquired the Skull Sapphire for the Emperor." The words that seeped from his lips were hurried and filled with panic. "It seems that the war between the clans has begun, my Lord." Kietha allowed her hand to slip away from the man before her, lowering her head once more. "What do you purpose we should do with this Zoku?" The Gyshram lady asked, her face calm and flat. "Let me handle Zoku, my Lord and Lady. I've never met a human I could not defeat." Kietha smiled, more to herself than any one else. "I think it wise that you focus on forming an alliance with Kuroichi." For a moment there was heavy silence in the room before the Lord spoke up. "We will take your advice into consideration my shadow assasin. I do wish for you to keep an eye on this Zoku. I want to know more about him. As for you," he pointed towards the man. "Send me Sokata." "Yes my Lord," the man lowered his head farther and then rushed from the room just as quickly as he had entered. Kietha watched him with amusement before turning back to her Lord and Lady. "I shall discover the truth behind this human man named Zoku. Fair well my Lord and Lady. Drink and Rest well." Kietha bowed her head once more before taking powerful long strides towards the large oak doors. Before leaving the large tiled room Kietha could over hear her Lord and Lady speaking. "We better keep an eye on her, David." The Lady spoke sweetly. "No need, Liltha. Kietha has been the perfection of loyality for more than 500 years, I trust her with my life and my clan." The Lord replied. "I wonder sometimes where your heart lies my dear husband. If its with me or that shadow assasin of yours." The lady's words had become increasingly bitter. "Don't worry so much my sweet wife." Kietha swung the doors opened and swirled around. "Good evening to you." She bowed towards her Lord and Lady before shutting the door behind her. "Foolish, far foolish." She smiled to herself as she made her way towards the exit. "Your coat Kietha?" The man at the door extended his arm. Kietha placed her arms into the sleeves as the man slid the heavy material over her shoulders. "Thank you Jacob." Kietha smiled and nodded her head as he opened the door for her. A blast of cold air flew into Kietha's face, shoving her hair from her face. She grabbed the hilt of her sword and before Jacob could say "your welcome", she was gone into the shadows of the night.
*I noticed that you carry a very powerful amulet with you.* Rashwealth pulled her head around to look at the human upon her back for a brief moment before turning it to face the direction of their flight. Shero probbed herself up a bit and reached up to touch the amulet that laid against her chest. Its smooth, sleak black surface shimmered as the sun ran across it. Shero rubbed her thumb across its surface as her thoughts ran to her past. *It holds great value to you, and it has a great history.* The dragon spoke softly as if she was trying hipnotize the girl. "It was given to me." Shero said softly, still focusing on the amulet. *Care to tell* "My family was killed by the Wraithwinds and I went to live with a foster family." Shero paused for a moment, hesitating on whether to go on. That's when the dragon began to coon lightly, the vibration running along the whole length of the dragon and her body. "I was young when my real family died. My foster family became the dearest thing to me. I loved them all as my true family, because in my eyes they were." Shero closed her eyes and grasped the amulet forcefully. "It was spring and we were planting that years crops. I was fifteen almost sixteen and the eldest son, Ray, and I had grown quite close. We had spent most of the winter months together. He was training me as his father and family had trained him to fight. But no one could have with stood the attack that under took our village." Shero paused for a moment, tears starting to trickle down her face. "Wraith beasts, demons, attacked our village. We all fought, but we were no match. Mother told Ray to take me some where safe. To protect me with his life. That's when I first discovered the power of the amulet that had never left his chest since the day I might him. Holding it up and drawing upon all the strength within him, the black onix amulet vanquished everything that had chased us to our hidden cave. I held Ray as he took his last breaths for the amulet had sucked the life from his body." Shero tried desperately not to sobe as she rolled over and barried her face into the scales of the dragon. *He gave his life to protect you, you must be so greatful for that.* The dragon spoke softly, still cooning lightly. Shero smiled slightly and wrapped her arms around the dragons thick neck. "I am greatful."
"It all seems to move so quickly, my Lord." Keitha bowed before the Gyshram clan leader. His powerful structure and stern face showed his distaste in the happenings of what was taking place. The powerful vampire clutched the wooden arms of his chair in frustration as he stared past the small, delicate looking assasin before him. "Yes, it seems so, my shadow assasin." The lord's voice was filled with anger and bitterness. He had no desire to rule the other clans nor to be ruled by any of the others. This Kuroichi was young and almost naive, it seemed, to be searching for all the 7 gems of the Ijuuj. But yet...he seemed to be pulling it off. The Gyshram lord shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "Come to me, my assasin." He barked and Kietha rushed to his feet, lowering herself once more. He took a hold of her hands and played with her fingers. They were rough from the use of her sword, but they were deliteful none-the-less. He had never had the great chance to have her in his bed, but he loved her. She had been the perfection of loyality and obience after the death of her lover so many years ago. She was always greatful, obeyed orders without questioning, but smart enough to make her own judgements. She feared nothing and stated her distaste in something. She had questioned his judgement a few times and he listened to her advice. She was far wiser than the short thousand years she had been on this planet. "Where is my Lady, Lord?" Kietha kept her head low, still perched on her knees. "She consluts another one of our loyal assasins. She does not like this Kuroichi and wishes him dead." He spoke almost to himself. "I do not think that wise, my Lord." Kietha responded softly as if she was afraid of his raft, but her voice was just as fault proof as always. "Oh," the Gyshram lord replied. He lifted her head, allowing her to place her hands at her side once more. Kietha stared boldly into her lord's eyes, never flinching as she spoke. "Kuroichi is far more powerful then our humble assasins, my Lord. He would even be much for myself." The Gyshram Lord nearly jumped to his feet, sending Kietha to her feet to avoid his fist. He wasn't aiming for her, but the unexpected noise had sent him into an almost blind rage. "WHAT!?" He screamed at her. "Apologies my Lord." Kietha lowered her head. The Gyshram lord gave a deep sigh and relaxed back into his chair. He called for a servant, a human servant. The husky creature rushed into the throne room and dropped to his knees and bowed, hitting his forehead on the floor with a thud. Kietha smiled at his display, but kept her head low. The Gyshram lord tried not to laugh at Kietha's amusement. "Fetch my beloved wife!" The lord barked, making the poor man tremble. "Ye...yes my lord." the man spoke, stumbling to his feet and rushing from Kietha and the Lord's sight. The lord let out a great laugh and Kietha raised her head to seem him smiling. "If only you could teach them your bravery and courage," the lord flashed a great smile at Kietha, who returned the gesture. Only moments later, the lord's wife enter the room in some form of dissatification. "Why have you called for me!" she screamed at her husband. The attractive vampire smiled at his wife and her flustered appearance. "Come my beloved wife, our great shadow assasin has news for us." The Gyshram lord stood to take a hold of his wife in a gentle embrace as he led her to her seat. Once seated both Lord and Lady turned their attention to Kietha. "Ah, it is our dear sweet Kietha." The Gyshram lady smiled brightly at the sight of Kietha. "I am so sorry you had to see my terrible display." The lady bowed her head gently in a form of apology. "No need my Lady, I understand your frustration." Kietha smiled humbly at the far more attractive woman. "What news do you have for us, dear sweet Kietha." The lady waved a gentle hand towards the assasin before she placed it comfortably upon her husband's thigh. "My Lord and Lady, I have been watching Kuroichi when my assignments permit me to. As you already know, he searches for the seven gems and has two I do believe. Or will have two." The lady squinted her eyes, obviously unaware of this information. "He wishes to rule over all of the clans, which I assume you already know. But to fight against this very powerful Silver demon would be suicide, I assure you." The lady nearly jumped from her chair in utter surprise. Kietha never spoke of an enemy that she, herself, could not defeat, let alone one that the whole Gyshram clan couldn't. The lord coaxed her back into her seat and held her delicate hand in his. "I am sorry to upset you so, my Lady. But it is the truth. I could not defeat this Kuroichi on my own and if I cannot defeat this vampire, I do not believe that all of our assasins combined could defeat him. He is far too powerful." Kietha lowered her head slightly. "Then what do you purpose?" The Gyshram Lady asked. Kietha rose her head, a very devilish smile creased across her face. The smile made both Lord and Lady shift uneasily. "To join him." She spoke in a tone that niether leader had ever heard. A tone that struck fear in both of them and made them question her loyalty. If she had been any other of their assasins, she would have been put to death amitedly.
Morgon stood, leaning, against one of the far walls watching every one. Li's lifeless body still spuing blood lay in the center on once white sheets. Morgon could only watch the others for she didn't truly belong here, not yet if ever after this. Cael had left in a fit of nauesa and Sarek had disappeared shortly after, and now the girl Maya had left, tears streaming down her face. Morgon looked about the room seeing Pieter and Erika as the only two to be left. Erika was almost as lost as Morgon was in this whole mess, the only thing Morgon had that Erika didn't was information. Morgon knew all the crews members background and their time-traveling. Erika only knew the little bit that Sarek had offered. Morgon gave a slight smile, a smile filled with desperation and not of joy. She uncrossed her arms and pushed her way to her feet. "Hey kid, come with'd me." Morgon grabbed a hold of Erika's shoulder as she made her way towards the door. The girl started strangely at the modernly dressed pirate as Morgon turned to Pieter. "I be understandin' ye loss, but sittin' here and makin' ye-self suffer ain't brin' her back." Morgon said to him, her voice filled with tenderness. "You don't know what its like to be in war!" he nearly screamed at her. Morgon moved closer to Pieter, placing a hand on each of his shoulders. "Even if I didn't, it still wouldn't change nothin' 'bout what I said. Ye other friends, the ones that still be here, they need ye now. Ye should go to them, not her with the already dead." Pieter shoved Morgon from him. Morgon nodded her head and sighed as she turned back to Erika. "I be showin' ye around, maybe ye will understand better." Morgon told the girl. She nodded her head. Morgon showed Erika around, explaining as best she could to the girl what she knew. She showed her all the crews files, including Li's. Morgon found herself repeating herself continuioulsy, but it was alright.
Alender approached Rebecca cautiously, rubbing his great head against Rebecca's leg. Rebecca turned her gently in his direction, reaching down to touch his soft white coat. The great white tiger poured gently as Rebecca held the girl close to her. The words that the girl had utter running wild through her head. Rebecca took one more look at her companion before pulling herself into the sky. Alender kept his pace below the half demon as they made their way back to the mansion. Holding the girl tightly to her chest, she could feel the overwhelming rush of negative energy that shot from city below. Rebecca shivered involinetary as did Alender. (Something is coming...) Alender's sweet voice echoed through Rebecca's mind. "Something powerful," Rebecca replied. Alender and Rebecca arrived at the mansion, hunters running around like crazy. Rebecca held tightly to the girl in her arms, her rather limp structure was light and easy to manover. Alender stayed close to Rebecca's side as she made her way through the crazied mansion towards Night's office. As she approached the large doors, a very strangely dressed Phoenix rushed from the room. He swarmed past her with a great edge of greatness about him. Rebecca watched him for a moment, his sparkling whiteness as he strolled powerfully by her. (He has changed.) Alender spoke softly. "How could you tell?" Rebecca said with heavy sacrasm. "Rebecca," Rebecca heard her name called and saw Selino standing next to Night. "Hello Selino, what has happened to Lord Night?" Rebecca replied, making her way into the room shutting the door once Alender was in the room. "A battle with the demon known as Cold." "Ah, and Phoenix?" Rebecca stood a few feet from the large desk noticing that Night had recongized the child but couldn't say anything about it until she and Selino were finished. "Boru nearly killed him. He talks of a Lady in White that brought him back." "Lady in White?" "I have never heard of such a creature or thing, but Phoenix believes it firmly." "Most be a human thing," Rebecca shrugged. She tilted her head to watch Alender sit by her feet. "Who is the child?" Selino finally asked. "This is the girl that the Queen of Hearts had taken." Rebecca answered, holding the girl up so that both Night and Selino could see her. Selino walked forward and approached Rebecca as he always had. He reached out to talk the child, but Rebecca pulled the girl from him. He gave a quizical look as Rebecca crassed the child. "I will keep her with me." Rebecca said in a low voice, sounding very close to a growl. Selino looked over to Night and the Hunter nodded his head. "Alright, Lady Rebecca. You shall watch the child then." (You have taken quite a responiblilty to this girl.) Alender stated as Rebecca and he left Night's office. "I know of the demon summoning in the slums, Alender. I trust this girl with no one except myself and the Queen of Hearts. All the others are far too busy with this new war to worry about one small child." Rebecca pulled the girl back from her chest and looked into her cloud-covered eyes. *No one shall ever harm you.* Rebecca spoke gently to herself. OOC: can't wait for the next chapter!!
Well it looks like another rpg down. I guess I'm just not meant to freakin start RPGs on here. I guess it will have to do.
Shero stretched herself along the bright smooth silver scales of her mount. Her arms wrapped around the creatures thick neck as she took in its warmth. *My name is Rashwealth," a sweet gentle voice slid into Shero's ears. Shero pulled herself off the dragon a bit, slightly startled at hearing this new voice, laughter still accuring in the back ground. *Do not fear, I am just a sweet creature to take you to where your destiny would be.* Shero could feel the voice vibrant through the dragon's body and up into her's. "You can speak?" Shero bent over to look into the dragons silver eyes, noticing her reflexion in it. *Yes* the dragon seemed amused at Shero's navitey. "I am sorry to have thought you could not. I have never been amongst dragons before." Shero tried to smile. *Do not worry, I take no offense. Calm yourself, and enjoy your ride.* The dragon seemed to smile at her. "Thank you, Rashwealth." Shero smiled and laid her head back onto the smooth scales of the dragon's neck.
"Eh?" Morgon turned to Protisis with a very bewildered look. "Ye can't do that!" Morgon shouted at him. "I can pick whom ever I want and I chose Li." Protisis said with a great smirk. Morgon turned to the crew. What was she going to do? She shrugged her shoulder as Li walked towards her, taking in Morgon's sight with a very upset gaze. The pirate smiled whole-heartly, knowing there was no way out of this and she wasn't about to let Li kill her. The gang began to circle around them, creating a circle--a pit almost. Li pulled her beautiful sword from its sheath and took a stance of some sort. Morgon, with a smile still on her face, pulled her gun and holsters from her body and threw them into the crowd. Morgon then pulled her sword from its shealth, taking her own form of a fighting stance. "Don't be holdin' back ye here?" Morgon said cheerfully. Though Morgon sounded like she was having fun, this was the worse situation she had been in since the attack on her ship. She didn't want to kill this girl and cause the crew to hate her, but she wasn't going to allow her own life to be taken either. Li lunged at Morgon, just barely missing her left shoulder. The pirate made no offense move as she side-stepped to avoid the attack. Li swirled around and caught Morgon's ankle lightly with the tip of her sword. Morgon jumped back and held back the erge to grab her ankle as Li came for another attack. Morgon was able to block it succesfully and move out of the way. Li swirled around again and paused for a moment. Morgon wasn't sure what was running through Li's mind, or her feelings, but she wasn't going to allow Morgon to beat her easily. Morgon tried to keep up her smile, for this game of cat and mice was amusing, but the thought of actually having to kill Li wasn't at all what she wanted. Li rushed forward again, her sword held at her side ready to make a swipping cut upwards. Morgon was ready for it, she had watched Li's moves while Morgon was on defensive mode. Li would come up with the swipping move, and twirl around for another attack, leaving her back completely open. That was when Morgon was going to attack, she had no other choice. She was not going to allow herself to die after Night had tried so hard to keep her alive. Li did just what Morgon thought she would. An upper swing that missed its target. Li twirled around and Morgon brought her sword back and sunk her curved blade into Li's side. The girl cried out as she dropped to her knees as Morgon slid her sword from her body. Li dropped her sword and nearly crumbled to the groung. That's when Morgon noticed the yelling and screaming of the crowd. She turned to see the crowd holding back the other crew members, but their words were lost. Morgon took a step back. "Finish her!" some one shouted. "FINISH HER...FINISH HER!" they started to chant, Protisis and Marek watching with bright smirks on their face. Morgon held up her blade, Li's red blood spilling from the silver surface. She looked at Li, tears running down her face, blood pouring from her body. Morgon could see the other crew members trying to rush at them. Morgon have a half smile and shook her head. She dropped her sword and dropped her head. "I can't..." OOC: hope that was ok
Rebecca swung around to catch the sword as she felt the sharp blade graze her. The hilt slid gracefully into her hands as she rushed forward. The demoness was no match for the half-breeds speed as she recieved a blow to the mid-section, but not one to be fatal. The demoness staggered back, holding her gut firmly, out of breath. "You could...could have...killed me." Rebecca smirked. "Yes, I could have. But there's something I would rather see personally. Of course, I would love to wash my hands with your black blood, but I want to see the Queen of Hearts finish you off." Rebecca turned her head slightly to the woman. She was standing next to the girl watching intenly to the demoness and the half-breed. "Of course, if the Queen does believes that I would run away with the girl while she slays you, I would gladly take that condition as well. The death of a demon by my hands or anothers is just as satisfying to me." Rebecca turned her attention back to the demoness, a slight smirk still on her face as the demon took to her full height once more. Rebecca wanted terribly to shed the demoness blood, but her desire to watch the Queen in action was far greater. Either way, she was going to watch some one bleed tonight.
Rebecca chuckled slightly as she moved to the side to watch the demon swirl past her. Rebecca quickly turned to the Queen and shouted at her, "protect the girl!" Before Rebecca had a chance to find where the demoness had gone, she was thrown to the ground, her sword twirled across the tiled floor. Rebecca groaned in frustration as she climbed to her feet, knocking the demoness backwards. But the crafty creature managed to stay on her feet. Rebecca swirled around and held up a strong fitting stance. Rebecca could not see the Queen, but knew she was with the girl. "Not very powerful without your sword are you Hunter?" the demoness mocked. "You would like that, wouldn't you." Rebecca sneered. "To be able to kill me with your bare hands?" "Oh very much so." The two women began to circle around in the small area in the chruch. Both waiting for the other to make a move, neither giving way. OOC: sorry, can't seem to think straight tonight
After Queen Leafstar's untimily death, Skywire, he trusted companion, took the throne. Next to the beloved fiary, Skywire was one of the greatest rulers of Natara. He was fair and just and of course, up holding the unicorn legacy. After the Dark Raiders were defeated and Starshooter stopped once more, all thought Natara was safe. But this was not so. On an early spring day, Skywire was killed and Natara was left without a ruler in a time of need. But who was to get the throne, Skywire had no heir or companions to take it. A war insued for the throne, and who was going to win? Natara is a paralle world to the human world. The only way to reach it is through a portal made usually by unicorns. There are rarely any humans amongst the world of monsters and beauties, but there are some pleased with the chance to venture to and from the world know as The Land of the Unicorns. Though there are numerous creatures amongst the wonderful world that once knew only peace, there are few actual kingdoms other than the High Throne. Elves: They live on the far side of the West Continent some six day ride from the High Throne palace. These powerful mages and trained fighters are very aggroant and hot headed at times. They take on more human traits than they admit to and believe that they are the rightful rulers of Natara. Dragons: Powerful beast of many makes and model. They have no "high ruler", but each breeding cave has their leader. Some have suggested that they should be the next rulers of Natara. They live all over Natara in various locations including the Sol and Noche Oceans. Dragonflies: A cross between a dragon and human. These small creatures have tail, wings and talons of dragons. The rest of them is human. Their dragon colors represents what magic they can use. Some famous dragonflies are Tornado (once a Dark Raider) and Silvernight. They are a dying breed and have no real desire for the throne, but have been offered a place among the courts before. Most live in a large cave city just above the Elven Kingdom. Unicorns: These peaceful creatures have been the rulers of Natara since the world was first created. They do not wish for war and are content with whoever takes the thrown, but there are some that do not see it so calmly. The younger generation believes that they should still hold the thrown no matter what happens because this has been the way for longer than any one can remember. Fearys: Small creatures of multipul talents. Not much is known of their lifestyles, but they have seen the small fragile creatures grow to the full size of elves and became one of Natara's greatest leaders. There has been much talk from the people of Natara that they should make the Fearys permant rulers. Of course there are tons of different creatures and I'm allowing people to make their own kingdoms and creatures if they would like. But do be careful. I don't want outragious characters and I will decide he finally gets crowned. I will not have my own character...I will be like your God. I will set up situations for your characters and I will control the random characters you find along the way. Please use your imagitions and have fun! I HOPE THIS RPG GOES SOME WHERE! and if you have any questions just pm me. :D Sign ups Name: (Of course you need a name. No limitations.) Gender: (are also allowed to be genderless) Kingdom/Species: (you don't have to be in a kingdom and you don't have to try to get the throne. I will allow a few humans in as well) Appearance: (Please either really good pics or awesome descriptions. Even if you're an elf. describe it as if I didn't know what it was) Why you want thrown/don't want thrown/who should have thrown: Alliances: (you can have an alliance between another kingdom whether its one listed or another made up one) Bio: (what your character was doing when King Skywire was killed. give reasoning why you would be a good leader.) Enjoy ya'll
Keitha sat patiently amongst the limbs of a large oak. People buzzed around the base of a tree, not even realizing that the woman was above them. Keitha watched them for a moment, as they laughed and flirt with one another before she brought her attention back to her target. The woman wallacing around the beautifully crafted dance hall was a master piece of her time. She was tall, slim and fair. Her beautiful sandy blonde hair was pulled back in a tangle of curls. Her large blue eyes glowed with the joy of all the excement of the party. Even though she looked like a modern woman, dressed in the latest fashion, Keitha knew better. The assasin had studied various people, but she was most familiar with the blood thirsty villians known to the world as vampires. And this beautiful display of a woman was just that, a vampire. She had coaxed all these lovely humans, full of lust and money, to her humble human in an attempt to win their power and their blood. She was a clever mistress, being over four centuries old helped ones cunning. But it wasn't going to save her from the Gyshram. Keitha smiled slightly underneath her black mask as she slid her hand over Chaela. She lept from the tree to the window edge without a soul noticing that she had even moved. Keitha knew that bringing death to her target would have been easier from the perch she had in the tree with her hand gun. But she always seemed so dissatisfied with that method. She liked using her sword to kill her vicitims, especially fellow vampires. She had learned in the past that the powerful creatures could dodge bullets or take one without any harm, and having blessed aimanetion was dangerous to her own health. Keitha slid the window open and crawled into the room, staying hiden amongst the drapes. Most of the people had filtered out of the room by the time she had made her way in. It was better that way, she supposed. Less innoncent eyes to see her task at hand. There were a few shadows amongst the room as Keitha crouched to the floor. "Bring forth thee to my service." Keitha whispered softly bringing to life two shadows from the far side of the room. She smiled again as she sent them off to find Elizabeth, her sandy blonde target. "Where are you, assasin!" the woman rushed into the room, anger streaked across her face as the shadows returned to their rightful places. "I am here, Lady." Keitha whispered, here voice rolling through the room as if a breeze was carring it. "Show yourself, you worthless trash!" the woman shouted at her. "I have no time for the Gyshram's games." Keitha smiled as she slid from her hiding spot and darted across the room in a blur. The vampriss tried to keep up with the assasin's movement, but failed miserably. Keitha smiled again as she took to standing behind a large grandfather clock. "You're laughing at me, aren't you, Gyshram?" the woman cursed, frantically searching the room for Keitha. "Why would I laugh at such a lovely lady?" Keitha's voice was filled with mockery as the shadows in the room began to dance about. "Show yourself, coward!" the woman twirled around in her elequent dress, her hair spiralling around as well. Keitha rushed from her place of hiding and was in the woman's face sword extended and shoved through the woman's heart. The woman's face distored with pain as she gasped for breath. Keitha flicked the sword lightly and caused the woman to scream slightly. "I am no coward, madam Elizabeth." Keitha pulled the blade with a quick jerk and watched the woman fall to the floor in a pile of dust. "And you are no threat to any one any more." Keitha smiled. "Elizabeth!" some one shouted from the other room. Keitha rushed to the window and jumped out onto the limps of the tree. She watched people rush into the room to find Elizabeth. She smiled as she left the scene to take her next target.
Morgon was trapped amongst the warring gangs, Pieter, Li, Sarek and the new girl, Erika were gone. She couldn't see them any where. After facing a few of the Barrier crew and leaving them pretty much crippled, Morgon found it wiser for her to use the guns that were held tightly in their holsters. She pulled just one out with her left hand, keeping a firm grip on her sword as she made her way through the crowd looking for the others. Sarek had taken Erika to find Cael and Maya, which meant he was some where near the river. The others, Pieter and Li, she had no idea where they could have gone. Morgon pushed her way through the crowd, trying desperately not to injure any one that was not attacking her. "HEY! Where do you think you're going?" Some one yelled from behind her. Morgon ducked just in time to miss a club like weapon. She thrust one foot foward and caught the kid square in his gut. She wasn't sure if he was Barrier or Federation and quite personally she didn't care. This whole war was pointless. Morgon took up her search for Sarek again, her boats making quite a bit of noise as she squeeked across the grass. As Morgon neared the shore she took in Sarek's blurred sight as he plunged into the cold water once more. "Crazy ass bastard." Morgon mumbled to herself as she blocked another attempt at her life. She threw her gun and sword into their sheaths as she won her life with her fist. Morgon turned around just in time to see Erika drive into the fridged water after Sarek and what appeared to be Roxanne. Morgon raced to the shore and stared into the water, frantically looking for some sign of any of them. "Now what be I to do?"
Rebecca did not want to team up with this human, but she also knew that the girl was in great danger. And no matter how much she hated any creature, the child was far more important. Rebecca titled her head slightly towards the Queen and nodded her head. A strange smile fell upon the lips of the woman. Rebecca caught onto her smile and realized that this Lady demon was going to be nothing but fun. Rebecca allowed a large smile to stretch across her face as she pulled her sword from its shealth. The demon before them stirred restlessly, but seemed sure of herself that she could take both Hunter and Queen. How wrong was she? "Take shelter, child. This is no place for you and you never know who may be lerking around." Rebecca called over her shoulder. "Yes, do as the Hunter says," the Queen followed. Rebecca watched carefully as the Queen called upon her rune and brought forth her weapon. She smiled involuntary, now realizing how much of a challenge this Queen of Hearts was really going to be when the two of them battle. But there was no time to think of that. The demon before them needed to be slain.
Irisa slipped past the servant and headed towards the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen a small blonde girl and boy rushed up to her. Each took a hold of one of her hands and lowered to one knew. They touched their foreheads to the back of her hands in such a gracious manner that Irisa nearly blushed. ?What brings our Lady out so early in the day?? The small girl asked, keeping her head pressed firmly against Irisa?s hand. ?My Lady is not properly dress, shall I fetch something for you?? the young boy chimmed in just after his sister. ?My good children. My throat aches and a thirst so terribly. Would you be so kind to fetch me something to quench my thirst?? Irisa brought both the children?s hands up to her, bending down so they didn?t have to raise of their knees and gave each a gentle kiss on their hands. ?Any thing for you, my Lady.? Both children replied as they left her. Irisa smiled. She was so fond of the human children. They seemed so grateful to be just in the vampress? present, let alone to be able to touch her. They seem to enjoy every second of life they had, as if it were they?re last. Irisa took a seat in one of the chairs in the kitchen to await her meal. She watched the human servants move busily to and from the kitchen. She could hear their hearts beating as their pace quicken or lessen. Their beautiful scent filled her nostrils and her lust for their blood began to become almost unbearable as the children came to her with cups full of red liquid. The fresh smell of rich blood so close to her sent her over the edge and she lunged at the children. She savagely drank the liquid and suddenly found her self facing reality. She looked at the children, fear streaked across their face and Irisa could no longer take their stares. She raced from the kitchen blindly, running into some one just outside. ?Lady Irisa,? Daktor?s voice rang in her ears. ?Why are you up so early my dear, and running about in such attire?? He pulled her from his chest and looked down at her, noticing blood drizzling from the corner her mouth. He brought her head up and succulently removed the blood from her mouth. Her leaned closer to probe her mouth with his tongue when she pulled away. ?I am sorry my Lord, but I must talk to Lord Viktor.? Irisa slid from his grip and rushed up the stairs and down the corridor to Viktor?s courter?s. Irisa knocked firmly on the door and waited for a reply. ?Hold on one moment.? Viktor?s voice rang from inside the room. Irisa waited impatiently outside the door when Viktor?s voice rang out again, ?come in.? Irisa threw the door open and closed the door quickly behind her. ?I am so sorry, my Lord, but I knew not where else to turn.? Irisa whined, a characteristic she had never shown before. She turned around to take in Viktor?s sight. Even in the darkened room she could see every line of his body through his trench coat. His strong gorgeous face looking at her, giving her the once over, more or less because of her outfit. Irisa made her way across the room to stand in front of the man. She took his eyes and felt a strange surge of desire race through her, then suddenly heard his heart beating softly. She turned from him knowing that he would never have her. His fancy was humans, not vampires. ?I know not what has come over me, my Lord. Could it have something to do with the Angels returning?? Irisa spoke softly. OOC: if Daktor isn't that kind of vampire I'll change the name to some random one.
Irisa stirred restlessly in her bed before sitting up. She looked about the dark room frustrated. The deep blood red walls and dark blue curtains were as she had left them as she fell asleep. Her large vanity sat on the other side of the room, her dress from the night before drapped across the chair to dry. A dresser next to her bed stained in cherry and a small stand by her bed. A closet was set on the other side of the room hiding all of her finest dresses. Irisa shoved her dark blue blankets aside as she slid from the bed. Her satin night dress clung gently to her body as she reached for her robe that hung on the wall behind the stand. She slid the soft material over her bare shoulders and tied the belt gently around her waist. She knew it was about mid-day, but she couldn't sleep. Something was keeping her from resting this day and she wanted to know what it was. She looked towards the door, the bookshelves towering on either side. Even after almost twelve centuries, Irisa still felt as if she knew nothing. The great war had come and gone, her parents were nothing but history and the same for the vampires that had slain them. Irisa took a deep sigh and walked slowly over to her vanity. How she longed to be able to see her appearance in that mirror. She even pondered getting rid of it. It was just a constant reminder of what she was never going to be again. It wasn't that she hated being a vampire. It had its appealing points of course and she enjoyed taking life from those who didn't deserve it. But it would have been so nice to look upon one's reflection again. Irisa took a brush from the top of the vanity and began to run it gently through her long alburn hair, the small streaks of red glowing like red embers in the dark. She sighed again, anxiety streaking across her face. It wasn't just anxiety that seemed to be bothering her. "Why do I have such a strange lust for either sex or blood this day?" Irisa whispered allowed. She timidly touched her neck, swirling around gently. She needed to talk to Viktor or some one. She placed her brush back onto the vanity and walked towards the door. "Lady Irisa, out a little early aren't we?" one of the human servants spoke as soon as she left her room. "Something troubles me, where is Lord Viktor?" Irisa asked as she closed her door. "I am not sure my Lady." "Is he in his room?" Irisa turned directly towards the man before her. "I truly don't know Lady Irisa." The man replied.
(Are you sure you want to do this?) Alender's sweet voice echoed through Rebecca's mind. Rebecca turned around in mid run, throwing her wings open to swirl her around. Her hair streaked across her face as she watched her companion slid to a graceful stop. The massive white tiger brought his eyes up and took in her sight. Rebecca searched the animals beautiful eyes for a moment, trying to find what she was looking for. Rebecca brought her eyes slowly up, taking in the sight of the mansion, the balacony still in sight. The beautiful structure pierced the night sky and at times brought terror into the eyes of whom looked upon it. She had called Night's mansion home for serival years now, growing highly attached to the mansion's owner. He had taken her in when no other would. He loved and cared for her that she even was denied from her parents. She knew at that very moment what she had to do. "I have no other choice Alender. Night has far too many things to worry about right now. Phoenix trying to commit suicide, Zet and Zairre and then the demon named Cold. No, I can't let him worry about the girl too. Its my problem, my responsibility. I could not protect her or save her, its my duty to set things right again. Even if I don't succeed in defeating this Queen of Hearts, the Queen would have what she wants and would return the girl to Night. Either way, the girl will return to his arms." Rebecca announced in a voice a little louder than a whisper. Alender looked at her and knew there was nothing he could do to stop her. Her mind was made up and she was going to accomplish this task, even if it meant her life. He nodded slightly towards her. Rebecca nodded back and gave another quick glance towards the mansion. "Please forgive me if I shall fail this night." Once out of the forest, Rebecca took to flight, sending Alender amongst the streets. The sweet warm breeze filled Rebecca's lungs, telling her that this night was ending soon. She placed her hand on her hilt, feeling the smooth rounded end. She ran her fingers over the leather on it before grasping it tightly in an almost rage. "Where are you Queen of Hearts?" Rebecca whispered allowed.
The bright light lessened as Morgon pulled herself to the surface, turning around to help whomever was behind her. The girl behind her swatted at her hand violently as she made her way to the surface. Morgon smiled at her, shaking her head as Morgon stood up. Pieter looked about, holding tightly to his gun. There was a strange sense of fear that seemed to race over him. But Morgon ignored it. She looked down into the darkness of the tunnel. "Hey, don't think about runnin' off now." Morgon heard Roxann's voice behind her. "Don't worry, I won't be leavin' ye now. The fun only startin'." Morgon turned around and smiled. The small fragile woman by Paul's side sneered at her. "You be havin' issues girly. But ye ain't gettin' me afraid of ye. So ye know what? Keep ye problems off my back." Morgon smiled even brighter as Sarek made his way out of the subway. Morgon left the group's side and mingled into the center of the gang. Their street clothes smelled of mold and mildew as she passed by the dark colors of people. They were all so young. It reminded her of when she was their age. She understood their need to be strong, to take what was their. They had to fight, and sometimes death was just unstoppable. Of course, if it was preventable then by all means stop it. But Morgon saw no way out of this one and she couldn't take on all the memembers of this gang by herself. [COLOR=Sienna]OOC:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]I'm sorry things are so short. Just don't know what to really do at this point in time. I hope to change that soon.[/COLOR]