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Rebecca wandered the corridors of Night's mansion. Her large black wings wrapped around her collar, her sword tucked at her side in its shealth. Night was meeting with the other Hunters, at least that was what she thought he was doing. The demon they had met with at the remains of Raglad was powerful. Powerful and far too cocky for her liking. If she had been without Night, she might have had her way with him. And he wasn't going to like it. Rebecca watched Selino walk briskly out of one of the rooms in the nurse wing. Selino turned to the half demon with a startled expression on his face. He caught his chest and sighed relief at her sight. "Lady Rebecca, what a pleasant surprise." Selino said sweetly to her. Rebecca lowered her head lightly at the man and replied, "how is he?" "Phoenix is doing well, I am to fetch a computer for him." Selino answered. "Let me, Selino." She nodded her head and turned around. She walked into one of the various rooms and found a dozen labtops. She grabbed a random one and headed back to the nursing hall. Selino had left the corridor and Rebecca knocked gently on the wooden door. "Come in." Rebecca heard Phoenix's voice. The half demon slid the door open and walked in. The human male sitting on the small white bed looked up at the half demon. There was a slight look of puzzlement across his face as Rebecca handed him the laptop. "What did you need that for?" Rebecca asked as she leaned up against the wall next to the bed. "I put a tracking devioce onto the demon that captured me." He answered quickly. "Ah..." she replied.
Name: Keitha (original name lost over the centuries) Age: 1000 Gender: Female Species: Vampire Clan: Gyshram Appearance: At first glance Keitha looks to be the picture perfect beauty. Her curvy frame, strong buttocks and large bust line. Her long crimson hair is pulled back at the base of her neck, a few stray strains falling amongst her face. But watch out for the green-amber eyes because once she flashes you a glance, you're gone. Keitha is usually dressed in flattering clothing, but rarely seen in dresses or skirts. When out on assignments, Kietha wears leather trousers, a black undershirt and a blood red tunic tied tightly around her waist. Weapons: A simple katana named Chaela and two hand guns hiden within her outfit. Powers: To manipulate shadows and untouched stealth. Personality: A strong-willed woman that usually holds her tongue. She rarely shows emotions especially on assignments. Enjoys seducing weaker men and killing them before intercourse accures. She loves to play with powerful and strong men. Bio: It was some where around the the late 8th century when Kietha was born to a poor merchant family. They lived on the coast of one of the many European countries, but they were always travelling. Kietha's father was a sweet campassionante man who loved his wife and only daughter with every thing he had.At the age of twelve, Keitha began working with her father and helped her mother with house work when she wasn't with her father. On a spring afternoon just shortly after Keitha's fifteenth birthday, the village they were living in was raided by Vikings. They were ruthless and savage. Keitha's family tried to hide her and keep her safe, but it was no use. The vikings killed her father, raped her mother and took both Keitha and her mother aboard their ship. Keitha bore two sons for one of the men aboard her ship. Her mother had about six children to a different man. Keitha was discussed with not only her body for allowing her to produce such savage beast but for her mother to allow this to go on. When Keitha turned twenty she knew that she would no longer take this. Inside of her was another child, but to a different man. She was tired of being raped and it needed to stop. Late one evening while the men were docked some where in Normady, Keitha killed all the men that had raped her while they slept and vanished into the night. The next day she gave birth to a baby girl and left her at the nearest door. As Keitha wondered aimlessly for serival days, she found herself upon a massive mansion so out of place. It was raining and she needed shelter for the night. She walked in and was greeted by a man. He took her in and fed her. After a week, the man came to her and asked her if she wanted to seek revenge on those that had hurt her and her family. Keitha agreed. He taught her all he knew about being an assasin and more, he taught her love. Keitha bore no child for him, but their love was powerful enough to create a new world. Both of them found and fought the Viking raids and won Europes freedom back, of course with others help. After a short five years the man that had taken Keitha in decided it was time for her to know all his secrets. He loved her more then anything and it was unfair to her for her not to know. He set up a romantic dinner and dancing in the great hall. As they prepared to make love that night, the man took Keitha close to him and told her that he was a vampire. Expecting her to run from her or scream, the man turned from her. But she pulled him back to her, he still on top of her, still inside her and kissed him. She whipsered to him that she still loved him and then did something he would have no expected. She asked to join him as his eternal lover. He granted her that wish and they spent 500 years together joining Gyshram clan. When the war happened Keitha lost her lover to death? She didn't know. She searched for him for a hundred years before returning to her clan to offer her services to who would ever take them, trying to enjoy life the best she could. Other: I don't mind people using my character in their post but please do not down play her or go over board. Thank you.
OCC: my character is a tad stronger than amgoddess played her out to be. Also, my character only hates that which is evil. she does not look down upon other half-demons. she hates herself more than anything except those that cause pain and destruction for pleasure. I'll post later. thanks
Warm salty liquid rushed into Irisa's mouth, sending her eyes to roll back into her head. She could hear the faint sound of distant screaming, but knew that it was only the girl under her. The girl flung her arms about fiercly in an attempt to free herself from Irisa. The vampire smiled to herself in such delight. Irisa felt the steady follow of warm red blood slowly dicipating. She shot her eyes open and pulled on the girl's neck with her teeth, sucking forcefully. Small amounts of blood rushed into her mouth, but the girl was nearly dry. Irisa slid her teeth from the girl's flesh in an almost erotic manner, holding the girl up by her torso. "You are not worthy of becoming such as I." Irisa smiled at the limb girl. She gave a slight chuckle and dropped the girl to the alley ground. "You pathetic soul. I know they'll free you, but you do not deserve such mercey." Irisa twirled around and vanished into the night of the alley. **** "Ah, Lady Irisa has made a kill I see." A younger vampire began to approach her in an attempt to seduce her. "What do you would you like Ryan?" Irisa's sweet voice swipt over him gently leaving a slight ring of bitterness in his ears. "To taste your sweet lips before you wash them clean of the fresh blood." He was now in front of her, a dark smile upon his voice. Behind him lay the mansion that she spent so many of her days in. She had her own seperate section and was given free roam of the house and the city. It helped much that she was far older than most of the vampires residening there any how. Irisa looked past the boy for a moment at the dark purple and blue building, the elegant architecher, and elebrate lawn. It reminded much of her home of old, before her parents were taken from her. She sometimes wondered what had happened to her dear brother. Irisa's attention was brought back to the boy when he leaned in to steal a kiss from her. She grabbed the boy by the throat and lifted him off his feet. "You ever attempt to touch me without my premission again, Ryan, and I shall run you through with a stake. You understand?" Irisa hissed at him, her long upper fangs sliding across her lower lip as she spoke. "Yes my lady," he struggled to say. Irisa threw the boy behind her and walked slowly up to the front steps of the mansion. The sweet grey steps were large, and sterdy enough to allow an adult elephant to parade up them. The steps lead to large balacony style porch and then the double front doors. The deep purple trim and dark blue of the house mad it hard to tell with human eyes that the house was not various shades of black. Irisa smoothed her hair back and walked up to the double doors to be greeted by one of the human worshipers. He opened one of the doors for her and extended his hand inside. "Good evening Lady Irisa." The man spoke sweetly. "I see that you have made a kill?" "Yes, do give me a cloth to whip myself clean before I go to our lord, Viktor." "Anything for my sweet Lady." The man replied handing Irisa his clean cloth from his back pocket. She took it gingerly and began to whip at her mouth as she entered the mansion. She enjoyed greatly how Viktor made the house servents wear traditional grab. It left Irisa feeling more at home that way. After cleaning herself, Irisa turned to the human and thanked him, handing his cloth back to him. "Thank you Lady Irisa, I shall hold this cloth most precious." He smiled broadly at her as she left his sight. The mansion was unusually quiet, but that was to be expected on an evening such as this. Humans loved to venture out on warm nights and tended to get themselves rather drunk. Irisa didn't like to feed on the helpless. She preferred those that had commited such sins against the heart or other humans. Murders had rip blood because of the constint flow of adrennaline. "Where is Lord Viktor?" Irisa asked one of the human servents. "He is in his chamber, my lady." "Thank you." Irisa gently made her way up the large flight of stairs in the front entrance. The stair case broke into two directions, left and right. Irisa took the left stair case and walked down the long carpted floor to the very end. Their laid a large wooden door with ivory handles and two human servents on either side. At the sight of Irisa, one of the servents entered the room to tell Viktor of her arrival. Upon exiting he opened the door widely for her. "He has been expecting you Lady Irisa." The servent holding the door told her, lowering his head. "Thank you," she nodded towards him as she enterd. "Viktor?" Irisa asked as the door behind her closed. "Here on the bed, Irisa." She heard his masculine voice through the room. She made her way carefully through the room to take her place in front of him on his lovely bed. She leaned over and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek. His sweet scent filled her nostrils and made her mouth water lightly, but not for blood. "Are the rumors true my Lord? Have the angels returned?" Irisa asked as she stood back up to take in Viktor's sight.
"I not be likin' this," Morgon whispered to Sarek, the laughter in the dark rank subways still bouncing off the walls. "I not be likin' this at all." Morgon turned her attention to the boy, this Paul. He was so very young, but the whole event seemed so very familiar. Morgon smiled, more to herself then anything. She had been in a situation very similar to this long ago. She was a mere child then. After she and her mates had conquered the English naval ship, she declared herself captian. The festiviest stopped rather quickly and every one turned on her. They began threatening her with weapons and guns, but she was Morgon the Great. This was not going to stop her. "Hey, there!" Morgon shouted over the noise. "Paul is it?" Morgon left Sarek and Pieter's side, advancing slowly towards the dark haired boy. Her voice had startled Paul and he tried desperately not to show it. The girl at his side glared at the older woman. But niether bothered to move. "Ye said you were a gang, right?" Morgon waved her hand around to bring attention to the rest of the members. "Yes, what is your point." Paul said in a rough, yet easy manner. "Well, I use to be part of a gang. Long ago when I be young. I was their leader, like ye." She pointed at Paul as she came closer. She looked back at Sarek and Pieter, both watching her nervously and then over to Protisis who watched her with annoyance. She chuckled at the stranger's irratation and continued to approach the boy. "If ye be so kind, I would like to see how ye runs things. If that be alright?" Paul squinted at her. "I know I not be the most likely of alley, but I might be able to help ye out. I know that he be strong," she waved her hand at Protisis as she stopped just an arm's length from Paul, his companion staring at her with such great aggression. Morgon smiled at the woman and bowed slightly. "But what be strength when you be outwitted by ye enemy, eh?" Morgon gave a dramatic bow and a wide smile as she waited for the boy to say something to her. Or one of the others to try and tell her to hold her tongue.
Rebecca sat in the room just outside of Night's office. She watched the man run, terrified, from the house. She gave a slight chuckle and shook her head at the man. (What a fool.) she said to herself. (What of...) Alender began. "The child." Rebecca whispered as she looked about the room at the other hunters. "I don't know what we're going to do my Alender." Rebecca stood quietly and placed her hand on a red streaked head. The tiger looked up to his companion with his ice blue eyes. Rebecca removed her hand and pulled her coat from her body, laying it carefully on the back of a chair. She whipped her blood stained hands on the rough fabric before looking back down to Alender. "Stay here," she told the tiger. She took deep, long strides towards the office doors. She knocked on the hard, deep wood and waited for a reply. "What?" Night's annoyed voice barked from behind the doors. "Sir Night, it is I, Rebecca. May I enter?" Rebecca lowered her head instinctively. "Come in." Rebecca opened the door slowly and closed it gently behind her. She turned around to take in Night's pleasant sight. His black body suit accented his perfect figure and his beautiful silver hair fell about his face. Rebecca lowered her head, unwrapping her wings and placing them behind her. This allowed her blood stained figure to be exposed, she was hoping that it may brighten his mood a bit to see the red, black blood of demons upon her. "I do not mean to invade, Sir Night. But I have great concern for this child. I do not want to give my body up so easily to this 'Queen of Hearts'." Rebecca rose her head to watch Night sit forward in his desk. "But Sir Night, if it does come to this. You know I would give my life for whatever you wish of me."
After realizing that Sarek was not following Pieter and Protosis, Morgon turned gracefully around to see him sulking behind them. Rain dripped from various spots of his body, it all looked so depressing. "Hey, ye there! What be ye problem?" Morgon called out to Sarek as the other two kept walking. He didn't even move. "I be talkin' to ye!" Morgon said a little more firmly. "Just let him be." Protosis yelled from behind her. She shook her head and approached the massive man. She bent towards the drenched stone earth and tilt her head up to look into Sarek's face. "I don't like bein' ignored there Sarek." Her voice seemed to hold a strange gentleness to it. "Don't let that barnicle get ye. Life was ment to happen this way, ye know. Don't be worrin' about if he be right. Do ye see them other races here with him, tryin' to change things do ye? Na, so don't be worrin'. But I think we might be wantin' to find the others though and keepin' safe. I would rather not leave ye behind." Morgon was waiting for Sarek to try and either hit her, or just walk away from her. She had read up on all the crew memembers and he seemed to be the one mostly likely to have a problem with her. Even though David had proven to be much more frustrating then she had orignaly thought. He was such a horrible captain, she could do far better.
Shero sat comfortably on the neck, just above the large silver wings of her dragon mount. The beautiful and powerful silver dragon has swept away as soon as it landed that very morning. It was almost as if fate had placed them together. She looked into those large cloud-like eyes and was just overwhelmed with joy. Shero ran her hand across the perfectly crafted scales before bringing her head up to look across the sky. She could see the land below moving under them. It was almost nauseating. The warm air rushing over her body was a great sensation and the the warm scales under her made it complete. Shero turned her head to look at the others, each one riding their own majestic dragon. She almost wished that this dream-like ride would never end, but she knew it would. She pat the dragon's neck affectionately as Shero focused on the task at hand, grasping her amulet firmly.
Hey ya'll. How am I doin' so far? I think Angelus_Necare was saying something to me about going back to our own worlds and correcting what went wrong. It sounds good, but I think we should use that to show are characters that things happen for a reason kind of ideal. That whole if "this" and "this" didn't happen then they wouldn't know the amazing people they do now. But I think that should start maybe after another world, some where in between jurassic and 2010 maybe that none of our characters are from. Just a thought.
Rebecca and Alender fought bravely on the ground, keeping the demons attention on them as Night, Ziarre, Phoenix, and their companions raced after the elder demon. It had been so long. Rebecca cleared her mind and focused on the beast before her. Her sword sliced through her foes easily and blood spraid about. There was a terrible scream drawing Rebecca's attention to the roof tops. Night and a child were racing towards the earth. A loud roar and a thud sounded at her feet and Rebecca looked down at Alender. (Go to them, I will handle these.) His voice spoke sternly as he world around to take on more hell hounds. Without hesitation, Rebecca launched herself into the sky but was suddenly dragged back to the ground. She swirled around to find demons clawing at her legs. "You viel creatures will not stop me!" she screamed at them slashing through them with her sword. She dragged herself back to the sky as Night and the child neared the ground. Rebecca climbed desperately into the sky only to swirl around and drive towards Night. She watched the elite Hunter snag the child from the sky and hold it tightly in his arms. With only minutes to spare, Rebecca caught them and drove herself back into the sky. She could see Ziarre and Phoenix on the roof battling with the elder demon. "Where shall I take you, Sir Night?" Rebecca spoke.
Heavy grey clouds hung over Morgon's head as she came through the portal. She threw her arms opened to look at her new outfit. Strange blue colored pants clung to her legs much like her old trousers and flared at the bottom. A pair of black boots with no heels that went no further than her ankles were on her feet. Her shirt was a gentle pastle color and hung loosely around her body and a long leather coat laid over top of it. Morgon took a deep breath and felt something firm against her rip cage. She pulled back her coat and found two black guns in holesters wrapped around her shoulders laying firmly against her sides. "I hope I be a good shot with these blasted things. They seem tad bit different then what I be use to." Morgon spoke aloud. Morgon looked about. The sky was an ugly grey, nothing like the skies on the open ocean. Around her were mile high buildings that seem to be suffocating her. She shook her head at the massive structures. Why did any one want to live here like this? You couldn't breath in the fresh air or see the beautiful sky or sea. What was the point in making such structures and shelter you from everything except the ugliness? Morgon swung her head around when she heard voices behind her. There was two men talking to themselves. She remembered seeing them when that David had contacted them when she was still on the ship. What a ship it was! So many new technology on there, she couldn't wait to learn more about everything on it! "Ohoy there, I be Morgon? And ye be?" Morgon threw an arm up as she walked towards them. A jesture she had used many times on her ship to greet new comers. (I wonder if these lads will take to thee. Ah, what's the use worrin' about it?) Morgon said to herself as she approached them. Boy that one guy was big, make a nice mate on the Velvet Glove. Morgon's face suddenly sunk. The sight of her burning ship raced through her mind. She clenched her fist for a moment feeling the loss of all that she had then suddenly remembered that there were strangers in front of her. She quickly shoved her hands into her pockets and smiled brightly.
Rebecca swooped low into the depths of the slums, the ranke smell filled her nostrils as she took in the sight of flames. "Alender!" she bellowed, knowing that her companion would hear her. (It is Raglad that has now caught in flames. There are Acolytes and demons running wild here. I fear that our companions are in danger.) As the last word entered Rebecca's mind, she was sent Alender's vision. He was fast approaching the burning building once known as Raglad. But that wasn't the sight that sent her heart racing, it was Night being attacked by two hell hounds. Rebecca didn't say a word to her companion he knew already that he must free Night of them. He flew into the air like a white blur and tackled one of the savagest beasts. A fierce roar and a sharp shriek rang out before the hell hound lay dead. Rebecca was soon at the scene to free Night of the other hell hound with Razara. She landed with a slight noise as she approached Night and helped him to his feet noticing that there were more than just the five of them there. "What's going on?" Rebecca's emotionless voice rang above the noise of the fire.
Sorry to say peeps, but this thread is dead. Yet another story failed...*tear* aw well, til next time kiddies!
OCC: I don't mind at all eternity. it shall make things very intersting. :D
Discuss Legend of the Eight Dogs Underground [PG-VL]
demonchild781 replied to Sakura's topic in Theater
the story seems to be going slow, what's up? If this story doesn't start back up I'm going to drop out. So I hope to see things start moving soon Well it looks like I'll be leavin' ya people. Loads of fun to ya'll. later :( [color=Red][font=Trebuchet MS]Again, demonchild781, please don't double-post. I've had to merge three of your posts now. -Bio [/font][/color] -
Rebecca growled as she felt the phone in her vest pocket vibrate. She looked at the woman and down at Alender. There was nothing she could do. "We shall meet again, Queen of Hearts." Rebecca smiled at the woman and priest as she vanished back out the doors she came through. "What?" she growled into the phone. "Meet at Raglad." she heard Night's voice then a click as he hung up. (What is it?) Alender sat patiently at Rebecca's side. "We meet in the slums." She looked down at the white tiger, irratation running across her face. (What for?) "I don't know." She said bitterly. Rebecca threw her wings opened and turned her attention to the other side of town. She hated the slums. She had spent a great deal of her life there, running and fighting not only the creatures of the night, but of the light as well. Why did they have to have a place to run to there? (Will you be alright?) "Fine, my dear Alender." she caressed her sweet companions head for a moment before lifting herself off the ground. (Shall I meet you there?) "Since I do not trust this city, yes. I would like that of you." She spoke softly, still just above Alender's head. He nodded slightly and leaped to his feet, dashing in the direction of the slums. Rebecca watched him for a moment then turned her attention to the church. "We shall meet again, Queen of Hearts." Rebecca whispered before she rose gloriously to above the buildings and soured towards the slums.
Rebecca looked at the woman from her postion, the warm glow of candles bouncing off her face. She was a beautiful create, that she was. Rebecca felt her tiger tense beside her. He drew back his lips and snarled a most wickedly. Rebecca smiled at her beast's reaction to the sealed heart, he could smell its flesh rotting away inside the box and could smile its blood still lingering on the woman's flesh. She laid a gentle hand onto her companions head and he flinched invalintary. "I may let you go to fight with you another day, but only after you tell of your intentions for the organ." Rebecca's words seemed to seep from under her lips in a very gentle, yet threatening way. Rebecca slid her hand onto the hilt of Razara, but made no move to pull it from her side. Rebecca may have hated demons and anything of the like, but she wasn't foolish. She could tell that this woman was very powerful in her own rights and acting too aggressively could cause problems, especially inside a church. Rebecca remained in her perfect little stance as she waited for the woman to reply.
Name: Morgon Night Age: 22 Race: Human Timeline: Victorian pirate Special Skills: An amazing leader and extremely strong physically and mentally. There isn't one thing that she hasn't been able to do, but there isn't anything she's extremely talented in. Weapons: Two victorian pistols and a curved sword tied to the belt of her trousers. Special Items: A silver coin with the emblem of her family's house curved onto it hiden under her shirt. Weakness: She's never been in love and has never really known a life other than that of stealing and fighting. She will protect her crew until her own life is at risk and then she will flee, but this has never happened. A sour loser and hating authority cause many conflicts and battles for her. Personality: A strong willed woman with a drive to have fun and be rich. She loves to keep her crew happy, giving them any thing and almost everything they want including women and gold. She's never been with a man or woman for that matter and has never desired for such trivial things. Description: A tall woman around 5' 7" with a very well-muscled body. She was dealt an attractive face with large (but not overbearing) hazle eyes, fine nose and gorgeous lips. Her hair hangs to the middle of her back in soft mouse brown curls. Her body is nearly perfect with well shaped breast and rump with a tight stomach. Her usual grab consists of tight leather trousers, usually brown or black, a white ruffled long-sleeve under shirt with a bright red vest over it, holding her chest up. Her thick black leather boots come to about mid way up her shins. A gun hides in one of her boots, comfortably, while the other and her sword are tied to her belt. Bio: Morgon Night was born to a wealthy nobleman and woman in England during the height of the pirate raids. She was the youngest of a brother and four sisters. She was treated with the same about of greatnesss as her brother and sisters from her family and lived a rather happy life, or at least what she could remember. At the age of five, while her family crossed the straight between England and France, their ship was raided by ruthless pirates. Because she was the youngest, Morgon held no true wealth for the pirates so she was cast aside. Her parents were murdered and her siblings ransomed. She was thrown into the cargo hold to wait out her sentence. This is where she met Red, the man that later would be known to her as father. Red took the young girl in and dressed her in young boys clothes. He told her that she had to be strong now and learn quickly the ways of the pirates. Morgon was lucky for Red was the first mate and had great authority on the ship, but she still had to work to be able to make her keep. She slaved on the deck, helping run the ship and as she grew older was then slave to the men. But she wasn't treated as less, at least not less then the other young men on the ship. She was treated like one of them, nothing more or less. When Red died when she was 13, Morgon had to learn how to shape up quick for now her "Father" was no longer there to protect her against the others on the ship, especially since she was turning into a fairly pretty young girl. Morgon quickly learned how to not only fight, but get others to do it for her. She was now part of the crew, raiding other ships and searching for treasures left behind by other pirates. When on shore she could drink just as heavily as the men. At the age of 15, her ship was found on the southern tip of England, Morgon's captian was making a raid on some of the navel ships there. Morgon and her followers were tired of taking orders from Gorg and decided to make their own raid on one of the lesser ships. They snuck out on one of the row boats and made their way to a large ship and successfully took it over. Gorg was fierous with Morgon, but it was too late. The girl and her followers were gone. At first the crew was bitter towards Morgon. They had got rid of Gorg to replace him with a girl. But Morgon wasn't worried. She took charge and set things straight, but to the point so that every one was happy. The decisions on the ship were every ones, but she had the last say. If she thought something was suscidial or not worth the effort then they didn't do it. Four years of sailing the open seas and taking ships they came across, Morgon and The Velvet Glove decided it was time to venture to land. They needed supplies badly and the boys that were now men, wanted more then just the usual booty. Once on shore, Morgon would send the men to fetch supplies and made sure they stayed away from any areas where they may come across women. When the men would return from the mission, they would be welcomed by glorious food, beer and women. This was what finally won her favor and captain. Life treated Morgon and her ship, The Velvet Glove, graciously for three years, but Morgon new it wasn't going to last. And sadly, she was right. On a foggy May morning The Velvet Glove found themselves under attack. Gorg had found them and had made alliances with the English Navy who had been after her since she was 15. There was no way her crew and her could defend themselves from all those ships. They faught hard and long, but it was no use. Nightly, her closest shipmate, was at her side. When he saw that every one was being killed or captured, he knew that there was no way that Morgon would survive. He told her that she had to make it out alive for she didn't deserve to die here. He threw her over board and was killed afterwards. Morgon swam with all her might to the shore which was far out of sight of the warring ships. Once on land she didn't know what to do, when a man in strange clothing came up to her. He told her of his quest to save the Future, past and present and that he wished for her help. She looked at him for a long while and then back at her ships. There was nothing left for her here, it was all dying in front of her eyes. She stood and told the man that she would join them. Glad to be apart of you guys!
Rebecca calmly walked out of the double doors onto the balcony and stared across the night sky. There was a light hint of red on the horizon, usually from the lights of the city. There was a strange feel to the air. Rebecca brought her eyes to the small clearing below the balcony and saw her massive white tiger companion. His head was tilted upwards, pearing back at her with his large blue eyes. He was such a gorgeous animal and he reminded her that she wasn't completely alone in the world. Rebecca unwrapped her wings from around her neck and stretched them behind her. Jumping to the railing, Rebecca balanced herself with her massive black wings before swooping down beside her friend. Alender rubbed his head against her stomach as she stroked his head in return. (What is are mission tonight?) Alender's sweet physic voice entered her thoughts. "We are to look for someone that kills by the name of "Queen of Hearts". They like to decapitate thier victims and then taking their hearts from their chest." Rebecca whispered to her friend as she shifted her wings uncomfortably. "Her last kill was made in the city, and the humans have already envolved themselves. But I'm sure that you and I will have no troubles finding this killer." Rebecca smiled wickedly as she made her way to her feet. (Of course.) Alender spun around and darted into the trees. Rebecca watched him for a moment before taking to the sky. Rebecca kept her senses open to Alender signals as they raced closer and closer to the city. As Alender searched the city below for the last place the Queen of Hearts had attacked, Rebecca circled above pearing down into the city in hope to catch a glimse of something. (I have found the site.) Alender's voice rang clear in Rebecca's mind as his sight was transfered to her. She swooped down into the city and found her companion in a back alley. Fresh blood still stained the walls and ground. The human clean up crew had done a horrible job this time. "Can you find the killer's scent, my Alender?" Rebecca looked about the alley, not finding any real signs for her to pick up. (She has fleed to the south.) "Follow her," Rebecca damned. Alender was off, Rebecca not far from him.
IF I DON"T GET SOME MORE PEOPLE TO SIGN UP I"M MIGHT END UP CLOSING THIS THREAD. So please sign up and bring a friend. And Sonata your sign up is great!
I figured I would put something up on the underground so that you all knew i wasn't dead. Story is intersting. Talk to ya'll later. Hey don't forget, i have an RPG of my own Natara's Heros. You should all check it out. The link is on my signature.
Moi if you would like to have your character as one of the other two guys that I need that would be great. If not, well I'm sorry. Thank you
All looks good, so far and your creature friend is whatever you want it to be as long as its not a god-like character. thanks
In the depths of the night a sickening sound of metal running through flesh echoes in the small alley. Rebecca pulls back her sweet katana, Razara from the body that was before her. It fell lifelessy to the cobled ground as blood poured from its wound. Rebecca reached down and pulled on its coat, sliding Razara between the folded fabric to clear it of the fresh blood. She stood suddenly with the fresh sent and sound of something quickly approaching her. She swirled around in her tall boats and loose fitting slacks. "What have you for me, Alender?" her voice was seculant with rough edges. (Night calls for us.) The massive white tiger stated through his thoughts. "I shall meet you there." She replied quickly as she jumped to the roof tops, sheathing her sword. Her wings expanded, stretching themselves before she took to flight. The clouds above were dazziling even in the night. With no effort, Rebecca shot to the sky, her wings sending her through the air with a grace only a creature living for decades could pull off. Below she could feel every muscle in Alender's body mover and ripple as he raced across the city below her. Soon Night's balcony came into view. Alender found a place to rest amonst the shrubs below the balcony as Rebecca landed gently on the railing. "You called for us, Sir Night," Rebecca called into the night with her sweet, rough voice.
Name: Rebecca Orlena Age: 250 Gender: female Race: half demon Team: Hunter Appearance: A tall brunette standing some where around 5' 6" with waist length hair. She's delicately made making her appear to be weak and fragile to which can be easily defeated. Her piercing blue eyes hid the torture she has endured not only as she grew, but as her life continued past normal humans. Usually found in velvet medevel grab with purple trim and draw strings for breast support. She wears thin black slacks to prevent unwanted things to be seen when flying. Companion: white tiger by the name of Alender Companion?s Skill: her eyes, ears, nose and fighter on the ground when she is not. Bio: Rebecca was born into a human village 250 years ago to a woman and a man that were well known hunters. Her mother and her father had no idea that she had been "poisioned" by that which they hunted and began to raise her as just another Hunter child. When Rebecca turned twelve a very strange thing began to occur. The usually well-natured girl began to grow violent and disobeint. She began to do things completely out of her character and it went as far to the murder of one of her peers. The adults, including her parents, couldn't understand what had gone wrong so they did the last thing they could think of...they locked her away in a cell. They treated her well, with proper food and care and that's when they discovered the strange structure beginning to form between her shoulder blades. After three moons and on her sixteenth birthday, she had grown a full set of leathery black wings. Her father was outraged knowing then that Rebecca was half demon and could not possibly be his daughter. He lost control of himself and began to be violent towards Rebecca's mother. Her called her unspeakable names and turned the town against not only Rebecca, but her mother as well. On an eve of a full moon, Rebecca's father dragged her crying mother to her cell. He held her up by the throat for Rebecca to see her. "You see what you've done, demon!" he screamed at Rebecca. He threw the woman to the wall and began to beat her as if she was nothing more than an animal that had betrayed its master. Rebecca began to scream and cry, yelling "Daddy, please stop." But he didn't, yelling over and over again that he wasn't her father. That her mother was a tramp. That very night Rebecca came into her full strength and freed herself from her cell and killed the man she had once called father. When she went to take her mother into her arms to comfort her, her mother turned from her. Spitting at her and telling she was not her daughter, but a demon that had killed her husband. Rebecca left her village that night, to wander the streets of life alone. She began to take on lesser demons she came across and others that caused harm to humans. She even began to kill other half demons if they had gone astray. As she grew older, she became more and more skilled and soon became a well-known demon hunter. Personality: A very strong willed character searching for love and peace. She never backs down from a fight and will die trying to either bring about change or for those she calls friends. Weapons: A curved katana by the name of Razara. The handle is wrapped with heavy black fabric and strains of silver and blue topaz. A bow and arrow used for air attacks. Hand made of wood and leather. The feathers are of a rare bird with bright colors and markings.