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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. [SIZE=1]OOC: I'm going to try not make this post too messy.[/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]"What is Kairi?" the question jabbed at her like a dull knife attempting to cut through her tender mind. Why was she struggling so hard to keep this team together, this was what she was trained to do from the time she could sit on her own. She brushed her hair from her face, the red streak flopping over the other side of her face, and looked up at Kyne with stone cold percision. "You have no need to be concerned with what Kairi is. All you need to know is that he has the God of Loyality's soul. Any further questions you may have of the young lad is either for him to answer or for you not to know until another point in time." Alexia's voice stayed firm and calm as she watched a darkened, and slightly harden glare, reflect on his handsome face. She was about ready to exit the room when Cole came in. "Hey, the others are heading this way. Just FYI that's all." Alexia looked past them both out the window and saw the others a group of spawn surrounding them. This was not good, not good at all. She dashed towards the door, Jarod, her mother's butler, following closely behind her. She peered through the front window and saw Eve and Zech both running her way after severial shots were fired. Alexia turned her attention back towards Jarod as she began to slip the gloves from her hands off. "Kabato has fallen behind. Stand watch and open this door when the others get close enough to the shield." Alexia grasped the door handle, instantly turning the metal from cold to warm. Her thoughts floated to her "curse" briefly, she may not be able to feel the metal under her scarred hands, but at least she didn't set everything a blaze with them either. "Shut this door when I'm two feet from the house." "Yes young mistress." Jarod nodded his understanding as Alexia flung the door open and raced out of the safe house towards the far end behind Eve, Zech, and Kairi. "Chase!" Alexia shouted as she made her way swiftly from the clearing back into the trees. "Yes, Master?" Chase appeared before her, but not blocking her view. "Find Kabato." The nymph nodded and vanished. Alexia continued her run when Chase appeared once more. "He is surrounded by human spawn, Master." Chase told her plainly. "Where?" Chase turned then and darted in and around the trees, Alexia following swiftly and easily behind him. She hadn't been far from him, and he was surrounded by six spawn, four others laid slain not far from where he stood now. His sword was out and ready for the next spawn to attack. What Kabato didn't see and Alexia did was the wolf spawn that was inching its way closer to him every time he took in a breath. "Kabato! Watch out!" Alexia shouted, turning some of the spawn in her direction. She lunged forward, jumped up, and flipped over the heads preparing to tackle the wolf before it had its chance to strick. But Fate would not be on her side this evening. The wolf was in the air by the time she was at the spawn line and on Kabato by the time she was over them. It had lunged at the back of him, sinking its deadly fangs into the back of his neck. She watched as blood spewed from the wound as her feet came crashing down onto the Earth. The rest of the spawn flew at her while her guard was dropped. "My Master!" Chase's little voice wailed and Alexia swirled around. A spinning heel kick sent the first foe flying backwards, and her fist slamming into another's face caused him to fall to the ground in convulsions. She slid past another as the sickening sound of flesh being ripped from the body echoed in the background. She dare not turn around to see what had happened to Kabaot, knowing there was no way to save him now as the next spawn came at her. Her fist flew foward, landed in the middle of her chest as her foot came up to knock him away. At least they were seemingly mindless beings allowing her to make a relatively quick get away. She was back into the field when she saw Kairi and Eve fighting their way back up the hill. Spawn were crawling all over the place. "What will you do, my Master?" Chase hovered over head. "Have you transport me in front of the house," Alexia winced grimly at the idea she should have thought of sooner. "Yes, my master." With a quick blink, Alexia stood before the shield, Jarod opening the door once he saw her. Spawn flew at them, but had no time to reach her as she stepped inside the safe house once more. "Is that blood on you?" Marquis asked as she walked towards the back of the main room. Alexia looked down and pulled the front of her shirt forward to see a large red smear across it. "Yeah, I guess that would be blood." She said solemnly, walking past them all. "My master, about miss Aesera." Chase pipped up. "What of her?"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alexia smiled softly at both Kyne and Marquis once she realized Kyne's servant was only unconcious. "Gentleman, there is a reason why this is called a safe house not just because its in the middle of the woods away from everything." Alexia walked past them, pulling a glove from her right hand. She couldn't tell if they watched her or not, but she made her way to a door and disappeared inside. Two levers and a massive green button were the only thing in the small cabinet/closest. "God of Fate, you are my strength, give me your power to protect those inside." Alexia whispered. She remembered her mother telling her that any one with the Soul of a God in them could activate the force field as long as their soul desired it, and no one desired to protect these people more than Alexia. She placed her hand on the first metal lever, and with great affert, pulled it down. Nothing happened. She reached for the second on the left side of the first and again with increasing pressure, pulled it down. Still nothing. The last was the green button. She closed her eyes and prayed softly to herself then pressed. I loud siren sounded severial times and then a sound much like metal scrapping metal sounded breifly. "What did you do?" Marquis asked when Alexia rejoined them. "Started the force field. The only thing that can get in her would be Omega." Alexia replied. "What about the others?" Cole asked, coming up on the other side of her. "You can temporiarly open a small doorway by opening the front door. Of course if you turn the force field off as well. We won't wait her long. I just want to make sure every one is settled and comfortable before we join the others. I'm sure Aesera will find a way to get us to Japan." Alexia turned directly to Cole, glancing over at Marquis briefly. "Before we see to the others, is there anything you would like to know? I'm sure I can answer almost any of your questions. Any of you."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: wrap things up here guys, Veritas and Knuckles' if you have any questions for Alexia and you don't have the answers just PM or leave the question unanswered and I'll answer for ya in my next post. thanks guys![/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=Green][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cassidy threw the mop he had a hold of back into the water bucket and wheeled the awful smelling substance back into the jantior's closest. He watched as Emi glided past him, pulling her cart of things behind her, as she headed back to the dormitories. He took a deep breath and followed behind her. She seemed to have missed him as she went straight for the fridge and began drinking from the milk jug. Trysten came wondering by and Emi started right in on him. Cassidy sighed with aggrevation when he caught sight of Rusti sitting on one of the chairs in the common area. He approached her, his breath catching in his throat. His eyes danced about her head, her hair like silk. That's when he caught sight of the necklace dangling down on her chest. His heart raced. He brought his head up and saw those bold green-yellow eyes staring back at him with severity. Cassidy withdrew himself, twirled on his feet and made an almost mad dash back to his room. His heart raced. Dreams were going to haunt him tonight, he knew it. He picked up the file that sat at his desk and turned abruptly back towards his door. His next stop was the hanger to repair his Mech and to fill out all the nessicary paper work.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alexia stopped in the middle of the forest. It wasn't something she wanted to do with all the risks involved, but at least the sun was starting to come up. Alexia watched as the group gathered around her and Aesera. Alexia had no desire to go back to the mansion to seek weaponry her soul could not possible use, but if Aesera wanted to go so badly she was not going to send her by herself no matter how powerful Aesera thought she was. "Aesera wishes to seek the remains of the armory that is now buried under what's left of Fate Mansion. I have no desire to seperate us, especially not now since we all haven't discovered the extent of our powers or why we're here. But I will not send Aesera by herself." Alexia watched as a couple of maids shuttered with the cool breeze that swirled about them. "Eve, Zech, Kairi and Kabato go with Aesera back to the mansion. The servants and the others will continue to the safe house with me."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry about such the short post guys. Those I sent with Aesera go about ur way, those with me have another attack and then been at the safe house. Its a expansive cottage.[/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]After a few struggling moments, Alexia managed to collect herself again and focus on the task at hand. She had shoved the gem that would one day be a part of Kairi into her pocket for safe keeping. She was thankful that she had not over dressed for that evenings dinner, that's when her stomach grumbled. She sighed heavily remembering that she had eaten very little at dinner. "We need to bring the servants and innocents to the safe house on the other side of this forest." Alexia said to Aesera who wasn't far from her. They both had walked quietly in front of the group after gathering with the others again. The woman nodded. "And I think, if my memory services me well, that the legends say that the way to Omega is through Alpha. Much like Dontae's weak spot was for his beloved Isabel." Alexia turned the thought over in her mind. "I think you are correct," Aesera added shortly after. "We must get to--." "Japan," Kabato's voice broke into their conversation. Alexia turned around with a startled expression and caught out of the corner of her eye Kyne's glance. He seemed not to notice that she had caught him looking at her as his eye danced from the girl onto his arm and then to his pet on his shoulder. Alexia's heart swelled, but it was not love nor jealousy. It was something else. Something Fate knew and she had not discovered yet. "Alexia?" "Sorry," she turned her attention back to Aesera and Kabato. "Like I said to Aesera, we need to get the others to the safe house. They're will be food and spare clothing for those that need it. But don't drop your guard. Just because Omega has left does not mean spawn won't be lerking about. I've never known them to take animals, but there's a first time for every thing." "Right," Aesera added. "When we get there, will have a meeting of sorts with the others. Try to fill in gaps for those that are still confused and hear suggestions on how to get to Japan. I know flying is almost completely out of the question."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][CENTER]OOC: Hey every one. The group will be attacked by spawn as you wander through the woods every so often. You can make them human or critter, does not matter. Remember you have normal humans with you as well that can either be turned (from weak faith) or be killed. So don't forget to include them. Lets have at least one post from every one wandering in the woods to see who's all still with us, then we'll have the meeting.[/CENTER][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Mommy, what's this?" Alexia's fragile three year old hands stretched out in front of her, a large sapphire sitting peacefully in her palms. "Never touch this Alexia!" her mother scolded as she rushed to take the gem from her daughter. The girl cringed in response and pulled away from her mother once the gem was taken. Her mother sighed, looking down at what now lay in her own hand. "Alexia, this sapphire is dangerous, where did you find it?" Her mother's voice had softened. "Daddy had it in his hands when he fell." Alexia's eyes grew heavy as tears began to wield up under the surface. Lady Karma's eyes flared open wider as she dashed past her daughter, her dress flowing freely around her ankles. Alexia, tears already falling down her delicate face, followed behind her mother the best she could with her little legs. Her mother soon disappeared from her sight, but she knew where her mother was going. To see Daddy. After struggling what seemed like forever to get up the stairs, Alexia finally managed to get to the top and waddled down the hallway to where her father's study was located. There she found her mother on the floor cradling her father's head in her lap. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] [I]I understand now what Father had done that night. He had tried to take the soul of the God of Fate into himself so that I wouldn't have to face my destiny.[/I] Alexia ran calmly behind Aesera. They seemed to be running into less and less spawn as they traveled farther and farther into the mansion's interior. "Her signal is growing weak," Aesera said suddenly. "Mother..." Alexia whispered. "This way," Aesera made an abrupt turn that led them down a corridor Alexia had been in not long ago. They were headed towards her mother's study. "Watch out!" Alexia shouted, grabbing a hold of Aesera's arm and pulling her back as Omega's black fur covered arm came crashing through the mansion's roof just in front of them. Both women leaped backwards as more of the ceiling came down as the beast pulled its arm back out. Alexia could hear in the distance some one shouting an almost battle cry. "MOTHER!" Alexia realized that the study had also taken the hit. She rushed blindly past Aesera. The woman having no luck in trying to restrain the girl. "Alexia, wait!" she heard Aesera shout. Alexia climbed over the debri and towards the door. "Mother!" Alexia cried as she began to dig franticly for the door. "MOTHER!!" "Alex....Alexia." The voice was faint, but enough. Alexia swirled around to her left and saw what she hoped not to see. Her mother was trapt under a large amount of the ceiling and other materials. From just below her chest and up was speared, but blood spued violently from her mother's mouth. Her eyes bulging from their sockets. "Mother," Alexia weeped, sliding in front of her mother. She placed her hands under the debri on her mother's back and was prepared to lift it from Lady Karma. "No, Alexia. You'll cause her more pain if you do that." Aesera appeared by her then. "Alexia, my precious daughter." Alexia turned her attention back to her mother, trying to remember what she looked like early that morning. "Bring Star back to the Earth," and with that Lady Karma reached out and placed a gem into Alexia's hand. "You will know what to do with this." "Mother," Alexia sobbed. She reached forward with her free hand and placed a gloved hand on her mother's blood covered hand, all her heart wishing she could feel her mother's delicate skin under her's. "Alexia, we have to go." Aesera pulled Alexia to her feet. The girl did not take her eyes from her mother, tears streaming down her face. "Come on." Alexia squeezed her hand around the gem and dashed down the hall that had not colasped yet. A bellow ensued over head. The two women made it through the castle, Alexia leading the way, out into the cool night air. In the distance she could see the others and the survivers watching helplessly as Omega continued to destroy the mansion. Alexia turned back, helplessly watching her home fall in ruins.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Every one meet up together and enter the woods with the survivers. We will be traveling in the woods for a bit til we find a place to leave the servants ect. Be introduced to your weapons and discuss the situation. Start thinking what would be the best way to destroy the titans.[/SIZE]
  7. [FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Keyblade, I love the avi/banner!! Its beautiful!! And I love to change my sets all the time!![/CENTER][/FONT]
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cassidy finally managed to bring his mech to his feet again as the cloud of fog Emi had created started to clear. His mech made a horrible noise as he could hear the metal grinding together from the massive damage the raptor had done. Ajack came over the com and the plan they had orginally planned was back on track. Each memeber of the team picking a postion to start enclosing the enemy when they spun around and darted away from them into the distance. "Daves?" Cassidy typed away on his mech to see what little repair he could do. "You have sustained massive damage to the upper levels of your mech, Stevens. You take any more damage like that or a direct hit from a cannon and you're done." "Confirmed. But I don't think I'll be taking any more damage." Cassidy typed away on his key pad. "Huh? Oh...." Daves recieved Cassidy's image-feed and fell silent. "Any ideas?" "Uh....no. I think....well.....you might as well head back." "Confirmed." Cassidy switched his other com back on to be able to commiunicate with the others. "Alright Team. Head back to the pods. The authorities should be here soon to help with the civilians." Cassidy started his mech towards the pods, every step painful. It was almost as if Cassidy himself was the one that had recieved the damage and not his mech. But he did take a nasty fall when the raptor took him down. When he made it to the pod he slowly managed to back the mech into the pod and laid him down. "I don't think we're getting back up." Cassidy said softly as his mech finally came to a halt on the bottom of the pod. He could hear Daves grumbling in his ear as he awaited the others to enter their pods before launching himself.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: I know....its the worse post ever....[/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alexia spun on her heel and kicked a spawn swiftly in the head. A sick crack sounded and the creature fell to the floor lifeless. Their was one last door to get through before they were in the armory and at least a dozen spawn. Aesera stood directly behind her and Kyne behind her, his back to them making sure no one was following them. Had it been another time, Alexia would have given time to be concerned about Kabato, but time was not on their side. Alexia threw a few of the spawn into the wall, their lifeless bodies falling to the floor and watched as Aesera charged forward to take a few more spawn out. Alexia energy began to waiver and she hoped the others were safe outside the mansion as another crash shookd the house and threaten all their lives. Finally, they were through the spawn! "Cursed souls!! You shall all pay dearly for your weakness," Alexia mumbled as she reached the door and grabbed the door handle. [I]LOCKED![/I] Alexia turned to Kyne. "Can you kick the door in?" He gave her an almost startled look and then simply nodded. He was almost too tall to be standing in the hall way, his head nearly hitting the ceiling. He brought his long leg up and slammed the bottom of his foot into the door. It cracked and spilt from the massive force but did not open. He brought his foot up again and slammed it once more. It flew open and revealed walls stretching almost endlessy, bright fluoresent light illuminating the room. Alexia smiled, slipping her gloves back on. A soft yowl brought Alexia's attention towards her feet. It was Eve's cat...Faith was it? It rubbed against her leg and looked up at her with soft eyes. It meowed again and instantly Alexia knew that the others were out of the mansion and had brought as many of the survives they could with them. "Tell Eve that we shall be with them shortly." Alexia did not watch the cat leave, but turned her attention directly towards the other three with her. "Aesera, can you probe every ones' mind to see what weapons their soul is best accustom to?"[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Can every one PM Takuyo with the weapon you would prefer!!! Thanks.[/SIZE]
  10. [CENTER][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Sorry guys!!! My college holds a annual Yearling Standardbred Sale (young horses) this last weekend I haven't had the chance to much less touch a computer. So I'm hoping that I'll be able to catch up with all the reading I have for this rpg and be able to post before too long so it doesn't die!!! Once again, I'm soooooo sorry!!![/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] :animeswea
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alexia felt that dread slipping over her as she shoved the food on her plate around, she hadn't even taken in what the cooks had made her. Something she liked, she assumed, but what--she had not a clue. She watched with dazed expression as Aesera and her mother left the room, returning after some time. Harder it pulled at her. Painful breathes squeezing in and out of her lungs. Her heart hadn't begun to race yet. She felt light headed, dizzy. And with a sudden rush, she stood, her chair toppling over behind her.The room fell silent, everyones attention turning towards her. "Alexia?" Her mother's voice slipped over her. "Daughter, what's wrong?" Before Alexia could reply a horrible crash shook the whole mansion as Alexia watched the room behind the dinning hall collaspe. Now she could see the night skiy, the burning city, and the dark hair covered leg of none other than Omega. Screams filled the night air as the servants began to panic and the others rushed to their feet. "Mother!?" Alexia shouted as her mother disappeared through the open door with Jarod, her personal butler. Alexia stumbled around the table and made it only half way to the door when Aesera grabbed her by the arm. "You can't go after her." She said firmly. Alexia stared up at the woman with wide, child-like eyes. After all, she was only seventeen. Alexia turned around to see a few of the guests heading towards the back of the room as Omega roared above the chaos and slammed another hideous arm into the massive building. "Kyne! Kabato! Come with Aesera and I to the armory. The rest of you," Alexia stole herself away from the older woman and towards the back wall. She raised her fist and slammed it just below a shelf. A small wooden door popped open. "Use this passage to get out of this room and back to the main hall. Try to get every one out of here. We'll meet back up with you." Alexia darted back past the other three and out the main door. They had no trouble keeping up with her as she avoided debri and people. Lives had already been lost and spawns were starting to raise among both the dead and the living. Alexia casually pulled her gloves from her hands and shoved them into her jean's pockets, her scars pulsing brightly in the night sky. Three steps from the stair case that lead down into the depths of the mansion towards the armory a dozen spawn infected servants stood before them, Omega's cry sounding out in the night air. The roof still remained her, but who knew for how long. Alexia lowered her head and looked up at the spawn, an expression of disgust taking hold of her whole being. She was prepared for battle as the first spawn charged forward. She watched them come at her, the others ready to step in. The man was about to tackle her down when she placed her bare hands upon either ear. The man screamed out in horrific pain, shaking and trying to pull away, but her strength had improved with the unlocking of her soul and she held firm. It was brief, and the man dropped dead, ashes pouring from his right ear. The others charged at them all at once.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Don't touch Lady Karma....leave her out of things for now. I'm sure ya'll can figure out to do with urselves for now :catgirl: [/SIZE]
  12. [quote name='Takuya']Um, the whole 'training' thing you mentioned in your last RPG post isn't going to last too long, is it? I don't know how many of us want to spend time writing about training (I know I don't). I say that if you must include training, keep it short (though we could certainly mention more time passing in the RPG). Besides, with the spawn and titans running around, time for training isn't a luxury we'd be likely to have much of.[/quote] [SIZE=2][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Ok...now you're starting to get a little too pushy and this is my rpg and not the first one I've done. If you don't stop trying to tell me how to run my rpg I will be forced to have you leave. Suggestions are fine....and much appericated but you might want to learn how to do them another way. I'm not some 13 yr old you can boss around. If you must know, I've had 3 very successful rpgs lasting well over 12pgs. So, back off, I know what I'm doing and have some patients and do what has been asked of you. Cuz right now Takuya...you're the one holding up the rpg.[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alexia entered the dinning hall to find that a few of the others and already beaten her there, not that it was a big deal. She still couldn't remember all their names yet, but she was certian she would soon. Chase had disappeared some where, probably to have his own dinner, as Alexia walked through the room and took the far seat at the very end of the long table. This was the place her father would have sat had he still been alive. And if he had, would she have taken the God of Fate's soul into her body? [I]Of course you would have. The souls' do not take human form every generation, they're selective remember.[/I] Alexia told herself. She sat at the table watching them interract. Kairi seemed to be making himself fit in just fine, but that was probably because no one knew the secret he held. Her eyes kept trying to wonder over to Kyne. It wasn't his appearance that pulled at her, but something within his soul. The God of Hate. How could the God of Hate be drawing her so forcefully towards him. She looked about the room, ignoring the actual layout and furnishing since she had grown up in this odd and masterful house. That's when she caught...Marquis was it? The guy from Paris with the God of Hope burning brightly in his silver eyes. He was looking at her, watching her. What was he thinking? A warmth surrounded those eyes that would normally have been discribed as cold. Her attention was drawn away when the woman, Aesera Laoresk, entered the dinning hall. Instantly Alexia felt herself grow numb and cold, a tightening in her chest. This woman's power was dangerous and threatening. It would cause many conflicts she was sure of it. She watched as the woman took one of the last seats closest to where her mother would sit on the other end of the table. The room seem to go strangely quiet allowing Alexia to notice that they had set the table with seats just enough for all of their guests. The door opened once more to reveal Alexia's mother and the last of their new companions, Kabato. Alexia made brief eye contact with her mother to confirm things were alright and then watched the two of them take the last remaining seats. Her mother nodding towards her daught once she took her seat. Alexia fumbled with her gloves before rising. "Welcome, strangers and honored guests to the Fate Mansion. I am Alexia Karma and you have all had the pleasure of meeting my mother, Lady Karma." Alexia extended a black gloved hand towards the opposite end of the table. Most every one turning their heads to look at her. "If you have not figured out why you are here I shall tell you. More than two thousand years ago Isabel and Dontae, gods full of vengence, sealed Star into the depths of the Earth to punish the Earth bound creatures for worshiping Star and not them. But when we refused to believe in them still after the two gods vowed they would return to destroy Earth. An arm has started to be created by those weak of heart or sinful by the spawn you may have all run across. Black slug like creatures that enter any where in the human body and posses them. Their two greatest threats are the titans, Omega and Alpha." Alexia paused, that feeling of something terrible to come taking over her again. "My mother and our family have been charged with the safe keeping of the other halves of your souls for many centuries now. Of course, you've all had the souls within you since birth, but now they are fully awaken. With training we can defeat the titans and set the Earth free of Isabel and Dontae." "Isn't there another part to that legend," Aesera stated rather than asked. "That when the titans appear on Earth that Star has been reborn on the mortal plan." Alexia nodded, "yes. For tonight, we will drink merely and come accustom to one another. Tomorrow, we start training at the break of dawn." Alexia sat back down as the first dishes were brought in by servants. Every ones favorite dish displayed before them by their master cook.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OCC: Takuya whenever u post...just take Lady Karma out into the hall to do what we've discussed.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Ok, every one. I need you all to catch up and Takuya I need you to get your little thingy-mmbob all set up and what has you with Kairi. I won't be posting until every ones joined in the dinning hall and Lady Karma joins after Valinus write's their post. Then I'll post again. Have Alexia stay mostly quiet ect ect. THANKS![/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Axl, to my right!" Cassidy cried into the 'coms as he shoved his mech forward. The machine protested loudly as he tried to dodge the first set of on coming missles. The large scorpion mech rushed from its current position to flank the outside edge of the civilians, creating a semi-circle of machinary around them. One of Cassidy's vid screens was picking up the terrified cries of the people below them as Emi's music blarred in his cockpit. He grit his teeth at the frustarting array of sounds as he dodged another set of missles. "If they get any closer, Cassidy, they're going to hit the civilians!" Axl's voice came over the com system loud and clear. That was right about the time when Emi's fog cannon went off, covering them almost completely. "Axl, can you still hear me?" Cassidy typed away on his screen, preparing his mech of night vision, hoping that would at least help some in this mess. "Yeah." Axl replied. "Good. Move the civilians out towards the pods. I don't care if you have to carry them all on your Mech...just get them out of here!" Cassidy commanded. His vid screens began to clear slightly as he began to make out a mech heading straight for him. His heart leaped in his chest. He was far too closer to the civilians to be in a full fledge battle. He jerked the controls to the right, rotating the massive mech on its haunches and broke into a mad dash as fast as his mech would go. The mech jarred back and forth, rocking Cassidy around in his straps. "Cassidy!" he heard some one yell over the com, Emi popping up on his extra LCD screen. "Emi, what?" Cassidy said, his voice coming in rush of gasps. "Ajack's taking a nasty beating already, his hind leg is pretty busted." Before Cassidy could reply his whole mech took a heavy hit, it losing its footing and falling to the ground on its chest. Cassidy groaned with the effort to keep the mech's controls in his hands as his body was thrown against his straps. He began checking his screens feeling the force from above. "Damn it! That Raptor jumped me!" Cassidy cursed as he tried to shake it, but couldn't get his mech to stand up. "Come on!!" "Stevens...you're taking heavy damange to the outter husk of your mech. Before long that Raptor is going to tear through and into your wiring. You need to get him off and now!" Daves' voice screamed into his helmet.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OCC: sorry guys that was such a short crappy post!![/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alexia was only a few steps from the room that this strange and over the top woman now waited for her mother when Chase appeared at her shoulder. He seemed slightly frazzled by the experince but said nothing of it. "The lady will now see Miss Aesera Laoresk," his voice was that calm high pitched tone it seemed to always be. Alexia turned on her hills and made her way back towards the room. The older woman sat cross-legged in the three hundred year old chair with an almost smug expression on her face. Something about this woman made Alexia nervous and cautions when she was under her watchful and colorful eyes. "My mother, Lady Karma, awaits for you. There is some one waiting for you just as you pass the study and back into the main hall." Alexia said softly, lowering her head as Miss Laoresk stood. "Thank you," she said simply and walked past the young girl. Alexia waited until the woman was out of hearing range and turned her attention back towards Chase. "What did mother have to say?" "She is utterly surprised and I sensed a hint of loathing that she enters our home, my master." "I am surprised that no dreams came to me of this." Alexia creased her face in bewilderment and searched the floor as if it held the answers she seeked. "Something is not right, Chase. This is not how it was suppose to go." "What is wrong, my master?" Chase's voice faultered every so slightly. "I do not know yet...but something is about to happen--something big, for the forgotten Laoresk family to return this night. Something is going to happen." Alexia's voice was throaty with emotions when I butler entered the room. "Miss Karma, dinner is ready. Shall I find the others and have the guests sent for?" Alexia turned to see the elder gentleman smile cheerfully at her. He had not heard her and Chase's conversation. "Yes, that would be fine, Jarrod. Thank you." Alexia did not smile with her reply. "Of course, Miss Karma." He nodded his head and left the room. "My master is anxious." Chase floated over to dance before Alexia's glazed eyes. "Lets meet every one for dinner, shall we?" Alexia looked up at Chase before walking past him.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OCC: Ok...posting order is no longer nessicary. So ya'll can post freely and as often as your little hearts desire. Every one's respected house keeper should come retrieve them for dinner. Please have lots of interraction since all of ur rooms are in the same hall!![/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alexia could feel the pulsing of the fire that now ran through her scars. They ached and made her head hurt. She wanted to go soak in a cold bath, but knew that she needed to be ready for when her mother need her once more. Soon she would have to explain things to the guests for who better than the God of Fate to tell them what is to become of them. "My master, that boy..." Chase said softly. "He is Loyality," she whispered as she sat up in the lounge chair. "A slight counterdiction...one who is supposed to be of great loyality knows not where his heart belongs." "My master has dreamt of this boy?" "Not as much as that of the intimadating Kyne and his black crow." "Does my master know more than she allows others to?" "No. I can't deciefer the dreams yet, Chase. I'm afraid that Star and the God of Fate have not fully awaken within me." Alexia winced as a heavy flow of energy pulsed through her, instictively she reached up and placed her hand on the gem in her chest. "Miss Alexia!" a maid's voice rang through the room she was in. Alexia stood and made her way towards the front of the room. She was then met by a maid and a stranger she had never seen before. I lovely looking woman with an expression of distaste. "I could not stop her, Miss Alexia. She just pushed her way through." The maid turned to point towards the woman. "How may I help you, Miss?" Alexia said softly. "My name is Aesera Laoresk," she said shortly. Alexia's eyes grew wide. "From the Kajo Laoresk family?" "In the flesh," she smirked with some sick sort of satsifaction at Alexia's surprise or at least it seemed to be that way. "Chase, tell mother that we have an unexpected guest amongst us."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][I]OOC: Please continue with the ordered posting, the next person to recieve their gem (that awakens their soul...not give them their soul) will need to add Chase's interruption, but still continue to recieve your gem. Takuya you may post in response to mine.[/I][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cassidy watched as the other units dropped from the sky and land. His two LCD screens displaying everything better than the simulations had. The controls felt smooth and natural under his hands as he made sure everything was in proper working order. "Stevens?" "Here, what information do you have for me Daves?" Cassidy replied firmly as he checked his intercoms so that he could have adquate means of comminucating with his team. "The ground unit seems to be less than that of the Areial units," Daves' rather high pitched voice came over the 'com system. "You have the Lion unit which is based around strength rather than speed," Daves sent images to Cassidy's third LCD screen that was designed mainly for this purpose alone. He could hear faintly Daves typing away on the other end as he too went through his system to look at what Daves had discovered. "The Lion units also have massive cannons which make them harder to manovuer than say your unit or Ajack's, but if they get in too close they would over power you easily and destroy you. The next unit is a bull, once again they specialize in strength tatics with blaster cannons mounted on the side. If you can get in and take their legs out then they should be easy targets especially only working at 50%. The last of the ground units you may incounter is a Raptor. These guys are fast and deal heavily in close range combat. I think these guys will pose your biggest threat." The line fell quiet once more. "Rodger that, Daves." Cassidy scanned through his uploaded data and began sending it to the others. "Alright, Ground Units, I have just sent you all the data I have just recieved from ANGEL wire. We'll stay together to move the civilizans to safety first and for most. When we come under fire I want Chase and Switch to pair off, Ajack and Emi, and Axl and I will defend the civilizans." Cassidy paused for a moment. "I don't want any heroics from either of you, Ajack and Emi." Emi instantly began protesting Cassidy's discrimination. "I know what love does to a fighter, I don't want it getting in the way of this mission. Do I make myself clear?" Cassidy said firmly, cutting her off. He could hear Emi huffing over the 'com, but both took the order as they were supposed too. "Once we have the civilizans safe, we'll proceed to neutralize the base and discover where their airship is. Now, Ground Units...MOVE OUT!" Cassidy shoved his controls forward and felt the thrusting jerk of his mech launching forward with ease.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cassidy was the third member of the team behind the soldier that lead them through ANGEL wire to where their Mechs would be located. Anticapation ran rampid through Cassidy's system as the battle approached. Surprise had taken him only briefly when he heard that he would be the squadron leader for this mission then rationalized that he was probably the best for the job. They came to an abrupt halt in fright of a large metal door. The soldier typing away the passcode and door flew up. Cassidy instantly locked eyes on his MechAnima expecting to see the white gloss of its coat and the startling green-yellow eyes staring back at him, but it was merely the grey husk of what was to become. A man of small stature approached their team looking rather geeky in his lab coat, but did not wear the typical glasses look. "I am Professor Hastings--." The man began. "Not to be out of line, Sir, but we haven't the time for introductions." Cassidy interrupted. "You must be Lieutenant Stevens," the Professor said humbly. "Sir," Cassidy saluted. "Since you seem to be eager for battle I shall issue your MechAnima first." Cassidy stepped forward and extended his hand to recieve the white SOUL module card that would allow him to access his new partner's system. He saluted once more and quickly made his way to the locker room to suite up. Cassidy thumbed the card that lay in his right hand as he trotted along. Its bright white coloring reminding him of the silk coat of the wolf that had been plaqueing him during the few dreams he allowed to slip through. The thought further leading him to Rusti, he hadn't seen the crystal laying on her chest. He could feel his chest swell with dismay, but he did not let it affect his judgement. Now was not the time to think of love affairs, civilizans needed his head clear and the base needed his strength. He found his locker easily and was in his suite before the next person was in the locker room. He traveled across the hanger and stood below his MechAnima. He gave a heavy sigh as he climbed the ladder into the cabin of the wolf's large head. He placed his card into its slot and began to strap himself in. He flipped a few switches and waited for the machine to come to life. It jerked front to back as the animal rose to his four legs. "Lieutentant Stevens." A soft masculine voice rose from within his white and grey helmet. "Stevens here." He replied back. "Statistic observer, Second Lieutenant Daves." "Rodger that Daves." "You're online and ready for launch. Have you down space launching before, Stevens?" "Yes," Cassidy replied, manovering his MechAnima so that the straps could take their places around his legs and pull him into his caspule. He rotated the Mech slightly and made him lay at the bottom of the caspule. "You are set for launch," Daves said as the caspule door swung shut. "In five, four, three, two, one." The caspule dropped from the hanger and instantly Cassidy felt the lack of gravity. He remembered the first few times he had done this he had vomitted all over himself. As he floated towards the planet, Cassidy played with his system, closing his helmet's sheild and setting up his communication with the others. It was mere minutes when his caspule landed softly on a sand patch on the ground, the caspule door hissing as it decompressed and swung open. Once again, the Mech jerked back and forth as Cassidy brought him back to his feet. The straps twisted around and off of the legs, and Cassidy took the first few steps onto the planet, the hissing and compressing of the joints of his Mech sounding off as he waited for the others.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Just to let every one know cuz I've had this ask a couple times now, you don't have to have a side effect to the unlocking of your soul. That's just something that came along with God of Fate. Of course, you can if you so desire to. And no, we won't be posting in order after u recieve ur gems.[/CENTER][/FONT]
  21. [SIZE=2][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Ugh...I was hopin to avoid this cuz its so much work to check up on all the time. But you guys have so many questions and my poor little head keeps forgetting crap when I do my posts...so I decided to start one anyways. I answered a few questions directly on the few PMs i got...but figured I would also place the answers here so the others could see it. First question was something about gems ect. The gems are up to you guys on how they look and where they decide to "stick". They're suppose to inhance ur power/bring it to life. Make sure when you do the post that you mention what soul you have....just to let every one else know and demenstrate a part of your "unlocked" power. Second question was how far to take the posts. You can have whatever happen in the champer with Lady Karma...but don't over do yourself please. And then afterwards a servant (which will become ur personal servant for the remainer of your time at The Fate Mansion) will show you to your personal room. When every one is done with their gem collecting you may all wander down to the dinning hall for a group dinner which will introduce every one to each other and get the real rpg started. If you guys have any more questions you can post them here or continue to PM which ever is easiest for you. Thanks!![/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  22. [CENTER]Edit: Check out the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=749213#post749213]UNDERGROUND!!![/URL] [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]"Does my master believe she can handle welcoming our new guests and the fate that has been sent before her?" Chase hovered above Alexia's right shoulder as she pulled the black leather glove over her wrist. "They fit you well, my master." "I have no time for weakness, Chase. I knew of my Fate long before this day." Alexia replied to her nymph companion with confidence and strength of a woman, not a teenager just coming into her own. A depth that only her soul could possibly give her. "Of course my master." Chase continued to hover over Alexia's right shoulder, but said nothing for the remainder of the evening. Alexia made her way through the expansive mansion's first floor. Servants rushing about to ready the building for the new guests about to be welcomed into their home. They were the only ones that could possibly escape the conflict to come. Some had homes to go to, others lived in the cottages on the side of the mansion. Alexia paid little mind to them as she passed unless one spoke to her first, but most did not. The downstairs was mostly covered with wooden or marble flooring. They were rich maple or red oak in coloring along with most of the walls. Ancient and classic furniture surrounding the whole house making it look vageuly like a museum not a home for a wealthy family stretching into the past some seven or eight hundred centuries, but time had a way of deceiving people. The second floor was where most if not all of the bedrooms were kept. The master bedroom was the farthest room to the left and had been her mother and father's room until met a tradgic accident some six years previous. Her mother was devasted, but refused to let on. A center walk-way up the stairs and through the long corridor was completely carpeted with another dark brown coloring, a faint patteren visiable. There were six bedrooms on the right and seven on the left each having their own personal bathroom. Alexia made it to the front door just in time to welcome the first guest. A lovely woman of beautiful blonde hair and a few years aged than her greeted her with a smile. Beside her stood a handsome man firmly attached to her. His eyes wandered over Alexia's curious appearance before delievering his greeding with the woman's. ?Welcome, please, leave your things here and go into the room to my right, we?ve been expecting you. I am Alexia, the soul of Fate," she lowered her head. "A servant will take you shortly to Lady Karma." Alexia watched as they left, a male servant closing the front door behind them. But the door did not remain closed for long. It was swung open in the same fashion it had before and a tall dark man stood on the stoop. He approached her. She knew in an instant who this man was, she had had countless dreams of him. He was going to be important to them, though she had not discovered how yet. "Kyne Axel?" She needed ask, but it was formality that beckoned it from her mouth. ? Kyne Axel, from Sydney. At your service.? She looked up into his dark eyes, having to stretch her neck farther back than she was accustom to. He was impressively tall and intmidating. "We have asked the guest wait in the dinning hall until summoned by Lady Karma." The man nodded and quietly made his way into the other room. The next young man, no more than a year or so older than she stumbled into the mansion with an odd sort of look on his face. "Don't you know it's rather rude and unbecoming to enter anothers home unannounced" she said softly, a little out of character for she was generally easy going, but quickly added, "You're expected though, what is your name?" "My name is Marquis Cicero, and what do you mean expected?" He snapped back. She smiled softly. "You are a member of the reborns. You may wait with the others in the dinning hall this way," she pointed towards the right only then noticing the grayish colored ball floating near him. "Is that a wind spirit?" she asked with curiousity. "Yes, his name is Boo." The boy looked at her with mild interest. "Nice to have met you," Alexia bowed slightly. "A maid will be with you shortly to usher you to Lady Karma's." As the young man left to join the others, Alexia felt herself waiver slightly. She could feel Chase's urge to usher her to some place she could rest, but he remained quiet. Alexia brought herself up again, feeling a tug--a dark tug on her soul. Her throat tighten as she caught her breath. [I]He has come. Oh Star how I wish I could call upon your blessings for we will surely need it.[/I] The door opened a boy stood before her, his face still soft with youth but his eyes harden with experience of a painful life--painful memories. Alexia adverted her eyes momentarily. "Welcome. You may join the others in the dinning hall and a maid will be with you shortly." Alexia motioned towards the right once more. The boy quietly made his way past her and into the room with the others. There was a momentary silence in the guests that were being ushered in, allowing Alexia to take a seat not far from the door. Before she had time to get up and welcome the next guess a maid took the next girl into the dinning hall. "Don't frit, miss Karma. We can handle the rest from here." The maid came back and smiled brightly at Alexia. "That's alright, Mary. There's only one left." Alexia stood and watched as the maid left her be. The last to enter was a young man of some twenty years or so. He seemed up beat and chipper compared to the others. "Kabato," he said simply. "Nice to have met you. You may join the others in the dinning hall." Taking a deep breath, Alexia made her way through the buidling once more to her mother's study. "They have all arrived." Alexia announced to her mother. "Send Abby to usher the first one in." Alexia's mother replied, not looking at her daughter. "Yes."[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][I]OOC: Alrighty kiddies. This is how were going to play this. Yes there will be a random person Takuya that will be posting as well. But until then, I want you guys to post in order of how you were introduced to my character in this post. Thanks.[/I][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=Navy][CENTER]Looking good guys! Love your characters and so happy to have you all wanting to be apart of this RPG. This is what we have so far: *Kairi: 16yrs Rome (Kairi) *Alexia: 17yrs New York City (DC) *Marquis Cicero: 18yrs Paris (shadowofdeath13) *Cole Blue: 19yrs Athens (Knuckle's Girl) *Eve: 20yrs London (Astdis) *Kyne Axel: 22yrs Sydney "cuz DC can spell :-P" (Redemption) I'm going to wait until the end of weekend for sign ups and then I'm going to start the rpg. You should all be recieving PMs shortly on which God's soul you have. :catgirl: [/CENTER] [/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]The RPG is in the Square!![/SIZE][/FONT]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alexia balled her hands into a fist, ultimately turning her eyes near blood red. She rushed forward and tackled a world police into what was left of a cement side walk. His laser pistol flew across the road as Omega slammed one partially hairy, partially torn flesh covered foot where the officer once stood. She rolled gracefully away from the man and back onto her feet. ?Chase Tell mother that it has begun.? Alexia roared above the titan?s frustrated scream. ?Yes, my master.? He bowed his head and with a cloud of smoke vanished. Alexia looked up at the titan that was now approaching her, the other officers still firing away unsuccessfully. The man she had tackled was now getting to his feet, urine running down the side of his leg. ?What is that thing? ? the man screamed. ?Omega.? Alexia said firmly, standing her ground. The thick red scars on her hands pulsing with every beat of her heart. ?Omega?? the man questioned as he began to stumble backwards. Alexia turned directly away from the titan. She looked the man straight in the eye with pure disgust. ?Do you mean to tell me that you do not know of the titans and the war between the Gods and Star?? ?Titans?? the man stuttered. Omega roared. Alexia turned around to see the hideous monster raising both leather hands up over his head. He drew them down with a force that would have knocked a normal human back before even reaching them and crashing them into the ground. Alexia drew herself towards the ground, bending her knees. The titan slammed his fist into the pavement. A cloud of smoke rose into the air, but his attempt to crush the young girl was futile, she had leapt into the air just above his head. He did, in fact, knock the world police officer over ultimately killing the man after he landed on the curb with his head. Alexia held her arms out as she flipped backwards in mid air to land softly behind the titan. The other officers still continuing their attempts to bring it down with their pistols. ?That won?t work,? she said simply after landing, crouching towards the ground with one hand in between her legs to keep her balance. ?That?s Dontae?s creation, no mortal man could defeat him.? ?Bob, get that girl out of here.? an officer announced. The other turned and began to approach her. She did a series of sumersaults away from him and watched as Omega drag his fist down on top of them, crashing them like insects. ?My master,? Chase appeared next to Alexia, nearly standing on her shoulder. ?Your mother requests that you come home admittedly.? ?For what purpose? I am needed here.? ?Forgive me, my master,? Chase bowed. ?But the lady of the house has said that, though you may be well trained and the strongest in the family, you cannot defeat the titan alone.? ?Do you mean to tell me she is summoning the others?? Alexia jumped back again as Omega began his pursuit of her again. ?I could not tell you, my master. That is all she has required of me.? he bowed lower as though he was ashamed of his lack of information. ?Take me home.? ?Yes, my master.? Chase landed on Alexia?s shoulder, closed his eyes and transported them to the mansion on the far edge of the city. Its massive structure sat on two hundred acres of land all of it concealed from the public. Chase had transported them into the middle of the mansion, just below the main stair well. Alexia quickly made her way towards the back of the mansion, calling for her mother. The place was busy with servants and family members dancing about her. Alexia eventually found her mother in the large study that sat at the farthest northern point of the house. As Alexia entered, her mother closed the screen that had been used to communicate with one of the other families. ?My lady mother,? Alexia laid her hands at her sides and bowed at the waist, rising before her mother acknowledged her. ?Alexia, my daughter, speak true. Does the titan Omega roam the city as we speak?? Her mother was fair with blood red hair and emerald green eyes. She had powered soft skin with rosey cheeks and flush red lips. Her figure was slim and slender with a handful front and behind. She was currently dressed in a silk dress of fine green. It hang off her frame with an elegance Alexia could never pull off. ?I would never falsely bring the titans into whatever story I may tell, Mother.? Alexia spoke with bitterness, though she knew she would be repremanded for it. ?This is a sad day, dear Alexia.? Her mother?s head fell. ?Even after the passing of your father.? Her mother allowed a few tears to roll down her cheeks and splash against the large wooden desk before her. ?Have you sent for the others?? Alexia had placed her hands behind her to keep her mother from seeing the scars. Even though her mother knew that it was not Alexia?s fault she had these scars, but her destiny to have them, the woman still did not like to see them. They were a reminder of the curse she and her husband had passed down upon her. ?I have,? she brought her head up again. She looked into her beloved daughter?s eyes watching the flickering red light dancing about them. ?You know what must be done.? Alexia?s eyes flashed brought red and her scars pulsed with the same intense flash. ?Aye. I have waited this day a long while, Mother.? Alexia fell to one knee, throwing her hands before her. The black sleeves of her shirt flying up her arms. Hideous scars spiraled around from the around her fingers straight up her arms. Thick and plentiful, but not enough to cover her whole skin. She looked like a body builder that had over done themselves, but without the muscles. If one were to have removed her shirt and pants they would find that the scars danced about her whole body, all except for her fair face. Alexia?s mother turned away, squeezing her eyes shut to keep the tears from flooding down her face. She reached into the desk, feeling the other six pendants beside Alexia?s laying perfectly station in the drawer. Her daughter?s was not hard to find and the first one she ran her slender fingers over. She pulled the smooth sapphire stone and chain from the drawer, holding it before her eyes. Alexia did not turn away from the gem. ?My dear, beloved daughter. My only offspring that survived the poision of my uterus and bitterness of this human air. Giving you this sapphire means you may never go back. That you may...? her mother trailed off, swallowing hard. ?That I may never know the joys of the touch of flesh again,? Alexia nodded. ?I have known my Fate and I except it.? Her mother sighed heavily, sliding her chair back from her desk. Standing, the woman of such grace and beauty approached her daughter, a piece of the silver chain in each hand. How was mother to condemn her own child to this fate? Alexia looked up at her mother, her eyes dancing with the wonderful dread that was her fate. Her mother slid the chain over her daughter?s head and watched as the sapphire slid down onto Alexia?s chest. A bright light eminated from the stone and then vanished. Alexia?s mother nodded her head and Alexia pulled the collar of her shirt down. The stone had set into her tender flesh just above her heart. This was now her life source, her power. The power of the God of Fate. Alexia?s scars had turned a bright red like the streak in her hair. She stood proudly, approached the desk that her mother had sat at, picked it up with one hand and crushed it between both. ?You may only touch that which can handle your touch until you learn to control it. But no flesh on this planet can withstand the heat that flows through your body. Your touch is deadly when your...? ?Scars?? ?Yes, when they and your eyes pulse with the fiery that is of the soul that has been forgotten.? Alexia saw that her mother could no longer hold back her tears. They began to flow down her face in streams of emotional turmial. She wanted to embrace her mother and tell her that it was alright, that it was not her fault. ?Fate choose me, Mother. I am not ashamed of what I am, and you should not be either. I will await for the others and usher them one by one to you.? Alexia held her self high as she walked out of the room, feeling her soul surge with relief and sadness all at once. Chase appeared momentarily afterwards with leather gloves for Alexia to put on. Now all of her scars were covered.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [I][SIZE=1](OCC: Hey every one, thanks for joining and I hope this rpg does well Alright for your ?second? post, I would like you all to continue whatever you were doing in your sign up and then make your way to New York City and to the Mansion of Fate. You may bring your respected parent or not, does not matter. I have Pmed all of you what God you have been reborn as and any other details I thought nessicary.[/SIZE][/I]
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