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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. Sounds good ya'll!! Just a little about Natene: A fair girl at the height of 5' 4", with light skin and dark hair and eyes she seems to glow with a sense of wisdom. Her frame is generously built with a curvy structure. Her hair is long and usually pulled away from her face. She hids herself among loose clothes and sneakers but is secure in her own skin. I would like to keep her befriend animal a secret for right. AND YES, YOU WILL MEET YOUR CREATURE FRIEND DURING THE RPG! If you would like to set up a situation that leads to the discovery of your friend just pm. Ok? Well, catch ya'll later. SIGN UPS ARE STILL OPEN and Sontana you still need to finish your sign up for me. Thanks
  2. "Well I see that we're wasting our time. Soon it will be dark and there'll be no way we can practice in the dark. So much for us working as a team. We can't even agree on what we're doing." Shero shouted in frustration, walking away from the crowd to practice on her own. [Pointless. This whole thing is going to be pointless and we're all going to die.] Shero said to herself as she pulled her sword from her waist. She began to do simple stretching excerises with her weapon.
  3. "Maybe we should run drills, or something of that nature. Have a false attacker. Then we could put the idea into motion and, for lack of better words, practice." Shero piped up. Looking around hoping she didn't over step her bounds. When no one replied or said a thing, Shero shrank to the ground.
  4. I hadn?t seen her in so many years, but she had changed very little in that time. Most of it had to do with the fact that she was immortal, or at least I had thought so. Right now, her red blood covered my hands and my front. I stroked her soft neck, streaking the white coat with bright red. (I am sorry.) She spoke through her mind since her lips could not form human words. ?For what, Anegus?? I spoke to her softly, tears streaming down my face. (For you to return to this.) Her voice was heavenly, even within my own mind. She was a rare creature, even in Natara. I squeezed a smile onto my face and ran the back of my fingers over her cheek. She was even beautiful as she was dying. ?How could you have known that this was going to happen?? (I am still sorry.) Her body heaved from the pain and blood loss. ?What can I do, Anegus? I feel so useless, what can I do to help?? I nearly cried out. (I have lost too much blood for you to help me. I am sorry, Natene.) She lifted her head to take in my sight, but I ushered her to lay down again. ?I would rather not watch you be in horrible pain.? I spoke to her softly. (I understand.) ***** It was five years ago when I first met Anegus. I remembered it well. I was finally free from my high school and was looking forward to going home. Caleb was at my side as he usually was. I could not ask for a better friend. He had walked to my house before he made his way home. The events after that were horribly fuzzy. I remember going to my room, then returning downstairs to eat with my family. I think it was late when things got weird. I laid in my room, the lights off, allowing the darkness to sweep over me. I never really had a fear of the dark, I had always felt comfortable in it. There was a tap on my window and I could hear my younger sister roll around in her bed. I hated sharing a room, but there wasn?t much I could do or say. There was another tap, this time I rose from my bed. My room was on the second floor of our house and I had no clue what was making the noise. I pulled back the lilac curtain and saw Caleb standing below. He was preparing to throw another stone when I poked my head out of the window. ?What are you doing?? I shouted in a harsh whisper. ?I think you should come look at this.? He motioned towards the road. ?Caleb, are you crazy? I can?t sneak out.? ?They?ll never know, come on.? He stood there, looking up at me with his arms at his sides. ?Alright, hold on,? I mumbled. I was really glad that my parents room was downstairs. I rushed around to throw on a pair of pants, shoes and a jacket before climbing out of my window. From the laundry room roof, I climbed down to the small side porch roof, where Caleb helped me to the ground. ?This better be good,? I protested. ?I think so,? he countered leading me quietly away from my home. We jogged down the street and I suddenly began to feel a strange thickness in the air. I said nothing as we neared the town?s middle school. As we rounded the corner and the school came into full view, I saw a glorious light. Beautiful pinks and pastels blues stretched from behind the large complex. We weren?t the only ones drawn by the strange light display. There were three others there and I knew them all. There was one girl and two other guys. We all gathered together, but said nothing. We all headed towards the light that lay behind the school. We all ventured quietly through the parking lot and down the stairs to the baseball fields. The light swirled and made a sort of center vortex with a bright, blinding white light from its center. We all hesitated for a moment, looking at one another. When no one moved, I made my way forward soon followed by the others. I made my way to the center of the light and once my eyes calmed, I saw glorious grass fields shone with warm brilliant sunlight. ?What in the world?? I shouted. ?You see it, too?? Caleb shouted. [Background Info: Natara is known as THE LAND OF THE UNICORNS. It, like Mista, is a parella world to earth that can only be reached by magical portals. These portals can only be summoned by the unicorns and only the Queen can grant them the right to do so. Natara has little to no violence other than survival of the fittest. Every thing under the sun lives here except for humans, who have been exiled from the land when the unicorns had to flee earth. Humans were said to corrupt and destroy and kill that which they didn't understand. There has been humans that have come to Natara in history by some chance.] Sign Ups: [I'm going to take as many post for each character and after a bit I will choose the who I think is the best person to play that character. So be orginal and don't up play your characters too much. I WILL NEED CHARACTERS LATER ON IN THE STORY SO KEEP CHECKING.] LISTEN SPARKYS, there are no minor characters to sign up for. All the characters below play a huge role in this RPG. I want serious rpgers and i need these filled out. Please don't let this die!! I need: Caleb- [COLOR=Red]DemonsLover[/COLOR] A girl- [COLOR=YellowGreen]Sonata[/COLOR] Guy One-[COLOR=DarkOrange]XYZ[/COLOR] Guy two-[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]lil kitsune boy [/COLOR] Unicorn Queen Dragon King Pegasus Guard Leader Please make sure you tell me who you want!! Then you can fill out this form: Name: Appearance: [I would like these to be good, especially for the guard, king and queen] Bio: [in here i want age. In natara creatures never die unless killed by a mortal hand. both king and queen are ancient, they are one of the first creatures to venture to Natara. humans have no magical element at least at this point] Befriended creature: [this is for the humans only. when you enter Natara, you will meet the guards and then venture to the palace. along the way you will some how befriend one of the creatures. you are allowed to control this creature] Creature's appearance: [please add age and what they do] [for the king, queen and guard if you want them to have a lover and a family. that's fine.] REMEMBER!! be creative and have fun! (HEY!! if you view and decide not to join, please leave me a reply on why not so i can try to make this more "doable". thanks)
  5. Sorry this Adventure hasn't started yet. Please check out the sign ups!!
  6. Well, my grandmother's van has been known for hitting poor defensless birds. My grandmother in general has been known for hitting them too. But that's not the point here. I was coming back from the local fair and coming down one of the really big hills. There was no one on either side of me and I was chatting with the other people in the van with me. Suddenly two sparrows dart across me and I hear this sickening thud, I knew I hit one. I slammed on the break, pulled the ran over and run up the street. I had hit one, broke its neck clean. An easy death (if there is such a thing). I felt so bad and its mate kept flying around us. I tossed the small bird into the grass and watched its mate frantically looking for it. I felt so horrible. But what could I do, my grandmother's van is a bird murder. There was one other time when I was on my way back to my dorm. My boyfriend at the time was driving on the highway. I was kind of looking out the window, even though it was hard to see anything because it was dark. I had this feeling to bring my head around for some reason. My boyfriend was busy watching the signs and that he was going to turn off on the right road. That's when I saw it. There was no way he was going to avoid the poor thing but the words "watch out for the skunk," slipped out of my mouth. The poor thing stopped, fear stricken and looked up into the car. I was sure he was looking directly at me. There was a crunching thud and I closed my eyes. "You hit him..." I whined and my boyfriend couldn't believe it. Then the smell started. I felt so horrible, other than my poor bird murdering, I had never been in a vechile that hit an animal.
  7. [COLOR=Red]Asis looked over to her Grandfather. He nodded and she knew that she was to begin the process. She began to do the breathing steps that Jonathan had started with Aria. She took a deep breath in one...two...three...four...five...six...seven, and released. She could feel her core expanding and shrinking with every breath. "Now, Asis. Shape it with your hands as she pull it from your center. This will create the rings that will either protect you or you may use for an attack." Asis listened to her Grandfather as he spoke, her eyes closed loosely. She began to spin the threads of her core into a single fire ring. "Pull them apart by pulling your hands from each other vertically. They will slid around you if your body is threaten, if it isn't they will spin before you. You must open your eyes and send them at your attacker." Asis drew her eyes open and choose a wall that no one was near. She hesitated for a moment, the fire rings spinning with great force before her. They were heavy, but she didn't want to disappoint her Grandfather. She placed her hands on either side of the center ring and threw it at the wall. The rings exploded against the wall, lighting up the room more than it already was. "Greatly done. That attack is called Love with Fury, and now for your morphing. You must look to your core again, child. Allow it to surround your body and feel its fiery glow. Allow your thoughts to run free like the wind, feel the earth beneath your harden hooves. Your body is powerful and graceful with a flowing mane and tail." Asis watched her Grandfather change from an old man to an elegant aged black stallion. His body had begun to grow grey hairs and his face was covered with them. "Now you try." Asis closed her eyes, swipping her hands down the front of her in an attempt to calm her center. Her core swipt around her in a great wave and surrounded her in a ball of flames, showing her grandfather that she was more powerful than he had ever imagined. He transformation for pretty girl to outstanding horse was quick. The flames vanished slowly to reveal her morphed form. Her head held high she was the perfect mix of power and grace. Her long black mane and tail had red tips. Her long powerful legs allowed her to stand at 16.3 hands ( OOC: around 6 to 7 ft tall at the withers which is at the base of the neck on the toplined) Her face was beautifully composed and her body held almost perfect muscling. [Now that is what I call beauty.] Her grandfather laughed. [Now do the same, but bring your human appearance back.] Her Grandfather slowly moved from his animal form to his human form with great effort. It proved the point why she and the others were here to defeat the old threat and not them. Asis nodded her large black head. She closed her eyes and focused on her human appearance once again engulfed in flames. Bringing herself back to her human form was a little more challenging. She had to focus on every part of her body one at a time changing back into its orginal form. Her nose and mouth shrinking and forming a human face. Her eyes returning to the side of her head and her eyes returning to the front. Her hooves turning into hands and feet and her tail loosing its hair and disappearing back into her body. The flames vanished and she shook herself free of the hair that remained, it floating into the air and slowing disappearing before it reached the floor. She was ready.[/COLOR]
  8. Shero looked at the gold dragon that lay contently on the ground. It was beautiful, gleaming in the light sun light. Shero took her eyes off of the dragon and looked about the crowd. "Hey, Arturious. I have an idea. Just a thought of course and if any one disagrees that's fine I suppose. But I think, while we wait here we should work on becoming a team instead of indiviuals. We're all talented in our own ways, but shouldn't we put those skills together?" Shero looked about the crowd again, waiting for someone to began complaining or agreeing with what she had just said. She left her graze on the older man.
  9. Shero caught her breath in her throat. If this shadow-kai was the orge's commander then it had to have some deal of power within it. She did admit that must of the fighters with them were strong and good in their own manner, but they didn't work as one. This was going to cause problems with any great monsters they came across and then Baaloth. She looked about as she began to tear down her tent. Every one was in a semi-panic and working alone. This wasn't going to work. She hurried, strapped her pack on and ran over to another person having diffculty with their gear. "Here, let me help."
  10. [COLOR=Red]"Where are we, Grandfather?" Asis looked about her strange surroundings, almost overwhelmed by the darkness. "Focus, Asis. You cannot let simple darkness take hold of you, my son's daughter. I know both your father and I have taught you better than that," her grandfather scolded her. Asis hung her head in shame. "We have no time for this, Asis, daughter of Morgo. We must find the base, so pull yourself together girl." Asis nodded her head and followed behind her grandfather. He moved quickly amonst the tall grass and slender trees with her close behind him. He was quick for an old man, even, at times, moved better than she did. He held no weapon with him, but made her carry all of her's. Hack and Cob were strapped to her back in their sheaths and her sword's sheath was tied to her waist and moved nicely with her body as she ran through the forest. When they came to a strange grove of tress, her Grandfather forced her to stop. "Now, I shall show you how to enter the base and don't you ever forget it, you understand, Asis." "Yes, Grandfather." she replied. Her showed her the stange botton like knot on the tree that was pressed to open the door to the base. It was strange to see it, but she had grown up with the knowledge of the Eight Dogs and the base. They slipped into the base and were greeted by the others that were already there. Asis walked to the the King and bowed to him and then she walked over to the princess and bowed to her before taking her place back at her Grandfather's side.[/COLOR]
  11. Shero raced out of her tent, her sword in her hand and her shoulders bare without her coat. The others rushed to the load noise from the beast that was approaching, all ready with their weapons. Shero grabbed her amulet and found that their was nothing. She creased her eye brows and squeezed the stone firmly. "That's strange," Shero whispered to herself. "The amulet always reacts to anything that has anything to do with the Wraith, why wasn't it now? "Hey, I don't want to run the show or anything, but I think there's something not right here!" Shero shouted over the sound as every one took a position.
  12. Shero suddenly saw Arturios heading towards Reaf and the other stranger. She took a sharp detour and headed straight for them. She couldn't remember what she was suppose to talk to Arturios about, but she knew she was still looking for him for some odd reason. "That's Arturios," Shero pointed at the old man, Kamui looking over her shoulder to see where her finger was directed. He nodded when he took the man's sight in and both made their way through the crowd.
  13. I changed my virtue to love for all you peoples. Sorry for the mix up. And I'll remember to write in red when we start the story. Okay-dokay
  14. Name: Victoria Irisa Age: 18 Race: vampire Bio: Better known to the world as Irisa, was born in Ireland in the mediveal area to wealthy parents. Even though wealthy parents in Ireland didn't mean you had an easy life, but Irisa did. Her parents had only her and her older brother. Both children were given everything they ever wanted and more. Irisa was a spoiled girl and showed it proudly. She was always wearing the latest fashions, treating peasants horribly, as if they weren't even human, and turning men away because they weren't rich enough. On a beautiful day a strange man came to her home on a strange looking horse dressed in a very strange manner. When Irisa sigh him, she instantly fell in love with him. He would take her out to great places in Ireland and her parenst perpared for their marriage. About two months after the arrival of the stranger, tragaty struck Irisa's home. Every one was horribly slaughtered and some drained of their blood. When Irisa and her lover returned she found that the man she had come to love was also a vampire. He quickly took her blood and transformed her to a blood-thrusty vampire at the mere age of 18. It took two centaries for Irisa to control her blood lust and around that time she changed her name from Victoria to Irisa. She killed the vampire that had changed her and killed her family and took refuge with a clan (i guess that's what u call them) in a large city. When first looked at, Irisa is a typical look vampire: dark hair, pale complexation and deep almost black eyes. She is usually dressed in mediveal grab, but dress in modern clothing every now again when she goes to a club looking either for a good one nighter or fresh blood. A pretty girl that has lost her spoiled nature, but can be a real b**ch. (hope that works)
  15. "He's a short old man, dressed in red and black and I think he's got an amulet around his neck. You'll know who he is as soon as you see him." Shero wanted for a nod from Kamui before she slid past him to wander through the crowd again. That's when she caught sight of the strange man that had entered the "La Tavern" just before the whistle had sounded. She caught the man's eyes for a brief second and her insides locked with the surge of something far too farmilar. She found herself come to a brief stop before she remembered the tast at hand. She drew her head down and passed by the stranger before bringing her head back up to look for Arturios.
  16. Elements Fire - Colours: Fire - Red Virtues: Love (i have no problem changing...sorry for the mix up) Sign Up Sheet: Name: Asis-sun (i have to look up where they come from cuz i didn't write it down cuz i'm dense) Aden-fiery one Age: 18 Element Power: Love with Fiery-a ring of fires created by her hands they can be used to protect her or those around her or thrown at any enemy, but usually does not kill only stunns. Weapon(s): Two short swords, Hack and Cob. Hack has brown leather around its handle with small feathers falling from the the hilts end. Cob has black leather and small crystal stones hidden with the blade. She also carries a fairly long katana at her waist, but is rarely used (will be the center of a far more advance elemental attack) Appearance: Soft straight alburn hair falls to her shoulders usually pulled back in a pony tail exposing her fair face and drawing attention to her strange eyes. At first glance, Asis' eyes look a deep rich brown color but after better inspection you can see the bright red ring that circles around both eyes. She is usually dressed in lose pants, boats and a form fitting tank top with a cloak. She wears a large ruby amulet around her neck. Her whole outfit is shades of red, blue, and brown to allow hinting at her element. Personality: A stronge willed girl, not allowing herself to be weak and always willing to fight for the right cause. Never wanting to back down from a fight brings many problems to her, but is always willing to stand up for her friends and fight if they can't. Bio: Asis was helping her Grandmother and Grandfather with their small farm chores when the light had come. Asis had spent every morning and evening helping her grandparents take care of their humble farm. When the light came, Asis stood fiercely there to her family. When she was hit by the light, her Grandfather took her, telling her grandmother goodbye, and took her away to a place she didn't know. (sorry its really crappy, i'm kinda in a hurry) Beast Form: I know not many people accosiate the HORSE with fire, but sagittarius is centaur, half human half horse and sagittarius is a fire zodiac. Beast Form Appearance: see attachment
  17. Shero felt restless and decided to try and find Arturios to tell him about the other men she had discovered. This tavern seemed a little crowded for her taste, especially with all the guards running around. She wondered who they were looking for. Shero tucked her hands into her leather jacket pockets, wondering about the tavern with no sign of Artruios, but she did find Kamui. She smiled at the thought of him wanting to help, they didn't he's character around. Being all about business might bring the spirit of the mission to a horrible down and they could disasterous. "I see you've followed," she hid the smile that she felt creeping onto her face as she approached Kamui. "I'm looking for an old man by the name of Arturios. You wouldn't have, by chance, seen him have you?"
  18. Shero heard the sharp whistle in the distance and looked at Kamui. "That would be the others I'm traveling with. We are here for rest and medicine, if you can help than you may come along." Shero yelled above the crowd loud enough for the man in the corner to her hear. She may not have acknowledged the fact that he was watching her, but she knew he was. Shero finished the last of her soup and drink, and left the "La Tavern", not looking back to see if either of the men were following her.
  19. Shero looked over at the young man. He was attractive, but she tried not to think about that. She was here just to get something to eat and then she was returning back to the others to complete her task. She sighed deeply and extended her hand. "Hello, Kamui, I'm Shero. Is there anything I can do for you?" she tried to keep her tone pleasant, yet tried to keep the thrill in this attractive male talking to her from the surface.
  20. Shero hesitated for a moment before making her way through the village to look for a tavern. She walked through the dirt streets, her head held high looking up at the signs annoucing the names of the taverns. She found a small sign saying "La Tavern". She shook her head and laught at the simplicity of the name. Tired of walking she entered the tavern, looking about the room. It was small and crowded, but it would have to do. She could smell the ranke smell of mulitple races and the sweet smell of food and alcohol. She shoved past the people standing and sitting about, holding her sword close to her body. She slid onto a wooden bar stool and leaned against the polished wooden bar counter. She watched the bar tender and waitresses walk back and forth. The noise in the tavern was almost unbearable and she tried to focus on what she was going to order. "Can I help you?" a man walked up to her from behind the counter. "Yeah, I'll have your soup special and a tall glasses of whatever you got. Add a little cinniman to it while your at it." Shero replied in a rough and forceful voice. The man nodded and was off to put in the order. She hunched over, pearing over her shoulder. There was no one in here that was going to be any help healing or giving her things to help heal the others. She was releaved that she managed to only receive a couple of bruises thanks to her leather outfit. She watched a few more people enter the tavern. There were wooden tables with crowds of men sitting at them, harassing the waitresses as they walked by or severed them. Shero growled and turned her head away. There weren't many women in here that weren't working in some form. She shook her head at the whole ideal of it all. She turned around to watch the man place her order in front of her, the soup steaming. She took from her pocket a few coins and placed it on the counter. The man quickly scooped them up and was off to take other orders. Shero began to sip at the soup, noticing that she had men on either side of her. She paid no attention to them as she began to fill her belly.
  21. Corsha stood silent for a moment, clasping her amulet in one hand tightly. Her knuckles turned white as she prayed for help. She watched the others rush forward to take on the creatures before them. She knew she could not talk or reason with these beings for they had no soul, they were nothing more than flesh wondering about being controlled by the evil. Corsha heard a loud call from the sky. She looked up to see various birds flying towards their enemy. She smiled as she was joined by wolves and large wild cats. Now she was ready to fight! She brought her head down and rested one hand on a wolf and one on a tiger. "Now, my friends, we will fight to protect our home." They howled and roared in response to her voice before she took to flight.
  22. Shero took her place next to Arturios, knowing the old man didn't really need her help, but it was better than being by yourself. She pulled a few of her knives from her pants and readied herself. Two of the lizard creatures flew from under the grass at her, she took two of her knives and threw it at their open mouths. They hit with almost perfect accuarcy, their bodies falling to the ground. Shero deep a sudden deep breath and staggered back. She grabbed the amulet around her neck. It throbbed painfully against her chest. She turned wild eyes towards Arturios and then flashing them around towards the others. They were all lost in the battles with the Cartiopters. "Kyohen, there's too many of them! We need to get to the village!" Shero shouted over the noise.
  23. "They're nasty characters," Shero walked up next to Kyohen. "I've run into them just before I got here, but it was only two. I couldn't use my weapons because their hides were so hard. I ended up having to use my physical strength to beat them." Kyohen looked at her for a brief moment. Shero wasn't sure what he was thinking, probably the usually reaction to a girl having phyiscal strength, especially a human. Guess she was just going to have to show what she was really made of and why she was on this trip to begin with. Shero turned her head to look at Arturos, a strange question suddenly in her mind. "For an 85 year old man, you sure are robust...how is that Arturos? Is there something you haven't told us about yourself or am I just wasting my thoughts on nothing?" Waiting for him to answer, Shero looked back at the others. They were pretty exuasted from the battle with the shadow demon and his wolves. They needed rest and proper food.
  24. Corsha watched Thyne leave the throne room before jumping to her feet. She taunted the old guy behind his back before she followed after the other hell angel. She ventured into the dark, momentarily blind before she could see. The girl was no where in admited sight, but Corsha could feel that she wasn't far. Trusting her instints she went off in a direction and it wasn't long before she found Thyne. "Thank you," Corsha bowed, a happy smile on her face, in front of Thyne. "I've never had any one stick up for me before. If you need some one at your back for whatever reason you can call upon me. I will be there without a word." Thyne nodded trying to smile at the energitic girl. Corsha gave a huge smile before returning to the throne room. This time she wandered over to Lucien (OOC: did i spell that right?). "HI!" Corsha said happily. "I'm Corsha. You have an amazing talent to be able to find this place just by feel! Do you think you could teach me how to do that some time?" Corsha tilted her head in a playful manner.
  25. Corsha looked about the throne room, there were so many hell angels! She didn't realize there was that many, but it should have been a given. Corsha looked at Thyne that wasn't standing far from her. She smiled at the girl then decided that it would be best to leave her alone. When she turned to look at the other two that had followed Jin in with her, her eyes were caught on Fenn. She tilted her head at him as he stood, arms crossed on his chest with a cold, blank stare. She wasn't attracted to him, how could you be with a heartless manner like that, but she felt herself being drawn to him She smiled and bounced over to where he stood. "Hi!" Corsha announced when she finally was next to him. When the man didn't reply Corsha scooted in front of him and began to wave her arms. "Hello, I'm talking to you. Hello!" she began to parade around him trying desperately to get his attention and failing misearbly. "Why don't you leave him alone?" someone shouted at her. She turned around to see one of the older hell angels. "This isn't all fun and games girl. The three worlds are in jeapordy, we don't need some half wit making jokes and being stupid. They'll just get in the way." Corsha began to approach this new target. "I may not be one of the strongest of the hell angels and I might seem to be a little stupid and too carefree for a job of this calibur. But let me tell you, Sir," Corsha said bitterly, her temper beginning to flare. "I'm willing to die to save our homes." Then suddenly she smiled at him. "Plus," she said playfully when the look of shock was written on the man's face. "We need to have a little fun and smile once in awhile otherwise we won't be any better than what we're fighting. Life isn't all smiles and joy, I know that. But I'm also not going to let it ruin my day either." She twirled around, perparing to continue her attempt of getting this Fenn-guy's attention.
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