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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. OOC: me sorry :( I'm still a little new to this whole thing. please forgive me. and i'm sorry if i sounded like a b**ch, but that whole thing of people not paying attention to others was getting on my nerves. and it was confusing me! alright, write more later.
  2. It had been a long time since Corsha had been back underground. The dark caves that led to the city made her nervous and memories of the life she had before her second chance crept into her mind. She knew that she was going to run into Jin and possibly Lucifer, they were her leaders...but she wasn't sure she was ready for it. She paused suddenly, hearing voice down the cave a bit. It was Jin and probably his friend, whatever her name was. She had no problems with either of them really, but the thought of running into someone right now frighten her. She huddled against the wall, wrapping her black wings around her body in hopes to hide from it all. She reached up and began to stroke the amulet that hung from her neck. It wasn't long before a small bird had flown to her. Corsha smiled and placed a finger out for the bird to land on her finger. "Hello lovely little bird." The bird chirped at her cheerfully, Corsha giving a half laugh in response. The bird continued to chirp, reassuring her that everthing was going to be alright, that there was far more important things at hand then her past. Corsha nodded, realizing that the small bird was right. She pushed herself from the wall and placed her wings behind her once more. Taking a deep breath, Corsha and the small bird made their way down the cave entrance eventually finding Jin and his friend. "Sir, Jin." Corsha bowed in a flirtly yet respectful manner to both Jin and his friend.
  3. Before I continue on with this story with my character, I think people need to pay attention to what others write. According to Keirra's last entry, the shadow demon is already dead. so until this issue is sorted out, my character will have no part in this story and no one is allowed to control her thank you.
  4. Sign ups: Postion: ex demon warrior Name: Pattora Name: Amber Age: 18 Appearance: Her softly curled red hair falls to about her shoulders in a display of her grace. She is usually wearing something flashy or eye catching, and enjoys making people turn their heads with her sexy, yet outlandish outfits. Her soft green eyes are bright and luring. Her face soft with little freckling but not the normal amount most people see or think of when they invision a red head. Personality: She is an outgoing, fun loving girl but with the strength of a leader. She doesn't like to take charge but isn't afraid to express her opinion on the matter or what her and her friends should and should not do. She can sometimes become very possive over her friends and hates to see any of her friends hurt or harrassed, willing to start a fight with whom ever bothers them. Bio: Pattora was a powerful demon warrior, never questioning her orders from her officer. After discovering the truth behind the war, Pattora gave up her postion and tried to stop the fighting only to do die trying. As a human, Pattora, or Amber, has no idea that she was once a demon warrior. She knowns that she has a great ability in sports and doing outdoor activities, but thinks its just because of her parents. If Amber isn't with her friends goofing off, she's either at the local stable, doing some type of sport, or working on school work. (if you need more let me know)
  5. Name: Airra Horlana Age: 22 Appearance: Covered in mostly dark green robes, Airra is a strong and strange woman. Her colorless eyes are deceiving and mask her true emotions. Her face is a soft and pale color with nothing more than a small scar stretching from her left temple to her jaw. Her long ebony hair is usually pulled back and still stretching to her hips. Under her robes is a well-developed body made to do intense labor if nessicary. Class: Mage Element: Fire Weapon: A long staff with a ruby jem entwined in the wood. This staff is used to harnness the power hidden within her body. She also carries a light weight katana like sword that she uses for close range combat if nessacary. Her staff is named Despair and her sword Belva. Occupation: Teacher (for magi) Personality: Airra is a very reserved person. She speaks with great wisdom and is well respected. She is known to be cold harder and even cruel at times, but it allows her to be one of the best magi left. She has tried to leave desire of worldly things behind and become one with Terran. She has spent most of her years trying to teach others the way to be one. History: Airra's mother was sweet and gentle and a great lover. Her father and mother had been together since they were young teenagers, blissfully in love with one another. During labor for Airra, their only daughter, Airra's mother died leaving a grieving man to take care of the baby. Airra was named after her mother and was raised the best to his knowledge. He wasn't a very wealthy man, keeping a small tavern for travelers, which didn't bring in much. He did odd jobs around the village to survive and feed his daughter. Airra was raised as a hard honest worker and put others before herself. When her father passed away when she was sixteen from a broken heart, Airra had to make it on her own. That's when she met Cathor, a very powerful mage. He took her in, asking only for her to keep the house neat. He taught her the power within herself and the proper ways of a mage. She soon after took him as her lover and his death of a strange illness at the age of twenty left her alone again. When she could find no other way to survive, Airra studied heavily into her mage work then began to teach those younger than her what she had learned. She told fantasic stories of when Terran was a utopia. Spells/Skills: Fertara: a powerful shield created from the heart and made of almost undestructable fire. The shield looks like a series of circles and strange patterns, each one meaning something in order to protect. Nerratirra: this skill is usually used with the sword Belva. This attack takes awhile to perpare. It engulfs the blade of the sword in a combination of thunder and fire, when the sword is brought from above and then thrust downwards, the elements fly from the sword and hit its target. (sorry that it's not longer, but i must sleep soon)
  6. Shero sunk to the floor at the sight of the sunrod, sheilding her eyes with her arms. It wasn't the fact that it was the sun, or an imatation of the sun. But the meaning it held in her memory. The awful shrieks that came from the beast that was struck by such an arrow was burned into her head. If only she could use her sword or even...no...she couldn't. She would have to indure the horrific screams and be reminded of the past she longed to forget. Shero curled into a ball against the wall, trembling as if she was about to die herself. It felt like it was going to take forever for her to finally endure the sound.
  7. Name:Corsha Age: 20 Agenda:female Race:Hell angel personality: A fun loving, energetic soul, Corsha loves to have fun. She enjoys simple things like being outdoors and with her animal companions. She has a dark side, her temper is short and her rage fierce. She's very forgiving and tends to take in every one. Because of her fun loving nature, people tend to think of Corsha as childish and immature. Corsha is smart and has great leadership skills that she does not use. She only shows her serious nature to those that are truly close to her. Appearance: Corsha has a layered black hair that reaches to her shoulders. She has a fair appearance and is usually dressed to whatever her mood is. Her black feathered wings dwarf her built frame. Her soft brown eyes tell the story of her past, but her smile hides the pain. Abilities: To call upon almost any animals help when she needs it. She doesn't have to speak, just feel the animals where-abouts and tell of her trouble and they will come on their own. She can also speak to most of them, there are some she cannot understand, mostly other human languages. Element: there is no one element Corsha has. She was granted nothing more or nothing less than her animal friends. weapon: an amulet that allows her to hear animals from great distances. Bio: Corsha at one time offered her services to others, mainly to kill unwanted humans or angels by others for various people. She came upon a human by the name of Recard. He promised to take care of her as long as she did what he asked. Corsha found herself traveling around the world to destroy any and all of Recard's enemies. After ten years of this life, Corsha came across Jin and with his soul stealing ability sent her to the underworld. When Corsha was given a second chance, she was over joyed. When her time was done, she choose to return to the above and serve as a Hell Angel hoping she could bring some good out of what she had wronged. (I hope i'm in time for the sign-ups!! :( )
  8. Shero turned her head to watch the others for a brief moment. She was impressed by the team work that was accuring in this cave. It brought a slight smile to her face before she looked back at Arturios. "I would help, I really would. But my skills are of no use here. I cannot use the knives that lay hiden within my coat, my sword is far too long for such narrow spaces and people and..." she allowed her sentence to trail off as Arturios took out another wolf with his staff. "I dare not use my amulet for fear of harming others. The shadow wolves may fear its power, but a beast of that size?" she nodded her head to the shadow demon the others were trying to trap. Before Arturios could reply, the cave gave a great tremble as the demon began to protest the idea of the others plan. But for whatever reason, it did not stop them. They plunged on, continuing to follow Kyohen's suggestion. So brave and loyal to each other and they had just met. Was it because of the mixture of the races or was it the hope of sealing the Wraithwind? All she knew was she wasn't being much help to them now.
  9. Shero stood off to the side, her sword still wrapped in its sheath. Her arms folded across her chest, she saw no point in fighting the wolves, they just kept coming. Was this a test for them to prove their skills; if it was it was a poor test. Shero reached into her pocket and ran her fingers across the smooth oval shaped amulet. There was far too much voidstone around, but it wasn't enough to protect all those out to seal the Wraithwind. If she used the power held within the onix amulet she could vanquish the wolves, but it wasn't worth the risk of the others, even if they weren't the greatest of fighters. At least they were willing to give there lives to save the world. Shero turned to see a wolf staring at her. She drew its eyes in and never moved her head, the beast freezing in its place. It could sense the amulet's power sealed inside and was too afraid to come near her. She watched a featherd arrow fly threw the dark cave and strike the beast, killing it almost instantly. The power in the amulet was great, but was no under her control at all. It was just a wild and rogue as the rest of the magic here. Shero turned her head to catch the old man looking at her. She must have been a disappointment to him, she wasn't even trying to help. But Shero didn't want to waste energy on these minner creatures, especially if they came across something far more powerful.
  10. Shero walked quietly to a corner in the room and leaned against the wall, putting her hand gently on the hilt of her sword. She surveyed the others that had gathered. "I thought there would be more of us. I'm not saying it isn't possible, but seeing the lot of you...isn't too reassuring." Shero frowned, waiting for a reply from one of the other members.
  11. I've decided to kill this story that's all.
  12. Name: Shero Gender: female Race: Human Age: 18 Description: Leather pants cling tightly to her legs, covered by soft black boots allowing her to use her feet fexibly. A small black cotton tank is tucked into her pants and she wears a long leather coat over top of it, the ends of the coat resting gently on her lower calves. Her black onix hair is cut short allowing her to move without its interference. Her eyes glow a strange red color around the brown center. Hiden by her coat and inside her leather pants' pocket lay a necklace. On the end of the silver chain was a large black onix amulet. Weapons: a dozen of so throwing knives hidden in various spots and a long katana named Thosa. Personality: Shero is a dark mysterious girl, keeping to herself but willing to help others. After the death of her blood family and then her adopted family, Shero held her emotions deep within her. She is a powerful fighter and is able to weld small amounts of magic with her black onix amulet. :love2:
  13. M-LSV Nanoren was the powerful God to the wolf packs, and his wife was Camale. There were many wolf packs that worshipped the Lord and Lady of the earth, but there were a few that weren't. Hathor, a mere adolecent, was a memeber of one of three oldest wolf packs that worshipped Nanoren. She was born to the alfa male and female of her pack and was the oldest of six siblings. Six months before the horrible event, Hathor took a lover by the name of Jana. They were a perfect pair and very much in love with one another. One October day, the three Oldest packs found themselves caught in a strange snow storm after coming back from hunt. After getting lost, the wolves woke up to find themselves in the heart of human society and with human bodies! Hathor and Jana were outraged! For three years the two lovers spent most of their time in trying to find the reason for their curse and a cure to set them free and return home. But things took a nasty twist when Hathor found Jana take a human lover, the creature that had some how cursed them. Lost in the world, with no one at her side, Hathor most search the human world for a way to return home. Hey everyone, I'm not sure if you care for my plot, but I assure you that it has a little more fantasy base than in the basic describtion (which i realize sucks balls, but that's ok.) What I need is three humans and let's say...four wolves changed to humans and two actual wolves. I may need some different characters later on...so keep checking. PS. all wolf to humans have retained their agility, strength, aggression, and lust for blood. Human Sign Up Name: Gender: Appearance: Special skills: Background: Wolves changed to humans sign up Name: (may have a wolf name and a human name that are different) Gender: Appearance: (both wolf and human) Postion in pack: Background: Wolf sign up Name: Gender: Appearnce: Background: Wolf to human: Name: Hathor-Hathor Ellens Appearance: wolf: large black female destine to be alfa female. She has no white with golden eyes. human: 5'6" with jet black hair that stretches past her waist but is always up in a messy bun and gold eyes. Curvy with a fair face. Postion: baby-sister, sometimes hunter Background: She found him in the arms of another woman, to be more precise, a human female. This betrayal of him sleeping with another was bad enough, but to see him with the one thing she loathed over the betrayal of their God--was unforgiveable! She let out a growl deep within her throat and ran from the sight before her. After searching for so long and hating the humans so much, how could he do this to her? She thought that he loved her? Maybe she wasn't good enough, especially since she had been so envolved in finding an answer instead of being intimate with him. It didn't matter. She was Hathor, proud daught of Lady Tosta and Lord Reair. She was going to show them all that she was meant to be alpha and bring her people home again. :tasty: the vanishing smiley!! YEAH!
  14. Name: Redook Age: unknown Gender: female (at least in human form) Appearance: An average height female with onix called hair stretching to her waist. Her skin delicate and gently paler than most humans. She is beautiful, wearing flattering clothing to accent her curvey figure. Her eyes are dark brown and she wears no make-up for she needs nothing to enhance her beautiful face. weapon: a beautifully crafted katana by the name of Sari. The hilt is laced with onix colored fabric and houses a red gem of some sort in the very center. magic: after yelling AFICIONADO, Redook places hands in center of body and covers them with her wings, after a small delay a large ball of molten rock will fly from her claws. when Redook chants bastante three times her opponet is unable to perform any skill accuratly. Demon appearance: human body remains but has leather onix wings stretching behind her between her shoulder blades. Instead of hands she recieves talons with black skin stretching half-way up her forearms. She will grow a long onix tail with a white tatoo that starts at the base and works its way to the tip, but never touches the sides or under neath. Her speed and strength increase but her accuracy decreases do to an increase in her rage. Background: Redook was born half-demon and half-human. Her mother, the human, raised her and she seldom saw her evil father that loved her mother dearly. When he was killed when she was seven, Redook discovered her mighty demon half. She transformed into her beastly self and killed not only her father's killers, but any one else that was in the area including her mother. Redook knew she had to hide from not only humans but herself. She returned to school and tried to pretend to have a normal life.
  15. (not enough time to post whole thing, will i get back from class)
  16. hello stranger, I thought I would inform you on a little bit of information. Goth is an extreme form of christianity. The reason they dress in black is to purge themselves of all worldy desires including color. If you think I'm making this up to be a *****, you're wrong. I've had friends that are goth or were praticing for a while. I've also done research on this topic to better understand my friends and their beliefs. So, don't make goths sound so bad please. Sloan
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