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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow][I]Tears streamed down the dark complection of the spainish girl that had come to live with Cassidy and his parents. The bathroom was dark after one of only two light bulbs had blown. He could see her dark eyes staring back at his with such love. Her dark hair lay across her right shoulder, covering the opened low cut collar of her shirt. She was beautiful and his heart swelled with sorrow to see her crying so heavily. "Amber, what's wrong?" Cassidy's voice broke into a small squeak...terrified of what may become of this moment. He took a step forward, his gangly fourteen year old body trembling with fear. "Don't come any closer," she pulled her hand up, it trembling from the objects weight. "What are you doing, Amber?" Cassidy sobbed softly, trying to stay strong. "I love you," she cried. BANG! The room went red. Blood rushed towards his sneakers. Panic threaten to take over him. His chest heavied up and down, his breath coming in short gasps. He fell to his knees, sobbing. He dared not bring his head up, but something tugged on him to. That's when he saw the white wolf again. Its head bent lapping at the blood on the tiled floor. The white wolf rose his head, mouth stained with crimson blood, and stared into Cassidy's eyes.[/I] [CENTER]******[/CENTER] Cassidy sat up, sweat rushing down his face and over his bare chest. He reached up to grasp the necklace and found that it was gone. [I]Rusti...[/I] He looked over at the red head that laid next to him, also nude. He felt a sudden surge of nausea rush up into his mouth. He pulled the blankets from his body, threw on his pants and left the room in a whirl of emotions. He had only made it half way down the hallway when the alarm system began to blare, and the announcer came over the PA system. "STRAGERY STATION..." and Cassidy was off and running.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cassidy watched as Rusti rushed from the party, secruity finally departing the room as well. His hand was still slightly covered with the thin powder of make up when the red head from earlier approached him. She had some what of a scowl on her face from Cassidy's early depature, but managed to smile anyways. "Hey hot stuff, I have a few drinks back in my quarters. Care to join me?" She reached forward to stroke Cassidy's chest to make her invitation more inviting, but Cassidy grabbed her wrist commandingly, shoving it away from him when she yelped in disapproval. He said not another word as he left the other women about to approach him and a few of their dates that had other words to say. He wipped his hand on his pants carelessly and made his way back to their team's quarters. A few of the others had already made their way back. Cassidy felt himself starting to slip back into a memory he much rather have forgotten. [I]Bang![/I] He cringed at the sound ringing in his head. He slammed into a wall, eyes drawn shut forcefully. Tears squeezing around the edges of his eye lids. His breath came in heavy gasps. He slammed a fist into the wall. Fighting back the memory that threaten to take over his mind and send him into yet another fit of depression. [I]Something watches me...[/I] Cassidy forced himself to stand and saw the white wolf again. Its yellow-green eyes watching him with cold dissatification. He straightened himself, looking about and seeing none of the team watching him. He smoothed out his hair and head right for where he knew Rusti would be. The showers. He walked right past Ajax and Emi without a word. As he entered the showers, he undid his shirt and slid it from his muscular upper body. He saw one stall still closed and made his way slowly towards it. He slid the stall door open and saw Rusti curled up on the floor. He couldn't tell if she had been crying or not, but her sorrow was all too clear in her body lanuage. He knelt down beside her, her wide eyes catching his in a look of fright as he wrapped her in his shirt to help make her feel less exposed. He wanted to draw her into him, but was afraid that she would think he was trying to advance on her. So instead he brushed her wet hair from her face and allowed his hand to linger on her face. It was her choice to allow him to stay or to make him leave. "Your scars do not repluse me. They are a sign of your strength and a mark of beauty that no one else may have." He lingered a touch longer, but his heart began ache. He could feel emotions beginning to swell within his chest. He unlatched a tear-shape amethest crystal necklace from his neck and placed it into her hand. "This was her's. May it help you as it has helped me." He folded her hand around it. He stood up, left his shirt with her and exited the showers. He once again made his way past Emi and Ajax and back out of the team's quarters. He flexed his chest muscles and balled his hands into fists. He needed to clear his head, and fast before it replayed in his head. "Well look who I ran into, Mr. Too Good to Say Good-Bye." It was the red head from the dance floor. "Does the offer still stand?" Cassidy said cooly. "Offer, oh, my room?" A sudden gloating smile creasing her fair face. "Yes," he tried to smile. "For you," she looked him up and down, "any time." "Shall we?" "Right this way, big boy."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]Cassidy smiled pleasantly at Rusti's reply, kissed her hand, and left to join the party early. To maybe hit on a few of the local sluts to get his fix and then lay his self on the bar table. He tried not to think of Rusti as he unbottoned a few bottons on his collared shirt. His well muscled body exposing itself in a flirtations manner. Sliding quietly into the party, music flooding his head, he was instantly approached by a dozen pretty girls. Most of them were looking for a one night stand or a few stands, but none seemed to be serious, and thats the way he liked it. He brushed them off as he made his way to the bar to order a shot of tequila and then back to the dance floor. "You should come here," a seductive female voice rose above the commotion. Cassidy turned his head, his slightly longer dark hair brushing his brow softly. The girl that stared back at him was a fiery red head with bright green eyes. She reminded him of Amber. He smiled and walked over to her, shoulders back and a ton of confidence on his sleeve. "How can I help you?" Cassidy bent down and said into her ear so he didn't have to shout. "You should dance with me. You look like you could sure show me a good time." She smiled seductively again, shoving her chest up towards him. She was only up to his chest, allowing him to look straight down her low cut blouse. "I could show you more than a good time." He grabbed a hold of her waist and dipped his hips low against her's. They danced for a few songs when he saw Rusti enter the room, distaste clearly on her face. He cringed involuntarily and released his new dancing partner. He couldn't make out her protest in as he tried to make his way through the crowd when he heard some one yell Ajak's name. He saw that Rusti had become more distressed then before and knew something was up. He made his way towards the small parting in the crowd and saw two men dragging Emi towards other men. A pulse of adrenilen rushed through his blood stream. He pushed people carelessly out of the way as he cut off two more men coming at Emi, Ajak was on his way. Cassidy grabbed a guy by the shoulder swung him around effortlessly and slammed his fist into the side of his face. A sick crack sounded before the man fell to the floor. The second man was instantly upon him, attempting to wrap his arms around Cassidy's arms and abdomen. Cassidy threw his arms up, broke the hold, and slammed his fist into the man's gut. He doubled over and fell on his face. Cassidy's body was pumping with the rush of battle as Ajak took over. He took a deep breath and thought that it might be wise for him to find Rusti before she thought he stood her up. Again, he made his way through the crowd and over to the bar, taking a chair next to Rusti. "Please forgive me," Cassidy said, ordering them both a drink. "I feared that Emi and Ajak may have had more than they could handle." He motioned towards the now open fight.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2]Cassidy shoved the last two pair of socks into his duffle bag, his white hat under the crook of his arm. He was just about to stand up again when he felt slender fingers slid into his shirt and under the thin muscle shirt that lay underneath. Lust flowed into him and he spun around to see the blonde girl he was with the night before. She had a playful smile on her face, learning forward to greet him with a passionate kiss. He gracefully fell backwards and allowed the woman to have her way with him, working his hands under her dress, but never removing it. Once their quicky was over, he pulled his pants back up, tucked his shirts back in and grabbed his things. The woman said something that barely entered his head as he left the barracks and headed towards the hanger. He was the first one into the shuttle and the first to exit once they arrived. Making their passage through the decks, Cassidy paid little attention towards the multiple girls that gave him that "lets play together" tonight. He wasn't interested in them, no matter how tempting they may be. He was watching Rusti after he had allowed her to pass him. They entered their quarters, he took a room and quickly changed into a pair of loose jeans and an eye catching buttoned shirt. He was once again the first to make it to the common room, taking at sit on one of the couches that had been stationed around a coffee table of sorts. He watched his other team mates enter and then tried to keep his focus off of Rusti the best he could as she read off the rules. When the others began to disperse Cassidy stood confidently and approached Rusti. "Ms. Ophelia, I would ask if we could share a few drinks at tonight's gathering, would you be interested in the slightest?" Cassidy's voice was smooth, and sure. A man that had spent a great many nights with a woman, charming them into whatever he wanted from them, but there was a slight hint of innocents in his voice that had not been there since that faithful night that left him near dead. Cassidy's eyes darted only briefly from Rusti's when he noticed the glowing yellow-green eyes of the white wolf, its hungry mouth opened to expose its blood red teeth. He kept himself steady and brought his eyes back to Rusti once more.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]Cassidy stood patiently in line next to the other cadets. He knew all their names and their abilities as if they were his own, studying them with silent glances. He wasn't especially attached to any of them, but he did not see them as threats either. Cassidy shifted slightly, trying to ignore the slight twinge of pain in his right forearm. He watched as Emerald pranced off the stage. He watched patiently as the others received their assignments for ANGEL wire. Though he wasn?t rightly sure why he would be chosen for the ANGEL wire team, but he wouldn?t object either. Staring out across the crowded area, the drone of the Air Chief Marshal humming in the background, Cassidy fight back the surge of emotion that filtered through his large body. His mother, with her new husband, sat six rows back in a floral dress. Their three young offspring of 3, 8, and 9 sat fidgeting next to their mother. Occasionaly their father reaching across his mother?s chest, coapping a generous feel before disciplining his children with a bitter hand. His mother squirmed with desire at her husband?s touch and ran her hand firmly up his leg. His real father was no where in sight. Cassidy?s blazing blue eyes shifted uncomfortably around the room, trying to forget his mother?s presence. In the far back corner, dressed in a provactive white lace dress was the fair blonde girl he was with the night before. She leaned against the wall with one shoulder, her purse hanging from the other. Her slick slender legs sliding endlessly up into her dress. Her flashy green eyes barely visible from this distant were intent on him, a flirty smile shining back at him. He felt a pulse of lust run through his loins and pelvis, creating a sudden flush in his lower body and creating a small barely noticeable buldge in his white slacks. The faint lustful memory of the smell of her skin, her smooth legs wrapped around him, and his long shaft sliding in and out of her warm body left him breathless when his name was announced. He stepped forward, hands still pressed firmly behind his back allowing the white uniform to press firmly against his chest. "Lieutenant Cassidy Steven maybe a quiet young man, but this boy is an outstanding tatics planner and an amazing leader. His ability to manoever over strange terrans without previously been on them is by far the most impressive skill I have seen improve in less than a month. Lieutenant Steven, will you accept this new mission?" The Marshal announced. "Yes, I would, sir." Cassidy stepped forward, shook the marshal's hand, accepted the assignment, and headed back to his seat. He was a few steps from being in front of his seat when he noticed Rusti glace up at him away from her usual crowd of friends. His breath caught in his throat and a rush of sensations filled his chest. He dragged his attention from her just as quickly as she did and took his seat.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]In a time when the world believed in multiple Gods, a solitary God stood above them all. Not as the Gods? ruler, but as a hero to the Earth bound creatures. A God not man nor woman, nor mother or father. This God had a simple name so no one would stumble over it or forget it. This God was not beautiful nor handsome. This God was then called Star. But time would have its way and this God would be referred to as just that, ?God?. And those other Gods that had served against and fore the Earth bound creatures were later named angels and demons. But these so called ?lesser Gods? took vengeance against this great God known as Star, locking it away in the depths of the world condemning the planet and all those that live their to suffer unjustly. Not long after their rebellion against Star that man and its creatures began to not believe in the Gods any more. They faded away into the darkness as Star?s name grew. Two Gods by the name of Dontae and Isabel, vowed that they would some how seek vengeance on Star and its beloved planet. But what they didn?t know was that Star had also made a vow, that when the sons and daughters of the reborn were reunited that Star would arise once more to set the world right again. Year: 2050 late May ?STAR Star has arisen? an old, crusty man shouted as he hobbled up the street past Alexia. She watched him pass with mild interest. ?Crazy old man, Star hasn?t existed in over two thousand years, Dontae and Isabel made sure of that.? She spoke to herself as she continued down the rather busy street. New York City was not the place for a seventeen year old girl and especially not now with war striking out all over the world. But Alexia continued to walk down the street without a care in the world, hands stuck in her jean pockets. A lump of thick black hair with one vibrant red streak about three inches in width crossing over from right to left lay in her face to conceal her dark eyes. Those bright red pulsing streaks that danced about her irises had been her birth right, but had condemned her as well. A rush of people screamed by her in an almost blur. She gracefully avoided every individual, never removing her hands from her pockets. She glanced back at them, sensing panic among the group. She creased her brow in concern., then turned back the direction she was headed. An impressive cloud of dark grey and lighter grey smoke shot into the air, quickly followed by a rattling bang. A machine gun went off and then the familiar zapping noise of a laser pistol followed shortly behind it. Alexia picked up her pace. Laser pistols automatically meant the world police were involved and the innocent being taken advantage of. ?Oh graceful Star, if only you could save these people now. Most have even forgotten your name. None utter it with sweet loyalty or the purest of admiration. They all scream the name of Dontae and Isabel in fear and remorse for this war is theirs.? Alexia spoke out loud as she rounded the next corner. She knew that Star could not hear her silent prayers for its return, but it helped to calm her nerves when she prepared for battle. ?Chase ? Alexia cried out as yet another group of fleeing people raced by her. ?Yes, my master,? a small nymph appeared in thin air no more than four inches from Alexia?s face. The creature looked like a human that had been shrunk to no more than two inches tall, completely proportioned. ?Tell mother yet another attack has taken place on the east side of the city.? Alexia did not look directly at the small, floating nymph but continued to walk briskly with her head lowered and hands in her pockets. ?Yes, my ma?.? When Alexia rounded the corner with the nymph still floating next to her she came to an abrupt stop. The world police had not been shooting at innocent human victims this time, but a massive beast almost as tall as the building it had come out of. Thousands of people began to chant the name ?Star? over and over again. ?Oh my...? the nymph, Chase, said softly. ?They have arisen Omega, Dontae?s great titan,? Alexia gasped. Her hands had been pulled from their pockets, showing only the trail ends of the massive raised scars that ran all the way down her covered arms. Her hair fell away from her surprisingly soft face and her eyes pulsed more vibrantly than normal. ?Oh my, my master. This is not good. If Omega is free then Alpha must be too. Which also means...? Chase?s soft little voice broke off. ?That spawns will start to disperse and human hosts will be needed to rise the army of Dontae and Isabel.? Alexia could barely speak the words that meant the planet?s demise. ?But if the titans and spawns are awaken then...? Alexia?s eyes grew wide, ?Star has been reborn ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]Welcome RPGers I hope this RPG goes a little better than the last few I?ve attempted as of late. Before we start getting into what I need from you and your sign up sheets lets talk a little of what this RPG is about. I need dedicated players. If you?re not willing to put some time and effort into this RPG then you might not want to sign up. There will be only six reborn sons/daughters which I will pick from your individual sign ups, but that does not mean that they will be the only ones in the RPG. There are seven cities that will be our main focus in your sign ups and first few posts. You may choose between: New York City London Paris Sydyn Rome Athens Tokyo Other need to know info: Omega is the masculine titan that looks like a giant gorilla that has been smacked around a bit, to make him look frightening. Omega is obviously located in New York City. Alpha is the feminine titan located in Tokyo. She is slightly smaller than her male counterpart and has more of a mixed animal look. YOU CANNOT DEFEAT THESE TITANS BY YOURSELF I see any one take on these creatures I will admittedly kick you out of the RPG without any questions/answers. As for the spawns that I mentioned in the introduction, these are small worm like organisms that are black in color. They crawl into mouths, ears, eyes, and any other hole your minds can fathom. They take over their host like much other invading organisms, they become almost zombie like and have one thing on their mind, to feed on the flesh of those Star favored. (Which means anything that doesn?t change into one of the spawns). These you may fight as often and however you choose. As for your sign up sheet, I?m not going to have one. I would like you to make your introduction of your character your first post to the RPG. I will give you a brief list of what you should and might want to include in it if you desire to be a son/daughter of the reborn. Suggestions: The age limit for this RPG is 14-22yrs old Name/Gender The city your character is currently located Not every one has to be against the titans All characters will have: Come from wealthy families (this doesn?t mean there has been hardship or a fall out amongst the family members creating poverty and such) No magic (those I choose as sons/daughters will receive this ability) Every one has been trained in combat Every one will need some way to keep in contact with your house (cell phone, mythical creature but keep it realistic no huge monster thing that comes charging out of no where. You need to be discreet)[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  7. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][CENTER]Hello my very talented artists out there. I need a new banner/avi set because I like changing things up a lot :catgirl: Ok...so what I would like is obviously a fruits basket theme with Ms. Honda in the center of the banner with Kyu and Yuki on the left and most of the others on the right (doesn't have to be all of the other zodiacs or her best friends either. which ever you desire to place in there cuz I loves them all!!!) And now something written on it...hmmm....lets see. How about "love keeps us together and tears us apart". As for the avi...I have not a clue. If you have any questions feel free to ask! I await to see your amazing work!!! Thank you!!! [/CENTER] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  8. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]Soft echos of the beast's cry faded into the background. Heavy rain continued to drop from the sky endlessly. The ground was slick with running water and mud, not even the forest of trees around him could shelter his empressive form from the weather. Late Hollow's Eve and his parents had already succum to the drink, loosing themselves in the world outside of the one he existed in. Suicide tainted his hands a blood rain and hidden tears streaked his handsome baby face. Fourteen years old and the world was already grey. He remembered this walk all too well, a walk that he much rather forget. His sister of some seventeen years of age had followed him to the edge of the forest...the edge of their family's property. She screamed at him for him to return, but emotion had taken over his ability to reason. That's when the rain bega; in sheets of massive drops that soaked his whole body and the earth in a matter of seconds. His sneakers could barely keep their tracktion on the soft surface. He would then travel deep into the forest and beyond all the points he recognized. He would step wrong, break his leg in three places and slide down a small ravine where he would then sit for three days before any one would find him. But something was coming, something that had not been apart of the real memory. It came swiftly through the thick, slippery muck making hardly a sound except for the brief cry that broke loose from its lips. Cassidy, with his six foot three inch frame swung around with great agility to meet the face of his would be attacker. Bold green-yellow eyes glared back at him with an intensity that almost frighten his younger self. The creature, the beast that had cried out the night of his disasterious turn around and in this nightmare was wolf whiter than anything he had ever seen. This creature stood with his head low, glaring up at Cassidy with a powerful belonging in his eyes. Its ears were forward, twitching slightly with some audible noise Cassidy could not hear. Its four long, powerful legs square under his body and not a drop of blacken Earth stained this beautiful creatures coat. Cassidy dropped to his knees in a rush of emotions and adrenaline, bringing the beast to eye level. The creature stared deep into his soul and licked its snout with careless pleasure. Cassidy brought his hand up with hesitation, feeling the pull to touch the silken coat now more than ever. His head grazed the creature's cheek at first until his hand was allowed to slid up behind its left ear. A coat of silk was exactly what it was. He had never felt something so soft, or smooth in all his life. Without warning, the creature turned its massive head and latched onto Cassidy's forearm. Pain surged up his arm. He fought to keep from pulling away. [CENTER]********[/CENTER] Cassidy sat up in his bunk and looked about the room. He was the only one left in the bunker and the ceramony was going to start in a half hour. "A white wolf made of silk..." Cassidy mumbled to himself as he rushed to get dressed. "Report!" his commanding officer demanded as he approached his squide. ?Cassidy Stevens. Rank, Cadet. Identification number, #003478. Age, 22. Speciality, ground tatics. Reporting, SIR!? "You're late, Cadet." "Yes, SIR, I know this SIR." Cassidy said commandingly. "I'll let it slide this once, Stevens. It happens again and I will terminate you." "Yes, SIR."[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER] OOC: If you would like anything changed let me know.
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Beauty had left Earth after the last great war nearly destroyed the planet centuries before Desmond had been concieved. Chaos tore all existing countries and their governments apart, leaving the world in a state of desperation. Parents paid the greatest theart to keep their families safe. Children were the most valuable thing on the planet, they could be munipulated to suite any ones purpose and were the future of the planet. Tide was the largest and most powerful of the "Demon" organizations. It had claims in all of the largest surviving towns. Its main head quarters was located some where in North American. They were the last group of people you wanted to owe a doubt to. "Ziel," a young man of some twenty years fell to one knee before a man, if you wished to consider him such. "Desmond, you have finally sprouted brillant red horns." The man reached out and stroked the five inch long, near spiral horns. the young man left his head bowed, allowing the thick mass of dark hair to fall into his eyes. "Lord?" Desmond's voice was deep and completely void of emotions. The man, Ziel, spun around and looked over the white board behind him. He had no reason to hide his plan for there was no one strong enough to defeat him and his men. Especially now that Desmond was finally coming into his power. "The villagers have grown bold, gathering in groups in various places." Ziel's voice was that of pure evil, and with ever wicked thought his voice sang even more loudly. "And what would you like us to do, Lord?" Desmond's head still stayed lowered, one arm recklessly laying across his right knee. "Show them why the world is in chaos, my dear boy." Ziel spun around, fell set of pointed teeth exposed in a horric smirk. "Take out the southern train. But that's not all my children," Ziel swirled ninety degrees and pointed at the map. "This is were the train will meet its demise, and all the people within." Now Desmond rose his head, the dry cackle spuing from Ziel's scally lips for-warning of disasterous deeds that he would have to carry out. Ziel's claw lay smack-dap in the middle of the town where most of the remaining farmilies lived. Not only that, but it would wipe out almost the whole town. "No," Desmond murmered. He felt a firm hand suddenly on his left shoulder. Bringing his head around with quick reflexes and drawing his opposite hand on top, he realized that it was the closest thing he had to a brother. "Ah, you've finally arrived," came Ziel's pleased voice. "When did they send for you?" Desmond rose to his full height, towering over most of the others in the room. "When Ziel started to plan the demise of this town." The man before him grinned. "We can't all have wings like you." He patted Desmond on the arm. Pain threaten to seep through Desmond's grin. A week later... "Desmond! What are you doing!" His "brother" shouted as the young man flew after the train that was already engulfed in flames. Desmond grabbed the last car still connected to the rapidly speeding train and yanked it from its tracks. The sound of metal colliding with metal roared over the chaotic screams of both civilians and Tide soliders. Blood drissled down the left side of his face as he slammed the last car into the one before it at just the right angle to send the whole train flying off the track. But Desmond did not stop there. He continued to push the train towards the massive cliff edge and away from the town. "Desmond, Ziel will kill you!" His "brother" finally caught up to him. Desmond smirked, "I don't plan on coming back." He thrust both arms and wings forward, sending both train and himself over the cliff edge.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT=Century Gothic][CENTER]Welcome RPGERS!! Now, now don't look at me like that. I'm sure you're completely confused right now so let me explain. The world has been divided in two (you know the whole you could sail right off the edge of the Earth thing, its kind of like that). The surface, referred to as "Earth" is a place for sinners. The world underneith at the "center of the planet" is "Heaven", a place for the pure. While chaos rules the surface world, order and truth rule the other. There is minor disturbances such as theivory and fighting over territory, but nothing compared to Earth. Now this brings me to my next point: There are three types of humans: Civilians (your basic human being), "Angels" and "Demons". Though they are called "Angels" and "Demons" they're really not. What they are is an evolved human sub-species. The only major differences between the two is those born with the "Angel" gene are more likely to do good things, while "Demons" to do evil. With every deed an "Angel" or "Demon" does their bodies change to display it. "Angels" may sprout white wings, grow more attractive or their clothing will turn white upon contact. "Demons" will gradually begin to look like monsters, and very few ever sprout the characterist horns like Desmond for horns are the true sign of evil. All "Angels" and "Demons" can learn to fly, shoot energy orbs, increase strength, and deflect attacks. Now, what I need from you: Desmond has fallen into "Heaven", his good deed of stopping the train has made his horns vanish, but those around him know he's "one of them". His bright red wardrobe and leather-like wings make him stand out against the bright whites, yellows, greens, and grays of the "Heaven's" cities. I need two or three "Demons" to take orders from Ziel...their main objective will be to locate Desmond (they're unaware of "Heaven") [LEFT]*Desmond's "Brother" -- * * [/LEFT] I also need five or so "Angels" or Civilians if any one wants the job. [LEFT]*Takes in Desmond -- * * * * [/LEFT] Rules! 1. No God Molding (you will be asked to leave the Rpg after one warning) 2. No misuse of another character. 3. Please discuss any and all major plot ideas with me before going through with them. Any questions feel free to PM me...and yes, there will be more facts coming in the Underground!! Sign ups (all those signing up for "Angels" please use a blue font coloring, those signing up for "Demons" use red, and Civilians black, THANKS!) Name: Gender: Age: (life-span is around 60yrs or so) Race: (Civilain/Angel/Demon) Abilities: (lets limit this one to 2 or 3) Appearance: (Pics and/or describtion) Personality: Snip: (a scene or background info about your character) I will be posting my character after I recieve a few sign ups. ENJOY![/CENTER][/FONT]
  10. [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Hello my very talented artists. I need yet another banner/avi set from one of you fine ppl out there. The theme is for my latest rpg based off of "The Dark Tower" series by Stephen King. Color scheme should be warm, but not overly joyous, but I have no specific colors in mind as of this moment. I have only two images I would like used. One is of a Golden Eagle, the other a small herd of Horses. The basic concept is the bird is to represent one being, while the horses many (hence the title one from many), which is the essence of Ka-tet. Now I have no idea how the whole thing should be pieced together, but I would like to some how have that massage convayed with small print of "We are Ka-tet: one from many."[/FONT] Here are the images: [IMG]http://www.freespiritart.com/images/golden-eagle-coheleach.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.freespiritart.com/images/taking-off-horses.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER]
  11. [SIZE=4][CENTER]An Angelus_Necare DC Production[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Times New Roman]"C'mon Marcus! You run like a woman!" Eric, son of William, cried over his shoulder as he turned down the alleyway between old Friarman's livery and his storage shed that was filled with an assortment of knives, cleavers and other instruments of wonder that would tempt any ordinary teenage boys. Fortunately for Sai Friarman, Eric Tudor and Marcus Alexander had already had their fill of adventures there. Today, the young lads would race past to the low stonewall that ran a good length around the entire village. At one time, long ago it was meant to act as barrier to any outside forces that may come from the mountains. But a six-foot high wall made of brick and stone seemed a little less glamour less than a strong hold of a fortress. For a low dirty wall, it made for a splendid hideaway for boys that wanted to play on long afternoons while hiding from their teachers. Eric reached the wall first, throwing his long skinny limbs upwards, curling his fingers along the edge. For an eleven-year-old boy, he was rather limber, both in muscle and in tongue. Although he was slowly approaching a stage where his limbs were growing faster than the rest of him and he would walk disproportioned until the rest of his growing caught up. He could feel it even now as he flung his long legs up, banging his knees in the process, to flimsily straddle the thin width of the wall taking care not to bang anything else that was more precious than knees. He swiped his dark hair from his alert and lively eyes, peering along the thin line between land and sky, viewing the gray smudge of mountains beyond with a grin. It was a wonderfully clear and dry day, making the sights beyond that much more spectacular to view. Now if only he could spout off to someone about it. Craning his neck around, Eric shouted for his friend in the low speech again. Taking in deep, heavy breaths Marcus stumbled up to the makeshift wall. His hand flew up to his chest and clutched his shirt in a death grip as he struggled to breathe. He slammed the other hand on the gritty surface of one of the stones and lowered his head with both shame, and the struggle for breath. "Sh...shut....up." Marcus wheezed. Eric sniffed, a grin plastered to his face as he looked down to his sweat-sodden friend that was gulping for air. He had heard him do the same thing before during their training sessions with Sammson. It worried the boy sometimes, but not nearly enough to coddle his friend from admitting it into a weakness. They'd be gunslingers someday, no use thumping each other on the backs and weeping over maladies like silly women. "Damn! You sound like a fish!" Eric chuckled, trying to lighten his good friend's disposition, "I think that's what I shall call you, sai-bluegills!" He chuckled raucously at his own joke; curling one of his legs against the wall as he leaned down to offer a hand to Marcus. Eric could be quite the little **** at times, but he usually knew his limit, due to his own judgment or a sharp cuff from whoever he was harassing. Marcus slapped Eric's hand away sharply and bound over the wall far more gracefully than his long legged friend. He came to rest easily on the wall, finally starting to catch his breath. Starring out across the never-ending plains, he gave a halfhearted grin and came back with: "and will shall start calling ye a sissy little girl, the way you carrying on like ye do. Chattin like ye some school girl nanny." A dark blush crept over Eric's cheeks and up the back of his neck. It was all good and well to chat and tease at others, but the eleven-year-old boy would have to work on accepting such comments. He made a sound similar to a snort and justly shut his mouth. He looked on at the plains for several long moments before he decided to speak again. "You think sai-Anbell will tell on us?" He asked, referring to their historic and literary teacher. Sammson was useful as an instructor in the fighting arts, but he'd do little good to young lads who seemingly needed their heads filled with knowledge. Master Anbell taught most gunslinger boys things they did not learn from their parents or other instructors, things such as writing, reading and speaking in the high speech, as well as their lineage and history. Anbell was by no means a cheerful man, he was old and bitter, and had no patience for shenanigans. Most times his tongue sharp and his cuffs harder than what was needed for discipline. He created a small deal of fear for most boys; mostly for the trouble he could bring them through their fathers. "Yar. He seems to favor shaming us in front of our fathers." Marcus groaned, pushing back some of his fine hair. Eric grinned, "And our fathers like to make fools of us in front of him." He chuckled, swinging his legs from the ledge of the wall, "We won't ever win will we?" He smiled into the wind, looking off into the distance where the dragon's ridge laid, that impassible mountain range that defeated all that were too weak to climb it. A slow thought started forming itself in Eric's head, one that would likely get him into trouble someday. "You ever think about leaving it all?" He mused, curling one leg up to his body and wrapping his arms about it, "Just going out to yonder horizon and never looking back?" Marcus drew his lids close together, staring down at the ground and then released them just as quickly. He seemed to search the ground for an endless amount of time before replying to his friend. "And what's out there that we can't find here?" Marcus turned to look at his friend?s soft face. "People who wont make fools of us, a place where we can be our own masters," Eric's eyes seemed to sparkle with an unnatural light, a small grin tugged at the corner of his lips, "A place where something new and exciting happens every day." He then turned to look at his fair friend, eyes searching, empty of mirth. "Do you not wish for the same things Marcus?" He asked, the slight breeze stirring his dark locks. Marcus searched Eric's face relentlessly; searching for the words he should say instead of the ones he was about to. "We'll be made fools of no matter where we go. Something new and exciting happens here all the time, we live in a town raised by gunslingers, how more exciting can the rest of the world be?" Eric wrinkled his nose, and then turned his head out towards the horizon again, remaining subtly quiet, probably for the first time in his life. It was a long while before he spoke again. "Taunton's well and fine," He began, "But I can't stay here the rest of my life counting cattle and solving petty crimes." His eyes hardened, shaded partially by his thick mop of dark hair. "No," He said, "I'd like to think that there's more out there than this." He then shifted his moods, as though it were no marvel at all, "Ah, I suppose I was just born with a bad batch of traveler's blood." Eric chuckled, a wide grin on his face as he let go of his knee and effortlessly dropped to the ground beyond the wall, looking out into the distance once more. "Or blind to what you could have right here." Marcus mumbled, laying the length of his lower arms on his thighs, playing with a blade of grass between his hands. Eric turned to his friend, casting him a curious eye. "And what's so wrong with wanting to go?" He asked, malice nor stubbornness to be found in his voice. Merely innocent curiosity. Marcus brought his head up, staring past his friend towards the ridge beyond them, the plains that would become far too familiar to him soon dancing before him with the slight breeze. "You leave loved ones behind," Marcus whispered, his thoughts so clearly on his deceased mother.[/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER]********* Five years later...[/CENTER] [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Century Gothic]?C?mon, on Marcus! You only have one more year left before you have to go through the trials any way, and you?ve mastered almost everything old man Sammson?s has to teach us.? Marcus rolled over on his bedroll, tried to erase the image of his friend, and the pain that threaten to make him vomit. Now he was exiled from his home and birthplace, not that he had much to keep him there in the first place. His father had died not more than two years past and he had never known his mother. The closest thing he had to family was his childless Uncle and his friend Eric. ?Now I?m stuck out here,? Marcus said out loud, ?and alone again.? He rolled over again, pulling himself up into a sitting position, taking one painful breath. He stared across the never-ending flat plains land. A few wild horses strutting around in a silhouette dance in the distance and an owl called out to the night. His hand slid along the long metal barrels of the shot gun Eric had stashed into the few bags he was allowed to leave with, that, and his trustful mare. The almost 16 hand buckskin mare nickered softly as though she knew his thoughts had included her. She stood just on the other side of the large maple tree slipping in and out of sleep as she seem sure the large mare would have run off once they reached the plains just outside the city, and it had been the only reason he had been able to keep her. But they had been wrong, and now everywhere he went that mare would not leave his side. ?Just you and me, Spice. You, me and this gods forsaken tree.? Marcus mumbled. Marcus lay back down, hands behind his head starring up at the cloudless sky. ?What had Eric and I always talked of doing, that cully? Oh yeah?travelin? this damnable world. Alright Eric, Spice and I have already started your blasted journey, now it?s your move.? Marcus rolled over onto his side, hissed with pain, pulled his thin blanket over his shoulder and fell into a restless sleep.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][CENTER]Welcome RPGers!! to my latest creation!! Now this is a jointly produced RPG by Angelus and myself. So any questions, suggestions or concerns you may post publicly in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53333]Underground[/URL] or you may PM either one of us. And before we even get started this is a spin off of Stephen Kings hit series "The Dark Tower". This plot line has nothing to do with Roland and his friends so please refrain from making too many refresenes to that particular story. Angelus will be posting a link to a site that has information that maybe helpful in not only the creation of your character, but background information on Mid-World where this all takes place if you have not already read the books. This rpg is an adventure story and we do not limit the possiblity of love senerios, but please do not make these the bases of your character or your envolvement in this RPG. Some rules to concider: 1) NO GOD MOLDING! (Both of us hate this more than any thing else and we will not hesitate to terminate your character from the rpg.) 2) Do not use any ones character without permission. (If you use the character incorrectly and we are PMed about the matter, please fix the problem in a timely matter) 3)Discuss all major plot changes or character ideas with creators. (this is to help keep the rpg flowing smoothly) 4) Be creative and orginal! (I hate to read things that have been stolen for video games, movies, or other stories to create a character. You're an indiviual, your character should be one too!) [U]Sign Up:[/U] Name: (Example: Roland Deschain son of Steven Deschain) Gender: (self explanatory, I hope) Age: (No higher than 18, no younger than 14) Town: (There are three major towns that are listed in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53333]Underground[/URL], but you are not limited to these) Future Occupation: (Examples: gunslinger, nurse, wife, cook ect. Will except other things like wanders and witches with "the touch", but nothing too outlandish. Not limited to any of these choices.) Preferred weapon(s): (Lets keep this reasonable, this a western of sorts and lets limit it to 2 weapons at most) Appearance: (please give detailed describtions. NO PICTURES!) Biography: (Please use a specific event or scene during the characters life to show personality and your writing style.) Background: (Please list a few links to other rpgs or websites that you have written in/on to give us a even better feel for your writing style.)[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy][U]DC's Character[/U] Name: Marcus Alexander son of Ashton Alexander Gender: Male Age: 17 Town: Tauton Future Occupation: He was meant to be a gunslinger, but was exiled west when he failed. Prefered weapons: a large double barrel shot gun given to him by his best friend before being exiled. (later will recieve his father's revolvers) Apperance: A rough looking lad of seventeen. Stern, almost cross, green eyes that are set evenly apart with a well propotioned nose between them. His cheek bones set fairly high with a smooth rounded chin to complete the perfect blend of rugged and baby face handsome. His lips neither thin nor full and shoulder length dark brown hair. Though still wiry from his young age, Marcus has developed a tall, muscular stature beyond his late father. Large hands allow this lad to easily manuver even the bulkest of weaponary with great ease. His well porpotioned body enale him to move quickly and easily, but slight asthmatic lungs quickly steal any stamina the young lad may have had. Biography: Marcus was fifteen when the town all lined up along the main street to pay their respects to his late gunslinger father, Ashton Alexander. His father had been a strangly compassionate man who lved his wife tenderly, even after his beloved wife's death during childbirth for his only child, he still gave as much to his community and family as was humanly possible. A woman not far from Marcus cried out, throwing her head into her hands as she began to sob. Marcus wrinkled his nose at this, watching with emotionless eyes as the horses pulling his father's closed coffin slid by him. Behind the coffin rode his father's brother, and his closest friend, their heads hung low despite the proud posture they rode their own horses with. Dallas was his father's closest friend and had been with him when he was killed. His thin blonde hair lay over his left eye, hiding the managled sockett that had once housed a pale grey eye. His right arm lay in a sling, and who knew how many other wounds the man had after their assault by the muties. Marcus' Uncle on the other hand had not a scratch on him, but that was because the tal, obese man was part of the polictican crowd. His thick beard was not yet peppered with grey hairs, but the once thick rust colored hair that covered the top of his head was thinning rather rapidly. There had been much talk of Ashton's only living relative and how he had managed to skip the trials of becoming a gunslinger. Some had begun to speculate that the very well-known gunslinger's brother wasn't really his brother. It explained the completely different attitudes and apperances between the two. Of course there were other rumers that danced about, but that one was the most popular. "Yar," a firm slap on his back drew Marcus' attention from the "marry little parade" that was almost at an end. Behind him stood none other than Eric son of William Tudor, and his own closest friend. "Yar." The word that fell from his lips was something like an old car that just didn't want to turn over. "Why ye not in there?" Eric nodded towards the street. "Would you quit talking like that," Marcus grumbled. "Your father would have your head." "Aw, does the lady not like my accent?" The smile on Eric's face was beyond comical, but Marcus thought best to play along. "I'm going to sen you crying back to your father." Marcus put a wiry grin on his face. Eric gave a pretend shocked face and swirled back around into the crowd, Marcus right on his heels. The short moment of relief from the tramatic even at hand was broke violently when Eric ran into their teacher. "Shouldn't you boys be in the practice yard," the elderly blind man asked calmly. "Sai Marcus' father had died, sai Sammson." Eric reported politely. "And that gives you the cause to play a little girl's game of tag through the town's streets?" Both boys hung their heads low with shame--shame from being called girls, maybe--slandering their fathers' names, more than likely. Then Marcus drew his head up quickly and looked crossly at Sammson, even if the old man couldn't see him. "What's it to you, sai Sammson? We were excused from our daily training to morn the loss of sai Ashton Alexander's untimely death. No one said we had to cry the day away." Marcus' retort was harsh, even to Eric's shocked ears, but the young lad paid no attention to either gentleman as he walked past them both.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] Angelus' character coming soon!
  12. [CENTER][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]*claps hands* So happy to see others intrested. I will defiantly need much help in the creation of this rpg so I suppose this thread would be the best. You guys could even post segments of the proposed storyline and such here to give me a better idea what you guys are thinking. I will be working closely with Angelus, and of course, whomever else decides to put forth ideas. I do like the whole "before Roland's adventures idea". I think limiting the amount of ppl being able to join would help keep the rpg going well...5 to 6 ppl maybe? Paralle to the story idea is good to, but do you think we should take actual characters from the book or something completely different...or instead of Cort and co...maybe Roland's father and his friends' parents?[/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  13. [SIZE=2][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Alright...how many of you lovely gents and ladies have read The Dark Tower series by Steven King?? About the great gunslinger Roland and his marry band of other-worldly gunslingers? Well if you have...GREAT! If ya haven't, you might not be interested in this thread...or the possible startings of a new RPG by yours truly. So let me know what you think. If its a go...or a no show because I'd like to spend some more time on OB...I miss it and all my charming friends that are on it!! DC[/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial Narrow]After recieving not much more than a nod from the other occupant of the room, Mel found that it would be best to wander around to see what was going on in this uppty hotel like building. Hopefully her father didn't worry too much about her. Maybe there was a way to get a hold of him some how. Mel passed a few other doors before coming to the bar. She saw a few of the others sitting around, chit-chatting, but nothing seemed to interest her there. She turned back around and exited the room. Now what? She was tired, but not enough to go to bed. She continued to wander until she found the common room. "I suppose this can do." Mel walked in and found a table not far from a tv of some sorts. Nothing more than news...but it was better than nothing. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] The soft rumble of a heavy knock on the soft wooden door rose Mel from her soft slumber. She rose her head to watch some one open the door to see Van standing with blood streaming down his face and hands. Mel jumped from her sit, grabbed the napkins and cloth that sat on her table, and ran towards him. He was uttering something about the silver hair woman as she dragged him to a sit. "Get me some clean water and bandages!" she called out as the others began to circle around. "What did you do?" She looked up at him, blood streaking his soft blonde hair. He brought his eyes down to hers and she caught her breath, jirking her eyes away. He didn't answer her but started in on Emma...about her being murdered and how they needed to get out of here. But Mel wasn't paying attention to what he was saying, just how he said it. The smooth brassy tone and then bringing her thoughts back to the fact he was bleeding, glass still stuck in his hand. Some one brought a first-aid kit, simple in its making. Bandages and some twizers. She began to pull out the glass, blood oozing all over her hands and pants.[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]*Big freakin smile* You be so happy with me, Reiku!! I gots a day to sit down and read all the posts and I even replied *claps* :) :)[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]"Melissa Derran." The course, brassy voice of her boss rang clearly through her head. "Mr. Michellen, I am so sorry. Please...let me explain." Mel rushed to her feet, nearly knocking her chair over in a clumsy display of her disorientation. "Please follow me," his voice had not softened at all and Mel feared that this was going to be the end of her job. Even worse then losing something that really held no value was the lack of income and the ability to take care of her father. "Please, Mr. Michellen. I got into a cab this morning with this strange woman and we ended up going the opposite way to work. Some how..." her voice trailed off. There was no logical way to explain the events in the cab and how she'd fall from the sky, landing at her desk. Maybe the whole thing was really just a dream and now the consquences for such laziness were finally coming to her at last. "Ms. Derran, I would much appericate it if you would kindly shut your mouth." The man did not turn around to look at her as he passed desks, doors and hallways towards the upper level of the building. Silence rode with them until they reached a brass door on the upper most level of the offical building. Mr. Michellen had turned his hips to the side, opening his hand and arm to the door. Mel tilted her head to the side just sightly enough to notice as she peered at both her boss and the door. "Through her, please." The man's voice was flat and neutral. Mel hesitated at first. Nothing good or bad could come from this situation, and death did not scare her. Her only concern was her father, but Amber was married to a doctor and could support their father if she were to fall to ill fate. She swallowed hard and walked forward, the thick clicking of her heels on the smooth marble flooring, echoing through the large vacant room. The brass door slid open as normal as all the others, but the brought light left her momentarily blind as she stepped through the opening. Mel looked about as she and the others were ushered into the room. She caught her breath as she looked up at the cylinder, its pulse throbbing in her veins. It was beautiful and overwhelmingly frightening all at once. How could such a thing exist. That's when the woman at the keyboard began to start talking again. That woman from the cab, Emma. On and on they went about PRINCESS and KING, and their purpose her. All the while she listend, feeling that every thing seem to make some strange sense to her in her head. It was a joyous moment, allowing her heart to flutter with hope and happiness she hadn't felt since she was a child. "Gladly." The words stung like a needle at a doctor's office. The strange blonde hair man that had been laying on the bed got up and started towards the door. Mel found herself watching him, like she had watched no other man. He was stunning and disgusting all at once. Something she would have never noticed had she been on the streets. His cocky attitude made her want to slap him, but there was something about his eyes and the way he held himself that made her whole body scream "kiss him". She shook her head and tried to focus on the task before her. Mel felt out of place with three roughins, a priest, and a computer specialist surrounding her, and then obvious Ms. Emma Dylia who seemed to be running the show. What a journey this was going to be. And now she had to find out what room was her's. Mel sighed heavily and walked down to the living quarters. She walked into one of the open rooms to see Taura playing with something on her bed. "Um..." Mel began. "I hope you don't mind me sharing a room with you." She felt strangely stupid with her comment as she awaited for an answer.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Mel brushed a few thick stranges of rust red hair from her eyes. The metal planet had no wind or faint breeze to stir the young woman's hair, but rushing down the busy walkways of the Southern quarters gave plenty of reason for her hair to be flying every where. "Damn it," Mel tucked her briefcase under her arm as she slid past various people as she passed them by. "I'm freakin late again...my boss is going to have my head." She cursed aloud. People just ignored her ramblings as she twisted around the stair's railing and darted down them. On the main walkway, Mel stood next to the edge as she watched the flying vehicles rush by her. She threw a hand into the air. A bright yellow car veered off course and stopped only inches from the platform. The back door swung open and Mel climbed into the uncomfortable backseat. "The main tower," Mel barked as the door closed and the cab driver drove off. Mel sat back, taking in a deep breath and fixing her briefcase onto her lap. "You'd think they would have found a better way to keep track of everything and gotten around all the paper work." "I know how you feel." The soft voice that echoed from the seat next to her made Mel jump nearly out of the cab. "Holy crap! I didn't see you there. I'm so sorry." Mel placed her hand onto of her chest, feeling bear skin. The cute little suite outfit she had on brought out the curves in her small frame. "Not to worry." The woman smiled softly, her silver hair tied tightly behind her head. Her sweet silver eyes glowed with a strange warmth and coldness all at once. "I've never seen you around before, you from this part of ton?" Mel found herself unconciously looking this woman over with her square framed glasses and expensive business suite. "No, I'm not. But I do work in the same building." Mel turned away then, to look out the window at the metal planet and the passing vehicles. "Oh. Hey...where are we going?" Mel shouted to the cab driver as they suddenly took a sharp right away from the main tower. But the driver did not answer. "Excuse me," Mel's voice rose. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your name?" the cool, somber voice of the strange woman brought Mel's head around. "Melissa." "Melissa what?" "Oh, sorry," Mel brought her attention back to the window as she spoke, "Melissa Derran. I don't think I got your name?" "Not too many Melissas out there now-a-days," the woman smiled. "My name is Emma Dylia." The never changing sky that was the normal day time color began to fade into a deep purple and then swirled with a soft grey. Mel squinted her eyes as she turned her attention back to the cab driver that seemed to be a million miles away. The strange silver haired woman's strange smiled stretched into vicious vipers. Mel shook her head and felt herself reaching for the door release. Slipping out of the vechile effortlessly, she could feel herself spinning never ending into the rush of the early morning traffic. A sudden slam of reality hit Mel in the face as she stood on the base of the metal planet before a massive steel silver door the rose far above her head. A gasp of cold air rushed in and then out, bursting over Mel as the massive grey door split in two and began to swing open. Thick mist bubbled from under the door towards her, engulfing her body. Suddenly her body dropped again. Her anxiety soared and her heart caught in her throat as she hit bottom again, jarring her head up quickly. "Melissa!" Mel strained to open her eyes, pulling her head up to see her boss in front of her and her desk before her. Her eyes grew wide with fright as her boss' stern look told her that the outcome of whatever had happen just got worse.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OCC: Hope this is ok Reiku.[/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][CENTER]Mel flipped the sheet of paper-like material over as she reviewed the questionare. She hated doing these pointless citizenship forms every few years, not that she was really that old. But there was enough paperwork running around to kill a person. She wasn't one of those rich snobs that ran the place. Nah, she was stuck doing paperwork for them, day in and day out. Young and outgoing...and she was stuck in an office running around, organizing paperwork for the snobs. What a life. Name: Melissa Derran Age: 20 Gender: Female DNA Nationality: Russian Blood Type: AB Occupation: Government Clerk Income Category: Medium Address: Southern Quarter, Lvl 10, Room 7817 Appearance Complexion: Fair Hair Colour: Rust-red Eye Colour: Green Height: 5' 5" Weight: 115 lbs Distinguishing Marks: Two scars, one from right rib to left hip and another one from left hip to right shoulder blade. Both two inches wide and slightly raised from the flesh. Martial Status Do you have any partners: Single Do you have any children (in wedlock or out of wedlock): Free Are you living with a partner (if so, specify male or female): Ashamed Family Father: James Derran Mother: unknown Sisters: Amber Warren Brothers: two deceased (miscarriages from father's second wife also deceased) "I need something better to do with my life," Mel sighed as she slid the paper into a machine that was better know as a mailbox, or the closest thing to one. "Hello Dearest," Mr. Derran hobbled into the kitchen and kissed his daughter on the forehead, recieving a soft smile from his loving daughter. "Did you fill out your form yet, Dad?" Mel watched her father struggle to make it to the water despencer and walk back towards the kitchen table. "Last night when you were at work." He grinned despite the pain he was so obviously in. "Your sister called as well. Said the girls miss their Aunty Mel-mel." His grin turned to a big teasing smile as Mel rolled her eyes. She glanced down at her watch and sighed. "I got--." "I know." He watched her stand up and head towards the door. "Things will get better for you soon, Dearest." "Yeah, Dad." She waved to him over her shoulder as she grabbed her things from the broken stand by the door and left. Work again. Things gotta change and soon, otherwise I'm going to go mad.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=2][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]You're amazing! Thank you so very much! I shall show them off proudly :catgirl: Thank you!![/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  20. [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Hmm...I like the basic concepts and colors. If you had time could you also do a banner with both Nightmare and Seigfred in it, just too see how it would look? If you don't have time, that's fine too. I really do like them. Thank you :)[/FONT][/CENTER]
  21. [SIZE=2][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Hello again, its time for me to request the fine work of you lovely ppl! I need a Soul Cal banner/avi set using Seigfred and Nightmare please. I will have some attachments for picture ideas but you are not limited to these. I would like the basic them to have a warm/resurection type feel to it, since that's the basic theme in the 3rd soul cal. Color scheme is up in the air, maybe silver and gold with some grayish blues maybe? I would also like the saying "I'm through with nightmares!" on there some where and "DC781" some where on the avi. I hope that's not too much to ask. THANKS![/FONT][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Even though Kalei smiled externally, her soul was dying within. Every sharp breath that came to her lips drew more of her strength from her once firm body. Such pain, destruction and overwhelming sadness swept over her whole being. She was tired of fighting, tired of watching them die around her or give up hope. For how much longer would she be around to protect them, to help them when they called upon her. Kalei faltered a bit and she could feel Riley place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She reached up and placed her hand upon his. "I hate to be the barrier of bad news, but we can't stay here much longer." Kalei glanced at Sin and then drew her attention to Talyn. "If you guys would help Ena down the stairs, I'm sure it will be a little while longer before she can stand up on her own. The transformation back and forth takes a bit of getting use to." Kalei smiled as she watched Sin and Talyn race up the stairs to help Ena. "We must find where Malik is hiding. I'm sure Tegan and Jade our a few steps ahead of us already." The group gathered around her as she released Riley to take his own position amongst the team. "I must warn you all, though. I beg you not to engage either the Vampire Lord or your former commrade, Katima..." one the group tried to protest but Kalei quickly snuffed their attempt. "Malik has firm control over his daughter now, and I would not wish any of you to be harmed or to harm her. This is a battle between family, and I refuse to watch any of you die for it." Kalei shot a firm gaze towards Sin who sneered back. If anything, Sin was the one she feared would not listen to her order. Pain struck her for a moment before she turned her attention back to the others. "Well, we ready?"[/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]Keisha felt very faint energy brush against the back of her mind as she tried to focus her thoughts on the warm sensation that creeped over her body. Slowly she could feel Kael's presents not far from her and then some one else as she focused on the face before her. "Kain..." she said faintly. Her strength seem to have been taking from her as she laid almost limply in the warriors arm, embracement overriding whatever had caused her to blackout again. Kael's soft mumbling soothed the ache in her head as she tried to pull herself back up again. "I'm...so....sorry. I...didn't mean....uhh." Keisha felt herself fall towards the ground again as the rush of soft senses of pleasure making its way through her body as Kain pulled her close to his body to keep her from falling. He slowly lowered her to the ground and held her up with one hand firmly on her back. "You going to be able to hold up during the meeting?" Keisha looked up into Kain's eyes, never realizing how smooth and firm his voice was until just then. Was that concern that flickered across his face? "Ye...yes." Keisha pushed herself up and staggered to her feet. She brought her head up, careful not to take note of the other dragons about her as she looked up into Kael's massive, soft eyes. She smiled brightly at the green dragon before bringing her attention back towards Kain. "Shall we?" Keisha motioned towards the Counsel chamber.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei land a hand firmly onto the lab table to steady herself, her heart pounding in her head almost destroying any form of consintraction she might have had. So much anger, pain, realization and sadness filled her as the unmistakable sense of vampire blood washed over her remaining senses. "LADY KALEI!" the shrill and sharp shriek of Riley echoed through the vacant lab as his young frame slammed into a table. Kalei pulled herself together the best she could and stumbled towards him, clutching her arm firmly. She made her way around a few stray tables and next to Riley who was soon upon her, helping her to stand. She tried to wave him away, but was unsuccessful. "Ena has--." Riley began. "I know," Kalei's voice was barely a whisper. "And Sin--." Kalei smiled and forced herself to stand up straight, dragging her hand away. Blood had seeped through the band-aid she had placed upon it. In the hand on the same arm, clutched between her fingers were three viles of crimson red liquid. "Kalei..." Riley's face contorted with pain and confusion as Kalei stumbled towards the door. "We have to help them," Kalei seemed to be pulling herself together as she wobbled down the hall way, Riley right on her heels. [I]Oh my children, my precious daughter and son. How I've failed you both. How I've failed all of you, my team. I wished to protect you all from such harm, but I led you right into their trap. Again and again. Oh how I've failed you all.[/I] Kalei was now running full speed down the hallways and up stairs until she finally found them. Thayne, Talyn, Sin and Ena. "Kalei!" Thayne shouted which brought Talyn and even Ena to glance over at her. Kalei rushed up to the bottom of the stairs and stared up at Ena, her blood red eyes craving blood. "I have something for you, Ena. I know how you suffer, the loss of Richard took from you what little love you thought you had. Everything you thought you knew slipping into oblivion as my own son showed his ugly face and drove you to madness." Kalei took the first step cautiously. "Ena, please. I may have failed you as your leader, but I promise to never fail you as a friend." Kalei took the vile that was held in one hand and tossed it up towards Ena. The rapidly changing wakanda snatched it from the air without crushing the fragile glass and opened her hand to stare at it. "Drink it."[/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]OOC: The vile is of Kalei's blood with a special serum that helps counter-act the lust. Sin...there's one for your character as well.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Keisha felt herself lean back against Kain's chest and her face flushed red with embracement, but she had little strength to keep herself up right so she had no choice but to lean against the rather muscular warrior. Walker's smooth scales pressed against her weak legs as they soared through the sky. Once Keisha had allowed herself to calm the flush in her face her thoughts were on Kael. Worry. Doubt. Fear. All of them raced through her body and sped her heart quicken enough so that both Walker and Kain could feel it. [CENTER]*****[/CENTER] Keisha had fallen asleep shortly after leaving the strange woman's home, but was instantly awake when she heard the distinct cries from surrounding dragons. She jumped from her slumber and nearly fell off Walker. "Easy there. Not time to climb down yet." Kain said softly from behind her. Keisha brought herself to sit up, realizing that she had more strength then she had before they had reached the Golden City. Keisha's heart swelled as she took on the sight of the massive dragon city. Onyxia would surely be waiting for them, but she had no intention to seek out the great dragon once they landed. Anticpation raced through her chest as Walker seem to be taking his time landing on the great landing strip. Once the great dragon landed, Keisha was sliding down its side and off before Kain could stop her. Despite the overwhelming desire to crawl into her shell from the numerous dragons she did not know surrounding the city, Keisha raced through its streets towards the city's center where she hoped to find Kael. "Kael!" Keisha shouted as she raced up the marble steps to the massive landing, nearly running over a woman that was making her way towards the sleeping chambers. "Oh, excuse me," she said as she avoided slamming her shoulder into the girl. "Just watch where you're going next time," the woman sneered as she continued on her way. Keisha faintly recognized the woman, but couldn't place her. Must have been a Dragonheart Lord from some where. A faint groan brought Keisha's head around and a smile slithered across her face as she stumbled up the rest of the steps. "KAEL!" Keisha threw herself at the massive green dragon that was sitting not far from Onyxia's home. She wrapped her arms around his fore leg, barely making it halfway around its width. Kael cooned lightly as he bent his large head down and softly rubbed his muzzle against Keisha's back. But their joyous reunion was shattered with the sudden bugle of a dragon that seemed to pierce right into her memory. She dropped her arms and looked up to see a dragon that seemed to be outlined with silver.....silver. Keisha's eyes slammed shut as she fell to her knees, all connection to Kael lost. Thought, feeling was lost in madness as the screams racked through her throat and burst from lips.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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