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Everything posted by demonchild781
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]The world seem to grow black after the silver dragon had taken Kael and Keisha couldn't seem to find her way out of the dark. It was every where she turned, every time she tried to open her eyes. The soft warmth of something sliding down her throat was the only thing that told her she was still alive. Kael... Keisha cried through silent tears. "He can't hear you," came an unfamiliar voice. "What?" Keisha swirled around, still finding nothing. "Your dragon, Kael. He cannot hear you." "I don't understand. What's happened to Kael." Keisha swirled around again and again. Suddenly, upon her third swirl a man with silver hair appeared only a few feet from her. His sight brought a gasp to escape her throat and for her to stumble back. "Who are you?" "That's not important." "How did you get here?" "Listen, you've a fever that's tearing your body and mind apart. You have to focus and bring them back together otherwise you'll never see Kael again." Keisha was about to protest when he cut her off, "you mustin' think. You have to act or you'll be forever lost." Keisha wasn't sure about this stranger, but she wasn't prepared to doubt him and never see Kael again. She set to work threading her mind back to her body. [CENTER]*********[/CENTER] Keisha took in a heavy breath as she threw her eyes open taking in the unknown room that surrounded her. A soft voice beckoned for her attention and she rolled her head to the side to see Kain standing over her, a beautiful woman in the background. Keisha closed her eyes and struggled to bring them open again. She moaned and rolled her head away from Kain. "Kael..." she groaned. "He's at the Golden City waiting for us. I sent him them after you collasped." Kain spoke up. "We need to reach the Golden City." Keisha mumbled as she tried to sit up before Kain placed a firm hand on her abdomen. "Wait for the potion to take full effect." Keisha tried to focus on the strange woman that lingered in the seeming shadows, but her sight failed her. Keisha mumbled some more before she felt herself drift back into the darkness again. Kael's sight fresh in her mind as she pulled herself back into the light. Despite Kain's protesting, Keisha forced herself to sit up. "I need to be with Kael," Keisha's voice was faint and weak as she held her head. "We must go now."[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Autumn's leaves were the brightest just thirteen days before Keisha's appointed birthdate. It was going to be Keisha's thirteen year of life, but her first celebration in the Golden City, and quite a few of the city dwellers were exited about the occasion. But not Keisha. After Onyxia found her seven years go on the verge of starving to death, Keisha wanted nothing more than to learn from the great dragon, and stay as far from the others as possible. The blackouts that threaten to drive the young girl insane had been anaylized by one of Onyxia's Dragonheart Lords, and was discovered to have been caused by an irrational fear of the hundreds of dragons that called the Golden City home. But try as they may, neither Onyxia nor the Lords could break her fear. So, inturn, drove Keisha from being a part of the vibrant social life of the city. Keisha didn't want to watch the elebrate dances between rider and beast, or the stunts displayed in the air either. All she wanted was to sit in her small room and read. But Onyxia had told her that she had to attend the small celebration despite the blackouts. Keisha had escaped her "captures" as she dashed down the long flight of stairs into the gardens and out to the edge of the city. She had come to the edge many of times to find peace of mind from her studies and the constant harassment from the local kids. But this time was different. Just in the distances, two boys were hitting something relentlessly with rather large sticks. The sharp yelps and cries said it was alive, and did not appericate its companies fun. The boys laughed and giggled as they continued to torement the creature. "Hey!" Keisha found herself shouting. The boys brought their heads up, shock writen on the face until they realized who it was. They began to snicker as they stood up and started towards her. They slammed their sticks into their open hands as they approached. "Well, Jimmy, looks what we got here," said one of the boys. "Yeah, Roan. It looks like we gots us a rat that learned how to talk," the other one joined in. Keisha stood firmly, not taking her eyes from either boy. She still could not understand where her new strength was coming from. The boys circled around her, and Keisha watched them, still not displaying any fear. At once they attacked, slamming their sticks into her side, her back, and stomach. She fell to the ground, smashing her face into the dirt. They didn't stop. They kept hitting her until the pain was almost unbearable and Keisha was starting to lose consciousness. There was a sudden shriek and a sick snap from over her head as the boys let up on Keisha. She started to crawl forward as she heard the sound of two pair of feet racing off in the opposite direction. Keisha forced herself to roll over and open her eyes, probably the only thing not swollen shut, and the first thing she sees is a dog size green dragon staring her in the face. His left eye was swollen shut and his body covered in welts and bruises. Keisha slowly rose to her feet, despite the wave of dizziness, and approached the green dragon. A smile pressed across her lips as she uttered the name Kael. Suddenly her warm memory of the day she met her companion melted away as thousands of strange dragons swarmed the Golden City and Keisha found herself no long the small girl, but the woman she was now. Kael was still small, fragile and beaten when a massive silver dragon came into view. Keisha shouted for Kael to come with her as she seemed to be swept away by the crowd. Kael's eyes were soft with the unshed tears as the silver dragon swooped down and snapped his massive jaws around Kael's small body. [CENTER]************[/CENTER] Keisha's body surged forward, finding restraints as she began to scream violently, kicking into whatever she had been tied to. "KAEL! KAEL!" she cried over and over again.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]The sweet scent of sunrise wafted through the forest as a small shadow danced around Kalei's feet. It was time to get Ena to safety and wait until nightfall to start their plan. "Well, Sin. I think its best you be going," Kalei motioned behind her as the sky began to lighten. The vampire hissed and shrank away from the group, his attention foalting towards Ena. Kalei chuckled. "She'll stay with us, Sin. Think of it as insurance that you'll meet back up with us when the sun sets again." Kain snarled, wrinkling his nose, "Fine." He jumped into the treetops and was gone. "Kalei!" Talyn spoke up suddenly. Kalei swirled around and bent down next to Talyn and Ena. She was starting to lose her complection and had started to go into fits. She was dreaming, and of something not pleasant. They needed to get her some where safe, but the temple was crawling with vampires. Kalei bit her lower lip. All her supplies were back in the temple and without them Ena was going to turn into a full fledge vampire...with no control over herself. She couldn't put the others in danger again. "Kalei..." The Wakanda leader brought her attention to her companion, concern written all over his face. "I'm not leaving you or Ena," he said simply. Kalei smiled and nodded her head as she helped him to her feet. She knew just the place to take them, and hopefully Father Alba had already taken Thayne and the others there as well. "Heads up Amber...hope your massive mansion can house as all." Kalei said with laughter and joy in her voice as she and Talyn raced the sun.[/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]OOC: Talyn, you can make the mansion look however ya want. You too Ena.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2]The soft truimpant from above brought Keisha snap her head up and around to see Walker, the massive tattered wings covering the sun. He was gliding towards them. An anxiety swellowed in Keisha's chest as she turned her attention back to Kael. The vibrant green dragon cooned softly as Keisha finished the last wrapping on Kael's right front leg. The massive dragon had sustained several injuries while fighting the strange dragons that had attacked Darkshire. The worest were those on his abdomen. Thick, deep gashes about four or five inches deep raced from his chest almost to his naval. His breathing was shallow and ragged, and Keisha could feel every painful breath as if it were in her own chest. Walker landed not far from them and Keisha could hear Kain dismount, not a hint of fear or a wound on him. Moments later Kain was by her side, bending over towards Kael's leg that dwarfed them both. Keisha looked up at him, as he spoke to her. "Do you need any help?" "No, I've got it." Keisha said softly, Kain stepping back as the young woman stood up. She was about to say something else when her head felt heavy and everything began to become wavy. She wavered back and forth, Kael trying to rise to help her as she suddenly fell forward. The dragon yelped in pain as he was forced to lay back onto his side and watched as Keisha fell into Kain's arms.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Hope this is ok with u, Sin.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Another ear-piercing screech burst from the trees as Keisha struggled to regain her breath after rushing to grab a spear. Kain had not flinched, he was such a strong warrior, far stronger than she would ever be. She could feel the cold sweat creeping down her neck and her hands becoming clammy. Her whole body was tense and rigid as she waited for some one to make the first move, fighting to keep her focus on the dark man that stood before them. "Your deaths shall be mine!" the massive man bellowed as he drew his sythe behind him and rushed forward. Kain slid his feet apart, bracing himself for the man's attack as Keisha thrust her spear forward straight into a massive wolf-like creature's chest. It had taken her by surprise as she watched it slither from behind the man and lunge at her. Did this "Mr. Death" think she weak enough to be killed by a mere animal? She may not be a warrior like that of Kain, but she was not a mere child playing with her father's weapon. Green colored blood sprayed from the beast's wound as Keisha mustered the strength to throw him to the side, his yelping ceasing after the thud his lifeless body made. Keisha quickly brought her attention back to the stranger and Kain, the sharp shink of metal sliding against metal echoing from their blows. That's when Keisha heard it, the deep throated cry of a monster more fearful than any man or beast she had ever encountered. Her eyes slowly flickered above her to see the massive black form of a dragon. A dragon that she did not know, a dragon that this Mr. Death had brought to destory their village. Keisha fought for control over the sudden rush of fear that was threatening to take over her whole body. Again, the beast bugled his alarm. Keisha could feel herself shrink, her hands releasing the spear it clutched so dearly as they slid up around her ears. A second bugle, and a third, but from different monsters, different dragons. It was a sudden rush, everything falling down upon her all at once. She fell to the ground, feeling nothing as a cry rushed up her throat and brust from her lips. A scream that drowned out everything and called upon the only thing that could sooth the unbearable ache that surged through her whole body. A roar swept through the Keisha's head like a strong wind blows through leaves and brought her head up to watch the massive green dragon dropping from the sky towards her. A sudden sense of worry took hold of her and brought her to stand. Before she could tell him to turn back, Kael picked Keisha up by the back of her tunic, threw her into the air and caught her on his back, between his wings and massive neck. Keisha grabbed a hold of Kael's leather collar and began to protest. "Kain," was the only work to escape from her mouth as Kael barked something as he sped across the treetops. "But...what! Onyxia? The Golden City was attacked!" Keisha's sentence was broken as Kael kept feeding her more information of what he had heard while fighting the beasts that had attacked Darkshire. A light whimper left Kael's mouth and Keisha instantly leaned forward to pat his massive neck. "Land just outside the forest so I can take a look at your wounds," Keisha said calmly, neither dragon nor rider mentioning the attack that had almost caused Keisha's death.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]A cool breeze whistled through the thick underbrush and heavy trees that surrounded Sin, Ena, Talyn and Kalei. The thick, rank scent of dead flesh and dried blood danced under Kalei's nose as she slowly let Talyn and Sin move again. Kalei allowed her eyes to flick across Ena's limp body, shame and tenderous filled Kalei's eyes as she turned her attention back to the problem at hand. "Sin, how many years has it been? Ten, fifteen years now? We've fought together, and you've helped bring me back to reality time and time again. Reminded me why I fought for the side I did." Kalei turned to Talyn, motioning him to take Ena into his arms. "But I'm sure all this emotional babble means nothing to you." Sin sneered at her. "But we have a common enemy, Sin. And you can't defeat Malik alone, I assure, I've tried. No vampire, nor Wakanda can defeat him. But together, we maybe able to. So join me once more, and fight Malik to free this world of his power. Then we'll see what becomes of your." Kalei tried to hide the concern that grew within her, but she had faith in her bond with the vampire.[/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=1]OOC: For those that have become vampire that were once Wakanda...u have no magic that you can use...for once bitten, you are vampire. The only way that changes...like Sin, is if you have Tegan, Katima, or Kalei's blood flowing through their veins. Thanks.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]Keisha watched out of the corner of her eye as the other Dragonheart Lord wandered into the small village tavern. His tunic was tightly pulled across his muscular chest, and his pants swaying softly back and forth as he approached the bar. He sat in one of the stools and ordered a mug of ale. Keisha took a long drink of her bitter wine and left a coin on the small round table she sat at. She made her way through the well kept tavern and sat next to the dark man. A shiver of fear raced down her spine as she caught her heart in her throat just in time to swallow it again. "How was the scoutting trip?" Keisha's voice came out far smoother than she had expected. "The usual," he said just before taking a gulp from his mug. Keisha nodded and ordered another drink. She wasn't a huge drinker, but watching some one else do it made her mouth dry and yearning for something slidding down her throat. She took a swig and stared into her cup. A sudden scream let out across the thick forest and was soon accompanied by another scream just as terrible. Keisha threw her cup down and rushed towards the front door, Kain not far behind her. Fire errupted from the sky that was starting to turn a deathly black and the gorgeous vibrant green trees and plant life that covered the city's vast landscape began to catch fire. Massive beasts flew down from the skies and swallowed everything in its path. Keisha's heart sank when she saw the vibrant green hues of Kael dipping and diving as he took down foes. Kain's Walker was not far from Kael, violent slashing through his foes. "KAEL!" Keisha screamed into the sky, hearing the faint nosally cry echo her's as he dove into the depths of the trees, a black mass following close behind him. "Ahh, you were easier to find then I had originally anticapated," came a husky and throaty voice. Keisha brought her head level again and quickly focused on the strange villian that now stood in the center of a chaotic mass, beasts taking down villagers every where behind him. Keisha looked about, realizing then, that she was unarmed. She watched as the husky, dark skinned man approached her and Kain. Her eyes floated upwards briefly to see if she could take in Kael's sight, to see if he was ok, but she didn't.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Hope this ok with you, Kain.[/SIZE]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2]Kalei stood over the small group of ten or so Wakanda's that once made the massive temple their home. It was strange how the vampire ranks knew this place so well, but had not attacked it until now. Kalei shook her head and smirked. [I]I know what you're up to, Malik. Put you will not tear us apart...not again.[/I] Kalei brought her attention briefly back to Jade, her courage helped set her son free, but her own life was now fading. She was sure Farther Allma would be able to stable her soon. Kalei turned her head back towards the temple. Kalei brought her right hand up, held delicately in a closed fist, placing the small hole between her thumb and index finger to her lips. She whispered sweet words of a raging river swirling, bubbling over smooth rocks and boulders. Of how it would slam over of the edge of the earth onto the massive jagged rocks below. She kissed her enchantment sweetly and sent it towards the temple. A massive tidel wave dropped from the sky and covered the whole temple with cool liquid, every trace of fire was snuffed out. [I]No more playing, Malik. You want a war, my love. You shall have it.[/I] "Talyn," Kalei turned softly to the others and watched the young wakanda stand. "Yeah?" he replied. "I would like you to accompany me. We need to locate Sin and Ena. I have something for both of them." Kalei said plainly and watched the young wakanda nod. They all had been through so much with her being captured, the attack in Madrid, losing half the team, Talyn's transformation and "betrayal", the death of Preist, Fyoura, and Richard had all taken heavy tolls on all of them. Whether they wished to admit it or not. And then the burden Kalei had carried for the past twenty years had finally leeked out, and not only did Katima and Tegan finally know who their father was, but Malik knew he was their father. Now this, the fall of the Wakanda, the vampires upon them. It was time for Kalei to take up the power she had casted aside to protect Katima and Tegan, and fight off this evil that tore at every thing she stood for. It was time to put things right again, whether that meant killing the man that had been her better half, then so be it. "You ready, Talyn?" Kalei smiled at him. He nodded as they started towards the forest.[/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]OOC: If you would like to meet up with Sin and Ena, Talyn, that would be great. Thanks.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2]Keisha leaned back, pulling on the large leather collar as Kael dove foward. The massive emerald green dragon pulled his wings back and pulled his thick, muscular legs close to his body. The hot, damp air swirled around them both as they decended rapidly towards the massive rain forest below. Kael let out a low groan, green mist rushing from his mouth and rushing up past Keisha. But the girl said nothing as they dove faster and faster towards the trees. Kael groaned again, only feet away from the tree line. Keisha smiled brightly, shifted her weight to her left and allowed her body to manuever prefectly with Kael so as not to fall off. The dragon ducked his left side under himself and arched his massive neck upwards as he extended his leathery wings, the hot air filling up underneath them and slowing his pace imensely. The pair flew over the massive forest, seeing no end to the varying green tree-line that seemed to stretch forever. Not more than a thousand paces to the east was the great city of Darkshire. The massive temple errupting out of the earth and stretching high into the sky. One of the few spots that was not completely covered by massive trees, and the only place easily accessable to dragons. Though Kael and one other dragon were the only ones said to live amongst the forest city. But that didn't bother Keisha much. Even with a dragon as her life long companion, the others still frighten her. Kael snorted, bringing Keisha's attention back to their daily flight. It was good excersise for her and Kael. He dipped down soflty, causing Keisha to lose her stomach for a moment before realizing they were about to land, and Kael's favorite place was the top of the city. Its flat, stone tower that rose above almost every tree in the land was just large enough to emcompass his four massive talons with his tail wrapped around the step-like structure to keep his balance. But Keisha hated when he decided to land on it, nearly throwing her off every time. Kael squeeled as he tossed his head up, clawing at the air before him with his massive five clawed talons. He kept his wings even as to slow him down and not pick up speed, which was his usual approach. Keisha leaned forward, placing the leather collar and her hands below her chest. Wind rushed through her hair as Kael began to circle, slowing his pace ever so slightly. Keisha could hear the people below commenting on their decent as they watched them. Slower and slower still until Kael threw his hind-quarters under himself and extending his wings behind him. His talons very carefully caressed the stone city's top as he slumped forward and slammed his fore talons onto the edge. Keisha sat up, allowing her hands to fall to her side as Kael extended his neck and let a deep-throated roar. The whole city seem to shake as birds and other flying creatures rushed to the sky. Keisha slapped Kael's shoulder as the dragon brought himself up right, preparing to soar down to the base of the temple-like city. Kael threw his head up with a sharp bark to protest the assault. "One of these days, Kael...you're going to get us thrown out of her, especially when Onxyia finds out." Keisha grabbed a hold of the collar yet again as Kael jumped from the temple tower and began to soar to the bottom.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Just to let you all know, you will not see "converstation" between Kael and Keisha in my posts because only Keisha...and of course other dragons, can understand him.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei fell to her knees, grasping her head as she cried out. Tears burst from her eyes as her head began to bound, feeling as if it were to split in two. Her body conversed with power and worry. Katima was with Malik, Tegan with Jade, Sin and Ena, Thayne facing a vampire, and Talyn was alone. She was unable to help any of them. She was powerless as her team unraveled. "Miss Kalei?" the faint voice of a young man beckoned for her attention. Kalei brought her head up, her breath coming short and painfully as she took in Riley's soft and young face. His brow was creased in concern as he slumped over to get a better look at her. Kalei turned away from him, waving a hand at him. "Miss Kalei, its Ena..." Riley began, his voice faint. "I know," Kalei's voice came broken and harsh. "Miss Kalei, we have to help!" Riley tried to stand proudly, but fell short when Kalei made her way to her feet, her white robes stained by her fall. "I know, Riley. But what do you intend to do? Kill Ena and Sin? Or Tegan? If you step in the way of Thayne or Katima you risk injury to not only yourself, but them as well." Kalei whipped her eyes with her sleeves, brushing her back from her face, trying to lighten the pounding in her head. This was no time to break down. Her beloved friends and commrades needed her more than ever. [I]My dear Precious Tegan, don't give into whatever haunts you, my beloved child. Stay strong, if not for me, but for Katima. She'll need you more now then ever.[/I] Kalei walked towards Riley and pulled him up straight. A warm smile creased her face. "Let's find Thayne and then locate where Sin and Ena ran to. I think we maybe able to use their new found power to help save Katima." "What about the others?" Kalei turned Riley around and started towards the temple that was now in an uproar. Kalei smiled, stopping to see her home errupt in flames. "I'm sure they can handle themselves while we gather the others."[/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Name: Keisha Sex: female Alligence: Dragonheart Location: Darkshire Appearance: Keisha's soft bronze hair is usually found tied back by a thin lace strap, while she wears loose, but comfortable trousers, shirt and tunic to hide a rather tone and well made female body. She is average height with soft green eyes that match that of her dragon's. Personality: A sultray vixon that has learned through her male dragon, Kael, that her body is nothing compared to her mind. Long days in the forest has taught both master and dragon that life is more than just fun and games. But you won't catch these two slackers far from trouble, if its not causing some havoc around the city, they're getting their feet a little too weight in the heat of battle. But alone, Keisha is quiet and keeps to herself. Weapon/Skills: See Power. Power: Kael can shoot poisionious barbs from his spinal scales. He is also able to spit a very powerful venom, much like spitting cobra would do, from his mouth with surprising accuracy. Keisha on the other hand, is clumsy with throwing or projecting things, but very swift on her feet. Where her dragon can't go, this monkey-like girl can get herself in and out of anything. She is best with long range weapons such as a spear or staff. Writing Snippet: Keisha turned her head towards Kael, his graceful neck pulled around his muscular legs, and his massive tail just touching the edge of his snout. She smiled brightly at her partner. Never in a million years did Keisha think she would be sitting in claws length from a real live dragon. ***** The sharp bark like sound that echoed down the large corridor like tunnels of the Dragonheart's Cave brought Keisha's swift attention. It was time for her to be judged. But it wasn't just her that was going to be judged this day. It was going to be her and the best thing to ever happen to her. Kael. Keisha was no more than an infant when she came to live among the masters' of the dragons. Her parents both killed by bandits in their local village and no living relatives to take her in. She spent 13 years alone, under the care of the locals and their dragons, but the massive beasts scared the living day-lights out of her. She made a point to stay clear of them until one day along the edge of the city she came across a young dragon, not much older than herself, alone and badly wounded. All fear for the creature was put aside as she slowly made her way towards him and that's when she discovered that she could understand him as if he was speaking her own language, and the rest is history. "Oh hush up, Kael!" Keisha shouted down the tunnel. The dragon called out again as Keisha came into view, his face lighting up at her sight as he bent his head down to nuzzle her softly. Compared to the massive size of her dragon companion, Keisha looked fragile and surely the beast would swallow her whole. But he only bumped her gently with his muzzle and watched as the girl stumbled a bit before grabbing a hold of one of his massive nostrils. "Kael!" Keisha protested, smiling any ways. [I]Keisha. Kael.[/I] The faint, but very familiar voice echoed down the hallway in a language not many creatures could speak. "Come on Kael, we gotta go!" Keisha hit Kael's snout playfully and dashed down the tunnel. The dragon snorted his discontent as he slowly followed behind Keisha. Once in front of the massive Onyxia, Keisha was silent and reserved, only nodding her head when asked something. Kael on the other had was impatient, constantly moving and making noises. "You know, Kael...you could have gotten us both into a lot of trouble today." Keisha said as they stepped out into the bright sun again. The dragon snorted and threw his head up, taking careful steps so he didn't end up stepping on his companion. "Just because Onyxia practicly raised us both doesn't mean you can fool around during Judgement." Keisha put her hands on her hips. The dragon threw his head up again, making yet another unique noise. "I'm sure him knowing us so well had nothing to do with him sending us to Darkshire. Yeah...I know that's where we wanted to go, but that's not the point." Dragons Name: Kael Appearance: see attachment (he's green not red) Personality: Kael's seems to be the exact opposite of his beloved master, Keisha. Voicioustrous and never afraid to protest his discontent, Kael craves attention. Whether that attention comes from Keisha, a human wandering by or a fellow dragon, makes no difference to him. But when Kael has been frighten or has found a sudden erge for blood, Keisha is the only one to subdue him. Her gentle hands and soft eyes can seduce the beast into anything.[/CENTER][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei's eyes flickered open as a wave of tension and anger filled the air. Kalei's heart sagged as she stood up, the sun was slowly starting to set. "You've done a fine job at ruining the lives of so many, Malik...now you threaten to take my son from me. I will not lay down and watch you destory what little world I have left." Kalei cursed into the sky as she briskly turned from the setting sun towards the temple again. The whole building swirled with bitterness and lust, the lust only a vampire could have. Taking a deep breath as she stepped into the halls of the temple, Kalei could clearly smell the insanity that had swept over Sin. There was no time to make a new vile of seram for him. She would have to go to more risk-taking measures to bring him back, that is if she could still get through to him. Kalei turned the corner and ran full into every one crowding around in the hallway, Tegan, Jade, Tayln and Thayne. Talyn had been slammed against a wall and the others seemed to be all focused on Tegan. And some where, not far, was Sin, watching them all play out this game. "Tegan," Kalei said softly. "I've been looking for you." The young man turned his attention towards his mother.[/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen] [SIZE=1]OCC: Sorry so short[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei took a in a soft breath and exhaled as she turned towards Katima. She could see the tears that had stained her rosey cheeks, making her eyes puffy and swollen. Her heart ached, but she needed to find Tegan. "Will you fine for awhile," Kalei reached out and placed her hand delicately onto her daughter's cheek. "Sure," Katima said, hidding whatever her current feelings were. Kalei tried to smile, despite the lie, as she rubbed Katima's cheek with her thumb. "I must find your brother, there's something I need to tell him." "Go," Katima pushed Kalei's hand away. Kalei pressed her lips together and, with regret, left Katima's side to search for her brother. After searching most of the temple grounds, Kalei decided it best to just enjoy the sun while it was up and clear her mind. [CENTER]****************[/CENTER] [I]You were a glorious man, in your time, Malik. And even now, some twenty years later, I still believe you to be everything you said and "pretended" to be. I wish your children, you're beautiful children could have only been able to embrace you like I was able to. Watch you smile, and partake in your splendor, your love.[/I] Kalei sighed, looking up towards the nearly cloudless sky. The sun washed over Kalei and her white robe as she sat cross-legged in the grass not far from the temple walls. It was quiet, most of the other Wakandas avoiding her. They probably could sense her tension and muttled thoughts better than she could fathom.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei brushed a strain of hair from Ena's eyes, noticing then that the girl had been crying. It was hard to watch any of her team suffer from anything, but most of all from a broken heart because they were the one thing kalei could not repair with her magic. "I'm sure Katima misses Richard at some level, but I'm almost postive that her brother and her have so many things on their minds right now that its hard for them to focus on just one thing." Kalei placed a hand on Ena's shoulder. "Please come to me if you need anything, Ena. I don't want any of my team to feel that they must hide anything from me." Kalei slowly stood, rearranging her rather thick white robe as she watched Ena nod her head softly. Kalei smiled sincerly at the Wakanda and turned towards the door, exiting the room. Kalei made her way through the long corridors and hallways of the temple and out into the walkways just outside its walls. Kalei saw Thayne relaxing in the sun and slowly made her way towards him. "Hello, Kalei." Thayne said as she approached. "Hello Thayne, how are you feeling?" Kalei sat on the bench next to him, staring out across the plains. "Strangely...almost excellent." "Wakanda magic is an amazing thing, isn't it?" Kalei smiled at him. "Yes...yes it is." Thayne smiled back when he noticed a worried look on Kalei's face. "Can I help you with something?" "Have you seen Tegan?" Thayne shook his head, "nope. Last time I saw him, he was with Katima last night. Talking about something." Kalei nodded, "Thank you," she stood up and started back towards the temple. "If you need anything, Thayne, don't be afraid to ask." It wasn't long before Kalei came upon the library where both Talyn and Katima where. Knocking on the open door to make sure that she wasn't going to catch anything they didn't want her to hear, Kalei entered the room. "Have either of you seen Tegan.....or Jade?"[/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Keitha chuckled as she threw herself onto a couch that sat a good distance from any of the windows in the apartment. In all honesty, the Shadow Assassin really didn't want to recall what had happened between Seraphim and herself. All she wanted to do was restore her energy for that night to come, when they would travel to see Kuroichi. "Can this not wait until tonite, Leila? Its been a long night and I much rather sleep then bring up the past." Keitha moaned as she threw her hands behind her head as she leaned back against the couch. "You brought this back into the present, Keitha. Now explain why you took off with this Seraphim and nearly lost yourself in lust again." Leila said with some bit to her words as she sat not far from Keitha. Keitha took a big sigh and sat forward, placing her elbows on her knees and her chin in her hands. "Its not really that complicated a story I suppose. I met Seraphim shortly after Serio died in the first war with Kuroichi. The Silver-haired demon didn't seem to quite fancy me much, not really sure why, but he paired me with Seraphim to take out some of the clan members in Japan." "And..?" Leila straighted her clothing as she waited for the whole story. Keitha chuckled again as she swung her legs around and stretched out on the couch. "Well, Seraphim just seemed to touch that one part of my being that I had yet to control. Beyond where my shadows could go and unleashed the one thing Serio had tried to prevent. I found myself lost in a world I had never imagined existed. The unbelievable power that we, vampires, hold over humans is a rush. Their brillant red substance flowing through me like a rush of brillance all at one unstoppable moment." Keitha licked her lips at the thoughts that ran through her mind. "Seraphim and I, we could not be touched once my lust kicked in, he was all that brought focus to my world again. Well, at least focus to our next target or what lay hidden within his loins." Keitha smirked at the raging passion that once was shared between her and the Myruk Anoil traitor. "And you won't be going back to that, will you?" Keitha's sudden rush of memories of lust, blood, and sex faded into the terrible flood of unforgivable sins that she had commited. The promises she had broken not only to the Gyshram, but to Serio as well; her lover and creater. Keitha turned her head away from Leila's direction and stared blankly at the curtain covered window. "No...I want be going back to that any time soon." Keitha replied.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei rolled over in her bed and stared blankly at the far wall, the stone slabs of the ancient temple. Her Nana had brought her here when she was only six years old for a funeral, her parents funeral. Nana cried so hard that day and she had not shed one tear for the loss of her parents. Not that she didn't love her mother and father, because she did, but she knew they were in a place far away from the brutal and harsh realities of this world. Even if she didn't really understand it then, she did now. Kalei took a deep, long breath and allowed a soft tear slide down her face. She never in a million lifetimes would regret giving birth to Tegan and Katima. They were beautiful people with amazing talents. She loved them more than her own life, but she wished so disperately that things had been different. She had been careless with her love...her infatuation with Malik, and it had caused a life she never wanted for her children. They were not Wakanda, which was a hard enough life to live as it was being that the world was run mostly by humans, but they weren't vampire either. They were something in between. A mess of emotions had to be flooding the minds, and she was sure Katima had told Tegan of their father. Kalei slowly brought herself to sit up in her bed. The temple was slowly stirring and it was almost time for her to become the Wakanda Leader again. Not the emotional, worried-sick mother of two of the most powerful creatures in the world. "Where did our love go wrong, Malik?" Kalei spoke allowed. "How did our goals for the future, goals to end this feeble war between our races come crashing down into such a miserable array of hopeless pain. How could we create such beautiful life, only to put it through more trying matters than any other living creature?" "Lady Kalei?" there was a soft voice and then a knock. Kalei stood, wrapping a white robe around her as she walked towards the door to open it. "Yes. Yonna?" the soft, pale voice of an much older Wakanda mage stood almost a foot shorter than the Wakanda Leader. "Your team has begun to move about the temple, what do you wish of us?" Kalei smiled softly, "if they need anything, I'm sure they will ask for it." "Yes, Lady Kalei," the woman lowered her head and then was off down the hallway. Kalei made her way through the some what busy hallways of the temple, the sun was raising and filling the cold stone walls with warmth. She made her way to the guest quarters, noticing that both Katima and Tegan were not in their rooms. Even Talyn was already up and about. Kalei stopped in front of Ena's door. She needed to talk to her, to make sure that she was holding up from the loss of Richard and taking on two aprentices.[/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]Keitha snarled as her eyes danced across the darkness, Leila's life-force pulsing loadly in her head. Light, invisible light, flashing at the corner of her eyes every so often. The unbearable silence ripping at Keitha's conciousness as she paced back and forth. Keitha's head swirled with the rush of fresh blood flowing through her, heightening all of her senses, but there was nothing to be sensed. It was driving Keitha's body crazy. She lusted for flesh, for the red liquid that was so forbidden to her. "Why did you bring me here?" Keitha growled, swirling around to catch a glimpse of Leila dancing about the darkness. "Because we don't need you losing yourself in blood lust again. I'm sure in a moment you'll remember what happened last time." Leila's voice bounced off the darkness and came at Keitha from every where. The Shadow Assassin swirled around and crotched towards the seemingly endless darkness. She covered her head and rocked back and forth. Her heart bound, sweat pouring down her face as Leila's voice continued to dance about her head. It was like the shadows had found her in this empty neverland, eating away at her mind once again. Keitha threw her head back, hissing as her fangs drew themselves back into her mouth, her pubils dialecting to their full extent as her body's lust burst through her veins. She did not scream as her eyes suddenly shrunk back to side and her body went almost completely limp. Keitha took a sharp breath and looked about the emptiness that surrounded her. She took a few more shallow breathes before standing to her full height. She ran her fingers through her long, dark hair before turning her focus back to the very clear Leila. "Did you leave Kashi back at the hotel," Keitha's voice had turned back to its normal, calm tone. "Are you done with Seraphim?" Leila asked, almost bitterly. Keitha smirked and wrapped her arm around her partner's waist. "I'll never be truly done with Seraphim until this war is over." Leila looked into Keitha's eyes, seeing the same, dark eyes that had a sense of warmness to them. She knew that her partner was back.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Keitha threw her head back and allowed a deep, dark laugh rush up her throat and burst out her mouth. The sudden surge of uncontrolled rage and amusement caused the nearby shadows to be drawn towards her, swirling and screaming around her. Seraphim watched as the vampiress turned amber colored eyes towards him. "I want his hid hanging above my mantle in my quarters at Gyshram," the words leaving Keitha's lips sizzled with venom. A dark smile crossed Seraphim's lips as he saw much of the Shadow Assassin he once knew. "Of course, my love." Seraphim took Keitha's hand into his, kissing the back of it gently. The soft embrace instintly caused Keitha's surrounding shadows to quickly disperse. But the lust that filled her body had not been quenched, and Seraphim would clearly feel it through the small embrace. Another warm, dark smile flashed across his face as he pulled her down the street. "I think some one needs to feast." Seraphim whispered into her ear. Keitha's eyes grew wide. She hadn't fed on fresh flesh since she was last with Seraphim, and she had caused so much pain. Regret, and denial raced through her as Seraphim continued to coax her down the street. She was unable to deny him, his persistance and appeal thrown in her face. Keitha stepped away from Seraphim once he had lured her into an ally. He placed a single finger up to indicate for her to wait as he stepped back out into the crowded streets. Keitha turned around, sliding her fingers across the brick wall to her right. "You foolish underling. Its not merely love that ties me to Seraphim. The wounds he inflicts on this immortal body heal and are to never be seen again. Kuroichi, the silver-haired demon, will bring order to this corrupted world. Once, many lifetimes before yours...vampires did not live under rules of clans; lords. We were one and only, free to do what we willed. Now...we lay in wait for orders. Orders to "better the clan". No, I know what I fight for, Ramiel. I fight for freedom that only the destruction of the clans can bring." Keitha spoke to herself, to the wall until Seraphim suddenly ducked into the ally way again, this time with a young girl in his arms. She was heavily intoxicated in human lust, Seraphim's hand wrapped playfully around her waist. Keitha watched as he backed her into a wall. She was completely clueless of Keitha as Seraphim continued to seduce her. With a sudden gasp, Seraphim sank his teeth deep into the girl's neck, blood drippling down it and around Seraphim's mouth. He pulled away quickly, and turned towards Keitha. The Shadow Assassin's eyes grew wide with the sight...the smell of blood so close to her. There were no shadows in the alley way to scream at her this time as Seraphim offered her the rest of the girl. Keitha backed away and Seraphim sneered, finishing the girl off. "What was that about?" He questioned after dumping the body in a dumpster. "Nothing," Keitha looked away. Seraphim drew her eyes back up by tugging on her chin softly. Her eyes instintly settling on his lips, blood resting quietly on them. Keitha licked her own lips as she watched his mouth move, completely unaware of what he was saying. The droplets were slowly slidding down his lip. Keitha lurched forward, she pulled Seraphim's lower lip into her mouth, the blood softly coating her tongue and overwhelming her senses. Her fangs grew and pierced Seraphim's bottom lip, Keitha franticly sucking his blood into her mouth.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] OOC: Hope this is ok, Wraith.
[FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei sighed as she hauled herself up into the helicoptar, her muscles soar and her body in much need of rest. Despite the warm sun shinning down on them, Kalei couldn't shake the cold that had taken over her. Kalei motioned for the pilot to take off as she looked back at her team. Some how, they all managed to escape with little to no wounds, that's when Kalei realized some one was missing. "Where's Fyoura?" Kalei shouted above the roar. Every one suddenly began to look about the plane, that's when Kalei noticed Riley and Ena looking straight at the floor. "Ena? Riley?" Every one turned their attention towards the two new partners, every one waiting for their response. "Um..." Riley began, but Ena soon cut him off. "We tried to save her, we really did! But there was just too many, and the next thing I knew...she was dead." Kalei took a deep breath and lowered her head, whispering her soft blessing to the young girl. There wasn't much they could do now, and they needed to focus on their new task; finding Malik and ending this rediclious war. "I will give you all a full weeks rest before we head out to find Malik. Its time we stop fooling around and end this war." Kalei said as they landed not far off from the temple. [COLOR=DarkGreen][CENTER]OOC: Just for future reference, no one has to change their posts, but Kalei has been hidding the fact Katima and Tegan were her children since the day they were born...her "heart" would not be raising in fear of some one finding out her secret. It would be more towards the worry of what Malik may do with this knowledge and how it will effect Katima and Tegan, when he finds out. But for now, I'd like to see some more character interraction, and we just lost madnessofthecat "Preist". Keep up the good work![/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
[SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan smirked as she climbed onto the back of the motorcycle behind the Zodiac Aries. The firey woman, started the engine and threw it into drive, squeeling the tires as they julted forward. Reoan held firmly to her waist, both women's hair rushing backwards. The Zodiac drive down the busy streets, zipping back and forth between the two cars. Kraven's energy pulsed within Reoan's body. Her breathing staggered as they took a sharp turn to the right. She regained herself quickly as the Zodiac slid to a stop. Reoan swiftly jumped off and looked over at Asariel and David, their vague expressions leaving her to worry. She turned back to the Zodiac. "Thank you," she lowered her head softly. "I wish you and your companions the best." Kariz nodded as she watched Reoan and her companions rush down the street. "Where's Amber?" Reoan growled as she prepared a summoning spell. "I...uh..." David stammered. Reoan growled as she called out and her sword hilt slid gracefully into her hand, the blade jutting down towards the side walk. The innocent by standers rushing from her way. Asariel rose to the sky, his massive black wings extending out and around Reoan as he lifted the ex-Guardian off the ground. "Find Kraven, and don't fail me, David." Reoan called down from the sky as the two of them disappeared into the sky. [CENTER]************[/CENTER] This is where it all ends The price for vengence Is the death of both the accused And the one doing the transaction "I can feel Sartael is not far," Asariel said softly as they floated in the air, hovering over a massive moutain range covered in forest. "Set me in the forest." Reoan said sharply. "Miss Reoan?" "Yeah..." "What happened on the cliff ledge?" "A moment of realization," Reoan's voice was soft as she stared down at the forest. Her breath catching in her throat as her body was flooded with an energy all too familiar. "There!" Reoan shouted, pointing towards the center of the moutain range. Asariel dove, both him and Reoan's feet flying behind them as crisp wind rushed over them both.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[SIZE=2][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]Keitha's heart jumped as she fought back the shadows from swirling around her again. Their crazed cries screaming for more over and over again. What was it they wanted more of? Was it something that Seraphim caused? Keitha allowed another playful smile crease her lips as she turned away from Seraphim, crossing her arms firmly across her chest. "Now, Seraphim, what makes you think I will so easily fall next to your side again. How do I know that you will not turn on me and leave again?" "I suppose there's no way to know, but to see it for yourself."Tthe sure, confident smile that always seem to dance about his face glowed under the bright flurancent lights. "I don't know, Seraphim." Keitha's voice suddenly became soft as she avoided his eyes. Her strong, proud stance was replaced with a blank stare. "Not that I need you to support me, by any means, but it was hard to pick up the pieces after your sorry ass "betrayed us". Putting myself in the good graces of the Gyshram Lord and Kuroichi again was not easy, even for the Shadow Assassin. I'm not willing to make that mistake again, that and I have a new partner." Seraphim stood there for a moment, people rushing by them as they went about their daily lives. He took a single step forward, closing the small gap between Keitha and him. "Come now, you're the great Shadow Assassin of the Gyshram. You should fear nothing." Keitha brought her head up to stare into his eyes, the pale light reflecting back into her almost colorless irises. A rush of adrenaline filled her body as a sudden thirst, that she had not felt in decades, caused her mouth to dry. She licked her lips and smiled coyly at the vampire before her. She thrust her hand forward and into his, "show me, Seraphim, what its like to lose yourself in the lust of the world."[/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] OCC: I loves playing tag :catgirl:
[CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]LOVES IT!! Thank you so very much!!! :animesmil [/FONT][/CENTER]
[FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei watched, her heart tearing apart, as Katima wrapped her arms around her twin. What could she do? How could she make this right again? "Kalei....HELP!" The faint cry washed over Kalei's head like that of a warm shower spray. She brought her head up to see Thayne and Talyn on the edge of the roof that was slowly being sucked into the void. In mere moments, the two Wakandas would no longer be able to keep their feet planted on the cement bricks that made up the roof's surface, and would be sucked into oblivion. Kalei looked back at Tegan, still lost in his trance, and both Jade and Katima unable to do much of anything for him. Kalei couldn't leave their sides, and even if she could, there was no way she would make it to the roof-top in time to save Thayne and Talyn. Kalei turned suddenly to the Australlian woman that was obvious very close to her son. "Jade," Kalei called out. "Aye," the woman replied, bringing her attention to the Leader she had never met before. "I need your help." "O....k." Jade slowly made her way over to Kalei, the older Wakanda placing a single hand on her shoulder and turning back towards the Spanish house. "I need you as a pillar." "For what?" "This..." Kalei closed her eyes and focused on the roof top, picturing just how solid the floor would be, the rushing sound of crumbling building and it being sucked upwards. With a burst of energy, Kalei sent her clone onto the roof-top, reappearing just behind Talyn and Thayne. "Kalei!" Thayne shouted above the roar as Kalei walked up to him, placing Talyn's other arm over her shoulders, and lifting his almost limp body to his feet. "How are we getting out of here?""Thayne asked, looking off the roof-top. The drop would surely kill them if they were to jump. "Do you trust me?" Kalei turned her head to look at the young wakanda. "Yeah..." "Then jump on three." "Wait, what?!" "One, two, three!" Kalei lept forward, dragging Talyn forward and causing Thayne to fall forward, whether he liked it or not. But it wasn't a sudden rushing towards the ground like most falls were. It was slow, calming. It was the constant sucking from the void that allowed them to gracefully glide to the ground, landing squarely on their feet. "I would have never of thought of that," Thayne said, looking over to Kalei. "Can you," Kalei's image flickered out for a moment before she finished her sentence. "Can you carry him the rest of the way...I can send Jade to help?" "Yes..." but before Kalei could hear the rest of his answer, she flashed back into her body and fell to the thick ground below. "I'm fine," Kalei placed a hand up as Jade reached down to help her up. "Go help Thayne bring Talyn over here."[/FONT]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]Keitha stopped suddenly in the middle of the hotel's lobby, she had was heading towards the hotel's bar when she recieved the call on her cell phone. From every corner of the large room dark masses gathered around Keitha, swirling around her feet in a disturbing array of splender. The small crowd of hotel workers, and occuptants stopped what they were doing to watch the spectal. It didn't much matter that almost every person in the room was a vampire of some sort, it was still a sight to behold. [FONT=Arial Black]They stare And laugh We play By your feet We want more Of this energy[/FONT] Keitha slammed the cell phone shut, causing the shadows to scatter. Quick gasps echoed through the lobby as the shadows rushed towards them, but all fell silent, like that after an ackward moment, when Keitha brought her head up. The surrounding crowd slowly nudged their neighbors and the lobby returned to its busy clatter. "Are you alright Miss," an attendent cautiously approached Keitha, being careful to avoid the woman's eyes. "Seraphim," Keitha whispered as if she was in a trance of some sort. "Was that the person on the phone?" the attendent asked, pointing to the cell phone Keitha was slidding back into her pocket. Keitha didn't answer, just adverted her eyes for a moment. "Send a message to the occupants of room 343 that Keitha has found Seraphim. They will understand my message." Keitha told the woman and turned away from her, starting towards the front glass doors. It was surely not the first time Leila would have heard Keitha use that name. The Shadow Assassin had told great tales of the Mrykur Anoil member many times, and the day Keitha came crawling back to the Gyshram after he left suddenly was the strongest of them. "I'll come back," Keitha whispered to herself as she reached for the gold colored handle of the glass door. "I will not leave you like Seraphim did me." Keitha hesitated for a moment, but the overwhelming anticapation of being near Seraphim again took over her, and she quickly made her way through the glass door. Not more than two steps out on the cement sidewalk, Keitha watched Seraphim crawl out of the back of a taxi. His golden hair was a startling contrast against the illuminated sky and soaring buildings. Instantly Keitha put on the face of composure, the one she had always used when in Seraphim's presence. Gracefully she approached the vamper traitor, her medium cut blouse accenting her well-shaped figure and her loose, dark colored slacks hinting at the her power. A devislish smile played across her lips as she lowered her head softly. "Well, well, well, what have I done to recieve such an honor to be in the great Seraphim's presence yet again?" Keitha said mockingly as she flashed thirsty eyes up at him.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: HA! Tag Wraith!
[COLOR=Teal][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Well I think its time for me to have a Avi and Banner change, I likes change :catgirl: So I decided, since I just recently started watching Madlax and have grown very much in love with it that it would be may new design. I don't have any specific pictures I would like used. The banner has to have at least some slight image of Madlax herself, the rest of the design is open to whatever character you wish to put in it. I would like DC on the avi some where and "You shouldn't wander about without me, its dangerous out here." Some where on the banner. As for color, I'm thinking soft colors. Or maybe a CAUTION (yellow/black) type skim. I dunno, let me see what you, the talented artist you are, can do :) :) Thanks DC[/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR]