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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei wrapted Katima's arm around her shoulders and practly hauled her daughter down the long flight of stairs. Neither Wakanda had spoken a word since the insidence with Malik only moments ago. All that was on Kalei's mind was getting out of the building as the roof was being sucked into oblvion, and a little something else. [CENTER]****************[/CENTER] [COLOR=SlateGray]Kalei groaned and held back the scream that crept up her throat. The unexplainable pain that engulfed every bone, muscle, tendon, and nerve from her diaphram down had grown past the point of simple sensation into a massive ball of mush. "Push, Kalei," a nurse maid spoke into Kalei's ear, erging her to go on. "Breathe," yet another nurse chimmed in. "Just a little more," called another. Kalei had had enough, her body was almost completely out of energy, and the shield around the temple room prevented the Wakanda leader from calling on the Earth for assistance. "Push..." the first nurse said yet again, and suddenly there was a surge of motion with a great calm following just as quickly afterwards. Kalei's face was streaked with tears and creased with the pain she had just endured. She threw herself backwards and was met by the back of a raised bed. Sweat covered most of her body and strains of hair stuck to her face. Her heart still raced and her breathing still irregular. "Congradulations, Kalei," a soft bronze face of a young nurse appeared over Kalei. "You've had a beautiful boy...[I]and[/I] a beautiful girl." The nurse handed her the little boy first, his face so calm as he nuzzled close to Kalei's chest. Then the nurse handed her the little girl, her face contorted in misery as she wailed with discontent. "The boy was born first." One of the other nurses' informed her as they helped Kalei place both infants up to each breast. At first the girl would not suckle, she just continued to cry, but once she heard her brother's content slurping she soon took the other. "How I wish your father could see you," Kalei smiled as she thought of names. "Kalei," the eldest nurse approached the bed side. The new mother turned her head towards the older woman, such bliss and happiness filling the young Wakanda's eyes. "Have you thought of what you might do with them? You know you cannot raise them as your own for Lord Malik will be sure to use them against you in this war." The old woman's face was firm, and bitter, despite how gently she had stated it. Kalei lowered her head to watch her two beautiful childern pulling out the nurishment they needed from her body. The joy that had filled her was now gone, realization setting in as she tried to come up with a solution to her obvious problem. Without warning, the little boy suddenly stopped suckling and slowly began to cry, until his wail was so loud that it had upset his sister and she, too, began to cry. No matter how hard she tried to calm them, Kalei couldn't. It wasn't until the Wakanda Leader began to tell them stories of their father, and the bliss of those memories filling Kalei's body did both infants calm themselves into sleep.[/COLOR] [CENTER]****************[/CENTER] Kalei stumbled out the door and, both her and Katima, fall face first into the grass. The sudden quake in the ground brought Kalei to roll over and watch as the roof ribbed from its foundation and towards the void above it. Kalei's hair swirled upwards, along with her clothing as she scrambled to her feet, clutching Katima's arm. "Kalei!" came a familar voice. The Wakanda leader brought her head up to see Ena rushing towards them. "Help Katima, I'm alright," Kalei shouted over the roar as she handed the almost limp Katima to Ena. "Where's Tegan?" "Over there," Ena shouted back, pointing towards the small knole not far from where they were. A woman stood beside him, Kalei assumed it was Jade. "Katima, stay with Ena and Priest," Kalei brushed some hair from Katima's face as she stared into the girl's vacant eyes. "I have to stop your brother." Kalei didn't wait for an answer as she rushed towards Tegan. "TEGAN!" Kalei screamed, hoping her voice would be carried with the wind and a little magic. Jade turned her attention towards her as she rushed up to him. "Tegan, you have to stop!" Kalei said, her hand reaching for his shoulder. "Please..."[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Keitha's heart sank as she continued to play a carefully happy smile upon her face as Seraphim left her sight. It was hard to imagine not having his slippery hide near her, fulfilling Kuroichi's tasks with ease. They were such a powerful duet, singing beautiful music until something happened. Something big enough to make him grow suddenly distance and then disappear. That's when Keitha returned back to the Gyshram and met Leila. She had almost forgotten about him. [FONT=Arial Black]They venture To the edge They'll be leaving soon Without you[/FONT] Keitha growled at the dark, swirling mass as she started towards the escalators, hoping Leila had grapped her luggage. It wasn't much there to grab, a small bag with clean clothes, and her sword. Keitha made her way through the small flock of people as she entered the main lobby and headed towards the front glass doors. That's when she caught sight of a young man obvisouly flirting with Leila. Keitha rolled her eyes as she pushed the door open and broke into their conversation. "You must be Kashi...I don't quite remember meeting you before, but I'm sure Leila will fill in the details as we head towards the hotel." Keitha bowed half an inch at the waist and then headed towards the taxi. "If you don't mind, I would like to see Kuroichi before the sun rises." Keitha pulled the door open and slid into the passanger backseat. Leila smiled playfully as she walked around the car and hopped into the backseat with Keitha. It was a good thing Leila knew that Keitha had low tolerance for men that were weak for woman, especially when they were hitting on Leila. The Shadow Assassin knew the young vampiress could handle her own, it was just--something about them that made her leery. She did not wish to see Leila suffer a broken heart from the hands of a youthful, player.[/COLOR] OOC: Hope that's ok with you Wraith that I made your character and mine previous partners.[/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan snarled as she peveted on her heels and rushed back towards Asariel, giving him absolutely no time to think, much less react. He gracefully slid out of her way as she stormed back towards the cafe. "Miss Reoan--." Before Asariel could finish his sentence, Reoan cut him off, "They're working together." "Who?" Asariel question as he leapt forward and followed Reoan. "Heaven and Hell," she snarled. The ex-Guardian clenched her fists, the crowd instinctively parting out of her way as if they, too, could feel her anger rise. "And how does that effect us?" Reoan stopped dead in the middle of the busy sidewalk. Turning her head slightly, Reoan watched as Asarile struggeld to regain his balance after almost plowing her over. There was a sudden chill that raced over both of them as she looked into his eyes. Just moments ago she was on the verge of tears as she forced him to kiss her, and now her eyes told of a heart of stone. "You and Kraven are immortal, while I am not. If Adoil works along side Sartael and Beelzebub, there's no way I can stop them." Every word that left her lips stung like a bitter, and frosty wind. "But there is the girl and the Grigori that fight by our side," no matter how warm his words, there was little chance of him warming Reoan. "Have you ever seen Amber fight? And the Grigori half-breed is too simple minded for the likes of angels and a demon. But they aren't the only ones we will have to face." Reoan slowly pulled her head away to watch David and Amber run down the street towards them. ""The Guardians." Asariel mumbled as Amber grabbed a hold of Reoan's forearm. "Come quick, Kraven might be in trouble!" Amber shouted, her sentence jumbled from her exsperated breathing. Reoan took a quick look back at Asariel, and, for the first time since he met her, he could see fear in her eyes. Amber tugged on the ex-Guardian again and soon they were running down the sidewalk.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Starts before Deucalion's post and then leads up to it. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Keitha placed her head against the headrest of her slightly uncomfortable seat. Had they known they would arrive in Italy during the middle of the night, Keitha would have told Leila to book their flight in first class, coach was so dry, and boring. But she would have to make do with what they had for now. "I'm going to take a nap, will you wake me before we land, I hate the sudden jarring." Keitha gave a friendly smile to her dear companion before slowly closing her eyes. "Sure," Leila chuckled softly, watching the vampiress shift slightly to try and find a comfortable position.[/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER]*********************[/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"Hey, wake up!" Leila's demanding voice and a few jabs to Keitha's shoulder woke her from her dream world. "Alright...alright! I'm awake!" Keitha waved her hands at Leila playful as the plane took a sudden deep towards the Earth. Keitha quickly fell quiet. "What's wrong? Its only light turbulance." Leila looked about the plane to make sure there was nothing she was missing.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black] Time for the past To catch up to the present Old friends And new allies Maybe a little romance[/FONT] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The ringing laughter of being mocked left Keitha clutching her teeth at the swirling cloud of faint shadows. The plane shifted again as the captian announced they were about to land. The intense pressure change caused Keitha to yawn as she looked at Leila, a bitterness racing through her eyes. "I hope you will excuse me, but I must leave you when we land." Keitha watched as the other passagners readied themselves for the landing. "I will meet up with you before you leave to the hotel, I must find some one." Keitha said simply as the plane surged forward again. "Alright," Leila said with a hint of confusion, but she didn't question the Shadow Assassin's motives. She wouldn't receive a truthful or straight answer anyways. Upon landing, Keitha and Leila waited for the other passagners to disembark before they themselves left their seats. "I'll meet you at the front doors," Keitha said from behind Leila as they walked up the ramp and into the terminal. "Alright." Once both vampires had entered the lobby, Keitha broke away from the young vampire and headed right as if she didn't even know Leila. Keitha passed severial people, coming across two vampires that she did not recognozie. One tried to stop her as she slipped past them both. "The new allies..." Keitha whispered as she rushed into the small crowd that was scattered about. The large clock on the wall declared that it was late evening, the sun had just set.[/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Black] Gate 17 Holds what you Seek[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Keitha raced down the long corridor and stopped just 100 feet before the gate that was now releasing its passagners. A sudden surge of power swirled around her as the shadows began to scream and cry out. One of the last few people to walk through the gate entry was a familiar face and one she did not know. A new vampire. Keitha took a deep breath, composed herself, desperately trying to calm the screeching shadows as she approached the two men...the two vampires. She came before them, blocking their way and completely unarmered. "Its been a long time Seraphim." Keitha fought the urge to advert her eyes as she took in the attractive blonde man that stood before her. Turning her shakey nerves into a devilish smile, Keitha added; "what brings you to Italy?"[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SlateGray]"What is the matter, my angel? You seem distant, cold-hearted this evening." The sweet smell of roasting pork swirled around the young woman's head and overwhelmed her senses. But the succulent food could not touch the starvation that took over Reoan's body. A hunger for flesh in a way that no amount of food could satsify. "I'm sorry, I do not mean to worry you." The girl replied softly, a strange tone for her voice to be. The camp fire light flickered brightly behind them both, the orange and yellow flames reflecting in the pitch black stream. The young woman shifted her weight to her left side as she watched the reflected flames dance upon the water's surface. "You shouldn't worry yourself with me," the other person, a man not much older than the woman, returned. He took a few steps forward and placed his hands on both the woman's shoulders. The sudden rush of energy that transferred between the simple embrace nearly sent the man from her, but he held firm. Only then could he truly understand why she had suddenly become so distant. For the last three months, a bond was growing them so intensly that even the Heavens had grown fearful that they may turn on them. They had become so intuned with each that they no longer had to speak to each other, knowing every move the other was going to make in battle or every feeling they might possibly be feeling. It was a bond that not even love could describe. But now all that had become insecure, worry clouded the woman's thoughts and her attentions followed it. The battle earlier that day had almost cost them two lives and mortal wounds when the two of them had collided. But now he understood it completely. Without a word, the man slowly twirled the woman around, the burning fire that rose through his fingers and hands, engulfing his whole being as he rose one hand up along her neck. Her skin was on fire as he placed his thumb just before her ear on the left, the rest of his fingers entangling themselves in her hair. A sudden surge of fear rushed over them both, but he wasn't going to allow it to stop him, not when he was this close and this sure. With a swift, yet graceful movement, the man leaned forward and place his lips upon the woman. At first, she was left breathless, and stunned. A yearning to run away from this feeling of loss of control was almost unbearable when the sudden surge of burning rushed through her again. The overwhelming desire for flesh burning its way through her veins and sending her over the edge with the return of his own burning. She could not stop herself as she wrapted her arms around his med-section and digging her finger-tips into the massive back muscles. He, too, pulled her body tight against his with his free arm around her waist. The moment was unforgettable.[/COLOR] [CENTER]********************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Reoan....Reoan," the mentioning of her name finally brought her back from her remembrance as she brought her eyes to focus on Amber's soft, young face. "Are you ok?" she asked from across the table. "Hmm? Yes, fine." Reoan said distantly. It had been almost a thousand years since she felt the passion and satsification flesh could bring, and even more so the feeling of being complete as she had once felt. She had nearly forgotten. "Do you need some fresh air, Miss Reoan?" Asariel asked. Kraven had left just a short time ago, off to find Beelzebub more than likely. She wondered if she would ever see him again after this life, and what if she did? Would she even remember him? What was to become of them all? Would God make them all suffer for being apart of her vengence? Reoan shook her head and smiled soflty. None of that matter right now, she needed some fresh air, and sometime with Asariel before he was off to find Sartael. "Yes," Reoan said allowed, the three of them all shoving their chairs back and standing up in the small cafe. "But I wish to be alone with Asariel. I have something I must discuss with him." Amber and David looked at each other, slowly taking their seats once more. Asariel gave Reoan a puzzled look as he followed her out of the crowded cafe. They walked quietly out into the street and off to the side so not to be in every ones way. "What's wrong, Miss Reoan?" Asariel asked once they were away from the massive crowds. Reoan said nothing as she stared up at him. His almost frail complection was highlighted by his dark hair and crimson eyes. A warmth filtered through them as he stared back at her, causing Reoan to take a deep breath. She took a few shuffled steps forward and reached up to place a cold, clammy hand upon Asariel's warm cheek. A faintly familiar feeling fluttered through her chest as he placed his far warmer hand upon her's. She smiled softly. "Please forgive me," Reoan whispered as she pulled Asariel towards her and placed her lips upon his, a warmth and desire taking hold of her very human body. She held the embrace just for a moment before sharply turning way and nearly running down the street to free herself of the cloud of emotions that threaten to make her lose her mind.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei could feel her heart being torn in two. She desperately wanted to help Jade with Tegan, but she knew that some one had to rescue Katima from Malik, and there was no one way she was putting one of the team in her place. For now she'd have to gritt her teeth and bare with her decision. She slowly made her way across the lobby, Malik's scent filling the air as she stopped just a few inches from the door. Katima's energy was pulsing, but it wasn't from fighting. No it was more of a loathing then the adrenaline rush one might feel during a battle. It was suttle, but powerful nonetheless. Kalei reached for the door and grasped the door handle. It wasn't a knob but the one that you had to push down on your thumb. It was locked, which was to be expected. Kalei placed the palm of her hand over the key hole and whispered a soft chant. A sudden click notified the Wakanda that the door had been unlocked. Taking a deep breath, Kalei pushed the door open. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Talyn swirled around and landed a blow to Noals back, some where towards the middle. The sharp blade dug deep into her flesh and nearly knocked her off her feet. Stumbling forward, the vampiress quickly regained her footing and did a half back-flip to avoid yet another attack from the wakanda. "You're a greater warrior then I had expected, but that makes no difference to me. I will taste your blood and I will spill that of your precious friends," Noals snarled as she threw two punches and landed a kick to Talyn's lower leg. He buckled under the force, but caught Noals next punch, the vampire was slowing down and the sun was rising fast.[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] The door swung open and Kalei took in the sight of Malik bent over Katima. She was penned up against a wall, a bloody mess with Malik holding her up with one hand on her shoulder. His other hand was intwined in her hair and neck, tipping her head back slightly as he bent forward in a position to kiss her. "KATIMA!" Kalei shouted and the pink haired Wakanda suddenly snapped awake. "DARK FLAME!" shouted Katima, throwing her hands into Malik. A low grunt let lose as the vampire lord soared across the room, into random furniture, and finally crashing into the wall. The small clatter of still falling debri was the only thing to be heard as Kalei rushed forward to catch Katima before she dropped. "Oh, Katima, my dear precious Katima," Kalei stroked the thick pink hair of the girl lovingly as tears streamed down her face. "Where's Tegan?" Katima asked. "Jade is with him. They are leaving the building as we speak. Can you stand, walk?" "Yeah," Kalei helped her to her feet and started towards the door. "You honestly think that attack was going to kill me, my dear." The deep masculine voice of Malik swept through the room. Kalei turned towards him, pushing Katima towards the door as she prepared to fight the man that haunted her dreams. No...not the man, the creature that had made her whole life something she never wanted it to be, but yet, help make it bearable all at the same time. Malik rushed forward and before Kalei could shove Katima out of the way, the vampire lord had the girl by the throat and against the wall. Kalei swirled around and was about to attack him, but he swatted her aside. "How does she taste, Kalei? Is she as sweet as you?" Malik said above Katima's roaring protest and kicking. Kalei rushed to her feet and reached a hand out as Malik through his mouth around Katima's neck. "SHE'S YOUR DAUGHTER!" The room fell deafly silent. "Katima and her twin brother Tegan, they're your children." Kalei said softly, fighting back the urge to fall to the floor. Malik turned around sharply and glared at Kalei. "How is that possible? I've not given myself fully to any woman except..." Malik's sentence trailed off, allowing Katima to fall to the floor with a thud. He slowly walked towards Kalei and grabbed a hold of the Wakanda leader's shoulders. "You...gave birth to my children?" Kalei stared into the blood red eyes of the man she had loved beyond life and nodded, "seven months after you left to fight the wakanda." [CENTER]OOC: Hope that spices things up a bit. Um...Solar Princess is no longer with us. So Sinistra or madnessofthecat, if you two want to have a battle envolving her character, please do so and then kill off her character please. Thanks[/CENTER][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow]A soft breeze seeped through the small crack in the window and brushed Keitha's soft locks of near ebony hair off her shoulder and into her face. The Shadow Assassin rose her hand from her desk and tucked the lose strains back behind her ear. She brought her attention back to the book that sat upon the small metal desk. "The distance will ceast to exist, and all will fall into one. One blade, one blood." Keitha read the line out loud for the third time. She flipped through another book that sat on the corner of the desk, searching for anything that would bring more light on this unusual quote. "Assassin?" Keitha brought her head up with not only the mention of one of her titles, but the loud creak the opening of the wooden door caused. "Yes?" she replied to the young man that had entered the study. "The Gyshram Lord wishes to see you in his chamber." The young man bowed and ducked back out of the room, carefully shutting the door behind him. Keitha marked the spot she was on mentally before closing both books on the desk and proceeding out of the room. The small passage way that eventually led to the much larger corridor was littered with dried leaves and dust. The stone walls had mold and vines growing along them, and smelled of a dungeon. Upon reaching the corridor, Keitha took a long, deep breath of the refreshing air and started her way through the many levels of the Gyshram clan's quarters. A palace of stone, slate, marble and clay, it was an unrivaled beauty. Keitha ducked around a corner as she attempted to avoid a few members of the Gyshram upper class as she made her way to the door that would open into the Gyshram Lord's chamber. "Come in, my Shadow Assassin. I have been expecting you." The rough, brassy voice of the Lord rose from under the door. Keitha reached forward and opened the door slowly. Straight across the room sat the Lord and his Lady wife, nearly nude, upon their massive bed. She was wrapt in red silk, keeping her body from just above her breast down hidden. That same piece of silk lay across the Lord's lap, allowing his rippling muscles to be exposed. "My Lord," Keitha allowed the door to close behind her as she lowered herself in a bow. It wasn't the first time Keitha was summoned to the Lord's chamber to find him and his Lady wife rather exposed, and frequently in most inappropate potions. At first, Keitha nearly bolted from the chamber. Such things were meant to be in private view, but the Lord would only beckon her closer, telling her of his wishes as he made love to his wife. So, eventually, Keitha learned to bare the rather reckless and careless display. "Kuroichi has made a move towards the Ijuuj. I'm sure the Vampire Lord does not need help in his conquest, but go to him and see what he wishes of yours and the Gyshram's services. I'll be sending Leila shortly afterwards." The Gyshram Lord turned himself so he could kiss his wife passionately. "Yes my lord, I will leave shortly." Keitha bowed once again and left the room.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black] You will meet many On this journey And you will change Even if you wish not to[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow]Keitha growled at the seemingly empty hallway behind her as she slipped into the cool night air. Keitha took a deep breath, she could sense the sapphire not far from her, the massive jem hidden within the walls of the Gyshram palace.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black] Love is only temparary Our dearest Assassin Human lives come And they go Do not waste your breath Or your foolish emotions On them[/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow]"The world has changed much, shadows. Now they would see a mere converstation such as ours a mental insability. They have lost touch with the Earth and its wonders." Keitha slowly walked through the various shadows that bright glow of the moon cased all about her. They danced wildly under her feet as she passed through them. [CENTER]OOC: Sorry I'm so late with my first post. :animenose [/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Noals allowed a smirk cross her face as she took the crippled vampire and tore his head from his body. "I will not talerate weakness," she hissed as she threw the corpse to the ground. Her attention then was drawn back to the wakanda traitor and the other two vampires. Despite Noals wishes, she knew that these two vampires were no match for the wakanda, or whatever he was now. His succulent scent rose into the corridor and filled the vampiress with lust. She licked her lips, dragging her tongue carefully over her enlongated canines. After watching Talyn slay yet another vampire, Noals stepped forward, shouting: "enough of this game, wakanda. I want to taste your flesh and watching this underlings attempt to kill you is driving me mad." The last remaining vampire slowly slithered away as Noals stalked forward, paying little mind to the fact that her clothing was in much need of repairing or that her hair had been distrubed by the struggle to escape her temporary prision.[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Kalei could hear the roar of commition raising all around her, clouding her mind as she tried to find Malik, for he was sure to have Tegan and Katima in custody. No matter how much she tried to wash the thought from her mind, she couldn't help but dread what the vampire lord had down to them. Kalei grabbed the edge of the wall as she rounded the corner and started up the flight of stairs. When she reached the landing before the next flight of stairs she came face to face with a vampire, the one that had held her captive not long ago. " Phineas," Kalei chuckled lightly. "Hello wakanda bitch," the vampire smoldered a burning glare as he stepped down off the last step. "Where's Malik?" "As if I would tell you that, Kalei. You might have the lord's desired eye, but you do not have mine." "How I wish that was so," Kalei slid her left foot back as she gathered light energy between her hands. "But I have no time to waste on you." Kalei lowered her head and whispered a chant before throwing the small mass of energy into the air. It hit the ceiling and burst into brillant light, giving Kalei enough time to sneak past the vampire and up the last flight of stairs. Kalei raced down the hallway, the uncontrollable urge to vomitt creeping more violently up her throat as she turned into a slightly larger area, a lobby perhaps. And on the other side of the lobby was a stranger with a very familiar face. "Tegan!" Kalei cried out as she rushed across the lobby and embraced the young wakanda. "Oh my precious Tegan!"[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]"Tegan, where are you going?" Kalei shouted over the roar of machinery from the temple. "Tegan!" Despite Kalei's shouting and protest, the boy did not listen to her and continued into the tall grass. Kalei took a deep sigh and dropped her shoulders. [I]If only I could tell you the truth, Tegan. If only I could tell you what really happened to your parents.[/I] "Kalei," a very soft voice followed closely by a tug on her shirt. Kalei brought her head around to see a young girl, around nine years of age looking up at her. Soft pink locks laid in a mess upon her head as the girl rubbed her eyes. [I]Most have just woke up[/I], Kalei thought. Kalei knelt down to the young girl and brushed a few strains of hair from her face. "What is it, Katima?" "I heard yelling and Tegan was crying." Katima's eyes became suddenly glossy as tears began to welled up. "I was trying to have Tegan come back, but he was pretty upset about your parents." Kalei tried to smile as she ran her thumb along Katima's cheek. "I wish I would have known our parents," Katima's sentence was broke and chappy as she threw herself into Kalei's arms, sobbing openly. "I know, my dear. I know." Kalei ran her hand over Katima's soft pink hair as she held the girl, wishing desprately that things were different. [/COLOR] [CENTER]********************[/CENTER] Kalei placed her cell phone back into her pocket as she ushered the others all closer to the center slab as the massive stone door closed behind them. "Listen up every one. When we get to Malik's quarters we'll be splitting up again to make our search effective and quick. Ena, you will take the dungeouns, Fyoura, the first floor, and Priest, you'll take the second floor. Don't lose sight of your partner at all times. Sin, find Talyn, he'll need your help I'm sure." Kalei turned to her right and stepped up onto the platform. "Where will you be?" Sin asked. "I'm going to find Malik. We have an old score to settle." Kalei motioned for the others to step up onto the slab. "Every one, take each others' hands, and don't let go." The group made a circle upon the slab, grasping a hold of the person next to them, all turning their attention back to Kalei once again. The Wakanda leader said a small chant, and before any one could take another breath, they all found themselves in total darkness. The crisp cold current nipping at their faces. In an instant they were all transported into a small room smelling of fresh blood. "Good luck to you all." Kalei shouted as she ran through the front door. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Noals' attack missed as Talyn rolled out of the way. The vampiress was quick on her feet as she spun around, watching as the spy rose to his feet as well. "Clever things you are. Now I understand master Malik's fasination with your kind, oh how I wonder what your leader must be like." Noals lips pressed together as she displayed a wicked smile. "You're all the same," Tayln grunted. "Are we now?" Noals slowly slid past Tayln, and towards the door. She slowly bent down, reaching into the hallway and throwing something towards Tayln. The spy caught it only to drop it in horror. It was Richard's body, missing its severed head, every drop of blood missing from the corpse. "You f*cking bitch!" Tayln raced at the vampiress as she slipped back into the hallway.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan smirked at the confertation. The Aries Zodiac had become quite a woman since this whole game began, and she much admired her. The bond so apparent between her and the woman standing on the other side of her. And the cool, collected demanor of the male was thrilling, making Reoan yearn to make him tremble. "There will be plenty of time for me to tell you everything you inquire, but not now. I am here for a Duke and an Angel, and you three might want to find your fourth, I sense something unfortunet has happened to her." Reoan's voice said soft and calm as she turned around. "Hold it," the dark haired zodiac said firmly. Reoan smiled as she took in Asariel's crimson eyes. For a moment she lost her self in them before she turned back to the others. "When you rejoin with the other zodiac, seek me out. I won't be far, and I'm sure Rubedo will be able to track us down. Only then will I sit with just you four and tell you all you wish to know." Reoan did not wait for a response as she and her companions started down the street, back the way the zodiac had come from. "Are you sure this is wise, Reoan?" David spoke up hesitately. Reoan lowered her head, watching the water, that flowed like a river down the sidewalk, splash around her shoes. Asariel was silent behind and she desperately wished she knew what was on his mind. Had he remembered anything that happened while he laid unconcious on the cliff and did he know the temptation that she fought every moment she was near him. Then suddenly she was brought back with the flickering thought of Rubedo and she growled lowly, a passing stranger stepping away from her in fright. "They have a right to know why they were awaken. Why God has called upon them to keep the balance, whether that means my death or not is up to them. But they should have all the facts before they go about killing people." Reoan brought her head up to allow the rain to stream down her face. "Kraven's close." They rounded another corner and found both Kraven and Amber standing under a covered porch. Reoan raced up the cement steps to take her place beside them both. Asariel and David joined them soon afterwards. "Was your journey a safe one, Amber?" Amber nodded her head as she shuttered, "We ran into Rubedo on the roof top." "He questioned his purpose before running off," Kraven mumbled as he watched humans race about the street, completely unaware of the five companions standing there. "To join the other zodiac," Reoan chuckled lightly. "He wishes for a human life, but he will discover how near impossible that is, even now. What a fool." "Reoan?" Amber looked up at the ex-Guardian, seeing right into her soul and feeling every ounce of hatred that was boiling wthin her towards this supposed Guardian. "I will be seeing the zodiac soon," Reoan said calmly as she stepped towards the edge of the covered porch. "When I do, Kraven, find Beezlebub. His time on this plane is running thin. Asariel," Reoan paused, fighting the erge to look up at him, "seek out Sartael, both of them are here in Greece...somewhere." "What about David and I?" Amber broke in. "You two will stay with me. They'll want another side of the story than just mine. But for now, lets find some dry clothes and something to eat."[/COLOR] [CENTER]OOC: Astdis, Reiku and Ozy, PM with ideas on how you want to work out the whole "interviewing Reoan" thing. [/CENTER][/FONT]
  11. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=2][FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Good to see this back again. Hope it goes as well as the others :) [B]Name:[/B] Keitha (original name unknown) [B]Nickname:[/B] Shadow Assassin [B]Age:[/B] 1000 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Species:[/B] Vampire [B]Clan:[/B] Gyshram [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/elves/elves28.jpg]Minus the massive long ears[/URL] [B]Weapons:[/B] A simple katana named Chaela. [B]Powers:[/B] Able to manipulate shadows and untouched stealth. [B]Personality:[/B] This stunning vampiress is well-known for her unquenchable thirst and lust for destruction. Her quiet demeanor tempts the aggressive and experienced to take a chance at dancing with this marvelous hunter. Despite her meancing appearance and first impression, the one thing that stands out the most about Keitha is her undying devotion to whomever she is loyal to. [B]Bio:[/B] It was some where around the the late 8th century when Kietha was born to a poor merchant family. They lived on the coast of one of the many European countries, but they were always travelling. Kietha's father was a sweet campassionante man who loved his wife and only daughter with every thing he had. At the age of twelve, Keitha began working with her father and helped her mother with house work when she wasn't with her father. On a spring afternoon just shortly after Keitha's fifteenth birthday, the village they were living in was raided by Vikings. They were ruthless and savage. Keitha's family tried to hide her and keep her safe, but it was no use. The vikings killed her father, raped her mother and took both Keitha and her mother aboard their ship. Keitha bore two sons for one of the men aboard her ship. Her mother had about six children to a different man. Keitha was discussed with not only her body for allowing her to produce such savage beast but for her mother to allow this to go on. When Keitha turned twenty she knew that she would no longer take this. Inside of her was another child, but to a different man. She was tired of being raped and it needed to stop. Late one evening while the men were docked some where in Normady, Keitha killed all the men that had raped her while they slept and vanished into the night. The next day she gave birth to a baby girl and left her at the nearest door. As Keitha wondered aimlessly for serival days, she found herself upon a massive mansion so out of place. It was raining and she needed shelter for the night. She walked in and was greeted by a man. He took her in and fed her. After a week, the man came to her and asked her if she wanted to seek revenge on those that had hurt her and her family. Keitha agreed. He taught her all he knew about being an assasin and taught her love how to love again. Keitha bore no child for him, but their love was powerful enough to create a new world. Both of them found and fought the Viking raids and won Europes freedom back, of course with others help. After a short five years the man that had taken Keitha in decided it was time for her to know all his secrets. He loved her more then anything and it was unfair to her for her not to know. He set up a romantic dinner and dancing in the great hall. As they prepared to make love that night, the man took Keitha close to him and told her that he was a vampire. Expecting her to run from him or scream, the man turned from her. But she pulled him back, he still on top of her, still inside her and kissed him. She whipsered to him that she still loved him and then did something he had not expected. She asked to join him as his eternal lover. He granted her that wish and they spent 500 years together, joining Gyshram clan during this time. During one of the many battles between the mighty clans, Keitha lost Serio, and pledged her loyal districtly to the Gyshram. The royal family taking her into their services as their personal assassin. And Keitha vowed to never take the rich crimson liquid from an unwilling host in fear that she would not be able to control her lust. [B]Writing Sample[/B] And with that, Kietha vanished into the ring of shadows allowing them to absorb her in a new trick they had learned. They carried her carefully, hidden within their darkness and shapelessness through Japan to where she needed to be, the pulse of the Opal shard quickened. "Zoku..." Kietha whispered and knew his ears heard it. The shadows stopped their swirling maddness and left Kietha standing up straight before a large wooden door. She could have used them to melt through the door, but decided it would be best to just open it. She turned the handle, it was locked. Playing with it for a moment she finally unlocked it and opened it to be welcomed with swords. She instintively pulled Chaela from its shealth as two of Zoku's creations brought their swords upon her. Zoku stood by a large window as he turned to see what was happening. "Kietha," his voice held surprise as he tried to keep his composure. "Zoku," Kietha whispered, no longer aided by her shadows. She was bare for all the world to see. Just a humble assassin, her two swords, a gem and her light clothing. "Let her in." Zoku commanded. The creations stepped back and allowed Kietha to enter. "Zoku," Kietha hastly made her way to him, dropping her sword to the floor. She embraced him and fell to her knees. "I've been worrying about you, Kietha. Was afraid I had lost you forever." Zoku picked her up and stared into her almost colorless eyes. "I am sorry, Zoku. So very sorry." "Can I..." Kietha hesitated. "Can I spend the night with you, Zoku." Kietha pleaded, her eyes wide with ache. Zoku's eyes held their cofussion as he bent down to kiss her. Kietha allowed the embrace to take a hold of her as she returned the gesture. A warmth filtered through both as a blue light engulfed them, as Zoku pulled back for a moment to look into Kietha's eyes, he watched them flicker and swirl to their natural green color. He smiled at her as they allowed passion to grab a hold of them both. The creations filtered out of the room as Kietha and Zoku spent their first, and maybe their last night together. [B]Other:[/B] N/A[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]What is this burning This yearning Could it be Oh yes, could it be You dying in my arms tonight Right when you thought Nothing else could go wrong I turned my back On everything you fought for Now ain't it a pity When every one seems to be decieving And you have no where else to turn My hands no longer there Remember that night When I begged for salvation My dreams all coming undone And I found you with some one How the tides have turn And no ne will see Just how much pain your in No one to hold you, but me Now look up to the sky And pray to your God He won't save you tonight As you bleed I have just one thing to say Before your on your way Tell me, Love How does karma feel?[/CENTER] "Where's Kraven and Amber?" Reoan said as Asariel placed her and David on the ground before he, too, landed. Reoan watched as Asariel tucked his wings in and hid them from sight. She couldn't help but allow her eyes to wonder over his structure. Even from the short feet that seperated them, Reoan could feel the Fallen's warmth swirl around her. His lucious scent rushing into her nose and choking all other smells out. Reoan pulled her head away from him and brought her gaze to the sky. "I can faintly feel Kraven and..." she allowed a low growl to escape before she declared the name, "Rubedo. But I am unsure of to where they might be." "The Zodiac aren't far as well," Asariel spoke up. Reoan brought her attention back to her companions in time to see David nod and shift uncomfortably under his bag. The massive man had grown rather quiet in the last couple of years and was never far from Amber. If his mother only knew the real reason why he was sent to be with her. As if from no where, rain began to pour down on them in the small alley way. Reoan shivered from the strange cold as she started towards the busy streets, David and Asariel following behind her. Reoan reached the end of the alley way and instantly found a wall, nearly falling backwards if Asariel had not caught her. She was about to shout something when she realized who stood before her and what she had actually run into. "Fancy running into three of the four remaining Zodiac." Reoan smirked as she regained her balance, brushing a few soaked locks of hair from her brow.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei watched Sin for a moment. She wondered if this new serum was really going to work or if it would back-fire like the first few did. Guess they didn't have to time to really test it. She gathered a few more needles and viles, shoving them into her pants pockets. "Well, I would love to test out this new serum, but we really must be going." Kalei motioned towards the door. Sin nodded as he followed the Wakanda towards the door, finding his sword placed upon one of the metal tables. Kalei heard the sword slid off the table as they broke into the large stone hallway. A woman was waiting for them and joined Kalei's side as they made their way towards the center of the temple. "Wakanda Leader, your team has been throughly checked and have met with their new partners. Would you like us to send them to the chamber?" the woman conveyed. Kalei turned a corner, Sin not far behind her before answering. "Yes." The woman nodded and turned down one of the other halls along their way. "The chamber?" Sin spoke up, walking up beside Kalei. "Yeah, while I've been away, the Wakanda elders have been putting their magic to work by making a portal like traveling device. Similar to the Star-trek teleporter. But there's a catch to ours, though." Kalei turned two more corners and then walked into a massive chamber with a circular cement slab in the center. "And that would be?" Sin asked as he took in the chamber's sight. "The only ones that can pass through the portal are Wakandas or friends of the Wakanda. All others are...lost some where in between the two portal locations." Kalei looked to the floor for a moment before looking back at Sin. "Now we wait for the others." [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Noals pulled the wakanda she was playing with from the wall, ripping his cuffs from where they were screwed to. She placed the limp body in front of her, holding firmly to his neck as the Wakanda woman played with her little toys. "You foolish child," Noals hissed at the woman. "You may chance hitting your fellow Wakanda, but I'm sure you'll never manage to hit me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][CENTER]OOC: Those in the temple, meet in the chamber. I'll be posting of who's character will be killed due to lack of posting. Reiku will be taking the position of Malik along with her character because Angelus' comp crashed.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]Rowena scrambled behind Ashlyn as she tried to remove the cross-bow from Ashlyn's back. The knight was coming closer, faster. Finally the strap broke free as she pulled an arrow from Ashlyn's pack. Quickly she slid the arrow into place and cocked it. Let my aim be true. Rowena aimed the cross bow for the knights chest and pulled the trigger. The arrow wizzed from before her and darted straight for the knight. It was quick, sudden. The arrow shot right through his armor and into his chest. The sharp clang was the only thing that was able to allow the others to know it actually hit its mark. The other knights brought their attention to the commrade. His mighty horse continued to plunge forward as his rider fell from his back with a thud onto the ground. The animal did not stop as he trotted past Ashlyn and Rowena. "You think he's dead?" Rowena looked at Ashlyn. "I don't know."[/COLOR] [CENTER]OOC: Sorry so short[/CENTER][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan opened her arms and stared across the water that was some three hundred feet below her. A strong breeze filled with the destinct smell of salt water blew her short hair from her face. Reoan longed for the warmth from the sun, but knew she would fine none this hour. The sky was now covered with thin grey clouds that had been caused by the rise of power. Reoan took in a deep breath, the salty air burning her nostrils as it slid down her nose and into her lungs. She could feel the crumbling rock edge under the center of her feet as she slowly leaned forward. Wind rushed up around her as she slowly closed her eyes, the crisp blue waves disappearing into the blackness of her mind. Her body being suspended by nothing allowed her mind and soul to travel else where.[/COLOR] [CENTER]************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"Reoan," the faint voice pulled Reoan's head around to watch Jacob push his way through the crowd. Reoan welcomed Jacob into her arms as she tried to figure out where Jacob had brought them. The dirt covered roadway reminded her of the ancient towns of Greece, but the tall wooden buildings that stretched on either side of them were anything but ancient Greece. The men wore pointed leather shoes with a massive wrinkle on top of their hats with a brim that circled the whole way around its circumfrance.. The women wore dresses of pastel or grey with ruffled hats and lacey umbrellas. "The mid west, 1800s." Jacob said as he took a step back. "It's amazing," Reoan's attention was drawn to the busy town life. The people were seemingly oblivious to the two Guardians. "Reoan, we haven't much time." The splender that danced about Reoan's face slowly slid from her as she brought her attention back to Jacob, his blue eyes filled with concern. Reoan reached out and slid her hand along the man's face. "What is it?" "Rubedo is gathering the remainer of the Guardians to fight against the demons and angels that are on Earth, that includes the ones that you search for." Jacob grabbed a hold of Reoan's hand, wishing desperately he could actually feel her touch. Reoan pulled away and swirled around, clenching her fists and gritting her teeth. "That bastard. I suffered for centuries in the pit for merely thinking of what this supposed Guardian is doing. Its time I taught this arrogant prick what its like to suffer a fate worse than death." "There's more," Jacob walked closer to Reoan and placed a single hand on her left shoulder. Reoan turned to face Jacob, all her frustration and new found hatred no longer visible upon her face. She searched Jacob's face, finding nothing but the concern she had seen before. "I've discovered through some sources on this plane that Amber is more than we thought." "How?" Jacob took Reoan into his arms, whispering his tale into her ear before stepping back. A new fire dancing in Reoan's eyes as the ex-Guardian wavered for a bit. It was time for her to return back to her own body. Jacob reached forward and gently kissed Reoan on the cheek. "Don't let me stand in your way of happiness, no matter how short it may be, Reoan. Live this life to its fullest, it maybe you first and last chance." [/COLOR] [CENTER]************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan creased her brows in confusion as she slowly slipped from Jacob and back into her body. Her eyes fluttered open as she took in the beautiful sight of Asariel and his massive black wings. "Are you all right, miss Reoan," the fallen looked down at her briefly. "Yes, but I must find out something once we return." The fallen nodded as the began to descend towards the African city below. Reoan burst through the front door, receiving almost a full on assualt from Kraven and David as the ex-Guardian charged forward. She did not bother to look at either demon or grigori as she approached Amber. The girl slowly backed away as fear raced through her eyes. "What's going on, Asariel?" Kraven asked the fallen when he entered. But before any one could say anything else, Reoan struck Amber and the girl wailed as she fell to the floor. Kraven and David rushed forward. The demon stood next to the towering Reoan, while David fell to his knees next to Amber. "What are you doing?" the Grigori protested Reoan's assualt. "Show yourself!" Reoan screamed, turning sharply towards Kraven. She snatched one of the demon's swords from his back and pointed it towards the now sobbing girl. "Reoan! PLEASE!" Amber screamed. "Stop this." "You've gone mad!" David stood up and placed himself in between Reoan and the girl. "Out of my way, David." Reoan growled. The grigori did not move. "Fine." Reoan rushed forward, shoving the massive man out of the way as she plundged the sword into Amber. David cried out as the whole room was engulfed in an irredescent light. Reoan sheilded her eyes with her free arm until the light faded. The blade that had supposedly run Amber through was now hovering in the air before an almost invisible round sheild. "Hello Guardian," the voice that came from the girl was not Amber's. It was rich and soft, almost heavenly. "Why?" Reoan growled, not caring who was about her now. The girl smiled. "You are the one to restore balance to this world. You had a power no other could tap, not those around you now or those before you. I brought them all to you, Kraven, Asariel, Amber, David, and even Caleb. You needed to see that you wee more than just some tool of God's. That you and every one else could create their own destiny." "Then why take them from me! Why make me suffer so?" "That was not my doing, child. I never meant for you to be harmed or decieved, that was God's doing. You weren't meant to be loved or to love. But you some how managed to figure out that there was more, even without my help." "Then it was you that saved me from Oriel some two years ago." "Yes." Reoan fell to her knees, staring blankly at the floor. She could feel the others watching her and the girl with puzzlement. "Why...why couldn't you save them? Why couldn't you save Jacob or Kraven? Caleb. Why me?" "Because you were the only one that could bring them all together and lead them. They would follow you to the ends of the Earth, Guardian. I choose you to help fight the true war." "The true war?" Reoan brought her head up, tears streaming down her face. "The war between God and Fate. Heaven and Hell, they are only places where souls go to rest. But it is God and Fate that battle for your outcome." Amber slowly walked forward and reached her hand out, placing it gently under Reoan's chin. A cool burning sensation rushed from the figures hand and all across Reoan's face. "It is time for you to show them that no one controls your destiny, but yourself." The light suddenly swallowed the whole room again and just as quickly blinked out. David rushed to his feet and caught Amber as she began to clasp. Reoan slowly stood, staring at the girl with unexpressed emotions. The ex-Guardian slowly turned around and started towards the bedroom, when she tripped and fell into Kraven's arms. Reoan could not bring herself to stand on her own as she wept openly into Kraven's arms. "I've always been just a tool. A weapon. And yet, I've been completely blind to what lay around me." She sobbed into Kraven's arms. A long heavy moment left the room in utter silence. Amber slowly came to and began to question David what had happen. Reoan slowly composed herself as she made her way to the bedroom, coming back out with her sword strapped to her belt. "We head to Greece, can you two take the other three of us there?" Reoan asked Kraven and Asariel.[/COLOR][/FONT] [SIZE=1][CENTER]OOC: Not my best work...but it will have to do. If you didn't already guess, Amber houses Fate within her body alongside her own soul. [/CENTER][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Rowena fumbled with her papers as Alex approached her, was he becoming a stalker? He seemed to pop up ever where! "Um...nothings wrong," she tried to catch herself as she looked about the group. "Just...um..." she brought her gaze up and caught Alex's eyes. His vibrant brown irises stared back at her with puzzlement and her mind began to wonder. [I]What would it be like to kiss him?[/I] Rowena's eyes grew wide as her cheeks flushed. She didn't just think that...did she?! She quickly pulled her eyes away from Alex and started looking through her papers again. "Sorry...I," she began as tried to grap the few stray papers that were starting to fall out of her hand. Managing only to group two, the other three floated towards the ground. Rowena rushed to gather them and found her hand upon Alex's. The soft smooth texture underneith her finger tips slowly pushed against her's and she jerked her hand away. Alex handed her the papers he had gathered as she took them gingerly from his hand. "Are you sure there's nothing wrong?" he questioned again. "Yeah, I think." Rowena forced herself to straighten and look at him again. "Guess I'm just tired." She smiled at him and turned to face the others in the group. [I] What in the world has gotten into me? I've never been like this around any one? Could it be the lake that is doing this? Like it swallowed up the missing people? I don't know, but I need to control myself.[/I][/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][CENTER]OOC: I think you're having way too much fun with this Wraith :P[/CENTER][/SIZE]
  17. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei fell silent again as the two of them quickly made their way through the long passage ways of the temple. A few scattered munks and priests passed before the as they made their way to the lap. Kalei could remember as if it was yesterday the events that led to Sin becoming part of the team. [CENTER]***********[/CENTER] "Heads up! He's coming back around!" Melissa shouted as the rest of the team gathered around the small lamp post that stood on the side of the street. It was the last remaining light on the barren city street, but it didn't much matter it was almost sunrise. Kalei stood next to Melissa, the current group leader, and the second in command, Daniel. Their backs against the metal rod that allowed them to peer into the darkness. All three of them ducked together as something flew over head and took out the street lamp behind them. But they were quickly luminated again when Daniel placed a bright what orb in his hand. The stranger dared out of the darkness and tackled Kalei onto her back. The wakanda shoved a foot under his abdomen and used his on weight to throw him over her head. The other two were quick to grab both his arms and hold him still as Kalei got back to her feet. The sun was raising fast and soon the vampire was going to be dust. "Any last words, vamp!" Daniel growled into the creatuer's ear. "Yeah," he snarled back, "sunlight doesn't effect me." He shoved the two wakanda off his arms as the sun rose above the buildings and engulfed both him and Kalei in its warmth. Kalei instinctively reached into her pocket and pulled out one of the darts that was strapped to her belt. The vampire rushed at her and right into the dart. He staggered back and fell back onto his haunches. He began to quiever as sweat began to pour down his face. Kalei titled her head to the side for a moment before slowly approaching the man again. His eyes had remained blood red, but something was missing; or something was there again. Kalei laid a hand on his shoulder and stared deep into his never ending eyes. "I can help you," she said softly. "How," he growled back. "My serum can help control your lust, you can help me fight those that have made you this way." The vampire looked behind him and saw the other two wakandas approaching them. "I'll never let them hunt you or treat you unfairly. I swear on my life....?" "Sin," he looked down for a moment. "Then I can safely say you are now part of the Wakanda's Sin?" Kalei helped him to his feet, he nodding to tell her eyes. [CENTER]***********[/CENTER] Kalei couldn't help but smile as she and Sin walked into the lab. It had been such a long time since they first met and so much had happen since then. But she couldn't keep revisiting her past, she needed to find the others. "Take a sit over there," she pointed to one of the patient tables as she started the machine that would seperate Sin's blood from the plasma she needed. She then walked over to him and strapped him onto the table. "I'm going to try something new, alright?" Kalei said as she pulled the last strap tight and buckled it. "What do you have in mind?" Sin watched as Kalei drew two viles worth of blood from his arm. "I'm going to add another plasma into the mixture, to see if it strengths the material. But your body might reject it." Kalei took her two viles and placed them carefully into the spinning carasoul and turned the machine up. She then took fresh needles and viles and began to draw her own blood as Sin watched. The whole proceedure took about a half an hour. Kalei collected some of the combined plasma into a needle and slowly walked over to Sin. "You ready?" [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Noals watched as the wakanda female made a fool of Talyn. She rolled her eyes with annoyance as she slowly walked over to the one that had been named Richard. His firey attempt to fight back against the once wakanda intrigued her, and she wondered how he would taste. She grapped a scalpal from the metal tray that lay on the table and seductively walked up to the chained wakanda, licking her lips. He watched her wearily as she twirled the sharp surgerons tool in her long, delicate fingers. "How your anger fills your body, wakanda." Noals reached forward and grasped the wakanda's face. "You shall taste so very succulent on my parched tongue." She brought the scalpal up and slowly dragged the blade acrossed Richard's soft cheek. It cut deep into his flesh and blood oozed from under the blade. She ran the blade from cheek bone to jaw, pulling it away quickly to drag her soft tongue across the fresh wound. The wakanda squirmed as her saliva seeped into his wound. Noals pulled back and moaned with intense pleasure, throwing her head back to savor the taste. "You are perfect," she hissed.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][CENTER]OOC: First off...those that have not been posting all that often might want to PM for the reason for your lack of posting (those that have posts on this page need not worry). Temple Wakanda, meet with your apprentices and prepare for departure soon. Captured Wakanda, u have 3 vampires torturing you...I'm sure you can think of something.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]Rowena could instantly feel her cheeks turn a bright red as Alex sat down next to her with his bowl and coffee. Rowena adverted her eyes as she stared at the map, all other converstation completely disappearing. Rowena could feel herself smiling as she tried to respond. "Morn...morning, Alex." Why was she acting so ridiculous? This was just a guy from school, another student studying something similar to herself. Why was she getting all giddy and fluttery. Alex chuckled softly as he took a sip of his coffee. "How did you sleep?" Rowena's cheeks deepen in their red color as she tried to take a drink of her orange juice. "I dreamt, but I can't seem to recall any of it now." "I had some one put a note on my door. It was really strange, with a rusted nail and parchment paper." "That's bloody ironic," Mr. Morris spoke up suddenly. Well at least Rowena finally heard his voice. "Some bird delievered to me a very similar slip of paper as well." Rowena brought her head up and looked about the room. It had suddenly grown really quiet. She finished the rest of her drink and reculantly ventured over to the sink and put her cub in it.[/COLOR] [CENTER]OOC: Hope this is ok with every one.[/CENTER][/FONT]
  19. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Lol. Omg, thank you. All of your ideas were completely awesome and I probably would have never thought of them on my own...as for the chick thing...I know sex appeal sells. That's what we're trying to work on to get both chicks and dudes to want to buy/read our mag. So if you might want to elebrate on your idea, that would really help. Some other ideas that have come up through others was an anime/manga section and a gamer section. Mostly of Nintedo and PS2 until I find a hardcore Xbox fan. We're also thinking of different contest we can run. Like poetry or short stories, and photography bits. We're also thinking of having a tech support and monthly adventures from the outting club at one of the local colleges. So keep the ideas flowing! The more the merrier :)[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]My friends and I were thinking about starting are own magazine through self publishing. So I've been asking around what people would like to see or contibute to it, then I thought of you guys on OB. You guys are from all over the world and of all ages, what better way to find out what to put into a magazine then by asking such a massive group the question. Some of our basic ideas were wrapped around an advice column, comic strips, and embrassing moments. So, what would [B][I]you[/I][/B] like to see in a magazine?[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SeaGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]Rowena watched the Professor for a moment, his eyes vacant as he must have been in thought. She turned her attention briefly to Mr. Morris and then stood cautiously, so not to make either of them jump. She took one last sip of her drink and sat it back on the table. Rowena lowered her head some and said, "I think it is time for me to turn in for the night. Thank you for your time Professor Acraine and Mr. Morris." Before either gentlemen could further the conversation Rowena slipped past them and towards the door. She looked over her shoulder at Alex and Ashlyn, shaking her head as she left the bar. [CENTER]*****************[/CENTER] Rowena moaned some as she rolled over in her bed, slamming her palm onto the clock that was screaming at her to wake up. She groaned as she turned away from the clock and pulled her blankets up around her neck again. "I need to get up," Rowena told herself as she shoved her blankets from her and sat up. The cold room wrapped itself around her body and she shivered. She dragged herself from her bed and towards the bathroom, where she showered and prepared herself for the day. She ran her fingers through her still damp hair as she stared at herself in the mirror was more before heading downstairs. "Crazy dreams are going to kill all my chances of sleeping," Rowena wrinkled her nose at the reflection of her scattered dreams last night. "Good morning," Rowena called out into the kitchen as she walked straight towards the fridge, pulling out a gallon of orange juice and pouring herself a glass. Both Ashlyn and Leo announced their greeting as Rowena walked over to the table and peered over the map that was scattered across its surface. Rowena looked over it, recognoizing most of its features and roads. "So, what's are first move?" Rowena felt herself say, feeling some what out of character this morning.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan closed her eyes and absorbed the warmth from Asariel's fingers, while her mind lingered on all that had happen. She didn't ask the others to invest emotions into her, and they most have known that at the end of it all that her life would come to an end. Happiness only brought more pain to her and those around her. For every time she was able to smile, to allow those around her into the shell she had created, they were taken from her. Death..destruction stained her hands, and it seemed that the more she lived in this world the more she discovered that she was not the only one to suffer as she had. "Of course I came," the voice that slipped through the soft smile on Reoan's face did not seem to be her's. Asariel creased his brows in puzzlement as he smiled back at her. "Can you stand?" "I think so," he slowly sat up, Reoan's hands on his back to help support him. Reoan stared at the back of Asariel's head for a moment. The dark vibrant hair falling so gently around him. She could sense his warmth growing around both of them as she turned her head from him. They both rose slowly to their feet and he turned to look down at her. She did not bring her head back to look up at him, allowing her gaze to rest on the water that laid below them. The mist blocked most of the spectular view, but she could image that which she couldn't see. Reoan chuckled as she brought her head up and gently slid her right hand onto Asariel's cheek. The warmth and delicate feel of his skin made her catch her breath for a moment as he leaned into her soft embrace. "I must talk to the Guardian for a moment, Asariel. You may wait here or return to the others." Reoan slowly pulled away as she turned around and started back up the cliff face. "Miss Reoan," Asariel's seductive voice made Reoan stop dead in her motion. She turned her head around to look down upon the Fallen Angel. "Did something happen, while I was unconcious?" Reoan looked down at her feet for a brief moment, then brought her gaze back up a careful smile on her face. "No, Fallen. Nothing happened." She turned back to the cliff and finished climbing to its top. "Rubedo." Reoan said firmly as she paced quickly away from the cliff's edge towards the Guardian. He twitched violently as if coming out of some trance and turned to look at Reoan. The menacing hatred that seemed so apparent slowly faded from his eyes as he looked down upon the much more fragile looking Reoan. "We haven't much time and my thoughts are caught on Greece. " Reoan said as she stopped just in front of the massive man. "I had far more things to discuss with you, but it seems that I will not be permitted to do so. You want to know why I've asked for you to join my side," Rubedo attemtped to speak, but now it was Reoan's turn to be listened to. "My other companions may seem strong, but they all hold a very similar weakness. I needed to know that some one will continue on if I shall fail. To restore the balance that I so cleverly disrupted." Rubedo did not say a word as Reoan pressed her lips together. "I see that I bore you, Guardian. I want you to go to Greece then, before the others and I arrive. There you will find old and new associates. Gather them the best you can. Sartael should be there as well." Reoan did not way for the Guardian to replay as she walked away from, hoping Asariel had not left yet so that he could bring her back to the others. "We shall see what you are truly made of Guardian Rubedo, for I sense you are slipping into a world that neither Guardian nor human should ever be." Reoan whisphered to herself as she approached the cliff edge, preparing to jump from its edge towards the water below.[/COLOR] [CENTER]OOC: Zodiac, finish gathering, along with Beelezub and Sartael. As for my group, prepare to travel to Greece.[/CENTER][/FONT]
  23. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan's heart jumped into her throat as she caught her breath for a moment, releasing it quickly in an attempt to keep all of her thoughts from flooding to the surface at once. She wrinkled her nose and crossed her arms over her chest. Her face was cold and stone like as she peered at the image of herself and the Fallen Angel. If only he knew her thoughts. [SIZE=2][CENTER][I]Oh Asariel, if only I knew the extent of your sufferin. Maybe I woud have been able to take you into my arms more willingly. But you must understand my caution...concern for those that were around me. You were just as cold and sheltered with your emotions as I. I had already allowed my dearest of companions into my heart, and how could I turn away from him. He had brought me life, helped me fight the deepest of fears within my heart and mind. He may have not understood the despair, the hatred, and the reasoning behind all of my motives, but he never left my side. He gave his life for me as would David and Amber, as had Caleb...the man that was actually an Angel. How could I come to trust you, to love you as you so apparently have me, when everything about you was hidden deep within you? You fight by my side as if we had known for each other before, but how was I to know that you did not wish me dead?[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE] "What would be the point?" Reoan spoke up suddenly, watching as the image slowly faded away.[/FONT][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana][COLOR=DarkRed]Wouldn't you like to have the ache disappear and to feel the bliss of love again?[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan shook her head and closed her eyes softly. "My purpose on this plan is for only one thing: to seek vengence for the wrong that has been done to me by those that claimed to be my protectors and lover. If that pain were to be erased, then my purpose here would not exist, and there for I would not exist. At the end of this path, Half-Brother, lies many deaths including my own. I could not put some one else through the same pain I felt." [SIZE=2][I][CENTER]I wish you could be my salvation, Asariel. Your warmth and embrace filling every fiber of my body is such a temptation. A moment of being lost in the passion we might share, but I cannot allow myself to love you...to hold you more than I am now. For if I did I would betray everything I was sent back to do. The death of Jacob would have had no meaning, and most importantly, you would only suffer more when my life most come to an end yet again. Please forgive me.[/CENTER][/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  24. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]Rowena sat at a small round table with a few people flocking around her. It wasn't her usual scene. She preferred a quiet evening at home with some close friends watching movies or discussing the current topic in their classes. But tonight she would have to deal with the bustling bar scene. Turning her head slightly, she watched Alex escort Patrick up the stairs. The poor man probably had too much to drink and was causing a scene again. She took a heavy sight, bringing her attention back to the young man that was telling a wild tale of magic and great kings. It was the same story over and over again. Arthur and his knights. It was getting old, but she knew that was the whole reason she was here; the stories and the disappearing people. At least every verison she heard from the various people was different in some aspect. Rowena turned her attention towards the stairs again, noticing Alex walking back down them almost briskly. Some how, only for a moment, she couldn't keep her eyes off him. His brown hair bouncing on the top of his head as he paraded down the stairs. She watched him approach Ashlyn and sit down next to her. Rowena shook her head and turned back to her very noise companions. "I think I'm going to head to bed," Rowena smiled politely to every one as she excused herself away from the small table. As she started towards the stairwell she noticed Roger Morris sitting at a table with Professor Arcaine. She didn't really want to interrupt their conversation, but didn't really want to retire for the night either. "Mr. Morris and Professor Arcaine," Rowena lowered her head slightly in an attempt to apologize for intruding, "I was wondering if I may ask your opinions on the missing persons. Its to help with my report." [/COLOR] [CENTER]OOC: Hope this is ok with every one. PM me if not and I'll edit.[/CENTER][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]A hiss broke through Noals lips as she slammed a hand on either side of the door way. Alec sneered and backed away, blocking Talyn's advancement. The ex-Wanakanda gritt his teeth and clenched his fist. He was probably growing tired of every one getting in his way. "You will stay here," Noals hissed at Alec. The older vampire rolling his eyes at the mockery this vampire was. "Order's from Lord Malik. As for you," Noals snaked her head around Alec's head and stared deep into Talyn. She pulled the cart that was loaded with ropes, syringes and other devices that could be used for torture. She shoved the metal cart into Alec, he stumbled back and looked over the intrusments. A wicked smile creased the vampire's face as he began to examine the items more closely. Noals watched him for a moment before walking into the room completely, looking the door behind her. The door may not last against either vampire or wakanda, but if the guards about the hall heard it break they would be upon them all in a moment. How she loved to play with fools. Could be why Malik loved having her among his ranks and close allies. Noals slipped past Alec, breifly looking over the three wakanda they had captured. They were slumped up against a wall, still unconcious and untied. Noals wrinkled her nose at this thought but continued towards the newest member among the vampire ranks. "You may look and act like vampire," she growled softly as she came to stand before the man. She traced invisible lines on his chest, slowly bringing her eyes up across his neck, and then up to his face. "But you still smell like Wakanda. I await for you to screw up, Talyn. I shall be the first upon you and the last to drink you seculant blood."[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] "We are preparing to land." The captain announced over the loud speaker as the jet jolted. Rain pelted the windows as the jet shook again. Kalei took a heavy sight. Anxiety was taking over her whole body now, her chest tight, breathing short and her stomach in knots. She couldn't keep her mind from wandering into the realm of "what happened to the others". Had she only been an hour sooner, she could have saved them all. The distinticed popping in her ears told her that the plane was decending rapidly. On a normal day, the bumpy plane ride would have gotten her nerves a little shakey, mabye a little tense. But today it didn't matter. There was nothing in the world that was going to stop her from finding the others again. The sudden screech and being thrown forward in her seat told her that they had landed on the small strip behind the temple. The engine slowly rumbled until it was silent as Kalei stood to open the hatch. There was already a stairwell/ramp waiting for them, along with stretchers and medics. Kalei ushered Sin to follow her off the plane as the medics rushed into the jet to take the others to their respected rooms. "Malik...you will pay for this..." Kalei whispered as she rushed through the rain and under the covering of the walkways. [COLOR=DarkGreen][CENTER]OOC: The reason Angelus has not posted in sometime is because she has been in job training. Vampires should be torturing their new victims...wakanda healing and getting adjusted to their new partners.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
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