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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]At first the voice was faint, hard to understand as Reoan walked through the first set of doors up to the second where their apartment was. The second was stronger, firmer this time and Reoan was forced to clutch her head with one hand as she stepped into the living room, the others filing in behind her. The third in final scream was clear as day and forced the ex-Guardian to her knees. She closed her eyes tightly in pain as she gasped for breath. [I][B]Reoan...[/B][/I] "Reoan!" Amber nearly screamed as she rushed forward, only to be grabbed by David, and pressed against his body firmly. "Don't touch her." David said sternly. "Reoan...?" Rubedo's voice faintly broke through the rush and cluttered that filled her head. "Can you...can you sense Asariel." Reoan didn't look up as she spoke. "Yes, but its fading. Why do you ask?" Rubedo stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "Bring me to him." Reoan said as she forced herself back to her feet. The Guardian said nothing as he watched his companion bring herself back to her feet. He turned to find a better place to transport both of them when Reoan caught his shoulder. He tugged it away, but turned around to see what you wanted. "You need to learn to quiet your mind. I am no fool, Guardian Rubedo. But I will not let an outsider touch the hand that locked me into eternal damnation either. Your fight...will be with Sartael and Beelezub. For if I were to fight them along with Adoil, I would surely lose this life." Reoan hesitated for a moment, the intense pain in her head fighting to take over her body, but she managed to reach out. She placed a tender, cold hand upon the Guardian's face. She could feel the unseen scars that lay hidden on it. "She looks for you, the Zodiac that you were growing to love. You can stop at any time and return to her, I hold no strings on you. But you must take me to Asariel, I fear his is fading." Rubedo did not make a sound as he turned away from Reoan's touch and engulfed them in a soft light. It was only a blink when Reoan found herself high on a cliff. Looking dow, she could see Asariel sprawled out on one of the many ledges and he was barely breathing. "Leave us, please." Reoan begged of Rubedo as she jumped down to Asariel, slidding down beside him. She ran her eyes over him, but could find no apparent wounds. But he was fading and quickly. Her chest grew tight and she dared not gasp for breath as she dragged him onto her lap. "Oh, my dear Fallen Asariel...what has caused such pain that you would seek me out?" Reoan wrapped one arm around the fallen angel's chest, leaving the other free. She softly ran her fingers through his crimson hair, brushing the strains that were scattered across his face out of the way. "You may not leave me yet," Reoan tried to make her voice firm as she fought back the pain of losing yet another of her companions to death or worse.[/COLOR] [CENTER]******************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]"What happened to you?" Amber said as Kraven entered the apartment. When the demon didn't answer she continued, "you look you've seen a ghost." The demon shot her a quick glare and then brought his attention back to the apartment, finally noticing Reoan was no where in sight. "Where's Reoan?" Kraven asked. "She and Rubedo went to find Asariel." David said as he came in from the kitchen.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]OOC: Kairi...don't wonder too far from Reoan please, and Wraith, you can do whatever you would like. Hang out at the apartment to wait for Reoan and the others...or you can go find them.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei held Sin tightly in her arms, praying that she would be able to do this with the others that were missing soon. How she worried for them all, even those safe in her grasp now. Kalei took a deep sigh and released Sin, taking in every one elses sight now. Ena was slowly starting to wake up, Fyuora and Priest telling her what had happen to Talyn. Kalei pressed her lips together with the bitter pain that engulfed her mouth. "When we return to the temple, every one will recieve their own apprentice, except for Sin and myself." Kalei spoke over the hum of the jet's massive engine. Sin said nothing to protest Kalei's statement as she glanced at him briefly before continuing. "They will assist you with anything you need from medical care to helping you try and get back on your feet. Do remember though, they are not as skill as you are, so be patient with them. "Fyuora you will be paired with," Kalei grapped a clipboard that had been strapped to one of the seats and looked it over quickly before finishing her sentence. "You'll be with Jordan. Priest with Ashley, and Ena with Riley." The Wakanda members nodded their heads as the plane shifted some. Kalei brought her attention away from them all and back to Sin. He didn't turn to look at her as she watched him. His dark hair covering part of his face and his muscled resting some what upon his frame. He had changed some since the first time they met some years ago, but she would always hold him as one of her own. "When we get back, I'll have to take some blood samples so I can start preparing your serum. So we'll need to head right to the lab as quickly as possible, once we land." Kalei leaned over and spoke softly to Sin. [CENTER]********************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]"MASTER MALIK!" A low ranking vampire rushed into the room. Noals brought her head around and cocked it to the side with the sudden burst from the intruder. Malik sat calmly before the male Wakana, who also brought his head around to look at the vampire underling. Noals then turned her attention back to her lord. "Yes?" The vampire lord said simply. "The prisioners have escaped!" Noals squinted her eyes and placed her hands up to her ears in an attempt to block the annoying screech some. It didn't help much. "What should we do, master?" Malik did not defere his attention from the Wakanda in front of him to Noals as he spoke. "Fetch Alec and this Talyn. Recapture the renageds and take them upstairs where you will wait for further orders." Noals turned to face Malik with her whole body, placed her hands at her side and bowed at her waist. "As my lord commands," and with that, Noals left the room with the underlying at her heels. For a moment, she paced the hall ways quietly, as other vampires raced about because of the intruders. The underlying continued to follow her as the fresh scent of blood caught her attention. She briskly stopped and spun around; the underlying running into her. She cocked her head to the side as he pleaded for forgiveness. She reached down, clutching his tender neck, picking him off the ground. Her gaze blazed right through him as he screamed for her to let go. Without hesitation, she twitched her hand to the right and snapped his neck, throwing him to the ground. Noals turned around and started down the hall way, following the fregrent smell of blood. The smell led her right to one of the wounded Wakanda's and the two vampires she was looking for. She paid no attention to the vampires as she bent down and dipped her fingers in the fresh blood of the unconcious Wakanda. She carefully stuck her fingers into her mouth, savoring every seculent drop that touched her tongue. "What is your purpose here?" Alec said scornfully. Naols stood up slowly and stared into the eyes of the vampire she did not know. "Lord Malik wishes us to recapture those loose, place them upstairs. This one is suppose to help us." Noals brought her hand up and tenderly touched the strange vampire. She pulled him close quickly by the neck and ran her nose along his bare skin, taking in his scent before he pushed her away. "You were Wakanda." Noals cocked her head to the side. "Grab him," Alec said, pointing to the Wakanda on the floor. Noals looked over the stranger once more befor picking up the unconcious Wakanda. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][CENTER]OOC: The Wakanda with Kalei should be landing now. For those that are in the vampire care should be having battles with Noals, Tayln, and Alec. I'm sure Wraith *smacks him for name change again* knows what to do ;)[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  3. demonchild781

    The Crow

    [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Though I have watched all the crow movies...I'm not sure I can sit here and say I [I]love[/I] them. The 90s delievered a few of these...depressing, gory movies of beating each other with whips and chains for sexual pleasure, then having some martial arts master kick the crap out of them. Entertainment value was a little dry and hard to believe, though they were trying to enlighten us on the way of big cities...but still. As for the plot and overall story line, it was original and good. The Crow maybe one of the most unforgettable movies of our time.[/FONT][/CENTER]
  4. [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen]Rowena is a current student at Cambridge and asked to be assigned to the search for the missing persons to benefit her current research topic for a professor.[/COLOR] And I was just wondering the background on Gwen...magic ect that she might have had in the past...I know the story book legends ect ect..was just wondering how close u were following that. Thanks.[/FONT][/CENTER]
  5. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan took in a deep breath heavily as she relaxed her shoulders, allowing her sword to drop. Adiol had used such a childhood memory against her, and now it was backfiring. She cleared her mind and allowed her power to drop back to normal. "This is not the time," Reoan said softly as she turned her back on the Angel and started towards David, Amber and Rubedo. She could hear the angel rushing at her, but before he could strike, Reoan destroyed the vision he had so perfectly conjurred up. The busy city streets of Cairo suddenly came into view. The irrating noise of motor vehicles, and the massive jets and aircrafts landing and taking off all flooded back into every ones senses. Rubedo stood now, the young girl wrapped in his coat still as David slowly approached Reoan. The Angel had stopped his attack upon noticing his surroundings and grit his teeth. "This isn't over, Guardian." Adiol cursed as he took one last look at the bustling city before disappearing into the crowd. Reoan wavered a bit in her steps as she felt Kraven and Asariel nearing her again. Her head swam with the roar of voices in and out of her head. She reached out to grap a hold of David's arm, but missed and began to stumble forward. Before David even had time to react, Asariel had scooped up the ex-Guardian into his arms and was cradling her close to his body. "Miss Reoan," the fallen angel whispered softly. "Cluttered with the voices of many, my Asariel. I can feel both yours and Kraven's pain and concern for my recent behavior." Reoan replied to her name, but did not look at him. "Miss Reoan--." Asariel began again when Reoan brought her head up and placed a single finger on his tender lips. Their warmth flooted quickly through her finger and into her arm. She shuttered softly with unexplainable pleasure as she allowed herself for a brief moment to enjoy his body against hers. "You and Kraven will follow David, Amber, the Guardian and I back to our apartment. There we will rest for a moment, gather ourselves together, and then find Beelzebub and Sartael before we face Adiol again." Reoan slowly pulled herself from Asariel's grasp and made her way to David's car that was still parked in front of the airport entrance. Asariel nodded and told Kraven of their orders. Reoan did not bother to watch if they had gotten their own transportation when she climbed into David's vehicle, along with Rubedo and Amber. They drove off into the crowded streets and deep into the city. The ride was a quiet one as Reoan regained her strength and thought out their next plans. It was time for her to do something she had not in some time.[/COLOR] OOC: Sorry for such a short post...I have more...but its 2am and I really think its time for me to sleep :sleep:[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei shook her head at Sin's disobedience. He may not be one of her Wakanda, but he was still apart of their team and he still had to listen to orders. It didn't much matter now, Sin had found out the hard way that there was no point in chasing after the new vampire. She only hoped that the others would not suffer new injuries at the hand of this new foe. Kalei slowly made her way to the van that sat next to the curb in front of the hospital. Priest and Fyoura were the next to show up, caring a nearly unconcious Ena between them. Kalei watched as the two girls had a small struggle to get the Wakanda into the van and make their way to the back of the vehicle. After them was Sin, his apology being uttered from his lips as she ushered him into the vehicle. She said nothing as she slammed the door shut. After taking a deep sigh, Kalei climbed into the passanger seat and ushered the driver to begin their trip. "You seem to have lost some, Kalei. Do you know where they were taken?" The driver said as he turned down a busy street. Kalei dropped her head and gave a soft chuckling snort. "There's a reason why I'm a Wakanda leader, Evan." "Will you be able to get them back?" He slowly began to pull up towards the strange jet that lay in the center of the runway. Most of the ride being quiet. "I have to." Kalei said simply as she opened the door and waited for the others to get out. A couple of men rushed over to them and gathered Ena, making their way back towards the jet. "What are we going to do about Talyn?" Preist asked as she stepped out of the van. Kalei watched Sin for a moment as he walked past her and to the jet, clearly in thought. "He'll probably find the vampires and join them. We might have to fight against him one day." Priest hung her head in disappointment, probably the same feeling that swept over Fyuora as they both made their way towards the jet. This was growing harder and harder on them all. But Kalei knew that something like this could happen, and it wasn't the first time either. [CENTER]********************************[/CENTER] "Kalei, watch out!" shouted Meg as she shoved the young Wakanda onto the ground. "What was that?!" Kalei rose from the ground, trying not to touch the scrap on her chin. "Meg!" Kalei shouted as she rose to her feet looking about. The cool night air rushed over her leather jacket; the silence creating an eerie feel over her body. She couldn't sense anything. Not Wakanda or the vampires her and her team had been fighting. The city streets were bare, except for the slight breeze that rushed between them. Suddenly Kalei saw something fly at her. She cucked institively as the object flew over her head and landed with a sickening thud. She spun around and nearly let out a horrific scream as she saw Meg's dead body. It had been drained and decapated. Kalei covered her mouth and turned to see Davey, the other Wakanda that hand been apart of her team standing before her. She backed away noticing his pale complection and blood red eyes. She shook her head in disbelief. "No..." she mouthed as he smiled wickedly, bright white fangs exposing themselves, ready to strike. A massive howl rushed from his mouth as he dashed forward, grabbing a hold of Kalei's shoulders as he shoved her against the nearby building. She groaned as her body slammed against the brick building. The evil thing cackled as it attempted to take Kalei's life. "You...won't...succeed that...easily," Kalei grunted as she placed both hands on either side of the man she once called friend head, closed her eyes and called out. "SUN! Come to my hands!" with that, a brillant light shot straight through the man's head, causing it to explode. The body fell to its knees and then to the side. Kalei in turn fell to her knees, sobing like a child. [CENTER]********************************[/CENTER] How were they going to survive this? Kalei's insides ached with the constant tension she felt with the lose of Katima and Tegan, and her chest grew tight with every stabbing pain they felt. But it wasn't just them that were suffering some where in a dark basement, but Richard, Thayne, and Jade. She begged the skies and Earth to tell her that they were alright, but they seemed to be ignoring her this evening. "Every one in?" Kalei said as she entered the jet, the attendent shutting and locking the door. Kalei looked about the plane, saw that every one was there and told the pilot it was time to head back to the temple. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Noals dipped her fingers into her mouth, the succlent drops of red liquid that had covered her finger tips. She made a sudden hissing noise as she drew them back out, completely clean. A smile danced across her ceremaic face as she reached down and grabbed the young man by the collar. He was missing a few fingers, but the wounds had scabbed over nicely and were no interest to Noals. It was the fresh lashes that stretched across the young Wakanda's chest that beckoned for her attention. "Noals," came the sharp tongue of a very familiar vampire. She hissed in response to his presence as she spun her body around quickly, still clutching the weak creature. "What is it you want?" Her words slurred together as if she was a snake, her tongue slithering across her massive white fangs. "Lord Malik wishes for you to join him in his chamber," the ancient vampire said non-chalantly to her. She cocked her head to the side before tossing the Wakanda into the corner of his cell and slidding between the open barred door. She stood before the well figured vampire, inhaling his vibrant scent. She traced the outline of his face with her finger, "he has the other Wakanda, the girl and her twin, doesn't he Alec?" Alec merely wrinkled his nose at her. Her smile flahsed wider as she slid past him, and into the shadows. Making her way up the stairs swiftly and towards the master's chamber. She hissed at a few vampires as she slithered through the corridors and hallways up to the master's chamber. She wrapped heavily on the massive door and waited a reply. Noals heard what sounded to be a struggle and rushed into the room, ready to protect her master. But she was greated with distaste upon her hesisty entry. She bowed and slowly shut the door, standing next to its hinges as she watched Malik strike the female again. The fresh scent of blood swirled around the room and nearly made her fall over from its powerful effects when she noticed the other one was moving. "It is unwise for you to move now, Wakanda." Noals said upon sitting down next to the male. He was well built and smelt...not like the others. "What are you?" She hissed again, smelling from his abdomen up to his neck. She licked her lips at every fresh wound she saw, but made no attempt to taste his blood, still waiting for Malik's orders. Noal no longer feed on human blood. It didn't have the power and wonder that the Wakanda blood housed. It was like a drug to her. Addicting to every last drop. She couldn't have just a little, she had to have the whole thing, and the Wakanda she was playing with earlier was lucky that Alec had come in to tell her of Malik's orders. Otherwise, he would have been dead. "You would be a prize to have, indeed," the vampriess dragged her index finger along the side of the male Wakanda's face, blood starting collect on her finger.[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkGreen]OOC: I figured I would help Angelus out and play a few of the vampires. Hope this is ok with Angelus, Reiku, and Kairi. My other Wakanda should talk of their travel back to the Temple and the starting of their recovery.[/COLOR][/CENTER][/FONT]
  7. [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SeaGreen][B]Name:[/B] Rowena Scott [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Gender: [/B] female [B]Reincarnate:[/B] Gwen [B]Physical description or pic:[/B] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24618&stc=1[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] A head strong girl with a mind that wanders all too frequently into obseen things. Her adventurious nature has led her to great discoveries in the mythological world that she has grown so much in love with. She is ready to be a leader, but never takes the leap to be one. Only take charge when no one else will or put in the position. [B]Basic bio:[/B] Born in America, Rowena came to study in England after her father, and only parent, dead of a mysterious heart attack. She devoted most of herself to her studies, finding a few friends to go partying with or to study her mysterious religion. After the death of her father, she came to rely heavily on her christian up bringing, hoping that one day that she would see her father in Heaven. [B]Weapons or skills:[/B] Rowena learned at a young age how to shoot both bow and gun from her father who was an aved hunter. Not the best in the world with either, but a sure enough shot to get the job done.[/CENTER][/COLOR] Hope this is ok, Astdis. This sounds like it will be some good fun :)[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER][SIZE=3]Chapter 2[/SIZE] [B]The Truth within the Girl[/B] You may all may continue where you are at this moment. In this chapter I would like you all to focus on your characters backgrounds. I'd like to see some flashbacks of past events, maybe from the two years or from earlier than that. Show why you were choosen to be part of this "great" story. Be creative![/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"You stay out of this," Reoan growled, thrusting a hand in front of Rubedo. The Guardian stopped, resting his abdomen gently against the ex-Guardian's arm. He allowed his sword to drop to his side and took a deep breath. "Of course, forgive my hasty reaction." The Guardian lowered his head slightly before backing away, shealthing his sword once more. Amber and David knew they would be no help to the ex-Guardian so they joined the other Guardian's side. Amber looked up at the dark man, wondering what ran through his mind, if he was anything like Reoan. Did he know of Jacob or Ben, or the Zodiac? Why was he here with them now? David bent town towards the young girl, she had grown a great deal since she first came to them at the beginning. Though she had grown more silent then she had been before, she was stronger, able to hold her own. Fifteen, nearly sixteen, she was beginning to look like a woman. David touched her nearly black hair. "Quiet your mind." He whispered to her. David, too, had grown much since he first came to Reoan. He had been silent and naive, and some saw him as retarted. But now he had grown beyond his years and was a proud warrior standing next to the much fragile looking Reoan. He was always looking after both girls, even if he really didn't need to. Amber looked up at the massive man and nodded softly. Reoan did not turn to watch him back away, into the imaginary sceneray. She growled, wrinkling her nose and exposing her teeth. It was as if she had become a dog or a snarling beast of some sort. Hatred poured from her darkened eyes and power pulsed from her trembling body. It fueled her, the apparent distaste that laid so very baren in front of her. "How dare you bring us to a place of solace and pleasure," Reoan spat at the angel. "I thought Oriel and Pedael had been the most ignorant of your special little clan, but now..." she paused briefly, allowing a smile to dance across her face as she slowly slid her massive sword from its shealth. "But now you have shown me that [I]you[/I] are the foolish one." Reoan ran her blade across her hand, drawing crimson blood to wash over, not only the blade, but her hand as well. Reoan could feel Rubedo stir, not because he was uncomfortable watching the ex-Guardian drawing her own blood, but for some other reason. Before her, she watched Adoil wringle in disgust as Reoan ran her tongue across the fresh wound, devouring the metalic liquid. She smiled brightly at him, her teeth covered in her blood. Reoan threw the massive sword into her freshly cut sword and rushed foward, sword held at the side and towards the ground. Adoil quickly switched from a cocky demeaner to one of defense. He brought his own weapon up just in time to recieve a heavy hit from Reoan's sword, shoving him back lightly. "You've grown weak, Angel. Fight me, or die now!" Reoan hissed.[/COLOR] OOC: Hope this is ok for every one as of this moment.[/FONT]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan allowed a brief smile to play across her face. "I'm sure are next match will be anything but a friendly spar," her voice stayed calm and almost monotoned as she slowly walked towards the grassy knole above them. "Come, we must return to Amber and David." The Guardian nodded his head and slowly followed behind her. [CENTER]*********************************[/CENTER] [CENTER]Careless bruises of shame Dance across your pretty face You wanted her love But you turned that into hate Walk now On your lonely road Pretend nothing bothers you When your world comes crashing down Upon your broken chest Breaking away every thing you knew Into unreadable regrets[/CENTER] "I don't trust him," Reoan said softly to Jacob, placing her head upon his shoulder. "Why?" "They've changed too much. Its not like the ways of old. How can they be forgiven for things that I was punished for?" Reoan allowed Jacob to wrap his arms around her waist and rest his hands softly on the small of her back. "But he can help waver things in your direction. A beautiful assest to your side." Jacob protested her distrust. "Something doesn't feel right, Jacob. Somethings just not right." She paused for a moment, allowing her mind to wander from place to place as she allowed her soul to take in the comfort of the supposed man before her. " Even if he is one of us, it just doesn't seem right." "Time, time Reoan. You will come to see him as a friend, a companion as you did me." Jacob slowly ran his fingers through her long hair, wishing desperately that both of them could really feel it. "I wish I had more of it." Reoan pleaded as she felt her soul startin to slip from the world Jacob had created. [CENTER]********************************* Day 2[/CENTER] "Ladies and Gentlemen, your captain has turned the faston your seatbelts, we're preparing to land." The flight attendents voice ran loud and clear over the loud speaker, stirring Reoan from her restless sleep. "You ok?" asked the man sitting next to her. "Fine," she replied to him. As Reoan exited the plane and made her way through the terminal, she thought lightly on her dream. Was it going to be possible to let in another Guardian into her life? Another creature that was given divine gifts from the thing that had condemned her to the fate she suffered now. She shook her head, it was best not to think about it now. Amber and David were outside waiting for them when Reoan and Rubedo stepped outside the airport building. The two travelers allowed the demon and the Grigori half breed to load their luggage, however few it was, into the trunk of the cab that sat waiting for them before climbing into the vehicle. David rode in the front while Amber sat next to the window behind him with Reoan in the middle and Rubedo on the other side. The car ride to the small apartment was an eerie quiet for the whole two hour trip.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=Arial Narrow]"Hush, Talyn." Kalei smiled softly, reaching forward and running the back of her fingers across his paling face. His eyes were blood shot from the strain of his attack. How she hated watching any of her group suffer from even the slightest illnesses. Kalei turned around to face the others. All of their faces filled with pain and grief; had it not been for weakness and being captured, none of them would have been in this position in the first place. But right now she couldn't think about that. She needed to correct this apparent problem and fast. "Sin, gather every ones things from the hospital and inquire about clean clothing." Kalei's voice sternly rose above the clutter of noise in the hospital room. "Yes," the vampire said as he started towards the door. "Ma'am, these people are not fit to leave this hospital," the sudden protest of a doctor's familiar voice entered the intensive care room. Kalei turned towards the doctor and slowly approached him. She slowly coaxed him through the door and back into the hallway. "Sir," she said politely, "I am their commanding officer. We are part of a covert operation from the Untied States. We are here investigating some of our own. I most take these men and women back to headquarters to finish their recovery and to debrief them." Kalei's story seemed convincing enough and after a short protest, the doctor signed Ena, Talyn, Sin, Fyoura, and Priest over to Kalei's care. The Wakanda leader slowly made her way back into the intensive care room, closing the door slowly behind her. She shoved the release papers into her dirty pants pockets and allowed her head to fall forward. Most of the remaining team was dressed and bandaged, waiting for orders. Talyn was still strapped to the bed. "First off," Kalei started after taking a deep sigh. "Talyn will have to be watched at all times to keep him from losing himself to the thrust." The group quieted themselves and focused their attention on her. "He'll slowly start to lose the ability to control the elements, maybe forget who he is and who those around him are. His physical strength will grow, his speed and agility. If Talyn dares to try and take you, do not fight back. Seek myself or Sin admittedly." Kalei paused, taking in every ones faces. "We will return to the Wakanda Temple until all of your wounds have healed to my satification." "What about the others?" asked Fyoura. "Allow me to worry about that for now. Just focus on healing each other for now. We will have transportation arriving shortly to take us to the airport. From there we will ride in one of my personal jets back to the Temple were you all will be treated like royality." Kalei motioned towards the door. "Our ride awaits downstairs." [CENTER][COLOR=DarkGreen]OOC: Ok, now that I'm back with you guys you'll be put through some paces ;) And attempt to get to know you all better. As for my captured companions. You can have vampires come down and harass you, attempt to escape but be recaptured. [/COLOR] [/CENTER] [/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial Narrow]"Ah, you're awake." The faint masculine voice rose Kalei's hoardly visible vision to focus upon the face above her. The man was some where in his mid-thirties with a sharp angular face. His well darkened skin, thick black hair and matching eyes confirmed his origin. The small mustache that stretched across his upper lip was a horrible contrast to his face as his yellow teeth were exposed in a hearty smile. Kalei moaned as she sat up, extending a hand to the side of her head. It throbbed terribly, and she realized that it had been poorly bandaged. She made some more noises before taking a look around the small, crumbling building. "Where..." Kalei started. "Madrid," the man answered quickly, rushing from the battered woman's side to gather the small tray of food he had prepared. He placed the tray upon her lap and watched Kalei pick at it. "Do you remember anything?" Kalei placed a small spoonful into her mouth as she tried to focus on the last thing she remembered. Her mind danced about the long grassy plains of Spain and then a massive city in the distance. The stallion that she rode upon had slowed its pace as she slid down around his withers and neck. They had made it just on the outskirts of the massive city when she fell to the coble streets below. From there it was fuzzy. "Miss...do you remember your name at least?" The man beckoned for her attention again. "Kalei." She said simply only then realizing that he had been speaking spanish this whole time and she had understood him as if he was speaking english. But she knew no other language except the small chants for Wakanda spells and english. Kalei surged forward and felt her stomach knot. The sudden movement jarred her bowl of soup and cup of tea, and some of the contents spilled onto her lap. The hot liquid seeped through the small blanket, but Kalei could not feel its burning sensation. She was lost in the ache in her mind and soul. "Miss...miss are you alright," the man said franticly as he removed the tray from her lap. "I must go." She struggled to move herself from the bed he had placed her on. But he held her firmly to its mattress. "You must eat first. You need strength." He stared deep within her eyes and she knew there was no way of getting away from this man. [CENTER]*******************************[/CENTER] Once Kalei had finished her small meal the man helped her outside and called her a taxi, giving the man enough money to send Kalei any where she wanted to go in the city. As the Wakanda sat in the back of the taxi, she could not imagine where to start looking. She didn't even know they were in Madrid. How was she going to find Katima and the others? "Where is the nearest hospital?" Kalei asked suddenly. "A few short blocks, Madrid's Universty Hospital," replied the taxi driver. "Bring me there." She stared out the window as the massive buildings streamed past them. [CENTER]*******************************[/CENTER] "I'm sorry miss, but you can't go in there," a nurse said as Kalei stood in the hallway of the emergancy ward. Kalei pad her no attention as she continued down the hallway, her thoughts lost in how terrible the others would be. "Miss," a stern voice and hand brought Kalei to whirl around. A doctor, she assumed from his appearance, had taken hold of her. His face was stern and he held firmly to her arm. "You don't understand, I must see them." Kalei protested, trying to pull away. "Visiting hours are not promitted at this hour," the man said simply. Kalei creased her face with anguish. How could this be? She must see them, she had to know. "Kalei?" a soft voice echoed down the sterile white hall. Kalei shot her head back down the hall to see Sin walking out of another room, a finely crafted sword in his hand. He was dressed in those ridiculous paper gowns with bandaging all about his body. Kalei's face lite up, yet frowned all at the same time as she pulled herself from the doctor and rushed towards him. She nearly jumped into the half vampire's arms as she embraced him tenderly. "Where are the others?" Kalei said, fighting back her tears, and ignoring the pain that was tearing her insides apart. Sin pointed towards a door and slowly made his way towards it. He opened the white door and allowed Kalei to enter first. Kalei nearly fell to her knees upon seeing them. "There are only five of you," she whispered to herself. [B][CENTER][COLOR=DarkGreen]OOC: Yay! Kalei has returned to those that were not captured![/COLOR][/CENTER][/B][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan's heart skipped a beat as she stared up at the fallen angel, his massive wings drapping over her like a protective sheild. The warmth that engulfed her whole body made her shutter and then she remembered what had just happened upon hearing Asariel's seductive voice. She growled and pushed the fallen away, a look of distaste and anguish creasing the fallen angel's face, but rage had taken over Reoan. She stormed towards Kraven, arrogance written all over his face. Her sword was back in its shealth again as she stormed towards Kraven. The demon swirled around just in time to recieve a fist into the side of his face. A loud crack sounded as Kraven stumbled towards the left. It was only a short second before Kraven shot up, his brows creased and his face twisted with anger. "What the hell--" he started only to be cut off by Reoan, who was posed to hit him again. "You idiot!" She growled at him as he took a step back. She could hear Asariel stepping towards them. "I've been searching for Rubedo for nearly a year and a half, only to have a hot headed demon send him away." Kraven opened his mouth to chime in when Reoan spoke again. "And you've endangered my life!" "Ho--" Kraven stammered as Reoan pulled her head down just in time to miss a ball of flames flying in her direction. The ex-Guardian new that the Zodiac had not aimed to kill or even harm her, for if she was, the Zodiac would have not missed. Kraven shot around to see a smirk upon the Zodiac's face as she tossed another ball of flame in her right hand. "Not only have you under estimated the Zodiac's power, you've lead her straight to me. She's been searching for me since she awoken in that hospital bed some two years ago." Reoan stared at the demon's vacant expression. She then turned to face the zodiac. "And you best wait until you find the others before you dare attempt to take my head. I may not be almighty, but you and any other God's creatures will need more than one to have my head." Before the Zodiac can make a move or protest, Reoan was marching towards the distance. "Miss Reoan..." Asariel's fant voice echoed in her ear as he hovered over her shoulder. "You will find Amber and David, and bring them here, Kraven. You'd best stay out of my way for awhile." Reoan growled over her shoulder, paying no attention to the erge to turn and face Asariel. "Take me...to the beach." Reoan whispered. "Of course, Miss Reoan." Asariel wrapted his arms around Reoan's waist and lifting her off the ground, spreading his massive wings and taking to flight. "Help Kraven," Reoan said simply as Asariel placed her gently on the sand. "As you wish." He lowered his head softly. [CENTER]*********************[/CENTER] "That was some display." Reoan said as she slowly approached the back of Rubedo, his laughter slowly fading away. "You've found me again." "Its not hard. You don't mask yourself very well." Reoan said simply. Rubedo chuckled. "And what would be the point in that?" Reoan rushed forward across the sand, her sword drawn. Rubedo waited patiently until she was nearly upon him, swirling around just in time to block her blade. A wicked smile played across his face. "When was the last time you were touched, Guardian, because it looks like its been awhile." Reoan stared deep into his eyes. "Don't think I shall fall so easily into your embrace of friendship, either. I've had enough betrayal to know better than that." She shoved off his sword and swirled around to hit Rubedo's blade again. There was a bit of a struggle as Rubedo shoved against Reoan's blade, moving quickly through the sand grabbing a hold of Reoan's arm before she could move to avoid him. He pulled her against his body, his sword held under her chin, the other hand wrapt firmly around her waist. "You'd have to die too, Guardian. With the rest of us, for the balance to truly return to this planet." Reoan said calmly as if she was standing next to a tree, the waves crashing in the distance. "Wouldn't you rather have my blade go through you, then that of another?"[/COLOR] OOC: Hope this is ok, Kairi, and every one else :) Hope the slight changes were to your liking Astdis...sorry that there was a problem.[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]"[B]You've changed quite a bit since the last time I saw you.[/B]" Reoan said softly as she stood dramaticly posed by the large window of the Italian hotel. Rubedo did not stop his eating, nor turn to look at her. She allowed a playful smile to dance across her face at this. She watched him for a moment, taking in all his features. His power and essence radiating through the room, seemingly over powering her own. [COLOR=SlateGray]"[B]I see you've learned to mask your power.[/B]"[/COLOR] Rubedo said with food is him mouth. "[B]Keeps those that are looking for my head guessing.[/B]" She replied stiffly. Reoan pushed herself from the window with her back and carefully strutted over towards the large display of food. She ran her finger tips gently across the tables surface as she took a position just across the table of Rubedo. She inhaled, taking in the sweet scents of the delicious looking foods, and then smelling something else. A wicked smile crept across her face as she stared down at the food between them. "[B]Charming. You're wanted by even by them.[/B]" Reoan chuckled lightly as she danced her fingers across a finely made bowl. Rubedo rose his head, his mouth full still. "[B]Do you think that you could kill me as easily as the others?[/B]" Reoan brought her head up now, staring deep into the gold and red eyes of Rubedo. Her nearly black eyes searched through his very soul as he sat there staring at her. [COLOR=SlateGray]"[B]What do you want?[/B]"[/COLOR] He said cruedly as he went back to eating. "[B]You.[/B]" Rubedo's head juttled up for a moment and then he sneered. "[B]They're already your enemy, Beelzebub and Adoil. Why not help me to destory them?[/B]" Reoan's voice did not faulter, make any high pitched noises or change pitch at all for that matter. "[B]I do not come bearing bargins for you or gifts. I simply want your talent for killing things. You may refuse me, and you shall never hear from me again, but stand in my way,[/B]" Reoan pulled her head down allowing a devilish smile to play upon her face. "[B]And I will kill you." She brought her head back up quickly, swirling around away from the table. "You may have your choice of Sartael or Beelezbub, or both. Doesn't rightfully matter to me, but [I]Adoil[/I] is mine.[/B]" Rubedo said nothing, and his silence did not please nor dis-please Reoan as she approached a neighboring window. She pulled the curtain from the glass structure and stared out into the busy city, the sun streaking across her face and warming it ever so gently. "[B]What did they offer you? I'm sure Adoil promised you Raven, that lovely little Zodiac you were falling for; and Beelezbub with his threats I persume?[/B]" Reoan said idly as she stared out the window. [COLOR=SlateGray]"[B]Why do you care?[/B]"[/COLOR] Rubedo said dryly. "[B]Just curious how low both Hell and Heaven will go to try and stop me.[/B]" Reoan turned around, placing her hand on the hilt of her sword as she walked towards Rubedo. "[B]I'm not sure you've ever been scorned by love. Some one that claimed to have loved you and promised to protect you and be by your side always. But its a deadly blow to one that believes in that person claiming such things.[/B]" Reoan made her way to the table, slamming her palms onto its end watching as Rubedo didn't move at all. "[B]I will not rest until I have both Sartael's and Adoil's head on a platter. You could send me back to Hell a thousand times, but I will return to this god-forsaken plane and I will extract my revenge with or without your help.[/B]" Reoan's voice slowly went from calm and collected, to completely ruthless and harsh. She realized that she had lost herself in her hatred once again and tore away from the table towards the door. "[B]I do not see you as an enemy,[/B]" she hissed, stopping just before the door. "[B]But I do not see you as an alliance either.[/B]" She reached out and grabbed the handle to the hotel door, pausing for a moment. "[B]When you have your answer for me, you'll know where to find me,[/B]" and with her last words you quietly left the hotel room. Reoan made her way through the hotel's many halls ways and down into the lobby. People crowded around her every where, but were unable to see the massive sword that was strapped to the ex-Guardian's side through a clever cloaking trick she had resently learned. She walked to the street curb as a bell boy hollared for a cab. Climbing in, she told the taxi driver her destination as he pulled away from the curb. The massive Casa de Campo was just what Reoan needed to relax her mind and body under the sun and near some beautiful water. The castle that laid beyond the gaint fountains brought back old memories of a life long since past. She wandered through the park aimlessly, looking for a spot to sit and mediate without having to worry about attackers. After a long hour of searching she found it and nestled herself in the grass.[/COLOR] [CENTER]**************************[/CENTER] Freeing her mind, she transended into another realm yet again, finding herself standing in a dark alley way. She looked about, a horse-drawn carriage making its way hastly down the cobbled street. Behind her was a wall of bricks and trash. "[B]Reoan,[/B]" a faint whisper beckoned for her attention. "[B]Why are we here?[/B]" Reoan questioned as she turned around and started towards the back of the alley. "[B]They're looking for me, so I have to keep relocating.[/B]" Jacob's face came into view as Reoan stopped in front of him. "[B]How am I going to find you each time?[/B]" "[B]I don't know.[/B]" Worry took ahold of his face as he stared at her. "[B]Did you locate the Guardian you were seeking?[/B]" Jacob broke the ackward silence. '[B]Yes, he's in Italy.[/B]" "[B]Have you spoken to him?[/B]" "[B]Yes.[/B]" "[B]And?[/B]" "[B]Waiting for his reply. What of David and Amber?[/B]" Reoan shifted nervously from one foot to the other, glancing over her shoulder every once in awhile. "[B]They're fine. I have good news[/B]." A bright smile lit up across Jacob's face. Reoan raised in eyebrow in puzzlement as he went on. "[B]Kraven's back[/B]." Jacob watched with joy as Reoan's expression turned to surprise. "[B]And he's found Asariel. They're both looking for you.[/B]" Reoan lowered her head. "[B]What...what's wrong?[/B]" Jacob took a step forward, but did not dare to advance more. "[B]I must go. My time is up[/B]." Reoan said softly, not even bothering to look up at Jacob as she blinked back to reality. [CENTER]**************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan sighed heavily as she tilted her head back to look up at the sun. Things were falling together and the time would be coming soon for her to face Adoil for the final time.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]A firm hand slid across Kalei's right cheek, instintly pulling her eyes shut to fully embrace the flesh that yearn for her. The hand's thumb ran delicately up to the height of her cheek bone as the four other fingers stretched towards her neck, brushing her ear lobe as they slid past it. Her heart began to race as the hand firmly drew her forward. She felt as if she was going to lose her balance when she felt the cold, firm stiffness of another's body. It braced her as the fingers jerked her to arch her head back as the faint smell of colon beckoned her to breath deeply, only to be stiffled by the passionate, and tender touch of lips and a probbing tongue. Kalei let out a deep moan that was stopped and intesified when the hand's body slid his other hand around her waist and jerking her forward. She could feel every inch of the body against her, absorbing her warmth. One hand stayed firmly upon her cheek as the other wandered wildly across her shoulders, back and butt beckoning her to arch, slid, and jerk against the body before her. The lips that so forcefully tore at her lips raced down her neck and chest, nippling softly on her collar bone and thick muscling of her shoulder. Kalei threw her head back, gasping as the hand that once held her cheek pulled its finger tips forcefully down her neck towards her almost bare breast. A smooth, delicate cheek rubbed against Kalei's as she felt the faint presence of lips next to her ear. "May I, Kalei?" A soft, seductive voice moaned into her ear. Kalei dug her nails into the back of the figure that held her, grasping firmly to the silk shirt that bunched into her hands. "Oh, Kalei. How I've longed for you. Please..." the voice nearly cried. Kalei backed away, pulling to the very limit of the hands length. She stared deep within the blood red eyes that stared at her so longingly. She searched his face as she slid her hands on either side of his face watching him close his eyes and melt into them. "I don't know, I..." Kalei began but was silenced when the man's eyes flew back open. "Kalei, my Love." The man brought one hand from her waist and slid it across her cheek again. "I would never harm you. I will love you fully without turning you. My love for you is because you are what you are. Never would I try to make you into something you're not." He whispered to her, pulling her forward as he bent down to kiss her forehead. "I just...I've never...and..." Kalei stuttered, turning away from him. He smiled brightly at her lack of words, swipping her off her feet and walking towards his massive canopy bed. He laid her upon the satin sheets, gently placing her head upon one of the massive feather pillows. He brushed her light brown hair from her eyes as he bent down to kiss her. "Malik..." she placed her hands upon his chest to stop his advances. "Yes, my Love." Malik hovered over her as he knelt onto the bed. "I love you." His eyes grew wide as surprise over came him. It slowly faded into a gorgeous smile with white fangs exposed as he uttered the words in return, "I love you too." As the last word left his lips he crawled onto the bed and kissed Kalei passionately, as she returned the embrace. The moment heated into an ever-lasting memory.[/COLOR] [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] Kalei julted forward, her breath coming to her quickly. Her eyes took in the door hut she found herself in. A stiff wide slid through the broken boards of the shutters, but there was nothing there but her and the dust. "Malik..." Kalei groaned as she sat back against the wall. Suddenly the wakanda leader let out a terrible scream, surging forward once again, doubling over her legs. Pain surgered through her chest and abdomen as she tried to clear her mind. She dragged herself to her feet and stumbled towards the door, nearly falling through it as she stumbled outside. She fell to her knees and threw her head up to the sky, finding clouds swirling around her. "KATIMA...TEGAN...!" Kalei screamed into the darkness, falling foward onto her hands. "My wakanda." She sobed softly as she mustered the strength to stand again. "I ask from the Earth, a creature that could carry me to my dear and precious children." Kalei whispered into her hand, throwing the gribbed words into the night air. She waited only briefly before a soft whinny came from behind her. "Hello my young friend," she whispered to the buckskin horse that stood before her. The graceful creature bent his head towards the dry grass before him, sniffing it gently as he brought it back up. Kalei smiled softly as she slowly approached the young stallion. She reached out as the stallion brought his muzzle forward so she could touch him. His beautiful face was soft as she ran her hand up to his forehead, across his ears and down his neck. He stood perfectly still as she hoistered herself onto his back. He did not stir nor protest her mounting as she leaned forward to whisper into his ear. "Please, will you bring me to the wakanda that search for me?" The stallion threw his head up and down before juttling forward. Kalei sat up, holding firmly to his mane as they raced across the Spanish fields. [COLOR=DarkGreen]OCC: Alright every one, finish up the battle with the vampires. Those that have been captured should find themselves in a dungeon of sorts. You can all see each other, but are in seperate cells. You cannot escape by using magic...that and you've just had your asses' kicked. Those that were not captured, will find themselves in a hospital in Madrid. Thank you.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo]Cira woke softly to the warm sunlight slipping through the pale blue curtains that drapped across the window. A soft wind blew them up and this is what allowed the sun to seep through. Cira rose slowly, a smile upon her face. Despite the fact that she had stayed far too long in the company of Fayt last night after taking him back to his room, she had much enjoyed her time. It had been sometime since she was able to enjoy the company of another. Fayt was a welcome sight and breath of fresh air for her. He didn't try to seduce her, make any passes, and was naive enough to keep war and fighting out of the conversation. Had she been a simple school girl she might have had a crush on the lad, but such trival matters were beyond her at this moment. Cira pulled the lavish covers from her toned body to reveal that she had slept nude. The delicate curves of her body moved perfectly as she slid from the bed, pulling a robe from the chair that was sationed next to the bed, and sliding it over her slight frame. She tied it around her waist and approached the window. Looking below, Cira saw Commander Yuri making his way to the Courtyard and across from him was the lady Nepenthe exiting her halls and out onto the stone walk way. She smiled softly in thought before turning to bathe quickly and then dress. She wore a pair of brown slacks with leather boats, and a find tunic with a leather corset over it to help give her bustline some support. It was nothing too flattering, but it would serve her well. Cira looked about the room quickly, grabbing her sword and daggers from their resting place and strapping them to various postions on her body. She smiled one last time before exiting the room. She made her way down the long hallway and out into the courtyard, slowly pacing towards Nepenthe. "We did not get the chance to properly introduce ourselves last night. I must say that I'm highly interested in your...profession, let us say, and your background. Maybe when we get time during this little trip of ours you can tell me more about yourself." Cira bowed her head softly at the finely dressed woman, not really sure how to conduct herself in front of one that was trained by royality.[/COLOR] OOC: Hope that's ok Neuvoxraiha[/FONT]
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Chapter 1 ?Reuniting? Day 1[/CENTER] This chapter will be to get the sides clear, especially for those that decided to stay natural. I sent Pms to all of you and they should have given you some idea for your first post. Any questions you can either express it in the underground or PM me. Have fun! Reoan rushed from under the tree she had been resting under, and towards the small motel. The red vacant light flickering as she raced past it. Reoan shoved the glass door open, brushing dripping strains of hair from her face. ?Nasty night,? the man behind the counter motioned towards the door, rain pelting its surface. Reoan said nothing as she shook her arms in an attempt to dry off. The man smirked and nodded as he went back to work. Reoan looked about the small lobby, its delicate yellow and white decore accenting various points in the room. ?Room.? Reoan turned abrutly, her voice matching her expression?cold. ?Y?yes,? the man held his breath for a moment before checking for vacancies. ?Room 123, Miss.? The man said after taking the small information Reoan had and collecting her payment. She reached forward and yanked the key from the man?s hand. He motioned out the door and to the left for where her room was located. She grabbed her bag and left the lobby without another word. ?That girl sure was strange,? the man behind the counter spoke to himself as he watched Reoan leave the building. Sliding the key into the brass lock, turning the key until the lock clicked, and shoving the door open, Reoan walked into the single bed room. The theme was hard wood and deer racing across most of the furniture and walls. Reoan sat her bag next to the door after closing it and started towards the bed. A large television sat upon a fairly large entertainment center at the bottom of the bed. The bathroom was to the left of the door with a single window adjacent to it. A small night stand with one drawer and a lamp sat on the right side of the bed, away from the window. The carpet was a soft brown and stretched across most of the floor. Reoan made her way straight to the window, drawing the curtains shut. She chanted some words in an ancient tongue before crawling onto the bed. She sat in the center, the sheets still laid neatly across the mattress as she ready herself for meditation. Folding her legs and placing her hands on either leg, Reoan cleared her mind and slipped into another realm. [CENTER]***********************[/CENTER] A thick fog rose all around Reoan as a violent wind ragged through the small meadow. Reoan was dressed in traditional garb of the late 1300s. She pulled the heavy brown cloak around her as she awaited the appearance of the approaching footsteps. ?How did you find me,? came an all too familiar voice. ?You spent time within my mind, Jacob. Do you think I did not share some of your own thoughts as well?? Reoan replied simply. The man that came to appear before Reoan was the Guardian that had helped bring the ex-Guardian back to life. He smiled at her. Her hair had grown longer, stretching to the middle of her back now. Her eyes had grown cold, bitter as they stared back at him, but they were still so beautiful. ?I cannot stay long.? Reoan broke the long, drawn out silence. ?I still have been unsuccessful in locating the Guardian you seek.? Jacob pressed his lips firmly together as he creased his brows together. ?Keep searching.?Reoan turned from him, looking behind her. ?They?re here.? ?Go,? Jacob said quickly, reaching out to touch Reoan?s arm knowing the neither would be able to feel the physical embrace. ?I shall return to you soon.? Reoan said just before she vanished. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] Reoan's eyes flew wide open, turning towards the door just as a heavy thump sounded. Reoan watched as the door threaten to burst from its hinges, but only for a brief moment before she raced toward her bag. She struggled to pull her new weapon from its wrap. Stumbling back into the room just in time to avoid the door swinging open, Reoan readied herself as the open door relieved nothing. A stiff breeze rushed into the room, but there was only the vacant parking lot and empty rooms across it. Reoan wrinkled her nose as she stood up straight, allowing her body to relax. She held the hilt of her sword in her right hand as she approached the door. Reaching out, she clutched the thick metal door and stared out into the dark stormy night. "You may have been able to take Caleb from me, but you will not have Jacob." Reoan bellowed into the rain. She slammed the door shut and threw her back against it, sliding to the tile floor below her. The small muddy puddles she had created when she first entered raced across her jeans and through the material until it found bare skin. She made no attempt to avoid the water as she softly stuck the top of her sword into the tiles. "Where are you, Guardian? Some one powerful enough to defeat Ezeequel, but vanishes without a trace." Reoan thought allowed as she stared at the vacant wall in front of her. "I will found you, and nothing shall stand in my way."[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Looks good ya'll. Welcome to the group Hinata :) The thread will be up in the Square by the end of today. So keep you're eyes open for it. I'll be sending PMs to every one soon.[/CENTER][/FONT]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cira smiled pleasantly as she took in the sight of all those that were sitting in the garden. "I hope you don't mind us joining you all. I figured it would be a fine night for us all to introduce ourselves before tomorrow's events. You knew know what Commander Yuri will have in store for us." Cira chuckled as she bowed. "It is no bother," Nepenthe was the first to reply from the three that were already in the garden. She was dressed in a fine garment with her flowing sleeve drapted in front of her face. Though Cira was not accustom to females amongst the ranks, she was rather pleased to have another apart of this mission. Cira's smile brighten as she curtesied in front of Nepenthe. "I am Cira, this is Kain," Cira waved a hand towards the man that stood behind her in full armor. "Pleasure to have met you. I am Nepenthe and this is Noah and Carthre." The delicate socerer pointed to each of the gentlemen as she introduced them. They each bowed and gave greetings to both Kain and Cira. They all seemed to fall silent for a moment, not sure what to say to each other when another approached them from behind. Cira turned and reconginzed the buddle of fabric that came towards them. She brightened her face with a smile as she approached the man for a friendly greeting. "Fayt, nice of you to join us." Cira clasped his upper arm with her hand, or what part of his arm she could find amongst the blankets. He smiled and gave her a warm hello. She turned around and pointed to each person that was among them, introducing them to the quiet Fayt. He lowered his head softly at each person and said hello. "I must admit, that I'm surprised you were choosen, Fayt. Not that you're not talented in some manners, but there were far greeter warriors out there. Maybe Yuri thought it would do you good to be part of history." Cira playfully tapped his shoulder as she smiled playfully at him, then turning her attention to Kain, ignoring the conversation that every one else was saying. I've found that these people of all sorts of talents and places to be intriging beyond words. Kain is strong, quiet and holding a terrible secret of some sort. His past is painful for him to remember and he seems to keep to himself. Even with that said, I can see why Yuri chose to have him apart of this mission. Then there's gentle Fayt, which I had the honor to spar against in one of Yuri's trials. He's young, inexperienced and almost naive about the world and I question Yuri's decision to place him on the mission, but maybe the Commander has seen something I have not. However unlikely that may it was still possible. Then Nepenthe and Noah who radiated with power beyond anything I had ever felt. It was best to stay in good graces with these two. The only one I have yet to interact with is Leonardo who seems to keep to himself for the most part. My father once told me that the only thing a woman was good for was to bare children and to use to make bargins and alliances. The only reason I woman was worth more than that was when she was born into a wealthy family, then men from all over would try to win her heart, even though it made no difference whether or not she loved the man she married or not. For it was her father's chose in who she was to be married to. But I swore that he was wrong. No man that beat his wife and children could be right. And I proved that, not only to myself, but the world. His blood was my first to spill and I will forever charish its smell and taste.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Welcome back every one! I'm glad to see that all have you remembered that its been about two years time and I like the different appearances and personalities. :) I love your post shadowofdeath13. You may have the part as Beelzebub because I don't believe any one can come as close to his character as you did. :) This will be up until the end of the wkend and then you should start looking for it in the square! If any one needs more time or anything at all just PM me. Thanks, DC[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Indigo]Cira bid fair well to those that passed her on their way from the city. Most seemed to be pleased that they were being sent home, and others upset. But Cira wasn't really intrested in what they thought, she wanted to know more about her new commrades. Fayt seemed happy, yet disappointed that he was choosen as he wandered through the courtyard and back out into the city streets to find something to eat. She chuckled and shook her head at the boy. Such a charming lad. He was going to learn a lot during this little trip. Then there were the three socerers that she had yet to meet. Leonardo seemed to be very dedicated to his "source", which seemed to be some unseen god. The only other female seemed high of herself, but powerful enough not to be taken lightly. Cira would have to keep her eyes on her. And then there was the other male, amuzing to be Noah since that seemed to be the only name that fit him. His attention seemed to be solely on the female of his cobat type. He would have to be watched as well, for if a conflict between Nepenthe and Cira came about, Noah may take Nepenthe's side. Cathre seemed puzzled at his acceptance into the ranks with the others. But in her opinion was well suited for the postion, far more so then most of the others she had witness during the trails they faced. Then there was the mysterious mercenary, Kain. He seemed to hold something very powerful and hidden within his being, but was not allowed to show it. He seemed rather ruthless, yet able to enjoy himself when needed. Now the one Cira was most interested in learning about was this Commander Yuri. She had only caught glimpses of the man that was suppose to lead them into whatever battle lay instore for them. But how did she know she could trust this man. He had put them through some unbelievable trials, and though he brought those that had died back to life, they still had died. You can't undo death no matter how hard you try. Cira sighed as she realized her muscles were a little tired from the last couple days. It was time for a hot bath to ease the ache and some stretching to clear her mind. She made her way towards her room. ******************** After stretching and her bath, Cira decided to wander among the Castle walls. The cool, almost frosty air reminded her of home. Well, her Master's home any how. Where she spent most of her fondest memories at. Cira heard footsteps and turned around to see a man dressed in armor with full weaponary on. "In a hurry?" Cira cocked her hips to the right and placed both hands upon them. The man stopped before her and glanced at her appearance. She was dressed in soft satin that fell to the floor and covered her soft shoed feet. The straps were barely visible against her skin in the night as the front and back dipped down to expose much of her skin. "You seem under dressed." The man said simply. Cira smiled brightly. "I enjoy the cold more so than the heat, usually. What brings you out here?" "Was going to meet the others." The man motioned towards the open window, where upon peering out Cira saw three others in the garden. Her smile broadened. "Well I would love to join you in your pursuite to meet the others. I am Cira." She placed one hand on her abdomen and the other at her side as she bowed from the waist. "Kain." "Pleasure to meet you." Cira approached Kain and wrapped one arm under his. "Shall we?"[/COLOR] OOC: Hope you don't mind, Achilles.[/FONT]
  21. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Name: Reoan (pronounced Re-oan the oan being like loan) Fehu Gender: Female Appearance: Height: 5'5" Weight:120 -- At first glance the ex-Guardian looks to be nothing more than a young girl in her late teens. Her smile hidden behind her dark expressive less eyes. Her hair long with a small tint of red floating amongst the dark strands that lay about her shoulders, chest and back. Her structure firm and built from the well worn beatings she endured while in Hell. Her body being sent directly from the Pits to Earth retained a scar for every injury she endured. A constant reminder of the torment she had to suffer through. Position: Do I have to state this? Personality: With the help of Jacob, a fellow Guardian, Reoan began to loosen her tight grip on the old and began to enjoy her stay on Earth. But after the Guardian?s death at the hands of Lucifer and then losing Kraven shortly afterwards, Reoan has grown cold and distant again. She has now focused on her tasks at hand and nothing else. Weapon: Born and raised in the ancient world, Reoan will not use guns of any sort. See Attachment Bio: When Reoan was thrown from Hell back to Earth a Guardian by the name of Jacob found her and took her in. He spent weeks healing her wounds and restoring her human body the best he could, but erasing the scars and the memories they held was impossible. The Guardian followed Reoan loyally not because of fear, but because he felt a sense of belonging with her. A connection was created that was far beyond just lust and worldly pleasures. A love that neither Guardian could explain nor deny. Two others were soon to join their quest to destroy the twelve Angels that condemned Reoan to her to Hell. Amber, a young girl around the age of 13 with the soul of a demon. Her past a hidden mess, but her love and dedication unquestionable. The other was David, a Spanish Grigori half breed. Despite his hideous appearance and lack of intelligence, David's strength was for Reoan and Reoan alone. Each of the ex-Guardian's companions found something different and brought something new to her cause. Reoan?s clan grew in ranks with Asariel, a fallen angel, Kraven, a demon, and K, a Zodiac. Asariel was shrouded in mystery, while K was easy to read, but the one that Reoan found herself to bond the closest to was the demon that she had killed in one of her lifetimes before. Despite the connect and understanding Asariel showed, Kraven seemed to be more than just another demon. After both Kraven and Jacob?s death, Reoan lost herself in her revenge, focusing only on her goal, to send Adiol to Purgatory to be judged for his crimes. To feel the pain and burden that she had when he sent her to Hell.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  22. [FONT=Arial Narrow]YAY! The sign ups are now in the INN! Don't delay. Hurry and make yourself a part of AMD3 NOW!![/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Sienna]I watched as the Guardian hit the cement sidewalk with her knees, tears streaming down her face as she threw her head back. Even in a moment of great despair, she was still beautiful. Her thin dark hair sliding behind her head, searching for the ground below them. Her delicate fingers wrapped around her neck, her nails threatening to break through her skin as she clawed at her throat. Her whole body spasmming with the surge of power and pain that ran rapid through her veins. ?What the Hell?? Ben, a mere human, asked as he bent down next to her. ?I wouldn?t,? David, a Grigori half-breed, warned when he saw Ben reach for the Guardian?s shoulders. I was helpless, unable to even speak. So I watched, as Reoan clasped into Ben?s arms, gasping for breath. That was the last time I saw the kinder side of Reoan. For a year and a half, we laid low, killing those set targets that wandered across our path. I never heard Reoan utter the Guardian?s name that had practically brought her back to life, but I?m sure she missed him even more that I did. Eventually she told us of Kraven?s death, once we had left Spain without her sword. I over heard David, not too long ago, bring up Asariel, the Fallen Angel that was with us, but Reoan refused to talk about it. Three months ago, on the news, we heard about a Yakuza attack in Japan. It was an estimated half a dozen people were killed. Reoan later informed us that most of them had been the Zodiac, said to be on their way to stop her. It was said that three had survived the attack, but no one was certain. ********** ?Fate has come to settle itself beside you, Guardian. And with her by your side, nothing will ever harm you.? It was Ketheriel?s last words before Reoan took his head. ?What did he mean that Fate was at your side?? I questioned as I ran up beside Reoan. ?Ketheriel was well known for rambling off utter non-sense in an attempt to detract his prey.? Reoan continued to walk towards David, running a cloth over her new blade. I nodded and let the subject go. It wasn?t until the two remaining Angels and the Dukes of Hell were left that things grew chaotic again. Reoan, David, Ben and myself would not be able to defeat these foes alone. That?s when Reoan left us to find a fellow Guardian. ?You must wait for me here,? she said. We were in one of the northern cities of Africa when she declared this. We were all shocked, Ben more so then the rest of us. ?I will not let you leave my sight again.? He growled as he stood-up. His behavior completely off from what he use to be. Reoan turned to face him, a cold, heartless expression on her face. ?Go home,? she hissed. ?You have humans that miss you.? Ben sneered, but said nothing. ?This is my quest, and you have to stay put. Others will be in search of me soon and they?ll need a place to stay,? and with that Reoan threw her bags onto her shoulders and left. (Written from NPC: Amber)[/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR=SlateGray]Welcome every one to the last installment of Angels Must Die. I hope that this final chapter will run as well as the first two. I?m going to be trying a new style on all of you, so let?s cross our fingers. I will post NPC information up in the square shortly before the story goes into the Square. Let?s establish some rules first. I will be running this through pre-selected sub-chapters to help the story move along cleanly. At the beginning of every sub-chapter I will briefly describe what should occur. I will be Pming people with additional information specific to their character. This is the final chapter of this RPG, which means characters will be getting killed. Being that all my characters were pre-made, I have already selected which sub-chapter they?re suppose to die in. Please do not be offended when the time comes for your character to say its good-byes. There will be no god-molding. This makes a story very boring when you do this. My character is stoppable, so even I follow my own guidelines. There will be no killing of a character unless its authorized by myself or the character?s handler. My word is final. Please don?t argue with me, it will end in early termination of your character. So will lack of posting. If you have a problem with some one?s post or you will be unable to post, please PM and I will try to work around it. Here are the characters open for you to play:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Adiol:[/COLOR] (I will be extremely picky with the person that chooses to play this character. Adiol is Reoan?s ex-lover from her previous life. He and eleven other Angels were the reason Reoan was sent to Hell.) Race: Angel Appearance: Male [COLOR=Red]*Reserved for Kamuro*[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Sartael:[/COLOR] (Said to have helped the Yakuza attack the Zodiac. Was only seen by Capricorn. Knows that Padeal was in love with Adiol.) Race: Angel Appearance: Female [COLOR=DarkRed]Beelzebub:[/COLOR] (Massive demon with quite a temper and loves to torture his victims.) Race: Duke of Hell Appearance: Male [COLOR=DarkRed]Lucifer:[/COLOR] (Once a Duke of Hell, but after a mighty battle with Reoan and Kraven, he lost his wings thus turning him into a mortal.) Race: Mortal Appearance: Male [COLOR=Red]*Reserved for Angelus*[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Rubedo:[/COLOR] (The Guardian Reoan searches for.) Race: Guardian Appearance: Male [COLOR=Red]*Reserved for Kairi*[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Ben:[/COLOR] (Hints had been made that the human housed the soul of Caleb, who was suppose to be the soul Reoan was originally suppose to meet.) Race: Human Appearance: Male [COLOR=Red]*Reserved for Lil Kitsune boy*[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Asariel:[/COLOR] (The fallen Angel that had accompanied Reoan before Jacob?s death. His unknown past made him un-trust worthy despite his luring manner.) Race: Fallen Angel Appearance: Male [COLOR=Red]*Reserved for Seibzeihn*[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Kraven:[/COLOR] (Though the body that Kraven had taken was now died, but his soul lived on. Or so the stories claimed.) Race: Demon Appearance: Male [COLOR=Red]*Reserved for Fallen*[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Kariz:[/COLOR] (One of the three remaining Zodiac. The sun sign Aries allowed this strong woman to weld the power of fire.) Race: Zodiac Appearance: Female [COLOR=Red]*Reserved for Astdis*[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Zane:[/COLOR] (A charming prince of sorts was known for his ability to heal. But he housed many secrets. The sun sign Pisces.) Race: Zodiac Appearance: Male [COLOR=Red]*Reserved for Reiku*[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Raven:[/COLOR] (Once a cop, this strong willed woman knows how to get answers. The sun sign Gemini.) Race: Zodiac Appearance: Female [COLOR=Red]*Reserved for Reiku*[/COLOR] Sign Up: [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Name:[/COLOR] (Select from the characters above. This is NOT a first come. I will be judging each post for content and the best representation of the character.) [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Gender:[/COLOR] (Angel and Dukes do not have actual genders, but appear to look a certain gender. Please use the gender appearance listed with each character.) [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Position:[/COLOR] (With/against/natural to Reoan.) [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Personality:[/COLOR] (This should be specific to your character choice.) [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Appearance:[/COLOR] (You can use pictures or detailed descriptions.) [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Weapon:[/COLOR] (You may have two weapons at the most. Dukes and Angels may NOT use any modern weapons.) [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Bio:[/COLOR] (Briefly explain where you?ve been and what you?ve been doing the last two years Reoan has been on Earth.) [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Show Time:[/COLOR](Those that have reserved characters do not have to do this part, unless they feel like it.) (This is were you?ll write a short story about your character. Can be written in any point of view and about any experience. This will show me what your posting quality will be like.)[/CENTER][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Darkness was slowly sweeping over the land as Kalei stumbled onto some small cobblestones. They were used as a path that ran up to a small cottage. It had been unkept. Grass was over grown and vines were streaming up the sides. There was no paint to enhance the buildings appearance, but Kalei could image that it was beautiful at its prime. She stammered towards the crooked door and knocked it open with her shoulder, stumbling over herself and falling to the dust cover floor inside. Kalei moaned as she tried to pick herself up again, brushing her front off the best she could as she closed the door again. She slowly spun around and propped her back against the door, slowly slidding to the floor once again. Taking a deep breath, Kalei looked about the small room, surveying what needed to be done to keep her safe. She slowly climbed to her feet again and set to her task. With each hour the sunlight faded below the horizon. She covered the windows with left over cloth. She shoved a large wooden dresser in front of the door and created a wooden stake out of a broken table chair. "I hope you don't mind," Kalei spoke to the field mouse that scurried across the wooden floor and behind the dresser. Kalei sat down on the small cot that was shoved against the only wall without a window. "That I'll be sharing your home with you tonight." She propped her back against the wall and laid the stake in her lap. "I hope my body will last through this night..until they can find me." Kalei took a deep sigh as she rested her head up against the dusty wall. Her eyes becoming heavy as she could feel sleep taking hold of her body. [CENTER]**********************[/CENTER] "Kalei...Kalei, dear. Please come kiss your father and I good-bye." Kalei's mother called over the thundering hooves of the Andulsian stallion Kalei rode upon. Kalei paid no attention to her mother's beckoning as she continued to ride the glorious grey stallion around the outdoor ring. A wide smile upon her face as he hair flew back. The stallion's hooves slamming against the soft sand of the arena with beautiful rythm that sent chills up and down Kalei's spine. Their bodies were as one as they praticed their rounten for their up coming show. "Kalei, if you don't get off that animal right now, I'm going to sell it!" Kalei's father's voice rang above the noise, not because he could shout louder than her mother. No, that was not the case. But because of the one world that meant life or death to a thirteen year old Kalei. Kalei sat down hard in her saddle, pulling back sofly on the reins. The stallion slid to a stop and Kalei shot her head over to her parents. Nana stood by their side as they waited for her to dismount the stallion and bid them fair well. Kalei grumbled as she slid off the horse's back, grabbed the reins and made her way over to the wooden fence. Kalei handed the reins to Nana as she climbed over the fence to give her parents a quick good-bye. She quickly jumped back over the fence and started to make her way over to the barn. "We love you, Kalei, and we'll see you tonight." Kalei's mother called over her shoulder. "Yeah, yeah." Kalei said as she stomped towards the barn. "Nana! Nana, what's happened?" Kalei rushed into the small house she and her parents shared with her grandmother. Kalei entered the house to see her grandmother hanging up the phone, tears streaming down her face. "Nana!" Kalei threw her things to the floor as she rushed to the stout older woman, grasping a hold of her shoulder. "Oh Kalei," Nana turned towards Kalei, taking her into her arms. "I don't know how to tell you this." "What! What is it?" Kalei shouted, her emotions flooding her whole body, every possible thing running through her head. "There's been an accident." Nana said softly. Kalei pulled away, shaking her head from side to side. "No," she gasped. "Th--they were side-swipped. There was no surviors." Nana reached out to take Kalei's arm. "No!" She screamed. [CENTER]***********************[/CENTER] Kalei sat up suddenly, realizing that she was sitting on the old cot. Her breath came to her rapidly as she looked about the room. "It was no accident." She whispered to herself, resting her head up against the wall again. [/FONT] [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]OOC: There will be no vampire attacks unless Angelus says otherwise for the next serival posts.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Arial Narrow]I'm happy to see that you all seem really excited for this to start up again. And I'm currently working on the first sub-chapter as we speak. I plan to put the sign up and background story up in the INN, let's say...next week. We might have a few NPC if we don't have some newer Rpers sign up. So hopefully we can work around that. Once the sign ups are up and we find out who's who, I'll give brief describtions of the NPC here in the underground. Well hope to catch you all on the flip-side. :animesmil [/FONT]
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