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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. [FONT=Arial Narrow]You're not the only one not getting emails, Lostcause. But you also need to post for LMMD too. Thanks[/FONT]
  2. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cira smiled to herself, hiding what she truly wanted to show. Training. Training was to blame for that. Emotions were to be kept underneith everything when fighting; when taking down an opponet. At first it was hard, but after just a few short months, and beatings, Cira got it. Cira was the first to move again, noticing that Fayt wasn't quite paying attention again. Destracted by something. She brought both daggers back as she flew forward. Fayt slid his feet apart as he embraced for her attack. She ducked down, swirling up in a world-wind move, slashing with both daggers. Fayt held Casper firmly as both daggers slammed into it. Fayt didn't faulter as he came back with his own attack. He pulled Casper down, slashing upwards at Cira. She swirled around, catching one blade with her right dagger as she flipped from the way of the other blade. Fayt followed closely behind her only to meet both Cira's daggers. She stared into the young man's eyes, her's heartless and steely. Cira felt him flatter with his embrace against her. She brought her leg around and cracked him swiftly in the side of the leg. Fayt let out a soft yelp as he whirled around with his own leg. Cira jumped up and kicked out, hitting Casper with the under part of her boot. He was getting better. Cira flipped backwards, keeping her daggers in both hands as she came back up to face Fayt yet again. He waited for a moment, wondering why she had run away from him. Cira didn't hesitate, she threw one dagger towards Fayt. It landed with a thick thud into the ground. Fayt creased his brow with puzzlement as Cira came rushing at him. Fayt went to move, only noticing then that he was pinned to the ground by Cira's dagger. She rushed forward and lunged. Fayt threw Casper up to block Cira's dagger as he toppled over backwards. There was a sudden rush of air across Fayt's face as he brought his eyes open again. He was staring up at perfectly crafted straight sword with small, delicate carvings running along the length of the blade. He looked past it at the face behind it. "You're far more talented then I first thought." Cira smiled brightly, cocking her head to the side softly. "I didn't think I would have to use my sword with you. But when you went to knock me back, you slammed into my left hand leaving me with no other choice but to pull my sword from my back. Otherwise," Cira hopped up to her feet again, holding her sword freely at her side, "you would have taken my head off." Cira reached her hand out again and helped Fayt to his feet. "Sorry to keep knocking you on your back, but I must say. It suites ya. You better make sure you find a woman that likes to dominate." Cira winked. "Thank you for the match. It was quite fun." [/FONT] [/COLOR] [SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry to rush this to an end, shadowofdeath13, but I was just following Kairi's orders. If there's anything you want me to change, just say it.[/SIZE]
  3. [FONT=Arial Narrow]I was thinking on how best to reply to all your wonderful work, and then it dawned on me. How best to reply to such masterful pieces then to create my own :animesmil Ok...well the poem I had in mind has slipped my mind. But this quote thing...that I wrote...will work just fine. "If I could take your pain away, I would. What would the price be, for me to set you free? It wouldn't matter because I would give it willingly. Whether it was my life or the chance that I would lose you forever, I would take away your pain, even for an hour. Because just to see you smile, hiding nothing behind it means all the world to me."[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei gasped as her clone rushed back into her body. It had been years since the clone re-entered so forcefully. She had learned how to balance her power, always leaving just enough so that it wouldn't jar her so terribly. She threw her head back and smacked it heavily against the tree she was propped up against. She cursed as she brought her head forward still trying to catch her breath. That's when she noticed her body was trembling. "I have to find water, or my body won't make it much longer." She whispered to herself, slowly raising to her feet again. Blood had dried around her wrist and ankels again, and every step she took threaten to tear the thin scabs open again. It seemed to take hours under the blazing sun, but she finally made her way to a small stream. "Maybe, just maybe this stream will have some energy I can take to help me travel farther away for Malik." She continued to speak aloud as she slowly crawled into slowly moving water. The cool liquid ran up her legs as she slowly sat down. Its temperature helping to ease the buring she had felt while walking. She would have prefered a hot bath, but this would have to do. Kalei closed her eyes, focusing all the small waves that ran up her back and over legs. Its energy not intense, but suttle. Soft. She pulled at it, carefully, with hidden finger tips. Drawing it into her body. Asking for the life from the small creatures that had made the stream their home. Holding forcefully to her control so not to kill everything that was around her as she drawed upon the energy that was going to help save her life. After a few moments, Kalei rose from her feet and climbed up the opposite shore. Water ran down her legs and on to the very dry grass. She shielded her eyes from the blazing sun as she took her knew found energy. "One day, I'll have to ask the Elders how you draw energy from the sun." She smiled to herself as she slowly made her way across the plain. "Katima will be so happy to Tegan again." Kalei smiled to herself. "The others, I'm sure will be as equally thrilled. I fear something has happened to them though. I cannot seem to reach them as easily as before. Not that I can read mines or speak telepathicly or anything, but I usually can sense their energies." Kalei spoke aloud as she thought, hoping to destract herself from her pain. "And Richard was doing so well before I left. I wonder if any of them have discovered new abilities. And what of this war? Will Malik actually fight fairly as he has said, or is it another trick? And why let me go?" Kalei paused for a moment, a thousand things running through her head at once and then suddenly a flash of something threaten to knock her over. She shook her head, cleared her mind and kept walking.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Arial Narrow]The Zodiac was attacked by Yakuza while you were in Japan. Forgot about that part...it was explained in the pre-story for the Inn post. :animeswea Don't worry, I already have ideas to make your numbers greater again ;)[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Welcome every one to the last installment of Angels Must Die. I hope that this final chapter will run as well as the first two. I?m going to be trying a new style on all of you, so let?s cross our fingers. I've decided to create an underground for this rpg before I actually open sign ups to hear what you, the OB rpers have to say about Angels Must Die and any ideas you might have for where you would like to see the story go. I have yet to finish making all the sub-chapters for this RPG because I need some help with the direction of the story. I know the ending, but I'm still lost at the little things in between the beginning and the end. That's where this thread comes in handy. Below is some basic set ups for the rpg. Hope to hear from all of ya soon. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Let?s establish some rules first. I will be running this through pre-selected sub-chapters to help the story move along cleanly. At the beginning of every sub-chapter I will briefly describe what should occur. I will be Pming people with additional information specific to their character. This is the final chapter of this RPG, which means characters will be getting killed. Being that all my characters were pre-made, I have already selected which sub-chapter they?re suppose to die in. Please do not be offended when the time comes for your character to say its good-byes. There will be no god-molding. This makes a story very boring when you do this. My character is stoppable, so even I follow my own guidelines. There will be no killing of a character unless its authorized by myself or the character?s handler. My word is final. Please don?t argue with me, it will end in early termination of your character. So will lack of posting. If you have a problem with some one?s post or you will be unable to post, please PM and I will try to work around it.[/COLOR] Here are the characters open for you to play: Adiol: (I will be extremely picky with the person that chooses to play this character. Adiol is Reoan?s ex-lover from her previous life. He and eleven other Angels were the reason Reoan was sent to Hell.) Race: Angel Appearance: Male *Reserved for Kamuro* Sartael: (Said to have helped the Yakuza attack the Zodiac. Was only seen by Capricorn. Knows that Padeal was in love with Adiol.) Race: Angel Appearance: Female Satan: (Is the keeper of Hell and does not have a human form. Said to look similar to a Minotaur.) Race: Duke of Hell Appearance: beast-like Beelzebub: (Massive demon with quite a temper and loves to torture his victims.) Race: Duke of Hell Appearance: Male Lucifer: (Once a Duke of Hell, but after a mighty battle with Reoan and Kraven, he lost his wings thus turning him into a mortal.) Race: Mortal Appearance: Male *Reserved for Angelus* Rubedo: (The Guardian Reoan searches for.) Race: Guardian Appearance: Male *Reserved for Kairi* Ben: (Hints had been made that the human housed the soul of Caleb, who was suppose to be the soul Reoan was originally suppose to meet.) Race: Human Appearance: Male *Reserved for Lil Kitsune boy* Asariel: (The fallen Angel that had accompanied Reoan before Jacob?s death. His unknown past made him un-trust worthy despite his luring manner.) Race: Fallen Angel Appearance: Male *Reserved for Seibzeihn* Kraven: (Though the body that Kraven had taken was now died, but his soul lived on. Or so the stories claimed.) Race: Demon Appearance: Male *Reserved for Fallen* Kariz: (One of the three remaining Zodiac. The sun sign Aries allowed this strong woman to weld the power of fire.) Race: Zodiac Appearance: Female *Reserved for Astdis* Zane: (A charming prince of sorts was known for his ability to heal. But he housed many secrets. The sun sign Pisces.) Race: Zodiac Appearance: Male *Reserved for Reiku* Raven: (Once a cop, this strong willed woman knows how to get answers. The sun sign Gemini.) Race: Zodiac Appearance: Female *Reserved for Reiku*[/CENTER][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cira watched the two men that circled around them and then stood watching the other melee warriors' combat skills. She was growing more and more leery of this game Commander Yuri was playing with them. She loved the thrill of a good battle and wanted to see new lands, but was it worth her life? Not that her previous occupation was much better.[/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][I]Life is so ironic. I found myself searching for a new life and realizing that the old will forever haunt me. I wish it was possible for a once poor peasant girl to wallace around in elegant dresses and sweet perfume, only looking for a suiter to marry to make her father happy. But I'm sure that life would bore me after awhile and the man that I married would not be anything I had hoped. Life is truely ironic.[/I][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow]"Looks like you and I get to do a little bit of a tango." Cira cocked her head and smirked at Fayt as she watched out of the corner of her eye as Carthre walked over to his assigned partner. "I guess so." Fayt seemed to say with a hint of nervousness. "So you have double sided staff and you wish to learn how to use spells to increase its power." Cira nodded as she started to walk towards a spot with little interference from either earth or people. "You coming?" She called over her shoulder. "Yeah." Fayt said as his bird squaked with disapproval. Both made their way to the spot Cira had chosen and stood before each other. Fayt pulled his weapon from his back and ready himself for Cira's attack. She watched him, but left her well-crafted sword strapped to her back, drawing two daggers from her side. "You seem nervous and tense? Afraid I might hurt ya?" Cira smiled and gave a soft chuckle. "I'll only fight as hard as you do." With Cira's last words she fell dead silent and her face slid from something fun loving and playful to dead serious and almost frightening. Cira rushed forward and Fayt threw his weapon up just in time to block Cira's right dagger. She ducked down and swirled around with her left dagger, hitting the other blade on Fayt's weapon. She brought her foot around as she swirled and knocked Fayt off his feet. Cira sighed as she made her way back to her feet, placing one dagger back in its shealth on her hip, and extended her free hand. Fayt reached up with a shakey hand as Cira pulled him back to his feet. "Now, come on. I know you can do better than that. Stop worrying so much." Cira took a step back and pulled up her small cloth tunic exposing the multiple scars that covered her flesh. "I can take a hit from either your weapon or your body." Cira smiled as she slid the tunic back down. "So come on. Fight me." Cira's smile faded away as it did before as she took up another fighting stance.[/FONT] [I][FONT=Times New Roman]I hope one day, that I shall find a life other than the one I'm leading. There is more to this world than the constant life and death struggle. There is love, play and raising a family. And though I have no desire to bear my own children, I would love to watch and be a part of some one elses struggles to raise a family. I think one day I shall become part of a family once again. When the world is done using my skills I shall fine some one to become my family, serving them until my last breath.[/FONT][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]OOC: Hey, shadowofdeath13, the only thing I has to say about my character is when she's fighting she doesn't talk. All work and no play, ya know ;) Other than that, I have no limitations for ya.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Arial Narrow]"And how can I trust you?" Kalei watched Malik. His slim and firm figure had not changed since the last time they had encountered each other, but she didn't really expect it to either. After all, he was a vampire. "You can't. You'll just have to take my word on it." Kalei thought on it for a moment, but there was nothing else she could do. This house some how prevented her from using any form of her power. She wouldn't be able to send anything to any of the Wakanda while trapted within its walls. "And when will this honorable battle take place?" Malik merely smiled at her as he slowly pranced back towards her, displaying the metal key that would set her free. He said nothing as he unlocked her feet first, placing all her weight on the cuffs around her wrist. She whinced slightly from the pain as Malik stood watching her for a moment. Seeming to take pleasure in her pain. He slowly placed the key into the cuff on her right wrist, turning it slowly until it clicked. Then he unlocked the other. As Kalei's feet touched the floor she took a breath of relief as she toppled to the floor in a heap of weak muscles and bones. "Looks as if you've been suspended for too long, Love." Malik smiled, looking down at her. Kalei groaned silently as she rose to her feet, her legs wobbly and weak. "I shall see you again, Malik. And I won't be so easy to over power next time. Bid Kabira fair well for me. I'm sure she'll miss me." Kalei started towards the door, slowly and carefully making her way up the steps. Malik was close behind her to make sure that none of the other vampires remained in the hallway. Kalei made her way from the building and wandering as far as her body would carry her into the wilderness. Of course Malik had to choose a place that was in the middle of no where to keep her captive. She stopped after just a short hour of travel and propped herself up against a large tree. The sun was heavy and hot over head. She prayed she had enough strength to send her clone to the closest Wakanda to her. [CENTER]*******************[/CENTER] "Oh my precious Tegan." A soft voice echoed through the Wakanda's head as a light figure walked into the alley. "Kalei." He replied just as softly. "I haven't much time," the nearly transparent figure knelt before him and placed her hands up, palms facing him. "My body is fading quickly and you were the only one I could reach. I will give you my location. I'm sure Katima is on her way to the Temple." Kalei's fading face placed her hands against his, transmitting everything she had seen on her way to and from the estate. Once he pulled back, Kalei's image started to blink in and out. "Malik's followers will not stand in your way. Please...hurry." Kalei blew a kiss to the young, wounded man as she faded from sight. [CENTER]*******************[/CENTER] "I pray that my body can hold out until they can get here." Kalei whispered to herself as she felt her head become heavy again, her eyes falling shut.[/FONT] [COLOR=DarkGreen][SIZE=1]OOC: There ya go, Kairi. Something for you to do. Find Katima once she arrives in London and then come find Kalei. I'll PM you with what city she's in. The rest is up to you guys.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cira groaned as she reached for her abdomen. The brightly colored scar that now stretched from a little below her naval up to the base of her rips still ached despite the effort the healer had put into trying to heal it. She tried to ignore it as another person sat down beside her in the crowded travern. She shoved another spoonful of hot soup into her mouth, took a swig of her drink and excused herself from the small round table. [I]Time to head up to that mountain.[/I] Cira told herself as she walked into the busy city street. She shifted her sword back to the center of her back and fiddled lightly with her belt. Images of the sand storm and the beast that attacked her while out in the desert threaten to make Cira waver as she strolled down the street, seeming to be careless and free loving of the bright sun that was slowly raising above. Cira nodded her head at the few people that passed her by, a bright smile flooting across her lips. Cira shook her head once she left the city streets, trying to calm herself as she made her way onto the mountain path. She had misjudged the beast's tail length. A swift swipe left her sprawled on her back, her sword far from her grasp. She had pulled one of her daggers from her waist but she was too slow. The monster was on top of her and with a heavy blow, tore into the leather vest and tunic and into her tender flesh. She let out a horrific cry, clamping her mouth shut to keep from exciting the beast more as she shoved her dagger in between two scales. Blood spewed as the beast rose up and flipped backwards. Cira chuckled as she rubbed her stomach. "Funny how that beast gave me the last jewel I needed too." "Huh, what?" Some one said. Cira looked up the beaten path to see a young man and a bird. She smiled brightly as she took in his charming site. It had been awhile since she had interacted with another person, this could be fun and maybe they would get paired together during this next little test. "Hi there, my name's Cira. Yours would be?" Cira smiled as she jogged up to him. "Fayt." He smiled as he shook her hand. "Heading up the mountain?" Cira said as she placed a finger in front of the bird, pulling it away quickly as it snapped at her. "Yes I am. Are you?" "Sure am." She said with a brilliant smile. "We should walk up together. What's the bird's name?" "Shadow." "Friendly little thing." She winked at him.[/FONT][/COLOR] [SIZE=1][I]OOC: I hope this is ok, shadowofdeath13.[/I][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow]Cira sighed as she watched the other warriors rush forward into the hot swirling sand. This wasn't what she wanted to be doing her first night in a beautiful city. She wanted to be sipping on fine wine and flirting with the young gentlemen that had come from all over the lands. Cira clenched her fists in frustration as she looked up towards the wooden platform that this Commander Yuri stood upon, watching every one run to their deaths. Fools. All of them were fools. She took another deep breath and exhaled, pulling her beloved sword from behind her and preparing for the up coming battles. An older man bumped into Cira as she slowly started towards the gates. The man said nothing as he continued to charge forward. Cira shook her head and growled to herself as she slowly walked out onto the sand. The heavy sands swirled around her violently as she pulled the cloth mask over her nose. Her leather breeches, tunic and vest would help protect her delicate skin from the harsh swirling sand, but if one of the beasts were to slice through them would cause the would to turn fatal. Despite the erge to pull her head in every direction as she listend to the screams of both beast and man, Cira stayed focused and used her years of training to pull herself across the soft desert sand. Making her way past the fallen creatures that lay scattered across her path. A russling drew Cira's attention finally. It was heading north, in her direction at a rather quick pace. It had...four limps it used to propell itself across the hot sand, it weighed some where around three times her's and had no use for a tail. It had to have a tough hid to be able to move within the sand storm, another lizard like creature she figured. Cira brought herself to stop, standing completely motionless and an easy target in the middle of the sand. She listened to its stride, a full out lope across the sand. Its thick claws digging into the earth as it dropped its jaw in preparation for its attack. "One....two....three....four," Cira counted allowed, suddenly dropping to the ground on four. A black mass flew over her head and tumbled to the ground in front of her. The massive lizard was about the size of a horse and it was clear now why the beast had no tail, it had been recently cut from its body. Blood splashing onto the bronze sand below. The yellow glow of its eyes showed pain and lust for flesh. His open jaw was now filled with sand, flesh and blood. He had already made a kill. The beast rolled about on the sand as he made his way back to his feet. Cira slowly stood back up and stared into the beast's deathly stare. He licked his chops and made a strange chirping sound before throwing his mouth back open, spewing salvia, blood and left over flesh onto the ground. Cira held her sword at her side, the tip laying softly on the sand, with both hands on the hilt. She was set, her target before her, the hazed glow of a jewel placed in the center of his monsterious chest when a sudden vibration in the ground destroyed her concentration. She flew backwards and landed heavily on her back, searching for her sword as a massive worm rose from under the surface. Its massive spiraled teeth exposed and ready to swallow her hole. Cira sighed, [I]how did I get myself into this?[/I] She rolled over, finding her sword as the beast came crashing down on the very spot she was once laying on. She scrambled to her feet and waited for one of the two to attempt to attack her again. But everything went eerily silent. There were no screams or the sounds of death, she couldn't feel the ground move or hear it shifting under the other beasts feet. Cira stood in her fighting stance, prepared for anything as she slowly circled around waiting for something to happen. But all was quiet. "Damn it," she growled to herself as she slowly relaxed. "Well that's that I guess." She slowly started to move across the sand when a rush of sand and noise hit her all at once. Without looking, she swirled around, dragging her sword from above her down to the ground. It slid effortlessly through whatever was attacking her and the body fell with out a word. She slowly stood up and approached whatever had attacked her. Cira pressed her lips together to see it was the older man that had run into her earlier. She had sliced right through him, starting at his right shoulder and down to his left hip. Blood poured out onto the sand, it was clear even in the sand and the night. She shook her head and sighed as she brought her head up, realizing that something had been chasing him. It was the tail-less lizard from earlier. He was coming to claim his prize, but was going to find the end of her sword instead. The massive creature was slowing his gate as he approached the dead body when he realized that something was still alive, hovering around the carcass. He dropped his jaw again, let out a grunt of some sort as he flew through the air at Cira. She dropped to the ground yet again, but this time thrust her blade into the air. Six inches of the end of her blade sliced into the monsters chest, screeching across the stone-like scales as the beast flew over her head. The beast screamed as it landed on its face in the sand. It called out as it tried to make its way back to its feet, blood splashing onto the sand below it. Cira gracefully jumped to her feet, sword in hand, and rushed forward. She climped onto of the beast, stood upon its massive head and shoved her blade into the beast's eye socket. It made a quick noise then fell limp. Cira slid off and looked at both man and beast. She knew what she had to do. She pulled a cloth from her breeches' pocket and cleaned her blade, placing it back in its shealth upon her back. She pulled a knife from her waist. The beast was massive, and just one of its legs was the size of her alone. She slowly crawled under the heap of flesh and started carving at the beast's chest until a small jewel fell from its body. She pulled the cloth from her pocket again, and cleaned both dagger and jewel. "All that for some stupid stone. I wonder what the purpose is of these things." Cira looked the jewel over before stashing it in her small pack. She stood back up and straighten her clothing, making sure there were no holes that would threaten to cause infection from the sand storm. Then she looked over to the man she had slain, thinking he was another monster coming to try and taste her flesh. She took a deep sigh and spoke out loud, "might as well." She approached him and knelt down beside him, searching his belongs finding two more jewels. "Thank you, kind sir. May you find peace wherever your soul travels to next." Cira bowed softly to him and went on her way.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo][I][FONT=Times New Roman]How many more times will I have to take the life of the innoncent? How many more times will my hands be stained with the blood of thy enemy and when will my soul be free of this path? Have I become nothing more than what my Father was? Have I become everything I've fought this long not to be? I shall pray for those lives that have not yet met me, pray that their blood will never become another stain on my beloved sword.[/FONT][/I][/COLOR]
  11. [FONT=Arial Narrow]*shakes fist at you* Don't you start Kairi. I'll beat you down like the human you are. :p I would like to hear some suggestions on where you guys would like to take this after Kalei is rescued. This isn't just my rpg, its yours as well. So lets hear it!! Thanks, DC[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Note to every one, I would like to see more of a struggle with your enemies. Please. From now on, to keep things a little more even due to the numbers being so off, have less vampires attack you. Make it so the whole team has to defeat two or three vampires together. Instead a dozen indiviual. As for Tegan...he should be looking for the other Wakanda's...especially Katima and Kalei *glares at Kairi* Thanks peeps, DC[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Arial Narrow]"We've been expecting you, Kalei." An elder man smiled charmingly in the woman's direction, his well-weathered face was warm and sincer. "I am sorry to have taken so long, Master Oller. I--." Kalei began to speak as she stopped in front of the much taller elder, lowering her head slightly as she had begun to speak. But the elder placed a wrinkled, dark skinned hand before her face, ushering her to stay silent. "We understand that you, and your group has been under heavy attack as of late. We do not expect you to be able to arrive when previously planned." Oller smiled yet again, his small blue eyes overed by thick drooping flesh, only showing when he allowed his face to soften. "Yes, Master." Kalei gave another soft bow as she followed the man down the open hallway of one of the remaining Wakanda temples. Its massive structure dwarfing all the plant life around it except the massive ivy that grew along its walls. The rich sun baked stones were gold with soft hues of red and velvet marking certain simples and designs. Enormous stain-glass windows allowed the sun's rays to filter into the building to produce masterful artworks on the walls and floors that each ray touched. It was an amazing structure that dated back even before Christ. "What has brought you here, Kalei, daught of Alleen?" Oller asked as he passed yet another series of colums that held the buildings patio and balconies in place. "I've come about the profecy told by the ancients, about the Wakanda children that walks with the night and the light." Kalei made sure to keep one step behind the elder, being that she was meant to be his shadow, but never his equal because of their age differences. "I've been living for nearly 900 years now, Kalei. I have seen this world go through many changes, but nothing will compare to the change you and those children are about to make." Oller stopped suddenly and before Kalei could rush back into his shadow he had place a shaky hand on her shoulder. His massive white, bronze and pale yellow robes swishing along the stones below him. "I cannot guide you any longer, Wakanda. You are no longer a child, but a woman of a fine age of thirty." "In the human world, yes, I am a woman. But to Wakanda-to the vampires I am just a mere child. A short thirty years on this planet has not graced me with the knowledge or the leadership quilities that you or even Lord Malik have." Kalei searched the old man's face, desperately searching for answers. The answers she hoped she would find while here. "Dear, precious Kalei. You have grown up too much in this human world." Oller took a hold of both of Kalei's hands, holding firmly to them. "You have the power to do unbelieveable things not only with your own hands, but with those of them that follow you. Katima and Tegan will play a role that is more important then even myself or the other elders. And the others that are apart of your clan, your hunters, they will fuel you. Believe in yourself, Kalei. Believe in the Wakanda and the Earth." [CENTER]*******************[/CENTER] Kalei bent her head back and threw it forward, throwing a large wad of spit into Kabira's face. The vampire mistress stood up quickly, franticly trying to remove the distasteful liquid from her fine face. "Well I think that was rather uncalled for." The vampire sneered at the chained Wakanda. "And the death of a mere servant was as well." Kalei spat back. "Testy, aren't we?" Kabira chuckled as Kalei groaned, placing her head up against the wall again. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]OOC: Sorry for disappearing on you guys. There's an underground thread, if you didn't already know. Angelus_Necare will now be playing both her character Alec and Malik being that Kamuro has been far too busy to keep up with us. Hopefully the change in handler will speed this rpg up some. Your post have been looking well thus far. [/I] [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=Indigo][I][FONT=Times New Roman]Three days travel and I have finally arrived at the valliant city gates of the capital. I remember vaguely of the city streets I use to play in with my Lord brother a short nine years ago. The massive castle that laid at the very base of the city, the cobled streets and beautiful horse-drawn carriage. If only my Lord brother could be with me now, to see me shine in this bright, vibrant sun as I do today. No longer cowarding at the hands a some ruthless male. He would be so proud of me. So very proud.[/FONT][/I] [FONT=Arial Narrow]Cira passed through the massive gates into the lively city, finding herself loast in a massive crowd of various talents. Magi, warriors and a few assassins here and there. They watched her with careful eyes as she slither passed them all with her delicate and refined features. Her soft, pastel dress hung just above her knees, its short sleeves drapping softly on her shoulders. The material, at first glance, seemed see-through and drew more attention then Cira had first thought. "Cira, is that you?" A faint voice fluttered across the crowd, drawing Cira's attention behind her. "Julius!" Cira called out as she pushed her way through the small hoard of people before her towards the massive burly man. Cira gave him a hearty smile as she wrapped her arms around his neck in a tight embrace. He returning the favor tenderly, so not to hurt. He lifted her off the cobbled ground for a moment before returning her to her feet. Julius was a massive man of nearly seven and half feet in height, broad shoulders and arms that were thicker than Cira's thighs. He had been a mighty warrior upon the Martal ship some twenty years before she was born. He had to be close to his sixties now, and still some how just as powerful and young look as when she first met him five years ago. "How be ye?" The thick accesent rolled off his tonge, causing Cira to smile wider than she was before. "Great. I see your trying for the position announced throughout the lands as well." Cira nodded towards the men taking names just in front of the castle. "Ye be correct. Didn't figurer there would be this much people, though." The massive man turned his head to look around, taking in all the massive crowd. "Neither did I." Cira reached out and touched the man's shoulder the best he could. "I must be signing in now, Julius. Best of luck to ya." "Ye too, las." Julius grabbed her arm and pulled her in for one more embrace before sending her on her way. Cira made her way through the crowd relatively quietly. Stopping every so often to greet some one she had met along her previous journeys. Small talk of this and that, nothing too serious. As she made her way to the castle she bent her head back to take in its marvelous structure. "Impressive, isn't it?" A young, stout man stood posed with a quirky smile. Cira brought her head down to see the man and smiled. He was a goofy looking lad, standing there trying to draw attention. Cira turned her attention back to the man sitting before her. "Name?" He questioned simply. "Cira." "Cira what?" He replied. "Its just Cira." She placed her hands on her hips. "Cira, then." The man wrote her name down and pointed to the strange looking man behind him. "He will take you to your room." Cira looked up and rolled her eyes, gave a smile and followed the man into the castle. "And this is your chambers for the evening." The young man opened the door and stood against the inside of the doorway. "Thank you." Cira nodded as she tried to slide past him. He reached forward and took hold of her waist, pulling her body against his. Cira gasped slightly as she braced herself with her hands on the wall. "Now, where do we start?" The man asked. Cira smiled. "Well, if that's all you wanted, all you had to do was say something." Cira brought her hands down across his arms, pulled him back off the wall. Before he knew what happened, she twirled him around, slammed him into the doorway and threw him into the hallway. Where he tripped and fell to the floor. "Next time you decide to try and seduce a woman, make sure she's defensless." Cira snarled as she kicked the man firmly in the abdomen. He groaned and climbed to his feet. Cira shook her head, smiled and closed her door to her chamber.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Indigo][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Little nervous about signing up for this....but I'll give it a shot. [B]Name:[/B] Cira [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Sex:[/B] female [B]Trade:[/B] An assassin trained by the Nin. Other than stealth, agility and adqueate hand to hand combat skills; Cira's most impressive talent is that with a sword that was specially crafted just for her. [B]Appearance:[/B] See Attachment. [B]Personality:[/B] During missions, you can't get Cira to say one word to you and forget about getting in her way. She would just as sure kill you if you stood between her and her target. But outside the office, Cira is always cracking jokes, enjoying some fine wine and being everything but an assassin. [B]Still Life: [/B] [/FONT] [I][FONT=Times New Roman]Summer My head was throbbing from the amount of work Master Adelio had put me through. Running all morning, then swimming after breakfast. Balance training, stances, and stretching. A quick lunch then weapons training and physical combat until dinner. Then chores. I had never worked so hard in my life. Every muscle in my body aches, muscles I didn't even know I had. Fall I've spent three years under Master Adelio's watchful I and extreme training. I recently experinced my twentith birth date and I'm looking forward to my first assassinment. Had I known that Master Adelio was not going to be at my side while I accomplished my first task, I might have waited another year. But I can't but this off any more. I have trained long and hard for this day.[/FONT][/I] [FONT=Arial Narrow]The last cart made its way down the broken up dirt road and pulled into a small rundown barn. A soft nicker from one of the horses could be heard as the farmer settled the beast, slowly starting to remove its tack. The faint smell of manuer mixed with the rather strong smell of fresh cut hay wafted through the stale air of the barn. "Easy ol' girl. No need to make a fuss." The elder man said softly, patting the large work horse on the neck. Cira slowly slid around the large wooden barrel full of grain and slid behind a heap of hay, inching ever closer to the man untacking his work horses. He stacked the leather biddings on the wooden walls next to him and led each horse to its stall, tying their leather halters to the wall before them. Giving each a forkfull of hay for the night. "How long has it been, ol' man?" Cira allowed her brassy voice left sofly through the barn as the old man turned towards the front doors. All he could see was a black shape. "Who's there?" The man called out. "You remember your little girl, the small child you and your late wife created, the one you use to beat nearly to death every night since she could stand? Because she wasn't a son, but a daughter." Cira fell silent, watching the man crease his brow in confusion. "Well, my dear ol' man, I've come to repay the beating."[/FONT] [FONT=Times New Roman][I]Winter My hands have been staind with a thousand men's blood, but none of them satisfied me as much as my first mission. I repaid that dirty old man for the scar he gave me twenty or so years ago. He will never hurt another woman ever again.[/I][/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  16. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Kalei rolled her head around, finally resting it against the cold, mold covered wall behind her. Her wrists had finally gone numb from being suspended for three days. Blood had dried around both cuffs on her wrists and the two cuffs around her ankels. And with every attempt to move the delicate scabs would tear open and start to bleed again. Kalei moaned as she felt her stomach rumble. Her head throbbed from the lack of nurishment she had received, but she wasn't about to tell Malik any thing. She just prayed that Katima would be able to maintain things while she was gone. [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] [I]Twins....[/I] A light summer breeze washed over Kalei's face as she tilted her head back. The warmth calmed her uneasy spirit, allowing her hands to fall backwards to try and absorb even more of the sun's rays. "Kalei?" A faint voice echoed through her thoughts. She smiled softly, pulling her hands into her pants pockets, and drawing her head back to center. She took a deep sigh before opening her eyes to see Katima standing before her. She was dressed in her traditional garb, her long pink locks pulled away from her face. Her smile brighten upon seeing the young girl, in her early teens, she was going to be gorgeous. "Yes, Katima?" Kalei finally answered her. "Tegan was attacked and some one was killed." Katima said timidly. Kalei's eyes wided as she pointed for Katima to show her the way. They raced quickly through the tall grass of a massive field. The sun was slowly starting to set as they finally made their way into a small village and into a barn. It was an older woman that laid slain on the dirt floor of the barn. Kalei knew her as Melissa. She was a human that had come to her about three weeks ago to tell her about a vampire cult that had been tailing her. Seemed as they found her before Kalei could find them. "Tegan?" Kalei called out. There was a deep moan from the loaft as Kalei turned to watch Katima fly towards the ground, catching herself before landing flat on her back. Kalei didn't move from her spot as she waited for the attacker to make himself known. "Well, well if it isn't the famous Wakanda leader, Kalei. I was hoping you'd come." A pale face appeared in the shadows. "Katima," Kalei whispered. "Yeah," the girl replied as she stood back up. "Do you remember the technic we've been working on?" Kalei said softly. Katima nodded. "Use it." Katima gathered her strength, focused her energy and used her magic. A thick black chain whirled from the center of her hands and towards the face. It struck something as Katima wrapped her hands around the thick chain and pulled back. A body flew from within the dark and hurled towards the sun, bursting into flames as it touched the light. Kalei covered her nose and mouth, the smell overwhelming her as she rushed up the ladder to the loaft. "Tegan?" Kalei called out. A hand slowly rose out of the hay and a soft groan was then heard. Kalei followed the sound and found the hand, grasping it and pulling the figure from the hay. "Tegan, you alright." Kalei brushed the few pieces of hay that lay scattered across his face and stuck in his hair. He nodded and smiled. Kalei shook her head and tried to smile at his foolishness. "Try not to run off until your have managed your magic, please." "Yes ma'am." [CENTER]***************************[/CENTER] "Stay strong, Kalei. They'll be fine without you." Kalei whispered to herself as she stared up at the pitch black ceiling. "Hurry up, and no funny business." Phineas' shrill voice slid through the large door as a bright, blinding light hit Kalei's face. The Wakanda leader closed her eyes tightly, only re-opening them once the light had vanished. Her skin crawled from the presence of some one else in the room. She pulled her chains taunt and waited to be striked. "I won't hurt you," a soft and frail voice eminetted from the darkness. Kalei pulled her head away as a bright flash shot from the dark and slowly died down. When she turned to see what had caused it she saw a very pale gentlemen, kneeling over a plate of food and a small candle. Kalei squinted her eyes as the gentlemen scooped something onto a fork. "I...I came to give you something to eat." He placed the fork before Kalei's mouth. Kalei kept her mouth shut and looked firmly at the man before her.[/FONT] [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]OCC: There is an underground thread now. And Reiku will not be able to post for 4-5 days. So do the best you can without her. If you have any questions feel free to ask in the Underground. Thank you.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Arial Narrow]Kamara stood, spilling some of her drink onto the softly polished wooden floor below her feet. A look of annoyance creased her face as she downed the remaining liquid, tossing the cup carelessly into a far corner of the room. She was about to take a few steps forward to confront the vampire that stood before her, but was too light-headed from standing so quickly to move. "What do you mean we're going to Australia?" Kamara barked bitterly. "Lord Kraven seeks out a book only found in the Dark Library." The man replied softly, bowing slightly. Kamara bit her lower lip and turned her head away, thick golden locks falling into her face. She thought for a moment and then threw herself into the large cushioned chair behind her. It made some noise as it took her 110 pounds as she slapped both hands onto the thick black leather arms. The look that danced upon her face was not one of pleasure, but more of sheer bitterness. "What is wrong, my Lady? Do you not want to travel with Lord Kraven to find the Dark Library?" The man stood stiffly in the massive doorway to Kamara's chambers. He dared not enter further without her consent, and it looked that this was as far as he was going. "Where is Kraven?" She snapped suddenly, cocking her head up to look the man square in the eyes. "I...I do not know, my Lady." Kamara snarled and bit her lower lip again. Her eyes danced along the wooden floor, searching for something, but the man could not make it out. He watched as frustration grew within her, which was made clear by her digging her nails deep within the leather workings of the chair. She tapped her foot for a moment then finally released her hold on the leather. A small smile danced across her lips as she brought her head back up. "When was the last time you touched flesh?" Kamara said bluntly. A look of shock over took the man's face as he stammered to answer her. "A while, I see." Her smile widen as she stood up, the small satin dress she was wearing sliding back down her thin legs. He watched her intently as she seductively approached him. She reached a pale white hand up and placed her slender fingers behind his ear and along his neck, while her arm drapped over his shoulder and along his chest. He wasn't much taller than her, maybe by three or four inches at most. His breathing was short and quick as he stammered backwards some. Kamara pulled her other hand up and placed it gently on his chest as she brought her slender body closer to his. He was unsure of himself and what to do next, looking down at the fair beauty. Her hazel eyes danced about his face, focusing on his lips and chest the most. Still, he dared not to touch her. "Do I scare you?" Kamara said as she ducked her head down towards his neck, her faint breath slowly dancing along his skin. "Ye....yes." He replied. "Good." She smiled as her lips brushed against his skin, running her tongue along his neck and up to his ear. He let out a soft moan as his body pulsed with stimulation. She could feel him yearning to touch her, but he was still too timid. She needed to play harder with this one. Kamara grabbed a tuff of his short brown hair with the hand behind his ear and pulled tenderly backwards on it, allowing her to run both fangs and teeth across the soft front part of his neck. He moaned yet again, but still quietly as if not to wake the baby. With her other hand, Kamara dragged her nails sofly across his shirt, feeling every ripple in his body from chest, nibble, abs, naval and the small line along the pelvis. He was a well muscled man indeed. Kamara left her fingers to linger along his belt line, teasing at the inner skin of his hip. She could feel him tense with each stroke as her tongue danced across his neck. It was a matter of a second before Kamara realized he had picked her up and slammed her against the closest wall of her chamber. He tore at her clothing as he forcefully ran his hand down the side of her and bit into her lower lip. But Kamara enjoyed this kind of a lover. Fruitful and full of lust. The man shoved the satin dress up her thigh and pulled on her well shaped hips, throwing her into him. He was ready for her as she faught back just as hard to keep him wanting more. The moment was heated as all her frustration was released in a monsterous explotion. "You may stay in my bed, but you better be gone by the time I come back." Kamara said forcefully as she re-dressed herself, smoothed out her hair and placed on thick heels. The man nodded as he clasped onto her red blanketed bed as she marched out of the room. [CENTER]*******************************[/CENTER] "Why am I always the last to know what's going on?" Kamara barked as she stormed into the throne room where Kraven sat. Her satin dress was pressed against her body, the thin straps laying very delicately on her shoulders as her sandle like heels wrapped around her calves. She was stunning, it was no surprise that her maker wanted her for eternity.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow]I wasn't going to start an Underground for this RPG, but I found that its next to impossible not to have one...being that there is a lot of outside interaction in almost all of my RPs... Currently we have a slight problem. Kamuro, who plays Malik, is sicker than a dog and has been unable to post. Puts us in a slight disadvantage for the non-wakanda characters. As for the Wakanda, you all are doing an excellent job. :) As you gather to go find Kalei, remember that you don't know exactly where she or Tegan have run off to. But you know she left the country. I don't want you all to run right over to Spain and free her. I'll keep you all informed on what's what. DC[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Kamara [B]Nickname:[/B] Forsaken [B]Race:[/B] Vampire [B]Age:[/B] 130 [B]Gender:[/B] female [B]Powers:[/B] Once working for the Clan of Fire, Forsaken has learned a few clever tricks with the powerful force of Fire. She can create massive walls of fire to protect her seemingly frail form from other's attacks. She can also create small balls or spirals that can be thrown at an opponent. [B]Weapons:[/B] Occiasionaly seen with a long sword of poor quility used for pratice and warm-ups before battles. But usually Forsaken is seen weilding her fire or using her impressive hand-to-hand combat skills. [B]Personality:[/B] Don't be fooled by this stunning hazel-eyed beauty. She may be charming, sweet and seductive, but under all her beauty is a monster. Her greatest desire; to be able to follow in the footsteps of her Master, Kraven. Though, before others, Forsaken is cruel and unforgiving. Her Master knows her to be annoying and always in the way. [B]Appearance:[/B] See Attachment. Forsaken stands some where around 5'5". Her slender body gives her the appearance of being weak and fragile, but being one of the undead allows her beauty hide the monster thats within. Usually seen in either white, red or black clothing dating back to when she was alive or something more modern. It all depends on her mood. [B]Character Snippet: [/B] "No....stay away!" Kamara screamed as she gathered the skirt of her dress. A thick cloud of dust swirled around her and her prosuer as she ran down the barren dirt street of a Western United States town. She ducked down an alley way and started towards the fields that lay behind the main buildings of the small town she had grown up in. Her fine white and yellow dress and bonett had been covered in a thick layer of dust and sweat as she continued to run from the man that was chasing her. "Where are you going, pretty missy?" Kamara had looked behind her just briefly only to turn around to see a man standing before her. The man that was after her! "No...no...stay away you brute. I shall have nothing to do with you." Kamara started to walk backwards when she felt firm hands around her shoulders. She screamed and turned around to see the man again. His face brighten with a smile as he slowly walked towards her. Kamara turned around and started to run, when her heeled shoe toe hit something in the ground. She lost her balance and stumbled forward. Kamara gasped, held her breath and closed her eyes tight as she hurled towards the ground. "A fair lady like yourself should be more careful." A smooth, rich voice filtered into her ear. Instictively Kamara opened her eyes, expecting to see grass and dirt, but was greeted with dark round eyes. She prepared herself to scream when the gentleman's hand slowly slid over her mouth. His skin was so soft and it smelt almost good enough to eat. Kamara stiffled her scream and just stared up into his eyes. Those enchanting eyes. The man pulled her close to him, his body frimly placed against her's. One arm laid around her waist with his hand between her shoulder blades. The other hand slowly slid from over her mouth, down her cheek and onto her neck. A soft moan left her lips, an feeling of ectasy over coming all her senses as she gave into the man. [CENTER]****************************[/CENTER] I remember when I first heard of Master Kraven. It was after Malcom changed me that night by the field. I spent most of the next day sleeping, recovering from the loss of blood. But when I awoke that night, I was more alive then I had ever been. I wanted death...I wanted to feed upon the liquid that once limited me to stale life. "Who is this, Kraven, the last spoke of?" Kamara turned to her creator, Malcom. "He is the first." He replied to her simply. "But I thought Dracula-." Kamara started. "Just a child's fairytale. Kraven was the first and the most powerful of vampires." And that's when I knew, I had to find this Kraven. To learn everything I could from him, to become him. Malcom made it all possible. Finding all he could about this great vampire lord that had out lived the ages. Had he known that his own eternal life would come to an end I think he would have stayed farther from me. "Why? Why Kamara?" Malcom stammered as Kamara held him firmly penned against a wall. "For the power, you moron. I had a taste of it and now I want more." Kamara smiled devishly. "If you do this, if you kill me and follow in his footsteps you will be forsaken." "Then let the world know that I am the Forsaken, then," as the last words left Kamara's lips she snapped Malcom's neck.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkGreen][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow]Looks good Astdis. I might start and underground soon...since it looks like I won't be able to get away with not doing so. Work your way into the RPG the best ya can. If that means appearing out of no where to help out one of the Wakandas, then go for it. Thanks for joining. :D[/FONT][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]Kiyoshi smiled humbly and looked down at the table before him. It wasn't every day that a pretty woman wandered into the woods looking for him, and it truly never happened when she was one of the Emperior's messagers to tell him to return to the place he was banished. Kiyoshi took a deep sigh and stood up straight. "I...I must leave. I shall return in brief time. I will...will send Kyung in to keep you company." Kiyoshi bowed softly and made a brisk movement towards the door. The young woman sat in her chair quietly as she washed his slender figure glide by her. His light tan trousers and even lighter tunic swirling around his muscluar frame as he opened the front door, and out into the forest that surrounded his home. Kyung made his way hastely over to his master, stopping just out of arms reach of the much taller man. "Please, stay with our guest. I...I must seek consul from the Earth." Kiyoshi lowered his head as he slid past his disciple. [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] A soft breeze brought the massive trees to sway slightly above Kiyoshi. The tall man sat cross-legged on the leaf covered ground. His eye lids lay softly closed, his hands folded in his lap, and his whole body was relaxed. Quietly, Kiyoshi rose to his feet and ran a soft hand over the trunk of a nearby tree. "Thank you, my dear companions. You have done nothing but be the greatest gift to me." Kiyoshi whispered softly as he bowed, opened his eyes, and started back towards the cabin. "You've been gone all day," came the woman's voice as Kiyoshi entered the cabin. "I am terribly sorry, my dear woman." Kiyoshi approached the young woman that stood before him. He bowed before her. "I shall return with you to see what the Emperior wishes of my services. My dear disciple, Kyung, shall accompany us." Kiyoshi stood and smiled softly.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Chief Predator ~~ Sin Archangle ~~ Thayne Grilsing Welcome to the team guys.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [CENTER]The RPG is now in the square!!![/FONT][/CENTER]
  23. [FONT=Arial Narrow]"What will you do now, Wakanda?" A soft masculine voice cooned into the darkness. The light tap of his healed shoes on the cobbled stones bounced lightly against the damp stone walls. The noise crawled closer to the small figure that was shackled to the furthest wall from a massive wooden door; the only entrance or exit from the dark room. The figure lifted its head, rattling its chains with the effort, as it awaited the sight of the voice. "Your precious people are not here to save you. So what will you do?" The voice stepped lightly and stood just outside of the faint moonlight that creeped through a small window just above the shackled figure. "They will come, Phineas." The figure said with apparent confidence. "By the time they find you, you?ll be dead." A light chuckle insued, a bright white smile appearing in the shadows. "Your master doesn?t have the balls to kill me." The smile vanished from the man?s face as he rushed forward with amazing speed. He slammed the dangling body against the damp wall, the figure letting out a deep groan. He dug his nails deep into the tender flesh of the figures neck, blood trickling down as he placed his lips softly against the figure?s ear. "I?ll drain you dry myself." Phineas growled. "You wouldn?t dare," the figure spat back. Phineas pulled the figure?s head to the side and was just about to sink his teeth into its neck, when a massive hand grabbed his shoulder. Before Phineas could react, he flew across the dark room and slammed into the stone wall. Phineas scrambled to his feet, prepared for a fight, when he realized his attacker was Malik. "My Lord," Phineas dropped to one knee. "If any one is to drain the fair lady Kalei, it will be me." Malik said simply. "Of course, my Lord." Phineas lowered his head even more. Malik walked forward, into the moonlight, his stunning mistress, Kabira, at his side. He grabbed a hold of Kalei?s jaw, making sure not to scratch the delicate skin of her face. Kabira walked forward and was about to lick the precious red liquid from Kalei?s neck, when Malik shoved her away. "Upstairs, both of you." Malik said simply. "Yes, my Lord," both vampires said at the same time. Once the wooden door slammed shut, Malik snapped Kalei?s neck to the side and dragged his tongue along her open wounds. She drew a heavy breath as she rattled in her chains. Kalei gave a forceful thrust and Malik slowly backed away. "Why don?t you just kill me?" Kalei growled, straining both her ankles and wrist against the metal cuffs that suspended her in the air. "Because your life draws more of your kind to me. Makes it easier for me to finish this war." Kalei could see a smug smile dance across his face. "You bastard." "Oh so true, my Love." He chuckled as he turned away from her. "They?ll come for me, Malik, and you?ll find that they?re not as easy to kill as you hoped." Kalei called after him. "We shall see, Love. Until then, enjoy your stay, you?ll be here for a long time," and with that, Malik left Kalei alone in the damp, dark room. [COLOR=DarkGreen][CENTER]OOC: Welcome to Love Me, Mr. Death. A blood thirsty thriller that?s sure to turn a few heads. What I need from my cast is as follows: Vampires You will be enjoying a small gathering at one of Malik?s minor estates in Spain. The season would be around the fall. The vampire known as Phineas is a non-played character, so any one can use him. Typical looking and acting, he is Malik?s second in command to Kabira. Phineas is cruel and unforgiving. Vampires include: Malik, Alec, Kell?Nieke, Shiva, Kabira, and Lania. This should give you all a chance to interact with each others characters. Wakanda Currently you?re stationed some where in the states were Kalei last left you. Tegan has disappeared and word that Kalei has been captured by Malik is slowly leeking its way through the small base. I would like to see some of you in action. Teams will be Sin/Thayne, Ena/Richard, Fyuora/Priest. Katima/Talyn should be trying to find word on Kalei. Katima, you are next in command so eventually you will form a search party with the other teams. Hannah You can find yourself being invited to Malik?s gathering while visiting Spain, or run into one of the parties of Wakanda out hunting Vampires. HAVE FUN and BE CREATIVE[/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed]Hey, Alright, Love Me, Mr. Death should be up by tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. Til then, sign ups are still open for whom ever wishes to join. Those that have been accepted are listed below. Thanks for all that have signed up and hope to see you all again. Sinistra ~~ Ena Ditsy_Taurus ~~ Hannah Reiku ~~ Katima Angelus_Necare ~~ Alec Truvaer Deucalion ~~ Richard Neuvoxraiha ~~ Kell'Niele Madnessofthecat ~~ Priest Fallen ~~ Talyn Lostcause ~~ Kabira Kamuro ~~ Malik SolarPrincess ~~ Fyuora BlackTigerGurl ~~ Lania Beta ~~ Shiva Those listed above, please make sure your sign ups are finished before the RP starts, otherwise I will not be able to allow you to join. And I will not be creating an Underground thread, so if you need to know something, feel free to PM me or one of the other characters with questions you have. Thanks, DC[/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Name: Kalei Gender: Female Race: Wakanda Position: Wakanda Ability: Able to use all elements equally well, but her greatest skill is illusion. Though not recognized by the Wakanda House, the skill is a powerful one, taught to her by her Nana. Cloning: The ability to make a physical clone of any living creature she touches. The effects last only for a short time, unless Kalei is able to focus all her energy into her spell. Masking: The ability to make oneself look like a none-living object. This has little physical or mental strain, but Kalei can only camflage herself. Walls/Barriers: These are invisible forces made of condensed air that allows Kalei to use as a shield or a blast-like effect. (Pre-Story: Malik into wall) Minor effects with elements: used to open locks, create light, sweep away smoke, start a fire ect. Appearance: See Attachment: A well-rounded woman, standing around 5' 5" with lean, defined muscles. Usually dressed conservatively for day to day work in her late Nana's book store. At night, flattering outfits to attract her easy prey. Intoxicating brown eyes, lusious lips and a sweet, powerful voice complete the North American Wakanda Leader. Personality: A smooth-talker, Kalei can talk her way out of anything unless its Malike standing before her. Usually easy-going and a a sense of humor, Kalei is well liked by her fellow Wakanda and those humans that slip in and out of her life. Character Snippets: "Nana! Nana please say something?" Kalei could barely hold back her tears as she pulled the elderly Wakanda into her lap. The small book store Kalei and Nana had called home for the last twelve years had been destroyed. Books burned, torn apart, pottery and glass smashed, and Nana lay lifeless in Kalei's arms. "Grand-daughter...is that you?" A shaky voice whispered softly. Kalei brought her eyes down rapidly to watch Nana's lips move. "Oh Nana, what has happened here?" Kalei weeped silently as she bent forward and placed her forehead on top of Nana's. "They've started...started," Nana broke out into a violent fit of coughing. Kalei did all she could to ease the elderly woman's pain as the coughing subsided. "Stay quiet, Nana." Kalei trembled, knowing that he beloved grandmother was dying. "You must know...that...they...have started...the war again." Nana reached up and softly caressed Kalei's dampened cheek with her well wrinkled hand. "We shall see each other again." As the last words left Nana's lips she began to choke, grabbing at her throat and chest. Kalei wailed in disppear as she gathered the woman into her arms and tried to ease her suffering. That's when Kalei noticed, just before Nana's body fell limp, that she was pointing behind her. Kalei slowly laid the old woman onto the floor and as she stood, realized Malik was standing behind her. The brown haired girl swirled around in a fit of rage and slammed her fist into Malik's cheek. A sick smack echoed through the burning building as he gave way to the forceful punch. Malik threw his head up quickly, his bright red eyes glowing with anger. "You bastard! How dare you step foot in this store!" Kalei cursed. "You ungreatful--." Malik began as Kalei came at him. "Get out! Get out!" Kalei screamed, swinging her first at him. He fought back at first, but eventually gave in and left Kalei alone. (A lover's spat, but was this what caused Malik and Kalei to go their seperate ways? Guess you'll have to wait and see.[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed]Hello all those that have joined. Make sure you finish your sign ups. And just to let every one know, I might not let every one join for various reasons. So if you don't make it...please don't be offended. Still waiting for a few more sign ups from my reserved characters and still excepting original characters as well. The rpg should be up and running by the middle of next week I hope.[/COLOR][/FONT]
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