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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkGreen]Kiyoshi smiled in his charming mannerism as he approached a small cupboard, and pulled a small dish and a jug from the shelves. He poured a small amount of saki into a small dish, turning to the others. "Shall I pour yet another for our fair lady? Or prehaps you, Kyung. Shall I pour some for you as well?" Kiyoshi's voice was soft and smooth, almost sounding as if he hadn't gone through puberty yet. The young woman standing amongst the two gentlemen was still standing open-mouthed and gaking at them both. Kiyoshi smiled and chuckled slightly, nodding in her direction. Kyung turned to her and caught his breath for a moment before ushering her to a sit. "I have not seen Kiyoshi-sama smile so much since the vine came back to life." Kyung slid the small wooden chair forward as the woman sat down. "I should go, Kiyoshi-sama." Kiyoshi's smile dipped to an almost frown as he slowly put the jug back and closed the cupboard. "Of course," Kiyoshi lowered his head as he lifted his small saucer up to his lips. "Kyung," Kiyoshi finished his saki, set the saucer down, and turned to look at the young man standing in front of the door. The young man raised his eyes brows to show that he was ready to receive whatever Kiyoshi had to tell him. "Please water our dear friends along the edges of the cabin, they are terribly thirsty." Kiyoshi smiled softly again as Kyung nodded his head as he left the cabin. "This is quite a place." The girl suddenly spoke as Kiyoshi was cleaning out his small saucer. Kiyoshi turned his head towards the young girl, watching her looking around his very cluttered cabin. She seemed a little uneasy being amongst so many plants. He looked about and smiled at his dear friends before taking a sit before her. "Why have you come so far to see Kiyoshi Kozue?" Kiyoshi neatly tucked his hands on his lap, under the table as he humblely looked at the woman before him. She was fair skinned with ebony hair. A charming girl with quite a personality. "The Emperor has sent me." "And what does he want from a humble creature such as myself?" [/COLOR] OOC: I hope this does for now. Sorry it took so long for me to post, couldn't think of a thing to write. :animestun[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Hey Astdis, Yeah, I kept losing so many characters during the run of Thinning Time that I decided to allow the second chapter of AMD to die. But I plan to start the third and final chapter some time this fall. Hope to see you back :animesmil Thank you, DC[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Kalei let out a deep groan as Malik shoved her up against a wall, a stiff crack seeping from behind her. Kalei tilted her head up, glaring at him intensely as he forced her shoulders against the wall with his massive hands. He looked down at her, a devilish smirk creasing his face. ?Just like old times, huh Kalei?? The massive and dark man chuckled as he ran his eyes carefully over every curve of the very well figured woman standing before him. ?Not quite,? she growled, thrusting her knee up in an attempt to knock him to his knees, but she failed to hit her target when he clamped his legs around her thigh. ?Now, now Love. There?s no reason for that.? The words that left his faint colored lips were deep and seductive. He lowered his head and ran the tip of his nose from the base of her neck up along the tender flesh until he was behind her ear. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out in a satisfying moan before Kalei began to struggle to get away from him. Malik pulled his head back and chuckled slightly, moving his right hand onto Kalei?s neck and shoving his weight into it. She gaged, slamming her palms into his shoulders, and digging her nails into the satin fabric of his shirt. His smile brighten at the twinge of pain that swam around his shoulders as he brought his left hand up towards Kalei?s face. ?You were always such a tease,? he growled softly. He delicately pushed her bangs from her eyes, his long nails sliding sweetly across her forehead. She did nothing, but stared up into his dark red eyes. They were so familiar, those soothing and loving eyes that burned with lust and hate. Malik began to squeeze the hand around Kalei?s throat, digging his long nails into the tender flesh. Blood droplets slowly drizzled down her neck, streaking her white flesh red. Kalei opened her mouth as she gasped for breath. She brought both her hands back, one firmly placed on his wrist, the other on his hand, pulling desperately on them both. Malik cocked his head to the side as he watched her.[/COLOR] [CENTER]********************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed]?What are you doing here?? Kalei said with a slight hint of concern as she took in the sight of the most attractive man she had ever seen in her short seventeen years of life. ?I had to see you.? He whispered as he leaned over the counter, glancing behind him briefly to make sure no one was watching. ?You can?t be here. What if they find you?? Kalei stepped away from the counter, looking down into his ruby red eyes as he stared up at her lovingly. ?I know, Love, but...I just had to see you. I can?t stand being without you. Let the world mock me, but I will never allow them to tear us apart.? The man reached out and grasped both her hands, drawing her towards him. Kalei melted with his touch, slumping forward and holding her face mere inches from his face. Her eyes darted back and forth from one eye to the other. A playful smile darted across her lips as she could feel him rubbing the back of her hands with his thumbs. ?Kalei, who?s out there?? A shaky voice called from the back of the small bookstore. ?Just a customer, Nana.? Kalei called back, darting away from the man before her. ?Come with me, Kalei. Be at my side as I walk the night. I don?t want to be alone any more.? The man stood, he towered over her, making her look like a child compared to him. He looked to be about twenty or so, but he was truly over three hundred years old. ?I can?t, Malik. I have to tend to the store. Nana can?t do it alone.? Kalei turned from him, grabbing the few books that sat on the counter top. ?Its 10 at night, Lover. You shouldn?t be in this shop any more. You?re young. You should be enjoying the night with me as your eternal lover.? Malik slid around the counter and gathered Kalei into his arms. He cradled her small body into his, feeling her heart beat against his abdomen. She brought a single hand up and placed it tenderly onto his rounded chest. She could feel it rise and fall with every breath he took, smiling when she remembered that he had no heart beat any more. Kalei stepped back, keeping her hands on his arms as she looked up into his eyes again and smiled ever so brightly. He searched her expression as she closed her eyes. He watched intently, a slight expression of worry creasing his face as he suddenly felt Kalei dig her nails into his pale arms. He held onto her arms tightly as she suddenly went white and fell into his chest. ?Kalei...Love...talk to me?? Malik picked her up, her head falling back lifelessly as her eyes slowly opened and a faint smile sliding across her face. ?Now I may follow you to where ever you may go this evening,? she whispered. Malik looked up to see what appeared to be Kalei, behind the counter, collecting the books that Kalei had dropped earlier. ?What have you done??Malik slid his hand tenderly behind Kalei?s head as he helped her to stand again. ?I am a Wakanda, we are able to create clones of ourselves, but they tend to drain our bodies.? Kalei stood, a little wobbly at first, before starting towards the door. ?Will Nana know its not you?? Malik said, looking back at the clone. Kalei smiled devilishly as she called Malik to her. ?I have mastered that technic beyond Nana?s abilities. She?ll never know the difference.? Malik smiled and bent down, kissing Kalei passionately.[/COLOR] [CENTER]******************************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Kalei?s hands fell to her side, her face turning colors. Malik squinted his eyes, knowing this was far too easy. That?s when Kalei brought both her hands up and slammed them into Malik?s chest. The vampire lord flew back, his back slamming into a wall and creating a rather spacious hole. Kalei fell to her knees, clutching her throat and gasping for breath. A malicious laugh crept from where Malik landed. Kalei looked up to see Malik in a state of complete insanity, his suit smoking from where Kalei had hit him. ?I knew you were giving up to easily.? He threw his head back, his eyes burning brighter than they were before as a swarm of men circled around Kalei. They dragged her to her feet and cuffed her hands behind her back. Malik stood and brushed himself off as he walked towards her. She watched every step he took, elegant and powerful as he came to tower over her once more. ?Let?s see how powerful your Wakanda are when they?re greatest power is gone.? Malik smiled as he dipped his finger tips into his mouth to lick Kalei?s blood from them.[/COLOR] [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Welcome RPGers to Love Me, Mr. Death. A thrilling new story from your creator, DC. This story is about a pair of star-crossed lovers and how they must fight for what they believe. Set in the present time, the war that wages between the creatures of the night and the Wakanda (a human sub-species that can weald magic) is a hidden war. And why has such a hatred divided two very similar species into an all out war? The Human Race. Vampires wish to enslave them for food as humans have animals, while the Wakanda fight to keep them free. Though the war goes unseen by most human eyes, there are some that do fight alongside the Wakanda and some that fight with the Vampires in hopes to become one of their eternal subjects. Now, in other stories I?m sure you?ve heard how humans were able to make bullets able to stop the creatures of the night, but not in this one. The only way to kill a vampire by a human is to drive a wooden stack through their heart. Whether it be by cross bow or sheer force, it works the same. Despite this obvious disadvantage, Wakanda have discovered that their magic welding could become strong enough to take the life of vampires weaker than themselves by various displays of power. Some can create sunlight, others holy water from the thin air, or wooden stakes and send them through the hearts of their enemies. Then there are those like Kalei, rare as they are, that can pull the very thing that keeps a vampire alive from them. There is only one that knows the hidden secrets to this powerful talent, and only one vampire that is strong enough to resist it, Malik. But even with such a power there comes a price. Once using it, the user is temporarily left with a state of insanity losing control of their body and mind. This can last for mere seconds or days, depending on the power of the vampire. Other needed information for the creation of your characters would be: Wakanda can live for about a thousand years and the likely hood of twins or a child born within five years of each other is extremely rare. Most Wakanda specialize in one, or two elements at most, for their magic using. The elements are Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Light, and Dark. Vampires have the usual abilities: extreme speed and strength, the power to seduce those weak of heart/spirit. Please no magic using for vampires and there will be no combinations of Wakanda and Vampires, but human/vampires will be acceptable. If you have any other ideas that were not listed feel free to PM me and we can discuss it. [CENTER]Rules: 1: There will be no God-molding by myself or any other character. 2: There will be no killing of another character unless directed by the Rper or myself. 3: What I say, goes, do not argue with me or your character will be destroyed. 4: Be creative and have fun! [/CENTER] What I need from you: (the character names listed below must be Pmed before signing up for them. Those that are reserved know which character is their?s and don?t have to PM me.) Katima: a very powerful Wakanda who fights closely by Kalei?s side. Said to be about 16-17. (Reserved) Tegan: yet another powerful Wakanda who fights equally close to Kalei. Said to be about 16-17 (reserved) Colin: a human male that fights alongside the Wakanda. Malik (reserved) Kabira: Malik?s vampire mistress. (reserved) Phineas: Malik?s right hand man. And willing to take other characters in as well. Kalei will be played by me and I will post my sign up shortly after others have joined.[/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Sign ups: Name: Gender: Race: (vampire, wakanda, human) Position: (which side of the war are you on) Ability: (Wakands: which element can you control and what can you do with it. Vampires: what you specialize in like strength or speed. Humans: use of weapons, loyality ect) Appearance: (pics/describition) Personality: Character Snippets: (show me what you got and what you're character is made of)[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial Narrow][B]Hold[/B] Wow...that was a tad um...out there. Sounds like suicide to me, but of course I could be wrong. The way it was written was well enough, a little hard to follow, but that could just be me as well. Love gone wrong? [B]Worst Seat in the House[/B] Now, I'm not really sure what to say about this one. Some one is unable to be with you because of "death" I'm guessing. Ah...making an idiot of myself, shutting up now. I likes the two stanza theme. Tis good :) [B]Unspoken Love[/B] I've lived through this before...or something close to it. Except I was on the other end of it. I had a guy chasing after me since I was young and not until I realized that I did "love" him in return was it too late. He had finally taken another into his life and moved on. Ironic how life is like that, huh? [B]Happy Ending[/B] Gees...talk about depressing. And a tad morbid. Not really sure what to say about this one either. The structure is different. With the one line after long stanza, but its good. *ndos* [B]"I can't make this deal with the devil because I know, he's on your side."[/B] I love this quote. Just seems to fight so perfectly into the world, at least in my world. This one is my favorite thus far, *nod nod* [B]Tonight's the Night[/B] I really like this "short story" as I would call it. Truly shows how deep your emotions run for this girl and it must have been when you were really young because I don't know too many that still have such passion at an older age. Unless they didn't start liking/dating until they were much much older and never experincing the lesson know as heart ache. Over all, I loves your work, Love. Can't wait to see more. Much Love, DC[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Thank you Sage for stopping by, and I look forward to your comments in the future. :animesmil Dear, dear Kamuro, how well you've interrupted my work. One could look at it in a negative light, but I shall see only the good. Some one to talk to freely about the harsh world that comes with love. Not sure why I'm so overly obessed with love and its workings. Its been a running trend with my life since I was a little girl. I loved watching romance movies like Grease ect. But as I grew older I realized that the real world does not work like the story books. Sadly enough to say. Well here is some new works. Another poem about the fading light of love for some one who never truly loved me in return. Hate it when that happens. What was that quote again, read it in a short story about the Lockness Monster...in short it said something along these lines "There's always some one out there long for some one who doesn't care, and in the end they try to destory it to stop the pain" Yeah...not those excat words, but close. Anyways, here's my next piece. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][U][B]In Front of Me[/B][/U] Lost in the world Of fading memories The glory of the warmth That left your lips that night And though I lay alone To dream of better days Your memory still burns bright I?ve been traveling On the barren streets of love Not a soul to be found And though I weep silent tears Of unforseen pain I know that your wounds Still burn brightly in my eyes And I can?t seem to find my way And all my joy left that day Holding onto nothing Desiring for regret And I miss you more than ever Even though you stand before me now Hope did not shine in your woeful eyes Like the stories told By those before me Saw your breaking point With wounds screaming loud But I was of no help to you You feel to your knees Begging for mercy And I could only show you pain The temptation of my lips And the thickness in my hips Was a lovely destraction From all the pain And I can?t seem to find my way And all my joy left that day Holding onto nothing Desiring for regret And I miss you more than ever Even though you stand before me now What can I say I?ve lost my way Your scars burn brightly And I?m stuck on that day Holding onto nothing Desiring for regret And I miss you Yeah I said I miss you More than ever Even though I see you Standing in front of me[/CENTER][/COLOR] My next piece is a short story I wrote about four years ago about a dragon's love for a human. Of course my style has changed and my overall writing has improved, but I very much enjoy the story and meaning behind it. I hope you all enjoy it just as much I as I have. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][U][B]The Heart of a Dragon[/B][/U][/CENTER] ?Shut up! I?m trying to tell these humans why I?m here, in heaven, and not still living on the earth. Gees?centaurs these days.? I turned to face the two young humans. Well, they weren?t that young, but compared to me they were. ?Now, where was I?? ?You ended by saying like you died for us, I mean mankind.? Said one of the humans. ?Ah, yes?I give my life for you ungrateful creatures. I won?t start from the beginning because it will take to long. I had lived on the earth, protecting humans for a living. I loved humans. They were my favorite creatures. They were so much different, than any of the creatures I knew about. They just were so much different. I could look at a human and none of them would be perfect, like unicorns or my kind. They were so not perfect they were perfect. ?Though I risked my life for them. They still continued to hunt me down, as if I was the blood- thirsty hellhound. I had saved many female humans in the day and quite a few males. But one day I met a male human that was so much different then any I had ever met. Before him I kept my emotions out of my rescue missions, so not to be heart by their unkindness. ?But I must admit that I had fallen for a couple of male humans. But nothing compared to the feelings I had for this one. He was shorter than most of the males I had encountered before he. He had short sandy hair with these dazzling blue eyes. He went by the name of Damion. It?s so hard to describe him any farther. His personality was something else.? ?Does he still live on the earth?? asked the other human. ?Of course. When I lived there, he would come to my cave every now and again and tell me his stories about his adventures. He would tell me of how the fair mermaids had swept him off his feet and how much he liked this one human girl. All the time I was fallen even more in love with him and his kind. Then one day he stopped coming to my cave. I waited for him for two months and he still had not returned to talk to me. Just before three months had passed I decided to go look for him. I had not stepped one talon outside, when he appeared before my cave. Let?s just say this had happened servial times afterwards. ?One day I decide to see how all the other humans were doing. So one warm summer night I took flight over the land. As I was about to turn around to go home, I saw the huntress, whom had a firm grip on a human. I flew down to her. She snapped, ?this does not concern you, Oceanbreeze?. I looked at her then at the human she had a hold of. It was the human, Damion! ?What has he down to you, Young Huntress?? I asked her. ?He has played me for a foul for the last time. Now he must die!? she answered angrily. Blood slowly oozed from under her nails, which were in bedded in his neck. I closed my eyes for a short moment. ?I will make a deal with you. I will never protect humans against another huntress if?you let this one go? I told her. She looked at him, then at me. She let him go and he tumbled to the ground. Then she said sternly ?I shale kill you if I ever see you trying to stop my kind.? Then she was out of site.? ?So, what did you do?? asked a human. ?I did what I said I would do and that was not to protect my beloved human. All for another human. I hadn?t seen Damion since then and I lived in my own stupidness. I had told myself that I would never turn my backs on the humans just to save one, but I had anyhow. One stormy day, I lay, alone, in my cave. I heard the sound of footsteps I brought my head into the air. Damion rushed into my cave and fell to his knees. He was gasping for air as I approached him. ?Why have you returned to my cave, Damion?? I asked him. He looked up at me, then said, ?You must come?you?re the only one that can stop them!? The cave fell silent. ?Stop who,? I answered. ?Huntresses?they?ve attacked a human village. My home! Where by fair lady lives! Please, oh mighty dragon. Please, help me one last time, Oceanbreeze?!? He stared into my eyes with his. Water dripped from his for head down his face. I lowered my head and closed my eyes. ?I am not helping you, but the other humans.? ?Oh thank you, Oceanbreeze. May the high powers have mercy on your soul, because you have done no wrong in this world.? ?I lowered by body to the ground so he could climb on. When he was comfortable on my shoulders, I raced out of my cave and jumped into the stormy sky. The rain poured down onto my body and soaked my face. ?There?there it is.? He shouted. There below us humans and huntresses collided. Humans lay every where and time was running out. I darted towards the village and shot a cloud of fire towards the huntresses. The humans ran into their homes while the huntresses prepared to face my rage. I landed on top of a very large stone home. I let Damion off and told him to run to his lady. Once he was gone, I leaped into the air and began to shoot fireballs at the huntresses making sure not to hit the buildings. But I knew I was bond to make a mistake and I did. I flew to close to the ground and the huntresses jumped onto me. I fought with all I had as I hurled to the ground. I was lucky that there weren?t that many huntresses. I was able to kill them all including Young Huntress. ?I fell in the center of the village on able to move. I could slowly see the humans coming out of their homes. They stared at me with fear in their eyes. Then suddenly they rushed toward me and began to beat me with knives and clubs. They were killing me, even after I had saved their miserable lives.? ?Where was Damion?? asked one the humans. ?He stood with his lady and watched them kill me! He didn?t even tried to stop them. He just stood and watched. Well that?s how I died. Well?I must be going. Nice talking to you.? I turned around and joined up with the centaur I yelled at earlier. ?What is the point of telling them all that.? He asked. ?Oh?they won?t be staying here long. It?s not their time. I?m hoping they can change how humans feel about us dragons. Because we really do care. Well?at least I know that I do.? [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Arial Narrow][CENTER]Name: Kiyoshi Kozue Age: 23 Gender: Male Role: Tortoise Appearance: [URL=http://www.game-loader.de/psycko-manga/grafix/gallery/guy5/set5.jpg]Kiyoshi[/URL](minus the wings) Kiyoshi stands at an amazing 6' 3" with a well defined body. Not overly muscled, and his light weight makes it easy for him to seemingly fly around his opponent during battle. He can perform arrial manovers with spins, flips and various other stunts with little effort. With the talent to manipulate the Earth's surface, one would find Kiyoshi to be a bird instead of a stead-fast tree. Usually found in Earthy-tones of green, brown, gold, bronze, or black. Rarely ever seen in white or vibrant colors, though he adores his brightly colored flowers. Weapon: [URL=http://www.weaponmasters.com/?ID=WEAPONS&FDX=&FMAX=&SORT=&ITEM=KR-6&LOCATION=PHOTOS]Kumi[/URL] Power: The Earth has an energy that runs through its many veins and heart; a power never truly seen for what it is. The simple beauty of bringing a strak red rose to life again or intwinning an enemy within the darkest green vines one had ever seen. The simple notion of one moving the massive rocks and soil apart to create holes that trap its victim in an eternal grave. But the greatest trick of them all is to become like a camelleon of sorts, blending in with one's surroundings, becoming one's surroundings. Swaying with the breeze and russling one's leaves. A tree, a bush, a shrub or a simple dirt path is all one needs to become as one with the Earth. Personality: A quiet, reserved man, Kiyoshi seems to be cold or stoned face at times, but he truly has a heart of gold. He was said to have loved his fellow assassin's lover, Shakaku, and would send her the most beautiful roses every evening, adding an additional flower every full moon. But once the Dragon took her as his lover, Kiyoshi hid his undying love for the Phoenix and stopped creating his delicate roses. Kiyoshi has few words to say to any human companion he may keep, which for the past five years has only been his disciple. Kiyoshi has been seen cooing to the planets that he usually surrounds himself with, talking to them as old friends or a lover. His words falling so passionately from his fine lips. But Kiyoshi holds a secret that only his commrades in battle have seen. A dark side, full of rage and unbridled burtallity. Once he has lost himself in his vicious, blood thirsty mind-set it is almost impossible to pull him back out until he fullfills his lust. Character Snippit: "Are you sure you're alright?" A fair haired woman walked up to a knelt boy, his sandy colored hair hanging over his eyes. The boy only nodded as he ran his finger tips across the very tops of the blades of grass that lay before him. They seem to reach out to him, thirst for his touch as he played with their delicate leafy structure. The woman watched him curiously, but said nothing as she bent down and grabbed a hold of his right arm. At first, the boy did not move, but stayed in his knelt postion. The woman tugged on his arm again before he reluctantly stood, still keeping his eyes hidden. The woman checked him over quickly before taking a deep sigh of relief. "You seemed unharmed," she smiled sweetly. "The grass broke my fall." The flat, almost stone like mannerisms of the boy's voice was almost frightening at first, but as he continued to talk of the planets that seemed so insignifigent the woman could do nothing but smile. "You seem to have a great fondness for the planets." She slowly reached forward and locked her fingers under the boy's chin. She pushed slowly up until his eyes were able to stare into her's clearly. "I do love them so." He smiled ever so brightly at her. Disciple?: *lowers head softly* it shall be an honor.[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow] If I am able to join this RPG, I must warn you that my post will be less frequent then the other players, but I promise to make up for that in quailty.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Hello every one, DC here. Decided to start my reappearance on the OB here in the Anthology. Not sure how many of you will actually read this thread and reply, but I'm hoping a few so I can continue this thread for awhile. So anyways, before I start I want to warn you all that the reason for the M-rating is because some of my work is very graphic and violent. I do have a tendicy to swear frequently in my more passionate writing. The reason for that is because my work (which will be short stories, poetry, and songs) tend to reflect how I feel at the moment I write them. They are a way for me to release all that is bottled inside me do to the fact that I have yet to learn how to express myself through verbal comminucation. I will give brief decribitions at the end of each piece, but I would still like to see how to connected to them and/or felt when reading them. Thank you :)[/FONT] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow][U][B]Felt Compelled[/B][/U] I?m not sure why To sit here this night 3,000 miles away And tell you a tale That I?m sure you know better than me Of heart ache And half truths The burden we all bare I wanted to share a poem with you That went with a story called Angels Must Die A story of betrayal And love The truth of the forgotten And the deceit of the forever Though I know a hatred burns inside you I hope that you will listen To the soft tale the following poem whispers Because I think it holds true In more than just one girl?s world [I]Bitter sweet pain Envelopes itself around me And all I can think about Is your touch There is no blood thirsty regret That lays heavy on my shoulders As it does yours I'm free to admit That my heart belongs to you Go ahead And tell me another lie For I'll believe it Until the day I die I did not ask to love you Only to hold your hand And share your pain To take flight Or battle the light Wait out the dark Or enter the night I will love you Until my dying breath[/I] And though one girl's pain Has evolved into what is now hate She still continues to carry the burden We all wish to forget The truth behind the story books The lies our faiths have took A thing we all long for But yet never strive hard enough to achieve Cursed thing it is Bringing upon such pain But we all wish for it All want it And are willing to kill for it Love May it be with you always[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow]I wrote this little poem talking about my very popular RPG "Angels Must Die". I had realized one night, while re-reading some of the posts in the first chapter, how much it talked about the struggles of the heart and soul, and I felt that a once very dear friend of mine should here that even though we had grown apart, I would still always love them.[/FONT] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow][U][B]Giving It Away[/B][/U] Clutch me tight, oh valiant lord Stick your hand up my shirt Take hold, oh yes, there Can you feel it? Yes you can! Damn you Damn you to hell, my precious love Your firm grasp so sweet Your taste oh how succulent Fuck me like you do Because I?ve always been worthless To you Yeah Can you feel my chest Rise and fall Faster as you press against me Ah, that?s how I like it Feel my warmth How I ready for you Damn you to hell To hell, my precious love Your firm grasp is so sweet Your taste oh how succulent (Oh please) Fuck me like you do Because (you always did) I?ve always been worthless To you, to you baby Oh now you?re through You?ve had your fill of me Crying out for you to come back To return to me But, oh how you don?t For you misunderstood my invitation You fucked me Not loved me! Damn you To hell, my precious love Your firm grasp so sweet (so sweet) Your taste oh how succulent (succulent) Fuck me like you do (oh like you do) Because I?ve always been worthless Yeah, I said worthless To you (But you meant the world to me)[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow]Um...well I must say that I rather enjoy this piece of work, despite the fact that its really violent and bitter. You'll find a few of these that will pop up with my work. Hopefully I can find a little bit more cheery piece for the last one of this post.[/FONT] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][U]The Obession[/U][/B] As we seem to joke Has brought my yet another burden to bear And though my love grows stronger With each passing day I seem to find myself slipping from you A numbness Creeps up on me Filled with bitterness And uncontrolled anger The feeling growing faint My obsession slipping away But then when embraced in your touch Your glory of words I seem drawn back into it Though I know I?ll never have you I can?t seem to stop Entertaining the thoughts Of making love to you Just one more time[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow]Not as cheery as I was hoping, but better than last one, right? Well I hope you enjoyed at least one of these and I hope to see some pretty comments, good or bad. If you didn't like them, please feel free to state so and why you feel that way. I like people to express themselves freely, especially about my work. Thank you, DC[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial Narrow]I love how every one keeps calling your work morbid. If they only knew ;) I enjoyed all your work, but I don't have much to say at this moment in time. I shall edit this when my brain is working again.[/FONT]
  9. I loves it!! Tis amazing!! Thank you so very much!! :animesmil
  10. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Hey my lovely OB people. Well I have yet to figure out how to work Adobe Photoshop so I have been unable to create my own work yet...*grumbles*. So I must still rely on the wonderful and talented work of the various artist on this fine site. I'm looking for a Wolf's Rain themed avi/banner set. I have a couple pictures attached, but you are not limited to these. I would like something blue/gray, almost sad, but not depressing or bloody. Hmm...can't think of much else. If you have any questions you can either PM me or place it on this thread. Thank you oh so much![/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Navy]Valeria stretched her arms out as she sat up in her feathered bed. She ran her slender fingers through her long black hair. She tilted her head to see if Drake was still in bed, but he had already vanished and was doing his various duties. "Are you awake, my mistress," Asher's gentle voice slid from the door way and into the room. The young girl turned her head to see the blonde boys bright eyes staring at her. "Fetch my brush." Valeria said simply. The elven boy nodded as he slid through the small opening in the door and closed it behind him quietly. He rushed across the red carpet, collected a brush that sat on a vanity, and made it hastily back over to Valeria. Valeria slid forward, wrapping the thin red sheet around her naked body as Asher climbed up behind her. He struggled to keep his focus on the brush and running it gently through her long hair, instead of staring at her bare back. He could feel his heart starting to race and the hairs on the back of his neck starting to rise. Valeria smirked as Asher ran the brush a few more times through her hair before swirling around. Asher stumbled back, catching himself with his hands. Valeria crawled above him, the sheet seperating their bodies as she stared down into the boy's eyes. "You think I'm dumb?" Valeria said with some sting to her words. "No," Asher stuttered. "Then you should learn to control," she paused for a brief moment as she ran her hand up Asher's thigh. "Yourself better." Valeria crawled off the bed and started towards her vanity. Asher laid on the bed for a moment longer before slidding off the bed and sneeking out the door. Valeria smiled as she turned her head just in time to see the door click shut. [CENTER]******************************[/CENTER] Valeria was dressed in a fine black satin dress with delicate looking formal saddles. Her hair was loose around her face and across the long dip in her gown. The fabric laid perfectly on her firmly curvy frame and swayed with every step she took. Her shoes made a bit of noise as she made her way through the main lobby and towards Drake's study. Valeria looked down for a bried second to smooth a wrinkle in the mid-section of her dress and suddenly slammed into something. She stumbled back and nearly fell onto her butt before catching her balance again. She threw her head up, sending her hair flying behind her, as she looked up to see what she had run into. Her fiercious snarl turned to a wicked smile when she realized who she had bumped into. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Bach." "Mistress," the dark haired, human-like man lowered his head. "Are you alright?" "Fine," she said, standing up straight and smoothing her dress. She brighten her smile as she playfully looked Bach over. "You were just with Master Drake," Valeria said after taking a deep breath through her nose. "Yes," Bach said simply. Valeria tightened the distance between the two of them, leaving a space of maybe half an inch between their bodies. Bach looked down at the human appearance of the well-known werewolf as she stared back into his eyes. Valeria brought her hands up, wrapping one arm around Bach's neck and placing the other firmly against his chest. "You smell delicious." Valeria licked her lips. "Can I help you, mistress?" Bach replied. "No," Valeria smiled playfully as she ran her fingers across his chest as she slipped past him and nearly running into a red dressed angel. "Watch where you're going." Valeria growled as she shoved the girl to the floor. "I am sorry, Mistress. I did not--" the woman began to stammer. "No excuses." Valeria growled as she continued towards Drake's study, passing a Yael along the way. Valeria slowly entered the study to stare at her Lord. He was elegantly dressed and his stare so warm. "Ah, my dear Valeria, you look splendid today."[/COLOR][/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow][I]?God fears the destruction you will cause.? What destruction could one Guardian possibly hope to cause that would make the Almighty fear them? I remembered the night Jacob, the Guardian that came to me when Hell spat me out, told of how the Earth had changed. His strength and beauty sweeping over me, preventing my first attempt at suicide. If only I knew then what I know now, I?m sure things would have been far different. I spent nearly five centuries in the Pits of Hell, my only companion was the Morning Star, Lucifer. He was sent to retrieve me as I attempted to escape from Hell over and over again. I think the Fallen Angel saw something in me that reminded him of himself and that?s what really drew him to me. Whatever the reason was, it didn?t matter any more, he wasn?t going to be harming any one, mortal or immortal, again. Where should I start, there?s so many things that have happened in the last couple of months. I suppose I could start at the beginning. I was born during the reign of the Ancient Greeks. They were an amazing culture. I was raised, throughout my many lives, by a group of angels. Ezeqeel, Padeal, Camael, Haziel, Israfel, Jermiel, Ketheriel, Nahaliel, Raphael, and Sartael. The closest of all twelve Angels were Oriel and Adiol. They were my greatest teachers; Adiol being there since the very beginning of it all. I guess that was one of the reasons the Angel learned compassion that later turned into love. Oriel, well she had become my personal Angel, my Guardian How naive I was to really believe I could trust them with every last breath I took. I went about protecting the Earth and humanity for many years completely loyal and never questioning who and what I was. Or what God had in store for me. As my soul grew, forgetting most of what it knew, I slowly began to learn the power I truly had. I had free-will, like that of humans. Well, honestly everything has free-will, but most tend not to acknowledge it, for whatever reason. But it was different. I started to wonder why I was made to kill, over and over again, never being able to partake in the small things, like raising a family or enjoying love. My abilities grew and so did my mind, and the Angels were starting to fear that I was going to try and over throw Heaven like that of Lucifer. So they devised a plan, they would send the one that knew me best into a human body, to tempt me into human desires. But there was one flaw with their plan, the Angel that was chosen had different plans. I did not know at the time that the man I had come to love and worship was the Angel Adiol, the Hand of God. Our love was real and far too real for the Angels to allow it to continue. Caleb, the body Adiol had taken, and I went into a mission given to us by Oriel. A suicide. The Angels tried to disguise themselves as humans, but I had learn to see through their tricks. Try as we may, Caleb and I could not defeat them, and I watched as my love, the one thing that matter to me more than anything, die in my arms. That was only the beginning of my torment. I created an army and plagued the Earth with destruction and suffering. I wanted them all to know what it was like to lose the things they held closest to them. My hatred grew, and I found myself numb to everything, forgetting the reason why I was slaughtering innocents in the first place. That?s when I saw Adiol and the others stand before me. Slaughtered me like a common demon as he whispered to me that he loved me and he was Caleb. That?s how I found my way in the Pits of Hell and into Lucifer?s grasp. But they couldn?t contain me and the world was going to feel my wrath. When I resurfaced onto Earth, I was suppose to have learned compassion through my torture, but found the fuel I needed to truly seek out the Angel that had destroyed my whole world. Jacob, back to him again are we. He brought to me followers, of all races, to help aid me in my battle to show the world that it cannot control everything. David was the first of them. A massive Grigori half breed from Spain. He was hideous to look at, but his soul was so giving. He treated me like his mother, though he was far older than I, and was willing to give his life for me. When we met his family we realized that the man had been raised to serve for me. I made a promise that day, to his real mother, that I would die before her son met harm. Even if that promise was false, I was going to try everything in my power to uphold it. Then there was Amber. Thirteen year old girl born to wealthy parents with a hidden secret that not even I had seen at first. She was beautiful and her soul tainted with bloodshed from a previous life. She was young, even her soul, but oh so loyal. She was willing to take a full fledged attack from Oriel, my Guardian Angel, but thanks to her hidden gift she was spared, as was I. The best part was her ridiculous crush on the Guardian Jacob. Try as she may, she was never going to win his heart, and she knew that and a part of her excepted it. Then there was Ben. A human from God only knows where. A soul so defiant, but with hidden compassion. He came to us in the very beginning of my journey, once I was brought back to Earth. We had a short run in with a blade and I have a nice scar in my shoulder from it. Helped save my life after my second attempt at suicide. He and Jacob. If it weren?t for those two, I?m sure as Hell would be back in the Pits again. Though I was unconscious and in a deep coma, I can still remember the words they spoke before I awoke again."What drove her to this point? I thought she wanted revenge or something." Ben had asked Jacob, and Jacob replied splendidly with:"She does, but what revenge is worth all the betrayal and death that it causes? She lost the last thing she held dear to her and..." Of course Jacob later told of the vision I had while he was trapped within my mind. He had seen some of my deepest truths that night, while I laid on my death bed, and I showed him my greatest fear: That Jacob would be the one to kill me once the world was in utter chaos from my own hands. He vowed that it would never happen, but he was wrong. We lost Ben after the next night that followed. I came to, from the help of Adiol, to see Lucifer and Jacob sitting over my bed. That damned Fallen Angel was out to kill me so he could go back to Hell, but not this time. And that was the first time I saw Kadar, the reincarnation of the human loyalist leader that helped destroy my army so many centuries ago. His final words before leaving me were: "One other thing, Reoan. You look beautiful when you smile." And though I?ll probably never understand why he said it, it was the last time I had seen him. Was hoping to run into him again, maybe see him in a battle against my blade or fight alongside me. He gave his massive silver sword, the one that helped struck down the wicked, to Jacob, and the two instantly were one. It wasn?t long after that when we, Amber, Jacob, David and I went searching for the Angels. A Guardian I had met earlier on in this life, Rubedo, had killed one of the Angels I was seeking, Ezeqeel. It infuriated me, but I allowed it to pass for the moment. I could feel my true strength starting to show when we arrived in France on a ship. The world was in chaos with the threat of war and I had to use ?Smite Me?, a technique I had learned many, many lifetimes ago. It drew all my energy, and the energy surrounding me, into the center of my body. Once filled to its max I would release it, uttering the words ?Smite Me?. Black, orb like objects larger than a man would shoot from my body and dart in and out of whatever creature was in its path. The orbs would steal the souls of the body into went to and send them to Purgatory for judgement. If they had lived a fruitful life and were relatively innocent, they were sent back to their bodies. If not, they were sent to Hell. The only problem is the technique does not work on Demons or Angels that are in disburse for they have already been judged. While in France I got my first taste at revenge. Ah, the beautiful sensation of all your senses heighten to the max as she spill the blood of the wicked. It had been so very long. Padeal was my first. Then off to Spain for Raphael, where I would meet Asariel, such an amazing Fallen, and Kraven, a demon. Now you would think that Asariel, the one that seems to take my breath away, would be someone I trust over a demon. But how it isn?t so. I know that Fallen traitor is up to something. While Kraven may have the biggest problem with those that I was traveling, I would trust him with my life over the Fallen. The battle with Raphael left the Angel wingless and dying in one of Spain?s biggest rivers. If he survived, well I truly wouldn?t know. Now soon after Asariel and Kraven teamed up with us, we split up in search for Astaroth and Oriel. While Kraven led Asariel, David, and K, a Zodiac stray, went out to find the Duke of Hell; myself, Jacob, and Amber went off to find Oriel. That?s when I found out that Amber was more than just a demon. And back to the task at hand. Jacob, Azrael and Lucifer. Two dead, and one dying in a hospital bed. And you think I?m the one who caused it all?[/I] Reoan turned her head towards the agent and smiled wickedly. The man and the woman that were in the room stared blankly at the young woman that sat in the questioning room. Blood covered her body, along with sweat and dirt, but some how she still managed to smile at them. ?You?ve got to be kidding me.? The woman spat, as she made her way across the room and slammed her hand onto the metal desk that sat before Reoan. Reoan brought her eyes up to the heavenly blonde woman, dressed in a light brown dress suite. ?You want to test me?? Reoan sneered, but managing still to keep her smile on her face. ?Now wait a minute, Joeann. Let?s listen to the rest of her tall tale here.? The man standing next to the door said softly. The woman glared at Reoan and pushed away from the desk. ?Continue,? the man motioned towards Reoan. ?I did have a hand in Azrael?s demise and Lucifer?s shortcomings, but I did not, nor will I ever claim to have a hand in the death of Jacob. That ungrateful bastard, Lucifer was the one to kill him, Kraven and I gave him what he deserved.? Reoan growled as she stood up. Both agents pulling their guns and pointing them at the ex-Guardian. Reoan brought her chin down and stared up at the two people in the room. Suddenly a stiff breeze began to whirl around in the room, both humans spinning around to see where it was coming from. A voice called over the loudspeaker to find out what was going on, but no one knew. The metal door flew open as Reoan finished summoning the energy she needed. Reoan threw her arms behind her as she screamed out ?SMITE ME?. The black orb-like structure shot from her body and raced through the building. Reoan doubled over, out of breath as she watched four people drop to the floor below. She smiled as she slowly made her way through the complex. Bodies dropping every where, gun shots in the background. ?Fools.? She whispered as she searched for Amber and David, stopping every now and again to catch her breath. ?Reoan?? The ex-Guardian turned her head to see a face she hadn?t in quite sometime. ?Well hello, Ben.? Reoan chuckled as she smiled at him. ?Bet you didn?t think you?d see me again.? Ben winked. Reoan shook her head as she made her way over to him and grabbed his arm as an orb flew over head. ?What the Hell are those things?? Ben barked. ?A creation that steals souls.? Reoan said simply. ?Stay close, and they won?t touch you.? She kept a hold of his arm as she started to drag him through the building. ?What are you looking for?? Ben asked suddenly. ?Amber and David.? ?They?re outside. Where?s the Guardian dude.? Reoan turned to him, scowling. Ben throw his hands up defensively as they exited the building. ?Reoan!? Amber shouted as she ran up to the ex-Guardian and threw her arms around Reoan?s waist. ?Where?s Kraven and the other two.? Reoan said bitterly. ?We don?t know.? David chimmed in. Reoan looked up at him just in time to have all the black orbs rush into her body at once. She lost her balance and fell forward, Ben catching her just before she hit the sidewalk.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Tis great, Fallen.[/FONT]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial Narrow]Sariel eased herself around another corner and slowly made her way down yet another corridor. [I]Where the hell was every one.[/I] She cursed to herself after not seeing any one since her last encounter where she aquired her flashlight. There was a sudden and distinct sound that came from her pocket. She wrinkled her brow and looked down at her pants. She holstered her gun and placed the flashlight in her right hand as she reached down towards her pocket with her left. It was her organizer, and an unknown number was flashing on it. She pressed a botton and placed it to her ear. "Sariel!" she heard someone shout. "Gabriel?" Sariel asked cautiously. "Yeah," he replied, going quiet as gun shots could be heard in the background. "Gabriel!" Sariel tried desperately to keep her voice in check so not to make her where-abouts known. "Can you track this call?" Gabriel said suddenly, his breath rapid. Sariel pulled the organizer away from her ear as she rapidly searched through the features of it. Suddenly it popped up, a small red beckon flashing nearly on the other side of the city. "Gabriel?" She asked as she placed the organizer back up to her ear. "Any luck?" He said after a few seconds. "Yes, but you have to keep the phone on, otherwise I'll lose the signal." Sariel said as she started back down the hallway. "Not......sure......I can.....do that." He said, the sound of gun shots could heard. "Hold on." Sariel pulled the organizer back down. She placed the flashlight into her mouth as she rapidly went through the planner, trying to save the map and the location. "Got it! Gabriel!" She shouted into the phone. "I have the location, we're on our way!" Sariel didn't wait for a reply as she shoved the organizer in her pocket, grabbed her gun and rushed through the halls. She could hear some one speaking as she rounded yet another corner and saw two figures on the floor. She shown the flashlight onto their faces and saw that she recognized one of their faces. "Katrina, I know where Gabriel is." Sariel said calmly, as she caught her breath.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Hope that works for ya, Fallen ;)[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Hey Reiku, I've already started the story in the Square, but you are more than welcome to join us at any point. Just post your sign up down here and run over to the Square and jump right in. Can't wait to have you apart of us![/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=RoyalBlue]?Now that is settle,? Dima excused himself from his chair, carefully watching Valeria. ?I must be going.? Valeria picked her head off her front paws, ears forward as she watched Dima like a watchful guard dog. ?You came all this way just wage an Arena fight?? Drake said with a hint of bitterness. Dima smiled and looked down at Valeria again. The werewolf snarled and bared her fangs, the skin and hair on her snout wrinkling. He chuckled at the beast?s response as he brought his eyes back up to Drake. ?I came to see the stunning Valeria that I have heard so much about. Too bad your party accrued on a full moon, I was hoping to seduce her human form.? Dima allowed a teasing smile to play across his lips. Drake caught his breath at the thought of Dima?s hands on Valeria, whether wolf or human. He glared at the half elf overlord and struggled to gather his composure again. ?Don?t worry, Dima, it?s with dogs that you should lay. But I think this specific one has more class than you.? The sheepish grin that once played on Dima?s face vanished as he leaned against his cane. ?We shall see who really is the one sleeping with dogs,? Dima growled as he started towards the door; Valeria raising to her feet with his quick reaction. ?We shall see you in a month.? Dima waved to Drake as he showed himself out the chamber door. Valeria followed the half elven overlord with her head until he was out of sight. She could hear the varying reactions of the crowd as Dima made his way off the estate. Once satisfied that Dima was far enough from Drake, she swirled around and gave her full attention to her Lord. Drake gave a half smile as he reached out and caressed her head. ?You will win that battle in a month,? his smile faded softly and Valeria creased her face with concern. The vampire overlord said nothing as he stared into the crystal blue eyes of the werewolf. She wondered what he was thinking as a twinge of fear and tension could be felt in the room. ?My Lord?? The click of the door and Asher?s soft voice brought both master and pet to turn their heads. Drake stood suddenly, making Valeria jump back to avoid getting stepped on. Drake rounded the desk and started towards the boy. Valeria turned her body to watch, not sure what was about to transpire. Asher lowered his head as he pushed the door open. Drake nodded and returned to the party, leaving Valeria with Asher. The werewolf tilted her head, her ears forward as Asher turned to watch Drake. ?We should get you upstairs,? Asher said once he heard Valeria whimper softly. He turned to face her, but said nothing more as Valeria started across the floor. Her tail hung low as the rest of her body was a straight line. Her ears pulled slightly back, displaying her dampened mood. Asher took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he watched Valeria walk through the door, following behind her. They took the back tunnel stairs to the fifth and final floor of the mansion. Very few saw this floor for it was Drake?s personal quarters. Not nearly as massive as the floors below, but big enough to house a dozen rooms and three baths. Even though the Fifth Floor, as it was dubbed, housed everything an overlord could want, but Drake spent hardly any time there. Usually only to sleep and dress himself. Occasionally he would bring girls up, usually to fee, and that would be it. Asher opened the door to the Fifth Floor and allowed Valeria to enter. She made her way through the floor, passing some of the servants that were permanent residences of the floor. They paid little to no attention to the massive wolf, some greeting the small elven boy as he passed behind her. ?Hey Asher!? a young lad shouted as he rushed up to the young blonde boy. ?Hello Cugar.? Asher said simply, stopping to allow the boy to catch up to him. Valeria heard the noise and cocked her head back to see what was happening. ?You should ditch the beast and join the guys and I in a game of cards.? The red haired boy clasped Asher?s shoulder with a friendly smile. ?My duty is to my mistress first,? Asher removed Cugar?s hand with a cold precession. ?You?re wasting your life away with that ungrateful monster.? Cugar said bitterly. Asher said nothing as he slid past the boy, following behind Valeria once again. After a short distance, Valeria turned to her left, made her way down a short hall and entered a room at the very end. Asher followed quietly behind her, gathering old blankets and laying fresh ones on Valeria?s bed. The bed was half the size of Drake?s massive bed. Valeria?s bed was a rich red oak with dark colored sheets and blankets. They did well hiding blood if she were to bring any back into her bed. Asher quickly prepared Valeria?s bed and made sure the rest of the room was fit for when Drake made his way up. Valeria stretched and crawled into her bed, Asher making sure the werewolf was comfortable before leaving to his own quarters.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Would ever one wrap up the party please. I would like to go to the next day. Thanks :)[/FONT]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Arial Narrow]Maris bit down into the tender apple in her hand as she walked along the docks. In her other hand was a single back that seemed rather lightly packed. She swung it over her shoulder to disperse the weight a bit as she passed the many people on the wooden docks. Her heeled boats made a bit of racket as she passed both men and women along her journey. "Maris? Where you off to?" A man called from one of the small tent shops. The tall woman took one more bite of her apple and casted it into the salty waters of the sea. She licked her lips and carelessly wiped them clean with her wrist as she approached the tent. Under the cool shade of the cloth over top, Maris looked over the variety of rank smelling fish before her. "Ye should wear such clothes with your appearance." The man said with a hint of warning in it. Maris smiled and looked up at him. She was dressed in loose trousers that had been died a dark green. Her leather boots sprung up from her feet and over the green material of her trousers to create a pillow-like look to them. Her hair was drapped down her muscled back, gently blowing in the salty wind. Her top was a simple white top, barely covering her well-toned stomach and back with a leather cursit holding her breast up. When bending over, it seems as though the well defined woman would fall out, being that there was particually nothing to the top of her shirt what-so-ever, but some how she managed to stay in. "Now why would you say such things, Morris?" Maris said playfully, batting her eyes and giving him a very innocent look. "Don't mock me, child." The man said bitterly and Maris wave a hand at him with discontent. "You take me far too seriously, Morris. You should learn to lighten up." Maris reached up and pulled a small string of fruits for the top of the tent. "And you need to learn how to respect your elders, my dear." Morris said as he snatched the string from her. "And where do you think you're off too?" "Searching for buried treasure." Maris smiled brightly as she placed a hand on her hip. "And where do you plan on getting a ship from?" He said. She pointed to the massive ship in the port and said, "I've decided to join the one newest to our shores." "I don't think it wise, Maris." The man shook a finger at him as he walked over to the other corner to help a customer. "You never think anything is wise, Morris. But I wish for adventure! To see what is out there!" Maris threw her free arm out to elebrate how much she was exiceted. "Now Maris," the Morris said as he walked back over to her. "You know what the world's like. Your safest here." "Morris." Maris said sternly as she started to walk back into the sun. "I want more than I life of killing and revenge. I want to sail the upon seas and search for hidden treasure. Maybe a man will swip me off my feet." She winked and the man chuckled. "Ah, Maris. Still as fool-hearty as ever." He smiled and shook his head. "Go, go and see what trouble you can stir up." He waved her off. "I'll be seein ya, old man." She called back as she started down the pier towards the ship called the Dauntless. Maris looked up at the massive ship as she made her way past the people about the pier. The salt filled air was all too familiar as she made her way up the ramp to the ship. "Halt! Who be ye?" yelled a short man from the ship. "Dorian Maris. I've come to join your crew." Maris shouted up to him. He looked to his side, seemed to be saying something and then motioned for her to come up. She made her way up the long ramp and onto the deck. She could not believe her eyes--the ship was massive! She had been on ships before, but they were toy boats compared to this one. "My name is Ginger." A rather gorgeous woman walked up to Maris and extended her hand. "Dorian Maris, you can call me Maris." Maris smiled, taking the woman's hand and shaking. "Welcome, Maris, to the Dauntless. Would you like me to show you around?" "That would be great." Maris nodded as she looked up at the massive sails that had been pulled and wrapped around the differenting masses. "First time on a ship?" Ginger said as they started to walk along the deck. "No, but I've never seen anything like this." "She's one of a kind." Ginger smiled as they continued along their tour. ********************** Maris flung her small bag onto the large bed that was pressed up against a wall. It was made and looked rather inviting at the moment. Maris smiled as she took the rest of the room in. It was simple, but she liked it. Nothing too over the top or too plain. It could do with a few rugs and some priceless treasures before it truly became her room. Maris dug through her bag and pulled out a small leather book and tossed it onto the desk as she searched for her ink and pen. Sitting down, Maris made a quick entry: [RIGHT][I]The Dauntless is beyond all expectations. The ship holds more rooms and floors then I could possibly imagine. The crew here before me seem well mannered enough and Ginger is a fine girl. The garden and armory were...endescribable. I can see that I will enjoy my stay aboard this visle for some time.[/I][/RIGHT] Maris closed the book with her pen stuck in it where she left off as she stood. She looked about quickly before exiting her quarters and making her way back on deck to meet the rest of the crew.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Hope this was ok.[/FONT]
  17. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]?I?m sorry my mistress, but it is not me.? The small elf boy backed away from the massive metal tub that Valeria sat in. The werewolf snarled at him before laying back down in the water. The warm liquid washed over her back and up over her shoulders. She moaned slightly and stuck her tongue in the blood-rich water, lapping some up before the elf boy climbed into the tub with her. ?How does one manage to get blood on their back?? The boy asked as he began to massage the skin and muscles of the back of Valeria?s neck. Valeria ran her tongue over her lips and nose as she relaxed. The boy slowly began to free the werewolf of the blood and flesh that clung to her thick and nearly black coat. ?I will never understand how our Lord managed to tame such a blood thirsty beast.? The boy startled as Valeria rushed to her feet, placing the small boy on her back like an equestrian rider. The man that had walked into the cobbled room scrambled backwards as Valeria turned to take in his sight. Her glorious blue eyes pierced into his very soul and sent uncontrollable fear through his whole body. The werewolf allowed a low growl to turn into a full fledge snarl. ?Its alright, my mistress. He means no harm, I assure you.? The boy said softly as he bent forward and stroked the wolf?s neck affectionately. Valeria stifled a snarl, but continued to bare her fangs. The boy crawled off Valeria?s back, splashing into the bloody water below. He stepped out of the tub, grabbed a small towel, and began to dry himself off. The man that stood by the door watched as the light color towel began to turn red. ?She doesn?t like to be surprised.? The boy said as he threw the towel onto his shoulder, approaching the man calmly. ?Why would you risk your life with an animal known for its lust for flesh?? The man whispered. ?She can still hear you.? The boy smiled. The man looked past him to stare into the crystal blue eyes of the wolf. ?How would you know; she told you?? The man mocked, jumping back as Valeria snarled again. ?Yes.? The boy creased his eyebrows, confused by the mockery. ?That beast is too stupid to think, let alone talk.? The man laughed. Valeria lunged out of the tub, bringing with her gallons of water as she tackled the man to the cobbled floor. The man screamed as Valeria threw her head back and let loose a horrific howl. ?No, my mistress!? the boy shouted as he rushed over to the wolf, wrapping his arms around her neck and pulling up on her feverishly. ?He is foolish, pay him no attention. You mustin kill, our Lord would be furious.? Suddenly the boy fell to the floor as Valeria shoved him away with her massive head. Her ears pulled back and her teeth exposed. The boy stared at her wide eyes as the man below her crawled from under her. She turned to lunge for the man again when she pricked up her ears and brought her attention to the door. ?What is she doing, Asher?? The man spoke, his voice trembling. ?Some ones here,? the boy replied. Both Asher and the man watched Valeria. The wolf pulled her tail up, her full attention at the open door. The hairs on her neck and shoulders slowly bristled to a point as her ears slowly dropped until they were flat against her head. Slowly her lips were pulled back as a menacing snarl hissed from deep within her throat and between her clenched teeth. Valeria slowly sat back on her haunches and lurched forward, sliding on the stones as she rounded the doorway. Asher and the man could hear the wolf?s massive clawed paws rush up the stone steps and out of hearing range. ************************* ?My Lord...my Lord!? Asher shouted as he shoved his way through the crowded lobby until he made his way to Drake. The lean and elegantly dressed vampire turned to see the small elven boy before him. Asher lowered his head quickly as a stern look came over the overlord. The elven boy held his blonde head down, not daring to look up at the vampire as he spoke again. ?Its Valeria, my Lord.? ?What about her?? Drake said shortly, when he noticed that the small elven boy had drawn quite a bit of attention. Ryu and Loranna weren?t far from the vampire overlord, watching with worried and curious eyes. ?She has run off. She must have sensed something.? ?Well fetch her.? Drake tried not to get too worked up as the elven boy lowered himself farther onto the floor. ?I cannot find her, my Lord.? ?Is something the matter, Drake.? Ryu walked up to Drake?s side, shortly followed by Loranna. Drake turned to the elven lord and was about to say something when a terrible scream let lose above them from the balcony. As every ones head flew to the rafters, a huge black mass fell from the rafters and landed perfectly on all fours in front of Drake. Its body bent low to the ground, its four limps spread out as it growled and snarled. Its ears were pulled back, tail straight, and its massive black claws digging into the fine marble flooring. Gasps and screams echoed through the room before falling deathly silent. ?Valeria!? Drake?s temper raged at the werewolf?s aggressive display before all his guest without being given authority to. ?Valeria I want you in your room.? But the werewolf did not move, and her snarls grew more frequent as he claws dug further into the marble. Drake brought his head up to see the crowd parting and a man slowly making his way through them. He held himself proudly, head high, hands at his side, sporting a long red and black cane. He was dressed in victorian garb. Vibrant purples, blacks and reds accented the thick locks of jet black hair that was pulled back at the base of his thick neck. His body was firmly built, housing almost massive muscles and a well defined face. His eyes, mysteriously dark, almost black. The only thing that hinted at that he had elven heritage was the softly pointed ears that were ringed with metal earrings of various degrees. A small amulet dangled from his neck, and each hand housed three nearly massive rings. Valeria let out a make-shift bark that came out with vicious teeth and threatening body posture. Asher had found his way next to Loranna?s side, the elven woman protecting him as if she was his mother. ?Your pet does not seem to like me, Lord Drake.? The man stopped a few feet away from the snarling wolf and looked down at her with a smile. She brought her cold blue eyes up and bit at the air, in attempts to warn him off. ?Hello Dima.? Drake said lowly, as the crowd watched what was transpiring. ?What brings you to my estate??[/FONT][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]?Reoan?? Kraven spoke when he noticed that the ex-Guardian had said nothing since they entered the third floor of the six floored hotel. ?Find Asariel and K. Take them some where safe.? Reoan said almost bitterly. ?And what of you?? Kraven barked. ?I shall return to Jacob?s side.? Reoan could feel Kraven tense and she hurried to speak before he could. ?You will follow my orders, Demon, or suffer the consequence.? The tone in Reoan?s voice was serious and stern. Kraven clenched his teeth as he watched Reoan walk out of sight. [COLOR=Green][I][CENTER]I can feel you bleed And I see the tears That you won?t shed And soon you?ll fall Without a guiding hand To help you up And you?ll wonder where I am But you won?t find me For I have left you To protect me From everything you are And will become[/CENTER][/I][/COLOR] Reoan stumbled up the stairs, dropping her sword. She threw her hands out and caught the railing to her right just before falling. She clutched her shirt just above her chest with the other hand as she gasped for breath. ?It plaques you, doesn?t it?? A familiar voice echoed through the stair well. ?What would you know about it?? Reoan said bitterly. ?I would only know what I?ve seen, being that we do not feel pain as mortals do.? Reoan brought her head up to see the sly smile creep across the Duke?s face. ?Some of you do,? Reoan retorted. ?If you speak of that half-witted Angel, Adiol, then you are dumper than I thought. Angel?s are just as heartless as us supposed Demons.? The man before Reoan was tall and lean, and tailored in a fine grey suite. His short, dark hair was greased back and his face chiseled to perfection. He fit perfectly amongst the various hotel attendees. The sudden sound of sirens pulled Reoan?s attention back down the stairs. ?They?ll be here soon, what are you going to do when they find the body upstairs.? The Duke smiled fiendishly. Reoan whipped her head around to catch his smile and return it with a sneer. ?Out of my way, Beelzebub.? Reoan growled, grabbing her sword once more, and shoving past Beelzebub, racing up the stairs. ?They?ll search the room and take your sword, Guardian. What will you do then?? Beelzebub smiled brightly as Reoan stopped at the top of the stairs. ?You?ll have to leave his body behind if you want to get out of the hotel with your weapons.? Reoan?s eyes dropped as she placed a hand gently on the hilt of her sword. He was right. She grit her teeth and rushed to the metal door that led to the fifth floor; slamming it open and rushing down the hall. ?Reoan?!? Reoan was greeted by David?s concern eyes and massive hands on her shoulders. ?We need to go!? Reoan shouted as she rushed to where her bag was, shoving her sword in its sheath and then into the bag. ?Go where?? David asked. ?We can?t leave him here!? Amber wailed. Reoan threw her bag at the eight foot giant, David fumbling to catch it as Reoan stormed towards Amber. The girl?s eyes were red and puffy from the tears that had raced down her face. Her pain in plain view as Reoan grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the door. Amber pulled away violently, screaming, ?He died for you! And I will not leave his side like you?re about to.? Before Amber could say another word, Reoan had struck her down, watching the girl fall to the floor, clutching her cheek. The room fell silent as Reoan towered over the fallen girl. ?You ever, and I mean [I]ever[/I], think of saying that to me again I?ll rip your damned tongue out.? Reoan snarled at the girl as she turned from her. David slowly slid past the ex-Guardian and helped the young demoness to her feet. Suddenly every ones attention was towards the door as they heard radios being used and the destinist noise of armed men moving down the hall just out side the door. Reoan snarled as the door flew open, crashing to the floor. A dozen armed men rushed into the room, all pointing their guns at Reoan, Amber, and David. The three warriors dropped whatever was in their hands, and rose them high into the air. ?This one over here is dead.? One of the men shouted, drawing Reoan?s attention. ?Don?t move,? demanded the man before Reoan. Reoan brought her head back around and stared the man down. ?They have melee weapons,? announced the same man that had found Jacob on the bed. ?This one has blood on it,? announced another man, stepping forward to show the man in front of Reoan. The man looked over the weapon and then up at Reoan. ?This yours?? Reoan looked down at her weapon, then back up at the man. ?Why would I tell you even if it was?? Reoan said coldly. The man nodded and two men walked to either side of Reoan, grabbing her arms and forcing them behind her back. Reoan could hear the men move to keep David and Amber from coming forward. Reoan never took her eyes off the man before her. ?What about these two?? Asked a man as Reoan was shoved through the hotel room door. ?Bring them to the station for questioning...? The rest of the conversation faded away as Reoan was shoved through the fifth floor hallway. ?Just weren?t fast enough, Guardian.? Reoan heard Beelzebub?s voice. Reoan stared, stone faced, in front of her. ?They even handcuffed you. What a shame.? ?You honestly think that these metal bracelets could hold me?? Reoan snarled, seemingly to no one. ?Keep quiet!? Some one barked, slapping Reoan in the back. The ex-Guardian clenched her teeth shut as she stumbled forward. ?Not very bright,? Beelzebub mocked. ?You?d do best to keep your mouth shut.? The Duke danced mid air above Reoan and the men, only the ex-Guardian could see him. She sneered as they entered the elevator and Beelzebub wave good-bye. On the bottom floor, the crowd was being held back as they ushered Reoan through the lobby. There were three ambulances, and too many swat and police vehicles to count. ?Reoan! Reoan!? The ex-Guardian turned her head to see Emily running through the crowd. ?Meet up with David and Amber once they?re released. Then find the others.? Reoan shouted over the chaotic noise. Emily nodded and vanished back into the crowd.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  19. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Navy]Sariel clutched a nearby wall as the lights flickered and then went out. Sariel took a deep breath as she could hear the commotion of others in the building. She cursed silently as she shoved her hand into her pocket, pulling a small flashlight out. The keys they were attached to jingled before she was able to turn the light on. "Hey! Over here!" She heard some one shout and then the hurried footsteps of people running towards her. She grumbled as she turned the small light on and started back the direction she had come, trying to find a wall to hide behind. She slid her hand across the wall as she ran, until she found a gap. She threw her body into it, finding a door blocking her way. Didn't matter. She shoved the keys back into her pocket and unlocked the safety. She saw two round discs of light swirling on the floor before her and she knew they were coming. She waited, listening to their hurried footsteps until they were almost upon her. One deep breath before she slammed her shoulder against the frame of the door, threw her arms forward and took three shots. The destintic sound of a body falling and a grunt was heard as Sariel ducked back into the door way. A flashlight rolled over to her and pointed towards the limp body. Another man could be seen ducking behind something that was in the hall. He fired blindly into the darkness, not even close to where she stood. "Where are you?" The man shouted, giving away is position yet again. She took aim, waited until he popped his head out and shot. He fell into the trash can before him, spilling the contents every where. Sariel sighed, and put her gun back into her holester, reaching down to pick up the flashlight in front of her. Searching the bodies for any clues to Gabriel or something she could use, Sariel only found a few gun clips and some gum. She stuck a piece of gum into her mouth and shoved the clips into her pants pockets before heading out to try and found the others again.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Arial Narrow] :animesmil It gets better everytime I read it. So beautiful. You have a way with words, my dear.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Arial Narrow]You know...I really suck at this comment thing...:( But I likes it. *nods* :animestun [/FONT]
  22. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Arial Narrow]Drake's estate was littered with people and the sweet, rank smell of fear loafted through the air. That same air washed over Valeria's body and into her massive nostrils. Her erect ears were pulled back as she plunged through the crowded and panic filled hallway. If she wanted, she could have stopped at any time to gorge herself on the fear intoxicated flesh that surrounded her. But Drake had sent her to kill a specific target and the only way she'd sink her teeth into anything else was if it got in her way. [B][I]As if that was going to happen.[/I][/B] Valeria lept the first flight of stairs, took two strides, lept the next and repeated that twice more before making her way to the ground floor. The target's scent was excellently fresh as Valeria burst through the double wooden doors and out onto the cement walkway. A few scrub like trees were landscaped against the building along with fine flowers and shrubs, but the cool night air had made them all turn in for the night. Hiding their beauty away until the next sunny day, if you could really call them sunny. Valeria dug her black claws into the cement in an attempt to gather more traction. Her well worn pads cushioned her every step as her massive wolf-like form raced into the parking lot. Yael and Angels tried despertly to keep their carriage animals calm as Valeria weaved through them, still hot on her target's trail. Valeria's thoughts were completely focused on finding her target until she felt it. The immense power that wavered in the air that only could mean one thing. [B][I]Angel[/I][/B] Valeria growled as she slid to a stop. Pricking her ears forward, she searched for the creature that held such power. Her hair brisled on the back of her neck as she picked her head up and brought it to the left. Valeria snarled as she lowered herself to the ground as the Angel turned to look directly at her. Its crimson red eyes widen with realization at the beast that stared back. Valeria snarled again, pulling her lips back to expose the fangs that would surely take the Angel's life, when a scream let loose. Valeria rose to her full height, followed the scream with her head briefly before taking in the Angel's sight once more. She gave a dissatisfied snort and then darted off. [B][I]You're mine, my pretty little dear.[/I] [CENTER][I]Touch Taste Temptation staring me in the face Sweat Heat My pulse is racing Bare Smooth Legs are starting to ache Harder Faster The moment is araising Moan Groan There is only one Explosion Release You are now mine[/I][/CENTER][/B] Valeria's jaw dropped as she pushed herself harder, her four paws pounding against the cold earth below. Her heart racing, the thrill of the hunt taking over all reason as Valeria reached forward, and sank her teeth deep into the fleeing woman's thigh. An ear piercing scream let loose as the woman fell forward. Valeria soon was upon her, penning the girl down with her massive front paws. Her thick claws sinking into her tender flesh of her shoulder and neck muscles, blood trickling onto the soft grass covered earth below them. The girl screamed and thrashed about, trying desperately to get away. Valeria snarled as she threw her jaws around the back of the girl's neck. A sudden rush of rich, salty blood burst into Valeria's mouth. The rush and taste overwhelmed her, and she franticly began to shred the girl apart, devouring her flesh. But her target's flesh was not enough to satisfied her outragious hunger. She let out a howl to tell she had made her catch before rushing back towards the crowds of people, starving for more, her senses heighted and the thrill of the hunt racing through her every vein.[/COLOR] OOC: Hello everyone, glad to see you made it. As for first posts, please check out the underground for further information. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=665659#post665659]Click Here[/URL] [/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Arial Narrow]You can ask any questions you may have my lovely RPers here. As for your first post it is as follows: [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER][U][SIZE=3]Ryu and Drake[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER][/COLOR][/FONT][CENTER]The Arena games bring in huge crowds and are usually held every month or so. Most of the large lords, such as Ryu and Drake would be seen at these events sporting their best outfits and possessions. This particular event is being taken place at Drake's estate. So I would like the two overlords to interract with each other. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][U]Back and Oriel[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] You two will have to use your skills because of the crowd being unrulely from Valeria running around in her wolf form. You can also interract with Drake or Ryu, but avoid Valeria because she'll try to kill you unless Drake steps in. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=3][U]Isa and Zyx[/U][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] Isa, you had an encounter with Valeria in the beginning of my first post, I would like to seem some reaction from your character on seeing her. If you and Zyx would like to interract with each other or one of the other characters that would be fine.[/CENTER] I would like every one to enjoy themselves and be original. Don't forget to communicate between each other to create a better story line, charcter conflicts, and developement of your own character.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Wow...that was...um....wow :animestun Haha...words and I...we just don't go together very well. :animenose If I could create a comment from all that...well I just wouldn't stand in comparison (that and my terrible spelling would take away from it as well). It was marvelous and I like how you break it in various spots, like one's thoughts would be when going through such things. *claps* Bravo! DC[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Arial Narrow]The first one, No Four Leaf Clover, was pretty good. (Can't believe you write poetry too *shakes head*) I like the mild rhyming in it. I looked at the poem as some what of a break up type thing. Eh...my brain isn't working too well tonight...so bare with me. I actually like "Better With Words" more. I like how easily it just comes off one's lips. Not too dramatic, but enough to catch one's eyes and make them think. (Biggest problems with relationships is the lack of communication). *nods* ok...time for bed. Hope to see more!! DC[/FONT]
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