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Everything posted by demonchild781

  1. [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Loved your last post, Kitty! [COLOR=Navy]Sariel picked up a couple of clips as she slid through the door and straight down the hallway before her, not looking back to see where the others had ventured off to. Sariel slammed a fresh clip into her gun as slinked through the cool, back hallway. Sariel remembered just before leaving, hearing about Ms. Katrina. She had not realized that Gabriel's Katrina and Lucifer's Katrina were one in the same. She was well known for her talent during the hunt, but never had she met the supposed daughter of the great Demon Lucifer. Sariel shook her head as she wandered down the familar halls of the Demon's headquaters. So many memories came flooding back as she rounded a corner carelessly. Suddenly she heard talking and plastered herself to a wall. An uncontrollable wave of dizziness took a hold of her and she struggled to stay up right. She grasped her head and rips at the same time as she slumped towards the floor. "You really think Sariel's alive?" Sariel heard a masculine voice echo through the bare hallways. Sariel tried to shake her head, to free herself of the dizziness that had taken over her, but the shake only created more.[I] Must have been the Carbon shit in that hallway.[/I] Sariel said to herself as she could hear the voices getting closer. "Nah, Sariel died when we killed that worthless Angel bastard." Another voice replied to the other. Sariel forced herself to stand up and crawl towards the corner of the hallway. The footsteps grew closer as she slowly peered her head around the corner, took aim and fired. A swift shot to the head and the body dropped. Sariel ducked back around the corner as she heard the other guy take a shot at her. A piece of the plaster wall crumbled, braking free and slid to the floor. "Sariel! Is that you?" The masculine voice came again. "Who wants to know!" She shouted back as she checked her gun. "Danny." The man replied. Sariel slid to the floor, sitting down and placing her back against the wall. "Danny?" She shouted back, pulling her gun up to her chest. "You're partner, before you ran off with that Angel scum. Oh come on! You gotta remember me. We spent nearly every day together!" The man shouted back. Sariel rotated her head towards the corner of the hallway as she creased her brow in thought. Sariel chuckled. "How could I forget, Danny. You and Albert would never leave me alone." Sariel's voice was filled with light laughter. "I swear to god you died when Lucifer sent that squad after you three years ago." Danny's voice was filled with so much joy. "Yeah." Sariel fell silent. "You know why I'm hear, don't you?" "Yeah." Danny replied gloomly. "So now what?" Sariel gave a heavy sigh and looked down at her legs, her chest heavy and her head pounding. "Looks we're gonna have to have a shoot out." Sariel nodded. "Looks to be so." Sariel took a heavy sigh and prepared herself for what she had to do. She cocked her gun, closed her eyes tightly trying to focus and lunged out from her hiding spot. She fired three times, her return shots, and then the destinctive groan of being hit. She rolled over and brought herself to stand up to see what had happened. There he was, the man she had grown up with, dying from her own gun shot to the chest. Sariel closed her eyes and holstered her gun to her hip as she approached slowly. She kicked Danny's gun from his reach as she knelt down next to him. "Its good to see your face again, Sariel." Danny smiled as he reached up to touch her, but stopped when he realized his hand was covered with blood. "Yeah," Sariel forced a smile upon her face as she took his hand. "Where's Gabriel?" She asked simply, Danny looking away from her. "I don't know. Something about Michael, that's all I know. Honestly, Sariel." Danny choked. "Thanks. And Danny..." "Yeah," he smiled. "I'm sorry." "Hey, no need. I'm proud of ya." Danny slapped the back of Sariel's hand with his other before Sariel stood up. She smiled lightly as she left him to find her other commrades.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [FONT=Arial Narrow]*nods* I understand what you're saying. Look forward to more of your work. DC[/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][FONT=Arial Narrow]Reoan allowed Kraven's sword to dangle in her hand on the side of the chair. The lobby had vacated its people and in the back of Reoan's mind, she knew that the local authorities were going to be swarming the building soon and they needed to leave. But all her energy was spent, and she needed to do something with Lucifer. Reoan looked up at Kraven, his face creased with the hatred he felt towards the Morning Star and she could sense his desire to destroy the thing he had been hunting for so long. She searched his face, feeling a strange sensation run up her arm from his sword. "Here," Reoan stretched the sword out to him, Lucifer's blood slowly dripping down the length of its blade. He looked down at it and took it as he handed Reoan's back to her. "Your sword is powerful and strangely feels natural to me. You must be greater than I had remembered." Reoan smiled lightly as she brought her attention back to the screaming Lucifer. Suddenly a devious smirk raced across Reoan's face and she could see Kraven crease his brows at her thoughts. She stood up and walked towards Lucifer, tears streaming down his face. She bent over him and placed her lips close to the Morning Star's ear. "You can feel it, can't you? Every painful breath he takes, his will to live slowly washing away. You want to go to him, pull him back, but you can't for your wounds are too great. You want to tear them apart, the villians that have taken him from you." Reoan whispered into his ear, gently brushing her lips against his flesh. "You rotten beast. You will join me in Hell soon enough Guardian!" Lucifer spat back. "Welcome to our life, Morning Star." Reoan smiled as she walked back over to Kraven. "We'll allow you to live, at least for now." Reoan looked up and smiled at Kraven who still looked at her akwardly. She ushered him to follow her to the stair well as they looked for K and Asariel. "Why didn't you kill him?" Kraven asked softly as they walked through the hole Asariel and Azrael had made earlier. Reoan turned around sharply, grabbing the back of Kraven's head and pushing it down. Their faces were inches away as she stared back into the orange and red eyes. She brought her other hand up to run her fingers of the scar stretching across his eye. "Why make his way out easier?" Reoan hissed lightly. "Allow him to live without his dearest companions in a life that's worse than Hell. Cripled and mutilated. Allow him to know what its like to live the life he created for so many others." Kraven attempted to nod, but the hold Reoan had on his head prevented it. She released him and walked through the hole to find Asariel and K.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Would every one meet up in the hotel room with David and Amber. When you show up have Emily already up there. Thanks.[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=Navy]Sariel swung her foot around in an attempt to kick her attacker, but was unsuccessful. He dogded her easily and returned with a few fast fists, but the ex-Demon managed to manuever around them, despite her enjuries. She could her the others fighting they're own targets as she started to notice that it was becoming more increasingly difficult to breathe. She tried to take a deep breath and shrugged the whole thought off to be because of her injury. Sariel ignored the commotion around her and focused on the enemy before her. A young man with unsteady hands. If she was suffering from multple broken rips, he would have been easy to take down. But every move she made and every breath she took sent a surge of pain through her body. The man flew at her, a spinning kick and then a left jab. Sariel twisted to the side to miss the kick, but took the punch to the back. She stumbled forward and braced herself against the wall as she could hear her attacker running up behind her. Sariel rolled against the wall, placed her hands against the cold stones and thrust her legs forward. Her feet hit the mans chest and he flew back, falling to the floor. Sariel managed to get her feet under her before falling to the floor. She darted forward as the man started to climb to his feet. She thrust her fist into his chest knocking the wind out of him, but it had a flaw. The man managed to kick a foot up and lodge it into her upper abdomen. Sariel screamed in horrible pain as she jumped back from the fallen enemy, clutching her rips. She coughed uncontrollably as she gasped for breath. "There was a slight snap and Sariel looked through blurred eyes to see Alchemy break the neck of the man Sariel had been fighting. Alchemy hopped over to Sariel as she fell to her knees, spitting blood onto the cold floor. "You ok?" Alchemy bent down, placing a hand on Sariel's shoulder. She shook her head as she continued to gasp for breath, motioning towards her chest, trying to tell her commrade that she couldn't breath.[/COLOR] OOC: Sorry I was a little late on posting again. Couldn't think of anything to write until now.[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Arial Narrow]I have put one poem up in here yesterday actually, titled "Stay Away", but it doesn't compare to this and no one has commented on it either for that matter. Ah well I suppose. Thank you for the encouragement though. Hope to see more of your work too. I shall be a devoted fan :bow:[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Holy! Hold just a moment while I try to gather myself again *silence for a good couple of minutes* Wow. That was, unbelievable. You said a story brought it about? What story would that be because it sounds marvelous if it can produce such a poem. And I'm not trying to be overly flattering here, simply stating how I feel and I loved this. The obession that brought death in the end. Now I'm ashamed to show any of my work on here :animenose .[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Arial Narrow]I think with a good back story and some good rpgers, your rpg should make it to the Square and run for awhile. But I will tell you it will be difficult because you still have "New Member" in your title. Best wishes to you. DC[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Kamuro, love your character. Lostcause, I'm glad you decided to join us. I was hoping that I would see you in one of my rpgs. As of this moment, your character sounds good. I'll have to get back to you on the cause/effect stuffs of your magic working. I do like the whole "stronger the magic, harder to aim" idea thus far. Who Am I?, I like the addition to your post and welcome to the team! I'll give it a couple more days to see who else signs up, but I should have it up in the Square by this weekend.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Arial Narrow]I can't wait until this starts :animesmil This should be so much fun! Great idea!!![/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Um, the concept seems cool, but like you stated, you still need more development. If you would like to expand your idea more I might be able to give you a better input on your idea. DC[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Arial Narrow]I very much enjoyed reading your poem. A straight forward meaning that creates a lot of thought. And being that I don't want to sound repeative, I'm just going to agree with Kamuro up there. And just a comment to your last post on this thread, and I hope you don't find me rude by saying this, but some of the best poems written are cluttered and choppy. I think they represent the chaos that one feels when emotions have become unbarable. Now I say this as a writer myself. Ok...I think I'm going to shut up now :animeswea. Hope to see more of your poetry up. DC[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Well I was actually looking for another poem when I came across this one on another site I use to post my stories and poetry, but I was hoping that OB would give me more feed back then the site I'm currently using. So lets hope. Here you go, the first of many poems I've written. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER] I can feel your finger tips sliding down my back And the scent of your discontent The painful sound of agony And the taste of bitterness We are so far apart now But I can still feel you here with me Your anger filling my ears And your hatred coursing through my veins You were never happy with the obvious Never satified with the plain Couldn't keep you here And I sent you away Bring upon the distance now For I can still feel you here Bring upon the discontent And wash it away with all the anger Make yourself blind to the happiness Show him the world you could never have Bleed with all your sorrow Wish for brighter days And send it all away Our bitterness brings upon the distance And I can't stand here any more Take the love I thought I knew And turn it into pain Warmth sliding over my body The hidden thoughts of desire still there And all you can think of is the pain And all I want is you to go away[/CENTER][/FONT][/COLOR]
  13. [FONT=Arial Narrow]It was good, but I feel like your holding back, not letting it flow freely. Almost like you're forcing it. I hope you're not offended. I do like it though. Especially your very first line, something about that whole line was just perfectly worded. Hope to see more. DC[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: This looks completely awesome...just hope I can pull this whole pirate thing off because I was never really good at these things :animeswea so I might need a little help. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkRed]Name: Dorian Maris Nickname: Maris Age: 22 Appearance: Flawlessly beautiful with amber colored hair and chestnut color eyes, Maris is a beauty. Standing at 5'8", she's tall and lean without an once of fat to be shown, but she has more of a figure than one would imagine. Complete with a round bustline and thick hips, Maris is the perfection of the female body, but it comes with a price. Weapons: Two basic flintlock (As Mr. Dragon Warrior seems to have put them), and enough gun powder and ammo to kill at least a thousand men. History: Maris was born to a middle class family far away from any seaport or rough neighborhood. She was the eldest of six, and her parents were well mannored folks. They lived on a small farm and ran a small tack shop. Maris' father was a leather worker blessed by the hand of God. There wasn't nothing he couldn't do with leather and the town loved him for it. Mr. Maris taught all he could to his sons, and his 3 daughters learned all they could from their loving mother, and life was good for the Maris family. Until that faithful day when everything came crashing down. A band of theives washed through their town and destroyed everything. They raped the women and murdered the males. While Maris hid in the cuboards in the kitchen, she watched as her mother was raped, beat and killed. Her youngest of sisters was taken as the theives left. Vowing to seek revenge for what had been done, Maris left her village to find a bounty hunter. The man took her in at the rip age of 11 and taught her everything he knew. She was one of the best, and even more deadly because of her stunning beauty. After discovering her family's killers and her nearly dead sister, Maris took her revenge and set her sister's soul free. She began to sell her skills to those who paid a handsome price. But after countless deaths and near fatal flaw, Maris looked for something other than the cut throat life she lived. Something with more adventure and people she could trust. Personality: Maris knows how to have a good time and charm her way through a crowd. A vixen who likes to make men squirm and the other girls jealous, but she wishes to have companions of both genders that goes beyond just simple games of cat and mouse. Talks about her past in riddles and jumbled sentences, but yet easy going. Specialty: Great marksmen with nearly all projectile weapons. Snippet: It was a beautiful day. The sun was high in the sky, the sea was calm and the docks were filled with life. Maris strolled down the busy peir, paying no attention to the life around her as she walked into a tavern. Not until that very moment did she take in the ships that had docked. Massive and glorious, their sails all pulled in and sailors making their way around the ship. Maris smiled as she turned her attention back to the busy tavern. She made her way to a small table, ordered a mug of ale and some bread, and watched the folks wandering in and out. Something caught her eye. She turned to see a man that she had never seen before wandering up to the bar. Maris leaned over to the man sitting at one of the other tables, her low cut top exposing the top of her breast. The man looked down into her shirt as Maris took a hold of his chin and brought his eyes back up to her's. "Who's the man that just entered?" She pointed to the stranger. "That's Red, pirate he be. With a treasure map." The man replied, eyes wide with fear from the aggressive woman. She let him go and sat back up in her chair. She eyed him for some more and then finally got up, leaving half her bred and mug at the table. She coaxed a man to give up his seat and sat down not but three stools from the man called Red. It was a long while and a few drinks later before she opened her mouth. "Heard you were looking for some crew?" She kept her eyes on her drink, playing with the mug. "You heard correct." He said simply. "Where you headed?" "Where ever the winds take us." "And pay?" "Whatever you take." Maris nodded as she bit her lower lip. "When you set sail?" "As soon as possible." "You can count me in." She slammed a few coins on the bar to pay for her drink as she stood up. "I'll meet you at the ship." "You know--" Red started, but Maris cut him off. "Yes," and with that she left the tavern.[/FONT][/COLOR][/CENTER] (god that sucked...so sorry...I'll do better I promise *bows a thousand times*)
  15. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan groaned as her body flew through the cement and plaster wall that seperated a lobby from the stair well. Lucifer was upon her as they fell together. She placed her feet quickly under his abdomen and threw him above her head, as her hand searched for her sword. She growled as she rolled over and shoved herself onto her knees and hands, searching for her sword. Lucifer was slowly starting to stand, a massive sword stuck through his back.[/COLOR] [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=Gray]Reoan sat quietly at the outdoor resturant table, starring down at her food with concern. It smelt deliscious, but did not look like anything one would want to eat. "Eat!" Amber shouted, her mouth full of food. "Its awesome!" She shoved more food into her mouth, chewing it radpidly. Reoan creased her eyebrows as she moved the food around her plate. Long yellow grain was splashed across her plate with some strange red sauce covering it and a few round balls of meat. "It's called spagetti, it came from China some time during Alexander the Great's time." Jacob said as he twirled some of the strains around his fork and gestured towards her mouth. She looked at him nervously before slowly taking it into her mouth and began to chew it. She wrinkled her nose and swallowed. "I still prefer roast and a cup of ale." Reoan said simply. David, Amber and Jacob burst out in laughter as Reoan attempted to eat yet another sporkful of the pasta mess.[/COLOR] [CENTER]*************************[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan scrambled to her feet, racing for the sword that was in Morning Star's back. She could hear Kraven making his way back up the stairs and through the whole the angel and ex-Guardian had left in the wall. Reoan reached forward and grabbed the hilt of Kraven's sword a surge of memories and power racing through her. The bolt shocked Lucifer into allowing a held back scream as she pulled the sword from his back. Reoan stumbled back and took a fighting stance as Lucifer spun around, his own sword still in his hand. "The two of you have ruined a perfectly good suit." Lucifer grumbled as he began to pull the over coat off. Reoan sneered as she rushed forward and their swords met yet again. The battle raged on while humans could be heard screaming and racing from the lobby. Kraven wandered into the lobby and stared at the two. [COLOR=SlateGray][I]My sword is by the small couch.[/I][/COLOR] Kraven suddenly heard a voice within his head. "What?" He said allowed. Reoan flew backwards landing on her back, rolling to avoid Lucifer's next attack, Reoan was soon back onto her feet. [I][COLOR=SlateGray]Fetch my sword.[/COLOR][/I] Kraven finally realized the voice was Reoan's. He made his way towards the couch and saw the ex-Guardian's broad sword nearly hidden under the piece of furniture. He bent down and picked it up.[FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=SlateGray] Get ready to take off his wings.[/COLOR][/FONT] Kraven brought his eyes up to watch Reoan dart backwards and stand posed carelessly before the Morning Star. The fallen angel stopped, and stared at her with curious eyes. "You should have never crossed me, Morning Star. Can you feel it?" Reoan said bitterly. "Feel what?" Reoan smiled as she closed her eyes for brief moment then opened them again. "Azrael is dying, bleeding to death it would seem." Lucifer's eyes went wide. He had forgotten all about Azrael until that very moment. Suddenly the Morning Star clutched his chest as he began to fall towards his knees. Reaon rushed forward, shoving her blade into his stomach and swirled him around. "NOW!" She screamed. OOC: Ok, Fallen. Its up to you, have your way with Lucifer, but don't kill him. I'll explain that in my next post. Lucid and Kamuro, you guys are doing great. And I hope to see the other Zodiacs back soon.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  16. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Ominu Jaku, looks good. Who am I?, I would like to see a little more character in your Snippet if you would. Other than that, I do like your sign up and you will be included into the RPG once you update your post. Thanks. Still looking for more players. [/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Stunning. Though I'm not keen on the whole rhyming thing for most poetry because it does tend to lose its value, but I have to say this poem was amazing. I love the analogy with the rose and, personally, I think the length is what made this poem. It allows the reader to put in their own pieces and make it a poem that touches them too. Hope I wasn't too rude with my comment. DC[/FONT]
  18. [CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DimGray]I was born during a time of great chaos and destruction. I wasn?t sure of the date, but the world had been struck down by the third World War. The war brought out all the creatures the world had feared along with some new faces. Three races of aliens came to Earth. The first of these species was an animal-humanoid called Yael. They learned our language quickly and were extremely strong. They could muster the strength of a thousand men with only one individual of their own. Their appearance varied just as much as our animals did along with their strength and behavior. When they came to Earth, they joined the Alliance. The Alliance was started by the strongest countries such as the United States, England, Australia, and Japan. Another of these species to join the Alliance was a group later called Angels by the humans. Another humanoid race that looked very much like the Christian?s divine helpers. They were strangely powerful much like the ancient magi, witches, and warlocks. It was hard to tell one Angel from the other, which was ultimately the Alliance?s downfall. Angels could not reproduce, or at least not the way humans, Yael, and most other mammal-like creatures did. The Angels housed no sexual reproductive organs, and did not seem to be able to a-sexual reproduce either so their numbers seemed limited. The third alien was an unknown species that came to fight against the Alliance. They were said to be able to manipulate any set creature through telepathy, and said to be able to shape shift. They joined late in the war to completely turn the tides. The world was left nearly destroyed by all the nuclear and various other weapons that had been used against it. The remaining continent (part of Africa, part of Asia, and part of South America) had been combined into one large continent that was named Jumoke. It was ruled by four over lords by the names of Kaida, Ryu, Drake, and Dima. They were the original leaders of the Braeden, the Alliance?s enemy. Kaida ruled over the western side, Ryu and Drake over the center, and Dima over the east. While Kaida and Dima were physically the strongest, it was Ryu and Drake?s scheming that made them dangerous. I wasn?t sure what the other three were, but Drake...he was a vampire. It sounded crazy at first to me too, until my first morph when I was fourteen. I had lived with my mother and five siblings in a crumbling city building. My first morph was beautifully blissful until Drake?s people found me. They tagged me, dragged me off the streets, and threw me into a cell like some animal. That?s how I met the Braeden Lord Drake and my life changed forever.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]The world is run by the physically powerful. Vampires, werewolves, elves, and the mysterious third race of aliens have taken over the world and now rule it with an iron fist. The world has become something much like the feudal system of the Dark Ages. The human race, along with the Yael and Angels are repressed, enslaved, and slaughtered if found roaming among the four major cities of the world. Most of the setting will be taking place in the main city Drake rules over. [U]Characters to be Played:[/U] [B]Drake:[/B] A vampire and Lord of the Center of Jumoke. (Make sure to read my character?s profile for details on Drake.) *reserved* [B]One of the other over lords:[/B] Kaida, Ryu or Dima. [B]A few left over Alliance members:[/B] these should be humans, yael, angels or any combination of the previous. (Humans hide in the city for they are killed on sight. Yael are slaves for labor, such as gladiator type combat, or fighting rebels. Angels wings are clipped and used for house servants. If you choose to roam free, you must take special measures not to be caught and to purchase food in one of the four main cities.) [B]A few lower ranking Braeden:[/B] These can be vampire, werewolves, witch(these are rare), elf, or any combination of the previous. (May also have some degree of human, yael or angel, but remember that if your character does have human, yael, or angel, they will be discriminated against. (Also, if you choose to be a werewolf, your character would be a ?guard dog? or arena fighters) Sign Ups Name: Gender: Age: (Angels, vampires, elves, and werewolves live longer than normal. But nothing over 500 years.) Race: (choose from the above) Rank: (previous rank in the war for those of the Alliance. Those of the Braeden most say what relation they have to Drake.) Personality: Height: Weight: Eye color: Hair color: Body Structure: (tall, fat, skinny, muscled) (will allow pics) Character Snippet: (I will be judging you)[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][U]My Character:[/U] Name: Valeria Gender: Female Age: 20 Race: werewolf Rank: Drake?s pet Personality: Quiet and never far from Drake?s side. She is a warrior at heart, but loyal to her lord for unseen reasons. When morphed into her wolf form she is highly aggressive and uncontrollable. The only one able to be able to handle her is Drake. Height: Human: 5'5" Wolf: 4' at shoulders Weight: Human: 130lbs Wolf: 400lbs Eye color: Human/wolf: crystal blue Hair color: Human: dark brunet Wolf: seemingly black Body structure: Human: well defined, and curvy. Wolf: massive Character Snippet: Drake brushed his hand over my face, swiping away the strains of hair that had fallen across it. I stared into his eyes for a brief moment before he brought his attention back to the games. Two Yael tigers were below us in the arena, fighting for their lives. I could not stomach to watch them for I knew by that night I would be penned against the winner, and I was undefendable. ?What?s your pet?s name, Lord Drake?? A man sitting on Drake?s right asked. He was an elven lord, he bred horses and sold them to Drake. My lord loved his horses. ?Valeria.? Drake smiled as he reached over and pat my head. ?She?s a pretty one.? The man smiled towards me, his almost delicate looking face not even creasing. ?She?s my pride and joy.? Drake smiled brightly, turning to take hold of my chin and stare into my eyes. ?She?s a real winner.? Drake said as he rubbed his thumb on my face.[/COLOR] ***************** [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I threw my head back and let loose my howl to declare my victory. Blood covered my black coat, but none of it was mine. My victory had been swift and ruthless, enable me to have my fill of fresh blood and flesh. The arena was filled with boos and yelling. I brought my head to the side and looked up at the balcony where I knew Drake sat. A fair looking woman sat next to him, dressed in some of the finest fabrics. She was probably one of the other Lords concubines, offered in the bet. Drake smiled brightly as I heard the arena doors open again. I swung my head around and pulled back my lips, exposing my teeth. The people entering had chains, more Yael it looked. I let lose another howl as I rushed forward. Their feeble attempts to catch me would have made me laugh, if I could laugh. There was more cheering and screaming as I tackled yet another Yael, I couldn?t stop myself as I took down another one. ?Valeria.? The words were soft. I brought my head up, my mouth full of fresh flesh to see Drake standing by the railing of the balcony. I swallowed what was in my mouth and rushed across the arena floor. I leapt up, crawled and climbed my way up to the balcony. I could hear gasps, screams, and cries as I stood massively before Drake. The crowd began to vacate the surrounding area, including Drake?s female companion. Drake smirked as he reached out and ran his hands over my head. ?The girl.? He whispered. I snarled and jumped down from my perch, and rushed after Drake?s companion.[/COLOR][/FONT][/CENTER]
  19. [FONT=Arial Narrow]Simply splendid. I, too, would not edit it. I think it express itself well just the way it is. Hope to see more of your work on OB. [/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Arial Narrow]That would be way too funny, I'd pay to see that![/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Reoan growled at Lucifer's comment as she watched the Zodiac take a fighting stance, his powerful axe slung over his shoulder. "David!" the Grigori half-breed's name burst from her lips in an almost animalistic snarl. "Reoan." He called back, still holding firmly to Jacob's body. "Take Amber to the room." "What of Jac--." David was cut off by the clang of metal against metal. The massive man heaved Jacob up onto his shoulder and started up the stairs, ushering Amber to follow. The girl did not hesitate, her hand covering her mouth as she rushed towards the room. Asariel had rushed Lucifer only to meet Azrael's flaming sword. The fallen smiled as he pulled back is glaive, preparing to attack again as the Angel of Death ready his sword. Reoan stepped forward and grabbed a hold of Asariel's arm. He turned his head to look at her, a surprised expression darting across his eyes. "You and K make sure Azrael does not interfer with Kraven and I." Reoan snarled. Asariel smiled, seeing the hatred that swept across her. "As you wish Madam Reoan." He nodded as he focused on his new goal. He motioned for K to follow him as Asariel rushed Azrael. The flew through the stair-well wall and out of site. K hesitated at first, but followed through the opening, his axe at his side. "He's all ours," Reoan snirked, turning to stand next to Kraven. "You can't possibly hope to defeat me, Guardian. You and your miss guided demon." Lucifer chuckled, pulling from his side an ancient long sword. "Oh, but I do, Morning Star. You shall pay for the pain you have caused to those before me. You will know when we are done what its like to suffer as mortals do." Reoan allowed her smile to broaden as she rushed forward, Kraven not far behind her.[/COLOR] OOC: Lucid, Kamuro, and Fallen. I will be PMing you with further information. Where did my other Zodiac go :animestun[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: No one has to change their post, but I wanted to state for the record: Sariel was a demon at one point and her character is not one to act so rashly. She is cool, calm, and collected. She would not shout or be so quick to assume things. Kind of detached from her surroundings. Thanks. [COLOR=Navy]"Where do you suppose we stay and wait?" Sariel questioned after Sakura finished her last statement. "For all we know, the Demons could be coming back to make sure their job was finished." Sakura nodded, but no one seemed to really have an answer to her question. "Standing around here probably isn't too smart either," Alchemy added. The group agreed. "Can you walk?" Katrina asked Sakura. "I believe so." Sakura replied, taking a step forward. The sounds of sirens in the distance brought the group to look at each other. "Now what?" Kugo grumbled. "We need to find some where to rest, away from the lights. I think there is a homeless shelter down a few blocks." Sariel added, pointing towards the north. "It'll have to work." Katrina said simply as her and Alchemy helped Sakura walked down the alley way. Sariel timidly made her way to Kugo's side as they helped each other follow after their commrades.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  23. [FONT=Arial Narrow]I think the concept is too much like the other rpg you read. The idea is good, but people are going to think you ripped off the other rpg. But if you do decide to go through with it, I would use humans in your rpg as well to have character conflicts and various relationships. Hope this helped some.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Arial Narrow][COLOR=DarkOrchid]"What bothers you, Madam Reoan?" The soft and brassy voice swept around her head like a powerful drug and eased almost every muscle in her body. Reoan ushered Jacob, David and Amber to continue on into the hotel. Jacob lingered a little longer than the others, but eventually walked through the glass doors of the massive hotel. "Old memories, Fallen." Reoan replied softly, turning to face him. His powerful form lingered over top of her and she felt at ease, despite the memories that flooded her mind. "You should rest." Reoan watched as his lips moved. She brought her eyes up quickly when she realized that she had been caught by their movement. Asariel smiled as he reached out to touch Reoan's cheek, but she pulled away before his finger tips could touch her. Asariel stood there, his hand in mid air and pain slowly creasing across his face. Reoan took a deep breath and threw her head back, staring longingly into the sun. Its warmth burning her eyes and forcing her to close them. The warmth slid from her eyes and into her hair, down her neck, over her shoulders and down her back. It had been so long since she could enjoy the warmth of the sun and not the scorching heat of the Pits of Hell. Suddenly Reoan pulled her head down and her eyes flashed open to stare directly into the eyes of Asariel the crimson purple gaze so inviting. "Lucifer," she growled. Asariel pulled his hands back after attempting to touch her bare arms, he looked behind him at the busy streets of one of Spain's most populated cities. "Where?" "We have to find the others." Reoan swirled around and rushed towards the glass doors. "Find Kraven and Emily, and where ever the other Zodiac ran off to." Reoan called over her shoulder as she raced through the overly crowded hotel. "Can I help you miss?" A desk clerk asked Reoan as she rushed up to the desk. "Room for a traveling group under Amber Swan?" Reoan gasped. "Ah yes, the lovely lady is in room 226." The clerk turned around to collect the keys and swirled around gracefully to hand her them. "Second floor miss." The man smiled. Reoan nodded her head and grabbed the keys from the man's hand and rushed for the stairs. [COLOR=SlateGray][I]Jacob[/I][/COLOR]. Reoan called out in her head. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Reoan?[/I][/COLOR] She felt him call back. [COLOR=SlateGray][I]Lucifer is coming.[/I][/COLOR] Reoan rounded the landing on the stair case and rushed up more steps. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Reoan.[/I][/COLOR] Something about how his mental voice came through stopped her dead on the steps. She was half bent over, one hand on the railing and one foot ready to slam down on the next step. "Hello Guardian." Reoan's eyes grew wide when she recognized the voice and then allowed a snirker to streak across her face as she swirled around to face the once fallen angel. He was still dressed in his brillant white suite with his long ebony hair falling around his face, but it was the soft gray color of his wings that showed what Lucifer was here for. "Morning Star." Reoan said softly. Just then Jacob burst through the door above them. Reoan didn't have to look to know it was him. Lucifer brought his eyes up briefly to take in the Guardian's sight before looking back at Reoan again. "Your savior is her, Guardian." Lucifer smiled almost bitterly towards her. "He is not my savior, but my Guardian." Reoan said coldly. "You are the one that will need saving, Morning Star." Reoan sneered. Lucifer smiled as he tucked away his wings and placed his hands in his pockets. There was a momentary silence between all of them as Reoan realized she didn't have her sword with her. She grumbled to herself as she slid her hand from the railing. "Reoan! NO!" The sudden cries of Jacob swirled in her head and blinded her from whatever she was suppose to see. The stair case swelled with the thickness and anticapation of a fight as Reoan forced herself to clear her body of Jacob's emotions. Reoan could not believe what she saw. Some how Jacob was before her, motionless while Lucifer had his hand extended. Reoan searched them both and suddenly Jacob stumbled backwards. Reoan caught him and fell back onto the stairs with Jacob in her arms. She looked down to see her dagger deep within Jacob's chest. "No..." Reoan stammered, her hand trembling as she reached for the weapon. She shook her head as she pulled her hand away, afraid to touch it. It was far too deep for her to heal him, without risking death upon herself as well. Her lip quivered as she fought back the rage of emotions that swept through her. Jacob took a ragged breath, blood drizzling from his lips as he looked up at her. Just then David and Amber came rushing onto the stair case above them. Amber was motionless, her breath caught in her throat as David stumbled down towards them. Reoan searched Jacob's face as she could feel him slipping away. Reoan shook her head as tears threaten to run down her face. "Don't cry," Jacob spoke, nearly choking on his words. "Don't talk." Reoan sobed, running her hands over his pain stricken face. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Then I shall tell you this way.[/I][/COLOR] He tried to smile, but went into a fit of coughing. Reoan placed her hand on the other side of his chest and slowly eased his pain. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Reoan, never give up. Kraven and Asariel will help you just as loyally as David and Amber. You will learn to trust them.[/I][/COLOR] Jacob managed to smile, blood streaked across his teeth. Reoan creased her eyebrows in pain as she tried to keep him from feeling too much pain.[COLOR=DarkGreen] [I]I will always be with you, Reoan. Please never forget that and my love for you.[/I][/COLOR] Reoan closed her eyes tightly as tears slid down her face as she felt Jacob's energy fading quickly. [COLOR=SlateGray][I]I will never forget. Never.[/I][/COLOR] Reoan stood up as Jacob took his last painful breath. She pulled her sword that was slung over David's shoulder as he took the limp Guardian into his arms. "No....NO!" Amber screamed, falling to the floor of the landing she was on, weeping uncontrollably. "You will pay for this, Morning Star." Reoan growled as she pointed the tip of her sword at Lucifer.[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow]OOC: Ok, I need an all out war between Lucifer and Azrael, and my little group. But don't kill either just yet. Thanks.[/FONT]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Arial Narrow]The first explosion sent Sariel over top of the pool table and into the wall. Before she had time to react the pool table came flying at her. Unfortunetly it crumbled and slammed into Kugo before it penned her up against the wall. She cried out in terrible pain as she felt her rips cave into her body. The wave of black dizziness threaten to take hold of her as she placed her hands against the wood piece that had penned her. "Sariel!" she heard some one shout of the chaotic noise in her head. "Over here. I'm penned!" She shouted, pushing against the wood. Kugo ran over to her and slid down next to her. "You alright?" He asked as he placed on hand on her shoulder. "Been better." Sariel whinced in pain. Kugo smirked as he pulled the piece of pool table off Sariel. She let out a yelp, clutching her rip cage. Kugo bent before her and pulled her to her feet, despite her protesting. There was a sudden cling and a ping as Sariel looked about. "Get down!" She screamed as she pulled Kugo down with her. Just as they hit the floor the stun gernade exploded. They stayed hidden under the cloud of smoke for what seemed like eternity when Sariel heard Katrina's chant. "We have to get out of here!" Kugo shouted as he grabbed Sariel's arm and pulled her towards an exit, maybe in the back some where. "Where's Sakura?" Sariel shouted, gasping with the realization of the pain in her chest again. "Get out!" Kugo shoved her towards the exit as he ran back into the crumbling bar. "What about you!" Sariel swirled around, both arms around her abdomen now. "GO!" He bellowed. Sariel squinted her eyes as she darted for the door. She swung it open and found a dumbster not far from her. She sucked up the pain as she climbed into the dumbster, slamming the lid shut just in time as the bar exploded. She waited until the rumbling stopped before popping the lid open slowly to peer out. The building was clasping, fire and smoke every where. "Ow..." Sariel moaned as she climbed out of the dumbster and tumbled to the pavement below. "Hey! Look, its Sariel!" Alchemy shouted as she and Katrina walked up to her. Alchemy bent down and helped Sariel to her feet. "Where are the others?" Katrina asked. "I don't know." Sariel shook her head, taking in Katrina's leg. Sariel stiffened a cry as she clutched her rips again.[/FONT][/COLOR]
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