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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face
[font=arial][size=1]Transistor Transistor - Put Down the Bible and Pick Up the Bottle Russian Circles - Enter Hot Water Music - Sweet Disasters Cinemechanica - Go Stop Explode Sinaloa (the post-emo one, not the Mexican one) - Word Through Wires Funeral Diner - Addendum Days Away - Stay the Same The Jonbenet - It Made Them Sick Christiansen - Jhazz Never Spelled So Good Swing Kids (the hardcore one) - El Camino Car Crash Botch - John Woo Opeth - Forest of October Moss Icon - I'm Back Sleeping, or ****ing, or Something... pg.99 - We Left as Skeletons Pretty Girls Make Graves - This is Our Emergency I'm kind of disappointed that there's not a lot of ambient music on this list, but whatever. I ended up with a lot of 90's hardcore bands, for the most part. I don't know about the exact bands, but it's what I primarily listen to. I'm proud of most of the classics that made it in, although none of you will probably know of them. ^^;[/font][/size]
[quote name='Jakehammaren]Anyway, on to Pelican. They are indeed a good band, but as far as that particular style of sludge metal goes, Mouth of the Architect and Isis are superior. Granted, I haven't heard as much Pelican, but from the album I listened to, it wasn't quite as enjoyable as Mouth of the Architect's [I]The Ties that Blind[/I] or Isis' [I]Panopticon[/I'].[/quote] [font=arial][size=1]Everyone keeps saying that Isis is better, but man, I like Pelican tons more. There's also [url=http://www.myspace.com/tidesrites][b]Tides[/b][/url], but I don't think anyone really knows about them. I saw them live in a place that sells moonjump things, that was amazing. :D And also, has anyone heard of [url=http://www.myspace.com/cinemechanica][b]Cinemechanica[/b][/url]? They're really cool guys who plays songs based off of their videogame obsession, but not literally like HORSE the Band does. They have two drummers (now, at least, "Get Outta Here Hitler is their only recorded song with double drums) and two guitarists that also do vocals. Everything in their music has a really amazing dueling effect, and it's even more prevalent now that they have new songs written specifically for the added drummer. They also tour in a Contraband and a Megaband, which play the soundtrack to Contra and Megaman respectively, all while a professional gamer plays through the game on a projector screen. It's really awesome stuff, and their next album is going to be incredible.[/font][/size]
[quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']I can't help but wonder how you of all people are the first one to say anything O_o[/COLOR][/quote] [font=arial][size=1]I was actually the one who brought it up to him, haha. Same music taste? Same name? It had to be. You really grew up. :p And yeah. I'm Kevin. I haven't really had any problems with it. My last name is McCarty, NOT McCart[u]h[/u]y of McCar[u]d[/u]y. One of my teachers, a Mr. Talley, once roll called me as Kevin MacArthur, so I said "McCarty, Talleywhacker" and he called it even.[/font][/size]
[quote name='Jakehammaren']See, Rifles? That's two for two, man. You better get on it.[/quote] [font=arial][size=1]Man, I started listening to them a few days after I made your banner. I downloaded The Mantle and I'm just now listening to it in detail. This band could pull off Post-Rock (as in the style of This Will Destroy You) very well, but the vocals throw that off. I think I was waiting for these songs to really pick up, but they never do so. So I guess I'm confused by what the band is really trying to do, it's mostly acoustic guitar and kind of growly vocals. Don't get me wrong, they're pretty damn awesome. & Jake, you might like [url=http://myspace.com/dreamscapesoftheperverse][b]Dreamscapes of the Perverse[/b][/url], they're based about two hours away from me and they have a fun live show. :D I hear they sound like Dimmu Borgir, but I don't like DB... but I really like these guys. To me anyway, it sounds like Between the Buried and Me if they got into black metal. Check out "World of Malice" it's the first song on the cd after the intro and it's my favorite, although the cd is quite an experience put together. It'd be nice to see that band go places.[/font][/size]
[quote name='Jakehammaren']I cannot get into Mastodon, despite my efforts. They just annoy me, and nothing more. Eh, to each his own.[/quote] [font=arial][size=1]I keep trying to get into them, because apparently my music tastes demand it so. Every time I listen to them, I just get turned off by it. I think it's the vocals, maybe it's the clown make-up music video. Heh, I don't know. What is the best, definitive Mastodon song? [URL=http://www.myspace.com/thiswilldestroyyou][b]This Will Destroy You[/b][/URL] is pretty much the best band around today. There is no one who would say otherwise after listening to "I Believe In Your Victory".[/size][/font]
[font=arial][size=1]Haha, yay! I actually really love my local music scene, I think it's one of the best (although not insanely well-known for it). [url=http://www.myspace.com/killwhitneydead]Killwhitneydead[/url] - Brutal metalcore with a lot of samples from movies and TV shows thrown in for comedy or dramatic effect. Their vocalist runs the Tribunal Records label, and he's surprisingly a really nice guy. He's the kind of musician who remembers my name even after months of them not playing around here. [url=http://www.myspace.com/chetstedman]Chet Stedman[/url] - These guys kind of split off from eachother last year, but the remaining three dudes started a new band that I'll get to. They have a single EP and it's some of the best post-hardcore I've heard. [url=http://www.myspace.com/tarantuloco]Tarantuloco[/url] - These are the remaining three members of Chet Stedman playing new jams. I personally love their lyrics, Ryan picks some bizarre topics to write songs about, like their neighbor who the thought was from the future because he was stealing their internet. I'm friends with these guys to the point that they're playing at my Graduation party in a little over a month from now. :D [url=http://www.myspace.com/wolverinesrock]Wolverines[/url] - These are two former members of a band I'm too young for called Abort, Captain!. They're just two sophomores in college, one on drums and one on guitar, but they make some ridiculously complex songs. They're heavy and sincere, just the way I like it. These guys are also playing at my party. XD [url=http://www.myspace.com/boanarrow]Boa Narrow[/url] - Say the name aloud. DO IT!!! Okay. These guys played hardcore, but now they blend it into some sort of aggressive form of jazz. They have a really unique sound, and their live shows are wild, as each of the three members take part in playing the drums, haha. I want to see these guys get famous. I'll make another post later. :D[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]The bonus disc is the soundtrack to the game. As cool as it is to have a giant pentagram cd, you can just download it from somewhere, too. My one friend who has the game moved away, and most of the time, eBay prices are too expensive for me. So yeah, I haven't been able to get very far, but I have the saved game just in case.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]By the way... [quote name='2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]3. [B]Mogwai [/B] - [B]Mr. Beast [/B] - I have a bit of a hang-up with this one. That being the fact that it is just under 45 minutes long. Customarily I never buy anything under 50 minutes long, but I have before with disks such as [B]Pearls and Brass's The Indian Tower[/B'], and thats one of my alltime favorite CDs, so I suppose it could go well. Almost everything I've heard by this post-rock band blows me away.[/COLOR][/quote] BUY IT. That is seriously one of the best cd's I have, and it was probably the best album that came out last year. It's definitely some of their best work, and if you like their older stuff, then you will be absolutely floored by this. &also, I heard there's a new Dillinger Escape Plan album coming out in September? That's such a loooong wait.[/font][/size]
[quote name='Fyxe][size=1][b]Killwhitneydead[/b] - [i]Nothing Less Nothing More[/i] and [i]Hell To Pay[/i']... I've been listening to the new songs from these albums on KWD's MySpace pages, and I love them. So, obviously I want to get them as soon as they are out. I only wish they were coming closer to my area on their tour. :([/size][/quote] [font=arial][size=1]YESSSS!!! Well, sorry they're not coming to your area. They live in my backyard and I'm pretty good friends with them, Matt especially. I just got Panthers - The Trick in the mail today and the last half of the cd is amazing, but I don't know why they'd put a lot of their weaker songs near the top. Maybe the band and I have different points of view on their work. As far as albums I'm waiting for, the KWD albums top my list, but there's also the new albums by This Will Destroy You, Circle Takes the Square, Usurp Synapse, and The Number Twelve Looks Like You. This is going to be a good year for music. I mean, duh, RUSH is coming out with a new album! RUSH, man. RUSH![/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]I'm actually a big fan of the Persona and MegaTen series. Their earlier Persona games weren't all that great, especially the first one, it had such a horrible translation. If you can pick up Persona 2: Innocent Sin for $20, it's probably worth it. Just take note that it's a low budget title even for when it first came out. It may be more worthwhile to check out Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne on eBay and put your $20-$30 to that. That game's one of the best games ever and will hopefully be worth the pricetag which apparently changes by the week. Devil Summoner just came out late last year I think, and there's probably still new copies available for that. All of the games are related to eachother, so it's not a big deal to go back and play the really old ones when there's newer ones out now that are better.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1] Good to see you back, Sephiroth! I was Cloud Strife00 back in the day. I'm a big fan of ankle socks unless I'm wearing boots over them, or if it's cold out and I'm just lounging around shoeless inside my house. I wear longer socks if I'm wearing boots, and although I don't own a pair, I love those really soft sweater-like socks. I want a pair or two and I don't care how girly they are! haha! It should also be noted that I have really sensitive and pliable skin. Around both of my ankles is a permanent(?) ring where the elastic band goes around the top of the ankle socks. You know, a dent all the way around. Ugh.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]#1 is Edward from Fullmetal Alchemist. And this comes from an anti-fan of the series. It'd suck now if I was wrong.[/font][/size]
[IMG]http://www.orangelazarus.net/groupsounds/images/smilies/hijack.gif[/IMG] [font=arial][size=1]And James, your coolness just leveled up.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]I do not believe in God, heaven, or hell. So I get irritated when one of my friends will constantly bother me about it. I understand the thoughtfulness of the statement, "I want to see you in heaven," but one time is enough. I've made up my mind, don't continuously attack me over it. It's even worse when one starts and then others join in. Kingdom Hearts fans. Super-deformed boys who look to be six years of age are NOT hot, get real. I don't particularly enjoy my ex-girlfriend lumping me together in the same category as Sora, Roxas, and Sonic the Hedgehog either. In short, at least play videogames that are actually [u]good[/u]. And finally, people who go to concerts for the "scene" and not for the bands that are playing. I can't stand it when a good show gets sold out when it's a bunch of fourteen-year-old girls who don't even like the music clogging up the place because it's a cool place to go to the bathroom and talk on the phone at the same time.[/font][/size]
[quote name='BlueMoon']Oddly enough, it hasn't happened to some CDs that I listen to a lot. For example, I can still listen to Yasunori Mitsuda's "Kirite" CD over and over on repeat. I don't know what it is that can make some bands, songs, etc get annoying and others not. It's interesting. But I think it happens to everyone at some point.[/quote] [font=arial][size=1]Probably because some bands are more predictable than others. Try to listen to stuff that is more offbeat and has more time/key changes in it. They tend to last longer. Like for me, I can listen to [u]Hell Songs[/u] by the Daughters pretty much forever, same goes for mathematical rock bands like North of America and Cinemechanica. I don't get bored of it (and believe me, I listen to them [url=http://www.last.fm/user/RiflesAtRecess/]A LOT[/url]) because they're full of time signature changes. It's harder to memorize and guess what's coming next. Although this remains true with my favorite band's cd's, that's simply because they haven't released anything in over four years. I'm of course talking about Circle Takes the Square. I listened to [u]As the Roots Undo[/u] by them at least once a day for probably two years of my life. It had such an effect on me, but I just got burned out of it, I need something new by them, and things are looking positive about that this year. :D[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]For the most part, the music I like comes from my home state (North Carolina) and Georgia. I guess a lot of people in these states have a lot of pent-up emo angst. My tastes in NC include bands like Wolverines, Boa Narrow, Tarantuloco, Giant, and The Demonstration. Georgia bands are Circle Takes the Square, I Would Set Myself on Fire for You, me and him call it us, Cinemechanica, and plenty others. But as far as regions are concerned, a lot of so-called legendary bands that influence the music I listen to come from countries like Germany and Italy. German bands like A Fine Boat(,) That Coffin!, Louise Cyphre, and Danse Macabre; as well as the Italian Raein and La Quiete are among some of the most wicked music I've heard. I maintain the Georgia has the best independent music scene. Ever.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Any time you have to ask yourself "Is s/he worth it?" the answer is usually "no." I think that's something everyone will agree with on some level.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]^ lol [b]I Would Set Myself on Fire for You - "Song 11" aka. "Eleven"[/b] The lyrics of the song are divided into their separate thoughts, like movements of a larger whole. The song is, in simple terms, about how contradictory the band believes certain ways of religion are, especially in the bible belt, where you are completely out of the norm if you do not believe in God. This is one of the most meaningful songs in my life and describes my beliefs well. The band should still have it on their MySpace if you want to look them up. [i]11.1 A Funeral, A Lantern: To guide us, And this Body across the river. "He floats like driftwood." "He'll tote behind us." All around, the Patiently Waiting. Their lips whispering, whispering. And in their breath the lamplight dances. Flickering, Flickering: "Hallelujah!" Flickering, Flickering: "But who turned out the lights?" And in a procession of this pitch-- Nearly perfectly plucked from the blackest nest, Hungry mouths agape for the taste of flesh and blood sacrificed Like rats to the river or packs of children enchanted by the tune of the pipe-- This funeral song is the only form of progression we know. Nail the arch of the hooved-beast above your door, Opposite crucifix-topped headboards Where you lay your head but no sleep doth arrest your soul. (And if salvation don't come, If salvation don't come, cry,) "Oh God, if you take me, don't let me walk alone." 11.2 (Dear Congregation) Quote me something to justify. Now something to condemn. Tell me how much I'm loved, And how I'm going to Hell. What does that say of you And the free-will that you claim God has given us? This is my right to Choice, My obligation to Question. Call it Divine Intervention Or just Human Nature. Quote me something to justify. Now something to condemn. Tell me how much I'm loved. And that I'm going to die, and my face will fade Into the dark, floating away. Someday I'll see you in the dark. 11.3 A rose, a rose, a thorn: A briar patch. With blossoms blooming, burning, burning. Where ivy clings, the vines are turning First green then brown then red then black then nothing. The wind picks up, the ashes fly. "Look Alive!" 11.4 A letter, date missing: "Dear Mother, Dear Father, Mutiny's rising. I'll soon meet my maker! Oh my god! (What's your name?) Oh my god! (Now say my name.)" But the magic is lost As the palms hoist their burden, (Heave!) The first-born son (Ho!) To the obsidian water. 11.5 Raise your hands! Close your eyes! Sing aloud! Give Praise! Sing your songs of Hallelujah, Let your spirit flow right through you. And the spirit lead by emotion Is the same that I'm evoking. And some day... 11.6 "In the darkness together, We'll float on forever, Searching for a shore We'll never find." And when we're finished And we've paid our penance, Can we finally, finally Get some ****ing sleep? (Don't tell me that everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens for a reason. You live your own way, Let me live mine. Because we only die once, And it's for oh so long.)[/i][/font][/size]
[QUOTE=MirrIll][SIZE=1][FONT=Lucida Console] Stuff. [/FONT][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]Dude, I've seen your band, haha. I live in your area. I agree, your life show is pretty awesome, but those tracks on your MySpace are terrible in comparison. It's pretty surreal to see you here. >_>[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Vocals - Andrea Zollo (Pretty Girls Make Graves) Lead guitar - John Reis (Drive Like Jehu, Rocket from the Crypt, Hot Snakes, Pitchfork) Guitar/vocals - Josh Jakubowski (Hot Cross, Neil Perry, The Now, Joshua Fit for Battle) Guitar(3!)/vocals - Bryant Iforgothislastname (Cinemechanica, Megaband) Bass - Nick Antonopulous (Jeromes Dream, The Wind-Up Bird) Drums - Justin Graves (Neil Perry, A Life Once Lost) Sound: It'd be like Pretty Girls Make Graves' old material, but with better musicians, pretty much. I think part of this is that I would absolutely love hearing my three favorite guitarists go at it. I don't think any other band had three guitars dueling eachother. :) I don't really know any awesome bassists without going back and listening for one, so I put in Nick because I really respect him. He has a lot of onstage energy. Also, Justin is probably the most interesting drummer ever. He was amazing in Neil Perry, but when they split up and he joined ALOL, he was kind of bland. So yeah, I want him drumming like her did in Neil Perry.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Actually, on a lot of places they didn't block the finger, which was awesome. It was a big "**** you" all over the media. And then of course you add the press conference to this. XD "I really hope they can see this because I'm doing it as hard as I can."[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]Trivium (or at least the stuff I've heard) is pretty bad. I would also suggest Mogwai to you, if you haven't heard of them. Their album, [u]Mr. Beast[/u] that came out last year and is their best work. They're an instrumental band similar to Isis. (whoops, I thought someone else mentioned them!) Isis are basically Mogwai with more metal influences thrown in. If you like Mogwai and Isis, I'd go further and check out the Japanese band Envy, they're a true emo band (emo and screamo are the same thing, and the genre is NOTHING like Silverstein or whatever else you listen to that you think is emo) whose last two albums have been heavily influenced by Isis and Mogwai. I think you'd be into them if you can find their stuff.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]*18 *I think abstinence is great for the people who believe in it. I don't really know how I'd rate it for myself. I don't believe that virginity is something that should be thrown away, and I would like to keep mine until I find "the one." *Twice. *Most of my relationships were either really awful or vague, so it's hard to say. I've had two relationships that were terrible but went on for a long time. I guess the other five or so could be considered flings. *Several times per day. *Not really, I'm pretty much desensitized to it. *I've never had the chance, but I wouldn't mind. Other people don't matter during that... time. *I'm cool with kissing but anything past that (feeling up, etc) is kind of nasty. *I don't go to them, so I wouldn't be the best to ask. *15 sounds fair to me. It depends on the person, though.[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]I have a few friends with whom I am trying to start a band. I would play guitar and do some vocals, from the sound of it. We might end up getting a certain female friend to sing for us instead though (she's actually a trained vocalist XD). Our other guitarist has loads of material (he told me once that he tries to write a song per day) and we both have totally different styles of music that we like to listen to and are used to playing. Basically, the two of us have agreed on Sludge Metal, we don't have a bassist, and our drummer doesn't really care, we haven't even played with him yet. So yeah, we're just starting up. ^^;[/font][/size]
[font=arial][size=1]It's good to know that other people are actually picking up Vagrant Story. In my opinion it's one of the best games ever made and it went completely ignored. I never understood why everyone liked XenoGears either, I borrowed it from my friend and got about 15 hours in and I just didn't like it. Most of the magazines said it was pretty average, too.[/font][/size]