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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. Goodbye, Face

    Dane Cook

    [font=arial][size=1]As an atheist, I wasn't offended by that joke, Jake. If anything, the atheist was rude. When someone says "God bless you" or "I'll pray for you" or something like that, I don't take it as an insult like that guy apparently did. (and I liked the part just before it about Windextor!)[/font][/size]
  2. [size=1][font=arial]I don't see the point in it being illegal to begin with. If you're not gay, then gay people getting married isn't going to affect [b]you[/b], Christian or not. I don't understand why people always feel the need to step in when they have no business there. I could understand if they were going to ban homosexuals from Christian churches or something, but to take that a step further and just outright ban them from having legal benefits as a couple is BS.[/font][/size]
  3. [font=arial][size=1]All of you pretty much said the same thing about mine. The main thing was that I was (and still am!) very sick. I couldn't really make it out of my room, and I looked disgusting. My room was (and is!) a mess, so the only clear place was in front of my bookshelf. I didn't like how the original looked, and I wanted more of a music-based theme going on in the composition, so I added in a black and white picture of my pedals and wires on my floor. As for the border? Rock & roll. Oh, and Mr. Maul? You look like someone I know. It's really scary. I also really love both versions of that picture.[/font][/size]
  4. [font=arial][size=1]100bux on mah home-[u]Boo[/u] takin' first, G.[/font][/size]
  5. [font=arial][size=1][img]http://img479.imageshack.us/img479/2306/kutieatrecess1sp0.gif[/img] Jeromes Dream lyrics behind me. The style of the picture itself is also inspired by pictures included in their record inserts. [b]My favorite hobby is[/b] playing guitar, obviously. I don't consider myself to be good at it, but who can say that they're excellent in anything? It's passion that is what makes music appealing to people, it should always come first, not money, not MTV, not creed. I'm also working on my major in fine arts, my new Xbox 360 is probably going to make me fail it. XD [b]My best personality trait would be[/b] my generosity. I frequently lend my belongings to my less fortunate friends and I'm always around for kind words when they need it. I am the best friend of quite a few people and it keeps me feeling upbeat. I don't mind making sacrifices if it makes someone close to me happy.[/font][/size]
  6. [size=1][font=arial][b]What is it?[/b] Jakehammaren [b]Why is it nifty?[/b] He's the most metal member on the the 'Boards and he keeps all the Nu-Metal members in check. He makes threads about bands with names you can't pronounce and if you don't like it, he'll give you a through blast beating. [b]What is it?[/b] DeadSeraphim [b]Why is it nifty?[/b] The man's a comic genius, he alone accounts for nearly two thirds of my AIM quote away messages. When I'm down, he picks me up... and throws me down a flight of stairs. He turned me into the band Neil Perry, and then The Locust, and now apparently I'm a sexy RnB singer. I'm glad I have Alan around so I can be all these wonderful things. More later.[/font][/size]
  7. [font=arial][size=1]Circle Takes the Square - As the Roots Undo The artwork is done by the guitarist, and the entire package is awesome, the cover doesn't do the whole package enough justice. Click for a giant version. [url=http://roboticempire.com/presskits/ctts/images/robo031_cover_4x4_300dpi.jpg][img]http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/787/astherootsundo3fg.jpg[/img][/url][/font][/size]
  8. [font=arial][size=1][img]http://betterpropaganda.com/images/artwork/Mr._Beast-Mogwai_480.jpg[/img] [b]Mogwai - [u]Mr. Beast[/u][/b] Mogwai is a post rock band that is similar in someways to Isis, which people keep mentioning here. In fact, I would put Isis on this list too had someone else not mentioned it. The difference is between these guys and Isis is that they're instrumental, aside from a few songs where their guitarist sings, such as "Travel is Dangerous". This album is their most accessible work, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Best album of the year? Nah... One of the best albums ever. [img]http://www.emotionalbreakdown.com/public/images/recensioni/IWouldSetMyselfOnFireForYou-believesinpatternsSmall.jpg[/img] [b]I Would Set Myself On Fire For You - [u]Believes in Patterns[/u][/b] Iwouldetc. is a post-hardcore band that makes use of violas, keyboards, and chanting in their music. The lyrics are well written and read like a story for each song. The music is chaotic but majestic and graceful. They honestly sound like no one else out there, and are perfect for anyone wanting to branch out of their music tastes. [img]http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000FI8UKO.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_V52801132_.jpg[/img] [b]Cinemechanica - [u]The Martial Arts[/u][/b] With no Hot Cross album this year, I pretty much went on a search for more math rock bands that shred as well as them. I searched until I found this album, from a band I just recently had the pleasure of seeing live. The band has almost entirely changed this year, as they now have two drummers and a new bassist. Their quest that they started with "Get Outta Here, Hitler" on this album was over by the end of the summer, and I cannot wait until their next album, with dueling guitars and drums in every song. My boxers can't wait. :D More later?[/font][/size]
  9. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25985&stc=1[/img] [font=arial][size=1]Kevin.[/size][/font]
  10. [font=arial][size=1]Don't we normally lock these threads? Well, I remember you from my Cloud Strife00 days, haha. We both spent a lot of time in the Digimon, Pokemon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! forums, right? Nice to see another familiar face around here.[/font][/size]
  11. [font=arial][size=1]Envy, excellent Japanese ambient hardcore. They're definitely one of my top 20-or-so favorite bands. :D A video: [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXzVxKUZlpc[/url] And I got [u]666[/u] by Melt-Banana, as well as a few other albums of theirs on my computer. I just... don't get it. I'd probably like them better without her weird vocals. [/font][/size]
  12. [font=arial][size=1]My mom always painted holiday-related ornaments as a hobby, so I guess that's what initiated my love of art. I decided to take an art class in 7th grade but the teacher sucked. I tried again once I got into high school and was put into the 'bad' class. I did horrible in that class all the way up to the last assignment, where we had to draw from a live model. As we got around to working on our pictures, the 'good' Art I class was finishing up their pictures and the teacher was hanging them up on the wall. She stopped all of us to show us a picture from her best student in that class, Alison. It was beautiful, no joke. I looked at hers, I looked at mine, and started over and tried to mimic her the best that I could (you know, with my own style) and finally came out with something I truly liked. It got hung up and the teacher showed it to Alison's class and said that it was the best in her other class. The next day, Alison stopped me in the hall and said "I really like your artwork and I wish I could draw as good as you." So now we've been in competition for three years. :3[/font][/size]
  13. [QUOTE=HedonismBot][COLOR=Sienna] [B]Answer Me These Questions Three...[/B] 1 - Have you ever gotten so mad playing a video game you smashed your montior/TV/mouse/keyboard/paddle etcetc? 2 - Have you ever belted out "MAN! I feel like a-woman!" when you thought no one was around? 3 - Have you ever had your socks rocked in a fight before, to the point where you were barley concious and down a few teeth?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]1. I remember breaking an NES controller as a youth, I think I was playing Battletoads, I don't accurately remember. Aside from that, I've thrown a few things, but not to the point where they have broken. 2. No, and I hate Shania Twain, so it would never cross my mind to yell out such a thing. XD I've yelled out similar things, though. Like, I've seriously went all "Who wants a body massage?" in GAP Kids at a mall recently. 3. I've never lost a fair fight, but there were times in middle school where I was jumped by several kids for being an atheist. That was fun. :( 1. What's the dumbest thing you've yelled out in public? 2. Ever get burned by fire? How? 3. How'd you find out about your favorite band?[/font][/size]
  14. [font=arial][size=1]I've been wanting to post in this thread for a while. XD I think the main draw of this band is their lyrics, which are completely out of the norm for a band of their style. I often find myself with "Woe" or "Alive With the Glory of Love" stuck in my head and singing it aloud in public. Every so often in a mall or at school someone nearby will chime in and we'd both have a blast, haha. Aside from that, their songs simply have an epic quality to them, they start off a certain way and then explode into a finale, generally. I really like that aspect to them. Also, like many of their fans, I cannot simply pick out a favorite song from the band. There's at least 15 that are tied for first, haha.[/font][/size]
  15. [font=arial][size=1]I dislike Unearth now, but I was a fan of them a few years ago. I've basically grown out of that metalcore phase that EVERYONE IN NORTH CAROLINA IS STILL IN and found my own tastes. Unearth is good at what they do, but what they do is cliche. I haven't heard their new album yet, but I'll probably check it out at some point.[/font][/size]
  16. [font=arial][size=1]I'm apparently known for giving people awesome hugs, and also for cheering people up right when they need it. I'm also aware of a few people who consider me the best artist at my high school, and I am not, this girl in my AP Art class beasts me, they just don't know her.[/font][/size]
  17. [font=arial][size=1]King of Fighters has always been my favorite fighting game series ever. Above Tekken and certainly above Street Fighter. I think part of it is that there's more characters, and they're all very different, unlike Street Fighter, where half of the characters are basically clones of eachother. Also, I just think that the characters are cool, and most have a decent plot to them. The fighting system itself is complex as hell, but it's not to the point that you can't beat the game on your first play. I think that Street Fighter is easier for newbies, and they have just as much of a chance of beating you as soon as they learn that one can jump over all the fireballs you're lobbing at them. If you're good at KOF, you opponent knows it, man. I nearly broke down when the local arcade that had a Neo-Geo machine closed down. ;_;[/font][/size]
  18. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082] As for Zeh, Shy is right; he was never a super mod. He only ever modded in the Final Fantasy forum during versions 4 through 6 until he was dismissed and banned. Also, he went by Cloud before changing his name to Tasis. I can't remember if he used Cloud Strife before that, though.[/color][/QUOTE] [font=arial][size=1]No, I'm pretty sure he started out as Cloud. There was someone else named Cloud Strife, I know this because I had to join as Cloud Strife00 way back when. XD[/font][/size]
  19. [font=arial][size=1]There needs to be an article for Anti. Didn't he post 1000+ times in just two or three days? He was everywhere you clicked for a few months, but then he basically left, just posting here and there. And while I have Ken's attention... XD... mind if I write something up on that [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=7754][u]Panty Prison of the Dirty South[/u][/url] fic? that's like the only thing I remember from the old days other than Clans, which got deleted.[/font][/size]
  20. [font=arial][size=1]Just so we're clear, because Jake isn't, Opeth are a brutal metal band with a lot of pretty singing. They're pretty popular, and they deserve all the attention. They're just [i]that good.[/i] I must say, I don't actually own their older stuff yet, and I don't listen to it as much. I found though, that after listening to their last four albums first (I went in the order of [u]Blackwater Park[/u], [u]Ghost Reveries[/u], [u]Deliverance[/u], and then [u]Damnation[/u]) their older work is harder to get into. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not missing out on much. Their new stuff is completely satisfying, I even got my mother into [u]Damnation[/u], since it's not really heavy metal. My favorite album is probably [u]Ghost Reveries[/u], with [u]Blackwater Park[/u] catching up for a photo finish. :p I found some parts of BP to be drawn out, while GR jumped around between moods a lot more and is simliar to other stuff I listen to in its nature. Not much else to say.[/font][/size]
  21. [font=arial][size=1]I want to quickly jump in with some opinions after reading some reviews. A major one is that to me there were two types of reviews: 1. "OMG I don't care about its shortcomings, it's Zelda and I'm not going to talk about them. ^^" 2. "This was a great game, completely worthy of a perfect score. The only problems were basically everything. The game is long though, like 40-70 hours. It has an epic feel to it... yeah. Let's talk about the puzzles! Man, those puzzles are great! Let's spend four whole paragraphs talking about the puzzles! You should get this game, even though I just talked you out of it." Obviously, having not even seen a Wii in person yet, I cannot have my own opinion. It just seems to me that a lot of these reviews were bullcrap. What I have to go off of is my friend who's been calling me off and on while playing the game and she's said so far that it doesn't feel next-gen at all, she hasn't been "annoyed" at anything yet, and that she hasn't played it enough yet to form a real opinion. She's coming over right before Thanksgiving with her Wii, so we'll see.[/font][/size]
  22. [font=arial][size=1]The best concert I ever attended was this summer's For the Kids Fest, held in a bookstore in Chapel Hill, NC. The bands were: Tarantuloco Wolverines Giant Hi Ho, Six Shooter! Architects Ultra Dolphins Boa Narrow Phoenix Bodies La Quiete Baroness Basically, a gathering of some of the best hardcore bands ever, like, seriously. With the exception of Hi Ho, Six Shooter!, which was folk-rock stuff, an ambulance had to be called during almost every set. The best part about this concert, though, was that La Quiete flew from their home in Italy to play for us at this show. We were their first show outside of Europe, and I think it really took them by surprise when they found out how many fans they had here. The audience, except for a few losers who for the most part got kicked out, was full of very nice people, and I talked to some people that came all the way from Oklahoma to see La Quiete play. Almost everything that went on in this bookstore could have been considered a legendary moment elsewhere. The guitarist from Ultra Dolphns jumped over me and this other guy to get into the pit, no, there wasn't an elevated stage, either. Hi Ho had a guy in a cowsuit that played a cowbell. Half of Phoenix Bodies played naked, they played so loudly that I thought that they would be the last thing I'd be able to hear. And, of course, La Quiete playing for almost two hours. It was incredible, there just aren't shows like that anymore.[/font][/size]
  23. [size=1][font=arial]Come on guys, stop picking on The13thMan. :-/ [b]1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why?[/b] I do not have a religion and I don't plan on ever having one. I was born with the freedom to choose my spiritual path and I chose very early on that I felt that only I could govern and decide what's best for my own life. I consider myself to be an atheist, but if there's a more appropriate term, I'm interested. [b]2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc?[/b] I follow this "religion" because it's something tangible that I can believe in, it's simple really. From [u]my point of view[/u], the Christian God is merely a fictional character who most likely started as an explanation as to how things work. The Bible is no different than "How the Leopard Got Its Spots" to me. I can see religion in general as being a good right-and-wrong teaching mechanism for children, but most of the people around here take it way too far and are utter bigots about their religion. [b]3. Do you ever feel that people often critisize you because of these beliefs?[/b] Oh, every day, I'm sure. There was a discussion about which churches my classmates go to in seventh grade, and the classmates were all listing their churches and raising their hands and eventually I was the only one who didn't raise a hand and someone picked up on it and basically blurted out "wait, what church does Kevin go to?" and I responded that I don't go to church, and then I was asked about God and and told everyone that I didn't believe in God. Every day from that point until the end of eighth grade I was ferociously attacked by my classmates through words and fists. I'm sure there's plenty of people who still judge me now, but most of the people I hang around with are extremely open minded. [b]4. This one may spark a little bit of arguing: Do you believe that your religion is the one true religion? If so provide evidence.[/b] Again, to me there isn't a true religion. Many of the events in each holy text coincide and really, it's just a game of Telephone with different viewpoints attatched. I don't believe in anything really, but I cannot dismiss anyone else's religion either.[/size][/font]
  24. [font=arial][size=1]Isis is an incredible band, dude. I have a favorite song that's pretty much stuck for a year, that'd be "Eleven," aka. "Song 11" by I Would Set Myself On Fire For You. It's incredible, electronica, amazing guitarwork, and some really eerie storytelling and chanting. It's on the band's MySpace if you want to look them up. However, my favorite song for this week is off of Kylesa's brand new release, [u]Time Will Fuse Its Worth[/u] and is called "What Becomes an End." It's Sludge Metal with a punk flavor to it, and what drew me to this song especially were the slowdowns in the 'chorus'. It's fun to listen to and I've been rocking out to it all day, haha. There's no real way for you guys to listen to it, sadly.[/font][/size]
  25. [quote name='Zetsu']Anyway, stay away from weird druggie people. :nono:[/quote] [font=arial][size=1]My second girlfriend, whom I've mentioned in the Lounge recently, was an insanely innocent girl when I met her, really nice and stuff. That was the first time we went out. The second time, someone pressured her into smoking cigarrettes and got her addicted and she didn't want to tell me because she was afraid I'd dump her. So I found out about everything after I saw her taking a smoke break at her place of work. She was also doing shrooms at that time, and a week later she got her hands on some acid (I found out about this one muuuuch later) and then I caught her finally in front of a bong at her house. Fun. So really, there's no one exempt from that rule, haha. There [i]is[/i] a moral.[/font][/size]
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