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Goodbye, Face

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Everything posted by Goodbye, Face

  1. [font=arial][size=1]So, I just got Okami yesterday and have played a few hours into it. Frankly, the game is beautiful, I love watching the flowers grow behind me as I run (although they dissappear after a while) and the dead leaves fly out when I tackle. So far the best graphic parts have been where you ressurect one of the Guardian Saplings and all the darkness in the area turns into beautiful gardens and the fresh water replaces the swampy areas. One problem I had with the graphics is that there is no progressive scan, which would be very useful here. I have a monster LCD monitor and the screen stretches more that it should and vertical bars appear where a line of pixels is stretched into two. There's an LCD mode but it hasn't really improved much. As far as gameplay goes, it's totally on par with the graphics, usually there's some issue where I'm like "Why can't I do that in this game?" for me. Usually it's jumping or something, but here you can pretty much do anything you want and the game encourages you to explore around and figure out all your moves. It's awesome. So, who else has picked it up?[/font][/size]
  2. [font=arial][size=1]1. Don't sell your artwork if you like it. You'll regret it later if you're anything like me. 2. If you make artwork for it to be sold, you won't put as much emotion into it and it'll suck to begin with. 3. OtakuBoards does not allow the marketing to goods because of legal reasons. Some idiot will sue this place when OB really wouldn't be at fault. 4. Sorry, but this is most likely getting closed, homie.[/font][/size]
  3. Goodbye, Face

    Help me out.

    [font=arial][size=1]scram x toots posted this eleven days ago. Chances are, he's made the cd by now. o.O[/font][/size]
  4. [font=arial][size=1]I think I got skipped over on the Worm site. :-/ Any reason? Or was it an accident?[/font][/size]
  5. [font=arial][size=1][url]http://www.canspidersfart.com/[/url] Yep! This one takes the cake for sure. There's nothing I can say to add to it, so sorry about the **** post. XD[/font][/size]
  6. [font=arial][size=1]What Phaedrus and anyone else who asks this question wants to hear: 2 + 2 =/= 4; because if you add two people to two people, and if one person is made up of X cells, and another person is made up of Y cells, then it isn't true. However, they're still people, so loosely, the eqation works. Riiight. If Person A is somehow more of a... person... than Person B, then they are not equal and therefore cannot be considered the same thing when you add them together. It's mathematical law, isn't it? So instead of 2 + 2 = 4; it's more like W + X + Y + Z = 4.[/font][/size]
  7. [font=arial][size=1]None of the bands I listen to are on Pandora. Therefore, I hate it. Last.fm, baby![/font][/size]
  8. [quote name='lea']Does your hat mean/represent anything?[/quote] [font=arial][size=1]My best friend and I each got these hats for free from Matt Rudzinski, who runs Tribunal Records and does vocals for Killwhitneydead. I have no idea what the printed symbol means, but I kind of like it, lol. I haven't taken any recent pictures of myself. Most of the pictures I have are pre-massive weightloss, so, yeah.[/font][/size]
  9. [font=arial][size=1]Yo. Sup? [img]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/IMG_1779.jpg[/img][/size][/font]
  10. [font=arial][size=1]My most recent purchase is one of my favorite cd's of all time. I had the crappy files I downloaded from it for about a year, but it took me forever to get the actual cd. When I finally heard it in perfect quality, I was stunned. Drive Like Jehu - Yank Crime That's right. Even the guys in Tool look up to them. This is the best Post-Hardcore band out there, and one of the ones that perfected the genre. Anyone who liked Anthony Green's work in Saosin will love Rick Froberg's voice in DLJ. Anyone into modern progressive rock or hardcore music, like Hot Cross, Cinemechanica, Mars Volta, etc will most likely wet themselves over Rick and John Reis' double guitar assault. If I have a fault with it, some of the songs are a little too epic, "Do You Compute" is just boring and skippable to me. Also, there's not much at all to the pacakging. It's a font-back sheet of card stock with an ink drawing on the front and some band information scrawled on the back. The cd holder itself is black, with nothing going on behind it. Meh. Overall, it's a great cd, and was worth the $14 I paid to get it. ^^;[/font][/size]
  11. [font=arial][size=1]My taste in music is indefendable, but... [b][url=http://circletakesthesquare.com/lyrics.htm]Bad lyrics?[/url][/b][/font][/size]
  12. [font=arial][size=1]Same as in the real world, there's still no one who knows what real metal is. :D Although, usually you'll find that the most popular tags on a band are usually correct.[/font][/size]
  13. [font=arial][size=1][url]http://www.last.fm/user/RiflesAtRecess/[/url] Yep. Check it out if you like looking at bands with funny names that you've never heard of. :D My music taste is amazing, unlike Boo's. Oh, and I'm adding you, Marsh, why not. ^^[/font][/size]
  14. [font=arial][size=1]Congrats, Des! Few deserve this thread more than you. :D [img]http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/3994/desbrekojo4.jpg[/img][/font][/size]
  15. Goodbye, Face

    Help me out.

    [font=arial][size=1]You cannot have a sad emo mix without "Some Natures Catch No Plagues" by Saetia. It's... [i]impossible.[/i] Also, go for some Radiohead, like "Paranoid Android" or "Anyone Can Play Guitar."[/font][/size] Oh, and props on the He Is Legend screen name. :p
  16. [font=arial][size=1]I am generally not a fan of older music, especially popular artists. All my parents ever listen to when driving are the classic rock stations. I bring a CD player in the car with me, because if I have to hear any more AC/DC or Lynyrd Skynard, I'll dramatically kill myself. Use your imagination. I am a big fan of Rush and King Crimson, but that's all I listen to as far as older music is concerned. Aside from that, the newer [url=http://www.purevolume.com/hotcross]Hot Cross[/url] stuff, [url=http://www.purevolume.com/christiansen]Christiansen[/url], [url=http://www.purevolume.com/cinemechanica]Cinemechanica[/url], [url=http://www.myspace.com/aswefasdvgfasdfg]Drive Like Jehu[/url], [url=http://www.myspace.com/davidmccormack]David McCormack[/url], etc... they basically own my soul. So, yeah, new rock kind of wins. Change my mind. (and the modern rock band names are linked)[/font][/size]
  17. [font=arial][size=1]Well, I've had the game since last Christmas, but never saw fit to post about it or give out my friend code until recently. I invited Shinmaru over a week or two ago and promptly chased him around my town attacking him with an axe. In fact, I broke my axe on him. Anyway, I think I've paid off three mortgages, I honestly don't remember. I have a Nookway, peaches, oranges, cherries, coconuts, and apples in my town. The friend code's 2491 7504 1528 Oh, and I made my own town tune based on the intro to "A Crater to Cough In" by Circle Takes the Square. I like it, but those of you who haven't heard of the band probably don't care. e F e - C - C - C e c - G - G - (lowercases are high notes)[/font][/size]
  18. [font=arial][size=1]You did a good job with the character, however, since this is a fighting game, the character should be in an actual fighting stance. Basically, the feet should shuffle instead of cross. Your opponent comes at you in mid step and your feet are together... you'll just fall down. Also, it kind of looks like she's sneaking, which is odd. I feel like I'm sounding negative when I'm actually very impressed. So again, it's well-done, but the walking isn't natural (because it shouldn't actually be walking).[/font][/size]
  19. [font=arial][size=1]I listen to a lot of bands that do a different kind of sampling, where they'll take quotes from movies and insert them into their songs. [u][url="http://www.myspace.com/killwhitneydead"]Killwhitneydead[/url][/u], a popular but local band of my city, is built upon using samples from horror or sick comedy movies in their songs. From what I know, they clear their samples they use in their cd's, but I doubt they clear the additional ones that they use on stage. Sampling movie quotes usually does two things in music. 1. Adds a boost to whatever message your song is trying to convey through a relative sample. 2. Puts out a favorite movie of the band as a recommendation. Personally, I make it a point to track down and watch every movie KWD samples from, most are pretty cool. So yeah, obviously, I have no problem with it. *votes*[/size][/font]
  20. [font=arial][size=1][strike]I have some time. I claim this spot![/strike] Done! [url]http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/goodbyeface/bloodworm-1.jpg[/url] Drew Speziale's artwork rules. He has a website at [url]http://crowquill.net[/url] . He's also the vocalist/guitarist of one of the better bands I've encountered, Circle Takes the Square. I had to use something of his.[/size][/font]
  21. [font=arial][size=1]These are the kind of people that I hate above all others. I am not a big fan of Slipknot at all, however I respect them since my best friend loves 'em. However I'm sure they did not write their music in an attempt to inspire an urnknapping. lol It's people like these kids who ruin things for everyone. It's the same with violent video games, only people with violent tendencies get like that when they play one of those games. There is supposedly some gene that is present in most people that commit major crimes that more innocent people do not have. I wonder if it's the same for people who get obsessive over something to the point that they have to commit acts of crime to 'support' a band. And, who the hell takes an urn in the first place?[/font][/size]
  22. [font=arial][size=1]I haven't the time for a long, complicated post, so bear with me. I am a non-religious person, somewhere between agnostic (due to my beliefs) and atheist (due to my attitude towards those beliefs). I sometimes question whether there is a god or not, but who can say which god of which religion is the real one? Are they all real? Or are all of them made up and there is a different god that we cannot fathom? Or is there even a god? We don't know, but everyone has their beliefs on it. My belief ends with those above questions. I live under my own guidelines, worrying not if I'm committing a sin. I don't worry about pleasing God and going to heaven. Death to me is... death. What is it to you? Sure, I cannot fathom suddenly not existing, it's an uncomfortable thought, but that's what death is to me. I just make the most out of my life and I just want to have as much fun and success as I can.[/font][/size]
  23. [font=arial][size=1]Moments later, Gary saw Boris walk by his cubicle again. "Hey Boris, ya wanted these?" he questioned, offering a giant paper-machete breast high up in the air, almost like an announcement. Boris's head twitched in every direction much like a scared bird, checking for onlookers. "No, you wanted those, man!" he shout-whispered back. "Why would I want these? Some sort of porn fiesta?" This caught the attention of some more people. "Uh-huh, you were drunk. Extremely drunk," Boris said under his breath. Suddenly the boss came into view. "Did someone say they were... [i]drunk?![/i]" "Noooo..." Boris and Gary said together, shaking their heads in denial. "Well, then... What's up with the boobs and the sombreros?" the boss asked. He then turned around to see a few dozen employees whisper-chanting "Porn party! Porn party! Porn party!" "Having a party after work again, eh, Gary?" "Uhh, sure." "Well, seeing as every one of my employees are currently standing behind me, and many of them haven't met eachother yet..." Their eyes got wide, "...I'm going to let you clear out the conference room upstairs and let you hold the party here!" "Even the piñatas?" "We're all adults, here." "Okay, everyone! Party upstairs in two hours!" Gary exclaimed, now standing on his chair. There was a roar of applause, laugher, and happy shouts around Gary's cubicle. Then, they were gone. "Myers, Mike... you're helping me set this up." "Where're the piñatas going?" asked Mike. "The ceiling's high in the conference room, so we'll just have it above the table," suggested Myers. "That works, you guys take care of that. Clean out everything on the walls. Get everything out of the room that looks important," commanded Gary, "I'm going to get some food." They were gone. Gary checked his email once more to see that his client was [i]very[/i] unhappy with the logo he created for them, something about porn and Mexicans. He shrugged, got his car keys and left to get groceries.[/font][/size]
  24. [font=arial][size=1]I feel like I should thank you, Katana, for being one of the only people on the boards that actually capitalizes the A in my name. So, thank you! :D (And I've been wanting to do another but every time I've come in here someone's working on one. >_>)[/font][/size]
  25. [font=arial][size=1]OOC: My deepest apologies for being so late with this post. I suddenly got hit with about half of my friendbase going off to college and having to go around, visiting, and saying goodbye to them all. I'm taking a break from writing college application essays and getting ready for the new school year to finish this post. XD ----------------------------------------------- "Ahhh... [i]shit![/i]" The words echoed around Gary's room and bounced back into him with thud of realization. He overslept his alarm. [i]Again.[/i] This time was real bad, [i]two hours[/i]. He was supposed to be out of the house thirty minutes ago. Instead of rushing around like a madman, forgetting to shampoo his hair and neglecting breakfast, he opted to just take it easy, knowing that this could very well be his last moment as an employed man. What other company would possibly hire him? When he decided he was ready, he found himself at the entrance of the office building. "Nah," he said, "I need a drink." Fortunately, there was an Irish pub across the street. The aroma of alcohol in the opened the door for him invitingly and he accepted. He quickly ordered and polished off a bottle of Jack Daniels, and another, and another, before finding his way back to the office building. He was now [i]several[/i] hours late for work. Events blur to his boss's face, furious, screaming something he couldn't hear over his own thoughts. He clocked in and took the elevator up. He became aware that he was in a chair, black, leather, the whir of his own computer scared him for a moment then he noticed the note on his desk, he couldn't see straight enough to read it. He found the closest person walking past and approached them. "He-hey... [i]Boris[/i]... can you read this to me?" "Hey there... Gary, dang, you look awful." "Bad day. Go ahead, tell me what I have to do today." "Check your email, whoever wrote the note sent you a file that you need to use for a new logo." "Thanks." He took a moment to check his email, skipping over the penis enlargement ads, vioxx, viagra, oxy contin, there it is: [b]RE: Logo Design[/b]. [i]Click.[/i] "Boris, good friend, I'm going to need your eyes again."[/size][/font]
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